Luxurious mansions in palace style. Ice fairy-tale designs of palaces and castles: the true story

The times when tsars, princes, barons and other titled persons lived in Russia have long since sunk into oblivion, and with them they have gone down into history. family estates and royal palaces. It's not fashionable now to have old house, in which several generations live at the same time, and which, over the course of many years, is inherited from hand to hand from great-grandfather to grandfather, from grandfather to father. Modern families they want privacy and freedom, they want to live away from their parents. People are increasingly huddled in apartments that, like matchboxes, exchange, sell and buy. The maximum that can be found today is a parent's house, which, when the time comes, is sold without a twinge of conscience. There are, of course, positive notes in children’s independence, but at the same time, there is something sad about it. Constant omissions and even misunderstandings between fathers and children have been, are and will be. Distance and living separately will not solve all problems. But the closeness of relationships, the support of loved ones is lost irrevocably.

Today the palace project may seem something unexpected and unusual. But no one has canceled the desire for maximalism. Big houses in a palace design, overflowing with luxury and chic, they will delight not only their owners and their guests, but also those around them. Russia is full of palaces, buildings that have historical meaning, but few of them are used for living and are passed on from generation to generation. Basically, such houses were transferred to the ownership of the state and turned into museums, libraries, and other institutions. And some simply collapse without proper care and repair. It's time to correct this pattern. It is necessary not only to restore old palaces, but also to build new ones. If you build such a house-palace, it is unlikely that your children or grandchildren will raise their hands as a result of selling it. After all, it will no longer be just a building, a structure, it will be a HOUSE with its own character and family history.

Project of a residence and palace in our time

A palace project or a residence project can be just as easily purchased as a garage or summer house project. Today nothing is impossible. The modern palace, of course, will have differences from its predecessors. First of all, these are more reliable and practical building materials, more convenient, progressive and economical communications. Although, there is something to learn from our ancestors. Many palaces stood for many years, and today I have decent looking. The palaces of St. Petersburg alone are worth it. Imperial palaces Even today Russia never ceases to amaze us with its luxury and beauty. But then palace projects were made without computer programs and 3D images. Visualization was quite primitive compared to today's technology. The ideas for most palaces belong to foreign architects. Fortunately, today, in order to build a palace, it is not at all necessary to hire an overseas specialist architect. And we, in Russia, are full of smart and educated people. And who else will design a palace for the Russian land if not ours, the Russian people? No one knows better than we ourselves the peculiarities of our climate, the specifics of our soils, the amount of precipitation per year, and the peculiarities of people’s mentality. But, as before, residence projects can be made to order. Individual approach to the client allows us to approach his needs as correctly as possible and implement them in the project.

I really want our descendants to admire the architecture that we are creating today and now in 100, 500, 1000 years. And that these would be not only tall skyscraper buildings, but also palaces of the 21st century - beautiful, strong, and luxurious. This way we can not only preserve, but also increase the architectural heritage of Russia.

Living in a country of big bitter frosts, fluffy shining snow It’s hard to deny yourself the pleasure and not build an icy fairy-tale palace, decorated with gracefully rising columns, beautiful sculptures, and statues. All winter long to admire how a gentle ray of sun makes its way through the thickness of such a fragile but strong ice, along the way playing with every piece of ice he encountered and fabulously scattering with all the colors of the rainbow.

This miracle has a sad fate. Any ice projects of castles and palaces end sadly. They will stand and stand, and in March they will slowly melt in the sun and spread out into a puddle. Before next winter and the memories will dissolve.

And yet there was a palace that went through history, eclipsed all the ice buildings with its fate and confused lives with its icy legends. The tale is long, with princesses, princesses and jesters.

Fairy princess

Once upon a time there lived an unfortunate princess. Rich and noble, they married her off to an infidel, sent the kingdom to her husband, and he took it and died. So that her unattractive appearance would not disturb the eye, no one called the princess to her homeland to the palace, and she lived there in Courland. But not everything is so smooth in royal life it happens that, due to some unknown palace intrigue, they suddenly order her to appear in her homeland and order her to be queen, yes, not of some small principality, but of the whole Russian Empire: Anna Ioannovna.

She ruled unsuccessfully, it was worth noting. Not like a king. Something was not going well for her; it was a bad time for Russia, troubled. But what the queen loved was to have fun. A fairytale ice house for fun is her idea.

Ice castle project

Marvelous beautiful castle It was built from ice on the frozen Neva. The design of the castle had not at all fabulous dimensions: 15 m in length, five in height and five in width. Eyewitnesses oohed and aahed, looking at the ice flowers and birds, like furniture made from crystal on which one could sit and lie.

Dolphins and elephants scattered fountains of water all day, and at night they illuminated the Neva with burning oil. It was rumored that there were even candlesticks and a fireplace in the palace, the latter with ice-cold firewood, anointed with oil on top. They gave off heat like real ones. A bathhouse was built nearby, so anyone could take a steam bath. Everything in this ice castle was real: the architect, the wedding, the bride and groom.

History has preserved the name of the architect who created the ice palace project. Not surprisingly, it was the creation of P.E. Eropkin, who drew a plan for the whole of St. Petersburg.

It is believed that the newlyweds were unlucky with their wedding. But that's how to say it. The bride, a disgusting-looking court joker, got a husband from a family of princes and bore him two children.

The jester - Prince Golitsyn, after the death of the queen, was able to restore his rights, outlived his wife for many years, married again, now for the fourth time, and lived to a ripe old age. And almost no one would remember all these almost fairy-tale heroes if they were not built according to quality project The castle is icy, melted, as expected, in mid-April, but its glory has been preserved for centuries.

A palace style house is considered exclusive and interesting option, which is suitable for connoisseurs of luxury. A large number of decorative elements on the walls of the building add zest and gloss to the entire design. There will be a large number of rooms and various premises.

Projects of elite estates and palaces are quite diverse. At the moment, the construction of houses in the palace style is becoming more and more popular. The buildings are not only distinguished by their scale, but also by their original design. There are some stylistic designs that are used to build such majestic buildings:

  • classicism.
  • baroque,
  • Gothic,
  • Renaissance.

House project in palace style


Classicism is architectural direction XVII-XIX centuries. In most cases, in the construction of a house in this stylistic direction there is a peculiar appeal to the era of antiquity.

Projects of palaces in this style are very diverse. They have antique directions, which at that time were diluted with modern building materials.

Empire style house

The main characteristic of the direction is that the arch becomes flatter and lower; very often molding is used under it.

The postulate of classicism is beauty natural forms, which can be understood using fairly simple mathematical calculations and translated into reality thanks to the skill and skill of ancient master builders.

As for the shape in which the palaces were built, it was slightly elongated. All buildings were distinguished by their compactness and variety of shapes:

  • U-shaped,
  • W-shaped,
  • U-shaped.

Such buildings with courtyard, in which there was a very beautiful garden with numerous flower beds and tiled floors, they were particularly attractive. Very rarely, palaces were found in a square shape, and if they were found, they did not have a courtyard.

The roofs of palaces in classicism were low and in most cases had flat shapes. They were decorated with a parapet, which most likely had the character decorative decoration. All forms of the building were proportional and had rectilinear shapes. To decorate the corners of such a building, stucco molding and majestic columns were used that supported the arch of the building. They could be found not only outdoors, but also in interior decoration white.

Stone house in classicism style

Sometimes some changes were made in the design. In those centuries, everything depended on the capabilities of the owner of the palace. In expensive palaces one could see gilded or marble columns. But they were most often used to decorate the ballroom in the center of the palace.

The buildings are large buildings that have two to three floors with beautiful stained glass windows. At the moment this is stylistic direction is also very popular. Houses are also built on its basis, which have not such significant volumes, but appearance yet they resemble a classic palace.

Project of a modern two-story private house in classicism style

A modern building is built using various materials:

  • bricks,
  • aerated concrete,
  • foam concrete,
  • shell rock.

All these materials are fire resistant and very durable.

Previously, all palaces were built in most cases using earth block or earthen block construction (earth blocks).

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House design sketch

Advantages of soil block or earthen construction

Construction using technologies that were used in those centuries is distinguished by its visible advantages.

Firstly, earthwork construction characterized by a fairly low cost. All the soil that is on the site is suitable for such purposes. The only thing they paid attention to Special attention- this is sand that should have been well cleaned and free of impurities.

Secondly, buildings that were built using this technology were fireproof, since the earth does not burn. And from the direct impact of a fire source on it, it only becomes stronger and stronger.

Medieval palace of knights made of clay blocks on the island of Rhodes in Greece

Do not forget that the building, which is built according to earthmoving technology characterized by environmental friendliness. Living inside is very comfortable.

Buildings that were built from soil have a low thermal conductivity. They are several times warmer than buildings made of brick or any other building material.

Today, this technology is not used in construction at all. This is due to the emergence of new, more modern building materials, which have excellent technical characteristics.


There is another stylistic direction that was used for the construction of palaces - the Baroque style. Translated, “baroque” means “bizarre.” Palaces that are decorated in this way have always been considered a sign of power and authority and are distinguished by luxury and massiveness.

English palace in Baroque style

Distinctive features of the Baroque style:

  • dynamism,
  • pomp,
  • pomp,
  • solemnity.

This style of construction was intended for the organization of garden and park ensembles. All of them did not have clear forms.

In most cases, in this stylistic direction all kinds of building designs are merged. There are very interesting game colors and rather bold contrasts in large-scale construction. Buildings that were built in this way could have several floors, but, unlike classicism, they could be unevenly distributed throughout the palace. It is for this reason that one could find a terrace on the second floor, which was comfortably located on the “ceiling” of the first (the first floor protruded and created a platform for organizing such a balcony for relaxation).

All Baroque buildings are picturesque and decorative. Their design combines not only the architecture of that time, but also certain sculptural trends.

Baroque house

This style appeared after the Renaissance, and it did not follow all the acceptable directions and clear lines of buildings, as in the Renaissance style. Curvilinear lines and directions were present not only during construction, but also during design. There was a very rich decoration of the buildings with sculpture and modeling.

The design of the Winter Palace was designed in the direction of classicism or baroque. These two stylistic trends became very popular in those centuries due to their power and luxury.

The famous Winter Palace in St. Petersburg

Gothic style

This stylistic direction was quite often used for the construction palace houses XIII-XV centuries. The building designs were distinguished by their brightness and unusual design.

Various techniques and means were used for finishing:

  • gilding,
  • stained glass,
  • a natural stone,
  • glass and much more.

In a palace gothic style there is expressiveness and spiers rising above the roof of the building.

Gothic palace

Due to the fact that the roofs of the palaces had semicircular shapes made of glass, this significantly loaded the walls of the building, and they were cut into big windows. Sometimes their size reached the height of the wall itself. So this is stylistic design allowed stained glass art to develop well, since all the windows were designed that way. Due to this, the entire palace became bright and large.

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