The benefits and harms of magnolia flower tea. Magnolia grandiflora

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about pine cones, which we have been using for treatment for a long time. Every spring we collect green pine cones. This is an excellent medicine for bronchitis and cough. Also, every year we make delicious and aromatic jam from cones for colds and coughs. The healing properties of pine have been known to people since time immemorial. Needles heal, this is a proven fact. Walking through a pine forest, for example, is recommended for many diseases of the respiratory system, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal system, neurological disorders, and so on. Coniferous aroma, saturated with phytoncides, can purify the air. These substances (this property has been scientifically proven) effectively destroy even the dangerous Koch bacillus and the equally dangerous E. coli.

Pine cones are especially valued in medicine, including folk medicine. medicinal properties which have been repeatedly confirmed in practice, deserving immense respect. All beneficial properties pine trees are concentrated in them. They fill you with strength and save you from stress, heal from diseases and prevent their development, improve your well-being and appearance. It is only important to use them correctly.

Green pine cones - use and treatment

They have an excellent positive effect in treating the respiratory system, cleansing the body, and strengthening the musculoskeletal system. They have a good effect on the immune system and olfactory organs.

Pine cones tone you in the morning and calm you in the evening, helping you to tune in night sleep, strong and healthy.

They have a healing effect on all organs gastrointestinal tract, stimulate hematopoietic processes, saturate the body with many vitamins and mineral salts.

Pine cones are used in the form of decoctions and infusions (water and vodka). The pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries produce an even wider range of products based on them: lotions, creams, ointments, toothpastes and powders, powders, face masks and so on.

Properties unique to human body, which the cones possess, have been proven by official science and thousands real examples their use in alternative medicine.

Many people know recipes for products based on pine cones, used for hypertension and to eliminate the consequences of strokes. They also help with varicose veins veins With internal use of drugs prepared from cones coniferous tree- pine trees, at home, there is probably no organ that they do not influence.

And we're talking here about positive impact. However, nothing is absolutely perfect. Pine cones are natural ingredients that have a powerful biological effect on the body, such as and. In order to receive only benefits from them, it is important to know in which cases it is advisable to use them and in which it is not advisable.

The unique chemical composition of pine cones

They are extremely rich in resinous components. They also contain borneol, the component bornyl acetate, terpene compounds, aromatic substances and other similar elements. The composition of these cones also includes: bioflavonoids, monoterpene hydrocarbons, lipids and linolenic, oleic acid.

Essential oils in conifers are a completely separate topic. In many ways, it is to them that the cones owe most of their medicinal properties.

Vitamins and microelements in pine cones:

They are very rich in vitamin C. This element is one of the key ones for the immune system, hematopoiesis and the nervous system.

Vitamin B1. Central for the normal functioning of the peripheral nervous system. Also, it is very necessary for the digestive organs and heart, blood vessels.

Vitamin A. Its sufficient level in the blood means excellent condition of the visual organs and optimal tone of muscle tissue. With a deficiency of this vitamin, the body is more susceptible to inflammatory diseases and various infections. It works in a tight and fruitful tandem with vitamin C.

Vitamin E. This is the health of the genitourinary system and optimization metabolic processes in the body. Recent studies have shown that there is even more of this vitamin in pine cones than in unrefined vegetable oil, which until that time was considered the absolute and unconditional record holder for its content.

Vitamin N. It is also often called a “microvitamin.” This is because the body needs very, very little of it for optimal functioning. It is essential for the normal functioning of the stomach and intestines, the immune system, and the nervous system. And also, like vitamin E, it is needed for good appearance (skin, hair, nails, and so on). You should know that many products prepared on the basis of coniferous cones contain a sufficient amount of this vitamin!

Vitamin U It has an incredibly positive effect on blood vessels, cleansing and strengthening them, increasing the elasticity of the tissues of which they are composed. It has antihistamine and antiatherosclerotic effects, helps normalize blood pressure and optimizes water-salt balance.

Other vitamins are also present in pine cones, although not in such large quantities. But, it’s time to devote time to the minerals that also abound in them! Minerals are very actively involved in most biochemical processes, guaranteeing the vital activity of the human body.

Calcium. There is plenty of this element in the cones. It has a general strengthening effect on the body as a whole, and a strengthening effect on the musculoskeletal system in particular. Without calcium, normal conduction of nerve impulses along the corresponding fibers is impossible. It is one of the main elements for the construction and normal functioning of bone and cartilage tissue, muscle tissue. Without calcium, the work of the cardiovascular system would be very difficult, as, in fact, without next element- potassium!

Potassium. Pine cones can “boast” of the abundance of this element in their composition. Doctors say that of all the mineral salts, potassium is the most important for the health of the heart and blood vessels (both small and large). It perfectly strengthens the immune system and takes an active part in the respiratory processes, directly affecting the functioning of the lungs!

Phosphorus. Included in the vast majority of living cells in the body. It is especially abundant in osteochondral tissues. For metabolic processes in the body it’s simple necessary element. Interestingly, there is quite a lot of phosphorus in the cones.

Magnesium. Known for taking a direct active part in the processes of interaction between phosphorus and calcium! In fact, without magnesium, these two elements are practically useless. Magnesium, as many people know, provides sufficient resistance of the body against infections, participates in the work of the central and peripheral nervous systems, affects the activity of the cerebral cortex, and so on.

And pine cones are full of other micro- and macroelements, each of which makes an invaluable contribution to the health of the whole body, and therefore the well-being and appearance of the person who uses drugs based on them.

This includes copper, iodine, zinc, sodium and iron, manganese and others. Most of them, when properly prepared and used on pine cones, are transmitted to them and have a positive effect on health.

What pine cones are used for treatment?

An important point is the correct selection and procurement of raw materials. After all, only if it is of unconditional quality is it possible to prepare truly healing preparations. Specifically, preparation and preparation will be discussed later in the article.

But many are very interested in the question: to use fresh (green) cones or already dry, open ones. Most recipes for alternative (folk) medicine use green pine cones. It is in them that the bulk of those useful elements, which were discussed above. But, sometimes you can use already ripe pine cones. It all depends on specific recipe. Follow the cooking instructions carefully and you can't go wrong.

Pine cones - medicinal properties and contraindications

Before talking about contraindications, you should talk about what specific beneficial properties they have. Let's start with the pharmacological spectrum of their effects. So, remedies from cones have the following effects on the human body:


This also includes antibacterial and antifungal. It has been proven repeatedly: substances contained in conifer cones (pine is one of them) destroy pathogenic microflora along with viruses and fungi.


It is possible due to the high concentration in the cones of both minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, calcium and others, and essential oils that have an aroma effect. Nervous system will gain stability and strengthen.

Blood purifier

It is known that blood is the main “carrier” of biological substances circulating throughout the body. But among them there are often those who can cause him significant harm! These are toxins. Remedies from the cones promote their removal from the body, stimulating, at the same time, hematopoietic processes. They are capable of fighting radionuclides and even salts of heavy metals.


When bile stagnates (if there are no physical barriers to its discharge: stones, kinks, and so on), products from pine cones very effectively stimulate its production, promote its liquefaction and optimal circulation. They (remedies from cones) protect the liver and help in its restoration.


In the body, even relatively healthy person There will definitely be several foci of inflammation (active or “dormant”). To fade first and not allow the second to develop - this is the task of pine cones, which, in the overwhelming majority of cases, they cope with just perfectly;


By helping to normalize the electrolytic and water-salt balance, pine preparations help stabilize blood pressure, eliminate swelling of soft tissues, facilitate the functioning of the kidneys and the entire excretory system, and improve well-being and appearance.


This property is widely used to improve the functioning of the respiratory system, as well as specifically for the treatment of ailments that affect it: pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia and other similar diseases.

Among other things, pine cones are a powerful antiseptic, insecticide, and immunomodulator! They are truly a unique gift of nature, which can be used by anyone who needs it. The main thing is to properly prepare the product from them. Let’s look further at how to do this using the example of the main areas of application of pine cones.


- pregnancy, breastfeeding;

- age up to seven years, and also - from sixty;

chronic diseases kidney;

— individual intolerance, others.

Pine cones for cough - a natural remedy

Incredibly, in most cases, they eliminate even a persistent cough with high speed. At the same time, there is no need to be afraid, because they neutralize its very cause, not only the cough reflex, which is used, in fact, as a protective one. So, if you are tormented by a cough, including an allergic one, this remedy will help, which will also get rid of the infection.

Recipe for cough cones. To prepare it, you need to take 5 green pine cones and 500 milliliters of fresh cow's milk. Put them in milk and put them on a small fire on a gas stove. Cook, after boiling, for about 15 minutes. Next, strain, add a few tablespoons of bee honey. Take up to 1 week. Half a liter of decoction is designed for 1 day of use. You need to drink it throughout the day, regardless of meals, a few sips at a time. For children, the course should be about 5-6 days; they need no more than 300-350 milliliters of product per day.

We steam our feet in a decoction of pine cones. Baths that are used to soak your feet in them are very helpful for colds accompanied by cough. The procedure will require about 2.5-3.5 liters of liquid. This volume of water requires up to two dozen cones. You need to steam your feet for 10-12 minutes.

It’s simple to prepare the product: put the cones in a bucket, fill them with water, bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes, then cool to a temperature suitable for the procedure (about 45-50 degrees), strain. Can be used. The course is about 1 week. You can steam your feet in a decoction of herbs using essential oils, or . Suitable for adults and children, in the absence of contraindications, including (for this procedure) - elevated temperature bodies.

Cough cone jam. You will need about a kilogram of raw materials per 3 liters of water. You need to pour it over the pine cones and cook for gas stove(over low heat) up to 3 hours. After this, remove the dish from the heat and leave it, covered, for 11 hours in a cool place.

Next, strain the resulting mixture. After some time, it will completely harden, turning into a kind of jam, which is very effective against coughs in both adults and children. But, before that, it also needs to be boiled with sugar, in the ratio: 1:1 (liter of jam/kilogram of sugar). Cook over low heat for 1 hour. After this, it can be poured into jars, rolled under the lids. Take for colds and coughs with warm tea.

Pine cones for hypertension and stroke

Tannins are the substance for which, by and large, pine cones are taken both to prevent strokes and to eliminate their consequences. Preparing the product is quite simple. But, be careful: it may be better to consult your doctor first.

So, rinse 5-6 pieces of cones in clean and running water, cut into slices and add water (about 500 milliliters). Bring to a boil on gas and simmer for about 6-7 minutes. Remove, cool, strain.

Take about 1/3 cup up to 3 times a day before meals. This is very, very effective remedy, which makes it possible to neutralize many of the consequences of a stroke, including stopping the processes of death in brain cells. It also helps with hypertension, normalizing blood pressure and eliminating swelling.

Pine cones for bronchitis

As already noted, they have a healing effect on respiratory system. So, they are often used for bronchitis, providing anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antiseptic, antimicrobial and other effects.

Decoction for cough and bronchitis. Take five buds per liter drinking water. After filling them with it, put everything on low heat, in a water bath, bringing to a boil and simmering for 15 minutes. Remove and leave until cool. Strain. Take 1/3 cup for adults and 2-2.5 tablespoons for children, up to 4 times a day. Course - up to 8 days.

Inhalations on cones for bronchitis. To prepare medicinal inhalations, you need to take 7-8 cones and grind them kitchen knife and place on the stove, first filling with 1.5 liters of water. Bring to a boil, simmer for 3-4 minutes. Remove from heat and pour into a container where you can breathe. Bend over it (distance up to 30 centimeters), cover yourself with a towel and breathe, following all the rules for inhalation, for about 5-7 minutes. excellent remedy for cough and bronchitis. Such procedures are not recommended for children under 10 years of age.

Healing tincture of pine cones with vodka

It embodies almost all the healing properties of pine, used both for internal use, and for external (for dermatological problems).

Preparation : for 500 milliliters of vodka - 50 grams of cones. You need to take green pine cones. Pour vodka (homemade or store-bought) over the raw materials and leave for 3 weeks (fresh buds) in a dark and cool place. Do not strain.

Application and storage . This tincture can be stored for up to 1.5 years. Take - only for adults: half a teaspoon before meals, 3 times a day, about 10-12 days, for any ailments, as a general tonic and provide the healing effects that were given in this article above.

Decoction of pine cones

How to prepare it: 6 cones per liter of water. Pour in, bring to a boil over heat, simmer for 15 minutes, remove and strain. Drink 2 teaspoons 3 times a day for children, and 2 tablespoons 4 times a day for adults.

It helps very well in reducing protective forces body, colds, insomnia and so on.

Pine cone syrup for cough

It doesn't need to be boiled. It is enough to “coat” green pine cones with sugar, cutting them into circles first. The cones are placed in a jar and generously covered with sugar. Leaving them for a week dark room, under the lid, you can find syrup at the bottom of the jar.

Adults and children should be given a teaspoon three times a day for coughs and colds. We make both jam and syrup from cones to treat coughs - this is an excellent medicine.

When and how to properly collect pine cones for treatment

They are collected approximately from May to June. To harvest, pay attention to fruits about 4-5 centimeters long.

The tree on which the raw material grows must be healthy, this is visually noticeable. This should be done exclusively in environmentally friendly areas.

Do not forget about gloves, since the resin is difficult to wash off if you collect the pine cones without gloves. Also take a thick bag where you will place the pine cones (you can throw it away later).

The collected cones are immediately subject to processing into products according to one or another recipe.

A real salvation for some diseases can be a tincture of pine cones. The benefits of the composition and contraindications to its use have long been studied and voiced by scientists. If you follow the recipe and take into account a number of rules for using the product, you don’t have to worry about potential risks. A bonus of using a healing folk remedy will at least be a reduction in the likelihood of developing a stroke. In addition, you can count on several more types positive impact on the body.

Composition and beneficial properties of pine cones

The benefits of pine cones are based on their characteristics. chemical composition. In addition to numerous vitamins and minerals that properly cope with their specific functions, it is worth paying attention to the following substances:

  1. Phytoncides. They are famous for their disinfecting properties.
  2. Resins and essential oils. Helps improve the functioning of the respiratory system.
  3. Bioflavonoids. Similar in composition to hormones, they have a positive effect on metabolic processes.
  4. Carotene. Opposes infectious diseases, strengthens the immune system, accelerates the removal of free radicals from tissues.

The use of vodka or diluted alcohol as a medium can greatly enhance the therapeutic properties of the listed substances. Here are just the main indications for using pine cone tincture:

  • Respiratory diseases. The composition helps the body fight tuberculosis, relieves asthma attacks and allergic coughs. It is also useful for tonsillitis, bronchitis, ARVI and colds.
  • Low hemoglobin level.
  • Vitamin deficiency (especially scurvy).
  • Slow healing of wounds and formations of a purulent nature.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • Joint diseases that are accompanied by pain.
  • Increased blood pressure. The remedy destroys cholesterol plaques and cleanses blood vessels, normalizing blood flow and stabilizing blood pressure.
  • Risk of stroke. Substances in the tincture of pine cones inhibit necrotic processes in the walls of blood vessels in the brain, which occur against the background of weakened blood flow.

Not only alcohol tincture on the fruits of coniferous trees has similar properties. For the same purposes, you can use decoctions, infusions, honey or honey prepared from the same main ingredient. True, the therapeutic effects will not be so pronounced.

Basic rules for taking tincture

Before you begin specialized or preventive therapy, you need to learn the basic rules for taking the product. Their violation can turn useful composition into an unhealthy mixture:

  • Even if there is no history of chronic diseases, you should first consult a doctor.

Advice: You should not try to increase the effectiveness of treatment by combining alcohol tincture with decoctions, jam, honey or infusions of pine cones. This can lead to an allergic reaction to the product, exacerbation of chronic processes, or exhaustion of the body.

  • During acute periods of any illness, it is better to avoid taking the drug.
  • The product is not prohibited for use in children and the elderly, but dosages should be minimal and must be agreed with a doctor.
  • At first, the use of pine cone tincture does not need to be carried out according to the recommended dosages; the volumes should be reduced several times. The amount of the drug should be increased gradually, monitoring the body's reaction.
  • You should not take the product constantly. Between courses you need to take breaks of at least 3-4 weeks.

By adhering to these simple rules, you can achieve maximum effectiveness of the folk remedy, while eliminating the likelihood of side effects.

The process of preparing pine cone tincture begins with collecting the raw materials for the product. Contrary to popular belief, not only young but also old cones (but only with seeds) are suitable for preparing medicinal compositions. When harvesting, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • For preparing alcohol tinctures, green elements up to 4 cm long are ideal. They should be soft and easy to cut with a knife. If you don’t have anything sharp on hand, you should try to bite through the pine cones or scratch them with your fingernail (the skin will peel off).
  • “Female” specimens are especially useful. They can be recognized by their ribbed scales, pleasant density, and stickiness due to the abundance of resin.
  • It is better to choose older pine cones for preparing a tincture for stroke or its consequences. You need to go to the forest to get them from late June to early September. The fruits will be denser, full of tannins, but will not yet have time to open and scatter the seeds.
  • You should not collect cones from a pine tree that is clearly infested with pests. They will be of little use.

Collected pine cones can be used in many different ways. In any case, their processing should be started as early as possible. If a lot of time passes from the moment of collection, the finished tincture or jam will no longer be so useful.

Contraindications for taking pine cone tincture

In general, people respond positively to treatment with pine cone tincture. The product should be completely abandoned only if you are individually intolerant to the composition. If alcohol was used to prepare the healing liquid, several more contraindications to such treatment and prevention arise:

  1. Kidney and liver failure.
  2. Chronic alcoholism.
  3. Tendency to sudden changes blood pressure and hypertension, against the background of which specialized medications are taken.
  4. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  5. Age over 75 years.

Tincture of pine cones is not a panacea for all diseases; it happens that it does not even have a positive effect. If after completing the course there are no improvements in the condition or in the tests, it is better to refuse further use of the composition.

Recipe for making pine cone tincture

Regardless of the purpose for which the medicine is used, the principle of its preparation will be the same. The difference will only be in the dosage of the composition, the frequency and duration of its administration.

  • Take 5-7 mature cones, rinse cold running water, cut them into halves or quarters.
  • Pour the fruits with a glass of vodka or medical alcohol diluted to 40º.
  • Close the container and put it away dark place and leave for at least 2 weeks at room temperature.
  • Every day you need to shake the container several times, but do not shake it until bubbles appear.
  • After the specified time, the liquid must be filtered and poured into glass bottle with a lapped lid. This composition should be stored in the refrigerator door.

To obtain the listed therapeutic effects, the tincture should be taken one teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach. We do this every day for a month, after which there is a break. The duration of the course, including breaks, must be at least 6 months. If you need to speed up the process of recovery of the body after a stroke, the product should be consumed 3 times a day.

Non-alcoholic compositions from pine cones

There are many options for creating medicinal products based on pine cones. If desired, a decoction or infusion can be prepared not only with water, but also with honey or milk. When you don’t want any frills, the following recipes are used:

  • Tincture on water. Take 5-7 cones, wash, cut and fill with 2.5 glasses of water. Bring the mixture to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer under the lid for another 5 minutes. You can drink up to 50 ml of liquid at one time.
  • Decoction. For 5 cones, take 2 glasses of water and a tablespoon of honey. Wash the pine cones, chop them, add water and cook over high heat for 3 minutes after boiling. After this, cool the broth until very warm. naturally and add honey. Stir and leave for another half hour. In this case, one therapeutic dose is considered to be a tablespoon of mass.
  • Express recipe. To prepare such an infusion, you need to take already fully or half opened cones. 2-3 large elements and a glass of boiling water are enough. Mix the ingredients, close the container with a lid and wrap it in blankets, keeping warm. In the morning, half an hour before breakfast, you need to drink the strained mixture. It works best as a remedy for joint pain. To obtain a lasting effect, you should take a 2-month course.

For children, you can make honey or jam from pine cones. Finished product should be diluted in water and given to the child once a day or even every other day, which will help general strengthening body. Every 2-3 weeks you should take a break of 1 week. True, it is recommended to resort to this type of preventive treatment only if the baby has obvious problems with the immune system.

IN folk medicine In addition to young pine cones, they also use needles, buds (shoots), branches, resin, and pine pollen. All parts of the plant have similar therapeutic effect. However, there are some nuances in their use. So, for example, green pine cones are prescribed in the post-stroke period and for the prevention of stroke. And pine buds are most often used for respiratory diseases. Read more about it in our other article.

Features of a medicinal plant

When to collect cones and how to choose them? What is the pharmacological action of this legendary folk medicine? For what diseases and conditions is it taken orally or applied externally?

Procurement of raw materials

There are no difficulties in harvesting, since Scots pine is a common tree. It is only important to choose an ecologically clean area, clean forests, remote from industrial enterprises and highways.

  • When to collect. Cones appear on the branches after flowering. Pines begin to bloom at the age of 15 years. Flowering can last from May to June depending on climatic conditions. And after two to three weeks, bumps appear.
  • How to prepare. If you cut a young bud, it will have resin inside. It is this substance that the fruit is valued for. Only dense, unopened cones should be collected. This usually happens in June. Although there is an opinion that they can be collected even in winter, in their open form. Some sources indicate that it is better to collect the fruits before the summer solstice.

Cones, as a rule, are not dried. From the collected raw materials, alcohol and honey tinctures, syrups and jams, decoctions and infusions are prepared.

Healing effect

What benefits do pine cones bring to the body? What is their chemical composition?

  • Turpentine (pine essential oil) with pinene, borneol, cadinene, limonene, bornyl acetate and other turpentines.
  • Tannins.
  • Resinous acids.
  • Bitterness.
  • Phytoncides.
  • Mineral salts.
  • Rich vitamin complex (C, K, P, A, group B).
  • Resins.
  • Starch.

Spectrum of pharmacological action:

  • antimicrobial;
  • distracting;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • expectorant;
  • soothing;
  • blood purifying;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • antiseptic;
  • insecticidal;
  • antiscorbutic.

List of indications

In what cases is treatment with pine cones most effective?

  • Pine cones for stroke. The fruits contain special kind tannins, which stop the breakdown of neurons during stroke lesions of the brain. And this helps to suspend or prevent consequences in the form of paralysis. An alcohol tincture is especially useful, since alcohol “reveals” the properties of tannins. This medicine also has a beneficial effect on memory, the cardiovascular system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and eliminates tinnitus.
  • Pine cones for cough. You can take infusions alcohol tinctures, as well as carry out inhalations. The remedy helps with inflammatory processes respiratory tract- bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia. It can also be prescribed in complex therapy for pulmonary tuberculosis.
  • With high blood pressure. The drug has a hypotensive effect and normalizes blood pressure. It is recommended to take it for hypertension, to prevent stroke due to high blood pressure.
  • For the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. Many herbalists mention the beneficial effects of this herbal remedy on the stomach and pancreas. In particular, tincture of pine cones is recommended for peptic ulcers and gastritis. However, it is indicated that the drug may cause an exacerbation. Therefore, with such diagnoses, before taking the medicine, consultation with a doctor is strictly necessary.
  • Varicose veins. In case of damage to veins, the formation of nodes, and thinning of the walls of blood vessels, it is useful to use tinctures internally, as well as medicinal baths. A mixture of tinctures of pine cones, sweet clover, verbena, and horse chestnut is often used.
  • Local treatment with pine cones. Externally used as a distracting, irritating, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, and insecticidal agent. Decoctions can be used to treat skin lesions such as eczema, scabies, lichen, and allergies. Tinctures are also often used for rubbing joints and muscles, relieving inflammation, swelling and pain. Prescribed for neuralgia, rheumatism, myositis, gout, radiculitis. You can also rinse your mouth and throat with decoctions and infusions for inflammation.
  • Benefits for children. Most often prescribed for coughs (ARVI, flu, bronchitis, tracheitis) in the form of inhalations and infusions. Medicinal baths with a decoction of cones can also be prescribed for skin diseases, to strengthen the body's defenses, like sedative. Rubbing when coughing is used only as prescribed by a doctor. Do not violate the dosage, because high concentration turpentine can be dangerous for children and will cause an allergic reaction.
  • General strengthening medicine. Many positive feedback about the immunostimulating, vitamin properties of this product. The medicine prevents vitamin deficiencies, the development of scurvy, and improves immunity. Useful to drink to restore strength after viral infections and other diseases.

Infusions can be used as a deodorizing agent; it perfectly refreshes the air in the room, cleans and disinfects it. For these purposes, pine essential oil with a high content of turpentine is most often used.

Pine cones can be harmful to the body if there is individual intolerance and allergic reaction for turpentine. This medicine is also contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, children under 7 years of age and the elderly. In addition, strict contraindications include chronic kidney and liver diseases (in particular, hepatitis). In case of overdose, headaches, nausea, vomiting, irritation of the stomach, intestines, and kidneys are possible.

Features of use at home

What are the uses of pine cones in folk medicine? What can be prepared from these gifts of nature? How to take home medications correctly and safely?


An infusion of cones is prepared at water based. Apply it internally. More concentrated decoctions are added to medicinal baths.

Preparing the infusion

  1. Grind 5 young cones.
  2. Pour in ½ liter of water.
  3. Boil over low heat for 5 minutes.
  4. Leave for 1 hour.
  5. Strain.

Take ¼ cup 3 times a day (preferably after meals).

Preparation of infusion for baths

  1. Prepare 3 cups of crushed raw materials.
  2. Fill with 3 liters of water.
  3. Boil for 5 minutes.
  4. Leave for 2 hours.
  5. Strain.

The decoction is poured into a bath of moderately hot water. Therapeutic baths Take according to indications for no more than 20 minutes.


What are the medicinal properties of pine cone vodka tincture? It is believed that the alcohol base enhances all the beneficial properties of this medicine. This primarily applies to the terpenes contained in pine essential oil. Therefore, alcohol tinctures are most often prepared from pine cones. They are taken orally, but rubbing with tincture of pine cones is also effective. It is used as a local irritant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic.

Making pine cone tincture

  1. Take 1 part of crushed raw materials.
  2. Pour 10 parts of 40% alcohol or vodka.
  3. Leave for 7 days in a warm place.
  4. Strain.

Take 1 tsp. 3 times a day after meals. Can be diluted in water or tea. Indicated for all of the above symptoms and diagnoses.

Among folk recipes There are also honey and vodka tinctures. They are recommended to be taken as a general tonic, vitamin remedy; it is useful to drink for people susceptible to frequent respiratory diseases, for the prevention of influenza and ARVI.

Preparation of honey-vodka tincture

  1. Put in liter jar 6–8 crushed buds.
  2. Add 1 glass of liquid honey and 1 glass of vodka.
  3. Shake well.
  4. Leave for 21 days in a warm place.

Take 1 tbsp once a day. l. after eating. The tincture is stored in a dark and cool place.

Read more about the use of cones after a stroke

Recently, a lot of information has appeared about the benefits of this folk remedy after a stroke. In Japan, studies were carried out on the chemical composition of Scots pine cones. It was found that the tanning properties of tannins and their strong bonds with proteins, biopolymers and polysaccharides give a high healing effect when brain neurons are damaged, they restore lost neurological functions. The question often arises: when to collect pine cones for stroke? There are no special collection secrets. But it is important to consider the following points:

  • the cones should be small (from 1 to 4 cm);
  • you should choose soft cones that are easy to cut or even bite through;
  • the fruits should have sticky cones, resinous, aromatic, dense;
  • It is recommended to collect pine cones for tincture against stroke in May or June (depending on climatic conditions).

Among the recipes for pine cones for stroke, the most common are vodka tinctures. You just need to choose the highest quality vodka.

Recipe No. 1

  1. Grind 6 cones.
  2. Pour a glass of vodka.
  3. Leave for 14 days in a dark place, shaking occasionally.
  4. Strain.

Take for a long time. According to some indications - up to 6 months. You can drink 1 tsp. 3 times a day. For prevention - 1 time per day.

Recipe No. 2

  1. Place whole, washed buds in a quart jar.
  2. Fill completely with vodka.
  3. Leave for 40 days in a dark place.
  4. Strain.

You can drink 1 teaspoon, diluting in warm water or tea. It can also be used for rubbing the affected, paralyzed side during a stroke.

It is important to remember that self-medication in the post-stroke period is strictly contraindicated. The medicine can be used only in consultation with the attending physician, in complex therapy.

Jam and syrup

Not only alcohol and honey can be a preservative, but also large number Sahara. Pine cone jam is not only a delicacy, but also a medicine. It is especially useful for respiratory diseases, coughs, and to strengthen the immune system.

Making jam

  1. Take 1 kg of green fruits.
  2. Add 1 kg of sugar.
  3. Fill with water (it should cover the cones).
  4. Cook over low heat.
  5. Roll up like regular jam.

What is the peculiarity of the preparation? The jam needs to be cooked for a long time, over low heat. The foam needs to be skimmed to remove the bitterness. They usually cook for 3-4 days for 15 minutes several times a day. The jam turns out thick, brown-amber, aromatic, with a specific resinous aftertaste.

Preparation of syrup

  1. Prepare syrup from 1 kg of sugar and 1 glass of water.
  2. Pour in 1 kg of chopped pine cones.
  3. Store in the refrigerator.

You can make syrup with honey. You can also sprinkle crushed cones with layers of sugar, which will then release the juice. The syrup is taken as a medicine for respiratory diseases.

Why are pine cones so popular in folk medicine? This is one of the most effective cough medicines for tracheitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia. It is taken to restore the body after a stroke, for rheumatic, gouty pain. The tincture is rubbed into painful joints and muscles. Water infusions are used to treat skin diseases.

Pines are among the most common tree species in the world. Even if a person just walks along coniferous forest, this will already have a beneficial effect on him. Both your health and mood will improve. People have long known the health benefits that pine brings. Over the years, people have learned to use all parts of wood. This includes tar, needles, and even wood itself. The use of cones from this tree is also very popular. There are many recipes widely used in folk medicine, the main component of which is pine fruits.

Fact! Needles are capable of purifying the air from pathogenic bacteria due to the fact that it contains phytoncides. The power of these substances is enough to kill even the causative agent of tuberculosis.

Scientists divide pine fruits into male and female. At the top of the tree you will find reddish female fruits, while the male fruits grow near the base of the shoots. Both men's and women's are extremely rich in nutrients. How is that whole list amino acids and vitamins, as well as tannins. They are also rich in magnesium and phosphorus.

Useful properties

Let's consider the benefits of green cones. Products, the main component of which are green cones, tone and comprehensively strengthen the body. Thanks to phytoncides, they increase immunity. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on all organs digestive system. They contain many vitamins and calcium. For those who use traditional medicines, prepared on the basis of green pine cones, improves the process of hematopoiesis. For for a long time both people and scientists were able to thoroughly study all the properties of these fruits. They are used not only to cure diseases, but also for cosmetic purposes. Cones are components of bath salts, various creams and lotions, and masks. From the young cones of this miraculous tree you can make both jam and syrup.

What else are red cones useful for? Tinctures are made from red cones that help restore the body after a stroke. They have this effect due to the high content of tannins in their composition. These substances help stop the process of cell death in the brain, and this is very important for those who have suffered a stroke. This effect has been proven not only traditional healers. But also scientists. Consuming decoctions of these miraculous fruits will help prevent heart attacks and cleanse blood vessels. It is also recommended for low hemoglobin. Even some types of cancer are treated with pine cones. To do this, pine pollen is added to the infusions of cones, which has no less healing properties. If you collect cones in medicinal purposes, then it is better to do this in ecologically clean areas, away from roads and industrial zones.

What medicinal properties do pine cones have? Let's look at the main ones:

  1. Traditional medicines based on them can destroy all pathogenic organisms. These are both viruses and microbes. And even a fungus.
  2. They contain essential oils as well as potassium, which makes them a good sedative.
  3. Nowadays, the blood is clogged with many harmful substances. And toxins and salts of heavy metals. And decoctions and infusions of cones help remove these substances from the blood.
  4. The cones have a choleretic effect due to the fact that they can reduce the level of lipid compounds. They are also good hepatoprotectors, that is, they can not only protect liver cells, but also contribute to their restoration.
  5. Helps in the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism.
  6. Preparations based on the cones of this tree help the body get rid of excess fluid, while the electrolyte balance remains normal.
  7. The expectorant effect can save not only coughs, but even tuberculosis or pneumonia.
  8. Due to the high content of vitamin C, they help against scurvy (this is the name for vitamin deficiency caused by a lack of this vitamin).

If you decide to make and use products based on pine cones for medicinal purposes, then follow these rules.

  1. Before use, you should definitely consult a doctor, he will tell you whether the use of such drugs is contraindicated for you, and give recommendations. During treatment folk remedies don't give up traditional methods therapy. After all, self-medication can lead to dangerous results. Let this be an addition to general therapy.
  2. Find out what benefits the use of decoctions and tinctures will bring for your specific disease.
  3. During an exacerbation of the disease, it is better not to use such drugs.
  4. Be careful when giving these drugs to children or the elderly. Their body has certain characteristics. Main. Do no harm.
  5. At the beginning of therapy, you should not immediately use medications large doses. Start with small portions and see how your body reacts. Are there any allergies or side effects?
  6. Remember that plant-based preparations should not be used for too long courses. You definitely need to take breaks. Don’t think that because this is a plant, it can’t cause harm.

How to properly collect cones for tinctures and decoctions?

Both old and green cones are suitable for medicinal purposes. There is no need to collect cones that are too small; they have not yet accumulated all the useful substances. Depending on what disease you want to cure. Young cones are those that do not open throughout the summer and remain green.

Young cones are collected in late spring or early summer. It is worth choosing fruits ranging in size from 1 to 4 centimeters; they should be soft enough to be easily cut. This is especially important for those who want to make jam. When collecting them in the forest, try scratching them or biting them with your teeth to see how soft they are. The fruits themselves should not be damaged by insects and should not begin to rot. It is better to start collecting for medicinal purposes in the morning, since at this time of day the sap moves especially actively through the tree and there will be more useful substances. Be sure to dry the fruits in a shaded place, the room should be well ventilated. You can also dry them in the oven, but the temperature should not be higher than 40 degrees. It is recommended to store such dried fruits in a bag made of linen or paper, as well as in cardboard box. At the right conditions they will be usable for a year and a half.

If you plan to make a tincture rather than a jam, you can also collect harder buds. It will just take longer to insist on them. But they do not lose all their healing properties.

When collecting, it is better to give preference females. They can be distinguished by their ribbed scales. They are also stickier. Some traditional healers recommend collecting pine fruits on the day of Ivan Kupala. They are sure that on this day the cones are most useful.

If you plan to prepare a tincture for the prevention of such a terrible disease as a stroke, as well as during rehabilitation after an illness, then collect the fruits better in summer or in September. At this time the cones will already be hard. But they won't open up. Over the summer, they will have time to accumulate enough tannins, which have an irreplaceable effect on the brain, stopping the process of cell death, which is very important for people who have suffered a stroke.

Important! A year after the cone has formed, it becomes darker and begins to open. Such fruits will be considered old; they will already have lost their seeds.

You should not collect cones from the ground, as well as near enterprises and roads. The tree from which you will collect fruits for medicinal purposes should not be sick or infested with pests.

What does alcohol tincture help with?

Cones infused with alcohol or vodka will combine the antimicrobial properties of alcohol and the medicinal properties of the plant itself. The main diseases that this tincture treats are:

  • stroke;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • as well as gastritis and stomach ulcers.

For stomach diseases, this tincture promotes rapid healing of the mucous membrane of this organ. The tincture also helps boost immunity and kill harmful bacteria. It is indispensable for the treatment of respiratory diseases (you can do inhalations) and for anemia.

When preparing a tincture, other herbs are sometimes added if the recipe calls for it. It is also possible to add pollen or pine buds. To do this, young fruits are sorted out, removing adhering debris. They are then cut and folded into glass jar and fill it with alcohol or vodka. You need to insist for about 20 days in a dark place at room temperature. For better effect You should shake the jar of tincture every day. When the product is infused, it should be strained and poured into a dark glass container. Take this remedy before meals in the amount of one tablespoon. Frequency of administration: 3 times a day.

What is the decoction used for?

If there are medical contraindications to the use of alcohol, or you are treating a child, then instead of a tincture, you can make a decoction. It can be prepared with both water and milk. It relieves inflammation in respiratory diseases, can also improve the condition of the immune system, and cleanses the body of toxins. The decoction also has choleretic and diuretic properties. In cosmetology, it is used to rinse hair and wipe the skin.

It is very useful to take a bath with this decoction. In the east, decoctions are widely used to improve skin condition. To do this, you need to drink one glass of this healing remedy every day for two weeks. Rashes disappear on the skin and even some fine wrinkles are smoothed out.

To prepare a decoction, you need to pour 10 g of young fruits into a glass of water, the temperature of which is about 60 degrees. Cook in a water bath for up to 15 minutes. Then remove from heat and allow to cool. Take a third of a glass several times during the day.

Cone syrup

The syrup is also widely used by traditional healers. These are pine cones boiled with sugar. It is indispensable in the treatment of colds. This syrup also improves immunity, speeds up metabolism, and increases potency. Syrup also helps with gout and rheumatism. This remedy is very convenient for treating children, as it is sweet and tasty.

How to clean blood vessels using cones?

Since young fruits contain a lot of tannins, it is recommended to cleanse the blood vessels with just such fruits. To do this, they recommend the following recipe: first you need to chop several soft fruits, then pour them with a glass of vodka or alcohol. Infuse the product for 15-20 days in a place protected from sun rays, and then filter thoroughly. It is recommended to take one teaspoon of this tincture on an empty stomach. But, if the vessels are already heavily clogged with cholesterol, then the frequency of administration should be increased to three times a day.

How to deal with hypertension?

If you are suffering high blood pressure, then old female cones will be needed for treatment. They are collected in the first half of June. Such cones are also called pine buds. For cooking medicinal tincture the buds are filled into a glass jar, then filled with vodka. It is recommended to insist for about 20 days. For each case of hypertension, one teaspoon of the product should be added to warm tea. To get rid of the problem, you should undergo a course of treatment.

Contraindications for use

Pine cones have such a wide spectrum of action that people consider them incredibly miraculous. But any treatment method must be approached as responsibly as possible. If a drug is plant-based, this does not mean that it is absolutely harmless and has no contraindications.
  1. Children and elderly people should not be treated with alcohol tinctures.
  2. Also, such treatment is strictly contraindicated in patients with hepatitis.
  3. It is forbidden to use preparations based on pine fruits for people suffering from kidney disease, as well as those who are allergic to the components of the drug.

Video: medicinal properties of pine cones

Pine is one of the most common plants in our forests. Its needles and resin, not without reason called resin, have been used since ancient times to strengthen the body's defenses, treat vitamin deficiencies, anemia and many other diseases. In recent years, folk medicines prepared from pine cones have gained wide popularity. The “fruits” of a coniferous tree contain a huge amount of vitamins, biologically active substances, antioxidants, phytoncides and others useful components. In this article we will talk about the most famous recipes medicines from pine cones.


A kilogram of young green cones is poured into 2 liters cold water and leave for a day. Then the infusion is drained, 1 kg of granulated sugar is added and syrup is boiled, into which the cones are dipped after boiling. The jam is prepared for 1.5-2 hours over low heat. The foam that forms when the mixture boils should be skimmed off. As a result, the delicacy has a pleasant amber color, a wonderful smell and taste, reminiscent of strawberry jam.

There is another way to prepare healing jam. It can be cooked according to the five-minute principle, that is, boil the cones in a pre-prepared syrup for 5-7 minutes and let it brew for 24 hours, repeat the entire cycle 2 more times and pour the finished jam into a dry, sterilized container.

Jam made from young pine cones is an excellent immunostimulant. Taking just a tablespoon a day can significantly reduce the risk of seasonal colds. In addition, the drug is used to alleviate the symptoms of polyarthritis and to restore strength after illnesses.


The drug perfectly helps with obsessive cough, bronchitis, any inflammatory diseases respiratory tract. It is also used for heart pain, high temperature(as a diaphoretic), vitamin deficiency.

The tincture is prepared as follows: pour a tablespoon of crushed (chopped) cones with 2 cups of boiling water and leave for 12 hours in a warm place. It is advisable that the mixture does not cool down, so the container with the future medicine is placed in a pan of boiling water, to which new portions are regularly added hot water. Take the tincture 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals.

Unfortunately, the aqueous tincture of green cones does not store well. To stock up on the healing agent, prepare a decoction by boiling (the mixture described above is boiled for 2-3 minutes over high heat and then filtered). The decoction can be stored in the refrigerator, mixing the required portion with a small amount honey


The healing properties of this composition became known not so long ago, but its exceptional therapeutic and preventive effect has already been clinically confirmed.

For preparation, use mature cones (hard, brown, slightly opened) and 70% alcohol (can be replaced with vodka). There are several recipes. Here are two of the most famous:

  • fill a liter jar with pine cones and fill it with alcohol up to the shoulders. Leave in a dark place for 2 weeks, then strain. Take a teaspoon once a day after meals;
  • Pour 5 large cones with a glass of alcohol and place in a dark place for 10 days. Strain the solution and add a teaspoon of apple or grape cider vinegar. Take a teaspoon of the mixture at night, dissolving it in a glass of warm, weak tea (with honey).

Both drugs are used to prevent stroke and after suffering a cerebrovascular accident. It was found that in patients who took this tincture for six months after a stroke, lost motor functions and speech were successfully restored, the overall tone of the body increased, and the process of destruction of brain cells stopped.

The drug prepared according to the first recipe is also used for rubbing and compresses for joint diseases accompanied by swelling and pain.

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