Why do monstera leaves turn yellow after transplantation? How to care for monstera

Gardeners love exotic plants. To see in your garden healthy plant it is important to find the subtleties of care. In the above article, the editors intended to provide several articles to avoid death when growing an exotic flower. The secrets of breeding many types of plants are different. Capricious plant requires painstaking care. It should be clear for useful procedures, which group the purchased plant belongs to.

Why do monstera leaves turn yellow?

Flower growers often complain that monstera leaves turn yellow. Why is this happening? The main reasons are flood, cold, excess sun, lack of light and lack of nutrition. Since the problem is common, let's look at it in more detail.

Problems in the process of growing Monstera

Monstera leaves are drying up.

Monstera has limp leaves, which is usually a problem. withered leaves appears in the winter months, when low air temperatures are accompanied by abundant soil moisture. To restore the leaves to health, you need to equalize the temperature background and reduce watering. Along with lethargy, yellowness may be observed, which will also go away when you follow the recommendations.

Leaves are curling. Facts of leaf curling indicate that the room is too hot, such problems are especially common in winter. Normal temperature conditions Monstera is a corridor of 15 to 20 degrees plus Celsius.

The appearance of spots on the leaves. Brown spots on the leaves of Monstera may indicate that the bush is in a draft. To solve the problem, simply move the plant. It should be taken into account that when placing Monstera on a walkway, it can be exposed not only to a draft, but also to the risk of deformation of the leaves, which are easily torn when touched. More dark spots They do not signal that the bush is flooding. In this case, the plant should be replanted according to the above recommendations. In general, excess moisture can lead to difficult recovery of the bush.

Monstera leaves turn black. There are many reasons for the appearance of blackness on the leaves. To find the root of the problem, you need to observe the plant. If blackness is preceded by yellowing and dryness, then it is often due to lack of moisture. Moisten the soil generously and spray the bush. A case of green leaves immediately turning black indicates that the plant is overly flooded with water. In this case, the leaves may begin to rot and become covered with black drying spots. If not only the leaves, but also their rudiments inside the buds have become black, then the soil in which it grows is not suitable for Monstera. It should be replanted, adhering to the soil composition indicated above.

Diseases and pests Monstera

Spider mites usually appear in excessively dry air. On the stems, cobwebs appear in the internodes, the leaves wither and fall off. To bring Monstera back to life, you need to wipe the plant with a damp sponge and soap or wash the bush under warm shower. Then regularly spray the leaves with water. If the spider mite infestation is severe, then spraying should be carried out with Actellik solution (0.15% at a rate of up to 2 milliliters per liter jar water).

Scale insects - with such a lesion, brown plaques form on top of the leaves and stems, sucking cell sap from the monstera. At the same time, the leaves dry out, lose color and fall off. To cure a plant, you need to take the same measures as when fighting spider mites. You can also try wiping the affected leaves with a solution prepared according to this recipe: liquid soap(20 grams) mixed with alcohol (1 teaspoon) and warm water(1 liter). Leaves should be wiped on both sides every other day.

Aphids - the presence of such a pest can be determined by the curvature of the tops and stickiness of the leaves. Then black fungi may appear on the plant, interfering with the process of photosynthesis. The rate of attack by aphids is rapid. To fight effectively use this recipe: 20 grams mustard powder Brew with boiling water, let it brew. Spray the leaves and stem of Monstera with this solution. A decoction of garlic or onion peels also works well in the fight against aphids, which should also be sprayed regularly on the bush.

Thrips - the appearance of this pest is provoked by high temperature environment coupled with low air humidity. As a rule, numerous colonies of thrips appear on the lower parts of the leaves, and light spots on the upper parts. As a result of the lesion, the upper surface of the leaves becomes brown-gray shade and a characteristic silvery sheen. To cure Monstera, you should spray the bush with insecticides (intra-vir, phytoderm, actellik, decis).

Mealybugs - this disease affects the shoots and young leaves of the plant. The leaves dry out, bend and fall off, and the plant gradually dies. Measures to combat this phenomenon are identical to the methods of getting rid of Monstera spider mite.


Monstera: leaves turn yellow

The luxurious monstera is rightfully considered the decoration of any home. It brings special chic and charm to the interior of the room, creating a unique atmosphere of comfort. True, the monstera itself is quite capricious and often presents gardeners with unpleasant surprises. One of them is the appearance of yellowness on the leaves, which can only be combated if you were able to correctly determine the cause of the plant’s malaise.

Why do Monstera leaves turn yellow?

Take a closer look at the flower: if they turn yellow lower leaves, and new shoots have dark- green and do not differ in size. then the problem is insufficient watering monsters. This tropical beauty loves moisture, and reacts quite sharply to its lack. However, a monstera can live quite a long time without water. for a long time. In addition, after resuming abundant watering, the yellowness on the leaves disappears quite quickly, so correcting the situation is not difficult.

Monstera is a very light-loving plant, so the flowerpot with the flower should be in a sunny and fairly warm place. Lack of ultraviolet radiation can also cause yellowing on the leaves. If you don't take it on time necessary measures, then very soon, instead of a luxurious monstera, there will be a bare stem of a plant in the flowerpot, on the top of which there will be several pale and limp leaves. But even in such a situation, the flower can still be saved if it is provided with a long day of daylight, consisting of at least 10-12 hours. In the cold season, you can use a lamp for this, and in the summer it is best to place a pot with a monstera on the windowsill.

However, we should not forget that under the influence of direct sun rays Monstera leaves may also turn yellow. However, in this case, the spots on them will be randomly located, which indicates the occurrence of burns. Regular spraying from a spray bottle, as well as shading the plant during the period of highest solar activity, can help the flower. It is not at all necessary to remove the flower from the windowsill; you just need to curtain the window with a curtain or throw wet gauze over the monstera.

Monstera pests.

Monstera is most often damaged by the ivy scale insect. It settles on the leaves. creeping shoots. adventitious roots. Affected plants appear depressed. lose their decorative effect. Monstera leaves. Settles on honeydew secreted by scale insects sooty fungus. Monstera leaves with a cloth or cotton swab. soaked in soapy solution. Increase humidity and reduce air temperature. In case of severe infection, treat Monstera with Rogor solution (0.2%). but at this stage it is already difficult or impossible to fight the scale insects. If that doesn't help. prune the affected parts of the plant. leaves. entwining them with a thin web. Affected monstera leaves dry out. the plant loses its attractiveness. monstera with water room temperature. In case of severe infection, treat with Actellik (15 drops per 1 liter of water). Inspect the plant periodically.

Monstera disappears, leaves turn yellow, what should I do?

verus"ka Thinker (8935) 5 years ago


Temperature: Moderate, winter optimal temperature 10-14°C, at more high temperature Monstera grows quickly.

Lighting: Does not tolerate direct sunlight. Many people believe that Monstera is shade-loving and place it in the most dark corner- this is not correct. In fact, Monstera is shade-tolerant, and the best place for it is where it is bright, but diffuse light or light partial shade.

Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn; in winter, water so that the soil does not dry out, but is not waterlogged.

Fertilizer: From March to August, monstera is fed complex fertilizer for indoor plants. Feed every two weeks. Large plants maybe once a summer top layer add humus when replanting or without it. Instead, you can also water with mullein infusion, but the smell will remain in the apartment.

Air humidity: Regular spraying. From time to time, monstera leaves are washed, wiped with a sponge and polished. When kept in winter approx. heating system The tips of the leaves may dry out and spots may appear.

Reproduction: Air layering and cuttings. The cutting must have a leaf and an aerial root. When the monstera grows very much, the top with one or more aerial roots is cut off and planted as independent plant, while the mother plant continues to grow further.

Transplantation: Young monsteras are replanted annually. Monsteras older than 4 years are replanted after 2-3 years, but the top layer of soil is changed annually. Soil 2-3 parts turf, 1 part peat land, 1 part humus, 1 part sand. Young plants can be grown in a bucket, but plants older than 2-3 years will need a larger container. It could be special or flower pots(there are some on sale - huge sizes) or wooden tubs. The inability to provide a large monstera with a suitable container for planting - common reason problems with the beauty and health of the plant.

The leaves turn yellow - with large-scale yellowing, the cause may be waterlogging of the soil, especially in winter when low temperatures content. With a lack of nutrition, the leaf turns yellow gradually, from the tip.

The leaves turn yellow and dry brown spots appear on them - due to insufficient watering.

The leaves are pale transparent, then turn yellow - with excess sunlight.

The bare lower part of the trunk or stem, small leaves, poorly cut, long internodes - lack of lighting.

Dry, brown tips and edges of leaves mean the indoor air is too dry. If there is slight yellowing, then the cause may be a cramped pot or a lack of nutrition.

Lower leaves dry out and fall off - some loss of lower leaves is natural, but if the stem becomes too exposed, the cause may be too high a room temperature. This happens especially often in winter in a room with a central heating system.

Other answers

A liana can only signal its problems appearance, namely: the leaves begin to dry or change color. The most common symptom is drying and yellowing of the leaves.

Monstera leaves do not tolerate prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Reasons why monstera leaves may turn yellow:

  • Excess moisture - when excessive watering Rooting of the root system or leaves may begin. In this case, the amount of water should be reduced and damaged parts of the plant should be removed.
  • Lack of moisture is manifested by yellowing of the lower leaves, while upper part remains green. Young leaves grow smaller than usual.
  • Massive yellowing of foliage is caused by excess direct sunlight. Monstera prefers partial shade - this should be taken into account when choosing permanent place for a plant.
  • Lack of nutrition - this problem can be avoided with timely feeding. Complex mineral fertilizers and wood ash can be used as top dressing.
  • Pests – when infested with spider mites or mealybug the leaves also begin to turn yellow and dry out. It is necessary to regularly inspect the vine for signs of infection.

Monstera care measures should be adjusted depending on weather and climatic conditions.

What to do if monstera leaves turn yellow

First of all, it is necessary to find out and eliminate the true reason why the monstera began to look unsightly:

  • if there is a lack of moisture, increase the frequency of watering, and if there is excess moisture, let the soil dry out;
  • in spring and summer, add mineral or organic fertilizers to the soil once every 2 weeks;
  • remove all damaged leaves and roots and treat the cut areas with ash - this will stop the rotting process;
  • If you find signs of pests, treat the monstera with a special preparation;
  • Place the plant on the west or east side of the room or provide sun protection with a curtain.

To prevent diseases, periodically treat the leaves with drugs to enhance immunity. indoor plants, for example “zircon” or “epin”. The sooner you eliminate the cause of the disease, the faster the monstera will recover and will again delight you with its beautiful appearance.

Monstera is a gorgeous, incredibly picturesque liana that appeared in our northern regions from equatorial latitudes. Her modern name Monst?ra is derived from the Latin monstrum, which means “monster”. Indeed, when this plant became known to naturalists in the 18th century, there were terrible legends about it. Travelers who found human skeletons in the South American jungle, permeated with the aerial roots of monstera, composed blood-chilling stories about the killer vine.

Fortunately, everyone horror stories remained in the distant past, and now it is spectacular plant Flower growers all over the world are happy to grow them. Its main decoration is undoubtedly openwork leaves. However, if basic care requirements are violated and if pests attack, the flower immediately gives a signal by changes in its appearance.

The most common problem with vines is yellowing of foliage.

There are several main causes of this condition. Let's take a closer look at them.

  • If the entire array of foliage first turns yellow, and then becomes pale, almost white , this indicates an excess of light received by the monstera. The shade-loving vine should be covered from sunlight with a curtain or moved to a less bright place.
  • However, a global lack of lighting can generally lead not only to yellowing, but also to subsequent falling leaves. If the monstera is in a too shaded room, it should be immediately moved closer to the bright sun, otherwise you can end up with a completely bare trunk with a pathetic panicle of pale young leaves on the top.
  • At appearance of yellowness and small brown specks Only on the lower leaves with dark green and small young foliage should you pay attention to the amount of moisture received by the plant. Most likely, it is not enough for normal growing season, and more watering is required.
  • If, simultaneously with the appearance of yellowness on the leaves, monsteras are observed signs of wilting, this is evidence overwatering and possible rotting of the root system. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the amount of moisture and remove dead leaves. In emergency situations, the flower is transplanted into a new substrate with the simultaneous removal of rotten roots. Watering should be completely stopped for three days.
  • Another reason for the appearance of yellowness may be a deficiency nutrients. To solve this problem, it is enough to fertilize with wood ash or any nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizer.

Yellowing of leaves followed by drying out

  • When the foliage is monstera not only turns yellow, but also dries out, it means your vine is too hot. Typically, this problem occurs when you start heating season when the room temperature rises and the humidity becomes much lower. The same can be observed in the summer heat if the flower is exposed to the rays of the hot sun. The recipe in this case is simple: the vine needs to be moved to a cooler place, away from sunny windows and heating devices.
  • The leaves of the plant may turn yellow not entirely, but only around the edges. Such changes are observed when the monstera is “starving” or the container is too tight. To fix the problem, transplant the flower into a larger pot and feed it with special fertilizer for decorative foliage flowers.
  • Yellowing, bending, drying out and falling leaves may be a sign Mealybug or spider mite infestation. To revive the monstera, you need to wipe the plant with a soft cloth or sponge dipped in soapy water. Then wash the plant with warm water and subsequently spray regularly. At severe defeat you will have to resort to the help of special chemicals.

Yellowness and simultaneous wilting of foliage

The problem of flaccid and at the same time yellowing leaves very often arises in the cold season, when abundant watering is maintained as the temperature drops. In this situation, the vital functions of the plant are inhibited. To normalize them, it is necessary to balance the air temperature and humidity conditions by raising the ambient temperature or reducing watering.

The appearance of blackness on monstera foliage

The appearance of black spots can signal the most different problems care

  • For example, if blackness appears on green leaves, this means that the plant has become waterlogged, and it is necessary to either reduce watering, or, in especially severe cases, replant it in a fresh substrate with simultaneous resuscitation of the root system.
  • If the appearance of blackness is preceded by yellowing and dryness of the foliage, then the plant simply does not have enough moisture and needs to increase watering.
  • When not only adult foliage turns black, but even its embryos inside the kidneys, then this indicates that the soil composition is unsuitable for Monstera. The plant should be transplanted into a more suitable substrate made from equal parts of peat, humus, sand, leaf and turf soil.

The appearance of brown spots on the foliage

  • This problem can arise if the monstera is located somewhere in the corridor in a draft, especially since in such a location the delicate leaves are at additional risk of mechanical damage from people passing by. Helping the plant is not at all difficult - you just need to move it to a more secluded place.
  • Appearance dark- brown spots may indicate excessive watering of the vine. You can help the monstera by transplanting it into a new container. But in general, it is very advisable to prevent the bush from flooding, since the rotten root system it recovers very poorly and not always.
  • The formation of brown spots on the leaves may indicate damage to the plant. scale insect, which sucks out the cell sap from them. The consequence of this disease is paleness, drying out and falling of the foliage. To combat scale insects, it is necessary to treat the plant repeatedly (every other day) with a soap or alcohol solution until all symptoms of the disease are completely eliminated.

Why do the leaves turn yellow?

Monstera's leaves often turn yellow if it is not satisfied with the amount of light or moisture. The plant is usually placed on or near a windowsill on the southwest or southeast side so that all leaves receive enough light. The northern window has much less natural light. If additional illumination with an electric lamp is not provided, the plant will lose its rich green color and growth will slow down. But direct sunlight is also dangerous - it can burn.

Leaves turn yellow if the air in the room is dry. On a hot day, the monstera does not need to be watered more often: the roots consume less moisture; they need to be sprayed with clean warm water and wiped with a damp soft cloth. An air humidifier can save the situation; a pot with a plant can be placed on a tray with wet expanded clay or simply placed around a container of water. Some gardeners wrap aerial roots with wet cloths at high air temperatures.

If you water the monstera too often in winter when the air temperature is low, its leaves will turn yellow. Yellowing and loss of turgor will result from placing the pot in a draft. If the soil in the pot is too heavy or it has become muddled because it has not been changed for a long time, the result will be the same - yellowing, slow growth, discolored spots may appear on the leaves.

Why do the leaves turn black?

Leaves may turn black from the cold when the air temperature drops below permissible level. But usually this is how the consequences of violating the hydration regime manifest themselves. If you water the plant too often, do not drain it. excess water from the tray, the leaves will become covered with black spots. Most likely it will be dry or wet rot. Excessive humidity, like excessively heavy soil, do not allow air to pass through, the roots are left without oxygen, they can begin to rot. It is clear that rotting of the roots will immediately negatively affect the condition of the above-ground part and will appear as black spots.

With insufficient watering, when the soil dries out completely, the leaves, starting from the bottom ones, will first turn yellow and then turn black. If the situation is not corrected, the entire plant will dry out.

If the tip of the leaf turns black and spots appear on the plate, this may indicate pest damage. Why is this happening? Dry air around flowers creates conditions for the proliferation of spider mites and thrips. Aphids or scale insects can move from other plants, feed on the sap of the plant, and secrete substances that attract the fungus.

Inattentive flower growers may only notice black spots that gradually increase in size - this is the growth of sooty fungus. The fight must be carried out not only with it, but after carefully examining the entire plant, you need to find aphids or scale insects. The fungus is removed with a cotton swab dipped in soapy water, and then the plant is treated special drugs to get rid of the root cause.

Why do the leaves dry out?

Why do monstera leaves dry if there are no drafts, pests, and is maintained comfortable temperature air? Most likely this occurs due to lack of moisture. Earthen lump should not dry out either in winter or summer. The soil should always be kept slightly moist, avoiding stagnation of water in the pot. The frequency of watering depends on the season, temperature and humidity level in the room, and the age of the plant. Therefore, it is difficult to accurately indicate the watering schedule, but an attentive gardener will set it himself, you just have to watch the monstera and check the soil moisture before watering. wooden stick or just a finger.

When the lower leaves dry, the appearance of new ones slows down, they grow small, not sharp, the number of aerial roots increases, which indicates that the plant does not have enough nutrients for normal development. Can save the situation wood ash, which is applied simultaneously with watering, or special fertilizers for monstera. You can replant the flower, completely change the soil, take a little large sizes pot. This must be done carefully, trying not to injure the roots.

What to do

To prevent such troubles from happening, you need to create indoor flower comfortable conditions and provide him with attentive care. Monstera loves sunlight, but not direct sunlight. Daylight hours should last at least 10-12 hours. If there is not enough sun, you should get a phytolamp.

The air temperature in winter should not be lower than +16 °C, and watering is carried out every 10-15 days. If difficulties result from improper watering, then you need to urgently restore it. When the soil gets too dry, it may be enough just to start watering correctly, but if it is overwatered, replanting may be necessary. Replanting will save the plant if the soil in the pot is too heavy, rotten or infertile. The rotten parts of the roots will have to be cut off and the sections treated with charcoal.

Monstera is a fairly common plant that lives in our apartments and offices. This is a large liana native to Central America. Why do Monstera leaves begin to turn yellow and what to do about it?

Sometimes when wrong leaves Monsteras lose their beauty and begin to change the color of their leaf blades for the worse. Monstera's color change signals about root problems or improper nutrition.

Leaves turn yellow and dry

The leaves turn yellow mainly winter time due to too much watering And little sunlight. If the yellowing of leaf plates does not occur en masse, then you just need to adjust the watering regime, that is, reduce it. If the temperature in the room in winter is only 16 degrees Celsius, you only need to water it once every 10-15 days.

When watering, it is necessary to maintain the temperature of the water; it must stand for at least a day and be at room temperature. After 20 minutes, the unabsorbed water from the pan must be drained.

Constantly standing water in the roots can cause rotting of the root system.

Monstera leaves also turn yellow from lack of lighting
and therefore in winter period You need to place a container with a flower near a window oriented towards the south. If there is no such thing in the house, then you need to organize a place where a pot of Monstera will be placed and a lamp will be hung for illumination in the winter.

In summer, Monstera should be removed from the southern location, since it is a tropical plant growing in the shade of large trees.

In summer, Monstera can burn from direct sunlight not only on windows oriented to the south, but also on south-west windows if it is taken out immediately without accustoming it to the sun's rays.

Darken (turn black)

The leaves turn black when the plant severe problems with the root system due to constant flooding of the plant. The second reason would be that this tropical plant planted in incorrectly selected soil. She needs a nutritious and loose substrate. In soil that is too heavy, albeit nutritious, the roots of Monstera will not be able to breathe, and when abundant watering this will cause them to rot.

Therefore, first of all, you need to free the roots of the flower and replant them in a new appropriate soil. Black leaves cannot return their green color and should be cut off. If the blackening of the leaf plates was not complete, then in order not to cut out the entire leaf, cut off only the blackened part.

Blackening of foliage can also be caused by harmful insects, here it is necessary to begin treatment immediately.

The ends are drying out

The tips of the leaf blades dry out when there is a lack of moisture in the soil and the air surrounding the plant. To solve this problem, you can pour expanded clay into a very wide tray, pour water and place the flower itself on the expanded clay.

Moisture from the pan, evaporating, will increase the humidity of the surrounding air. If the container is large and this procedure cannot be done, you can use a humidifier, or if you don’t have one, place small containers with clean water behind the flower.

So that the roots of the Monstera stand in a dry tray, without touching the water, so that there is no rotting of the root system of the plant.

Curl up

The curling of the leaf plates tells the owner of the flower that the room is too hot. Such problems often arise in winter due to strong central heating. After all normal temperature for a flower this is 18 degrees Celsius, which is why a similar problem arises.

If the flower is located near the heating, and there is no way to screw it on, then it is worth covering the radiator with a small blanket that will restrain its heat. If this is not done, the leaves will continue to dry out and curl.

The appearance of black (brown) spots

Spots appear on leaf blades if the container with the flower is in a draft. Therefore, it is worth putting a light mark on the pot and moving the flower to a more appropriate place. Also, if Monstera is standing on the aisle, then in places where it is often touched when passing by, creases first appear, and only then a dry black spot appears in that place.

It is important to choose the right place that will solve the problem of brown spots on the leaves.

Common diseases and pests of Monstera (diagnosis and treatment)

If the plant is not cultivated properly, Monstera can get sick. various diseases or be attacked by pests.


All Monstera diseases occur when air humidity is very low. In this case, young leaf blades grow small and without cuts. This mainly happens in winter. To help the plant survive the winter, you need to put it in a brighter place and increase the air humidity.

It is also useful to wipe it with a damp cloth and spray it with a fine spray from a spray bottle. These procedures will also protect against the appearance of pests that sometimes attack plants.

Growing aerial roots are directed into a pot so that they grow into the soil. If they reach the ground it will be additional food for vines. In winter, it is worth feeding the plant lightly once a month with complex mineral fertilizer to help the leaf blades form correctly.

Plant pests

The plant has dense leaf plates and therefore, if pests appear on it, then only mainly on young leaves.

- enough small insect similar to small cotton balls, feeding on the juice of leaf blades. If the defeat is in the most initial stage, it will be enough to wipe the affected areas with a damp cotton swab. If there are many affected areas, then treatment should be carried out only with the help of chemicals. The drug Actellik has proven itself well. If treatment is not carried out, the leaves turn yellow, turn black and Monstera drops them. With large losses of leaf blades, the flower dies.

– this insect spreads from the underside of leaf blades and along the stem of the plant. These are small brown plaques that leave behind sticky marks on the leaves. Fighting this pest is quite difficult, but possible.

Since the pest itself hides behind a brown plaque like a shield, all plaques are first removed manually, and only then treated three times with an interval of 7 days chemical preparation Actellik. If the flower is neglected, it will no longer be possible to defend the flower from the pest..

If a pest that loves home flowers is found in time, the most important thing is to start treatment on time. And in order not to miss such a moment, you need to inspect Monstera weekly for the presence of diseases and harmful insects.

I would like to say in conclusion that Monstera with its foliage will always tell you what it is missing. First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with how to grow a flower correctly:

  • Where to put it;
  • How much water does it need in summer and winter;
  • In what soil should it be transplanted from a field of store-bought peat;
  • What and how much fertilizer does a flower need?

And if all the rules are followed, but the leaf blades do not look very good, you need to look for pests, because the flower will not shed its foliage without a good reason.

Actually, the beautiful Monstera liana is a rather non-problematic plant and it is easy to please when caring for it - the main thing is to be attentive to the flower.

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