Installation of plastic windows in a timber house. Correct installation of a plastic window in a timber house

Windows in timber house usually inserted after the house shrinks, which occurs within 1-2 years after the construction of the box and can reach 15 - 20 cm when building a house from simple timber natural humidity and 1-2 cm when building a house from laminated veneer lumber.

If windows in a log house built from lumber of natural moisture are installed immediately after the construction of the frame, then after 1-2 years they may jam, or, even worse, simply fly out of the opening when the window sash is wedged. This occurs due to the fact that the window cannot withstand a large load, which is directed vertically during shrinkage wooden house, the fasteners move and come off.

Windows in a timber house

Therefore, it is recommended to install windows in a log house only 1-2 years after its construction. Or install windows in a special way, which consists of making a special casing, which gives the windows the opportunity not to take the load during shrinkage.

Casing in a timber house

professional casing in a timber house Casing in a timber house performs several functions:

1. protective – protects windows from the effects of shrinkage,

3. replaces slopes.

The casing for a window of a wooden house is a deck that is attached to the walls of the house in window opening, and a window, in turn, is attached to it. An opening of several centimeters, usually 5-7 cm, is left between the upper wall of the window opening and the window, which is filled with compressible insulation. This allows you to level out the effect of shrinkage on the window, because the window is attached to the side parts of the casing, and the house falls horizontally under the influence of shrinkage.

As a result of the shrinkage of the house, this gap will gradually decrease, which means that it must be filled with some kind of elastic sealant that can shrink, otherwise cracks will form. Such sealants include PPE and tow.

The casing deck is installed in the window opening on special skids, which makes it independent of the entire building and prevents deformation. When the house sinks due to shrinkage, the casing moves freely, but the window remains independent. The gap between the window and the casing is usually mounted using polyurethane foam, and then covered with material from exposure to direct sunlight.

Thus, windows installed in a timber or other wooden house will not be deformed, jammed and will serve well.

when to install windows in a log house Assembly of a log house by a construction company. Assembling a log house in a construction company usually includes installing windows and doors. Normally functioning windows and doors, especially in winter period- this is an indicator of the construction of a normal foundation, high-quality and competent insulation of any house. Each construction company cares about the quality of services provided and builds log houses as efficiently as possible. Therefore, you should not be afraid of any problems with the installation of windows and doors by a good construction company.

The problem of the impact of house shrinkage on windows is not so relevant when building houses from profiled dry, glued and insulated laminated veneer lumber. Because the percentage of shrinkage of such houses is minimal and does not cause noticeable deformations, including when installing windows. For such houses there is no rule according to which it is necessary to maintain a time interval between construction and finishing.

Decorative finishing of the casing deck involves painting it to match the color of the window or carved elements. The casing deck does not in any way worsen the appearance of the house, but on the contrary, makes it stylish and of high quality.

If, after building a house from timber with the help of a construction company, any problems arise with opening the window, then it is better to immediately seek advice on the issue of warranty obligations. Because, regardless of the type of house, the window must open and close freely after its installation and during operation.

The simple installation of windows in a house made of timber allows the owners to carry out all the work without inviting a specialist. It is enough to correctly make all the measurements necessary for construction, select tools, purchase materials and windows. The nuances that exist in each such procedure are comprehended in the process of work. You need to be patient and get to work.

To install windows in a house made of timber, you will need to take measurements, prepare tools and buy the necessary materials.

Specifics of installing windows in a timber building

Any type of building is built taking into account the openings that are left for installing windows and installing doors. But if all known building materials allow a similar procedure to be carried out almost immediately after construction, then installation in wooden houses can begin 1-2 years after their construction. The condition is dictated by the fact that natural material may exhibit shrinkage. Although buildings made from laminated veneer lumber prove to be very durable, it is better to wait the required period and avoid future reconstructions.

The window is never mounted directly into the base of the wall, but only in a box, which should protect the structure as much as possible from possible deformation. Before starting work, the wood in the opening is always checked for possible appearance during this time there was rot, defects, and accidental damage. If they are noticed, it is necessary to immediately eliminate them and additionally treat them with antiseptic substances.

Since the structure can still shrink at least slightly over time, a small (up to 7 cm) gap is left between the frame and the sides of the opening. Once the process is complete, it is filled with appropriate materials and sealed to prevent drafts and to ensure the integrity of the building. For some reason, the installation of plastic windows is considered inappropriate for timber structures. The opinion is wrong, since their installation is the simplest. If white PVC windows look unsightly, you can purchase structures in wood-like colors or paint them white additional elements building.

To ensure that the quality of the polyurethane foam does not deteriorate due to wood fumes, builders use polyethylene foam foil tape, which provides the necessary shielding. After taking measurements, windows with smaller sizes of about 3-3.5 cm are selected, the width of the window sill is selected taking into account the possible placement of a radiator inside the room. The window sill cannot completely cover heating device: damage is caused to the PVC window itself, and heat transfer is also significantly reduced. If plastic side plugs are sold with the product, you must purchase them and use them during installation.

Preparing the window opening before installation

Use during installation construction foam Necessarily. It guarantees the required rigidity of the structure, its durability, and the necessary insulation.

To ensure that the foam itself does not suffer from climatic conditions, it is also additionally insulated with building materials. The foam sample is selected depending on the time of year when the installation will be carried out. Since the material has the ability to expand, builders advise blowing in small sections so that final version no voids were formed. Window installation work, unlike building construction, is carried out even in winter.

A prerequisite before starting installation in wooden houses is the absence of dust, debris, residues building materials based on the opening. If the installation is carried out as part of reconstruction, having removed the previous structure, you need to carefully remove the upper fragile layer. Thus, the foam is guaranteed to adhere firmly and will not peel off in the future, forcing you to start the installation all over again. If in the end it turns out that the gap between the window and the frame is slightly larger, it is filled with available building materials:

  • remnants of timber;
  • polystyrene foam;
  • drywall;
  • bricks.

Install small window quite simple: no need to remove double-glazed windows and sashes, installation is carried out directly. Large structures It is advisable to install it in the same way, without violating the integrity provided at the factory.

It is strictly forbidden to place the window flat before starting work or allow it to become distorted.

The window itself may be damaged, and pebbles and remnants of construction material will damage or even break the glass.

Protective film available on all similar designs, is removed immediately, since after installation, after some time it will not be easy to get rid of it: you will have to steam it with a hairdryer, which will worsen the appearance of the window and can damage the PVC surface.

The standard dimensions of indentations from the impost and corners are at least 15 cm. Moreover, if special mounting plates are used for DIY installation, fastening is carried out in advance using self-tapping screws, for which they are made on the frame with outside holes. Contrary to recommendations, it is better to install the PSUL protective tape at the end of the work, and not at the very beginning.

DIY frame installation

Before installing a window, it is worth considering that the technology of the work being carried out depends solely on the strength of the houses and the size of the structure. Fixation is carried out mainly by two methods:

  • dowels or anchors (implemented into the walls through pre-drilled holes);
  • serrated plates (attached with screws without damaging the wall).

The choice depends solely on the desire of the person carrying out the installation with his own hands, but the first method is recognized as more durable and effective. Its quality characteristics guarantee that the window will not be damaged for a very long time as a result of intensive use.

The step-by-step installation of the product is as follows: wooden blocks or plastic corners, the frame is inserted so that all gap sizes are the same. When using self-tapping screws, do not screw them in too tightly until they stop. After additional checking of the correct location of the window with a plumb line and level, final fixation is carried out, for which you need to insert the window.

Having started work, leave the structure in an unfinished position for long time you can’t: it will begin to bend and become deformed, which will lead to the need to buy a new product. Screwing ends as soon as the surface of the head is level with the frame or protrudes 1-2 mm above it. Next, all existing gaps are additionally filled with foam, all foamed seams, after drying and leveling, if necessary, are covered with protective tapes, which are slightly recessed on the outside.

The gap located under the place where the water drains is filled with foam, and after its complete polymerization, the window sill that comes with the product is installed. It is inserted to a depth of 2 cm and fixed. The window sill cannot be located perfectly level (only at a slight slope), which will ensure moisture drainage. To do this, it is foamed from below in the space remaining between the house and the window sill.

The window opening must be completely ready no later than 3 days from the start of work. Thus, it will be possible to avoid possible deformation of the material and the structure itself. But you cannot use the product right away. The window should not be touched for about a day to avoid possible damage to the installation. Own house- This is a great responsibility. If the owner is not going to conduct self-installation windows, you can hire a team of installers.

Windows in any building serve one purpose - to ensure optimal use of the premises. natural light. At the same time quantity and shape window openings determine the design of the house, and their installation in a log house requires certain skills.

Window options and their features

Modern window blocks They differ in both shape and size, as well as design features. Below we will look at options that differ in the number of sashes, and in more detail with the whole variety of windows suitable for installation in a house made of timber, you can read GOST 23166-99 WINDOW BLOCKS.

  • double-leaf windows are the most popular both for installation in apartments and for installation in country houses. This universal option, suitable for any premises. Doors modern windows can open in several planes, which makes them convenient to use;
  • For small rooms, for example, in hallways or kitchens, windows with one sash are most often chosen - they are also one of the cheapest;
  • For living rooms, large bedrooms, and halls, preference is given to installing three-leaf windows. In this case, they try to reduce the number of window openings without compromising the use of natural lighting in the rooms;
  • For basement premises, as well as some types of extensions, blind windows are used - such structures always remain closed. This is the simplest variety, which is why they are inexpensive.

Wood vs PVC

Trying to reduce the costs associated with building a house from timber, many developers opt for PVC windows with double glazed windows. Today there is big choice With such products, you can easily choose an option that fits into the design of a wooden building. On the other hand, with all the talk about the environmental friendliness of a house made of timber, this option looks somehow ridiculous. Therefore, we recommend installing wooden windows, which are a higher quality analogue of modern PVC blocks. They may be more expensive, but you are unlikely to regret the choice you made!

Window frame in a timber house

A house made of timber, like any other wooden house, somewhat resembles a living organism: wall material made of wood changes its parameters based on climatic conditions. Thus, in hot summers, the moisture content of the timber is reduced to a minimum, and the log house shrinks to its maximum. In rainy autumn, on the contrary, the material gains moisture and increases in size - hence the, albeit slight, increase in the height of the house. For this reason, windows in a house made of timber are mounted on an independent structure called a frame or casing.

The video below describes in sufficient detail the process of installing the pigtail. The only “but”: the casing box is never rigidly attached to the wall. It acts as an independent guide structure, which simultaneously prevents the beam at the window opening from changing its geometry (bending), and also provides it with the opportunity to sit and rise when the humidity of the material changes.

Most often they place a bet on a pigtail in an embedded block. For these purposes, a 50xX board is also used, where X is the thickness of the log house wall. Work begins with determining the size of the window opening and bringing it to the required parameters (marking + working with a chainsaw). The vertical parts of the opening in the middle are marked for cutting out a groove for installing a mortgage block (50x50 mm). The length of the bar is taken to be 3-5 cm less than the height of the opening, i.e. top part The groove is left free - it serves to compensate for possible vertical movements of the wall material. The gap is subsequently closed thermal insulation material. For dense installation of embedded bars, use jute fiber. Subsequently, a rough box board (50xX) is nailed to them, the same length as the embedded block. A shelf is first cut out in it for subsequent fixation of the horizontal casing board.

To install windows in a house made of timber, it is possible to use a monolithic frame - a type of casing in an embedded timber. If in the first case the block is laid separately, then in this option used or (depending on the thickness of the walls of the log house), which are given a T-shaped profile. The protruding tenon will play the role of a mortgage bar, i.e. in this situation, the two casing elements are initially solid - they do not need to be connected.


After installing the casing, you can begin installing windows for a house made of timber. On final stage install platbands. We tried to describe this process as briefly as possible, we hope that this will be enough for you to successfully cope with the installation of windows.

Installing windows and doors, although not particularly difficult, requires certain knowledge and skills. Especially when it comes to work in a new wooden building. Therefore, we will try to talk about everything that needs to be taken into account as we approach the finish line of building a cobblestone house.

Any wooden structure shrinks, even if dry lumber of exceptional quality was used during construction. The structure itself is heavy and consists of many individual parts, between which there are seams. Over time, they become compacted under the weight of the house, which affects the height of door and window openings, as well as the building itself as a whole.

Wood materials are far from perfect; they constantly change their size under the influence of environment. It's all about their hygroscopicity: changes in air humidity naturally affect the condition of the beams. Roughly speaking, the house either increases in height or decreases, albeit slightly. Therefore, you cannot rigidly fasten the box into a door or window opening - the canvas can easily jam. The “floating” intermediary is the pigtail.

The device of the pigtail

When humidity changes, only the thickness and width of the timber changes, the length remains almost unchanged. This is taken into account when making the casing. The idea is to make cuts in the middle of the vertical ends of the openings, into which to insert bars 5-10 cm shorter than the length of the cuts. These embedded elements will simultaneously strengthen the opening and become a movable base for attaching the rough box.

The grooves are marked with a pencil in the middle of the end, the width is set to 50 mm (according to the dimensions of the embedded block with a section of 50 by 50 mm). Make cuts with a chainsaw to a depth of 50 mm, carefully clean it, and treat it with a wood antiseptic. When the antiseptic has dried, insert the block. The rough frame boards are attached to it with nails or self-tapping screws; the length is less than the height of the opening, the thickness is 50 mm and the width is equal to the thickness of the house wall. Do the same with the opposite end. Next, the lower and upper parts of the box are fastened, and the remaining gap on top is sealed with jute fiber. All that remains is to install the window frame, mount the frames with glass and secure the trim.

When and what windows to install

Window blocks differ in the number of sashes, opening and closing mechanism, number of cameras, material, etc. and so on. To appreciate the variety of such products, we recommend reading GOST 23166-99 WINDOW BLOCKS. But what kind of windows should I install, wooden or PVC? Each of these solutions has its pros and cons, let’s try to figure it out:

  • plastic windows white V wooden log house will look, to put it mildly, not entirely appropriate. But this does not prevent many developers from choosing this option. Let’s keep silent about environmental friendliness, because... in most cases this is the last thing you need to doubt when purchasing windows from famous manufacturer. Another thing is that today there are products on sale whose appearance imitates wooden windows. The difference between “white” and “wooden” is small, so it makes sense to think about it;
  • wooden windows made of laminated veneer lumber naturally fit into the ambience of the log house. High-quality products are very durable, but they are more expensive than PVC products

At correct device Once the frames are installed, you can immediately begin installing the window blocks. But when using damp lumber, it is worth holding off on this stage to ensure normal conditions for ventilation of the house made of timber. In closed conditions, mold quickly forms on the walls, which is very difficult to remove.

Comparison of wooden and plastic windows
pros Minuses
Plastic windows Low cost;
Possibility of radical change appearance, thanks to stickers with imitation of various textures and colors;
Does not require additional painting or processing;
High tightness.
PVC (polyvinyl chloride) – artificial material;
At high heat(summer heat) plastic releases a small dose of substances harmful to health;
Not good long term services;
Sometimes the tightness of the window (thanks to it correct assembly) may have a negative impact on admission fresh air into a house or apartment, as a result of which the room becomes stuffy;
Scratches on plastic windows cannot be eliminated, so you will have to buy new ones.
Wooden windows Environmental friendliness;
High thermal insulation;
Possibility of repair instead of replacement;
High price;
Combustible material(even despite treatment with all kinds of impregnations).

From the article you will learn:

During construction wooden buildings, in particular houses made of timber, when it comes to window openings, many craftsmen who have not previously encountered the installation of plastic windows in them have a logical question: “How to install them?”

The specifics of wooden houses require a certain approach to the installation of window blocks. Therefore, without knowing the nuances, install a plastic window in timber house Not sure it's going to happen.

Let's take a closer look at what needs to be taken into account when performing work, and how, in fact, to do it correctly yourself.

Necessary preparatory actions.

Before planning the installation of windows, you need to consider what type of material? building erected. This is very important, because if profiled or sawn timber was used during construction, then such a building must “settle.” The need for such “sludge” at home is dictated, first of all, by high level wood moisture content. Optimal time is usually 2-4 years. It is precisely because of this that in similar houses Plastic windows are not installed immediately while shrinkage is in progress. Instead of them, temporary ones made of wood are installed.

Important! In all cases, light-transmitting structures should not be installed on a layer (both above and below) made polyurethane foam, otherwise there is a high probability of misalignment of the mounted products.

It’s another matter if the building was erected with. The moisture saturation of such material is low, and therefore, immediately after covering it with a roof, you can begin work related to PVC installation designs.

It should be remembered that even such timber, due to the properties of wood, is prone to slight deformations. The changes are especially pronounced after rain and in winter: in the first case, it swells, in the second, on the contrary, it shrinks.

Double-glazed windows in a log house immediately after its construction. Is it possible?

It happens that there is simply no time to wait for the completed building to shrink completely, and the openings need to be glazed immediately. In this case you will have to install temporary plastic windows, and smaller in size than the existing opening.

Any gaps that appear on the sides of the light-transmitting structure are sealed with mounting foam, and the upper compensation gap is filled wooden planks small thickness (they will need to be removed one by one as the house shrinks). To prevent gusts of wind and precipitation from entering the premises, the planks are puttied with tow.

Undoubtedly, similar option window fastening is temporary and is intended only to help create a warm contour. After the final shrinkage of the building, the structures installed in this way will need to be dismantled, and new ones installed in their place, already “in a standard manner.”

Casing boards used for tight fixation installed windows. Their goal is to prevent the timber from moving vertically, that is, in essence, to protect light-transmitting structures from the loads that arise when the house moves. Installation of plastic windows in a timber house using casing is possible immediately after its construction, without the tedious wait for the completion of the shrinkage process.

A characteristic feature of installing windows with casing is non-standard fastening of platbands. In this case, they are fixed not to the walls of the house, but to the casing connections. Of course there is real danger damage to the platbands during shrinkage of the building, however, the costs of dismantling the old ones and installing new ones will cost the owner a significantly less amount than.

Sequence of installation work.

To install a plastic window in a log house, you need to follow these steps.

As a rule, when building a house, workers do it themselves grooves in the window opening, intended for installation of a sliding block in them. If there are no such recesses, then you need to make them yourself, exactly in the middle of the end side of the opening. In this case, pre-prepared sliding bars are mounted in the grooves in such a way that they do not jump out when the shrinking walls move. In this case, certain gaps for shrinkage should be provided in the upper and lower parts of the window opening.

The next stage of forming a window in a house made of timber is to work with insulation - it is laid over the entire surface of the opening. Next, the casing boards are fixed in such a way that the nails hit exactly the sliding block, otherwise, if they hit the block itself, over time there is a high probability of deformation of the entire window design. When attaching the casing board, it is necessary to leave a certain distance (about 5 cm) between it and the beam in order to avoid pressure from the upper element of the opening on the glass unit when the house shrinks. After the operations performed, enter the prepared opening.

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