How to plant petunias in hanging pots. History of the origin of petunia

Let’s take a closer look at how to properly care for petunia so that the process is fun and effective.

How to care for petunia planted in a pot

Caring for petunia, of course, depends on where the flower will be planted - in a flowerbed or in a pot. Due to its unpretentiousness, petunia can easily decorate home balconies or windows.

If suddenly a petunia planted in a pot begins to “be capricious”, it is necessary to provide the following possible problems:

The selected pot is too small for the plant;

The soil is lean;

Not in pot drainage hole;

There are fungal diseases;

When planting the flower, the soil was chosen incorrectly.

To prevent the work of growing and caring for petunias from being in vain, you should follow some rules before planting petunias in a pot. You should start with the pot itself - it should be spacious; one plant requires at least 3 liters of soil. The pot should have a drainage hole.

When planning to place pots or vases with petunias, it should be taken into account that they require Fresh air. Plants will tolerate temperatures up to 20 degrees without interference. If large-colored types of petunia are selected, then more is acceptable heat air. The north side of a balcony or window will not allow petunias to bloom abundantly. In addition, it is better to remove plants from open spaces before rain.

Now it's time to take care of the right soil. Petunias prefer loose soil, so ready soil You can add a little washed sand (in the proportion of 1 part sand to 5 parts soil). You can use lime instead of sand.

Fertilizers need to play a separate role when caring for petunias. You can use ready-made complexes that are sold in stores. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers should be added a couple of weeks after planting. For more later it is necessary to use fertilizers with high level potassium and phosphorus. To get abundant flowering of petunia, it is important to observe the frequency of feeding. During active growth You need to “feed” the plant at least once a week.

Petunias should be watered only at the root, avoiding water getting on the leaves or flowers. Insufficient watering Petunia will show yellowing leaves. Dried flowers and leaves must be peeled off - this will give the plant more strength for growth and flowering. If you want to give your petunia greater bushiness and splendor, you need to pinch (mechanically remove) the tops in the area of ​​4-5 leaves.

Planting plants in pots:

1. Line the inside of the liner plastic film so that its top edge is below the edge of the basket.

2. Place a saucer (tray) at the bottom to retain and preserve moisture.

3. Fill the basket halfway with damp soil mixture and compact the soil.

4. Make 3-5 holes in the wall of the basket above the soil surface.

5. Carefully insert seedlings of hanging plants into the holes so that the roots lie on the surface of the soil,
and the plant itself was outside. To avoid damaging the roots and shoots, you can wrap the seedlings in film.

6. Fill the basket with soil 1-2 cm below the top edge of the liner, lightly compact it again and begin planting the rest
plants: plant upright growing ones in the center, and hanging ones closer to the edge.

After planting, the plants need to be watered well, and the basket should be left on the veranda, loggia or in the greenhouse for several days, and only when the plants have taken root can it be taken out into the garden.

From 7 to 15 plants are planted in one hanging basket (this depends on the size of the basket). Of course, for them to thrive in such a small volume of soil, they need ongoing care. Depending on the weather and location, water hanging baskets 1-2 times a day. Even in rainy weather, carefully monitor the moisture content of the substrate in the baskets: rainwater may roll down the leaves and not reach the soil.

In addition to watering, plants need frequent feeding complex fertilizers. They are carried out weekly, watering the plants with a fertilizer solution at a concentration of 1 g/l of water, if possible at the root. If the solution gets on the leaves, it needs to be washed off clean water. Foliar feeding is very useful - spraying the leaves with a solution of complex fertilizers with microelements. In this case, the concentration of fertilizers is made significantly less, approximately 3-5 g per 10 liters of water. Must be removed periodically withered leaves and flowers, and also pinch the ends of overgrown shoots. Then the basket with plants will look beautiful and neat all season long.

But sometimes plants in containers turn out to be not very decorative. The cause usually lies in insufficient nutrition. If you want to get the most developed plants possible in cramped pot, it is necessary to feed them at least once every 5-7 days. It is better to use ready-made complex fertilizers in liquid form. The content of macroelements should be approximately the same (NPK 1:1:1); for decorative deciduous crops, it is advisable to choose fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen, for flowering crops - phosphorus and potassium.

Slow-acting fertilizers are suitable for the lazy. You add them to the substrate once - when planting, and then only water the plants; the shells of the granules gradually dissolve, and nutrients evenly flow to the roots. True, the fertilizer begins to act no earlier than 2-3 weeks after application. At this time, plants need to be fed once a week with complex fertilizers. The concentration of fertilizers should be small (usually 5-7 g per 10 liters of water); a highly concentrated solution can burn the roots. Fertilizing is carried out only with a moist substrate.

For registration hanging planters Ampelous petunia is the best choice. Bright flowers open daily, which preserves decorative look flowerpot for a long time. The plant is ideal for decorating the garden - petunia practically does not get sick, easily tolerates heat, blooms profusely and for a long time. Take a look at the photo - you can hardly see the flower pots under the flowering shoots. This article is all about correct landing and proper crop care. Let's try to figure out how many petunia seedlings need to be prepared for planting in one bowl in order to achieve high decorative value, and also determine optimal timing When is the best time to plant a plant?

Petunia - a charming relative of the potato

The natural habitat of petunia is located in the tropics of the South American continent; it is from there that many vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, eggplants) and flower crops, united in the Solanaceae family.

Currently the culture numbers up to 40 various types petunias. For the first time the plant began to be grown as decorative culture since the 18th century, and perennial petunias became annual petunias in the harsh conditions of Russia.

In the color of petunias flowers there are often amazing combinations of contrasting tones: blue and white; lavender with amethyst; red with light shades on the edge. Often, double or non-double corollas of petunia flowers are decorated with dots, stripes, strokes and bright chaotic spots. The flowers have a light, pleasant aroma, which is more pronounced in the evening and at night.

Petunia attracts gardeners with its bright and long-lasting flowering

Petunia immediately became popular, the plant quickly spread throughout Russia, where the crop could be found in botanical gardens and manorial estates. Petunia was often grown in decorative flowerpots or hanging baskets - cascades bright colors on hanging shoots with small leaves They look very decorative when decorating garden plots, gazebos, balconies and winter gardens.

Among petunias there are varieties with large and small flowers, with erect and ampelous shoots. Currently, breeders have developed many ampelous varieties with a cascade type of flowering, which are characterized by resistance to weather conditions, abundance of flowers and long flowering period.

Ampelous petunia: planting the plant correctly

To ensure early and abundant flowering, ampelous varieties of petunias should be planted as seedlings as early as winter time- O proper cultivation seedlings will be discussed below.

The grown seedlings are planted in open ground with the onset of warm weather, petunia is a heat-loving crop. It is best to plant young plants in the evening, in cloudy weather. Seedlings are planted on permanent place with a lump of earth entwined with roots.

Pre-prepare holes for planting young petunia seedlings (approximately 10x10 cm). Plants are planted at a distance from each other (about 20-25 cm). If the ampelous petunia has grown greatly, the distance between the bushes should be increased.

Advice! After planting, it is important to ensure that moisture is maintained in the flowerbed or flowerpot, so the top of the planting is mulched with peat chips.

Petunia can be planted in sunny and slightly shaded beds.

Ampelous petunia: subtleties of care

Caring for ampelous petunia consists of timely watering, spraying in hot weather, fertilizing and removing broken and faded shoots. Plants can be attacked by pests, as well as unfavorable conditions diseases often develop. We’ll talk about the regime of fertilizing and treatment of diseased petunias later, but now it’s important to focus on pinching the shoots.

Spray and feed the plant regularly

For hanging plant very useful when the bush grows in width, forming many branching shoots. Thus, the number of flowers increases and the decorativeness of the entire plant increases.

Advice! You can start pinching on young plants, removing all growth points on emerging shoots.

Long shoots ampelous petunia are often damaged by wind and precipitation, so sanitary pruning Plants should be trimmed as needed - this will increase the decorative effect of hanging flower pots and stimulate vigorous flowering.

From petunia bushes, established ones are periodically removed. seed pods who spoil appearance flowering bushes.

Fertilizer and feeding of ampelous petunias

Now it's time to talk about introducing nutrients- for petunias you will need complex mineral fertilizers, which are used during the maturation of seedlings before the first flowering. With the appearance of the first buds, you will need to add phosphate fertilizers, usually this coincides with the first month of summer. Closer to August, the plants are fed with potassium fertilizers.

Advice! Double granular superphosphate can be mixed into the planting soil. Superphosphate granules dissolve slowly, so by the time flowering begins, plants will have accumulated a sufficient amount of phosphorus, which will increase the quantity and quality of flowers.

Excellent results were noted when applying foliar feeding on green foliage. Weakened and poorly developing specimens of petunias can be treated on the foliage with anti-stress preparations Silk and Epin; after such treatments, the appearance of the plants improves and the formation of new buds is stimulated.

Propagation of varieties of ampelous petunia

There are two ways to propagate petunias:

Seminal– this method is quite painstaking, because petunia seeds are very small, seedlings are also microscopic, but this does not prevent the seedlings from quickly gaining growth and strength. Sowing seeds can begin in mid-winter using soil mixture from peat, leaf soil, sand and vermiculite.

It is useful to sow seed material on the surface of the soil on a layer of snow. Melting snow is absorbed into the soil, carrying light petunia seeds with it. The crops are covered with glass or film, promptly removing the formed condensate (heavy drops falling down from the glass can injure delicate and fragile seedlings with their weight).

Petunia is most often planted by seed.

You can pick seedlings at the stage of appearance of 5-6 leaves; it is very convenient to plant seedlings in peat pots. Grown seedlings are planted in the garden along with containers, without being injured root system seedlings and the survival rate increases.

Green cuttings– this method may well be used for propagating hanging varieties, because petunia is perennial, grown as an annual plant. Green cuttings are cut from mature shoots, up to 5-6 cm long.

Advice! It is very convenient to root cuttings in separate containers; small peat pots are especially suitable.

Fill the pots for planting cuttings with light soil (peat, sand and vermiculite are added to the soil). The cut cuttings are dug into the ground, and all the lower leaves are removed from the cuttings.

After planting, it is useful to water the soil in pots with root formers (Epin, Gumat). Rooting of the cuttings takes place within 1-2 months, after which the plants are planted in the ground or formed into decorative hanging flower pots and kept in a greenhouse.

Ampelous petunias: how many pieces will need to be planted in one flowerpot to obtain a decorative cascade

It all depends on the diameter of the pot; this aspect is the main one when calculating the number of seedlings required. When planting, you should definitely take into account that bushes tend to grow, and dense plantings are fraught with diseases. On a bowl with a diameter of 30 cm it is worth planting from 2 to 3 bushes of ampelous varieties of petunias.

Diseases and pests of ampelous petunias

Petunias practically do not get sick; they are damaged by pests only in the most unfavorable situations. The main pests that harm the plant: aphids, thrips, spider mites. All these pests need to be combated early stages, preventing a surge in maximum infection.

At the first sign of pests, treat the plants

  • Find out about the appearance spider mite very easily - the plant is covered with the finest light cobweb, under which the leaves wrinkle and dry out.
  • Thrips can settle on petunias during the flowering period. Small black insects damage leaves and anthers.
  • Aphids can spread throughout the entire plant. Numerous pests suck out the juices, leaving behind a deserted field.

Pest control is carried out using systemic insecticides, treating plants in accordance with the instructions supplied with the drug.

Petunia can be affected by fungal infections, the main of which are powdery mildew And gray mold. Infections quickly spread throughout all parts of the plant, as a result of which the petunia bushes die. Control measures - treatment with systemic fungicides.

Ampelous petunia: video

Types of petunia: photo

Petunia is quite popular among Russian flower growers due to its expressive large flowers, which, depending on the variety, have a wide variety of colors. In addition, by the evening it begins to exude a very pleasant aroma. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people want to decorate their homes with this flower.

How to properly plant petunia in outdoor flower pots

You can, of course, grow these flowers outside your house or apartment in open ground. However, most best option for the street - grow petunias in pots or cache-pots. In this case, of course, you must follow certain rules, since otherwise you will simply ruin the plant.

The first thing to start with is, of course, seedlings. It is recommended to sow seeds at the end of winter. Turf soil mixed with:

  • leaf humus;
  • sand;
  • peat.

Containers should be covered with glass caps. At the same time, the crops themselves are not covered with soil. Do not forget about periodically moistening the seedlings - this should be done as they are poured. After 2 leaves appear on the sprouted plants, they will need to be thinned out and replanted. The most optimal distance here is 5 centimeters. It often happens that the stems are still too thin, but at the same time they have already noticeably stretched out. In this case, to strengthen them you need to add a small amount of soil. The tops of the seedlings are pinched - in the future this allows for more luxuriant growth of the bush.

Before planting petunias in pots and moving them to open air, it is recommended to accustom flowers to low temperature and conditions other than room temperature. You can find numerous tips on this matter. According to the most common recommendation, at the beginning of hardening the temperature should be 18 degrees Celsius, by the end - 15.

The next stage is preparing the soil in the pots. This is very important point– so that you grow healthy and beautiful plants, it should be treated with full responsibility. It should be warned that petunia does not like highly moist soil. When a plant has too much moisture, its roots stop working normally. The consequences of this are not difficult to guess. The soil itself must be water-intensive and at the same time quite light. To do this, it is recommended to add hydrogel to it - it will become a regulator of water and air balance. Here is the most optimal composition for planting:

  • turf;
  • 2 shares of leaf soil;
  • 1 part humus and peat each;
  • a small amount of perlite.

Another important point is the size of the pot. As practice shows, one plant of a cascade or ampel variety requires a container with a volume of at least 5 liters. For terry type A slightly smaller container will do. IN in this case A 3 liter pot will be sufficient. Simple varieties you can plant even more often without fear of any negative consequences. In particular, 3-5 bushes can be planted in a 3-liter pot. It is not worth planting less, since 1-2 petunias here will look poor. At the same time, denser planting will lead to the fact that the plants will simply interfere with each other.

Summer is the most beautiful time of the year, when nature, showing a variety of colors, brings unforgettable pleasure. Contemplating this picture, many people have a desire to make the area adjacent to the house, balcony or cottage no less beautiful. Often this problem is solved quite simply - they plant the flowers they like so that both close people and ordinary passers-by can admire them. And a good idea to decorate the chosen place is to plant hanging petunias.

This plant is distinguished by long shoots covered with large bright colors. Therefore, it can be grown both on the balcony and in a box or around garden path. Thanks to this plant, it will be quite easy for you to maintain a colorful and summery atmosphere in your space.

Ampelous and cascading petunia - what is the difference?

Petunia is known to specialists for its whimsical nature. And this should not be surprising, given that she natural environment habitat is humid and hot climate. But thanks to the efforts of breeders, today every beginning gardener and others have access to hybrids that are easy to grow and care for and at the same time can bring pleasure to their appearance throughout the entire summer season.

Although it is customary to distinguish ampelous and cascading petunias, in reality they have no differences. After all, this is the same plant, which just has different names.

The best varieties of ampelous petunia

Range flower shops today offers many different varieties of ampelous petunia. This simplifies the task for the gardener, since he can choose the variety that suits him. The most popular today are the following varieties of petunias:

Choosing to grow on the site terry varieties petunias, you need to be prepared for the fact that they will require careful care. In order for the flowers of this plant to bestow their beauty, you will have to make a lot of effort. Due to the difficulties that arise when growing them, they are most often planted in closed areas.

Planting and caring for ampelous petunia at home

It is difficult to find a gardener who would be indifferent to petunia. Today it is customary to distinguish two types of this plant: bush and ampelous. Moreover, each of them has expressiveness and attractiveness. Bush petunias have become widespread as garden plants, and hanging ones are mainly grown at home, where they decorate balconies and verandas. However, regardless of the chosen variety of petunia, it will be necessary to provide appropriate care.

Growing seedlings from seeds

Due to the meager knowledge base, novice flower growers pay attention to every detail. They may be interested in known methods of disease control, as well as the question of how many to plant in a pot. However, the first thing they need to do is get an answer to the question of how to grow plants from seeds.

If possible, provide artificial lighting Seedlings can be sown with petunia seeds as early as February. Otherwise, you need to wait until mid-March, since at this time the daylight hours will become longer, which will provide the petunia with the necessary amount of light. The soil used for sowing must have a loose, nutritious and light structure. For cooking planting soil, satisfying the above requirements, The following components will be required:

  • two parts of peat;
  • two parts of turf and leaf soil;
  • two parts of humus;
  • one part sand.

The top layer of soil should be as light as possible, so it is advisable to sift it. The day before sowing, the soil must be watered. Then you need to add a little dry sand to the seeds, after which this mixture is placed on the prepared soil. You can speed up seed germination if you cover the container with the crops with film or glass and move it to a room where the temperature will be maintained at 21-22 degrees.

The appearance of the first shoots should be expected after a week. From this moment on, the seedlings need to be carefully cared for. To do this, seedlings are watered twice a day, spraying room water. Also ventilation is necessary. It is difficult to grow strong and healthy seedlings without maintenance optimal humidity air. At the same time, you need to ensure that condensation does not occur, since its presence increases the likelihood of damage to seedlings various diseases. After waiting for the first leaves to form on the seedlings, the film can be removed.

Watering and fertilizing

Petunia places quite high demands on cultivation, so novice gardeners may encounter certain difficulties. The plant will be able to fully demonstrate its decorative properties only if it is given nutritional supplements. No less important is watering for petunia, which must be done every day.

If the seedlings receive less required amount moisture, then this will lead to the development of diseases, which can be determined by various characteristic features. For example, its leaves become sticky. So that the plant is provided with all the necessary nutrients, fertilizing is recommended special compounds, which must be added to the soil with each watering. Greatest effect from fertilizing is achieved by following the scheme:

  • the first seven days - watering with water and humates;
  • the next seven days - watering with water and potassium sulfate.

Planting flowers in open ground

When the seedlings grown in pots are strong enough, you can choose a place for planting in open ground. However, for this event to take place without complications, it is necessary consider the following recommendations:

  • It is advisable to transplant in the evening in cloudy weather;
  • It is recommended to transfer the seedlings to the prepared place together with the soil from the pot;
  • prepared holes for seedlings must be at least 10 x 10 cm;
  • It is also important to correctly determine the distance between seedlings, focusing on their size. If a variety is transplanted from large flowers, then the plants are located no closer than 24 cm from each other. For plants with small flowers it is enough to maintain an interval of 19 cm. For ampelous petunia bushes, it is necessary to maintain a distance of approximately 29 cm;
  • when the transplant is completed, it is necessary to take measures to accelerate rooting. To do this, the soil is mulched with peat or humus. In this way, plants will be protected from low temperatures, which will also help maintain optimal humidity levels;
  • Upon completion of all transplant operations, the flower must be watered.

How to form an ampelous petunia?

As a rule, by mid-July the shoots have grown too much, requiring prompt removal. Moreover, this also happens if petunias are provided minimal care. In such conditions it happens exposure of the lower part of the shoots, at the same time, new buds and leaves are formed on the tops. As a result, the flower becomes unattractive and growth is stunted because it does not receive enough necessary nutrients.

Petunia can be kept healthy and attractive by pinching the shoots in a timely manner. The essence of this procedure is to remove the shoot by 2/3 of its length. This operation is the meaning of the formation of ampelous petunia. If carried out in a timely manner, it is possible to ensure an attractive appearance of the flower throughout the entire growing season.

How to collect seeds?

Experienced flower growers know that to extend the flowering period of petunias, it is enough promptly trim wilted flowers . However, they are the suppliers of seeds. At the first signs of flowering, you need to start observing the lower flowers and choose the most suitable ones. You can use buds that have withered and managed to fully ripen. This ensures that they contain quality seeds. It usually takes 2.5 months for the seeds to ripen.

It is possible to obtain the required quantity of seeds and the proper quality only if you initially selected suitable variety. In this regard, not quite suitable choice there will be a terry petunia, which, when propagated, does not transmit maternal properties to the offspring. Therefore even experienced flower growers cannot guarantee that when creating necessary conditions for plants after sowing the collected seeds from them will increase new flower the same variety. In some cases, a surprise is possible - flowers of different sizes, shapes and shades can often grow from sown seeds.


Petunia is pretty unique plant, because with all its beautiful decorative properties grow this plant in the absence necessary knowledge pretty hard. Therefore, for novice gardeners this can become a serious problem, especially if they plan plant it in open ground.

However, if you use the accumulated experience of gardeners, you can successfully grow this in our latitudes. capricious plant. You can increase your chances of success if you grow petunia using the seedling method. Then the gardener will have strong and hardened seedlings at his disposal, which, with appropriate care during the planting period, will feel quite comfortable in the prepared flowerbed.

Which has long shoots sometimes reaching 2 m. Its name comes from the German word Ampel, which means hanging vase. Petunias of these varieties are intended specifically for growing in hanging pots. They can often be found on verandas, terraces, balconies, in gardens around the house and gazebos. Hanging vases can decorate any place in the garden.

The peculiarity of ampelous petunia is that it has long and flexible shoots. As a rule, the length of shoots is no more than 100 cm in conditions temperate climate. In the warm comfortable climate shoots can reach 2–2.5 m. Such plants can be grown not only in hanging pots, but also on alpine roller coaster, metal mesh and any other supports. You can decorate a wall with them or grow them directly on the soil and the plant will cover it like a carpet.

On a note. The color does not differ from ordinary (bush) petunia and depends on the variety. As well as the size of the flowers, flowering times, care and propagation are not much different from.

We talked in more detail about ampelous petunia in, and you will find out how it differs from cascading petunia.

Hanging pots

A pot is a pot that does not have a hole at the bottom. It is designed to be placed in flower pot have not only decorative, but also practical function. Sometimes the word pots mean a flowerpot for growing flowers outdoors. There are pots:

  1. hanging;
  2. floor;
  3. wall;
  4. in the form of a flowerpot on a leg.

They can have a variety of designs.

When watering, it is very advisable to control humidity. Water should not stagnate at the bottom of the pots so that the roots of the plant do not rot.

How to choose?

What to pay attention to:

  • Where will the plant be located? Will it be a balcony, loggia, or maybe it will be a veranda or garden. Will the plant be exposed to rain or wind? If this is the case, then the plant pot should be quite durable.
  • Pallet. If you decide on a hanging flower pot, then it must have a tray. Since petunias require frequent watering. And this is much easier to do if there is a pallet.
  • Ampelous petunia requires a large volume of soil from 5 to 15 liters per bush, depending on the variety. Before buying a pallet, you need to decide on the plant. That is, purchase ready-made seedlings or grow them.

    Reference. It is better to choose a pot for a specific plant. Because different varieties Petunias require different volumes of soil.

  • The flowerpot should be quite strong and dense, since the soil, the plant itself and the drainage material weigh quite a lot. The flowerpot must withstand this load.

From the video you will learn which pot to choose for hanging petunia:

Varieties with descriptions and photos

Let's consider which varieties are best planted in flowerpots.

Characterized by the fact that it has long stems (up to 150 cm). Its stems are strong, dense and powerful. The plant is hardy and can withstand heavy rain and wind. The flowers are large and waxy. The colors of this flower can be very different.

Refers to hybrid varieties. Has beautiful snow-white flowers. The flowers grow densely, almost hiding the shoots. Stem length up to 80 cm.

Applies to hybrid varieties. The flowers are rich, bright pink or pink-red with veins. The diameter of the flower is 6–7 cm. The flowers densely cover the stems. Stem length up to 80 cm.


The stem length is 70–80 cm. The flowers are medium-sized, dense, funnel-shaped, pink in color with a yellowish center. Looks great on summer cottage.

The shoots grow luxuriantly, the length of the shoot reaches 1 m. Flowers Pink colour with a dark lilac center and lilac veins. The diameter of the flower is approximately 5 cm. They bloom lushly and densely.

Unusual mysterious and very beautiful variety ampelous petunias. It has large velvety black flowers. The diameter of the flower is approximately 8 cm. It looks very beautiful both separately and in combination with other varieties. The variety is new, bred in England in 2011.

Plants of this sport have small, bright red flowers. The length of the stem is approximately 1 m. The flowers grow densely and cover the stems tightly.

One of the varieties of ampelous petunia. Characterized by a wide variety of flower colors, resistance to bad weather, splendor, rapid growth abundant flowering. It is very popular among Russian flower growers. You will find all the details about the beautiful Surfinia.

In Russia, this variety is usually called “Fortunia”. The length of the stem is from 1 to 1.5 meters. The diameter of the flower is 5–7 cm. Flowers can be: pink; dark crimson; raspberry; lilac-pink; pale pink; purple; salmon. Wonderwave propagates both by seeds and vegetatively. Read about what vegetative petunia is and how it reproduces.

How to plant?

Planting rules:

  1. It is necessary to prepare the soil in advance. To do this, you need to take: three parts of coconut fiber, two parts of vermicompost and one part of coarse sand, you can add hydrogel to maintain the humidity level. All this should be mixed.
  2. Before planting, the soil should be disinfected. To ensure that it does not contain pathogenic microorganisms. Substrate for planting petunias can also be purchased at the store. It will already be ready mix, containing everything you need.
  3. How many pieces are best to plant in one pot? This plant requires at least 5 liters of soil per bush. Based on this, the size of the pot is selected. Some varieties (usually large-flowered) require 10–15 liters of soil per plant.

    Important! No more than one bush can be planted in a standard flower pot. If you plant more, the plant will bloom poorly. The flowers will be small and the shoots will be weak. In addition, the plant may be sick or may not bloom at all.

We wrote in more detail about planting and subsequent care of this plant.

Watch a video on how to pick ampelous petunia in a flowerpot:

Basic rules of care:

It is impossible to overestimate the beauty and grace of ampelous petunia. It decorates not only balconies and personal plots. It is used for landscaping public places, streets, recreation areas, open summer areas. It is unpretentious, bright, easy to care for, and looks great in a composition with other flowers.

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