Pelargonium care and propagation at home. Types and varieties of pelargonium

One of the most popular houseplants is geranium. Beautiful and blooming geranium will decorate and refresh your home. Geranium is loved by both amateur flower growers and professionals; beginners, as a rule, also like geranium, caring for it is simple and it does not require much attention to itself. You can’t say for sure where the birthplace of geranium is; about 300 species of this plant grow in different parts of the Earth; most types of geranium are found in the tropical zone. Geranium is translated from Greek as “crane”, which is where the second name for geranium comes from – “crane tree”. Blooming geranium will perfectly decorate your window sill or loggia.

Geranium care

Caring for geraniums is accessible to beginners, but the plant should not be abandoned

When growing geranium in summer, try to provide it with an air temperature of about 20 °C. In winter, geranium will tolerate temperatures of about 12°C, but do not cool it to even lower temperatures. I love geranium very much sunlight in all its manifestations, and from direct sun rays geranium will also not refuse, of course you should not expose it to the sun in hot weather. There is no need to shade geraniums; they are perfect for growing them South side your house. Growing geraniums. care at home largely depends on watering; geranium is not the most water-demanding plant, but in summer it is worth watering quite often. In winter, moderate watering should be done. However, you should not overwater geranium! Geranium accumulates water abundantly in its leaves; overwatering can cause stagnation of water and, as a result, rotting of the roots. Since geranium accumulates water in its leaves, it does not require spraying, this property was given to geranium by the plant’s homeland.


With minimal care, geranium will delight you with an abundance of colors and shades.

One of the most interesting plants in terms of flowering - geranium, the photos will perfectly prove this to you. If geraniums receive proper care, they will begin to bloom at the very beginning of spring and finish by mid-winter. There are also several types of geraniums that bloom all year round. The buds bloom one after another, the old ones fade, and new ones appear in their place, which is why the geranium remains bright throughout the flowering period. For bright flowering geraniums must have enough sunny color and nutrition. This need for light is determined by the homeland of geranium; with its deficiency, geranium blooms less abundantly and brightly.

Soil and fertilizers

Don't forget about fertilizing geraniums

To grow geraniums you need nutritious soil, for example, a mixture of garden soil, sand and peat, proper drainage should be created for geraniums, stagnation of water is dangerous, the soil should be loosened from time to time, this also applies to the prevention of root rotting. Geranium loves organic and mineral supplements. To improve flowering, you should take care of fertilizers containing more potassium and phosphorus than nitrogen. There are also special complex fertilizers for geraniums; fertilizing with such fertilizers should be done once a month, feeding the geranium, making care even less difficult.


Replant geraniums as early as possible before flowering.

Geranium: home care includes replanting, especially for young geraniums. Transplantation should be done at the end of winter or the very beginning of spring - before the geranium begins to bloom. To transplant geraniums, it is better to choose a small pot, otherwise the root will grow later and the geranium will begin to turn green abundantly, while flowering will decrease. If you do not have the opportunity to replant geraniums, you need to replace upper layer soil. As a last resort, you can replant the plant, but choose a pot no more than 1-2 cm larger than the previous one.

Geranium propagation

Geranium is easy to propagate by seeds or cuttings

Geranium propagates by seeds and cuttings. There will be no problems with the presence of seeds; geranium is a very fruitful species. The homeland of the plant awarded geranium with this feature. Geraniums grown from seeds bloom very brightly; such geraniums are also more resistant to unfavorable conditions and get sick less often. It is worth sowing in the middle of winter ( January February), prepared soil before planting and a solution of potassium permanganate (dark). Seeds planted in a pot should be lightly covered with seedling soil. You can add a growth stimulator. After all the manipulations with planting the seeds, the pot is covered with glass or polyethylene, the humidity of the air and soil is maintained, the seeds germinate within 2 weeks. Growing geraniums from seeds does not preserve the plant variety! The second way to propagate geranium is by cuttings; this method is faster and preserves hereditary characteristics (variety). Cuttings are done at the end of winter or throughout the summer. The best parts of geraniums for propagation are the upper shoots, with 3-4 leaves and a size of about 5-8 centimeters. The cut should be powdered with crushed coal, then planted in the substrate to a depth of about 3 centimeters, the temperature should be maintained around 20 degrees. It is better to plant the cuttings in a disposable (transparent) glass, so we can control the appearance of roots; after the roots appear throughout the glass, the geranium should be transplanted into a separate pot.

Geranium diseases

The main disease of geranium is blackleg.

During geranium illness, care and attention to it should be increased. Blackleg is one of the most common diseases of geranium, it is characterized by blackening of cuttings, this fungal disease Therefore, the blackened cuttings should be removed immediately. The cause of “black leg” is waterlogging of the soil. However, it is now easy to find drugs that will protect against fungal disease. With a lack of light and waterlogging of the soil, the roots of geraniums may begin to rot; the cause of root rot can also be increased temperature.

Homemade pelargonium has many names. It is also called geranium or kalachik (for the round shape of the leaves). This plant is valued not only for its attractive appearance and lush inflorescences, but also for a huge amount healing properties. It is believed that pelargonium in the home effectively purifies the air of germs and has a calming effect.

The advantage of pelargonium is that it is very easy to care for, so growing this beautiful and useful flower even beginners can do it. You can find the necessary information about caring for geraniums at home in this article.

Description of the Pelargonium flower

IN natural conditions The flower is found in warm climates, but back in the 16th century, pelargonium seeds were brought to England. It was this fact that became the first step in the spread of the flower throughout the world. At the moment, there are a lot of crop varieties, and most of them are selectively bred hybrids.

Depending on the type, geranium can be a fairly large bush, or compact plant with lush inflorescences. There are also hanging varieties that can be grown in hanging planters on open verandas Oh.

What does Pelargonium look like?

Externally, almost all varieties have some General characteristics. This plant looks like a small bush with numerous side shoots that form lush crown(picture 1).

Picture 1. Species diversity indoor pelargoniums

Geranium leaves can be either oval or jagged (depending on the variety). But, regardless of the shape, they are covered with soft fibers, when touched, the plant emits an unusual aroma. During the flowering period, the plant is covered with lush inflorescences, simple or double, and the shade can be not only traditional red, but also white, purple or pink.

Flower varieties

The modern variety of crop varieties is enormous. And given the unpretentiousness of the culture, we can say with confidence that geranium can be safely used for landscaping a house or garden.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular varieties pelargonium with photos and descriptions to make it easier for lovers of this flower to determine which type is more suitable for growing at home or in the garden.


This is one of the most unusual and beautiful varieties. It is distinguished by the large size of its inflorescences, but for all its external beauty royal geranium It should be taken into account that this plant, unlike other species, requires more careful care (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Royal variety flower

The height of adult specimens can reach 60 cm, and the flowers are approximately 7 cm in diameter. royal pelargonium It has a long flowering period: with proper care, this period can last up to 5 months. To achieve this, you need to place the pot of geranium in a well-lit place, and you need to shade the crop only on the hottest days, when there is a risk of burning the leaves.


Fragrant geranium received this name well deservedly. This variety is not distinguished by beautiful flowering, but at the same time it has a very unusual aroma and an original leaf shape (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Fragrant geranium

In addition, it is very easy to care for such pelargonium: it does not require too much frequent feeding or watering, feels good in any soil and is easily propagated by cuttings. In this case, it is desirable to provide the plant with sufficiently intense lighting, in which the bush will intensively grow green mass.


This is a whole group of varieties that are distinguished by their unusual shape and color of buds. Externally, Angel geranium flowers resemble pansies, and the color of the petals depends on the species. At the same time, all representatives of the variety have one feature - the buds can be covered with darker, in comparison with the main color, dots and stripes (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Representatives of the Angel variety

Despite the high decorative value, the crop is unpretentious. It can be grown both at home and in open ground, as an effective addition to other flowers in the flowerbed.


This tropical variety is relatively tall: the height of adult specimens can reach one meter, even when grown at home and in a cool climate (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Zonal variety culture

Wherein zonal geranium has certain care requirements. Yes, in the summer optimal temperature should be +20+25 degrees. In winter, these indicators must be reduced to +16+20 degrees. In addition, representatives of the species do not put forward special requirements for watering: it is carried out if necessary, as the top layer of soil dries, although the crop can easily tolerate short-term drought. To maintain the health and productivity of the crop during the hot season, it is advisable to regularly spray the leaves with settled water at room temperature.


Outwardly, this pelargonium is practically no different from other species: it has the same lush inflorescences and original fragrant leaves. But the main difference between ivy-leaved geranium is its climbing shoots. This allows this variety to be used in landscaping open verandas or terraces (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Ivy-leaved flower variety

Caring for ivy-leaved pelargonium is no different from other species: for long-term and abundant flowering it requires sufficient sunlight, regular watering and periodic feeding.

Pelargonium - home care

If you decide to grow this at home unusual flower, you will need information on how to properly care for it (Figure 7). It is not for nothing that geranium is considered an unpretentious crop: despite certain nuances of care, growing this plant at home is easy and pleasant, and long-lasting flowering will be an excellent reward for your efforts.

To make it easier for you to grow geraniums at home, here are the main details that should be taken into account when caring for pelargonium.

Selecting a location

First of all, you need to decide where exactly the pot of geraniums will be placed. Everything is simple here: since the plant requires a lot of color, it is better to place it on a well-lit windowsill.

Note: Unlike many other indoor plants, geranium is practically not susceptible to sunburn, so it can be placed even on southern windows. To prevent damage to the leaves by direct sunlight, the plant must be shaded in particularly hot weather.

In general it can be said that the best place for a flower - an ordinary window sill. This way the plant will receive enough light and air, and in winter - the necessary coolness.


Since geranium is found in nature in tropical regions, it is advisable to create it at home. temperature conditions, as close as possible to natural ones. To do this, in the summer it is advisable to stick to +25+30 degrees. In hot weather, it is advisable to spray the leaves with settled water at room temperature to increase humidity.

In winter, pelargonium requires more low temperatures- about +16 degrees (but not lower than +7). This condition is necessary for long and abundant flowering in the future.

Watering and fertilizing

Both in natural and at home conditions, pelargonium is very sensitive to soil moisture, so it needs to be watered once every three to four days. However, before adding moisture to the soil, you should make sure that the top layer of soil is dry. Only in this case will watering be effective.

Note: Pelargonium is very sensitive to root rot, so when excessive watering moisture may begin to stagnate at the roots, and the plant will get sick or even die.

As for fertilizing, it is completely excluded in winter, and if you have recently transplanted pelargonium, fertilizers can be applied no earlier than two months after the procedure. The rest of the time, it is recommended to fertilize once every two weeks, with preference given to phosphorus preparations: organic fertilizers geranium does not tolerate well.


Pelargonium does not respond very well to frequent replanting, so it is recommended to change the pot and soil for the flower no more than once every one to two years. It is better to carry out the procedure in early spring: then the plant will not experience severe stress.

Figure 7. Main stages of plant care

You should choose a pot for replanting pelargonium carefully: it must fully correspond to the volume of the root system. If the pot is too large, the plant will not bloom.

The root system of the crop is very fragile, so when changing the pot it is better to use the transfer method. In other words, the plant is carefully removed from the old pot and simply moved into a new one along with the old lump of earth. A layer of drainage must be laid at the bottom of the new container, and the free space must be filled with earthen mixture.


One of the main stages of caring for pelargonium at home is annual pruning. During this process, the shoots are completely removed or shortened, leaving only branches with 2-4 nodes. This will help you get plenty flowering shrub with a lush crown.

In addition, you need to regularly inspect the plant and remove any dry or yellowed leaves. Under no circumstances should you simply tear off the sheet: it must be carefully trimmed sharp knife so that the wound does not start to rot. To prevent rotting, it is also recommended to treat all cuts with crushed coal.


The flowering period is practically the main purpose of growing pelargonium at home. But sometimes there are cases when flowering is completely absent. As a rule, this is caused by improper care.

The lack of flowering in pelargonium can be explained by the following factors:

  1. The plant does not have enough light or the room is too cold. IN in this case it is necessary to increase the temperature and provide the culture with additional artificial lighting.
  2. Increased nutrient content in the soil: the lack of flowering in geraniums can be explained by growing in too fertile soil, therefore, for growing this crop it is recommended to use only special soil mixtures for geraniums.
  3. Pot too big: large capacity stimulates the development of the root system, but slows down the formation of buds.

In addition, for geranium to bloom regularly, the plant needs to be pruned annually, as well as timely fertilizing with minerals.

Pelargonium propagation

Pelargonium can be propagated at home by seeds and cuttings. Both methods are quite simple and suitable for beginner gardeners.

Sowing of seeds is carried out in early March, and it is advisable to pre-treat the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection. The seeds are simply scattered over the surface of the soil (it is advisable to use light and loose mixtures consisting of peat and sand), lightly sprinkled with soil on top and sprayed with a spray bottle. Next, the plantings need to be covered with glass or film. The container is taken out to a warm room and wait for the first shoots to appear, moistening the soil daily and ventilating the bed.

When the first shoots appear, the cover can be removed, and after 2-3 true leaves have formed, the crop can be transplanted into separate containers.

Figure 8. Growing young plant from cuttings

Propagation by cuttings is carried out even faster (Figure 8). If during pruning you have a few shoots left, you can free them from the leaves, leaving a few at the top and place them in water. It is advisable to cover the top of the seedling with a jar or film. When developed roots appear, the sprout is slightly dried and planted in light, fertile soil.


Despite the fact that pelargonium is considered resistant to diseases and pests, when improper care the plant may still suffer from certain diseases. In order to save a flower in time, you need to know what symptoms the diseases manifest and how to deal with them correctly.

Verticillium wilt

A characteristic sign of this disease is yellowing and wilting of leaves, mainly in the lower part. If measures are not taken in time, the affected leaves will cause the disease to spread throughout the plant.

Note: This disease is caused by a pathogenic microorganism that has amazing resistance and can be stored in soil for up to 15 years.

To cope with the disease, it is necessary to remove all the affected parts, transplant the geranium into a completely new substrate and spray with Vitaros or Fundazol. For prevention, you can also treat other plants that were close to the infected crop.


The first sign of the disease is pronounced yellow spots with smooth edges on the leaves. WITH reverse side Black pustules form. Without treatment, the disease progresses rapidly, the leaves begin to wither and dry out. As a result, the entire flower may die.

The causative agent of the disease is transmitted through the air or through water, but is activated only under certain conditions. Therefore, waterlogging of the soil or excessive air humidity should not be allowed, but if the disease has already manifested itself, the watering schedule must be reconsidered and the crop treated with systemic fungicides.

Gray rot

A characteristic sign of the disease is brown spots that appear on leaves and other above-ground parts of the crop. In this case, the growth of the flower stops, the leaves begin to turn yellow, and buds do not form.

If the lesion has spread, the leaves begin to become covered with characteristic gray coating, which contains fungal spores. As a rule, this is facilitated by waterlogging of the soil, too frequent spraying or an excess of fertilizers in the soil. If your flower is already sick, be sure to treat it with systemic fungicides.

Stem rot

This disease most often affects young plants that are watered too much. The first sign of the disease is blackening of the lower part of the stem. Unfortunately, there is no treatment for stem rot, so the diseased plant must be destroyed along with the substrate.


The characteristic smell of geranium repels most pests, but in some cases colonies of aphids may appear on the flower, spider mite or whiteflies. Regardless of the type of pest, the crop must be washed soapy water and leave for one and a half to two hours. After this, the plant is rinsed under warm shower and treated with insecticides.

The video provides expert advice to help you grow beautiful pelargonium at home.

How to properly care for geraniums

An unpretentious culture requires minimal but proper care. If they are created good conditions, then pelargonium will delight you with beautiful lush bouquets.

  1. Main condition - more sun. Geraniums can even be placed in direct sunlight. To avoid burning the leaves, cover it only on very hot days.
  2. Watering. Unacceptably hard cold water. In winter, it is necessary to water 2 times a week, without getting on the leaves. In summer, daily watering is necessary, but without excessive moisture, so as not to lead to rotting of the roots.
  3. To prevent stagnation of water, it is necessary to make a good drainage. You need to choose a pot for geraniums small size so that it is completely filled with roots.
  4. Air humidity . The culture does not like spraying or washing the leaves. The wet state is very dangerous for her.
  5. Indoor geranium is demanding soil. It is necessary to prepare a mixture consisting of peat, garden soil and sand in equal proportions. Loves frequent loosening so that air can easily penetrate to the roots.
  6. Flowering geranium should receive such fertilizers, where there is a lot of phosphorus and potassium, but she does not like fresh organic fertilizers; she tolerates mineral ones better.
  7. After flowering it requires nitrogen feeding. Fertilizers should be applied once a week from April to early autumn. After transplantation, no feeding is required for 2 or 3 months.

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Causes of yellowing foliage

Beginner gardeners ask most often: why do the leaves turn yellow?

The following reasons can be cited:

  1. cramped potty, in which it is difficult for roots to extract nutrients.
  2. Lack of drainage.
  3. Waterlogging of the soil.
  4. Lack of moisture.
  5. Wrong place for the flower (shade, draft, not far from the radiator).
  6. Improperly used fertilizer.

What to do if pelargonium turns yellow in summer. The first reason is improper watering. It is necessary to water so that water appears in the pan, which must be poured out immediately. If you do overwater, then do not water the flower for days 2 or 3. And pay attention to drainage, this is important for geraniums.

The cause of yellowing may be a large temperature difference or a change in location. To relieve pelargonium from stress, treat it with the sadaptogen Epin.

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What to do if yellowing occurs in winter

In the cold season, the cause may be shortened daylight hours, dry air, or improper watering. Sometimes it is enough to move the flower to a bright place away from heating battery.

Why does the foliage dry out? Dry indoor air is one of the common reasons drying of leaves. I already wrote that you need to place water containers on the batteries, for example, turned upside down plastic bottles, with holes cut out at the bottom. Or ventilate and spray the room with a spray bottle more often.

If the leaves turn yellow after transplantation, it means the root system is damaged. Treat geranium with Kornevin. An overdose of fertilizers can also cause yellowing of the leaves.

The plant may be affected by thrips. How to detect? WITH inside visible on the leaves small pimples. Treat the plant with Fitoverma and remove the affected areas.

If dark brown spots or fluffy formations appear on the stem, then this is dangerous fungus. What to do? The affected parts should be cut off, treated with a fungicide, and watering should be reduced to a minimum for at least 7 days.

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Favorite plants among gardeners

What types of geraniums are most often grown by gardeners? Royal pelargonium is considered the most beloved. She flaunts large bouquets of a wide variety of palettes: from pink to burgundy and purple. The diameter of the inflorescence can reach 16 centimeters.

Characteristic feature The royal flower has grooved or wavy petals, on which stripes or a dark spot are visible.

Fragrant geranium has a very pleasant smell, which is why it got its name. If you touch the leaves fragrant pelargonium, then you will feel a rather strong mixture of aromas of rose, lemon, strawberry, ginger, mint.

Today, hybrids have been bred that have an apple scent, as well as nutmeg, almonds, lilacs, even kiwi and pineapple. Flowers different shapes have pink and beautiful purple. It is from this variety that unique geranium oil is obtained.

Every gardener simply dreams of planting a geranium called tulip-shaped geranium at home. The flower is of extraordinary beauty and amazes with its sophistication and tenderness.

The inflorescences look like unopened tulips. They form pretty little bouquets, which is what attracts flower growers.

Breeders have bred 14 varieties that have colors: from soft pink to a breathtaking shade of raspberry!

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If you want to add a sophisticated touch to your interior, plant hanging geraniums in a flowerpot. Pink, snow-white, red, purple, lilac, lavender inflorescences will complement the interior of any room.

Ampelous pelargonium enough capricious plant, but with proper care it will delight you with lush flowering.

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I want to admire the flowers, but they don’t bloom

So that yours bloom indoor pelargoniums, is needed not only proper care, but also secret watering with iodine water:

  • Iodine - 1 drop.
  • Dissolve in 1 liter of water.
  • Take 50 ml of this water, then slowly pour this composition along the walls of the pot.
  • After such watering, the plant begins to bloom wildly!

How to make pelargonium bloom? Are there other ways? Yes, but it's hard to believe. If your favorite flower doesn't bloom, try using castor oil. According to scientists, this product is a powerful stimulator of growth and flowering of green spaces.

What to do with castor oil? To feed geraniums during the formation of buds, dilute 1 teaspoon in 1 liter of water. castor oil. Sprinkle the leaves of the flower, or better yet, pour it under the root of this crop.

After watering with castor oil, you will see how the plant grows, begins to bloom beautifully, and stops getting sick. When the plant is in the dormant stage, such feeding is contraindicated.

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When to water geraniums

Experienced flower growers It is advised to find out about excess and lack of watering by the condition of the leaves:

  • if only the edges of the leaves dry out, it means the plant is experiencing a moisture deficiency;
  • the greens are limp or begin to rot, then the reason is excess moisture;
  • if the lower leaves fall off and the stem is bare, there is a lack of light.

How to pinch? To get an even, lush bush, you need to pinch the top of 8-10 leaves, side shoots- on the 6th-8th. Don't forget to turn the pot towards the light in different directions.

Geranium or pelargonium has long and firmly occupied many window sills as an unpretentious and beautiful plant. It can be grown at home and in flower beds: the flower looks great anywhere. Before purchasing, it is recommended to read how to care for geraniums at home.

Geranium: general information

Yours scientific name geranium – pelargonium – translated from Greek means "stork" or "crane". The plant received this unusual name because of its fruits – long as a bird’s beak.

There are more than 400 species of geranium in the world, which can be found almost all over the world; about 40 species are found in Russia. It is noteworthy that in Germany geranium is called “stork’s nose”, and in the USA and England - cranebird.

This is a meadow annual or perennial, growing up to 60 cm. The leaves are soft, covered with hairs, and have palmate-lobed or palmately dissected shapes. Large flowers have 5 regularly arranged flowers, usually collected in inflorescences. They can be terry and smooth; shades include white, red, purple and blue.

Among the most popular types homemade geranium present:

In addition to “pure” varieties, there are a huge number of hybrids that you can grow yourself. Among domestic species, the name pelargonium is often found. They belong to the same geranium family, but differ in appearance. Despite this, caring for pelargonium at home, like caring for geranium, is almost the same.

Caring for geraniums at home, photos of which are easy to find, has borne fruit, it is necessary comply with the basic conditions:

  1. Geranium feels great when room temperature: in summer it can fluctuate in the range of +20-25 degrees, in winter it should not fall below +10-14 degrees. It is better to choose a place away from drafts.
  2. But the flower is more capricious when it comes to light: the plant can even be left in direct sunlight without fear of harm, since the lack of light leads to the shrinking of leaves and flowers. The only thing that may be required is to turn the pot from time to time so that the plant is formed on all sides. In winter, the lack of light is compensated by fluorescent lamps. If there is not enough light, the leaves will begin to rapidly turn pale.
  3. The simplest commercial universal soil is suitable for geraniums. You can prepare it yourself by mixing 1 part of turf and foliage, one and a half parts of humus and half of sand. It is necessary to put drainage at the bottom of the pot.
  4. The flower loves moisture and requires regular and frequent watering. In this case, water should not stagnate in the pot or fall on the leaves. High humidity also contraindicated. You can use settled tap water; rain and melt moisture are also suitable. In winter, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of watering by half, since the plant is dormant.
  5. Replanting is required only if the pot has become small. There's no need to choose large pots: geranium does not treat them well and blooms profusely only in “crowded conditions”. Optimal sizes will be: height 12 cm, diameter – 12-15 cm.
  6. The plant is not demanding on complementary foods and is content with standard mineral fertilizers. They are applied twice a month from March to September. You can also use specialized fertilizers for geranium.
  7. To create a beautiful appearance, you can occasionally trim the top and side branches, as well as remove dry leaves and flowers.
  8. Pelargonium is propagated by cuttings at any time of the year.

Correct transplant

Geranium has a bad attitude towards transplantation, and therefore it is better not to change pots more than 1-2 times a year. The reasons may be the following factors:

  1. The roots have become crowded: you can check this by carefully removing the geranium from the pot;
  2. Due to excess moisture, the flower began to wither;
  3. Despite care, geranium does not develop or bloom;
  4. The roots were very exposed.

Pelargonium is usually replanted in the spring, from February to April, but this is not important: you can replant the plant even in winter, but the bush will take longer to take root. It is also not recommended to touch flowering plant: it already spends a lot of energy on flowering and will not receive it well new house. Instead of replanting, you can refresh the top layer of soil by adding fresh soil as needed.

Some gardeners, as an additional care, transplant geraniums outside into a flowerbed every spring, and “take” it back in the fall. This helps to improve the health of the plant itself, and at the same time divide roots for propagation.

  1. It is necessary to prepare all the tools and treat the pot with a bleach solution if it has already been used previously for another plant. This will prevent the spread of the disease.
  2. Drainage is laid out at the bottom of the pot. These could be small stones or foam.
  3. Geraniums are watered to keep the ground moist. Then you need to turn the pot over and carefully remove the plant from it, being careful not to break or damage the roots. To separate the soil from the pot, you can lightly tap the walls and bottom.
  4. The roots are inspected, and if rot or signs of disease are detected, they are carefully trimmed.
  5. The flower is placed in a pot and covered empty seats soil, lightly water, compact and add more soil.
  6. After transplantation, the geranium is removed in a dark place for a week, then transferred to a designated place. After 2 months you can fertilize.

In a similar way, a plant is transplanted from the street in the fall before the onset of frost. If necessary, you can make gentle pruning. To do this, shorten all shoots, leaving about 20 cm. The cut should be a few millimeters from the node. During the winter, geranium will not be able to produce strong enough stems, and therefore the pruning will have to be repeated in February-March.

Pelargonium can be propagated by seeds and cuttings: the first option is suitable for obtaining new varieties, the second - for a new bush. Geranium can also be propagated by rhizomes, but before doing this you need to have some experience.

Propagation by seeds

Pelargonium seeds can be planted from the beginning of March, having previously treated the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate to protect against diseases. Can be used purchased soil by adding to it sand and humus. The seeds are scattered over a loosened surface and lightly sprinkled with soil on top, then cover the container with film to create greenhouse effect and put it away in a warm place for several days. When the sprouts are strong enough, they can be planted, after which standard care begins.

Propagation by cuttings

The best time for propagation by cuttings is spring. A cut cutting with 3-4 leaves (it is better to cut it from the top) is placed in water and wait for the roots to grow. Afterwards, the pelargonium is dried and buried in the ground.

Alarm Signals

If the appearance of geranium suddenly changes for the worse, this need to pay attention:

  1. If there is a lack of moisture, the leaves dry out and turn yellow; if there is too much, they become sluggish and excessively dull, and gray rot appears on the stems;
  2. If the leaves, especially the lower ones, begin to fall off, there is a lack of lighting;
  3. If the plant has stopped blooming, this indicates an overly large pot or lack of rest in winter.

Like any plant, geranium even after good care susceptible to pests and diseases.


Geranium is unpretentious plant, which even novice gardeners can handle at home. She doesn't demand special conditions cultivation and frequent transplantation, easy to carry direct sunlight and drought. The only thing you need to remember: geranium has a negative attitude towards high humidity and systematic transfusions. In such conditions, it will quickly wither and die.

Caring for home geraniums

Geranium is one of the most beloved and popular indoor plants. The decorative nature of flowering and the unusual shape of the leaves have long won the hearts of many gardeners. The crop is not picky in cultivation, but has its own characteristics.

Home geranium prefers sunny, well-lit places, so pots with it are placed on eastern, south-eastern window sills. This culture is not afraid of direct sunlight, but when located on south windows on particularly hot days it is protected from the sun. Optimal temperature regime geranium content is within +18…+20 0 C.

Flower crops place special demands on the composition of the soil and its structure. Firstly, the soil must be nutritious and contain increased amounts of phosphorus and potassium. Substrate looseness and drainage are no less important.

To prevent stagnation of water in the lower layers of soil when watering, the pot must have drainage holes at the bottom to drain excess moisture. To make the soil light and loose, sand, peat and turf soil are taken in equal proportions and mixed.

Geranium needs moderate watering, its frequency depends on the specific time of year. Excessive leaf moisture is negative, so geraniums are not sprayed on the leaves.

Proper care of geraniums for beginners

Growing geraniums in general involves regular watering, fertilizing, shaping, as well as timely transplanting from one pot to another as the flower grows.

Watering geraniums is carried out exclusively at the root, without affecting the above-ground part of the plant. To do this, use a small indoor watering can with a long spout without a diffuser. The quality of the supplied water is very important for the crop. Hard, cold water will harm the flower and cause many problems that arise when growing it. Therefore, geraniums are shed only with settled water at room temperature.

Geraniums respond well to fertilization. The frequency with which fertilizing is carried out can be from 1 to 2 times a week. They absorb water-soluble mineral fertilizers well; fertilizing with organic matter is undesirable.

Compound complex fertilizer can be universal for flower crops and contain three main elements: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. But during preparation and during flowering, the composition of the fertilizer is changed: it should include a large number of potassium, a minimum of nitrogen and trace elements (magnesium, calcium, iodine).

Forming geranium bushes allows you to achieve lush flowering And proper preparation to a period of rest. Therefore, flower pruning is done in autumn-winter and spring.

  • Winter pruning is aimed at preparing the plant for winter. The main stem of the bush is shortened by 1/3 of the length, the shoots that have grown during the season are thinned out, all old flowers are removed, yellow foliage. Start pruning for the winter after the geraniums have finished flowering.
  • In spring, the bush is pruned to stimulate lush beautiful flowering. There is no need to shorten the shoots too radically, since the plant will spend a lot of energy growing green mass. After pruning, the plant is fed with nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers. In this case, geranium blooms a little later than usual, but the flowering is brighter: the flowers themselves are larger in size, their number is greater, and the flowering period is extended.

In addition, pruning twice a year has a good effect on the condition of the plant: thinning the above-ground part improves ventilation and lighting of geraniums, which becomes an excellent preventive measure against pests and diseases.

How to form geraniums: video

Geranium, like many others flower crops, does not like transplants. But sometimes this measure becomes necessary. As the pelargonium grows, the pot may become too small. You can tell when it’s time to replant by looking at the plant’s roots protruding from the drainage holes of the container.

The flower itself is well watered before transplanting. A new pot is selected based on the size of the old one: its diameter should be only 2…3 cm larger than the previous one. Planting geraniums in a pot that is too large will negatively affect its flowering.

  1. A small layer of drainage (coarse sand, expanded clay, etc.) and a layer of nutrient substrate are poured onto the bottom of the new pot.
  2. The plant, along with the lump of earth, is removed from the previous container and placed in a new one.
  3. The resulting voids between the lump of earth and the walls of the pot are filled with nutrient substrate.
  4. The first watering is carried out only 3 days after transplantation. Feed no earlier than after 2…3 months.

The main condition for transplanting pelargonium is accuracy - you need to try not to damage root system flower.

Replanting and caring for geraniums: video

Features of care

Depending on the time of year, care operations and the frequency of their implementation vary.

In the fall, after the crop blooms, it is pruned and basicly shaped. No more fertilizing is applied - the plant must naturally prepare for winter. If the apartment has not yet been turned on central heating, and it’s cold outside, there’s no need to worry - moderate temperatures that don’t drop below +12 0 C will only be beneficial.

During the dormant period, geranium does not need any feeding. Water it 2 times a week a small amount water. The flower needs good lighting, duration daylight hours should be 12 hours. Therefore, you have to supplement the geraniums with a phytolamp.

The air temperature in the room should be about +14 0 C, but not lower than +8 0 C. You cannot place containers with flowers near batteries. To ensure that the air in the room is not too dry due to heating, water containers are placed on the radiators. IN winter time Geraniums are not trimmed or pinched.

IN spring time engaged in pinching to stimulate rich flowering of geraniums. With the arrival of spring, geranium awakens, and the need arises to resume fertilizing and regular watering.

If the bush has managed to grow during the dormant period, it will need to be transplanted into a larger pot.

The summer period is the most important, because it is at this time that geraniums bloom. Special attention pay attention to the feeding schedule, changing their composition depending on the stage of plant development. Watering is moderate, but frequent - on hot days, geraniums are watered daily. The flower can easily withstand temperature increases up to +27 0 C. At more high temperatures geraniums are shaded.

Features of home care

Each variety of geranium has its own care requirements. Below are the three most popular groups of pelargoniums and the features of caring for them at home.

Behind the ampelous geranium

Ceiling varieties are very demanding in terms of lighting; southern window sills are suitable for them. Feeding is carried out once a week in small portions, starting in March and ending in August.

Despite all its advantages, the flowering period of royal geranium is short. The budding stage occurs in April, so pinching and shaping of the bush is carried out until March. This type of geranium is very afraid of waterlogging of the soil and if it is not watered properly, it gets sick for a long time.

In the spring-summer period, ivy-leaved geranium is fed once every 10 days. potash fertilizers. During flowering, faded inflorescences are regularly removed.

Geranium propagation

Geraniums are propagated in two ways: cuttings and seeds. The first option is considered more popular, since the plants obtained as a result of propagation have all the varietal qualities of the mother specimen and bloom in the next season (if cuttings are carried out in the fall).

Geraniums grown from seeds bloom only a year after sowing; the process itself is very labor-intensive and ineffective - seed germination is low, young shoots need to be illuminated with a phytolamp. For each reproduction method there are detailed step-by-step instructions.

Sections of shoots cut off during autumn pruning can be used as cuttings.

  1. Cuttings are cut at right angles to the stem. Their length should be within 5...7 cm, in this area there should be 2...3 leaves.
  2. For a couple of hours, the material is kept in a dry, dark place, where the sections dry out. After this, they are powdered with coal or Kornevin.
  3. All leaves of the cuttings located in an area of ​​2...2.5 cm from the base are turned.
  4. As landing tanks use small glasses with drainage holes. Each of them is filled with a light, loose substrate.
  5. The cutting is placed in a cup, base down, to a depth of 2...2.5 cm.

The cuttings will take root in a few weeks. They do not need shelter, but if the leaves become yellow or limp, the plants are covered with transparent caps. The soil is kept moist, preventing stagnation of water and drying out of the soil.

Propagation of geraniums by cuttings: video

Varieties of geraniums that have flowers of a simple shape, not double, are propagated by sowing seeds. Planting begins in late November - early April.

  1. The container is filled with a substrate consisting of 2 parts turf, 1 part sand and 1 part peat.
  2. Geranium seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil, keeping a distance of 5 cm between them.
  3. They are sprinkled with soil on top with a layer of 0.5 cm.
  4. The surface of the soil is moistened with a spray bottle so that the seeds are not washed out.
  5. The container is covered with film or covered with glass.

Shoots will appear in 2 weeks if the room temperature is maintained at +18...+230C.

Growing problems, what to do

When growing geraniums at home, novice gardeners have many different questions. Answers to some of them are given below.

For lush and long-lasting flowering, geraniums are fed with yeast. To prepare the fertilizer, pour 2.7 liters of water into a 3-liter jar, add 100 g of yeast and half a glass of sugar. The mixture is stirred and left to ferment. When the fermentation process is over, the fertilizing is used for its intended purpose: add 1 cup of fertilizer to a bucket of water and pour 1 cup of geranium onto the bush 2 times a month.

Sometimes, even with strict adherence to all the basic rules of care, capricious geranium refuses to bloom. Excellent stimulants flowering will be supported by fertilizing prepared from improvised means.

Recipe 1. Iodine water

Add 1 drop of iodine to 1 liter of water. For one flower you only need 50 ml of solution. It is poured along the walls of the pot in a circle.

Recipe 2. Castor oil solution

Dissolve 1 tsp in 1 liter of water. castor oil. The composition is poured onto geraniums at the root.

These feedings can be carried out at any time of the year, with the exception of the plant's dormant period.

What to do to make geranium bloom magnificently all year round: video

By changing the color of geranium leaves, it signals non-compliance with growing requirements and the appearance of pests and diseases.

The foliage of the plant turns yellow with a lack or excess of moisture. In this case, you should adjust the watering mode. If the flower has been overwatered, you need to limit its watering for several days or replant it in new pot with drainage holes and a drainage layer at the bottom.

Yellowing of geranium leaves occurs when the growing location is chosen incorrectly. For example, the pot is in a draft, near a radiator or in the shade. In this case, you should find more appropriate place for content. Yellow leaves can become a signal for fertilizing or, conversely, for too frequent and incorrect application of fertilizers.

Drying of leaves can be caused by low indoor humidity.

If the leaves turn yellow, it is necessary to inspect the entire flower - it is possible that it is affected by pests or diseases. The main enemies of many plants are thrips. Their appearance is indicated by pimples on the underside of the leaves. Geranium needs to be treated with a solution of the drug Fitoverm. If, along with yellowing of the leaves, a fuzzy coating appears on the stem or dark spots, geranium is infected with a fungus. To treat it, it is treated with a fungicide solution, and watering is kept to a minimum.

Flower growers who are interested in growing different types geraniums, share their experiences and leave a lot of useful advice. Some of them are given below.

  1. If a geranium gets sick with root rot or root collar rot, no treatment methods will help it - the flower will definitely die, so you shouldn’t even try to save it.
  2. When grown in the shade, geranium does not bloom, and the foliage becomes smaller in size.

Growing geraniums at home is not at all difficult, the main thing is to comply with all the requirements for maintenance and care, and then the green pet will bloom almost all year round.

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