A decoction of onion peels in the garden. What can be treated with organic infusion? Using a decoction for indoor plants

Some summer residents, not knowing where to put a large amount of onion peels, often throw them away. And they do this in vain - firstly, from onion peels you can prepare an effective infusion for spraying against a wide variety of ailments and pests, and secondly, it makes an excellent fertilizer!

About the benefits of onion peels

Onion peels are very rich in all kinds of beneficial compounds. It contains the most powerful antioxidant quercetin, phytoncides, B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, PP, E and C. It also contains many essential microelements, as well as valuable organic acids.

How is this waste product useful for plants? Onion peel actively stimulates their development, enhances growth, and also strengthens them and gives them immunity from a great variety of ailments. However, it is famous not only for its nutritional properties, but also for its powerful disinfecting effect - it is the onion peel that helps protect growing crops from all kinds of pathogens living in the soil. It is also widely used for spraying vegetation from various pests(remedies based on it are especially effective in the fight against codling moth, Colorado potato beetle, aphids, thrips and spider mites) and against causative agents of a number of ailments hidden on the surfaces of fruits, flowers, leaves and bark. And, of course, you can use the collected husks as a valuable fertilizer.

What crops will be grateful for such feeding?

Absolutely any crops cultivated on the site can be fed with onion peels. “Reviving” plants that have begun to fade, she as soon as possible brings them into tone. If yellowed leaves are found on growing crops, you can immediately begin preparing a life-saving infusion of onion peels.

Carrots, peppers, tomatoes, as well as zucchini, pumpkin and cucumbers are considered the most responsive to feeding with onion peels.

How to prepare onion skins?

The peels removed from the onions during the process of peeling them are thoroughly dried (to do this, they are laid out on a newspaper or on a clean sheet of paper), and then put away in a box or fabric pouch– this is where it will be stored until the moment of use.

How to fertilize your garden with onion peels?

For spraying, decoctions and infusions of onion peels are usually prepared, and pre-crushed raw materials are added directly to the soil immediately before planting seedlings or adult plants.

You can also prepare a very effective infusion for fertilizing. To do this, pour a glass of onion peels into a bucket filled almost to the brim with water, then place the container on the fire and bring its contents to a boil. After removing from the heat, the resulting composition is infused for about two to three hours, and after this time it is immediately filtered. The plants are watered with the prepared infusion using a capacious watering can, both at the roots and over the leaves. And the husk that remains after straining is suitable for adding to compost.

And to prepare a solution for spraying against pests and diseases, two liters hot water pour four cups of onion peels. When the mixture has been infused for about two days, it is filtered and diluted with water (the amount of water should be twice the amount of solution). Treatments with this solution are carried out at least three times, observing a weekly interval.

What else is the husk useful for?

This valuable raw material will become a great assistant and to increase the storage duration of the harvested crop, as well as to protect it from damage by extremely unpleasant fungal diseases during storage. To make this possible, before storing harvested dust with crushed and pre-dried onion peels.

In the old days onion skins It was not customary to throw it away - an excellent fertilizer was prepared on its basis. Environmentally friendly raw materials simply cannot harm either plants or soil. On the contrary, the husk contains mass useful substances, and therefore accelerates the growth of garden crops and has a positive effect on yields.

Beneficial features

Onion peel has a rich composition. Therefore, fertilizer based on it has the following effect:

  • anti-inflammatory
  • restorative
  • immunostimulating

Fertilizing based on husks perfectly regenerates and strengthens the rhizomes of garden crops, promotes their intensive growth and development.

Peppers, tomatoes, potatoes and cucumbers are very responsive to onion fertilizer. They begin to develop more rapidly, bloom together and bear fruit abundantly.

In addition to garden crops, home flowers are also fed with husks. For them it is both nutrition and protection from small midges.

Spraying onion broth allows you to get rid of many harmful insects: mites, green aphids, mole crickets, weevils, caterpillars, cabbage butterflies, codling moths.

In addition, fertilizing is useful for both garden crops and the soil itself. Organic matter from it improves the structure of the soil, making it looser and more breathable.

Important! Onion peels will only be beneficial if products based on them are used fresh.

Husk composition

Onion peelings contain a lot useful components: vitamins B and E, PP and P, ascorbic acid, phytoncides, carotene, silicic acid, as well as iron, calcium and potassium salts.

Carotene is a powerful immunostimulant that carries the strongest life-giving force. It blocks free radicals, kills all harmful microorganisms, eliminates fungal accumulations, and defeats rot. Carotene is an excellent antioxidant that increases the similarity of seeds, overall endurance, increases the degree of resistance to disease, and allows you to withstand a lack of oxygen.

Onion scales contain phytoncides that kill fungus, microbes and pathogenic bacteria.

There are a lot of vitamins in this fertilizer. For example, the B-group reacts with phosphorus, resulting in the formation of an enzyme useful for plants - carboxylase. It is especially useful for seedlings - it accelerates their growth, strengthens the root system, and protects them from rotting.

Vitamins of the PP group ensure the respiration process, without which photosynthesis and the absorption of sulfur and nitrogen are impossible. They allow plants to fully develop even on alumina.

How to cook

Onion skins are usually boiled, infused, and also used as mulch. The main thing is to maintain the correct dosage.


Flower growers especially appreciate this feeding. Onion decoction allows you to restore indoor plants and rid them of diseases. Watering twice a week is sufficient.

Recipe 1: Take a glass of husk, fill it with water (up to 2 liters), boil for several minutes, and then infuse. When the broth has cooled, start feeding. It is not necessary to filter it: the husk is an excellent organic matter that will only benefit the soil.

Attention! The decoction cannot be stored. It must be used immediately, otherwise it will lose all its beneficial qualities.

Recipe 2: It is more suitable for lazy people. In order not to burden yourself with preparing a decoction, the crushed husks are poured into the soil, and then the crops are watered with warm water.

Recipe 3: Concentrated for vegetable crops. Before use, it is diluted in water. A glass of raw materials is filled with 2 liters of water, boiled, then covered and wrapped. The composition should brew well and acquire a dark brown tint. This amount of feeding is designed for a bucket of water. It is recommended to use the decoction twice a month. Not only in the form of watering, but also in the form of spraying tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, and carrots.


They differ from decoctions in that they do not require boiling or boiling. Even cold water is suitable for preparing them.

Recipe 1: Pour a glass of onion skins into a bucket cold water, leave for up to 4 days, strain. This composition is suitable for spraying fruit trees and berry bushes.

Recipe 2: A bucket is filled to the middle with husks, then filled to the brim hot water, seal, leave for 2 days. The finished composition is filtered and diluted in water (1:2) before use. It copes well with hordes of green aphids.

Recipe 3: A little husk (10 g), crushed onions(20 g) pour 1000 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid, leave for 9 hours. This infusion is used for spraying garden and house plants.

Note. The composition will stick to plants better if you add a little grated soap to it.

Excellent results are achieved by using dry onion skins. They are scattered on the site before digging, sprinkled on the beds to repel pests.


It is better to start collecting husks from late autumn - early spring. Then there is a chance to have time to accumulate a sufficient amount of raw materials for the gardening season. The main thing is to dry it thoroughly to avoid rotting.

In the spring, the husks are added before digging or immediately before planting various crops. After a few days, you can start sowing.

Some gardeners cover entire beds with husks to prevent diseases and protect against pests. Many insects do not like the onion smell. This allows you to grow healthy fruits, protecting them from damage.

Fertilizer and feeding

Onion skins are useful not only for garden crops, but also for household crops. However, do not forget about compliance with dosages.

For indoor plants

The conditions inside the house can hardly be called ideal for growing flowers. The air here is dry, not enough good lighting, very little nutrients. All this can lead to the death of plants. A decoction of onion skins will come to the rescue.

To prepare it, the skins of 2 onions are enough. The raw materials are poured with a liter of boiling water and infused for 3-4 days. First, flowers with clear signs of wilting are fertilized with it. They usually recover completely within a few weeks and continue to grow normally.

For prevention, the infusion is used once every 3-4 weeks. After all, even healthy plants he will like it.

Husk fertilizer should not be used for cacti and ficus, succulents and fat plants. They may stop growing completely or begin to dry out.

For the garden

The effectiveness of onion fertilizers has been confirmed by many gardeners. Even agronomists cite good results after their use.

  • For cucumbers

This crop is very susceptible to rot. To avoid its appearance, cucumbers are sprayed with onion solution (400 g of peel per 2 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 days). Before use, it should be diluted twice with water.

Spray greens are better, not stems. Frequency – once every 2-3 weeks.

In addition to the solution, onion mulch combats cucumber diseases very effectively.

Note. If you decide to use husks for mulching, then you no longer need to spray the crop.

  • For tomatoes

Peel-based feeding protects tomatoes from two types of rot. In addition, it makes the stems of the crop more powerful and stronger. Fertilize tomatoes about 1-2 times a month. And only in the evenings. The first time is immediately after planting the seedlings. The infusion is prepared the same as for cucumbers. Only they breed it not in double, but in triple size.

They do not spray it, but rather water it over the tomatoes. For one bush - half a liter nutrient solution. Within a few days, results will be visible: the plant will begin to grow actively, the foliage will become more fleshy.

As you grow older, the dosage will increase. Adult bushes require up to 2 liters of the composition.

The second feeding is done after the start of flowering.

To protect tomatoes from pests, several sprayings are carried out per season.

  • For zucchini, potatoes, pumpkin, radishes

These crops will certainly appreciate the nutritional and vitamin content onion infusion. The recipe for its preparation is similar to that used for cucumbers. It will also help radishes resist bacteriosis.

  • For seedlings

Onion peels are used to enrich the soil with nutrients. This is especially true for young plants that require a lot of strength to grow and develop. Onion skins are first buried in the beds, and then the seedlings are placed in the ground. In addition to dry material, onion infusion is used. They fertilize future planting sites.

In addition, it is used by spraying with onion broth. This is how you can protect horticultural crops from harmful insects.

Pests and diseases

A decoction based on onion peels is used to protect plants from most pests, such as aphids, moths, caterpillars, spider mites, weevils, cabbage weeds, etc.

Recipe: 400 g of husk is poured with a glass of boiling water and left for up to 5 days. Use it for 3 days in a row, not forgetting to dilute it 1:2 and add laundry soap for stickiness.

The following recipe is used against the so-called blackleg: 2 handfuls of husks are poured with 1000 ml of water, left for 24 hours, filtered.

The same infusion perfectly eliminates bacteriosis in cabbage and radishes. As soon as the foliage begins to turn yellow, it’s time to treat.

In addition, onion infusion saves tomatoes from bacterial cancer, which destroys all fruits if it is not stopped in time.

The smell of onions is also not tolerated by Colorado potato beetles, honey beetles, codling moths and some rodents. Many gardeners do not wait for this or that pest to appear, but spray garden crops for prevention purposes. Since the beginning of spring.


Onion fertilizer not only nourishes plants with the most essential vitamins and microelements, but also reliably protects them from pests. Moreover, this waste material, which does not require any financial investment.

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Onion peels - a treasure for summer residents


We sometimes pass by old and proven means of increasing yield or controlling pests and diseases.

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Onion peel is one of the reserves for increasing productivity. Its decoction contains full set Periodic tables: calcium, potassium, manganese, magnesium, iron, copper, selenium, chromium, boron, copper, etc. The husk kills pathogenic microflora in the soil and at the same time feeds the plant with microelements. It acts on plants as ginseng tincture does on humans. Decoction and infusion stimulate plant growth. They become more resistant to diseases and pests.

As soon as you notice the slightest yellowing of the cucumber leaves, take two handfuls of onion peels, put them in an enamel 10-liter bowl, fill them to the top with water and boil for 5 minutes. After removing the broth from the heat, let it brew, then strain.

Take 2 liters of broth per bucket of water. Use a sprayer or watering can to spray the cucumber leaves. Just do it in the morning. The remaining husks after straining make excellent mulch.

When cucumbers are infected with spider mites, use an infusion of onion peels to spray the plants (infuse 200 g of peels in 10 liters of water for 4-5 days, strain). Carry out no more than three sprayings with an interval of 5 days.
To combat aphids on vegetable crops, this remedy is effective: fill 0.5 buckets with onion peels, fill to the top with hot water, leave for a day, strain, dilute twice with water. This solution can also be used to combat the Colorado potato beetle on eggplants.


2:9 To protect apple trees from codling moths, you can spray them with any of the above infusions after flowering for the first time warm evening(not less
15 degrees) after sunset. The treatment is repeated every 7 days throughout the butterflies’ summer period—about a month.

To feed plants, use 10 g of onion peels per 5 liters of boiling water.

Crushed onion peels are used for long-term storage fruit.
Apples and pears are placed in plastic bags and sprinkle with crushed husks.

Root crops will not be affected by fungal diseases if you first dust them with crushed husks when storing them.

Try it and make sure it all works. And does not harm the environment.

Onion peel is the most affordable and indispensable assistant from pests for the amateur gardener. Aphids, caterpillars, cutworms, leeches, common earwigs, meadow bugs, spider mites, copperheads and codling moths - and this is not the whole list of garden and garden pests. garden plants, from which an infusion of onion peels helps.

Onion peel kills pathogenic microflora in the soil due to its bactericidal effect. A decoction and infusion of onion peels stimulates plant growth, making them more resistant to diseases, and also repels pests.

Onion peels in the form of an infusion are used to spray apple trees to get rid of pests such as aphids, codling moths, spider mites and copperheads. Spray apple trees twice after flowering with an interval of 7 days.

200 grams of onion peels are poured into 10 liters warm water and leave for 5 days, filter and use for spraying plants against pests, 2-3 times after five days against aphids, thrips, spider and strawberry mites, apple sucker, moths, herbivorous bugs, caterpillars, cutworms.

Onion peels are very effective in the fight against aphids on vegetable crops; the infusion is prepared as follows: fill half a bucket with onion peels, fill to the top with hot water, leave for a day, strain, then dilute with water (1:2). The same infusion of onion peels can also be used to combat the Colorado potato beetle on eggplants and potatoes. Many summer residents put a handful of husks in the hole when planting tomatoes, cabbage, and potatoes. It helps against invasion, and even Colorado potato beetle. Beetles cannot stand the smell of onion skins.

Infused onion skins help protect against pests indoor plants, for example, such as aphids: 20 g of husk is infused in 1 liter of water for five days. Spray the plants twice. Repeated spraying is carried out after five to seven days.

Infused onion peels are also used for washing indoor plants, clearing them of spider mites: In a liter bottle glass jar pour 20 g of husk with water and leave for 24 hours. Then strain the liquid and thoroughly rinse the plant with it, especially the underside of the leaves. Every other day, the leaves need to be washed clean water.

Onion peels are also rich in vitamins A and B. Therefore, by spraying the leaves of plants with infusion, you not only protect them from pests, but also increase immunity. To feed plants, use an infusion of onion peels - 10 g per 5 liters of boiling water.

Onion peels will protect the crop during storage. Root crops will not be affected by fungal diseases if they are dusted with chopped onion peels before storing.

Try it and see for yourself that onion skins are summer cottage will greatly benefit plants as a fertilizer that stimulates growth, as protection against pests without the use of chemicals, and will also increase resistance to disease.

Long before the onset of spring, all gardeners begin to prepare for the dacha season. It is necessary to redo a lot of things: buy seeds, grow seedlings, prepare everything necessary for greenhouses, buy shelters for sprouts and much more.

Everyone also prepares fertilizers, soil and various protective equipment from pests. Those who already have extensive experience in gardening know many secrets on how to grow good harvest and save a lot of money at the same time.

So, for fertilizer and pest control you can use quite usual means, which we most often get rid of. Such means include onion peel. During the entire autumn-winter period, summer residents carefully collect this waste and dry it. After all, in summer time it can be useful for many purposes.

Benefits and harms

Of course, there is much more benefit in any form than harm. It can be used for the following purposes:

  • using a tincture or decoction, you can cope with plant pests such as aphids, caterpillars, mites, copperheads, codling moths, earwigs, meadow bugs;
  • is excellent fertilizer, which has a beneficial effect on the root system. Has anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating effects, stimulates growth;
  • the decoction can be used to fertilize the soil before planting seeds or seedlings;
  • You can also use the broth to feed tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, and cucumbers as they grow;
  • The decoction is excellent for fading and yellowing plants and flowers.

The choice of husks for gardening is not accidental. If many of the fertilizers that we buy in the store have chemical composition, then this product is completely natural in this regard.

She's rich in these useful elements, How phytoncides, carotene, mineral salts. It also contains vitamins of groups B, C, E, PP. Such a component as quercetin. Most of it is found in red onions.

Carotene This product will be an excellent antioxidant for plants. It will help them grow especially in conditions where the site is located next to a highway where cars often travel. Moreover, thanks to carotene, garden crops They can easily cope with any diseases or will not be susceptible to them at all. Carotene also actively fights various fungi and rot.

Onion peel infusion accelerates the growth rate of plants

Phytoncides are an excellent remedy to destroy bacteria and fungi in the soil. They are also actively involved in the prevention of blackleg. There are phytoncides in every plant, but it is in the onion peel that they are found in greater concentration. In addition, they can accumulate. And so that they do not disappear over time, it is necessary to treat the plants with infusion.

B vitamins, which onion peels are so rich in, are stored in large quantities in infusion and decoction. If you water young shoots with them, this will promote faster plant growth. The leaves and stems become much stronger, the roots will be protected from rot. And a plant treated with such an infusion will bear fruit much faster.

Thanks to vitamins of group PP plants treated with infusion or decoction adapt better to unfavorable conditions. Root system At the same time, it develops noticeably better and is less susceptible to various diseases.

Onion skins can cause harm to humans if they are used together with food or decoctions made from them. But since this product is not intended for this, no harm from its use has ever been noticed.


  • To prepare a decoction of onion peels you will need 3-4 cups of the peel itself and 1 bucket of water. The husk must first be completely dried. After adding the dried product to the water, you need to bring everything to a boil. Then take it off the heat and let it sit for a bit.


You need to use a diluted decoction. To do this, 2 liters of the resulting mixture must be diluted with 1 bucket of water. This composition can be used to treat yellowed leaves of zucchini and cucumbers. It is best to use a sprayer for this. You can also use it to spray carrots, potatoes and tomatoes. In this case, the broth should fall directly on the leaves.

  • Another decoction recipe will come in handy in the fight against. The recipe will require 1 liter jar onion peels and 2 liters of warm water. The ingredients must be mixed and left to brew for at least 2 days.

To spray the broth, strain it, dilute it with water 1/1 and add a little liquid soap. Next, you can treat the affected plant leaves.

A decoction prepared according to this recipe can be used in the fight against fungal diseases such as blackleg. To do this, you can water the plants 2-3 times, taking breaks of 6 days between treatments.


  • In order to get an infusion, you need to take 200 grams. onion peels and 1 bucket of warm water. Mix all ingredients and let stand for at least 15 hours.

The resulting infusion can be sprayed on plants that have aphid.

Decoction and infusion can be used for greenhouse plants, even if they do not have diseases and are not eaten by pests. This treatment will be an excellent preventive measure.

Natural onion peels

Like decoctions and infusions, husks in in kind can also be used in a number of cases:

  • can be added before planting cucumber seeds or seedlings. To do this, in the process of digging up the ground for planting, you need to add husks, but no more than 3 liters per 1 square meter. m;
  • in a greenhouse can be spread between seedlings and just anywhere free space. In this way, you can protect the shoots from pests;
  • When digging up a garden for any type of plant, add onion peels. The soil will be saturated with natural fertilizers, and this will also provide excellent protection against possible pests;
  • for plants in a pot, instead of decoction, you can sprinkle dry husks on top. And periodically, as required by the plant itself, water with warm water.


  • in the fight against spider mites, you need to spray the leaves with infusion of the husk with a break of 7 days for several months. In this case, both the upper and lower parts of the leaves of the plant must be treated;
  • turnips, radishes and radishes should be treated with a more concentrated infusion. In this way, you can protect them from attack by cruciferous flea beetles;
  • husk infusion actively fights false powdery mildew. As a rule, it appears in August on cucumbers. To avoid this problem, cucumbers need to be treated with infusion in advance. But one procedure will not be enough; it is advisable to repeat the treatment every 5 days;
  • You must use husk decoctions on the same day you prepared them. For watering and spraying the most better time- it's evening. The strained husks can either be thrown away or placed in berry bushes;
  • if you water the tomatoes with broth, this will help protect them from the appearance of tomato cancer;
  • After the apple trees fade, they can be sprayed with nastya. This will protect them from the codling moth. This treatment should continue for a month every 7 days.

Folk remedies are very good because they are practically inexpensive and at the same time bring benefits. Decoctions and infusions of onion peels can be used for almost any plant on your garden plot. After all, one way or another, you will need fertilizer or protection from pests.

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