Original brick houses. Beautiful brick houses: types of material, advantages and disadvantages of brick cladding, choice of facade style

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The first impression of the house and its owners is formed even with a fleeting glance at the home. By the facade of the house one can judge not only the taste of the owners, but also their lifestyle and preferences. Perhaps this is why brick does not lose popularity in suburban housing construction, allowing the creation of original and reliable buildings.

IN modern construction Brick cladding of the facade with various types of material is a popular way to solve three problems at once - strengthen, insulate and give an attractive appearance to suburban housing. Beautiful houses made of brick serve as a subject of admiration for friends, mild annoyance for neighbors and an excellent backdrop for selfies.

Light clinker brick in the decoration of a country cottage

Types of facing bricks

The material used to decorate facade walls has different names: front, façade, cladding. He takes the impact environment, therefore must have special technical characteristics. Several types of products are used in construction, differing in composition, production method and performance characteristics: ceramic, silicate, clinker and hyper-pressed. If the shape of the product differs from the traditional rectangular one, then such a brick is called shaped.


Clinker is one of the the best materials for finishing the facade. For its production it is used unique technology And special kind clay, which is fired in a kiln at temperatures above 1000°C. The advantages of clinker products are:

    Strength. The abrasion resistance of the material exceeds the characteristics of high-quality concrete.

    Durability. The cladding will retain its qualities for at least a hundred years.

Far from a complete collection of clinker varieties

    Moisture absorption. Thanks to the firing conditions, it is only 8% (ordinary brick absorbs up to 15-25% of water).

    Frost resistance. The material has a frost resistance coefficient of F300 and is designed for 250-300 freeze-thaw cycles. Products with a glazed surface (completely moisture resistant) are the most frost-resistant.

    Decorative qualities . Additives introduced into clay during the production process provide about a hundred shades, from beige-yellow to dark brown. The front side of the clinker can have a matte, glossy, glazed or corrugated surface.

    Thermal conductivity. Significant, like any stone; is 0.7 W/(m✖ °C).

    Features of masonry. Working with clinker requires skill - the material absorbs moisture gradually, and adhesion to the solution occurs slowly.

A layer of insulation is hidden under the clinker finish

    Color Difference. Even in one batch, there are products with different shades, which delays the laying process - builders have to spend time to beautifully (evenly) distribute dark and light stones along the wall.

    Solution. To lay clinker, a special (and more expensive) solution is required; regular composition does not provide high-quality masonry, and the cladding may “float”.


The advantages of ceramic facing bricks are:

    Frost resistance. Quality invaluable in northern climates. Along with strength, frost resistance is the main indicator of the durability of a material. The combination of characteristics and price/quality ratio makes ceramic brick ideal material for Russian weather conditions.

    Strength. Thanks to the small volume of porosity, the masonry is durable and resistant to natural vagaries.

    Diversity. The industry produces products of all kinds, color range and textures. This diversity makes it possible to build beautiful brick houses that imitate ancient buildings and to successfully restore old mansions.

High quality ceramic cladding Russian frosts are not scary

The disadvantages include:

    High price. Bricks undergo multi-stage processing, which affects final cost(when compared with silicate products).

    Requirement for solution. The masonry mortar must be of high quality, otherwise you should wait for the appearance of efflorescence - a deposit of evaporated mineral salts.

    Color differences. Brick from different batches can vary greatly in tone, which can ruin the appearance of the facade.


This material applies to artificial stones; it is made from cement, limestone and waste from other industries (marble, limestone, dolomite, shell rock), which reduces the cost of products. Hyperpressed brick is highly durable; it is used in finishing the facades of houses, gazebos, fences and garden paths.

Hyper-pressed brick for the most sophisticated taste

On our website you can get acquainted with the most construction companies, presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

Facades brick houses Such a plan has the following advantages:

    Material strength and correct geometry. Strength parameters exceed those of silicate and ceramic products. The size deviation is no more than 0.5 mm, which saves mortar and reduces laying time.

    Ease of use. Cladding can be done not only simultaneously with the construction of the wall, but also on the finished facade.

    Suitability for cladding. The material has a variety of colors and a wide selection of shaped products. It is frost-resistant, easy to saw and has low water absorption (5-6%). The chipping of the front edges perfectly imitates the texture natural stone, which benefits a brick façade of any style.

    Strength of masonry. One and a half times higher than ceramic, due to the improved quality of setting with masonry mortar.

    Durability. The masonry will survive most walls - its properties are preserved for 150-200 years.

Fragment of a facade made of hyper-pressed “torn” brick

The main disadvantages of hyperpressed brick are its weight and high heat capacity. These features require strengthening the foundation and insulating the walls, which inevitably leads to an increase in the cost of construction work.


Sand-lime brick finishing is widespread in private housing construction; its popularity is due to several factors:

    Environmental friendliness. The manufacturing materials are sand and lime, safe (from the point of view of health effects) natural raw materials.

    Strength and frost resistance. Important qualities for facade finishing, which has a service guarantee of 50 years.

    Range. Colored and textured silicate bricks are produced for cladding. The color is obtained by adding artificial dyes, in contrast to ceramic products, which obtain the color by mixing several types of clay in different proportions. Shaped products none.

Sand-lime bricks have a serious drawback - a low threshold of water and heat resistance, which prohibits their use for cladding foundations and chimneys.

White brick façade with contrasting trim

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Brick facade: advantages and disadvantages

Brick has a thousand-year history of use; builders knew it Ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire; today both construction and decorative material successfully used in suburban housing construction. Decorative brick is used in internal cladding (for cladding fireplaces and walls) and is a popular material for adjusting the facade.

The advantages of brick cladding are:

    Reliability. This is achieved due to the high strength of the material and its resistance to atmospheric conditions (humidity, temperature changes, precipitation, direct sunlight).

    Durability. Brick is not susceptible to biological agents, is not subject to oxidation or corrosion and has a decent service life (50-150 years).

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About the production of clinker products in the following video:

    Practicality. The material has excellent sound insulation qualities, and the insulated facade serves as an excellent heat insulator. Many façade products are made hollow, which also helps retain heat.

    Environmental friendliness. Facing brick - natural material, in the manufacture of which clay and other natural substances are used.

    Range. Present on the market Various types facing products in a wide color palette, various shapes and textures. Thanks to such diversity and the work of the designer, the facades of brick houses acquire an individual appearance.

The material is not without certain disadvantages:

    Weight. The weight of the brick cladding must be taken into account when calculating the foundation, as it is a significant additional load.

    Solution quality. May affect the strength and appearance of the cladding (formation of efflorescence).

Cottage from yellow brick creates an atmosphere of comfort

Facade cladding options

Facing brick is in a great way to give a country cottage feel personality traits. Architects and designers know many options for decorative masonry, based on one technique - highlighting with color. All combinations of color and texture are conventionally divided into two ways:

    Colored layout. A facing brick of one (or more) color is used, a colored one is selected for it masonry mixture, matching in tone or contrasting.

    Used brick of several colors and textures; this allows you to highlight the elements of the facade and emphasize the main lines of the building.

Colored clinker cladding

To get a beautiful house facade, options are chosen based on certain rules:

    The guideline is architectural style country house.

    In order not to lose half of the attractiveness, you should remember that entry group houses, path and fence with gates should be single architectural ensemble.

    Most often, an effective and sufficient technique will be highlighting the main elements of the facade with color- corners and windows. Using a material with a different texture or using different types brick dressings.

Painted brick facade

Cladding of wooden houses

Owners of frame and wooden houses made of timber or logs often resort to brick cladding as a way not only to decorate their home, but also to increase its service life. The house becomes more solid, acquires a solid appearance and a higher value on the market. The cladding of wooden cottages consists of three stages:

    Home preparation. You need to make sure that the structure can support the additional weight. The structure is inspected and the quality of the floors is checked. Beams with cracks, traces of mold and other damage are replaced with new parts. The facade is treated with antiseptic impregnation and fire retardant (a fire retardant).

    Insulation. It is carried out at will, for which it is used as a thermal insulation material. mineral wool. The material does not interfere with air circulation, allowing the wooden facade to breathe and extending its service life.

    Cladding works . The facing layer is made with clay or silicate bricks at a distance of about 5 cm from the wall. The masonry is fixed with galvanized pins.

Wooden façade cladding

Cladding of stone and brick buildings

The cladding device for these types of buildings has its own characteristics:

    Insulation. Buildings made of stone and brick can be insulated with materials that do not allow air to pass through well, such as polystyrene foam. If the insulation is done with glass wool, it is additionally stretched membrane film. Thermal insulation material fastened to the wall with disc-shaped dowels.

    Facing. The brickwork is connected to the insulation by securing self-tapping screws to disc dowels.

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About choosing facing bricks in the following video:

Methods for finishing a brick facade

If it is not possible to finish the facade with brick due to limited resources and time (installation of brick cladding is a long and painstaking task), materials that can imitate brickwork will come to the rescue:

    Facade panels or tiles with brick imitation.

    Clinker tiles for brick.

    Brick siding finish.

All these materials are practical and easy to use and maintain. They are used for cladding facade walls and plinths, and decorate openings and facade details. Available on the market big choice shades, shapes and sizes, allowing you to create a brick appearance of a country house that is almost indistinguishable from a real one.

Modern country house in English style

Styles of facades of brick houses

Centuries of the use of brick as a building and facing material led to the emergence of many methods and styles of building design, resulting in beautiful brick facades of private houses; we offer photos of different styles below. There are several popular trends in decorating modern brick houses:

    English style. The most popular cottages are those whose facades are made of red brick, although the house is made of brown brick will not be a violation of the canons. The direction is characterized by clear geometric shapes, restraint in palette and decor, precise proportions and a small, neat porch. Modern english houses they still do without a basement, but the attic is an indispensable component of the image.

    Gothic style. A country cottage in the Gothic style is a personal fortress with all (unlike its medieval predecessors) amenities and external attributes: strict lines of the facade, forged elements and a façade lined with brick. The rougher the material, the more brutal the building looks. The brick can be any color; To enhance the effect, the color of the roof and trim is selected in contrast.

Brick cottage in Provence style

    Country or Provence. Both styles bear the features of freestyle country life and look cozy and elegant; In design, brick is often combined with plaster and wood. It is traditional to distinguish brick facades by shades. For houses in the Provence style, cold tones (gray, bluish, white) are often chosen; for country-style facades, warm colors are chosen, from delicate beige and ivory to rich curry.

    European style. It combines the traditions of several European countries, including Germany, Denmark, Austria and the Netherlands. Most often, the facades of cottages in European style combine elements of half-timbering (medieval technology) with stone, plaster and brick. The facades of houses with gray and light bricks look practical and respectable.

European style - fabulously cozy and practical

    Historical direction. Brick facades of houses made in Romanesque or classic style, Rococo, Baroque or Art Nouveau style, look luxurious and majestic, but require the involvement of an experienced architect who can maintain the correct proportions and overall design.

    Modern styles. These include constructivism, minimalism, hi-tech and eclecticism, which is fashionable today. The facades of such houses have their own characteristics and can be decorated in a thousand different ways, and brick will look appropriate everywhere. In exterior design, brick facades are often painted. This can be done on brick, immediately after the masonry has dried, or after plastering the surface.

Modern project - brick cladding and panoramic glazing


Despite the variety of modern techniques suburban construction, brick facades continue to attract with their timeless elegance and reliability in operation. Using brick in exterior decor is a practical way to give your home a beautiful appearance and positive emotions for yourself.

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Brick houses are good because they can be in any style, and they are also “forever” and this is not an exaggeration. Only the façade can be made of brick, hiding behind it another, less weather-resistant material. Photos of brick houses will help you decide exactly how the building will look. Perhaps you will understand which look is closer to you.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any building material, brick has its pros and cons. Previously, there were no special alternatives. It was also possible to build a wooden house, from shell rock (shell rock), limestone and other natural materials, from cinder blocks. That's it, there were no other technologies. Compared to all others, brick houses were a priority: the most durable, requiring no maintenance for decades. And the material is widespread, not like shell rock or limestone.

Today the situation has changed, other materials have appeared. They are also not without their shortcomings, but they lie on a different plane. Nevertheless, brick still remains a popular material; new colors and textures are appearing, which make it possible to make facades more and more diverse. Photos of brick houses confirm this.


Let's start with the pleasant things - consider the positive aspects of the technology and material:

It is these properties that make brick houses one of the most popular. They retain their original appearance for decades and centuries, and require almost no maintenance or repair. So such a house can pass from generation to generation without changing in appearance.


But brick houses also have serious disadvantages. It is because of them that many people think about using alternative materials and technology. Here are the disadvantages of brick buildings:

The combination of these shortcomings forces us to look for an alternative. Moreover, new technologies and materials have appeared that make it possible to obtain a house with similar performance characteristics at lower costs and construction time.

Facades of brick houses: architectural styles

One of the main advantages of brick: the ability to create structures that are completely different in appearance from the same material. The small size makes it possible to fold almost brick lace. Although, the trend today is more strict lines and styles, which should also not be overlooked. And there are not just many styles in architecture, but a lot. And everyone also has their own movements... In the article we will talk about the most popular today.

European style

One of the most popular styles recently in the construction of private houses is European. Laconic shape - a square or a figure close to a square, with possible bay window extensions. The square is the most convenient shape for planning, so houses of this style, with small sizes, can accommodate everything you need. Look good in this style two-story houses, as well as houses with .

This European-style house project differs in material: the first floor is brick without finishing, the second floor is finished with boards or siding. A protruding bay window makes it possible to create an open terrace with columns and large balcony on the second floor The photo shows a yellow brick house with dark brown trim. Frequently occurring combination

If you look at a photo of brick houses in the European style, what catches your eye is the base, trimmed with tiles or stone, two or more hipped roof. Traditional roofing material - natural tiles, in last years actively repressed. Windows are usually small, rectangular in shape, sometimes with a rounded top. Doors and window frames performed in a tone contrasting to the color of the walls.

Very often a brick house in modern style has two entrances. The front door can be moved forward relative to the main walls, with a terrace built above it. If the entrance is “recessed”, a balcony is made above it. The design often contains forged products, but their forms are laconic.


The style originated in the second half of the last century, and since then it has gradually become more and more popular. The main idea: the absence of unnecessary details, laconic forms, strict lines, and, if possible, multifunctionality of parts. Since there are no “embellishments” at all, the main emphasis is on the material, its appearance, properties, and qualities. Basically, when building houses in the minimalist style, stone, wood, metal, marble, and glass are used. There are also brick houses in this style, because brick is a natural material. Only brick usually High Quality- clinker, dark or light colors, often with contrasting trim.

White brick and metal - somewhat futuristic look

In the photo of brick houses in the minimalist style there is common features: more windows - from floor to ceiling or almost. The window frame is simple - usually without imposts. Roof - flat or with minimal overhangs, but most often without them at all. There may be several multi-level flat or pitched roofs. The facade can be decorated with rectangular columns, with columns in the shape of the letter G being the most typical.


If you like big ones panoramic windows, you should pay attention to the photos of brick houses in a modern style. Panoramic or French windows- this is the calling card of this direction. The layout implies spacious multifunctional premises: dining room-living room or kitchen-dining room. Often, from the “common use” rooms there is access to the terrace.

Metal tiles are a modern material Stone and glass are a classic combination, but the look is modern Large windows are one of the characteristic features of the style

If we talk about characteristic features, this absence is purely decorative details, current solutions using new materials and technologies. The windows are large, separated by wide imposts. Roofs are predominantly gable, but can also be multi-level or multi-gable. The overhangs are large, often so large that they become awnings. Roofing material - metal tiles, soft tiles. Moreover, pay attention to the color of the roofing material in a color scheme close to the color of the walls. The frames of windows and doors, however, too.


Unlike all those described above, a brick house in the Art Nouveau style can be decorated decorative elements. Moreover, they are usually round, oval in shape, repeating natural lines. The facade of a brick house in Art Nouveau style can be decorated various kinds decorative elements, stucco molding, etc. Particular attention is paid to the windows and their design - they are mostly arched, with complex frames; stained glass can be used.

One of the classic representatives of the Art Nouveau style. A one-story brick house does not mean a dull square box. This photo of a brick house in the Art Nouveau style can be considered a style guide...

One of the principles of the Art Nouveau style is the optionality of symmetry, therefore asymmetrical bay windows (and in one building there can be several of them of different sizes/shapes), projections, extensions are one of the signs of the style. In plan, the building spot is square or close to it, as it is disrupted by all the architectural “excesses”.

The roof is complex, multi-gable, since it is necessary to harmoniously design the existing magnificence of forms. All this - complex, varied forms - leads to the fact that the cost of implementing projects of such houses is high. Therefore, in the photo there are houses made of bricks, which cannot be called mansions other than. Roofing material - clay or, because of their small sizes Ideal for complex roofs, and they look appropriate.

Photos of beautiful brick houses

Architectural styles and their movements are complex matter. For the uninitiated, understanding all the subtleties and nuances is a very, very difficult matter. Often it is not required. You need to find a photo of a brick house that you like. Based on it, it will be possible to create own project or show what you want to the architect. Next, it’s a matter of technology to agree on the cost of the project. But remember that, most likely, you will be 35-50% over budget.

This style of architecture is called “Provence”. Characteristic roofs, windows...

This style of architecture is usually called American...

Red-brown brick, white joints and white plaster trim... a very memorable appearance

Interesting extension. The house itself is too simple in shape...

Gray brick... gloomy, but non-standard

Red brick different shades and dark brown beams, a peaked roof with living spaces...

The advantages of brick houses are countless. It’s not for nothing that such buildings are considered the most reliable. Among the advantages are reliability, fire resistance, the ability to create unique design, thanks to the variety of colors, high level thermal insulation, durability, sound insulation. Such a house does not require additional finishing.

Brick allows the home to “breathe”, and its strength allows you to easily build two-, three- and multi-story houses. Brick consists almost entirely of clay, and therefore is an environmentally friendly material.

In order for your brick home to be truly warm, cozy and reliable, you need to know some rules. If the brick is made of low-quality clay, its moisture resistance will be less, and over time it will begin to destroy it.

You should pay attention to this important fact when purchasing and be sure to ask for documents that indicate what the brick is made of and how it is made. When transporting bricks, it is necessary that they be laid in a certain way - one row across the other.

In order for the house to be warm, bricks must be laid in several rows (for temperate climate The thickness of the walls should be about forty centimeters). You can also insulate the facade of the building to preserve heat. decorative species bricks or insulate the walls of the house from the inside.

To build beautiful house made of brick, the first thing you need to do is find a site that meets your requirements and the size of the building. Think over the design, determine the number of floors, rooms, utility rooms, the presence of a porch or veranda, and most importantly, calculate the budget of the future home.

Creating a brick house project

Then it’s time to start the project. The design of a brick house can be ordered from a licensed organization or you can draw it up yourself, agree on the documents, and only then can you begin construction.

If a small family lives in the house, then usually the conversation is about one-story house. Standard solution is a house plan six by nine square meters. There are many different layouts for such footage and everyone can find the best option for themselves.

The main rooms are usually a living room or veranda, a bathroom, several bedrooms and a kitchen. Sometimes people prefer a house with one room, but a large terrace, or they equip a dressing room or storage room.

When a house is built for a medium or large family, they focus on the size of nine by nine square meters or build two-storey house made of brick, measuring ten by ten. Such a house can already accommodate a place for boiler rooms, a basement, several living rooms, four to five bedrooms, and several bathrooms.

How bigger house, those more space for your ideas and fantasies. Winter gardens or swimming pools on the ground floor, gyms and game rooms, billiard rooms, balconies and open terraces– you can put all this on paper yourself or with the help of qualified employees.

For practicality and convenience, you need to think about placement in advance household appliances and furniture in order to correctly indicate the location of sockets in the project.

Decide on the type of heating so that you can hide pipes, place radiators, etc. If there is a boiler room in the house, it is better to place it near the kitchen. Another room that is most appropriate next to the kitchen is the living room. When your project is ready, you can begin construction.

Construction of a brick house

To build a house, you can hire builders, but this will lead to its cost at least doubling. Therefore, if you have time, desire and opportunity, as well as a couple of people who can come to your aid, you can safely build a house with your own hands.

The construction of any building begins with the foundation. Typically used for residential buildings strip foundation. Experts recommend it as the most durable.

The construction of the foundation includes: digging a pit, backfilling with sand and crushed stone to create a cushion, installing formwork and boards, pouring the foundation itself and waterproofing.

Without waterproofing, building a house is impossible, groundwater They will quickly destroy the foundation, and then the walls themselves. Brick laying, after pouring the foundation, is carried out no earlier than a month later.

After calculation and purchase required quantity bricks, start laying it. To do this, use one of three methods: well, four bricks or lightweight.

Well masonry involves a void inside, which is then filled with expanded clay or blown with foam - such walls will provide the highest thermal insulation of the house.

Laying in four bricks is carried out using metal mesh. It is placed every 6-7 rows and increases the rigidity and strength of the wall.

With lightweight masonry, the first bricks are placed in the corners of the house (five to ten per corner). It is mandatory for such masonry to have a plumb line. The bricks must be level and vertical.

Having chosen the type of masonry, you can mix the solution. You need to apply it with a trowel, leveling it well. When laying a brick, you need to knock on it with the handle of a trowel.

As a rule, when laying the last brick in a row, there is excess space left; it can be filled with cement or a broken piece of brick. The main thing when laying is not to forget to leave, or better yet immediately designate, a place for doors and windows.

Once the walls are built, you need to think about the roof. The roof frame for a brick house is constructed from wooden beam. It is treated with anti-fungal agents. The roof is constantly exposed to mechanical and climatic influences and a Mauerlat is used to strengthen it.

In fact, this is the base or foundation of the roof, what it rests on. It is mounted on the walls, and the frame itself is attached to it. Lathing is carried out using OSB or plywood boards.

Metal tile lathing is done in increments of thirty-five centimeters, for slate - about eighty centimeters. The roof must be protected from moisture (waterproofed).

The main part of your house is ready. Now we should begin the final work - laying pipes, installing windows and doors, installing communications, and finishing.

Well thought out, practical, built from quality materials With all technologies in place, a brick house will serve for a long time and bring joy to many generations. A photo of a brick house can be seen below.

Photos of brick houses

Brick houses (projects, photos of which make up a significant part of the turnkey offers on the website of any construction company) are a real classic in the construction of private households. This fully applies to both small one-story projects, and large suburban cottages, which are in steady demand among developers, despite the fairly high cost of construction.

Brick houses: assessing the advantages and disadvantages

Brick facades attract with traditional elegance, sophistication and some severity, because brick is an excellent construction option for decorating the exterior of buildings. However, the decision to build a brick house is dictated not only by aesthetic advantages:

  • durability – this is an extremely wear-resistant material, it is characterized by high strength and the ability to withstand any type of impact - it is resistant to moisture, temperature changes, does not lend itself to deformation, rotting, and mold or fungi do not grow inside it. Therefore, a brick house does not need repairs for many years; it, like an inherited property, can be passed on from generation to generation
  • environmental friendliness – used exclusively for making bricks natural materials, which ensures environmental cleanliness and absolute safety for the health of residents
  • fire safety of houses – brick is fireproof, does not burn, does not support combustion, and cannot, like wood, ignite under the influence of external factors. IN brick house much easier to install stove or fireplace
  • soundproofing – powerful brick walls suppress both external (from the street) noise well and ensure silence directly in the house, giving the opportunity to retire and relax
  • architectural possibilities – brick allows you to implement projects of any stylistic complexity, both single-story and high-rise
  • with high-quality and accurate work, the quality of the masonry allows you to do without external finishing work

However, the list of disadvantages of brick houses is quite long:

  • high price – is associated with both the high cost of bricks and the work carried out during construction
  • heavy weight brick walls will require laying a powerful, well-deep foundation, which, on the one hand, increases the cost of houses, on the other, increases the construction period (the foundation needs time to settle)
  • duration of house construction – masonry walls due to the small size of the bricks – the turnkey construction process is long and labor-intensive. In addition, “wet” work (preparing mortar) imposes restrictions on work in winter
  • need for additional thermal insulation – layers of cement form so-called “cold bridges”, causing large heat losses. Therefore, you will have to either build thick walls, or create a “sandwich” (lay thermal insulation between two rows of masonry), or arrange “ wet plaster" In addition, brick houses and cottages are characterized by high thermal inertia - you need to heat the boiler (stove) for a long time to warm it up
  • the need for interior finishing work

Brick house: stylistic and architectural features

Brick has been used in construction for centuries; the variety of textures and colors on the front side allows you to create beautiful facades, designed in a wide variety of styles:

  • Romanesque - a style that predates the Gothic and includes many elements of the ancient Roman style. The facades of the Romanesque-style cottages, reminiscent more of the walls of a fortress than a residential building, are filled with solemn and calm power. Characteristic features of the style are heavy and massive walls made of brickwork, circular (semi-circular) arches, a large number of brick decorations on doors, windows, friezes and pediments.
  • Gothic - the period of greatest flowering of brickwork, while the brick Gothic style is characterized by the absence of sculptures, which are generally characteristic of Gothic architecture. Instead, walls are decorated using color contrast of different types of bricks (glazed, red, inclusion of stone), lime plaster. Castle or Gothic notes are still popular in private housing construction; despite some gloominess, they add a romantic mood. Towering turrets, high vaults and narrow windows, reminiscent of loopholes - all this emanates mystery
  • baroque – brick cottages built in this style are particularly luxurious; complex structures with different columns and smooth curves help give the exterior a truly majestic, pompous (in an attractive sense) look
  • traditional english house is a mixture of Georgian and Victorian styles, its distinctive and characteristic feature– red brick walls. Typically, an English-style house has two floors and a small attic (non-residential) space (closet, room for drying clothes), less often - a house with attic. The facade is strict, with a minimum of decoration, other characteristic features are symmetry. Uniform distribution of windows along the façade, paired pipes
  • Provence despite the fact that houses are traditionally finished using light plaster to give the exterior some zest, part of the wall with rough brickwork is exposed
  • classic- a home for those who value and preserve family values; in such houses there is no place for combinations of classic red brick and modern materials. Distinctive feature exterior of a “classic” house – correct dimensions and proportions
  • modern – a fairly calm style for facade decoration brick cottage, which combines smooth lines with complex ones, in architectural plan, decisions
  • high tech – a triumph of rationalism, in which brick is actively combined with glass and metal inserts

An important issue is the correctly selected color of the brick, which can quite radically change the visual perception of the house. For example, bricks of yellow or sandy shades make a bulky large building appear optically lighter. Combination white brick and a dark gray or black roof gives the building rigor and elegance, but the walls yellow color will harmonize perfectly with dark color roofs and doors. The red-brown facade involuntarily evokes associations with old manor, adding comfort and tranquility to the exterior.

Projects of brick houses with a garage: internal or attached

An important element of country housing is the presence garage, projects may provide for several types of its placement:

  • standing separately - an option when the size of the plot allows you to allocate an area both for the building itself and for the access roads to it. The advantage of such a building is that the house will be completely isolated from odors and noise, but it will require additional communications (electricity, possibly water), and the cost will be separate worth building higher
  • interior– the garage is located inside the house itself – on the first or ground floor, in the basement. Such projects allow you to significantly save space, which is important for small plots, in addition, the garage can be used as utility room for storing household equipment. In addition, you can directly access the garage from home, which is especially convenient, for example, in winter or in the rain, and a warm car starts up better and faster. When placing a garage inside a house, the first floor is usually completely dedicated to household premisesstorerooms, boiler room, etc. If there are living quarters on the ground floor of a house with a garage, then correct layout household premises act as a buffer, protecting the living area from the specific odors inherent in the garage, noise, etc. At the same time, part of the money saved by not having to build separate building, you will definitely have to spend on good ventilation and fire safety. Additional costs will be incurred on thermal insulation - after all, when the garage is opened, a lot of heat “flies out”

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