Optimal temperature in the refrigerator. What temperature should the refrigerator be to keep food fresh for a long time?

Rostislav Kuzmin

Good afternoon, dear readers of my blog! If you are planning a large purchase, it is worth figuring out what temperature should be in the refrigerator and freezer for better preservation products.

Post-Soviet society is accustomed to the fact that the unit itself can only be connected to the network. And if it doesn’t freeze well, you should call a professional. Modern devices have smart control And detailed instructions, which allows you to make the settings yourself.

My dear aunt never looked at how many degrees there were in her refrigerator after defrosting. From time to time I heard comments about the operation of the unit, which, naturally, helped me choose. But after she lost as much as 5 kilograms of fresh tenderloin intended for the May kebabs, my patience ran out. I made a chart of recommended temperatures and posted it on her refrigerator.

Product name

Expiration date

Raw meat (not minced meat!)

From +1 to +3 o C

No more than 1.5 days

Raw fish, sea cocktail

From 0 to +2 o C

Within 2 days

From +2 to + 5 o C

Maximum 1 month

Homemade dishes - first and second

From +2 to + 5 o C

On average 4-5 days

Milk and dairy products

Ideally +4 o C

Depending on the method of preparation and packaging

From +4 to + 7 o C

From five days to a month (depending on the variety and degree of ripening)

Fruits and berries

From +5 to + 8 o C

Identical to vegetables. It's worth remembering that exotic fruits do not store in the cold, this only shortens their shelf life

An important point - minced meat does not belong to fresh meat; Its shelf life at above-zero temperatures is no more than 12 hours.

Temperature for deep freezing

We discussed the refrigerator modes. But in the freezer a slightly different picture is created. The temperature may not fluctuate within 2-3 degrees, as described above in the table, but have a gap of 10-15 o C. It all depends on what purpose you use the freezer for.

For refrigerators whose owners eat only freshly prepared food and foods that have not been frozen, 14 degrees below zero will be sufficient. This mode is ideal for freezers with a minimum amount of food. Those who often freeze large volumes of meat or vegetables should set their unit to -20-24 o C.

Optimal temperature in freezer– minus 18 degrees. They keep it with her butter, minced meat, lard, raw dough, etc.

Modern devices have a “super freeze”/deep freeze function. It allows you to set an extremely low temperature for the refrigerator - down to -30 o C. In this mode, freezing of vegetables, fruits and berries occurs in in the shortest possible time, which helps preserve vitamins.

How to determine temperature

I bought myself an electronically controlled Atlant and have no problems starting the parameters. Every time I set the mode after defrosting, I rejoice at my foresight.

Judge for yourself:

  • At electronic control, the temperatures of the refrigerator and freezer are displayed on a special display.
  • I can set the mode I need in any compartment of the unit with an accuracy of a degree.
  • There is no risk that the products will disappear, since my device instantly notifies about the slightest changes in the mode.

My aunt is very good man, but a man of the old school. It is not in its rules to spend extra money on innovation. That's why she has a mechanically controlled refrigerator. Also a good option, but to measure the temperature you need to use old-fashioned method- that is, with an ordinary thermometer. I put it on a saucer and place it on the middle shelf - the driest area. This will not work with a freezer - the thermometer will simply burst.

I don’t like mechanical control because the temperature can only be adjusted approximately. Therefore, I advise my aunt not to delay the shelf life of perishable foods.

Cold distribution

In the freezer, as a rule, the microclimate is the same everywhere. There are colder or damper areas in the refrigerator.

Knowing them, you can optimize the storage of different products.

In hot weather, you can often notice that it seems to be getting warmer inside the unit. To equalize the temperature, do not open the door for at least an hour.

Freshness zones

Probably the only stable place in the refrigerator compartment is the freshness zone. Many have heard about it, but not everyone has any idea what it is or where it is.

Externally, it looks like a separate drawer located in the middle of the refrigerator. It closes hermetically, maintaining a stable temperature of +3-5 degrees. The freshness zone is not affected by frequent opening of the unit. In Samsung models, this compartment is most often called Cool Select Zone. U Lg designations are more common OptiTemp Zone or Opti Fresh Zone. Manufacturers Hotpoint-Ariston and Indesit call it Flex Cool Box, Food Care Zone, Chiller And Fresh Box.

The freshness zone is characterized not only by stable temperature conditions, but also by high humidity. Therefore, greens, vegetables and fruits retain their freshness longer. Such models are relevant for salad lovers or vegetarians.

There is another concept - a zero zone with an optimal temperature of 0-1 o C. It should not be confused with a freshness zone, especially if you want to purchase a unit for storing meat or fish products. A difference of a couple of degrees fundamentally affects the safety of, say, minced meat.

Programmed temperature settings work perfectly with new refrigerators. But after each careless defrosting and other gross violations of operation, it becomes increasingly difficult for the unit to cope with its functional responsibilities.

Help him by following a few simple rules.

  • Never slam the refrigerator door, do not close it forcibly, if something inside is in the way, carefully monitor the integrity rubber seal. It seems like a small thing that is easy and cheap to replace. But it is with a damaged rubber band or a door that has slipped off its hinge that the refrigerator begins to depressurize. There can be no talk of maintaining a stable temperature in such a situation.
  • Think about what and how much you want to eat before you open the unit. By letting in heat, you are putting extra strain on the compressor. This shortens the life of the device.
  • Inspect the freshness area regularly. Because of high humidity Bacteria accumulate there faster, leading to food spoilage.
  • Place food in eco-friendly containers or wrap it in parchment paper. In extreme cases, cling film will do. Such measures will protect the food from drying out and absorbing foreign odors.
  • Defrost the BHP according to the schedule.
  • Do not abuse the super freeze function - the freezer should never operate in this mode on a permanent basis. This harms the unit and also leads to increased electricity consumption.
  • Freeze dried berries, fruits and vegetables, pre-packing them in airtight bags. If the lights suddenly go out while you are at work, there will be less cleaning later, since the defrosted juice will not spread throughout the chamber.

Most importantly, never, under any circumstances, place hot food in the refrigerator. Even slightly warm soup is on top, but in the middle of the pan? - may damage the device. What do you think will cost you more – repairing expensive equipment or preparing a new dish?

I have given you knowledge - use it for the benefit of the refrigerator and your own health. Subscribe to the blog to stay updated. All the best!

Thank you for your attention! See you again on my blog. Sincerely, Rostislav Kuzmin.


IN different countries various standards have been defined for temperature regime in the freezer compartment of household refrigerators. In Russia, for example, optimal value this indicator is minus 18 degrees. Modern refrigerators are mostly equipped with three or two freezer compartments, and they maintain different temperature conditions. What should the refrigerator-freezer temperature be? Let's figure it out together.

What foods are usually stored in the freezer??

A freezer is needed for long-term storage products. It is impossible to store meat, fish, berries or butter in the refrigerator for a long time. To do this, use the freezer, where the temperature is much lower. In addition to the listed food products, you can store there:

Fresh vegetables and fruits.
Sausage, sausages.
Ground meat.
Dumplings, dumplings, cutlets (semi-finished products).

How long can you store meat and fish in the freezer??

Meat does not last long in the refrigerator. Even in the so-called freshness zone, where the temperature fluctuates around 0 degrees, it can lie for a day and a half, no more. Next, you need to recycle the product, otherwise it will spoil. The same goes for fresh fish. To preserve fresh meat and fish for a long time, lower temperatures are needed environment. Let's see how long meat (fish) is stored in the freezer.

1. At t -12 degrees – 4 months.
2. At t -18 degrees – 6-8 months.
3. At t -24 degrees – 12 months.

Other factors, such as power outages, can affect shelf life. If the refrigerator was turned off for a long time (more than a day), and this happened often, then the shelf life of food in the freezer is reduced.

So what is the temperature in the freezer??

In a regular refrigerator, where the freezer consists of one common compartment, the temperature in it does not drop below -18. And in newer models, freezers consist of several compartments (2-3), each of which maintains its own temperature regime. The user has the opportunity to decide for himself in which compartment to store berries, meat, butter, fish and other products. Let's consider what temperature values ​​are set for each of them.

1. "Fast freezing." This is the most cold zone throughout the refrigerator (-24 degrees). What is it for? If, for example, you want to freeze fresh berries - strawberries, cherries, currants or raspberries, then place the fruits in this compartment for 2 hours, after which you should transfer them to any other compartment of the freezer for storage. The blast freezing box is used for a short time.

2. The second compartment of the freezer maintains temperatures down to -12 degrees. Margarine, butter, meat or fish, berries, in general, everything are stored here, but not longer than 3-4 months. If you need products to be preserved for longer long term, use the third compartment.

3. In the third box the temperature is reduced to -18 degrees. You can store any food here for longer than six months.

However, it is worth considering the fact that the longer food sits in the freezer, the more ice crystals form inside - the structure of the fibers of meat, the pulp of fruits and vegetables is disrupted. To ensure that food does not lose its beneficial properties, always first place it in the quick-freezing compartment, and then transfer it to other boxes.

Rules for using the refrigerator and freezer

“Popular about health” warns that your household appliance served for a long time and properly, you need to adhere to the rules of its operation.

1. Never put hot or warm food inside (otherwise the temperature inside will rise, other foods may spoil, and the device itself may break if used incorrectly).

2. Make sure the doors are always tightly closed.

3. According to the instructions, defrost regularly. Some modern models there is no need to defrost, but to wash them from the inside, you will still have to periodically unplug them and clean them various kinds pollution. If this is not done, bacteria will multiply inside and an unpleasant odor will appear.

4. If your device allows you to adjust the temperature manually, then set the values ​​recommended by the manufacturer, and do not go far beyond the specified values.

5. Never knock off frost accumulated on the cooling elements mechanically, this will lead to damage to the device. Wait until the ice melts on its own, wash all parts with a soft cloth soaked in soapy solution.

6. Periodically check that the water drain is not clogged (in models with a “crying wall” system). Clean the drain hole and tube to remove debris as necessary. Stagnation of water will lead to malfunction device and the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Most modern household appliances are equipped automatic sensors temperatures and do not require user control. However, if yours is designed for manual control, of course, you need to know what the refrigerator-freezer temperature should be. We hope that the information you received will help you operate your household appliance correctly and keep your food fresh for as long as possible.

Setting the optimal temperature in the refrigerator will allow you to:

  • store products for a long time;
  • preserve in food useful qualities;
  • do not defrost the refrigerator often;
  • extend the life of the device.

How many degrees is it in the refrigerator?

The average temperature in the refrigerator should be within +2 - +5 °C, since it is with this cooling that most products retain their beneficial properties, do not freeze and have more long term storage Also, this temperature in the refrigerator allows you to save on energy consumption, which is important.

What is the optimal temperature in the refrigerator?

Modern refrigerators are increasingly practical and multifunctional, allowing you to store food in temperature zones (refrigerator, freezer, zero).

The temperature in the refrigerator compartment should be between -1 and +6 °C. Indicators below and above the specified standards expose food products to spoilage or freezing. The optimal temperature in the refrigerator compartment is +2-+4°C.

The temperature in the freshness zone should be between -1 and 0 °C. Vegetables, fruits, and some dairy products are stored longer and retain freshness at exactly this temperature.

The normal temperature in the freezer is 18 °C.

Optimal refrigerator temperature for popular food groups

  1. Meat.
    For storage, set the temperature in the refrigerator from +1 to +3 degrees. This will prevent it from over-freezing, but will prevent it from spoiling quickly. Maximum term storage at this temperature for 36 hours. Setting the temperature one to two degrees higher will reduce the shelf life and freshness of the meat, and lower will make it less juicy.
  2. Sausage and sausage products.
    Most optimal temperature in the refrigerator - +2-+5 °C. At this temperature, the product can be stored for three to seven days.
  3. Cooking.
    Ready meals Best stored at +2 to +4 °C. It should be remembered that soups can freeze at temperatures below 0, so for dishes on the water normal temperature in the refrigerator positive (+4-+5 degrees).
  4. Vegetables.
    The temperature in the refrigerator is more gentle for vegetables. It is enough to set the regulator to +4 - +6 and storage will be as long as possible. Boiled vegetables should be stored from a day to three at a temperature of +3 - +5 °C so that they do not lose their nutritional value.
  5. Dairy products.
    For milk, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream or butter, a temperature of +1 to +5 is required. Milk, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk and other dairy products are stored for 24 to 72 hours at a relative temperature of up to +4 °C. The oil can be stored for 7-10 days at the same temperature.
  6. Eggs.
    For storage chicken eggs up to 30 days, a refrigerator temperature of +1 - +5 °C is required. For quail eggs - from 0 to +3 °C. Stored quail eggs 3-3.5 months.
  7. Fish and seafood.
    It is optimal to store fresh fish in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days at a temperature of 0 - +2 degrees Celsius. Fried or boiled fish - 36 hours at +1- +4 °C. Seafood retains its beneficial qualities at +4 - +6 degrees for 2-3 days. Cooked seafood is stored for 3-5 days at temperatures up to +6 °C.
  8. Fruits.
    Exotic fruits(bananas, pineapples, passion fruit, etc.) should not be stored in the refrigerator at all. They need temperatures above +15. Other fruits can be placed in refrigerator and store for several weeks with constant inspection and maintaining a temperature of +4 to +8 degrees Celsius.
  9. Cheeses.
    Ideal temperature in the refrigerator for cheeses +3 - +5 °C. The duration of storage depends on the fat content of the cheese and its type, but on average, hard cheese can be stored for up to 30 days at a temperature of +1 - +6.
  10. Bread and confectionery.
    Bakery products can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two to three days. The temperature in the refrigerator compartment should be +3 - +5 °C. A decrease in temperature can lead to its rapid hardening, and an increase can lead to the appearance of mold. Products with creams, cream, condensed milk, cottage cheese are stored for no more than 72 hours at temperatures from -1 to +3 degrees.
  11. Canned food.
    Mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup in closed packaging can be stored for 120 days at a temperature of 0 - +6 °C. Once the product has been opened, it must be stored exclusively in the refrigerator at +1 - +4 °C for no more than 24 days.

Thus, the average optimal temperature in the refrigerator for storing all products should be positive, namely +2 - +5 °C.

How to regulate the temperature in the refrigerator

Adjusting the temperature in the refrigerator depends on the type of control of the device: mechanical or electronic.

With a mechanical control type, you can change the temperature in the refrigerator using a manual regulator. This regulator switches the temperature in four possible positions, from minimum to medium, high and maximum.

It is quite easy to set the temperature in an electronic refrigerator. To do this, you need to use the display, which is located on outside doors, set the desired temperature for the entire device or its separate zones. The temperature is changed by pressing buttons or touching the display.

The presence of the required temperature in the refrigerator is an indicator of long-term preservation of food. But the requirements for pineapple or apples will be different than for ready-made semi-finished products (dumplings or sausages).

How do refrigerators work?

Since the time of the first primitive “cellar”, they have become more complex - in order to store and protect food from rotting effectively, it was necessary to improve the principle itself. For each type of product, a “department” for storage was allocated: the “freezer” and the main department were separated, then areas for storing non-standard food (requiring its own temperature regime) were gradually allocated. Modern refrigerator looks something like this:

  • freezer: a separate storage compartment (most manufacturers produce variations with a freezer separated from other zones). Temperature below -6°C;
  • the idea of ​​"dry freshness" is borrowed from industrial installations— humidity is approximately 50%, and temperature is -1°...0°C. This area is designed to store delicate foods that would quickly lose their aroma and taste in a conventional storage compartment. Sausages, cheeses and cottage cheese stay fresh longer here;
  • the “wet freshness” zone is characterized by higher levels (up to 95%). Conditions are optimal for a variety of vegetables, herbs, and fruits;
  • the doors are warmer by about a couple of degrees above the shelf, which is opposite;
  • the main part (sometimes the lower and upper parts are also separated, since the temperature on them may differ slightly).

Sometimes one part intersects another: the “wet zone” compartment can be technologically located inside the “dry” one. This is created for the convenience of the manufacturer and consumer. Some refrigerators may not contain everything listed.

Why does the temperature in the refrigerator vary?

Various products are stored in the refrigerator (according to composition, origin and storage conditions). Therefore, it must provide a choice of several temperature ranges. The buyer can adjust the settings according to the description of the rules in the documentation.

Modern firms adhere to following standards manufacturing:

  1. For freezers - -6°C...-30°C, more often up to -18°C (higher values ​​are only needed for shock treatment);
  2. Freshness zones - -1...1°C;
  3. Higher shelves: correct values ​​are +2…+4°C;
  4. Middle sections - temperature fluctuates at 3...6-8°C;
  5. In the doors the values ​​are +2°C in relation to the shelf opposite which they are located.

Forced regulation of parameters is allowed. By default (immediately after purchase), the standard, factory power is usually configured.

What temperature is needed?

After brief information here are some general recommendations optional:

  • for a freezer, this is considered to be a temperature of -18°C; shock freezing does not occur at this temperature, but the meat is stored for 8 months;
  • doors - the permissible value is +2°C (this is optimal for storing eggs and milk);
  • central compartments: 3...6°C - it is most convenient to store trays of prepared food here;
  • those corners that are farthest from the freezer operate at +8°C; the most delicate foods (cucumbers or exotic fruits) are stored here;
  • freshness zones - 0...1°C, at this value bacteria begin to stop their growth, additional storage quality is ensured by maintaining humidity.

Maximum and minimum temperatures

The most low temperature necessary for fast processing of large volumes of products. Units are produced that can easily maintain -30°C, but the use of such values ​​is limited in time by the manufacturer’s requirements.

The maximum (except for the defrosting state) is considered to be approximately 8 ° C, it is usually achieved on the upper shelves.

The engine heating temperature can be quite high - about 60°C, but not more than +90°C (the older the compressor, the more it can exceed the standard value due to wear).

Temperature standards according to GOST

In Russia there are standards developed in Soviet era— GOST 16317-87. According to this document, there are only two operating modes: 5...12°C or -18...-24°C. Refrigerators in the USSR were supposed to be manufactured without any special tricks - the first “separate places” for delicate products appeared along with export mass installations. Below is a table with “standard” values.

Temperature for different brands of refrigerators

To check the correctness of the set value, you can place a glass of water (not a method for negative temperatures) on the shelf, and measure the value again a day later. If it is not as expected, repeat the settings.

How to set the mode?

To configure the modes yourself, you should carefully read the documentation for the device. If the instructions are not even searched on the Internet, you need to carefully inspect the refrigerator. Inside on back wall(as an option, in the case), when you open the door, you will see a “handle” or a button (with labeled values). Guided by our recommendations (see table) and our own common sense, perform further installation.

The warranty recommends not using the equipment “to its fullest potential” long time, therefore, extreme indicators (if you need to quickly cool food) should be set for several hours, and then returned back. It is worth knowing that in modern two-chamber refrigerators sometimes several compressors are used, so this procedure repeat if necessary for each control separately (some models use one for two chambers).

After correct setup, you should follow some rules that will help keep food fresh for as long as possible, and leave the refrigerator clean and in good working order:

  • do not put hot dishes in it, this may cause damage;
  • do not use sharp objects or aggressive chemical compounds for cleaning;
  • throw away “overdue” items on time;
  • Carry out “general cleaning” a couple of times a year;
  • do not move the walls (including the back) close to the wall or furniture - a distance of about 10 cm is best;
  • install the equipment only on a flat surface;
  • try not to fill the shelves “all the way”, since the cooling rate of products is reduced, and the lack of natural ventilation will not do any good;
  • if the full volume is filled immediately, then first set the minimum permissible cooling parameter, and then gradually reduce the temperature further;
  • package the food (in sealed vacuum containers or cling film, bags) - this way you can additionally protect them from damage, as well as from unpleasant foreign odors;
  • use a refrigerator with an accompanying external thermal regime: if you do not live in extreme conditions, then they should not be lower than 16-18°C;
  • check out all technical documentation to your purchase: it is recommended to leave what you have just purchased or used after long break the refrigerator was turned on “idle” for one day, with the modes set to the average value;
  • place heating devices outside the immediate vicinity;
  • if you need to set the cooling to “maximum”, do not forget to return everything to its place - the longer the equipment operates in such modes, the faster it wears out.

A refrigerator is an indispensable thing in the house. Today people cannot imagine their life without it. In our climatic conditions have one at home household appliances just a necessity. The refrigerator allows you to keep cooked food and other products fresh for longer. However, how well it will do this directly depends on the temperature inside the refrigerator compartment.

What temperature should I set in the refrigerator? Not everyone considers this moment important, and in vain. Simple cooling there is not enough food inside the chamber, because each food group requires its own suitable temperature. For this purpose, certain zoning is provided.

What temperature should the refrigerator be? Let's figure out what is considered a household norm.

Optimal temperature in the refrigerator

There is no clear mark for ideal refrigerator cooling. However, there is a temperature range within which food can be stored freely in the refrigerator and not spoil for a long time.

As a rule, various brands refrigerators this range is somewhat different. Manufacturers set the minimum and maximum themselves. But you can regulate the temperature within accessible limits in any chamber.

In the instructions for household refrigerators usually the average is indicated best option cooling or "standard". There is always a corresponding mark on the unit’s thermostat. If you turn on this mode, the food will not spoil for a long time or freeze too much.

It must be said that the temperature in the freezer compartment of a refrigerator is standard -18 - -24 degrees, and in a home refrigerator it can be set to +3 - +10 degrees, while it is important to take into account the zoning of the cooling chamber. The temperature, at any setting, will always be lower on the upper tiers and higher towards the bottom, where the vegetable compartments are usually located.

Refrigerator zones and temperatures

Let's take a closer look at the zones of the refrigerator chamber, and how many degrees should be in each of them. This is important, since food storage must be done correctly to avoid premature spoilage.

As already mentioned, each tier has its own degrees, which allows you to place food in one chamber, but in accordance with the requirements of storage conditions.

Freshness zone

Such a zone is not provided in all refrigerators. However, most manufacturers still include it in the manufacture of refrigerators. How many degrees should the refrigerator on this shelf be?

Here it is always no less than 0 degrees, but no more than +1. Thus, pathogenic microorganisms that lead to product spoilage almost completely stop developing. At the same time, the food is not frozen, but remains chilled. All organoleptic properties are also better preserved in this zone. Only in the freezer of the refrigerator can there be a minus.

Refrigerator shelves

Here, the temperature on each shelf may vary slightly. So, in next zone operating temperature ranges from +2 to +4 degrees. At this level, as well as at the most top shelf It is recommended to keep meat products, semi-finished products, milk and eggs in the unit doors.

The next shelf should have a normal temperature of +3 - +6 degrees. Here, cooked dishes are well preserved; you can store natural sauces, dressings, bread, etc.

The lowest shelf, the one under which vegetable boxes are most often located. Here the standard recommended temperature is +8. This tier and compartments are good for storing vegetables, fruits, salted and fermented foods.

About food storage rules

Everyone knows that food needs to be stored correctly. Now we have sorted out the temperature inside the refrigerator.

It will be equally useful to familiarize yourself with the table of storage periods and temperatures for different groups products.

How to properly store food:

Name Temperature Acceptable storage period
Eggs +2 to +5 Up to 4 weeks
Fresh meat and minced meat +1 to +3 Up to 2 days
Seafood and fish From 0 to +2 2 days
Dairy products +3 or +4 Indicated on the packaging, depends on the product
Bread Optimally +5 No more than 3 days
Mayonnaise, sauces, ketchup, etc. +3 to +7 Up to 3 months
Fruits and vegetables Depends on softness, +4 - +8 From 4 to 30 days (depending on the food product)
Prepared meals +2 to +5 No more than 5 days
Confectionery with cream +2 and +3 About 4 days

In any case, before sending the product into the chamber, it is important to read the information on the packaging. Also, you should determine in what mode your refrigerator operates, and only then determine on which shelf to place the food.

Temperature control methods

Each refrigeration unit is equipped with a temperature control unit. Thermoregulation on the refrigerator can be carried out in different ways management.

There are only two of them, mechanical and electronic:

  1. Mechanical regulation. There is a temperature control knob inside. Through mechanical impact modes and switch. Usually the regulator additionally has an image that helps you set desired mode. However, if it is not there or it is not clear to you, then you can find all the necessary information in the instructions for the unit.
  2. Electronic exhibiting. This kind of regulation includes a display that visualizes the degrees and cooling mode. The desired temperature can be set using buttons or touch response. It all depends on the brand and model.

Modern models of cooling equipment mechanically regulations are practically not equipped anymore. Now most often it is sensory regulation that is present. A technical passport will help you figure out how to set up your camera.

How to extend the life of the unit?

After the temperature regime is set correctly and all products are laid out taking into account the requirements of storage rules, it is recommended to monitor them for many years.

  1. Do not keep the refrigerator door open for a long time, this disrupts its normal operation.
  2. Close the door tightly and ensure the integrity of the seal.
  3. Do not place cooked dishes that have not yet cooled down, much less hot ones, on the shelves, otherwise the equipment will quickly become unusable.
  4. Products should only be stored sealed or tightly closed.
  5. Under no circumstances should the refrigerator compartment be tightly packed with food; there must be free space left.
  6. The refrigerator and freezer compartments should always be cleaned promptly.
  7. Defrosting must be done regularly, taking into account the manufacturer's requirements.

Careful operation and maintaining the correct temperature conditions in the cooling and freezer compartments will help not only keep the equipment in working order, but also prevent possible poisoning from spoiled food.

And if you notice any irregularities in operation, you should definitely seek help from a repair specialist.

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