Outdoor cucumber varieties are the best for canning. Secrets of successful conservation

It turns out that not all cucumbers are suitable for making pickles. If you didn’t know this, then the article “ The best varieties cucumbers for pickling and canning" will help you understand the intricacies of choosing fruits for winter preparations.

We decided to grow on our own garden plot cucumbers? Then immediately decide on the ultimate goal of your endeavor. If you like fresh salads, then you should choose some varieties for planting; if you want to pickle cucumbers for the winter, you should choose others.

Ideal candidates for pickles

Salad cucumbers can be recognized by their thin light green skin, smooth surface and neutral taste. These are the most early cucumbers, which are not suitable for pickling, because in the jar they become soft and tasteless. Pickling cucumbers are distinguished by their dark skin, covered with bumps and small spines. Don't be put off by the unsightly appearance. When canned, cucumbers turn out fragrant and crispy. There are also so-called universal varieties. Good for both fresh preparations, and for pickling. Are different interesting shape and black pimples.

For pickling, neat, smooth cucumbers are an ideal option.

But even if you choose desired variety, when selecting fruits for pickles, you must adhere to certain rules.

  • the length of cucumbers should not exceed 15 cm;
  • the peel must be free of cracks and damage;
  • the surface is hard, covered with dark spines and pimples;
  • when cut there should be no voids, the pulp should be dense, the number of seeds should be minimal;
  • Cucumbers should not be bitter.

If the cucumbers successfully passed such a strict “face control”, then you can rest assured that your pickles will definitely not go unnoticed by your family.

The best varieties for canning

Let's move on to varieties. So which cucumbers are considered the best for pickling and canning?


The variety speaks for itself - it was created specifically for canning. Early ripening (42-45 days) bee-pollinated cucumbers are intended for planting in open ground. The plant is characterized by long vines and mixed type flowering. Cucumbers are oblong, with light stripes on the skin, covered with large pimples and barely noticeable black fluff. Length - 11 cm.


Early ripening high-yielding hybrid. Ripens in 45 days. One bush produces about 6 kg of short, pimply cucumbers with black thorns. Can be grown both in open and protected ground. This variety is valued for its high disease resistance, excellent taste and crunchy texture.


A popular variety that does not require pollination. The harvest can be harvested 45-50 days after germination. The fruits are not only beautiful (smooth and long), but also very tasty. On average, the weight of one cucumber is 200-250 g. After pickling, cucumbers do not lose their rich green color, retain their crispness and excellent taste.


Another variety that speaks for itself. The plant belongs to the group of parthenocarpits (not requiring pollination), grown in greenhouses. Cucumbers are harvested 60-65 days after planting the seedlings. The length of the spindle-shaped fruit is 10-13 cm. The skin is rich green in color and covered with multiple tubercles. One of best options for conservation.

Siberian saltingF1

New parthenocarpic hybrid variety, ripening on 42-46 days. The ovaries are arranged in bunches. Cucumbers - short, up to 7 cm in length, covered small pimples. Weight - 55-60 gr. The plant is resistant to temperature changes and diseases. When pickled, greens retain their inherent density and good taste.

Nezhinsky 12

It is unpretentious in care, gives a good harvest, and is resistant to diseases. It prefers fertile soil, so do not forget about fertilizers when planting (under film or in open ground). Cucumbers are short, slightly elongated. Covered with large tubercles and dark spines. Length - up to 12 cm. The pulp of the fruit is dense and crispy.


This self-pollinating variety is good for both pickling and fresh salads. Grown in greenhouses and open ground. The main advantages of the hybrid are high productivity, rapid adaptability to any environmental conditions, beautiful appearance and unusual taste. The greens are covered with white stripes. The skin is thin, the flesh is slightly sweet. Average length- 12 cm, weight - 95 g.

Parisian gherkin

An early bee-pollinated variety that produces short spindle-shaped fruits. Ripens 45 days after emergence. The fruits are green with white stripes, large tubercles and black spines. Length - 6-10 cm, weight - up to 90 g. They never get bitter. When salted, they retain a pleasant color, dense structure and excellent taste. Easy to care for and resistant to spotting and powdery mildew.


A mid-late variety that produces a good harvest. Fruiting occurs on the 55th day. The length of the cucumbers is up to 10 cm, the weight is no more than 100 g. The main advantages are friendly maturation, ease of care, good performance seed germination, adaptability to weather conditions and pleasant taste.


If you love small pickled cucumbers, then this hybrid is just what you need. The fruits ripen in 38-42 days. Their length is 7-8 cm, weight - up to 80 grams. The color of cucumbers, covered with numerous tubercles, is dark green with short white stripes. The skin is covered with light down. This variety is prized for its attractive marketable condition and crispy flesh.

Of course, these are not all varieties suitable for pickling and canning. Cucumbers “Muromsky”, “Etap”, “Era”, “Beregovoy”, “Altai”, “ Funny boys", "Gypsy F1", "Courage F1".

Choosing the right seeds

It’s clear which varieties to give preference to, now a little about how to choose good seeds.

The shelf life of seeds is about 7-8 years. If the date indicated on the package is close to the end of the permissible period, then it is better to refrain from purchasing. Buy seeds that are suitable for growing in your region. If you plan to plant seeds in open ground, then choose varieties that are resistant to low temperatures, humidity changes and winds.

Buy seeds in specialized departments, and not from hand. The envelope must be intact and dry. On the front side there is a photograph of ripe fruits and the name of the variety, on the back - Additional Information(manufacturer, recommendations for planting and harvesting).

If you bought pelleted seeds, you do not need to prepare them before planting. Regular seed must undergo preparation: sorting, disinfection, hardening and soaking.

Now you can not only easily select the best varieties of cucumbers for pickling and canning, but also determine which seeds are worth buying and which are not. And this is a 100% guarantee that the pickles will be bright green, elastic and crispy.

Video: Pickling cucumber hybrids

Before you start preparing vegetables for the winter, you need to know what the best varieties of cucumbers for pickling. After all, pickles have long been firmly established in our diet (and not only in winter). Traditionally, this vegetable is grown on their plots by amateur gardeners and gardeners; and, of course, they try to preserve harvested. The fact that salting is the most convenient and reliable way the safety of vegetables is known to many. But, unfortunately, not all varieties of cucumbers are suitable for this. Therefore, you need to figure out, so that your work does not go to waste, what varieties of cucumbers you need to take for pickling.

All existing varieties cucumbers can be divided into three groups:
1) pickling - those from which we; they are optimally suited for pickling and are perfectly stored in salted form throughout the winter;
2) salad - they are best consumed exclusively in fresh and for preparing salads;
3) gherkins - these cucumbers are universal; They are suitable for winter pickling or light salting, as well as for pickling or preparing fresh salads.
Therefore, even before planting cucumbers, you should select the right varieties.

The best varieties for pickling Ukraine- a region that is famous for its pickles - considers Avangard, Business, Aquarius, Vzglyad, Fingers, Favorit, Voronezh, Altai, Era, Nezhinsky, Murom, Vyaznikovsky, etc. These cucumbers belong to the category of simple pickling varieties and are characterized by high yield, lack of bitterness in fruits and early ripening. It is also worth highlighting hybrid cucumbers of the first generation (F1) and new generations for pickling: Katyusha, Regina, Kurazh, Buyan, Zozulya, Anyuta, Murashka, Siberian pickling, Gypsy, Carolina, Rodnichok, etc. universal varieties: Stork, Country, Marinda, Farmer, Crane, Nightingale, Squadron and other types of gherkins.

When choosing varieties of cucumbers for pickling, you should not forget about their taste qualities Oh. For example, greenhouse options are more productive; but cucumbers grown in open ground are more aromatic and tasty. For this reason, if you buy cucumbers for pickling, you must clarify this detail.

Pickling cucumbers can be identified by the following characteristics. They are quite pimply (lumpy), with small sharp black spines that are easily removed when fully ripe. They have fewer seeds, and the flesh is denser, crispier, without internal voids. Pickling cucumbers are no more than 15 cm in length. Peel pickling cucumbers dark green, dense; after salting, it will not lose its beautiful rich shade, and the cucumbers themselves will remain elastic and crispy. Universal new varieties of cucumbers for pickling, which have come into use relatively recently, are also perfectly salted; albeit small in size (about 8 cm in length). The smallest ones - gherkins - about 3-4 cm long, are salted with spices or dill. This is exactly what you can do with them.

In addition to the above and recommended “ Cucumbers. Varieties for pickling", there are many other varieties. And every year there are more and more of them, and the choice is more diverse. But the main condition for preparing delicious pickled cucumbers is to choose the right one suitable variety by its taste and size of the fruit.

Having figured out how varieties of cucumbers are selected for pickling, due attention should be paid to choosing a recipe. In principle, anyone can classic recipe customize to suit individual tastes. For example, hot peppers or an abundance of aromatic ingredients are added to cucumbers. herbs, all kinds of spices and herbs. Or, on the contrary, pickle cucumbers with a minimum set of spices. Consider a recipe that is a classic basis for cold pickling cucumbers in jars.

Recipe “How to cold pickle cucumbers” (in jars)
To prepare pickles for one three-liter jar you will need:
- 1.5-2 kg of cucumbers,
- 1.5 liters of water,
- 3 cloves of garlic,
- 3 tbsp. (90 g) salt,
- several inflorescences (umbrellas) of dill,
- 2 leaves of horseradish,
- 7 pcs. cherry, black currant and oak leaves.

What type of cucumbers for pickling select as described above. And now the selected cucumbers are poured into a basin or bowl, washed under running water, are filled cold water and leave for 5-6 hours. Then the tails are cut off from both sides of the vegetables. Leaves are prepared: leaves of cherry, black currant, oak and horseradish; dill inflorescences, and also peel the garlic cloves. Glass jars thoroughly washed and dried; Additionally, they can be calcined in the oven or in a steam bath. Part of the prepared set of leaves and garlic are placed at the bottom of the jars. Afterwards, the cucumbers are laid vertically, with layers of leaves and herbs spread between them. And thus to the top of the container. The last cucumbers should cover the same leaves.

Brine for cucumbers is prepared in this way. The required volume of water is measured and salt is added to it at the rate of 1.5 liters of water - 90 g of salt. The brine is stirred wooden spoon and left to settle for 2 minutes so that all foreign impurities settle to the bottom. The brine needs to be filtered and poured clean into jars for cucumbers. Nylon lids for sealing jars (or special polyethylene ones for preservation) are lowered into hot water for a couple of minutes, and then they are taken out and immediately put on the jars before they cool down. This ends. All that remains is to transfer the jars of cucumbers to a cool place, and in one month they will be salted and ready for use.

Pickling cucumbers at home is an old tradition that is present in almost every family. And each has its own – special – recipes for salting these vegetables. But, as it turned out, it’s not enough to have the secrets of the technology for making winter pickles! You also need to choose the right cucumbers for this! And you probably learned how to do this by reading all the above instructions and recommendations. Happy pickling!

Gardeners with many years of experience know how difficult it is to correctly select cucumber varieties for pickling from the variety of seeds that currently exist. Not every cucumber is suitable for winter harvesting - they differ in the density of the pulp, the color of the spines, and taste. If you do not take into account these characteristics of the varieties, it is unlikely that you will be able to enjoy crunchy, aromatic cucumbers in winter.

How do you know if a cucumber is suitable for pickling?

Every spring, puzzled vegetable growers crowd in front of shelves with seeds in stores. Try here to figure out which type of cucumbers are suitable for pickling and which for salad. When purchasing seeds, it is very important not to rush and make a wise choice. Breeding scientists are constantly developing new hybrids. However experienced gardeners It is advised not to experiment, but to immediately give preference to time-tested varieties.

According to the method of use, cucumbers are divided into three groups. Regardless of whether the vegetables for canning are grown on personal plot or bought on the market, you need to know external differences pickling cucumber from salad or classic.

  • Salad - cucumbers used exclusively fresh, without heat treatment. They are distinguished by long fruits of medium thickness with small seeds and smooth green skin. The fruits do not last long and are unsuitable for preservation due to numerous air pockets in the loose pulp.
  • Pickling - intended for winter preparations. Vegetables with a thin, pimply skin of a rich emerald color, with black “spurs” scattered across its entire surface. The middle of the fruit is compacted and light. The length of a mature cucumber is no more than 15 cm.
  • Universal - cucumbers can be eaten raw and used for preparations. Vegetables of this class can be grown both in greenhouses and under open air. The thin peel is combined with not too compacted pulp. The surface is covered with light or dark spines. You can pickle such cucumbers, but they won’t crisp up like pickled cucumbers.

When choosing cucumbers for pickling in a store, you need to pay attention to the following indicators:

  • the fruits are small, up to 15 cm in length, straight;
  • the peel is dark green, pimply, with small dark spikes;
  • the cucumbers are elastic to the touch, not flaccid;
  • The cut flesh is compacted, without visible voids, with small seeds;
  • taste without bitterness.

When pickling cucumbers that meet the above requirements, the result will be amazing. The thin peel is quickly soaked in the salty solution, and the compacted pulp does not limp in the jar - the cucumbers turn out crispy and have a wonderful taste.

Seed selection

Correctly selected seeds are the key to obtaining good harvest. It is more profitable to buy planting material in specialized departments, where experienced sellers will tell you about the features of cultivation and the purpose of the selected variety. You should carefully read the description on the bag and check the shelf life. It also says for what purposes it is better to use vegetables of this type.

What varieties are best for pickling?

The country's leading breeders throughout for long years those varieties of cucumbers that are best used for canning were selected and tested. The selected plants are distinguished by enviable resistance to slight drops in temperature, do not emit bitterness in the absence of watering for a short time, grow quickly and ripen together.

  • Nezhinsky

For several decades in a row, this variety has been known to many gardeners as the best pickling variety. The plant is pollinated by bees, and, unlike hybrids, it can produce seeds. It takes about 50 days from planting to harvest. “Nezhinsky” cucumbers are distinguished by excellent taste and commercial qualities, resistance to diseases and pests. The length of greens is 10–13 cm, weight is 100 g.

Based on “Nezhinsky”, “Era”, “Nosovsky”, “Nezhinka” were later developed, which are also indispensable for harvesting.

  • Crispy gherkin F1

The variety is self-pollinating and is intended for cultivation in greenhouses. Small fruits (length - up to 8 cm, weight - 50–60 g) have an uneven surface. Early ripening, the first harvest can be obtained already on the 50th day after full germination.

  • Village pickle F1

By planting this ultra-early bee-pollinated hybrid, you will be able to harvest the first fruits on your plot within 40 days. Cucumbers in the form of short cylinders are up to 8 cm long and weigh about 90 g. The surface of the fruit is covered with small tubercles. Used for salting and pickling, the pulp remains dense in the jar, without voids.

Universal varieties

Cucumbers of universal varieties can be used raw and canned for the winter with equal success.

  • Vyaznikovsky 37

An early ripening variety, suitable for cultivation in greenhouses and on open beds. Used for preparing salads and for winter preparations. The fruits are up to 14 cm in size, light green in color with black spines. The advantages of the variety are resistance to cold temperatures and rapid germination.

  • Zakuson F1

The early ripening variety is unpretentious to weather conditions. Even in cool summers you can collect decent harvest dense, aromatic, crispy fruits. Excellent for pickling and salting. The cucumbers are small, weighing up to 50 g, striped, can be stored for a long time, and can withstand long-term transportation.

  • droplet

An ultra-early variety, pollinated by bees, suitable for cultivation in open ground. Plants begin to bear fruit 40-45 days after planting. Gherkins are elongated, with black “spurs”, have excellent taste and excellent commercial qualities.

Universal varieties have one drawback - cucumbers quickly turn yellow if they are not picked in time. It is necessary to regularly pick ripe cucumbers, which will allow you to get quality product for salting and stimulate the formation of ovaries.

Modern hybrids for pickling

On bags of cucumber seeds you can often find the F1 mark, which indicates a hybrid plant. To obtain a hybrid, two varieties are crossed with different characteristics. For example, some plants are characterized by high yields, while others are resistant to diseases. If you cross them, you will get a variety that combines both of these advantages. Therefore, hybrids are more hardy, grow quickly and mature together. Having planted cucumbers marked F1, even in a cold summer it is impossible to remain without a harvest.

  • Pickling F1

Experts consider the F1 pickling variety to be the best cucumber in barrels. The combination of high-density pulp and decent taste makes vegetables of this variety indispensable for pickling in large quantities. Cucumbers have a dark green color, skin with large tubercles and light stripes. Length no more than 12 cm, weight up to 120 g. The plant requires pinching, as the bushes grow quickly and, if not limited, can reach a height of 3 m.

The variety is endowed with high immunity to fungal and other diseases, especially powdery mildew. Fruits without bitterness, with crispy pulp.

  • Murashka F1

A variety with more than a century of history began to be planted at the beginning of the last century. Plants withstand temporary cold weather well and bear fruit well in northern regions countries, can grow and bear fruit in the shade. It takes one and a half months to fully ripen. Cucumbers with light tips and prickly dark spines are suitable for any type of pickles.

There is a huge variety of varieties that are perfect for pickling. When choosing, you need to focus not only on your needs, but also on the climate and weather in the area in which cucumbers will grow, as well as the composition of the soil, and give preference to well-known varieties tested by experts.

Many people like to enjoy pickled and pickled cucumbers. This product has long been included in the human diet. And the reason lies not only in taste, but also in the need to preserve the harvested cucumbers. After all, salting is the most reliable and convenient method. The stores offer various seeds cucumbers for pickling and preservation, so it is sometimes difficult to choose the most suitable variety. The article will tell you in detail which variety is better to give preference.

All cucumbers are classified into three types: universal, salad, pickling. The first and last are used for canning. There are a number of criteria that allow you to determine the suitability of cucumbers for pickling.

These include:

Which variety is ideal for harvesting?

There are different, specially bred varieties of cucumbers for pickling and canning, and a novice summer resident sometimes has difficulty choosing a specific type. View all suitable varieties within the framework of one article is difficult. Therefore, the most popular options. Here's for pickling and canning: Salting, Nezhinsky, Adam, Ant, Othello. Let's consider each option in more detail.

Pickling cucumber variety

The pickling cucumber is in good demand among beginning and professional farmers. The culture is different early maturation. The first harvest is obtained 1.5 months after germination.

More detailed description The varieties of cucumbers Zasolochny are given below:

  • The shrub is medium-sized, long-climbing. Ideal for soil growing.
  • The leaves are wrinkled and large.
  • The fruits are large-tubercular, dark green in color. The shape is cylindrical, elongated. All cucumbers are smooth and neat. Their length reaches 13 centimeters. A average weight equals 120 grams. The flesh is crispy and dense.
  • The plant is pollinated by bees.

Considering the description of the Zasolochny cucumber, as well as reviews from summer residents, we can make a list of the advantages of this variety:

  1. Resistance to complex climatic conditions, to a change in weather.
  2. Having immunity to powdery mildew.
  3. High seed germination. Some summer residents increase this figure by about 7-15% due to inlay seed material macro- and microelements.
  4. Excellent taste of fruits. The vegetable is devoid of bitterness.
  5. Overripe cucumbers are not prone to rapid yellowing.
  6. Good yield. From 115 to 225 centners of cucumbers are harvested per hectare. Moreover, the share of commercial products is high and equals 95%.

Cucumber variety Nezhinsky

The Nezhinsky cucumber has been known to summer residents for a long time, and although new varieties of the vegetable appear every year, this variety does not lose its relevance.

Nezhinsky is highly valued for its excellent taste and versatility. It is suitable for various salads and for pickling. For canning, it is better to take greens.

Let's look at the description of the Nezhinsky cucumber in more detail. The plant is mid-early, bee-pollinated. The first harvest is visible after 52-60 days from germination. The bush has long vines. Their length often exceeds 2 meters. Medium sized leaves.

The vegetable is ovoid, elongated in shape. The skin is dense and coarsely tuberous. There are black spines. Each cucumber weighs no more than 100 grams. The taste of the fruit is excellent. The flesh is crispy and has a cultivated cucumber aroma. Productivity is good. WITH square meter about 2 kilograms are collected.

Having studied the description of the Nezhinsky cucumber - user reviews, the advantages of the variety become obvious. Namely: resistance to short-term drought, a long period fruiting, good yield, excellent taste of the vegetable, ability to tolerate well elevated temperature, suitability for transportation, versatility, immunity to most fungal and viral diseases. It should also be noted that growing the Nezhinsky cucumber is usually not accompanied by any particular difficulties.

Today there are new varieties of Nezhensky. These are Nosovsky, Era, Nezhenka and Etap. They are not much inferior to their ancestor and retain all its advantages. Nezhensky – great option for planting in a summer cottage.

Adam cucumber variety

Good reviews of the Adam f1 cucumber indicate the demand for the variety among domestic summer residents. The culture is early ripening. The growing season is 40-52 days. The bush is medium-sized. The leaves are small.

The variety is suitable for cultivation throughout the country, suitable for growing on unprotected soil or in a greenhouse.

The Adam cucumber has a cylindrical shape. Its surface is dark green, strewn with small tubercles. The length of each vegetable is 9-10 centimeters. Weight varies between 90-95 grams. The color of the skin is dark green with short light stripes and faint spotting. The pulp tastes good and is dense. There are small seeds. Farmers harvest from 8 to 10 kilograms of fruit per square meter. Moreover, fruiting is very abundant throughout the entire growing season.

Considering the description of the Adam f1 cucumber, one cannot help but notice that the variety has many advantages. So, the bush quickly recovers after stressful situations. Many summer residents note the high resistance of the shrub to the most common ailments. Namely: to the cucumber mosaic virus, olive spot, powdery mildew. If there is a delay in harvesting, cucumbers do not outgrow in length. However, they can become barrel-shaped. Marketability of fruits is high. The vegetable is considered ideal for pickling.

Ant cucumber variety

The Ant hybrid is actively grown in greenhouses. The culture is ultra early ripening. From the moment the first shoots appear until the harvest ripens, only about 37 days pass. The shrub is weakly branched. Considering the description of the Ant f1 cucumber, it is worth noting that the plant is parthenocarpic. Therefore, it does not require pollination.

The Ant cucumber is characterized by its large tuberculate appearance. The shape of the fruit is oval. Dimensions usually do not exceed 12 centimeters. The skin is green in color. White spines are present. The pulp is devoid of bitterness. Its taste is very pleasant. The hybrid is universal: suitable for fresh use and for preparations.

Having studied the reviews about Ant f1 cucumber, it becomes clear why this variety is so popular. The culture is quite easy to grow. The variety is highly resistant to cucumber mosaic, olive spot and powdery mildew. Also, the plant is not afraid of cold. Its fruits are distinguished by their high shelf life and excellent taste. So the Ant hybrid is a good choice.

Othello cucumber variety

The Othello cucumber belongs to the early-ripening hybrid forms. After germination, only 40 days pass, and the summer resident can already harvest the first harvest of mature fruits. The bush is very large. Its height often reaches 2 meters. The bush is medium-climbing, climbing. The variety is bee pollinated.

The size of the vegetable is medium. The shape of the fruit is cylindrical. The peel is glossy, strewn with small tubercles. Each specimen grows up to 10-12 centimeters in length. The skin is medium thick, green in color with thin white stripes. There is severe pubescence. The pulp is very dense, crispy, without voids and very juicy. There is no bitterness. There is a sweetish aftertaste.

Othello is a fairly productive crop. Per square meter summer cottage gardeners collect at least 10 kilograms of presentable fruits. Reviews about the Othello f1 cucumber are mostly positive. Farmers fell in love with this hybrid for its early ripening, taste and safety of the harvested fruits, good transportability of vegetables, high yield and smooth ripening of cucumbers, and immunity to many ailments. However, there are also weak spots in the Othello variety. Among them is instability to adverse weather and climatic conditions.

What other varieties are popular?

Of course, in addition to the varieties and hybrids discussed above, there are other varieties of cucumbers that are suitable for harvesting. True, their popularity is not so high. Among them it is worth highlighting Alliance, Zador, Herman and Orpheus. This hybrid forms also worthy of attention and quite suitable for pickling and salting. Reviews from vegetable growers about them are mostly positive.

Conclusions on choosing a cucumber variety for pickling and canning

For preparations, you should choose certain varieties of cucumbers. Late and mid-season crops, which are intended for growing in unprotected beds, are most suitable for such purposes. Universal varieties are also suitable. Greens of varieties that are used for pickling should have thick skin and crispy flesh. This is the kind of vegetable that will not lose its properties after processing and will look appetizing in a jar. Every summer resident wants to grow the best varieties of cucumbers for pickling and canning in his garden plot. Therefore, I am always interested in which varieties are more suitable for blanks. Here it is worth paying attention to Nezhinsky, Othello, Ant, Zasolochny and Adam. It is they who are given the highest rating by farmers. A lot of useful information in the article: .

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