What are doctors silent about? Plastic windows are slow killers for the population of third world countries. Which PVC windows are preferred in different countries? If the profile is wider, then it is more reliable and warmer

Windows are absolutely natural and familiar elements of a building. Windows primarily serve as a source of daylight and provide visibility. But also window like architectural element, expresses the individuality of the building. At all times, architects and architects paid special attention combination of window shapes and configurations appearance buildings.

The most ancient windows were unglazed openings in the walls that let people into the room. fresh air and daylight. First window glass appeared in Rome and glazing became widespread in the 13th century. in church construction, and in the 16th century. V residential construction. The variety of window styles that have emerged is testament to their importance in architectural aesthetics.

Shape, material, equipment and other features window designs in different countries dictated climatic conditions terrain, level of technology development and construction traditions.

American windows

For example, Americans are distinguished by their practicality, optimal use of space and comfort. Therefore for America Windows with a sliding opening system are typical. The majority of windows are occupied by systems with a vertical direction of sash movement. Such windows are already popular for a long time and we have all seen them in American films.

Vertical sliding design The window does not have hinges; the sash rises up and is fixed in this position with special clamps. In the southern regions of America, fixed windows using a narrow profile are common.

German windows– practicality and durability

The main criterion for choosing windows in Germany is the durability and operational strength of the structures. Exactly Germany is the birthplace of plastic windows, which have high thermal insulation, reliability, practicality and ease of maintenance and operation. German windows are in most cases equipped with tilt-and-turn fittings.

German profiles REHAU systems known and popular all over the world. Company for many years is a leader in the production of profile systems due to high quality, which is controlled at all stages of production; large selection systems for consumers with different incomes, as well as through the introduction of advanced technologies to achieve maximum protection and durability of structures.

English windows

Traditional English windows are distinguished by their height and narrowness, they are usually divided into square sections, which can be fixed, open outwards or vertically. This method of opening allows you to save maximum internal space, which is typical for prudent Englishmen. It's interesting that the British don't put double glazing, but mostly only single ones, although the average annual temperature is quite low.

Scandinavian double glazing

Windows in Scandinavian countries are significantly different from European windows. Modern and so popular plastic windows never took root in the Scandinavian countries, instead the Scandinavians use wooden windows similar to Soviet.

The cold climate of the countries has led to the use of double-glazed windows. The inner frame is equipped with double glazing, and the outer frame with single glazing. The entire window structure is equipped with a single locking mechanism.

Windows in Italy

The peculiarity of windows in Italy is determined by the warm climate of the country. The windows are wide external slopes, which allows you to protect interior space from sunlight and keep your home cool. Windows usually have small size , which is also explained by the predominance of sunny weather. Italy is also characterized by the arched shape of windows.

French charm

The French really value good natural lighting in their rooms. That's why the windows in France are big, floor-to-ceiling glazing is often used, the so-called " french balcony». Large windows allow sunlight fill the space, make it more spacious, warmer, visually erase the boundary between nature and indoors. Interesting feature French windows- This an even number of doors. The doors open into the interior of the room.

French windows are usually made of plastic. Wooden structures not popular, since the French are careful about the environment. Popular in France skylights located in the roof of the house.

Windows in Ukraine

IN winter period quite typical for Ukraine low temperatures Therefore, high thermal insulation is one of the key factors when choosing glazing. Therefore, plastic windows using multi-chamber profile systems and double-glazed windows with energy-saving coating.

Traditionally, windows consist of two or three sections that open into the room using tilt-and-turn fittings. But in new buildings panoramic glazing is being used more and more often.

Do plastic windows harm human health? What do they contain? Which windows are better - wooden or plastic? What kind of windows are installed in Europe? There are many questions, the main thing is to know the correct answers and dispel all myths among buyers.


European manufacturers are not only leaders in the production of plastic windows, but also in their consumption. The information that Europe is switching back to old wooden windows is just a myth. Today, the market offers a huge range of windows from European-made profiles, which appearance and the texture resembles wood. The basis of such “visually wooden” windows is the same design and composition as in ordinary white plastic windows.

Information that lead, which is harmful to health, is added to windows is also not justified. Yes, indeed manufacturers produce PVC profile with the addition small quantity organic lead salt, which is dangerous only during the production process, and not in finished product. Plastic profile is also “harmful”, like ordinary glass.

Featured on modern market plastic windows are characterized by high quality and harmless impact on the environment. European Union and Conservation Commission environment advocated environmentally friendly production. Therefore, since 2005, manufacturers have been replacing PVC production lead salts for a composition of calcium and zinc, which is a completely new standard and maintains a clean environment at all stages of production and profile processing, as well as during the operation of windows. In Denmark, Switzerland and Austria, lead has long been banned and manufacturers do not use these mineral salts.

Plastic windows are an environmentally friendly component for construction and interior design, which has many advantages. The function of energy saving and sound insulation already justifies the choice of plastic windows. Durable operation, no additional annual maintenance, adjustment air flow, a variety of shapes and designs, protection from dust and insects, affordable prices on plastic windows - all these are the advantages of plastic windows.

Just think: noise, drafts, insects, additional care and financial costs for maintenance, coating of wooden windows with paints and varnishes, fragility of use... Do you want to get all these problems and worries? European residents choose comfort, health and savings - and this is another reason to take a good example.


Where did the expression “window to Europe” come from? The author of the famous phrase is an art critic who lived in the 18th century, Italian Francesco Algarote. He named the city of St. Petersburg this way, describing his journey in the essay “Letters about Russia.” The city on the Neva, founded by Peter I, was the first seaport connecting the Russian state through the Baltic Sea with Europe. The phrase itself became popular and famous after A. S. Pushkin used it in the poem “The Bronze Horseman.” Modern meaning catchphrase- a metaphor denoting trade or cultural interaction with Europe.

From Europe they came to us. Plastic was invented back in the 19th century, but the material itself began to be used in industry only in the 30s of the last century. And in the 70s, PVC windows were already used here for housing construction as one of the ways to save energy. What are the popular windows in European countries today?

The European consumer's approach to choosing windows is dictated, first of all, by high energy prices. Accordingly, the main thing that attention is paid to is the energy efficiency of translucent structures. Plastic windows with a 3-chamber profile and a simple double-glazed window have long left the European market. For glazing of housing, a warm 5-8 chamber window profile with a width of 70 mm is used; double-glazed windows are in demand complex configurations with and argon. Colored plastic windows account for the largest portion of sales, and shades and tones vary huge variety. It is worth noting that in countries with a temperate warm climate (Spain, Italy, Greece), wooden windows with double-glazed windows are also popular.

Despite the fact that glazing with plastic windows in Europe has reached its limit, the PVC window industry is developing intensively. The fact is that a European resident changes windows as often as necessary to maintain effective heat conservation. Production technologies and window design are becoming more and more improved, and the demand for high-tech window systems with increased functionality.

The departure from standard shapes and sizes greatly distinguishes European windows from those used in our country: the architectural possibilities of buildings are wider - more non-standard designs. The design of the windows has minimalism and refined lines. Stained glass glazing from ceiling to floor with massive translucent structures is popular. Latest developments in the window sector they are represented by models with hidden sashes. The window profile is invisible from the outside; almost the entire surface of the plastic window is made up of double glazing. This design creates a visual openness of the windows, does not burden the structure and fits organically into the modern architectural style In addition, the light transmitting capabilities of windows increase. A special installation technology for this type of glazing allows achieving high energy saving parameters. Simple fittings with rotary and tilt-and-turn functions can no longer cope with the growing consumer demands for a locking and security system - they are becoming increasingly high-quality and complex.

The increased demand for designer windows in Europe and the improvement of energy-saving capabilities of systems gives a new impetus to the development of the window industry, replenishing model series a new line of products with unique capabilities.

Plastic windows have spread throughout the world. The combination of price, functionality and reliability has made them very popular. However, each country has retained its own “window traditions”, in accordance with which PVC windows are produced and installed.

British plastic windows

In Britain, narrow and high window openings are traditionally made, for which PVC windows are created. If you are building your house in english style, then take care to search for exactly such windows, since for our realities this is quite non-standard shape. English window designs made up of small square sections that do not have hinges and move on special wheels. Also, the British, as a rule, do not install double glazing, despite the fact that the average annual temperature in the country is quite low.

PVC windows in France

The French install windows that open into the room. The number of leaves must be even. The French love it when the room is well lit sunlight and when the room can be quickly ventilated. Gained popularity in France panoramic windows, floor-to-ceiling height and attic structures.

Scandinavian windows

Scandinavians are not used to PVC windows. They most often use ordinary wooden windows, which are very similar in design to Soviet ones. Due to the cold climate, windows with double frames and a single locking mechanism are installed. The outer frame has single glass, and the inner frame contains double glazing.

Plastic windows in Germany

The Germans are famous for their practicality in everything, including their approach to glazing their own home. In Germany, it is customary to install windows made of metal-plastic profiles, absolutely sealed, which will last at least 50 years. As a rule, these are single-frame structures with the ability to open the sash vertically and horizontally. Such windows have become widespread in our country.

Italian plastic windows

In Italy, very often window openings have the shape of an arch, so the windows arched shape often called Italian. An Italian window is a wide arched structure, sometimes with aluminum profile. In order to keep the room cool, windows are placed deeper in the wall than, for example, is customary in our country.

American tradition

Residents North America We are accustomed to using window designs without hinges with a vertical sliding opening mechanism. We often see such windows in American films.

Where to order PVC windows?

Glaze your home in an original and high-quality manner. By ordering windows from us, you receive products high quality. Decide on your style, and if you need any advice, call us!

Myths - out the window! Experts on the choice of double-glazed windows, “window frames” and the inventions of marketers

In the era of SpaceX and electric vehicles, an ordinary double-glazed window is perceived as a terribly simple thing that does not raise any additional questions. However, choose desired window and at the same time, it can be difficult not to overpay: marketers constantly trumpet new super technologies, improved systems and German quality brands. But which of this is true, and which is just another ploy designed to get more money? We're trying to figure it out.

IN recent years The range of Belarusian windows has grown significantly. They offer something for every taste and budget: energy efficient, multifunctional, armored, tinted, with a different number of cameras in the profile or double-glazed window... Some are well suited for private houses in a quiet village, others for apartments in cozy sleeping bags, others help to find balance in the bedroom with a view on the Moscow Ring Road or a noisy avenue.

- By and large, now double-glazed windows are made in the same way as five or ten years ago. There has been no revolution in this area, but the choice has recently become much wider: many positions have only recently begun to come to Belarus, competition has appeared among manufacturers,- Vasily Gerlovsky, representative of the Window Industry Plus company, is confident.

Is it worth overpaying for brands?

- There are five or six most popular manufacturers in Minsk. Some of the popular profiles are produced here - in Slonim and Brest, some are imported from Germany, Russia and Ukraine. Due to the absence of customs clearance and travel expenses, Belarusian windows are cheaper: finished product you can save 15-25%.

People often choose German production and are willing to pay more. Some people think that they can do better there, others simply don’t want to experiment: why take the risk and buy something new if your neighbor’s German Rehau has been working great for 15 years?

Sellers often play on the combination of “German quality” and do not explain to customers that, for example, Salamander is also made in Brest, although the brand itself is German. Personally, I believe that there is no fundamental difference between them, and this is precisely where you can save money without sacrificing quality: most often, the same models are made from the same materials and using the same technology at all factories.

Some models are produced exclusively abroad: a class A profile (made only from primary raw materials) comes from Germany, and a class B profile (using recycled materials) is manufactured in Belarus.

As explained by the press service of Profine RUS, which represents the KBE brand, the products of many German companies is produced under the control of the organization’s headquarters, be it a plant in Berlin or Russian Voskresensk. In addition, all factories of the concern are assigned numbers included in the profile markings applied to the visible surface of the rebate. Using it you can always determine the place of production of the PVC profile.

Conventional, energy efficient or multifunctional?

Recently, new types of double-glazed windows have appeared on the Belarusian market: energy-saving and multifunctional. Due to special coating and composition, such structures are able to reflect thermal radiation, so they perform their functions better than usual.

- Conventional double glazed windows people buy less and less, because energy-saving ones are becoming cheaper every day and no longer cost crazy amounts of money. Multifunctional double-glazed windows work in both directions: they not only do not let out heat, but also do not let in cold. Therefore, with such windows it is cooler in summer, but warmer in winter,- the expert is convinced. - We haven’t learned how to make these yet - we have to import them, which affects the price.

Wood or plastic?

Today the whole world is striving for natural materials and trying to get rid of plastic. However, sellers notice that not everyone in Belarus can afford wooden windows: it is better to buy expensive plastic than cheap wood.

- Experience shows that budget wooden windows that are installed in new buildings have to be replaced within a year or two. These types of wood are not of the highest quality, which begins to deform over time, causing the window to perform its functions worse and worse every day. If there are no budget restrictions, you can spend money on a good wooden euro-window, otherwise it is better to opt for more durable and practical plastic.

The more cameras the better?

One of the characteristics of PVC windows is the number of chambers (air spaces) in the profile. It is believed that the more cameras a profile has, the better it is. Their number can vary from two to six.

- Chambers prevent the formation of condensation and also affect heat and sound insulation. Previously, manufacturers made mainly three-chamber profiles, but competition grew, the market expanded, and companies began to improve the system, add all kinds of jumpers, increase the installation width, and so on.

This can definitely be considered one of the main indicators, but I assure you that the average person will not notice the global difference between windows with a three-chamber and a five-chamber profile. The effectiveness of thermal and sound insulation depends on the glass unit, fittings, assembly, and so on, and not just on the profile.

Companies are trying to slowly move away from single-chamber double-glazed windows - almost everyone today installs double-chamber structures with three glasses in residential premises.

Now some stores also sell three-chamber double-glazed windows, but this significantly increases the price, in addition, the window transmits light worse and becomes heavier. Due to a number of shortcomings, they did not receive widespread neither here nor abroad.

The specialists from the Comfort Industry store also agree with Vasily.

- Designs with four glasses are practically not produced, since there is not much sense in this: the thickness of the profile forces one to reduce either the number of glasses or the distance between them. For example, Salamander Streamline allows you to use a distance of 40 mm. Put here at least three glasses, at least four - it will practically not change anything, only the price will increase,- the company explains. - Some models with wide profiles allow the installation of thick glass, but they are more expensive and not everyone needs them.

Since modern developments make it possible to achieve good results, the requirements are gradually increasing. Today, even in new buildings according to TKP, the heat transfer resistance coefficient should be equal to one. Five or six years ago optimal thickness glass unit, which meets all standards, was 32 mm, today it has grown to 40-42. To achieve such indicators, the developer must install a 70 mm profile with three glasses, one of which should preferably be energy efficient, and in addition, fill the distance between the glasses with argon to increase heat and sound insulation.

As experts explained, the distance between the glasses can vary from 10 to 20 mm, however, an indicator above 16 mm ceases to matter for heat containment, although it slightly increases sound insulation. Therefore, if your windows overlook the Moscow Ring Road or you are haunted by motorcyclists at night, pay attention to this indicator.

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