Hot water temperature standards. Determining the normal temperature of hot water in an apartment building

Living in an apartment multi-storey building presupposes the presence comfortable conditions. The ability to constantly use water supply, electricity, heating and other benefits of civilization is the main evidence of comfortable housing.

One of the comfort parameters is the temperature norm hot water V apartment building.

Check your hot water for compliance


Regulatory documents (SanPiN) determine what temperature range of hot water in the tap is acceptable. It ranges from 60 to 75°C. This thermal regime provides sanitary protection against various microorganisms and viruses. The standard temperature of hot water in the tap is taken in accordance with physiological characteristics human and has not changed for several decades.

Find out how many degrees hot water should be for comfortable and safe use, knowledge of biology helps. Many bacteria found in water pipes, die when minimum temperature from 60°C and above. The water will be practically safe and free of microorganisms when further heated to 75°C.

In this video we will find out what the pressure reducer is responsible for:

In case of lower temperatures (within 40°C) warm water becomes a source of reproduction of numerous viruses dangerous to humans, so it is unsuitable for consumption. Increasing the water temperature to 60°C and above is used in open systems, which include water supply systems apartment buildings.

Increasing the temperature above 75°C is unsafe and can cause thermal burns. The temperature risk especially increases for certain categories of residents - children, the disabled population and the disabled.

Features of recalculation

The technical condition of the heating systems in the house should not affect the regime and standards for hot water temperature in the apartment. In the agreement between consumers (tenants apartment building) and housing and communal services companies selling services determine all conditions for hot water supply.

It is important that if hot water is supplied below the standard value for several days, this fact should be recorded in order to recalculate payments for poor-quality service provided. But there are also force majeure circumstances in which the cost is not recalculated:

  • an accident on the heating supply main serving a residential building;
  • failure of equipment (pump, boiler);
  • network maintenance and repair work.

Residents of an apartment building must record all interruptions in supply and changes in coolant parameters. If the water supply is stopped, the city emergency dispatcher must be informed.

According to the standards, the time interval without coolant supply is regulated:

  • per month - no more than 8 hours;
  • maximum once - 4 hours;
  • in case of an accident - within 24 hours.

The standards require recalculation of the tariff if an increase in the interval without water is documented.

Prices should be reduced for dates when coolant is unavailable. For example, if out of the 31st day of the month there was no normally heated water in the house for 6 days, then in the calculation it is necessary to reduce the prices specifically for the period of lack of water.

Temperature measurements

To measure the temperature of water from a tap, you need to place a special glass under the stream and fill it to the mark, then lower the thermometer into it. After 3 minutes, take the thermometer readings. According to sanitary standards, the following deviations are possible:

  • for daytime - up to 3 degrees;
  • at night - within 5 degrees.

A further decrease in temperature is the basis for recalculation. Without carrying out the procedure for measuring the temperature of the hot water supply, you cannot count on a reduction in payment for services. It is necessary to contact the dispatch service to officially register a request for measurement. In this case it is fixed number, date of application and name of the dispatcher.

There are two options here: a decrease in temperature due to the emergency condition of the hot water supply network and the absence of visible reasons for the violation of supply parameters. In the first option, the dispatcher is obliged to notify residents of the deadlines repair work, in the second - agree with the applicant on the date and time of measurement.

The temperature measurement data is activated, each participant in the procedure signs on his own copy of the report. If a violation of standards is detected, then the cost of hot water is recalculated according to cold water prices.

For maximum temperature measurement accuracy, you need to drain the water from the hot tap for about 3 minutes. It is necessary to use special water thermometers.

Features of filing a complaint

If, within several days, facts of hot water supply with a temperature below the standard are recorded, you should prepare a complaint to the Management Company or Homeowners Association about recalculating payment for the use of the resource. Recalculation is made only if there is a measurement certificate.

A complaint is an official document, the execution of which must comply with the rules of office work. The text of a document should be prepared outlining all the facts of existing violations:

  • the addressee of the application is the name of the enterprise or a certain official, for example, the director of the management company;
  • you must indicate your full name, residential address, Contact phone numbers the applicant;
  • In the title, indicate briefly the content of the complaint, for example, “Statement of non-compliance with regulatory parameters for the provision of services”;
  • in the main part of the application, correctly and competently list the dates of temperature measurements; for this it is necessary to use the information from the act on the facts of violation;
  • the applicant must indicate in the complaint the time frame for eliminating the violations and the requirement for recalculation of tariffs for the consumed media;
  • At the end of the complaint, the date of completion, signature and transcript of the applicant’s signature are indicated.

It is recommended to prepare two copies of the document to record the date and time of registration of the complaint in the Management Company or HOA on the applicant’s paper. The processing time for complaints in institutions is one month. If there is no response within this period, it is recommended to obtain official confirmation of the refusal for further action.

In this case, you should contact supervisory authorities or authorities. The new appeal must be accompanied by a copy of the first application with a mark of acceptance and an official refusal of the addressee of the complaint in a positive decision. The document can be submitted to the State Housing Inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor and local municipal authorities, or the prosecutor's office.

As a rule, the second complaint is enough. The active participation of housing inspectors and the prosecutor's office allows, in most cases, to positively resolve the applicant's problems. The process of eliminating the causes of water supply not according to the standard and recalculating the cost of consumption of hot water supply services is carried out very quickly. IN critical situations claims should be sent to the court.

Monitoring changes in water temperature in the apartment is also necessary for the safe use of the resource. To eliminate cases of infection due to supply deviations desired temperature, in-house services are required to regularly carry out control measurements. Water temperature according to standards is a guarantee of epidemiological safety.

The temperature of hot water in the tap according to the standard in 2019 is regulated by SNiP ( building codes and rules) N II–34–76 and SanPiN These documents determine the quality of water supplied to residential buildings

for household and drinking needs.

Inadequate quality of tap water In addition to the temperature, the hot water must match such parameters as cleanliness and pressure. What good is hot water if it runs in a thin stream or is dirty? High blood pressure

This is also not a reason for joy: this entails damage to couplings, valves and other elements of the water supply system.

For hot water, pressure limits are set from 0.3 to 4.5 atmospheres. Exceeding these boundaries is a direct reason for contacting the Criminal Code for recalculation. Impurities in aquatic environment can be either organic or inorganic

origin: rust, entry into the earth system, rotting wood, etc. If such cases are frequent and long-lasting, it is necessary to file a complaint with the water utility with a request to inspect the treatment systems, which should be carried out jointly with the housing office.

How to file a complaint?

All residents of apartment buildings are well aware that the temperature of the hot water in the tap, according to the standard, should be... hot. If you ask several people in a row, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to immediately clearly explain what the values ​​​​of the permissible parameters are, how they are measured, and who should monitor all this. Such ignorance of residents is often taken advantage of by unscrupulous representatives of management companies, who send astronomical bills for services that no one even dreamed of. If the water temperature clearly does not meet the standards, it is necessary to take some measures and contact the appropriate authorities. There is also little clarity on this issue. Well, let's figure it out.

Why is it important to maintain temperature conditions? First of all, compliance temperature regime

  1. hot water supply is prescribed by GOST requirements, SanPiN and SNiP standards. In addition, the provision of hot water supply is a service paid in accordance with current tariffs and requiring compliance with the terms of the agreement between the consumer and the supplier. There are also more specific reasons that force one to strictly observe the temperature regime of the hot water supply: infectious diseases, whereas if the specified temperatures are maintained, pathogenic bacteria die.
  2. Excessively hot water can cause burns.
  3. Majority modern apartments equipped with plastic pipelines or other plumbing elements. Excessively heated water can damage them, melt them or cause deformation.

Utility services in our country often violate hot water temperature standards

Finally, we should not forget about the most important thing - the convenience and comfort of consumers, because hot water is supplied only for them. It must be borne in mind that in the vast majority of cases people complain about too cold water.

It is important! Complaints about excessively hot water are heard much less often, since there are much fewer conditions for creating such situations, and it is much easier to solve the problem. Mostly people are outraged by having to pay for hot water but not actually be able to use it.

In order to understand the difference in human skin reaction to contact with water different temperatures Let's make a small table.

Standard hot water temperature in an apartment building

So, the temperature of hot water in an apartment building is not someone’s whim or possibility, but a strictly standardized indicator that must be observed. It is necessary to clarify that the temperature requirements are duplicated in SNiP, SanPiN and GOST, although they do not differ from each other. This situation arose due to the need to coordinate technical, sanitary and general standards, to bring them into full compliance, eliminating the possibility of discrepancies and abuses. Otherwise, confusion could arise when doctors point to technicians, technicians point to GOST standards, and so on endlessly. The value of the standards has been worked out over many years of practice, the existing equipment is configured for it, it allows you to obtain the most comfortable mode of hot water supply.

Standards SanPiN, SNIP and GOST

The hot water temperature, measured in a standard way at the point of analysis, should be in the range from 60° to 75°. Wherein:

  • Not lower than 60° - in open water supply systems;
  • Not lower than 50° - in closed water supply systems;
  • No higher than 75° - in any case.

More low temperature(from 50°) allowed for closed systems and relates to heating. Water is not analyzed for domestic needs from them, so there is no point in considering them.

You can measure the water temperature yourself

These standards have been in effect for a long time and have been developed through many years of practice. Any serious deviation from the specified values ​​means serious changes in the hot water supply technology, the presence of any violations or omissions. At the same time, there are permitted deviations from the specified values ​​due to the lack of water withdrawal at night. Hot water tends to cool down. While for a long time in pipelines without movement, she loses thermal energy. The amounts by which the temperature can be reduced due to natural heat loss are also clearly defined by current standards.

Permissible deviation of parameters

In 2011, a Government Decree was issued Russian Federation No. 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of residential premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings.” It clearly indicates all the parameters and conditions for serving both hot and cold water. Among others, the permissible deviations in water temperature at the points of analysis are indicated:

  • At night from 00 to 05 o'clock - no more than 5°;
  • In the daytime from 05 o'clock to 00 o'clock - no more than 3°.

It also states that if the hot water temperature is below 40°, the calculation should be made as for cold water. This Resolution is a very useful document that allows homeowners to assert their rights in court or other authorities.

Residents of apartment buildings must know regulatory indicators and be able to defend their rights

It is necessary to have a copy of this document in order to substantiate your claims to representatives of the service provider at the right time. It is also indicated there maximum term during which the absence of hot water is allowed - a total of no more than 8 hours per month or 4 hours at a time. An exception is made in the event of a dead-end highway failure; for such situations, a maximum limit of 24 hours is established.

Minimum temperature

Taking into account permissible deviations, the lowest temperature of hot water at the points of water supply can be:

  • At night (from 00 to 05) - 55°;
  • During the daytime (from 05 to 00) - 57°.

Any consumer knows that hot water cools down greatly at night. Immediately after opening the tap, its temperature is obviously below standard values. In this regard, there is also a rule according to which water must gain the required parameters when passed through for 3 minutes (no more). If this does not happen, there is a violation of the rules for supplying hot water.

Reasons for the decrease in temperature

The main reason for the temperature drop is the usual loss of thermal energy when water is stationary in pipelines. At night, water withdrawal stops almost completely, which causes a noticeable cooling of the hot water, when it is necessary to let it pass for some time, waiting for the temperature to rise. Most users treat this with understanding, although if they wait too long, natural questions arise - all the time, while cold water is running from the hot tap, the meter regularly calculates the amount of payment for the consumed resources.

Even if the water is below the required temperature, you have to pay for hot water

Besides this natural cause Others are also possible:

  • The circulation system pipelines gradually become clogged with salts, sludge and deposits, which significantly reduces their throughput and changes the water supply mode.
  • Status of valves and shut-off valves often requires urgent intervention.

In the vast majority of cases, the culprit in such situations are operating organizations that use the labor of unskilled or negligent workers who commit abuse or deliberately limit the supply of hot water and cold water relative to standard parameters. If the user is convinced that his rights are being violated by the operating (management) organization, he must file a complaint with the relevant supervisory organizations. In practice, it has been found that contacting the housing inspectorate is the most effective. Often one mention of it is enough for utility workers to regain their former vigor and begin to eliminate comments that they had not responded to before.

Rules for measuring hot water temperature

Before making an official request to the management company, you should measure the water temperature yourself. This is necessary at least in order to convince yourself that you are right and have specific numbers on hand on the basis of which any claims can be made. It should be borne in mind that this data is necessary only to be confident in one’s own correctness and to confirm the correctness of one’s own assumptions. They cannot be used as an official document confirming the fact of violations.

It is important! To obtain a full-fledged document, it is necessary to carry out measurements in the established manner, in the presence and direct participation of representatives of the management organization.


  1. The temperature is measured.
  2. An act is drawn up that reflects the measurement results.
  3. The act is signed (or not) by representatives of the management company and the owner of the property (recipient of services).

The procedure for measuring temperature must be carried out according to certain rules. There is such a document - Guidelines MUK 4.3.2900-11 “Measurement of hot water temperature in centralized hot water supply systems.” It clearly defines the course of the event. In particular, the approximate jet pressure when taking a sample is indicated - at least 2 l/min. Often, utility engineers begin to unscrew the taps to the maximum, arguing that “no less” means “as much as possible.” Formally, they are right, but during normal household use no one turns on the water so that splashes fly in all directions.

It is important! In addition, it is necessary to remember the time of preliminary draining of water. IN this issue you should be guided by Government Decree No. 354, where the time is clearly indicated - 3 minutes.

A representative of the management company may begin to refer to the same Guidelines MUK 4.3.2900-11, which says about holding until a stable temperature is established for up to 10 minutes. The situation is controversial, but not a stalemate. The fact is that the Government Resolution has much greater weight than departmental rules, therefore in this case any court will be on the user's side.

Based on the measurement results, a report is drawn up.

Report on the results of checking the hot water temperature

Often they draw up plain paper by hand, on which they put all the necessary signatures and seals. They are also valid, although the level of organization of work in such management companies is immediately visible, which can indirectly affect the court’s decision. It must be taken into account that if employees of the management company violate the rules for measuring temperature, or try to somehow falsify the results, the user has the right to refuse to sign such an act. In such cases he does not have legal force and is not recognized by the court.

What to do if the hot water temperature is low

As a rule, the first thing people do is contact their management company. This is quite reasonable: hot water supply is their business, and it is up to them to decide the issue. Most often this happens - clogged risers, failed valves and other problems are discovered. However, sadder stories also happen when you have to act more formally. First of all, you need to understand what results you need to achieve. Usually this:

  • Correction of the water supply situation;
  • Recalculation of fees for the entire time during which the service was not received in the proper amount.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. File a formal complaint with the management company about the improper hot water temperature.
  2. Wait for the engineers to visit and measure the temperature in the prescribed manner.
  3. Draw up a report based on the measurement results.

The received act (copy) is already an official document confirming the fact of violations and giving grounds for an appeal to the supervisory authorities.

How to write a complaint to the management company

A written complaint is drawn up addressed to the head of the management company, which indicates the essence of the problem.

Complaint form to the management company

As can be seen from the text of the form, the user must first measure the water temperature. This will not be considered a proven fact, but will make the claim more valid. After receiving such a statement, the head of the management company is obliged to respond to the user within 3 days and give him information about further intentions. Usually a date and time for the inspection are set.

Where to contact

Having a temperature check report in hand, you can contact more influential authorities:

  • Prosecutor's Office;
  • State Housing Inspectorate.

Practice shows that the most influential and effective option there will be an appeal to the Housing Inspectorate, and here’s why: the court and the prosecutor’s office will definitely respond, but as the previously raised issues are resolved. That is, until it comes to considering the complaint received, many months may pass. All this time, the situation with the supply of hot water will remain unchanged. In addition, the specificity of these organizations is such that the punishment of the perpetrators is of paramount importance. This means that even if a positive result is obtained, it is quite possible to remain with an unsatisfactory hot water supply.

Contacting the Housing Inspectorate brings much better results. The application is drawn up in free form and submitted to the organization in physical form(not electronic). According to the law, the application will be considered within 30 days from the date of filing, after which the applicant will receive a written response outlining the list measures taken. In addition, often the user’s very intention to contact the Housing Inspectorate influences utility workers much more effectively than all threats of judicial or prosecutorial sanctions.

It is important! Here is a specialized supervisory organization that has a lot of leverage over the management company, including suspension of activities. It is much easier for them to resolve the issue peacefully than to contact powerful representatives of the State Housing Inspectorate.

Recalculation of payment for hot water supply

By current rules for every 3° temperature drop, the payment amount decreases by 0.1% per hour. That is, if the temperature at the point of collection is 51°, then, taking into account permissible deviations, 14.4% of the payment amount will “accumulate” in 3 days. If the temperature of hot water is below 40°, you must pay for it as for cold water. Wherein Management Company will not do the recalculation itself. It is necessary to collect all documents confirming the fact that the service was not received in the proper amount and take them to court.

It is important! If it is not possible to prove that the water quality is inadequate regulatory requirements, recalculation will be refused. Therefore, it is important to document all detected deviations immediately, otherwise it will be very difficult to prove the existence of a problem retroactively.

Video: how they steal from our hot water

Hot water temperature is one of the most painful issues. Many management companies save on heating, this is especially noticeable in regions with high electricity prices. However, the problems of management companies should not fall on the shoulders of residents of apartment buildings. They pay for utilities and should not receive less of them in any form. In addition, excessively low water temperatures can cause the spread of pathogenic bacteria, an example of which recently happened in one of the regions of the country. The discrepancy between the parameters of the hot water supply led to an outbreak of infection that claimed the lives of 5 people. If the hot water temperature were correct, the bacteria would die within minutes. Considering the severity of the consequences, it is necessary to treat compliance with the norms and requirements of SanPiN in the most strict manner and respond to detected deficiencies immediately.

Once upon a time, hot water was a real luxury; today we cannot imagine life without it. In terms of the level of need, it can be put on a par with thirst and hunger.

In spring, the temperature of hot water can be lowered by 10 degrees. Proposal to change the norms of sanitary and epidemiological rules (SanPiN) Rospotrebnadzor. What temperature standards for cold and hot water are established today and where to go if they are not met - read the material on the website.

Water temperature

According to the standards enshrined in SanPiN, the temperature of cold water should be below 20 degrees, and hot water - from 60 to 75 degrees. In this case, slight deviations are possible.

From midnight to five in the morning the permissible deviation is no more than five degrees. In the daytime, from 5:00 to 0:00, the deviation should not exceed three degrees.

Current sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations require heating tap water to clean it from viruses that reproduce at temperatures below 60 degrees. For example, these are microorganisms that cause Legionnaires' disease.

This bacterium is very dangerous and can multiply in heating, air conditioning and humidification systems. Viral disease occurs with severe fever, intoxication, damage to the lungs, central nervous system, digestive organs, the development of multiple organ failure syndrome is possible.

At the same time, if you supply water at more than 55 degrees, you can get burned. Therefore, the use of hot water is recommended while turning on cold water.

Where to contact

It is important to know that residents pay about half of the total amount of utility bills monthly for water under the line “Fees for maintenance and repairs.” And if the water temperature is less than 60 degrees, you should pay for hot water at the price of cold water. Therefore, you need to monitor the water temperature, and if something happens, immediately contact the authorities responsible for this.

Compliance with water temperature standards is monitored by the State Housing Inspectorate and other government agencies. They force the housing office to put everything in order. For violation of security standards utilities faces a fine of up to 10 thousand rubles.

Every citizen has the right to contact government agencies to take temperature measurements at home. On average, utilities are given 45 days to eliminate violations. And to speed up the result, relatives and friends can also send an application, since the more requests of the same type, the faster the utility services will begin to work.

You need to contact the manager of the management company or housing and communal services. If the failures occurred due to an accident, the dispatcher is obliged to report this and indicate the estimated time frame for eliminating the failure.

If there are no prerequisites for a decrease in temperature, the dispatcher is obliged to record the application for further consideration. The consumer must note the application number, time of application and the name of the service employee.

Water is measured as follows: first, a special glass is placed under a stream of hot water. Then you need to place a thermometer in it with the liquid already collected. After a certain time, it is necessary to take readings from the thermometer.

Upon the fact of measurement, a report is drawn up, and if non-compliance with the standards is recorded, the consumer has the right to apply for a recalculation of payment at a reduced rate.

For comfortable stay In an apartment or private house, a person needs water in the plumbing networks with certain temperature limits. This allows us to satisfy all generally accepted sanitary standards for personal hygiene procedures and for sanitary needs. The temperature of the tap water depends on the type of water supply and climatic factors. There are several types of technical solutions that allow maintaining the recommended temperature parameters in water intake systems.

The temperature of the tap water depends on climatic conditions, depth plumbing system, places of water intake and so on.

Accepted standards

A modern home provides cold and hot water to satisfy all needs. The temperature of cold water in the tap has regulations and can fluctuate between 5-15°C. Temperature limit values ​​depend on factors such as:

  • climatic conditions;
  • depth of water supply systems;
  • temperature in the technical underground (basement communication networks);
  • place of water intake by water supply networks (rivers, canals, reservoirs, underground sources).

In order to check the water temperature, you need to use a special device that can be attached to the tap.

The temperature of cold water rises in the warm season and decreases in the cold season. This statement is valid for typical water supply schemes for water utilities, when it is taken from canal systems and reservoirs. Since the water surface warms up in summer, the amount of heat in the water masses changes accordingly. In the case of water supply from underground sources, the temperature regime remains almost constant throughout the year, due to the constant temperature in the underground water layers.

The amount of heat in water from cold water supply networks does not affect of decisive importance to create comfortable conditions in the sanitary and domestic sphere. Any housing requires a parallel supply of hot water, and the necessary heat is achieved by mixing.

Sanitary standards regulate the temperature of hot water in centralized hot water supply networks within 60-75°C. A deviation at night from 00.00 to 5.00 is allowed by 5°C and from 5.00 to 00.00 by 3°C. These standards are based on maintaining specified values boiler houses or central heating points (CHS). The calculated figures are based on the characteristics of boiler rooms and heat exchangers of central heating stations and allow them to comply with the standards of microbiological indicators in hot water pipes. Drinking water is supplied only through cold water supply networks.

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Disadvantages of hot water supply

In practice, described temperature standards are not always maintained. This is due to a significant increase in the price of natural resources (gas, coal, fuel oil), which are used as fuel in boiler houses. Old-style boiler houses were designed to supply heat and hot water to hundreds of apartment buildings. Boilers have low efficiency, heating mains become unusable. Modern standards savings require switching to the creation of mini-boiler houses.

One of the aspects of unsatisfactory hot water supply is uneven temperature conditions. That is, the water in the tap does not become hot immediately; its temperature rises as it passes through the system. This is due to the facts of dismantling circulating plumbing systems in apartment buildings, due to their deterioration and due to heat savings by heat generating companies.

Such moments lead to the selection of an increased volume of water, which, given the high price for supplied hot water, is impractical. DHW utility networks use a specially prepared water reserve, to which various softening agents are added. Use it like drinking water it is forbidden.

The consumer prefers DHW supply conditions in which hot water from the tap should be available year-round. Because of current repairs and frequent emergency situations

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achieving these conditions is almost impossible.

Autonomous sources

The availability of tap water at the required temperature involves the use of various autonomous devices designed to heat and maintain the required heat values.

  • There are several options for autonomous hot water preparation: usage electric water heaters accumulative type
  • (boilers);
  • the use of combined boilers connected to a heating boiler;
  • use of electric flow heaters;
  • use of double-circuit boilers (for heating and hot water supply);
  • There are several options for autonomous hot water preparation: alternative sources for heating ( Solar cells, heat pumps).

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Boiler systems

Installing electric water heaters, as a solution to the problem of non-compliance with temperature standards, is the most popular method of creating an autonomous hot water supply. The advantages of this equipment are that it can be installed in almost any housing stock. Boilers are not required electrical networks increased conductivity and power, allow connection to wiring standards of the USSR. At the same time, they completely solve the problem of insufficient water temperature in the municipal hot water supply. These devices work as a storage tank, that is, a certain volume of water is heated to the desired temperature for the required time using a heating element.

During water intake, cold water masses entering the boiler squeeze out already heated ones, the supply process continues until the temperature drops. Then it takes time to heat the incoming water volume again. As a rule, for 2-3 people it is enough to operate a boiler with a volume of 80-120 liters. To maintain the exact temperature at the water intake point, you can install a thermostatic mixer.

The described boilers are produced and combined type. A coil is mounted inside their body, through which the heating boiler coolant circulates. Double heating occurs both with the help of a heating element and with the help of heat extraction from the heating system. Similar devices for hot water supply are used in private homes with gas single-circuit boilers as an alternative to gas flow-through heaters.


  • low power consumption;
  • Possibility of installation in any room.


  • inertness (relatively long heating time of the entire volume);
  • impossibility of continuous use (limited by the boiler capacity).

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Flow electric analogues

Flow-through devices for raising the temperature of hot water supply allow you to obtain a continuous and hot water flow. But there are serious restrictions. This equipment cannot be installed in ordinary housing, since full-fledged and productive devices have a power of about 20 kW and require three-phase connection. Single-phase heaters with a power of 3-5 kW have poor performance and can provide heating within ∆t = 25-30°C, which will not create comfortable warmth when heating a cold stream with a temperature of 3-5°C. Powerful heating devices are recommended for houses, cottages, mini-hotels, electrical wiring which are designed for these capacities.


  • creation of a continuous hot stream (with appropriate power);
  • compactness.


  • requires a three-phase connection to the network and electrical wiring of the required cross-section for the specified power of the device.

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Gas devices

Gas flow equipment(columns) allows you to obtain the DHW temperature in almost any range and in any quantity, due to heating gas burner water flow, passing through copper heat exchanger. Power geysers is 15-25 kW.

Restrictions for use may include residential buildings that are not equipped with chimneys for such equipment. Nevertheless, the old housing stock was equipped with gas heaters. These devices with modern technical solutions can very accurately regulate the set temperature, regardless of the speed of water flow. This technology is carried out using flame modulation (changing its intensity, depending on the flow).

When a project is drawn up and approved by the relevant services, it is possible to install gas heaters in apartment buildings. In this case, devices with closed type burner, which provides isolation of the combustion chamber from the room. The intake of air and the emission of flue gases is carried out forcibly through a separately made chimney opening.


  • high temperature delta heating;
  • streaming mode;
  • relative accuracy of the temperature at the outlet of the device.


  • requires the availability of natural gas;
  • technical conditions for installation and operation are required;
  • Installation in bathrooms is prohibited.

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Double-circuit heating boiler

In private housing construction and apartment buildings designed to operate autonomous heating sources, double-circuit mounted boilers are widely used. Hot water is produced in a secondary heat exchanger, in which heat is transferred from the heating system fluid to the flow water tap water. As a result, water with the required temperature is formed at the outlet. Technical conditions for operation similar devices meet the conditions for the use of flow-type gas heaters.


  • temperature accuracy;
  • streaming mode of operation.


  • Availability technical specifications for installation;
  • heating delta is lower than that of columns;
  • inertia at work;
  • rare cases of installation possibility in modern apartment buildings.

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Alternative sources

There are methods of heating water using solar energy and heat pumps. The first method involves converting solar energy into thermal energy using special tower and mirror installations. Currently, it is not distributed in the CIS countries.

The second method involves the use of heat pumps operating on the principle of a refrigeration machine. Heat is taken from the air and transferred in special heat exchangers to the DHW circuit. This method is cost-effective, but has limitations:

  • cannot be used at sub-zero temperatures;
  • the water temperature in the hot water system is no more than 50°C.

Separately, it is necessary to say about cavitation water heating systems. The essence of their work is based on the passage of a liquid flow through a vortex cavitator, as a result of which it is heated. This method It is economical compared to traditional thermal heating of liquids. It has been empirically proven that to heat the same volume of water to a certain ∆t using the cavitation method and the classical thermal method, it takes different quantities energy. In the first option, 1 kW is spent to rotate the cavitator, and in the second option, 1.7 kW is spent to operate the heating elements.

Today, the method has gained little popularity, as it is not without a number of disadvantages, such as:

  • limited heating temperature;
  • noise of the engine and cavitator;
  • A small amount of special equipment is produced.

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