Name, description and photo of exotic flowers grown at home. A selection of photos of the most beautiful and unusual indoor plants

Exotic flowers have always been of interest to plant lovers; plants are happily bred at home due to their tropical charm and unusual looking. Unfortunately, tropical conditions are radically different from the climate prevailing in our country and even in well-heated apartments exotic flowers quite complex and requires a lot of work and knowledge of the needs of individual species. Of course, there are several dozen types of exotic flowers that can be successfully grown at home. Which tropical plants are you visiting?


Individual types of orchids differ from each other in structure, have rhizomes and tubers or do not have roots. Decoration of orchids - flowers.

It is worth mentioning the most interesting types of orchids:

  • Miltonia;
  • Odontoglossum;
  • Cattleya;

Orchids prefer well-lit places. The best place- east and west windows. It is important to have access to fresh air and ventilation with moderately cool air. Orchids love humid air, reaching up to 70%. In winter, when radiators warm up the room, it is worth placing a vessel next to the orchids from which the water will evaporate. Flowers are watered only with soft, boiled water, devoid of calcium.

An exotic flower will grow well at home if you provide it with appropriate care and conditions. Flower comes from South America, his characteristic feature- impressive, really big and large funnel-shaped flowers. A special feature of the plant is the intense aroma of its flowers. Datura prefers fertile, rich, humus soil, frequent watering, even twice a day. Watering is important especially when it is hot or stuffy outside. The plant needs to be fertilized when the specimen already has sufficiently developed leaves, from the beginning of the growing season to the beginning of autumn. Feed with special fertilizer for this type of flower, purchased at a garden store.

Orange is a frequently grown exotic plant that does well at home. The plant is native to the Philippines, in indoor growing reaches up to 60 cm in height. The decoration includes both dark green leaves and flowers, which turn into fruit over time. orange color. The fruits are not suitable for consumption; they are bitter and sour. To orange tree developed well, in the spring it should be transplanted into pots with nutrient-rich soil. At the same time, a drainage layer should be laid on the bottom. In summer, during the orange blossom period, it is necessary to supply it with plenty of water and enrich it with citrus fertilizer approximately every two weeks. The orange tree requires a lot sunlight, but we should not forget about fresh air. In winter, care must be taken to ensure that the room temperature does not fall below 13 degrees Celsius. Then you should limit watering.

The flower belongs to the Bromeliad family, native to South America. The leaf shape characteristic of the plant, forming a basal rosette. The plant is decorated with thick, fleshy leaves and charming flower. In its natural habitat, water from rain accumulates in a funnel in the middle of the leaves. When growing echmea at home, do not forget to pour water into the funnel during watering. For watering should be used soft water, better boiled. The flower is planted in peat soil mixed with a small amount sand The flower needs a sunny place and quite high humidity. It is necessary to remember to regularly clean and remove water from the rosette created by the leaves. In winter, the substrate in the pot should not be dry and should even be constantly moist; the outlet should contain water. The temperature in the room where the flower is located should not fall below 13 degrees Celsius. The plant reproduces from seeds.

Passionflower (Passionflower)

There are more than 400 species of passionflower, called cavalier's star. Natural habitat - Peru and countries of the South and North America. Some species grow in Asia and Australia. About 10 types of passionflower are grown at home. One of the few species that can be grown indoors is blue passionflower. Its undoubted advantage is the flowers are bluish-violet, less often pink or red. Flowers can reach up to 10 cm in diameter and have a not very strong, pleasant aroma. Passionflower loves a sunny place, not in direct sunlight. It is worth remembering that the plant does not like heat, prefers low temperature. It is necessary to water abundantly, approximately every 10 days. In winter, watering should be limited; leaves should not be allowed to fall due to lack of water. Passion flowers cannot be sprayed, but it is worth purchasing special granules to place the pot on, this will provide the plant with additional moisture.

Spectacular indoor flower, originating from the tropics. The advantage is the dark green leaves and flowers, as if made of wax. The plant blooms during the summer, about 8 weeks; if you provide the anthurium with a high temperature of up to 27 degrees Celsius, the plant will delight with its flowers all year round. needs light and sunny place, but slightly diffused, not bright light is better. Water with rainwater. It is necessary to maintain a balance in the supply of moisture; overdrying and overwatering lead to fatal consequences. The flower prefers moist air and high temperatures; it needs to be sprayed. The plant needs to be replanted once a year in the spring. peat pots into nutrient-rich soil. During the growing season, until the beginning of autumn, the flower must be fertilized approximately every 2 weeks with a special drug, purchased at a garden store. This guarantees beautiful and dynamic development of leaves and flowers. Remember, the plant's natural habitat is the tropics and in winter the plant will not tolerate temperatures below 15 degrees Celsius.

The stunning Guzmania comes from the tropical jungles of Central and South America. The flower has thick leaves that form a rosette in which water collects. At home, it should be watered using this method. The plant is characterized by the fact that an inflorescence grows from a rosette once in a lifetime. The soil for guzmania should be peat mixed with coarse sand. Guzmania prefers wet environment, you need to water it abundantly. Guzmania needs heat up to 27 degrees Celsius, without direct sun rays. The plant needs to be sprayed. Every 3 weeks, you need to add a few drops of fertilizer to the water with which you water your guzmania, providing the plant with additional nutrients necessary for proper development.

Of course, this is not the entire list of types of tropical flowers. In addition, we can mention: Grevillea, Desert Rose, Metrosideros and Bromeliad. It is worth making an effort to care for at least one representative of exotic plants, and they will become unusual and charming decoration home, transporting us mentally to the atmosphere of the tropics.

Beautiful tropical flowers create the impression of unique grace and splendor on any personal plot. Exotic flowers are very difficult to grow in the garden. They demand increased attention and special care. But all the effort is worth the effort. Look at the tropical flowers in the photo and appreciate their attractiveness.

Canna flowers in the garden

A relative of ginger, canna, was grown by the Indians of South America for its nutritious rhizomes, which were baked like potatoes. Flower growers were attracted not by nutritious, but decorative qualities This herbaceous plant is distinguished by its large bright flowers in spike-shaped inflorescences, reminiscent of gladioli. In our temperate climate Canna flowers in the garden bloom in flower beds from spring to autumn, blooming their buds in turn. With the onset of cold weather, the cannas in the garden are transferred to warm room, where it continues to bloom until winter. You can also dig up the rhizomes and leave them in a warm place to wait for spring planting.

Nicholas tall by birth from Malaysia and Indonesia, still a very rare guest in European flower beds. But thanks to its striking exotic beauty, this flower, also related to ginger, should gain popularity among gardeners. Nicholas in the flowerbed is an event in itself: the stems with leaves rise up to 5 meters during the season, and a lush, dazzling red flower the size of a child’s head blooms on a thick, meter-long stem. Nicholas, discovered in Asia by a Russian botanist, received scientific name in honor of Tsar Nicholas I.

Tropical garden and amaranth in the garden

With the help of some plants you can create a real tropical garden on your site. Since ancient times, the Aztec Indians from Central America grew the amaranth caudate plant for its seeds, from which they made flour for flatbreads. On the holiday of the gods of war, the Aztecs sculpted huge figures of deities from a mixture of amaranth and corn flour, honey and agave juice. At the end of the celebrations, the figures were broken, and the inhabitants of the city received their share of the “divine bones and meat” from the priests. The Europeans who conquered the Aztecs were interested in amaranth not so much in the seeds as in the flowers, collected in long earring inflorescences reminiscent of fox tails. Amaranth in the garden has become decorative garden plant. But in India, China and the Himalayas, amaranth is grown as a grain crop. Close relative amaranth, celosia cockscomb arrived in Europe from Africa and also took its rightful place in flower beds.

Petunias in the garden and their photos

It is difficult to find a more unpretentious and grateful flower than petunias in the garden. These flowers decorate most urban flower beds and, requiring no care, bloom from spring to autumn. From several dozen wild species of petunia, flower growers have bred hundreds of varieties of all colors and shades. The single tubular flowers of petunia are typical of the entire nightshade family to which it belongs. Europeans brought petunia from America along with its closest relatives - potatoes, peppers, tobacco and tomatoes. But decorative varieties Petunias began to be bred only about 100 years ago. Then she began her victorious march around the world.

A variety of petunias in the garden are shown in the photo below:

Garden orchid and its photo

One of the most demanding, but also the most beautiful greenhouse plants are garden orchids. In the jungles of Asia, Africa and America, these epiphytic plants settle on trees. Meter-long shoots of orchids, hung with luxurious flowers, hang in garlands from the trunks. There are a lot of orchids; in the Amazon forests alone there are more than 8,000 species with flowers of all possible shapes and colors. No matter how bizarre orchids look, their flowers are structured the same - 3 sepals and 3 petals, the lower of which - the lip - sometimes differs from the others in shape and color.

Orchid seeds are helped to germinate by mold-fungi obtained from the mother plant. After transportation, the mushrooms die and the seeds do not germinate. Until scientists discovered the relationship between orchids and fungi, it was impossible to grow orchids from seeds. And even now it is difficult - 10 years of work and care will be required for a plant grown from a seed to bloom for the first time. And 100 years ago, orchids came to greenhouses only from the jungle and were incredibly expensive. The fashion for exoticism then gave rise to a real hunt for orchids, comparable only to the “gold rush”. Hundreds of adventurers, dreaming of getting rich, went for flowers at the risk of dying in the jungle.

"Avon Lacquer" tropical orchid and its photo

Whimsical, bewitching, delicate or striking colors, tropical orchids captivate the eye and excite the imagination. The tropical orchid "Avon Lacquer" with white flowers that begin to smell like vanilla by night, opened for night-time pollinating moths. Red and orange orchids with their bright colors attract daytime pollinators - hummingbirds. Such flowers are ready to provide nectar to pollinators. But some orchids have adapted to being pollinated without giving anything in return. There are orchids that paint themselves the colors of rotten meat and smell accordingly - they are pollinated by blow flies.

Other trickster orchids have transformed their petals and sepals into something resembling insect wings and antennae. Trembling in the wind, they even imitate the flight of insects. Real insects, mistaking flowers for the invasion of uninvited neighbors and relatives, fly up to them to drive away the strangers, fight with one flower or another, sprinkling themselves with pollen and transferring it from flower to flower.

Callas in the garden and their photos

The austere beauty of the “white-winged” calla lily in the garden has many admirers. The bouquet of these flowers is evidence of discreet, refined taste. Callas in wildlife grow along the marshy shores of reservoirs in South Africa. During the dry African summer, callas go into hibernation, preserving life in underground rhizome. With the first rains, the calla throws out arrows of leaves. Following the foliage, an inflorescence-cob appears on a mighty meter-long peduncle, wrapped in a “veil” - a large white covering leaf. In decorative types of callas, the “spread” can be pink, yellow, red, red and even black. Calla lilies, which require warmth all year round, grow best in greenhouses in our climate. Our callas bloom in the summer, at the time when the rains begin in their homeland.

Therefore, calla lilies planted in the garden for the summer will decorate it with their flowers.

As greenhouse plants, anthuriums, related to callas, are popular in our country - inhabitants of the South American jungle. In their homeland, they grow as epiphytes on foreign trunks, entwining them with creeping rhizomes and sending aerial roots down to the ground.

Look various types calla lilies in the photo:

Tropical flowers - yucca in the garden

In the vastness of American deserts and rocky foothills, one of the most impressive sights can be considered the flowers of the tropics - yucca. Above the rosette of pointed leaves rises a powerful peduncle, like a tree trunk, hung with many rather large snow-white bells. At night, small moths - yucca moths - flock to the yuccas. These are the only pollinators of yucca. The moth collects sticky pollen, rolls it into a ball and flies to another flower, where it literally presses the pollen ball into the stigma. This is the only way yucca can be pollinated in the garden, which makes it difficult to grow. But the moth is not disinterested - it laid eggs in a lump, and a new generation of moths will grow inside the established yucca fruit and feed on its seeds. Some of the seeds will remain and germinate, giving life to a new generation of plants. So, for centuries, moths and yuccas have been helping each other to continue their race.

Protea flowers and their photos

The myths of Ancient Greece tell the story of the sea elder Proteus, who is able to transform into different creatures and objects. In honor of this many-sided character, plants of the Proteaceae family, which unites herbs, shrubs, and trees, were named. The diversity of Proteaceae inflorescences is also striking.

U different types Proteaceae small flowers, as in a kaleidoscope, fold into different shapes inflorescences. There are giant brushes for washing dishes, like those of banksias, and pompoms, pubescent with stamens, like those of telopea, and balls covered with scales of colored covering leaves, like those of protea artichoke-shaped, and majestic crowns, like those of repens protea. Emitting sweet odors and flooding with nectar, proteas attract many pollinators. They are pollinated not only by insects, but also the bats, and fruit bats, and even rats and mouse-like Australian animals, honey gliders.

Insect-pollinated plants have a hard time surviving high in the mountains, where bees, midges and butterflies rarely visit. Some plants solve the problem of pollinator deficiency by growing huge inflorescences that can attract pollinators from afar and detain them for a long time, treating them with nectar from thousands of flowers. In the mountains South Africa tree-like lobelias grow, crowning three-meter “candles” of stems with a cap of pointed leaves with two-meter plumes of thousands of bluish flowers. These giants have relatives in our forests - these are ordinary blue bells.

In the mountains of the Canary Islands, a relative of forget-me-nots and lungworts, the Canary bruise, has acquired giant inflorescences.

And in the highlands of the Andes, in South America, a champion meets flora in terms of the size of the inflorescences - Puya Raymonda from the bromeliad family. The straight panicle of the puya reaches 2.4 meters in girth, rises to a height of 11 meters and bears about 8,000 white flowers. Puya blooms for the first time only at the age of 80-150 years and dies after flowering.

Amorphophallus gigantica

Nature created the giant amorphophallus, a living embodiment of the stone flower, which in the tale of P. P. Bazhov, Danila the Master carved for the Mistress Copper Mountain. The Siberian master could not see this miracle - it grows in the tropics of Africa and Asia. A folded leaf of a greenish blanket rises from the ground. It stretches higher and higher, rising up to 3 m on a powerful short peduncle.

Unfolding, the blanket reveals a red or purple underside and reveals a huge candle of an inflorescence-cob with a disgusting smell. Flowering lasts up to 2 weeks. After this, a single leaf appears from the ground. This huge leaf, cut into many individual “leaves,” can easily be mistaken for a whole tree with lush crown. The leaf will only live one season. Actively photosynthesizing, it will accumulate enough food in the underground tuber to again throw out a giant inflorescence next year, growing larger every year.

A foul odor that attracts dung beetles and blow flies is a common method of pollination. It is used by already familiar plants of the swallow family. Their fantastic flowers, reminiscent sea ​​stars, they smell disgusting to human taste. This smell encourages flies and beetles to examine the flower in search of food. A deceived insect, rummaging around in a flower, will not find anything nutritious, but will transfer pollen from the stamens to the pistils. This way the plant saves on nectar.

Rafflesia flower: its photo and smell

In the deep jungles of Asia there is a rare plant - the rafflesia flower. She announces her presence from afar, emitting the smell of rafflesia, or rather the “aroma” of rotting meat.

Look at the rafflesia flower in the photos, which show the beauty of the buds, but do not convey the smell:

The world of flora is very rich and diverse. Humanity is constantly interested in plant life. Exotic flowers receive a lot of attention. They amaze with their beauty and sophistication. More recently, people knew only a few names of flowers, but nowadays stores offer consumers a huge selection of interesting plants.

Chic bouquet

Girls and women love flowers very much, this best gift for the soul and heart. They delight the eye with their presence, filling the house with freshness and beauty. When a bouquet contains exotic flowers, it becomes even more chic and original. Allows a person to see a piece of another continent.

Nowadays it is not difficult to find any plant in flower shops. Florists can tell you about them, tell you how to put together a composition correctly, advise which flowers will look best, and with which you can express your feelings. This gift is perfect for people who are hard to please. It is unusual, bright and unforgettable!

Plants of Mexico and Africa

Not many people know the name of exotic flowers; they simply choose them according to appearance: color, shape. Buy original bouquets Available both in stores and online. We offer a wide variety of assortments with full description plants.

Flowers of Mexico:

Echinocactus Gruzoni. Requires proper care: maximum bright lighting at any time of the year, moderate temperature and watering. The plant has the shape of a ball, up to 5 cm in size.

Sprekelia. Amaryllis genus, flat green leaves. There is usually one flower, red. The plant is not picky about air humidity, but requires a lot of light. It loves warm, settled water; it is important to add it to the pan without getting it on the bulb.

Exotic flowers native to Africa:

Lithops or "living stones". They belong to the Aizoonaceae family, of which there are more than 60 varieties. Constant sunlight is needed; the roots do not tolerate a lot of liquid. IN summer time It is better to place them outdoors.

Gudiya. The height of the bush is about one meter, the stems are surrounded by thorns. You should avoid flooding the roots, and in winter it does not require water at all.

Original plants can improve the atmosphere of a room

People always strive to learn new flowers and grow them in their home. Exoticism attracts lovers to the maximum; the unusual shape and smell of the plant generates interest. The range of colors in stores is increasingly expanding. Bright ones from India, America, China and other overseas countries are in good demand. Homemade exotic flowers, to the best of their ability, improve the air in the room, moisturize it, fill it with freshness and a pleasant smell.

Palm, citrus and help get rid of harmful substances in the house. The air is purified and the microclimate is normalized. For example, anthurium is a flower native to Central and South America. Reduces the content of microbes in the indoor air. Several varieties of anthurium are known, all with different bud colors: pink, red, white and burgundy. The plant does not tolerate cold and direct sunlight; it is best placed on a window that faces southwest or southeast.

at home

Many people grow exotic plants on their balconies and terraces. This adds beauty and a sense of nature to the apartment. It also creates an atmosphere of relaxation and helps to touch the world of flora. foreign countries. Some exotic flowers require special care and attention. Others, on the contrary, are not picky at all and quickly adapt to any conditions.

Pachistachis yellow is very common in indoor cultivation. It originates from Tropical America. The shrub can grow up to one meter and has oval dark green leaves. The flowers are white and fall off quickly, but the bright yellow or orange bracts remain. The plant requires abundant watering in hot weather summer days. Ideal place- east or west window, needs bright lighting.

Home cyclamen or alpine violet

In general, people love plants that are easy to grow, resistant to disease, and easy to establish in a new location. Exotic flowers in pots are now not uncommon; they are easy to buy in salons. Homemade cyclamen is very popular among the people; it grows in Turkey and the Middle East.

The height of the plant itself reaches 30 cm, large flowers are orange, white, lilac, pink and red. In the summer, cyclamen rests and produces new leaves and buds in the fall. In winter, the plant begins to bloom, which is why it is often a gift for new year holidays. Cyclamen does not like heat very much, so you should keep it away from the heat source (fireplace, radiator). It is advisable to water in a tray; if water gets on the plant, rotting may begin.

Jasmine: a wonderful scent

Everyone likes it when there is a pleasant smell in the room. Exotic indoor flowers are sources of amazing aromas. When choosing a plant for your home, we try to combine beauty and pleasant smell as much as possible. Jasmine is a striking example; it belongs to the olive variety; more than three hundred species are known. The birthplace of the flower is Asia and Australia.

For home breeding The following types are suitable:

Jasmine officinalis;



In winter, the plant should not be filled with water, but in summer, during the period of growth and flowering, vice versa. Jasmine is very afraid of drafts, loves light and fresh air.

All flowers, especially exotic ones, need proper care, it is advisable to first ask about their preferences.

Every gardener wants his greenhouse to be unique. This is not so difficult to do; exotic flowers can add elegance, their appearance reminiscent of distant countries. Of course, growing exotic plants on your own plot is not so easy, but with proper care it is quite possible. If you succeed, then you will not regret the time spent for a second.

Flowers of Cannes

Cannas are considered a relative of a plant such as ginger, because it was not for nothing that the Indians used its tubers for food. And here this plant is attractive to gardeners primarily for its beautiful large flowers, which are somewhat reminiscent of gladioli. Delight the eye with flowers

Cannas can grow from spring until the first frost, after which they can be brought home, where they will continue to bloom its buds right up to winter. If you do not want to grow it at home, then the tubers can be dug up and moved to a warm place where they will wait until next spring.


This one is beautiful the flower came to us from America and initially it did not represent any decorative value. However, over time, the beauty of petunia was nevertheless considered and they began to use it in the design of gardens. This flower is very unpretentious and can bloom from spring to late autumn.

Currently Scientists have bred a huge number of ornamental petunias the most different shades and forms. The most popular varieties are:

  • Bush
  • Floribunda
  • Ampelous
  • Calibrachoa
  • Cascade

Exotic flowers


Very capricious, but truly the most beautiful flower- orchid. In warm countries they grow on trees, and garlands of flowers hang from their long shoots.

Exists a huge number of orchid species, in South America alone there are more than 8,000 of them. All of them have various shapes and colors, but no matter how they differ from each other, they all have approximately the same structure - 3 sepals, 3 petals, one of which, the lower one, differs from the other two in shape, and sometimes even in color. This petal is also very often called the lip.

The seeds of this flower can only germinate with the help of molds and fungi, which are obtained from the mother plant. Most often, these mushrooms die during transportation and the seeds cannot germinate. This is why orchids are so expensive, because it takes a lot of effort and time for the plant to bloom.

Orchids first began to be used in greenhouses about 100 years ago. In those days they were transported from the jungle, so their cost was simply unimaginable. However, as soon as the first flower was introduced, it immediately became fashionable. This marked the beginning of the hunt for this precious plant, because even without the fear of dying in the jungle, brave souls went in search of the most beautiful of flowers.

If you are not afraid of difficulties, then an orchid can become a wonderful decoration not only for your garden, but also for your home, because it feels great at home. The following varieties are suitable for this:

  • Phalaenopsis. This species is the most popular for home cultivation; they are not as whimsical as the others and bloom for a long time.
  • Dendrobium. This species prefers a cooler location and will bloom within a month under good conditions.
  • Cattleya. This same orchid, on the contrary, prefers warmth, but not heat. Its special feature is flowers that reach 20 cm in diameter.

The photo above shows a Phalaenopsis orchid.

Calla lilies

This flower has many fans among professionals and amateurs, and this is not surprising. To grow them, you don’t need any special conditions or skills, you just need desire and then everything will work out.

Calla lilies were brought to us from South America, and if under natural conditions they bloom in winter, then in our climate they feel great in summer, pleasing the eye with beautiful inflorescences. In nature, calla lilies are most often found white, but species bred for decorative purposes may already be pink, red, yellow or even black.

In order for the callas to bloom next year, you need to prepare them for wintering in advance. For this in September need to dig up bushes and carefully clean the tubers from the soil. Everything must be done very carefully so as not to damage anything, since calla lilies have very fragile roots. The leaves must be left for 2 weeks so that the tubers receive maximum nutrients and after a while they can be removed. They should be stored at a temperature no higher than 15 degrees.

Amorphophallus gigantica

Compared to other exotic flowers, this one is simply huge; its peduncle can reach a height of 3 meters. Blooming the flower shows a red or purple underside, and in the middle there is a huge cob-inflorescence, which, despite its beauty, has a not very pleasant smell. Such beauty can be observed for 2 weeks, after which one leaf will remain sticking out of the ground.

However, due to its size and shape from afar it looks like a tree with a very lush crown. For one season, this leaf will live, accumulating nutrients, so that next year it can bloom again. exotic flower. The photo shows how impressive the size of the amorphophallus is.


This is a very rare exotic a flower that can be found in Asian jungles. Before you even approach it, you can feel it, because rafflesia exudes the aroma of rotting meat.

This exotic plant has an impressive size and can reach 1 meter in diameter. Red fleshy the flower attracts flies with its smell, which pollinate it. Flowering lasts about 3 days, after which it begins to grow large berry. When it ripens, wild animals will trample it and spread the seeds throughout the forest.

IN natural conditions Not many of them have survived, some of them are on the verge of extinction. But, if we really want, we will be able to see this exoticism with our own eyes. So that our descendants have a chance to see these stunning plants: monkey puzzle, dragon tree, amazing Welwitschia, titan arum, Venus flytrap, rafflesia, takka, jade flower, ghost man tree, lace tree, we must do everything to preserve them. Ten exotic plants that remind us that our world is beautiful and worth loving and taking care of.

Monkey puzzle. Araucaria Chilean.

Araucaria araucana The leaves of this tree are so hard and prickly that birds prefer not to perch on them. That is why the tree has such a strange name: once a proud owner of an araucaria living in Cornwall (in the southwest of Great Britain), showing the tree to his guests, said: “Climbing this tree would be a real puzzle even for a monkey,” since then The second name of the tree is “Monkey Puzzle”.

At the end of the 18th century, this tree, described by an Italian botanist, was classified as a special genus of pines, but justice was restored by the famous botanist and zoologist Jean Lamarck, and proved that it separate species trees - araucaria.

Araucaria seeds can be used for food, and it is quite possible that not only natural, but also special plantings of them have been preserved - some of them are confined to ancient Indian sites. Araucaria forests develop best on volcanic soils. Trees reach a height of up to 60 m, and a trunk diameter of up to 1.5 m. A plant is considered young up to 150 years of age, and can grow up to 45 cm annually “in its youth.” Older trees grow up to 10-15 cm per year, while the leaves of the tree can live up to 40 years, and the tree itself - up to 2000. In 1796, i.e. 16 years after the discovery of Chilean Araucaria in America, it was already brought and planted in England (the first tree grown lasted almost a hundred years). Later, this araucaria spread widely in Western Europe, and it can be found even in Norway, but in Russia - only in the botanical gardens of the Crimea and the Caucasus.

Dragon tree.

Dracaena draco The dragon tree is a tree of the genus Dracaena of the Agave family. In appearance, it resembles a huge cactus, on the branches of which grow bunches of very sharp leaves. If you make a cut on a tree trunk, red resin will come out - “dragon blood”.

Even the ancient inhabitants of the Canaries - the Guanches - considered the tree sacred, and the resin was used in medicinal purposes. The tree reaches a height of 20 m, and the diameter of its trunk is up to 4 m. The dragon tree grows on the Canary Islands and Socotra and can live up to 5-6 thousand years, however, growth rings are not formed in the tree trunk, and its age cannot be accurately determined so simple. The oldest dragon tree grows in a small park (Parque del Drago) in the town of Icod de los Vinos in Tenerife, it is approximately 2500-3000 years old, if this is true, then it is the oldest of famous trees on the planet. And the most famous was the tree in the city of La Orotava. it grew to 21 meters, the girth of its trunk was 13.5 meters, and its age was determined to be 6000 years, but in 1868 a hurricane felled it.

Velvichia is amazing.

Welwitschia Mirabilis The German botanist Welwitschia traveled through the deserts of southwestern Africa about a hundred years ago and found a plant that looked like a heap of garbage from afar. This is not a tree, not a bush, not grass, but something completely unique. Its trunk, similar to a stump, grows up to half a meter in height and up to 1.2 m in diameter.

A fleshy tap root up to 3 m long extends from the trunk, serving to store nutrients and strengthen the plant, and not to obtain water. Welwitschia grows in the south of Angola and Namibia, where not a drop of rain falls for months and sometimes years.

The plant receives moisture from the fogs that envelop the coast for almost 300 days a year, which is why no one has seen Velvichia further than the strip of fogs penetrating deep into the territory 80-100 kilometers from the ocean coast. Velvichia leaves are up to 2-3 m long and up to 30 wide cm remain throughout the life of the plant, although the winds turn them into sponge, and some leaves may gradually die off. Radiocarbon dating has shown that Welwitschia can live for 2000 years, so its leaves are the longest-lived leaves known.

Titan arum.

Titan Arum Translated from Latin, the name of this flower sounds like “huge deformed penis”, it is also called “corpse flower” (in the local language - bunga bangkai) the plant produces strong smell rotten meat, the aroma of which attracts flies for pollination.

The homeland of titanium arum is the western part of the island of Sumatra in Indonesia, and was discovered in 1878. Today it is considered the most big flower in the world, blooms three times a year. The bud opens for about 3 weeks, but blooms for only a day or two.

Titan arum belongs to the oldest and most beautiful family of flowering plants - aroids; it can reach a height of 2-3 m, and its weight is up to 100 kg. Titan arum is a rare flower, it is difficult to grow, and it can be seen in only a few botanical gardens in the world, where flower lovers from all over the world come especially for the flowering of arum.

Venus flytrap. Venus Flytrap.

Dionaea muscipula This is the most famous carnivorous plant on the North American continent. The size of an adult plant does not exceed 15 cm, but at the same time it easily catches and assimilates mosquitoes, flies and other insects - the flycatcher is capable of slamming leaves in one tenth of a second.

This is one of the fastest movements plants can make. Harvard scientists believe that the leaves of the Venus flytrap accumulate elastic energy and work on the principle of unstable convex membranes - as soon as you press them with your finger, they switch from one position to another.

Insects touch the trigger hairs of the plant, in response it slightly loses moisture, because of this the curvature of the surface changes - and the leaf abruptly closes the trap. That is why the smallest insects avoid the fate of being eaten.

If the insect is “unlucky”, from the glands located on internal surfaces, digestive juices are released in such quantities that the insect completely drowns in this liquid. The trap remains closed for several days, and when it finally opens, all that is left of the poor fellow is an undigested chitinous shell.


Tiny rafflesia seeds - no larger than a poppy seed - are spread by animals that step on the plant's fruit. They are embedded under the bark of vines, and after a year and a half the bark swells, forming a kind of bud, which ripens after 9 months into a rafflesia bud - “bunga patma” (in the local language - a lotus flower). The average flower reaches 70-90 cm in diameter, the size of the flower -record holder - 106.7 cm. The thickness of the average petal is 3 cm, and the length is 46 cm. After a short period of flowering, rafflesia decomposes within a few weeks, turning into a disgusting, shapeless mass of black color.


Tacca Chantrieri In tropical countries, tacca grows in open ground - on sea ​​coasts and in the mountains tropical forests, preferring a humid atmosphere. The local population calls this plant “black lily”, “bat” or “devil’s flower”, associating terrible legends with it, but at the same time, the pulp of the takki fruit is used for food, hats and fishing gear are made from its stems, and flour is prepared from its rhizomes. baking bread, sweets, medicine.

Tacca contains alkaloid substances and is used in magical rituals. Dried taki flower powder also has interesting properties– it has a very high coefficient of volumetric expansion. Once in the stomach, it increases in volume up to 80-100 times its original volume.

The dark color of the flower is explained by the fact that it is pollinated by carrion or dung flies, which are attracted to rotting remains. Insects are attracted by the shine of the cells on the “bottom” of the flower and the very faint smell of spoiled meat, almost imperceptible to humans. In nature, individual specimens reach 3 m in height. In Europe these exotic plants grown in winter gardens and greenhouses. Takki bloom and bear fruit almost all year round. Insects are attracted by the shine of the cells on the “bottom” of the flower and the very faint smell of spoiled meat, almost imperceptible to humans. In addition, flies are attracted by large bracts in which they can spend the night, and juicy thread-like appendages - a real delicacy for insects.

Jade flower.

Green Jade Flower This rare flower grows in the Waipio area along the northern shore of Maui (Hawaii) - in the Haiku region.

From it, the local population, according to traditional Hawaiian custom, makes fantastically beautiful leis - flower garlands that are worn around the neck.

A jade flower is very suitable for this - you just need to connect the inflorescence that decorates the vine of the tree into a lei. The greenish-blue color of jade flowers seems artificial. Incredibly, this is their natural color.

Ghost people. Pachypodium namakwanii. Halfmens. Pachypodium namaquanum On the dry rocky hills near the Orange River in Namaqualand and southwest Africa, these succulent trees of the apocynaceae family grow up to 1.5-2 m high. The local population calls them “ghost people” or halfmens (translated into English , as in "half human".

This succulent has an unbranched trunk, grayish-green velvety leaves are crowded at the tops and quickly fall off. The crown is always inclined to the north (that is, towards the sun, since this is a plant of the southern hemisphere).

Legend has it that once upon a time the Khoisan Bushmen (“kho” - “man”, “san” - “bushman”) were driven out of their native lands (the Kalahari Desert) by other tribes. They left with a heavy heart, constantly looking back at places dear to their hearts and gradually turned into halfmen, with the crown of the trees always facing north, dreaming of the day when they could return to their beloved homeland.

Lace tree. Bois Dentelle.

Elaeocarpus bojeri They say that the island of Mauritius was created before God created paradise, it served as his model. There are practically no forests left in Mauritius, but beautiful trees grow in abundance here. blooming trees and shrubs, many of them are unique. For example, the talipo tree, reaching a height of 28 m. It blooms once every 60-100 years, blooming many inflorescences, and then quickly dies. Even more rare plant is bois dentelle. There are only two copies of them in nature.

Its flowers are beautiful - splashes of white inflorescences with amazing lacy petals, they cover the tree from January to March. Its closest relative is Elaeocarpus serratus (bois d'olive) - a native of India. The pulp of the tree's fruit is edible and was most often used for pickling.

Government and non-governmental organizations are working together to save the lace tree from extinction. One of them was planted in a nursery under the patronage of the government, and from the seeds of this tree they were able to grow two more shoots of the lace tree. In addition, attempts are being made to graft its branches to related variety elaeocarpus serratus - this experiment was also successful. But the danger that our descendants will never be able to see the lace tree has not yet passed.

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