How to treat pimples on grape leaves. Grapes: leaf diseases and treatment with various means and methods

Quite often, at the height of the growing season, walking around their properties, winegrowers note with satisfaction the active development of shoots, watching how tender juicy green leaves literally open up and increase in size before our eyes, inflorescences have already appeared somewhere, and some shoots hastened to throw out the tendril, warning the vinedresser, that they would not bear a harvest. A familiar picture that pleases the winegrower’s heart, and suddenly - wait, on a tender, newly opened leaf, dark red spots are clearly visible. It may well be that in this way the grape itch signaled its presence in the vineyard by starting the meal. For now these are only barely noticeable spots, then they will turn into distinct bulges on the outside of the leaf.
Seeing grape leaves completely covered with such peculiar “blisters” for the first time, an especially inexperienced winegrower who encounters such a picture for the first time may panic. He once read somewhere that a similar picture is observed when grape bushes are affected by the leaf form of phylloxera. For some reason, when the picture is not very clear, it always seems to us that the worst has happened. It's time to calm down, although grape itch is an extremely unpleasant guest in the vineyard, it is very, very far from the harmfulness of phylloxera.
On grape plant Up to 70 species of mites can parasitize, but perhaps the most common of all these species is grape itch. It is almost impossible to distinguish it with the naked eye. It has an elongated, narrow, whitish or straw-colored body. yellow color only 0.167 mm long.
Female mites overwinter in cracks of the vine, under exfoliated bark, under bud scales. In the spring, when the eyes open, mites become active, crawl onto the opening leaves and attach themselves to them from the underside. Under the influence of enzymes secreted by the itch, leaf tissues grow and concave galls are formed - erineums. On the underside of the leaf, the growing cells form a thick felt layer, under which the itch feeds and develops. During mass reproduction, it affects and disfigures a significant part of the leaves of the bush, which become red-brown. The growth and development of leaves is disrupted, photosynthesis is reduced, some leaves dry out and die, and the development of the grape bush as a whole is inhibited. During the growing season, itching gives 5 - 7 generations and if you do not fight it, it can become a serious problem in the vineyard.
You can often come across statements that if the vineyard is well-groomed and regularly treated against diseases, then there are practically no ticks there. This can be considered fair when sulfur preparations, which also act on ticks, are used to combat oidium. The concept of a “well-groomed vineyard” also means the absence of weeds on it, and given that some ticks overwinter on plant residues, and then in the spring they use the weeds as an “intermediate springboard” for “occupying” the grape bushes, when removing weeds in the vineyard, the ticks there remains less chance for the implementation of “aggressive plans”.
If single mite nests are found on 1-2 leaves, these leaves can be torn off and taken outside the vineyard. At severe defeat large quantity leaves cannot be avoided without targeted pest control; there is no point in taking the risk of tearing off all the affected leaves, as this will cause much more harm to the bush than mites cause to it.
Inexperienced winegrowers are trying to fight mites with “ universal remedy" - Bordeaux mixture, but the effectiveness of such a measure is zero, because Bordeaux mixture it is a fungicide and it copes well with a number of grape diseases, and mites are representatives of the order of arachnids, i.e. Here we are not dealing with diseases, but with pests. To combat ticks, acaricides are used. During the growing season you can use: phosphamide, fozalon, pliktran, omaite, talstar, mitac, apollo, ortus, etc.
Spraying during the growing season is recommended when the number of ticks exceeds the threshold, i.e. if there are more than 5 individuals per 1 sheet.
When processing grape leaves, one nuance must be taken into account. The drug should be applied to the leaves from below, i.e. We place the spray nozzle at the very surface of the earth and gradually lifting it up, we process inner surface affected leaves. Only in this way can we get to the tick in its “felt ambush.” Treating leaves from above is ineffective.
Finally, the last thing, how can you find out whether the tick was destroyed as a result of treatment with appropriate preparations? Of course, expecting that the affected leaves will suddenly magically free themselves from their “blisters” and become absolutely healthy is, to say the least, naive. The mite did its job - it disfigured the leaves, and even if it died after treatment, they will remain deformed.
The effectiveness of treatment is judged by the absence of lesions on new leaves. If the tick makes no attempts to explore “new territories”, then we have worked effectively. Sometimes one treatment is enough, but more often 2 - 3 are required to finally deal with the mites.

From the moment the buds swell and open, the grape itch moves to the leaves and begins to feed on plant sap. While eating, this insect secretes saliva, which contains a substance that helps accelerate cell growth and division. As a result, its enzymes, in direct contact with it, lead to deformation of the foliage structure. This structural disorder is displayed in the form of large and small oval-shaped bubble-like swellings that appear on the outside leaves.

On the inner side of the foliage affected by the mite, a peculiar white coating, resembling fluffy felt. Initially, this coating has a beige or white color. Later they acquire a red and sometimes brown color.

What does grape itch look like?

It is almost impossible to see the itch well with the naked eye, since the grape felt mite has a very small size. Only with multiple magnification can you see that the tick’s body looks like a light or yellowish worm larva. The length of the female corresponds to 0.16-0.20 mm, and the male - 0.14 mm. The insect's abdomen has numerous small bristles at the front and rings with spines at the back and middle of the body.

Why is itching dangerous for the grape harvest?

It is known that grape itch from the leaves is capable of moving to the young ovary, shoots and flowers of grapes. Consequently, other parts are also affected. If the affected areas of the grapes are not treated in a timely manner, this is fraught with its death and a decrease in yield as a whole.

In addition, this type of mite is capable of transmitting viruses dangerous to grapes, which negatively affect the ripening of fruits, the condition of the root system and leaves, which can ultimately lead to death grapevine.

How to get ahead of affected grape leaves?

In order to find out if grape leaf mite has infected your plants in the garden, you need to pay attention to the leaves. In this case, it is worth looking at the back side of the foliage, since its front part at the first stage of infection does not have visual deformation in the form of tuberous mounds. However, a tick can be noticed by a secondary sign - the presence of a white terry coating on the underside of the leaf.

What is it: itching or mildew?

If you pay attention to grapes infected with mildew, leaf diseases of this type affect the upper and lower parts of them. On the surface of the foliage you can see characteristic yellowish spots the size of a penny or more. A clearly visible white fluff appears on the back of the leaves - this is a mycelium. It is because of him that experienced gardeners and make a “wrong diagnosis”. How to determine whether it is itching or mold deposits?

Unlike aphids, itching forms smaller and sparse swellings. In phylloxera they are more frequent and larger, resembling blisters or warts. If desired, they can be crushed with force with your fingers.

Grape mite: control methods

In order to get rid of a tick, it is necessary to deal with it in a timely manner. However, the whole difficulty when baiting an insect is that it settles on back side sheet, and not on its surface. Therefore, using specialized chemicals, it is necessary to spray the foliage from the back. Experienced gardeners recommend using for this purpose

For this you will need approximately 10-50 g of sulfur. You can also use drugs against grape mites such as Fufanon, Neoron, Karbofos, Tiovit-Jet, Fiori, Talstar, Kinmiks, Omite, Vertimek, Actellik " and others.

In addition, buds that have not yet opened must be sprayed with a solution of Nitrophen diluted in water using 200 g. chemical substance for one bucket of water. Next, it is recommended to treat the blooming buds. It is best to do this at the time of pulling out the kidneys. At this very time they reach a length of approximately 4-6 cm. It is recommended to treat them with a sulfur solution. It is prepared at the rate of 100 g of substance per bucket of water.

How many times do grapes need to be processed?

Treatment of grapes against diseases and pests should be carried out depending on the degree of infection of the plants, as well as on the type of pests and diseases themselves. So, you should save grapes from mites by applying twice the treatment with an approximate interval of 10-12 days.

And for best result should be treated twice a day grape leaves at both sides. Recommended spraying times are 10:00 (first) and 22:00 (second).

Preventative measures to combat itching in the garden

What pests are dangerous to grapes?

Visually it looks like a miniature color and with a body length of no more than 3-4.4 mm. Oviparous. The eggs are laid by the female beetle and she attaches 10-30 of them per inside leaf.

The fight against leaf beetle, like the fight against grape itch, is associated with the treatment of plant buds with special insecticidal solutions. For example, Fufanon and Iskra are used for this purpose.

Another well-known insect pest is the grape gnat. Its size is only 2 mm. The mosquito itself is not harmful. Its larvae cause great harm. An adult insect is capable of laying up to 100 eggs at a time. After about 9-10 days, larvae emerge from them and begin to greedily eat the grape leaves. Wart-like swellings form in the areas where the larva lives. You can also get rid of mosquitoes using insecticides.

In addition, other pests can be found on the leaves, stems and roots of grapes, for example, weevils, borers, leaf rollers, mites, thrips, scale insects and cicadas.

It happens that pimples, bumps or swellings appear on the grape leaves. This process is caused by the activity of a special pest - grape itch. In science, the disease of grape leaves caused by it is called phytoptus.

Control and prevention measures

  1. Actellik, Vertimek, strong but toxic drugs, are not used during the fruiting period;
  2. Fufanon, Omite, these substances are safe for humans and pollinating insects;
  3. Neoron, Fitoverm, Thiovit Jet, Apollo;
  4. Carbolinium, used at the end of the season for autumn processing bushes.

Rules for using insecticides:

Many gardeners as preventive measure spray the entire plantation with a decoction of lime (5%). It is also recommended that after harvesting, remove the remaining leaves from the affected trees, collect the fallen leaves from the ground and burn them. During the period of freezing of the vine, it is necessary to prune the branches, which helps to get rid of pests hibernating in their buds.

In any case, the appearance of bulges, roughness, and swelling of grape leaves indicates damage by insects or diseases and cannot be considered normal.

Growing grapes is not very difficult, but even experienced gardeners can encounter problems, since no one is immune from diseases and pests. One of the dangers facing vineyards is felt itch. Let's try to figure out how to deal with the problem if this pest is detected.

Grape itch appears as pimples on the leaves

What does it look like

If leaves covered with dense tubercles are found on the bushes, this means that the disease is already advanced. A small pest fell on the plant and firmly established itself on it. Felt itch attaches to bottom surface leaf, and begins to draw juice from it. In this place, the leaves seem to be paralyzed, while growth and development continue around them. This is how pimples appear on the foliage, which signal a disease. Scientific name this problem is Phytoptus.

The primary sign of felt mite infestation can be detected before the bumps appear. In some places, the underside of the leaf is covered with light fluff. However, not everyone can immediately determine what kind of disease it is. There's a little trick here. You should try to wipe off the fluff with your finger. If successful, then the bush is sick with mildew, and if not, then it is felt itch.

On different stages the disease looks like this:

  • the underside of the leaf is covered with pinkish-white fluff, which cannot be erased;
  • the fluff darkens, becomes brown or reddish;
  • tubercles appear on the upper side of the leaves;
  • the bumps thicken, turn yellow, turn brown or red;
  • grape leaves curl and droop.

Occasionally, inflorescences on bushes are affected by Phytopthus. The flower petals become dense, then turn red and fall off.

If the winegrower sprayed the bushes with fungicides, believing that it was necessary to fight mildew, and the disease continues to develop according to the described scenario, then it is necessary to treat the grapes for felt itching.

Pink fluff and tubercles on the leaves are a sure sign of a mite

Is it possible to see a tick?

Felt itching cannot be seen with the naked eye. Its body length is about 0.15 mm. However, if you are really curious, you can crawl under the felt coating, take a magnifying glass, such as watchmakers use, and satisfy your curiosity. The eggs of the grape felt itch are also very small, and besides, transparent. It's almost impossible to see them.

Does the felt mite die out in winter?

The felt mite does not freeze even in the coldest winter

Effective control measures

The most effective measure to combat the disease is its prevention. The vineyard should be constantly looked after, using all agrotechnical methods. First of all, it is necessary to prune frozen vines. Rake fallen grape leaves, remove weeds, and don't forget to burn all that trash. Be sure to disinfect pruners, knives and other garden tools, before use. Pluck leaves affected by itching, as light mites are spread, among other things, by the wind.

It will not be possible to quickly deal with phytoptus. The effect of any drug is noticeable no earlier than after 20 days.

To combat this disease, several treatments with acaricides will have to be carried out. This special kind chemicals, killing mites on agricultural plants. The stores offer drugs “Nero”, “Sanm it”, “Aktelik” and others.

A large number of mites is observed around mid-May, at the same stage the active appearance of the first generation of cluster budworm begins. To avoid unnecessary treatments, it is worth using complex insectoacaricides. These drugs simultaneously affect ticks and other pests. The drug “Kaputt” has proven itself well. You can also use Actofit. Do not forget that processing must be done in compliance with safety measures. This means you will need gloves, eye protection, long sleeves and a respirator.

The drug Actofit destroys felt mites

Ecological methods

One of safe methods To combat felt itching is spraying with sulfur preparations. It can be colloidal, crushed or in the form of a wettable powder. This method of getting rid of a disease that affects grape leaves is also allowed on personal plots, and in industrial vineyards.

When treating the vineyard with any preparations, care must be taken to ensure that they get on the underside of the foliage. If you spray sulfur solutions or insectoacaricides simply on the surface of plants, there will be no effect.

When growing grapes to obtain a harvest, protecting plants from pests and diseases becomes important. We offer the most effective methods.

1. Mildew

False powdery mildew - the most common and dangerous fungal disease grapes It affects leaves, shoots, inflorescences, berries, tendrils. Pale green or yellow oily spots of varying sizes and shapes appear on young leaves. In wet weather, spots on the underside of the leaves become covered with a white, easily erasable fluffy coating. The affected leaf tissues become yellow-brown, dry out and crumble.

Downy mildew is especially dangerous in years with increased rainfall, fog, heavy dew and high temperature. The disease overwinters in plant debris. During the growing season, at temperatures above +8 °C and the soil is moistened for more than 24 hours, mildew spores germinate. Young leaves (more than 2-3 cm) become infected in the presence of droplet-liquid moisture for more than 4 hours and at temperatures above +12 °C. The length of the incubation period depends on the temperature and humidity: at +20-26 °C it is 4 days, at +13 °C - 10 days.

When mildew is infected, a white fluffy coating appears on the leaves.

2. Anthracnose

Grape pox often develops on mildew-resistant varieties that are not sprayed with fungicides. Anthracnose affects leaves, shoots, inflorescences and berries. Soon after the leaves form, light colors appear on them. gray spots with a reddish or dark brown rim. Then the affected tissues fall out, the leaf becomes as if perforated. On young shoots, small brownish spots gradually press in, merge and form deep longitudinal ulcers. If the shoots are severely damaged, they acquire a charred appearance, become deformed, become brittle and break easily. On ripening berries, depressed brown spots with a dark purple border are formed, similar to those found on the shoots.

Actacnose develops most actively at the beginning of the plant's growing season. Depending on the degree of damage, the plant loses some or all of its leaves, the ripening of the crop and vine worsens, and the plant may die. The grapes go into winter weakened, their frost resistance deteriorates. In this case, you cannot count on a full harvest next year.

How to fight?

Agricultural technology. First of all, it is necessary to improve the ventilation of the vineyards, promptly tie up the bushes, break off excess shoots, pruning, caulking and systematically control weeds. In this case, conditions unfavorable for the development of diseases are not created. To reduce infection, the affected leaves and remains of the vine when carrying out operations with the green parts of the bush should be immediately collected in bags and burned; this is also done in the fall, after pruning. Digging row spacing also helps.

Selection of varieties. Unfortunately, the majority of complex-resistant varieties of very early and early ripening, suitable for cultivation in the northern regions, having increased resistance to mildew, are not resistant to anthracnose.

Chemical treatment.

1. Treatment with fungicides begins immediately after the onset of conditions favorable for the development of the disease (warmth, rain, dew, fog). During the growing season, a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes and copper-containing preparations are used to combat mildew and anthracnose. Keep in mind that these drugs only protect the part of the plant they hit. The disease develops on the underside of the leaf, so you need to carefully (without skipping) spray this part of the plant. For processing, use a sprayer with a fine spray, preventing liquid from dripping from the leaf. To avoid burns on hot days, treat with 1% Bordeaux mixture carried out in the morning in the evening in the absence of dew.

The first spraying against mildew is done before flowering, the second after flowering, the third after 15-20 days, depending on the weather conditions and the drugs used. The last treatment is carried out on August 5-10. For anthracnose The bushes are treated for the first time when the shoots are 8-15 cm long, the second time - when the shoots are 25-30 cm long, and the subsequent ones coincide with spraying against mildew.

2. In years that are especially favorable for the development of the disease (warm weather, frequent rains, dew, fog), it is difficult to protect European varieties from mildew with contact action fungicides. In this case apply highly effective drugs systemic action(see table).

3. If the vineyard is severely affected by mildew, anthracnose and oidium in the previous year in the fall after pruning the vine or in the spring before buds open (at an average daily temperature above +4-5 ° C), eradicative spraying is carried out against the wintering stage of mildew, anthracnose, oidium, black spot, mites 1 .3% Nitrafen solution (60% paste) or 2.2% Dnok solution (40%). Against anthracnose in the spring before the buds open, a 10% solution of iron sulfate is used.

Oidium. By harmfulness grapevine powdery mildew is in second place, but due to the fact that it appeared much later (Kiev region - in 2004), its danger was not immediately appreciated. Oidium damages all green parts of the vine. An easily erasable ash-gray coating appears on shoots, inflorescences, clusters and leaves, which has the smell of mold or rotten herring. Affected inflorescences dry out, and berry growth stops after flowering. Gray plaque appears on the crest of the bunch, on individual berries - gray spots. The skin of the berries becomes hard and cracks, exposing the seeds. The disease develops at a temperature of +25-35 ° C, and also if the grapes grow in shaded and unventilated areas. Rains and dew, which are favorable for the development of mildew, inhibit the development of oidium.

With anthracnose, depressed brown spots with a border appear on the berries, and the leaves look like they are perforated.

When infected with oidium, an ash-gray coating appears on the leaves and berries.

Plant development phases

When 4-5 leaves appear

Before flowering

After flowering

In 15-20 days

Diseases and pests

For black spot and anthracnose

Kuproxat, Horus, 1% liquid of Bordeaux

From mildew, anthracnose, black spot

Antrakol, Acrobat, Ridomil Gold,

Antrakol, Acrobat, Ridomil Gold, Topaz, Vectra




Topaz, Vectra, Tilt 250, Topsin M

Tilt 250, Topsin M

From all diseases

systemic drugs: Quadris, Cabriotop, Flint, Strobi, Horus

Convertible, Flint, Strobe, Chorus

From ticks

Omite, Neoron, Bi 58 New, Nurel D (at the stage of 9-12 leaves)

ThiovitJet, colloidal sulfur



How to fight?

Grapes should be processed only after signs of the disease appear. IN northern regions the first time it is done before flowering with the following preparations: “Flint”, “Strobi”, “Topaz”, “Vectra”, “Quadris”, as well as colloidal sulfur 1-1.5% (you can add it to the anti-mildew solution). The second time - after flowering: “Topaz” or “Tilt 250” (1 tsp per 20 liters of water). The third time - after 15-20 days. If the weather is rainier - “Quadris”, if dry - “Flint”. The fourth treatment is needed on very early and early date ripening August 5-10.


Grape itch (mite).

When leaves are damaged, tubercles form on their upper side. Each tubercle on the underside of the leaf corresponds to a saucer-shaped depression, densely covered with white or pink hairs. Control measures
“Dnokom” (2%) or “Nitrafen” (3%). When the mite appears before flowering, the grapes are treated with one of the preparations: “Omite” (30% s.e.), solution 0.15-0.2%, “Neoron” (50% s.e.), 0.1-0 ,15%, “Bi 58 new”, “Nurel D”. After flowering, you can treat with Tiovit Jet, colloidal sulfur (1% solution) or pollinate the bushes with sulfur powder. Sulfur preparations are effective at a temperature of +25 °C; at a temperature of +30 °C burns are possible. During the period of ripening of berries, you can only use colloidal sulfur and potassium permanganate.


The most dangerous quarantine pest of grapes. Leaf form phylloxera damages the leaves, in these places galls are formed with the convexity downward of the leaf, similar to warts (with grape itch tubercles convex upward). In the root form, “beak” nodules form on the roots, and swellings and nodules form on the conducting roots, causing rotting of the root system.

When leaves are damaged, tubercles form on their upper side. Each tubercle on the underside of the leaf corresponds to a saucer-shaped depression, densely covered with white or pink hairs.. Effective measures Not yet against phylloxera. It is important not to introduce a pest with the planting
material from zones of partial and continuous distribution of phylloxera. In places where phylloxera is widespread (the entire south of Ukraine, Crimea, industrial vineyards), it is possible to grow grapes only on phylloxera-resistant rootstocks or phylloxera-resistant varieties.

Leaf form of phylloxera.

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