Is it possible to eat palm fruits? Fruits of palm trees

What types of palm trees are there? What types of palm trees grow on our Black Sea coast? Can you grow them at home? Which of them can you grow yourself from seeds? We will try to answer these questions. First, some general information.

The leaves of palm trees are characterized by a feathery and fan-shaped type. The leaves are arranged spirally on the petioles. Flowers are unisexual or bisexual. The fruit is a drupe or nut.

Palm trees grown at home from seed long time are in a rosette state, and only after the rosette reaches the required diameter does the stem begin to grow in height. This feature makes it possible to keep young palm trees grown from seed in room conditions. Most suitable for this the following types palm trees: Canary date, Butia capitata, Sabal palmetto, Camerops low (squat), Washingtonia filamentous, Trachycarpus Fortune.

Date canarian

Latin name: Phoenix canariensis Chahand. This plant is dioecious, evergreen. It develops like a tree, but more like a large wide bush 10-20 m tall, with a massive, unbranched false trunk covered with the bases of old leaves.

IN open ground on the Black Sea coast, the palm reaches a height of 12-15 m. The leaves are large, up to 4 m. There are sharp needle-like spines along the edges of the leaf petiole.

This palm tree blooms in summer and autumn. Male inflorescences are up to 2 m long, female inflorescences are shorter. The fruit is ovoid, yellowish-brown, 2.5 cm long, with coarse pulp, inedible. Propagated by seeds.

Edible date

The Canarian date should not be confused with the edible palmate date (Phoenix dactylifera). Unfortunately, seeds extracted from the fruits of edible dates germinate poorly - after all, before the dates reach the consumer, they significantly lose their germination capacity. In addition, the temperature necessary for germination, 20-25°C, can only be maintained in greenhouses and conservatories.

The city of Basra in southern Iraq is considered the edible date capital of the world. 420 varieties of this species are concentrated here. Arabic wisdom says that “the palm tree’s base should stand in the water, and its top should be buried in the hot rays of the sun.”

Palmate date - dioecious plant. The ancient Egyptians and Greeks hung several male panicles inside the crowns, releasing pollen, since without artificial insemination, female specimens are left without fruits.

Butia capitata

Latin name: Butia capitata. This type of palm tree is native to Brazil. It grows in mountainous areas on sandy soils. The butia trunk has a characteristic capitate thickening at the base, gradually tapering upward.

The appearance of new leaves begins in April and continues until the end of September. During the growing season, from 4 to 9 leaves are formed, and each one lives up to 7 years.

The palm tree is beautiful with its openwork crown, lush inflorescences and fruits.

In the open ground Black Sea coast Caucasus butia begins to flower and bear fruit from the age of 10-12 years. Rarely blooms indoors.

In Butia, the seed is rounded, oblong, pointed at the ends, up to 20 mm long and 10 mm wide, with three distinct sutures. In the lower part there are three rounded pores, closed with loose suberized tissue - this is the place where the embryo emerges.

The seeds contain about 60% liquid coconut oil. Butia fruits are used for food in raw form and for making jams and liqueurs.

Before germinating butia seeds, it is recommended to carry out their long-term stratification in damp sand or peat. Mechanical stratification is possible - sawing off the seed shells or carefully destroying the suberized tissue with a sharp metal object.

Freshly collected seeds germinate after stratification within 35-45 days. In some cases, the process can take up to 24 months.

Butia capitata is frost-resistant - it can withstand temperatures down to -10°C. Drought resistant. Grows well in sandy soils.

In indoor conditions, butia requires regular watering, and in summer the plant must be fed with flower fertilizers once every two weeks. For this you should use soil mixture for palm trees, sold in stores.

Sabal palmetto

This type of palm tree (lat. Sabal palmetto) comes from North America. Its single trunk in open ground reaches a height of 20 m. The leaves are fan-shaped.

Inflorescences up to 2 m long. The fruit is a black spherical drupe.

On the Black Sea coast, sabal palmetto blooms and produces viable seeds, which usually germinate within four months.

Stratification at a temperature of 35° (about one month) reduces germination time. Soaking in hot water(approximately 90°C), and especially, removing the cap above the embryo also speeds up seed germination. In their homeland, young, not yet opened, leaves are used as food as vegetables, they are called “palm cabbage!”

Hamerops squat

The botanical name of this palm species is Chamaerops humilis. Came to Europe from Africa. It has been cultivated in greenhouses for over 300 years. This is a bush-like palm with several trunks 2-3 m high, growing from a common base. In the Sochi arboretum of the Research Institute of Gorlesecology there are specimens that have 7-10 or more trunks in a bush.

The palm tree grows slowly. Over the summer it forms up to 7 leaves, which usually live for 7 years. Blooms in May-June. The fruit is a drupe and ripens in November-December.

The palm tree is drought-resistant and undemanding to soil. Propagated by seeds.
Seeds do not germinate in the pulp of the fruit. After removing the pulp, they germinate within 2 months at room temperature. Removing the cap causes accelerated germination seeds in 11 days.

Washingtonia filamentous or filamentous

Latin name: Washingtonia filifera. She is native to southwestern North America. This is a very beautiful fan palm. The trunk in its homeland reaches a height of 30 m. The leaves are fan-shaped with openwork thin threads hanging between the leaf segments.

Inflorescences are complex paniculate. Flowers are bisexual with strong odor. The fruit is an indehiscent drupe.

On the Black Sea coast it blooms and bears fruit abundantly, the fruits ripen in December. This is one of the fastest growing palm trees.

Easily propagated by seeds. Germination rate 80-90%. At a temperature of 35°C in greenhouse conditions shoots appear on the seventh day. IN normal conditions- within a month.

This type of palm tree will look good in spacious rooms - halls, offices, greenhouses. Care is not difficult, but there is one peculiarity - in winter it will feel more comfortable in cool conditions. If you cannot maintain the room temperature no higher than 20°C (preferably 15-18°C), then the container with the plant should be kept in a tray with water and sprayed daily. At high temperature indoors and dry air can shed leaves.

Seeds remain viable for up to 5 years.

Trachycarpus fortunea

This type of palm tree (lat. Trachycarpus fortunei) in its homeland, in China, Burma, Japan, grows up to 10 m. At the top of the trunk it forms a bunch of fan-shaped leaves, the petioles of which reach a length of 0.5 to 1.5 m. The flowers are unisexual, dioecious , collected in large paniculate inflorescences. The fruit is a drupe. Fruits abundantly from the age of 20. It blooms in May, the fruits ripen in December-January.

This is the most frost-resistant of all fan palms.

Undemanding to soil. Easily propagated by seeds. The seeds germinate within a month.

It is recommended to transfer young plants indoors to larger pots once a year. This accelerates their growth and makes it possible to remove rotten and dried parts of the root. All replanting work must be carried out in the spring, at the beginning of the growing season.

Trachycarpus Fortune tolerates transplantation well even in adulthood.

In many places on the Black Sea coast it produces abundant self-seeding and runs wild.

Once while living in Krabi, several times a day we saw strange fruits on palm trees that are not eaten. We even lived in a house in Krabi, which stood in a palm grove, and grew up there, as we later figured out the oil palm!

Oil palm grove

By the way, while we spent the winter in Thailand, we saw a lot of plants and their fruits, edible and not so much. In large supermarkets such as MAKRO, TESCO, BIG-C you can find absolutely everything, or 99% of what you need, familiar products, because these stores were created specifically for farangs.

So, Firstly we knew that there were date palms (since Egypt). And also coconuts, which are plentiful in Thailand, from which I extracted coconuts myself :). Well, not tall banana palms, the fruits and even leaves of which are used for cooking.

Secondly, It seems that everything that can be eaten from the vegetation of Tai was sold at local markets, and we tried a lot of fruits. However, the fruits of the oil palm were unfamiliar to us and did not resemble anything.

Third, There were so many oil palm plantations in Krabi that I couldn’t help but become interested in them. The fruits were interesting orange-red color, protected by large thorns somewhat reminiscent of porcupines. As a normal curious person, I had to figure it out!

As a result, we were lucky enough to see the felled oil palm fruits nearby, in one of the palm groves, when we were returning from MAKRO by a short road. I even tried to break off the fruit to see what it looked like from the inside, but it turned out to be so dense, and the thorns were so sharp and strong, that I can’t imagine how the Thais cope with them.

Unripe oil palm fruits

You won’t envy an oil palm fruit picker; each branch is very heavy and prickly, growing to the trunk of the palm tree so that it cannot be cut off, it must be cut down.

On the Internet I found (not the first time, of course) various palm fruits, and determined that it was oil palms that surrounded us. But why are there so many of them?

It turned out that this is part Agriculture V South-East Asia, in African and Latin American countries.

The first palm plantation appeared in Malaysia, and along with rubber, oil, gas; Oil from the fruit of the oil palm is one of the Indonesian and Malaysian exports. That’s why we saw such an abundance of these palms in Krabi (this city is located on the border with Malaysia); in other regions of Thailand there are more coconut palms.

There are 2 types of oil: palm oil itself and palm kernel oil. The first is a rather thick red-orange mass obtained by squeezing the fleshy fruits and further purifying them. The second type of oil, with a characteristic nutty smell and taste, is made from palm seeds.

Tropical oils are widely used in confectionery and cooking, as well as in the production of margarine. Palm oil sachets are placed in packages of Doshirak noodles, for example, which I used while still a student. It is also used for frying chips, and in some tropical countries for salad dressing.

Sweet juice is obtained from cuts in the petioles of inflorescences, and they drink it in fresh, and also used to produce alcoholic beverages. From one plant you can get about 4 liters of juice per day.

Also made from palm oil good soap, high-quality suppositories, used in medicine as a base for ointments, and, perhaps most importantly...

There are cars that run on this fuel. However, this is not the same gasohol (biofuel 91st gasoline), which is obtained by diluting ethanol with 91st gasoline, which is much cheaper in Thailand. At every gas station you will find both standard gasoline (with an octane rating of 91, 95, 98) and gasohol!

Even in ancient times they knew about palm oil. Archaeologists have discovered some ancient finds that undoubtedly indicate that palm oil was used in cooking around the third millennium BC. e. At this time, palm oil was extracted only on the African continent. And only in the 18th century, sailors from Europe brought palm oil to us. And along with the oil, the palm trees themselves began to actively spread, serving as raw materials for the oil. At first they were bred for beauty, as they were quite unpretentious and looked very attractive thanks to the huge bunches of palm fruits. But over time, palm oil began to be produced in the countries of Southeast Asia. Now in modern world It is Asian countries that are the main producers and exporters of palm oil.

For a more detailed picture, search for “oil palm fruits” in the pictures.

Also watch a video about our palm grove in Krabi, where oil palms grew:

How bananas grow

Bananas are native to the tropics of Southeast Asia. As a food, bananas are cultivated in the tropics. At temperatures below 16 C, growth slows down significantly, and at 10 C it stops altogether.Contrary to popular belief, bananas do not grow on palm trees. banana plant- This is a grass 5 meters high, similar to a palm tree. With a thick, up to 20 centimeters grassy trunk.

In Russia, bananas grow in the vicinity of Sochi, but the fruits do not ripen to the point of being suitable for food.

How olives grow

Olives are the fruits of a cultivated species of olive tree - Olive europaea. This is an evergreen sub tropical tree 4-5 (10-12) meters high. (Photo by Francesco Quarto):

According to international terminology, there are black olives - ripe fruits olive tree and green olives are the unripe fruits of the olive tree. In Russia, green fruits (unripe) are called olives; black olives are called olives (ripe). This division exists only in Russia.

How does avocado grow?

The English name for the avocado tree and the fruits of the same name is alligator pear. Avocado - fast growing tree, reaching a height of 18 meters. The trunk is usually straight and highly branched.

Avocados are grown in many tropical and subtropical areas ( USA Brazil Africa Israel ). Harvest: 150-200 kg of fruit per tree. There are over 400 varieties of avocados. In Europe, avocados can be bought throughout the year.

Avocado is an oval or spherical fruit, often similar to a pear, 5-20 cm long, weighing 0.05-1.8 kg.

Where does durian grow?

Durian is a tropical tree of the Malvaceae family, the fruit of which is a fruit famous for both its taste and smell. Durian is native to Southeast Asia.

Durian grows on tall trees up to 45 meters high.

This big fruits. They weigh more than 5 kg and have a very hard shell covered with spines. To understand the scale of durian. (Photo Herald)

How do watermelons grow?

Watermelon is a plant of the pumpkin family. The watermelon is native to South Africa, where it is still found in the wild. Watermelon was often placed in the tombs of pharaohs as a source of food in their afterlife. IN Western Europe Watermelons were introduced during the era of the Crusades.

Watermelons grow almost like cucumbers. The fields are called melon fields, in which long vines stretch along the ground. Watermelons are formed on them:

Interesting fact: the world record for the weight of watermelons is approximately 119 kilograms. (Photo by Kderty):


Melon was grown back in Ancient Egypt. In Europe, it originated from Asia Minor and spread to the continent already in the 18th century. Although the birthplace of melon is considered to be Central Asia and Asia Minor.

In the south of Russia it can be grown on a personal plot

How mango grows

Mango - genus tropical plants and the name of a fruit with a sweet taste and fibrous structure. This plant is one of the national symbols in India and Pakistan.

Evergreen mango tree has a height of 10-45 meters; the crown of the tree reaches a radius of 10 meters. Blooming mango tree:

Ripe fruits hang on long stems and weigh up to 2 kg.

Where do dates grow?

As you might guess, dates grow on the date palm. Since ancient times, dates have been used by humans as a highly valuable food product. They are usually sold as dried fruits.

The date palm was grown as early as the 4th century BC. in Mesopotamia, on the territory of which modern Iraq is located. Date palm brings high yields for 60-80 years.

How does papaya grow?

Papaya is native to southern Mexico, Central America and northern South America, but it is now grown in all tropical countries.

Papaya, or melon tree - not tall slender tree with a thin, branchless trunk 5-10 meters high. The flowers develop in the axils of the leaves, turning into large fruits, 10-30 cm in diameter and 15-45 cm in length.

How does a plum grow?

In total, several hundred species of plum are known, distributed mainly in the northern temperate regions of the globe.

The plum tree usually grows up to 6 meters in height:

Blooming plum tree:

How does grapefruit grow?

Grapefruit - subtropical evergreen tree kind of citrus. The botanist-priest Griffiths Hughes was the first to tell the world about grapefruit in 1750. (Photo by CLHyke):

Today, grapefruit is grown in almost all subtropical countries of the world. USA are largest producer fruit, the main plantations are located in Florida, Texas. The main producers for Europe are Israel Cyprus.

The name is derived from English. grape (grapes) and fruit (fruit), since grapefruit fruits are often collected in clusters, thereby resembling bunches of grapes.

The evergreen tree is usually about 5-6 m in height, but there have been cases when the height of the tree reached 13-15 m. The fruits reach a diameter of 10-15 cm. Average term The time it takes for fruits to ripen is approximately 9-12 months. (Photo by Sarah Biggart):

Where does pomegranate grow?

Pomegranate is a genus of shrubs and small trees with thorny branches, reaching a height of 5-6 meters.

50-60 kg of fruits are usually collected from one tree. The tree lives for about 100 years.

Pomegranate comes from Persia, and its name translated from Latin means “grainy”, “faceted”. According to ancient legend There are exactly the same number of seeds in a pomegranate as there are days in a year. But in fact, a pomegranate can contain more than a thousand grains.

Where the coconut grows

The scientific name of the genus comes from the Portuguese word coco ("monkey") and is given because of the spots on the nut that make it look like a monkey's face. Motherland coconut tree unknown for sure - presumably it comes from Southeast Asia (Malaysia). It is now ubiquitous in the tropics of both hemispheres.

Coconut palm - tall tree(up to 27-30 meters). The trunk is 15-45 cm in diameter, the leaves are 3-6 meters long:

Coconuts grow in groups of 15-20, fully ripening within 8-10 months.

How do pineapples grow?

Pineapples grow in tropical South America and south to Argentina and Paraguay. Pineapple is a terrestrial plant with a spiny stem and leaves.

In orderly rows. Pineapple plantation. (Photo by Estevam Cesar):

Picking pineapples. (Photo by Rahmat Hussain):

Pineapples weigh from 2 to 15 kg and look like a large cone:

How oranges grow

Oranges grow on orange trees height from 4-6 to 12 meters.

The orange is native to Southeast Asia. European travelers brought the orange to Europe in the 15th century.

In Argentina, even a special aircraft was developed for transporting oranges (FMA I.Ae. 38 Naranjero). Its name (Spanish: Naranjero) translates as “Orange” or “Orange Merchant”.

Tangerines tangerines.

Native to southern China and Cochin China. Introduced to Europe at the beginning of the 19th century. Widely cultivated in Spain, Algeria (throughout the southern and western Mediterranean) and even southern France, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Japan, Morocco, China, and the countries of Indochina. Supplies of tangerines to Russia from Argentina appeared.

Such a miracle as the tangerine needs no introduction.

How persimmon grows

Persimmon (from Latin Diospyros) belongs to the genus of subtropical deciduous trees Ebony family. Persimmon may also be called wild date or date plum. There are more than 200 species of this plant and the fruits of most of them are quite edible, they are large orange fleshy berries with 2-10 seeds. (With)

The birthplace of this plant is China. Persimmon became widespread in Japan. The most popular varieties persimmons are: “Korolek”, eastern (D. Kaki), common, Caucasian (D. lotus), Virginia (D. Virginia).

What is feijoa?

The name of the genus is given in honor of the Brazilian botanist Silva Feijo. It includes 6 species that naturally grow in South America.

In cultivation both in open ground in the subtropics and in closed ground only one species is widespread feijoa, or acca Feijoa, or acca Soplova, from the myrtle family.

It was first introduced into culture relatively recently. It has been known on the European continent in France since the 19th century. Now cultivated in many subtropical countries, especially in the USA and the Mediterranean. In our countries feijoa appeared in 1904, mainly cultivated in Azerbaijan, less so in Crimea. Grows well, blooms and bears fruit indoors.

Pomello, what kind of animal is this?

POMELLO ( Citrus grandis) or pompelmus, sheddock or sum-o - in terms of large-fruitedness it ranks second among citrus fruits after citron. Pompelmousse fruits can be the size of a small watermelon; their length is 15-18 cm, diameter 10-18 to 25 cm. The shape of the fruit varies from round to pear-shaped, and the color of the peel - from greenish-yellow to bright yellow; the pulp is greenish, yellowish, pink or reddish, with a characteristic aroma and wine-sour-sweet taste, almost or completely devoid of bitterness.

Pompelmus is grown mainly in South, Southeast and partly East Asia, where it is one of the most important citrus crops. Unknown in the wild

Where the lime grows

The Malacca Peninsula is considered the birthplace of lime. For the first time, the industrial culture of lime arose in the 70s of the 19th century on the island. Montserrat (from the Lesser Antilles). Millions of lime trees are cultivated in India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Myanmar, Brazil, Venezuela, and West African countries.

On our shelves we often find small, green fruits very similar to lemons, which are called limes. Lime tastes similar to lemon, but it is smaller. The fruit is covered with a thinner peel that does not have such a strong aroma as a lemon. Lime is very juicy and has no seeds.

Kumquats are cultivated in China, Southeast Asia, Japan, the Middle East, Southern Europe (especially the Greek island of Corfu) and the southern United States (especially Florida).

Fig, aka fig tree)))

It grows wild as undergrowth in deciduous forests and on open slopes, in the mountainous regions of Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, on the southern coast of Crimea, and is found in the North Caucasus

Figs (wine berry, fig tree, fig, fig tree) - a subtropical tree from the mulberry family up to 12 m in height. The crown is spreading and wide. The trunk bark is dark gray. The leaves are large, alternate, on long petioles, palmate-lobed, rough, dark green on top and light, pubescent on the lower side. Leaves and stems contain milky sap

Figs are consumed fresh, dried and canned. From fresh fruits make jam and jam

Quince, hard fruit, pleasant color, sweet and sour taste.

Quince - large yellow fruit with dense pulp covered with a tough skin. Quince is very aromatic and has a sweet-tart taste. Blooming quince is very beautiful plant, so it is often planted in decorative purposes for decorating parks and squares.

The homeland of quince is Transcaucasia. Wild quince can still be found there. Locals call it "heiva". Cultivars People developed quinces a long time ago - more than four thousand years ago

Cultivated in many areas of Europe (as far as Scotland and Norway, 63°50’N), Northern and South Africa, North and South America, Australia and Oceania.

Qiwi is not only a payment service!

The kiwi plant got its name from the similarity of the shape of its pubescent fruit with the body of the bird of the same name.

(lat. Bactris gasipae) is fruit tree, which belongs to the Palm family.

Distribution of the peach palm

The plant is native to the jungles of Brazil, Peru, Colombia and Ecuador. Since ancient times, the palm tree has been cultivated and distributed by Indian tribes throughout the Amazon, gaining its greatest economic importance in Costa Rica. In recent decades, the peach palm has been grown in Central American countries (in Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, in the very north of South America, as well as in the Antilles. In the Philippines, the first palm plantings appeared in 1924, and in India in the 1970s .

In principle, the peach palm can grow in any country with a humid and hot tropical climate. It is found at altitudes up to 1200 meters above sea level. Very undemanding to soil. It reproduces both vegetatively and by seeds.

Biological description of the peach palm

Tree peach palm tall and slender, reaching a height of 20-30 meters. Its entire length or only its upper part is surrounded by rings of long (up to 12 centimeters) black needle-shaped spines. By the way, they make harvesting from trees very difficult.

The leaves of the plant are quite long (from 2.4 to 3.6 meters). They are pinnately complex in structure, lanceolate, dark green leaves with spiky edges. The petioles are also dotted with spines.

The flowers are yellowish-white, small. Male and female flowers are collected in mixed clusters and are located under the very crown of the palm tree. The length of the inflorescences reaches 30 centimeters.

Description of peach palm fruits

The fruits are yellow, orange or red in color and hang in clusters of up to 100 pieces. They can be various shapes(oval, cupped or conical), up to 6 centimeters long, have six weakly defined edges. The harvest begins to produce already 3-4 years after germination from the seed.

The skin of the fruit is thin, underneath it there is a sweet yellow-orange pulp that tastes sweet. There is one large seed inside the fruit.

Beneficial properties of peach palm fruits

The fruits contain a lot of vitamins A and , starch and vegetable fats.

The fruits are not eaten fresh. True connoisseurs of fresh fruits are different kinds parrots, whose numbers are declining as they are cut down tropical forests in the Amazon basin. For human consumption, they are boiled in salted water for 2-3 hours, usually with the addition of vegetable or butter. But first the peel of the fruit is cut. Eat boiled fruits while they are still hot. The fruits are usually eaten as a side dish for fatty dishes or separately with some kind of gravy, since even the boiled pulp is a bit dry. Sometimes the pulp of the fruit is added to baked goods, and is also used to prepare a strong alcoholic drink, which is obtained by distilling the mash obtained from fermenting the fruit.

Gourmets also eat the kernels, which taste somewhat like coconut.

Carefully collected fruits (without dents) can be stored at room conditions for a week.

Other uses of peach palm

The soft core from the upper part of the palm tree trunk (palmetto) is also used, which can be eaten raw or used for preservation and preparation of a wide variety of dishes. The taste of the fresh core is somewhat reminiscent of the taste of celery stalks.

Peach palm wood - excellent construction material. The leaves of local tribes are used to make roofs for huts. The leaves can also be used to prepare a decoction that Indians drink for stomach aches and headaches.

Contraindications to consumption of peach palm fruits

Allergic reactions are possible due to individual intolerance.

Peach palm - tree plant of the Palm family, producing edible fruits.

Straight slender palm tree 20-30 meters high. The trunk along its entire length or only in the upper part is covered with wide rings of long (up to 12 cm) black needle-shaped spines, which greatly complicate harvesting.

The leaves are long (2.4-3.6 meters), pinnately compound, with lanceolate, dark green, spiny at the edges, leaflets. The petioles are also covered with spines.

The flowers are small, yellowish-white, collected in racemes up to 30 cm long, located under the very crown of the palm tree.

The fruits, yellow, orange or red, hang in clusters of 50-100 pieces. They are cup-shaped, conical or oval, about 6 cm long, with slightly pronounced six sides. Under the thin skin there is a sweet, mealy yellow-orange pulp and a large ovoid stone with a sharp tip.

The fruits of this palm tree are harvested from September to December, with the tree producing the richest harvest in October and November. Up to thirteen clusters of such fruits can grow on one palm tree. The palm tree blooms twice a year. If the soil is moist enough, the peach palm in Panama can produce two harvests per year.

The tree begins to bear fruit at 2-3 years, then the fruits can be picked by an adult standing on the ground. As the palm grows in height, the clusters of fruit become increasingly difficult to reach, so when harvesting, for example, the Panamanians use special devices to pick these clusters and make the fall of these delicate fruits to the ground as soft as possible.

This is what Heinrich Walter Bätz, who traveled through the Amazon in the mid-nineteenth century, wrote about the peach palm, or as it is also called peihuara: “The famous “peach palm”, pupunha….. (“Guilielma speciosa”). I believe that the name is given by the similarity of color and not by the taste of the fruit, because it is dry and mealy, and the taste can be compared to chestnuts with cheese. ... This tree makes a wonderful decoration; it grows in clumps near houses covered with palm leaves; when fully developed, the pupunha reaches from fifty to sixty feet in height. The cluster of ripe fruits is difficult to lift to a strong man, and each tree bears several such brushes. Nowhere in the Amazon does pupunha grow wild. This is one of the few plant products (including three genera of mandi oka and American banana species) that the Indians have cultivated since time immemorial... And only more developed tribes were engaged in its cultivation... About twelve fruits are enough to completely satiate an adult.”

Distribution of the peach palm

The homeland of the Peach Palm is the Amazonian jungle of Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. This palm tree has long been cultivated and spread by Indian tribes to neighboring areas. It is most important economically in Costa Rica. It is also cultivated in Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, northern South America and the Antilles. The peach palm was introduced into cultivation in the Philippines in 1924, and in India in the 1970s.

Uses of peach palm

In addition to the fact that the fruit has excellent taste qualities, it also contains an insane amount of vitamins, minerals, and organic compounds, which make it simply a unique food product. The fruit contains a lot of protein structures, carbohydrates, vitamins C, E, A, B, K, as well as potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc.

Peach palm fruits are an effective source of energy. 100 grams of fruit contains 37 grams of carbohydrates, which are building blocks our energy supply, and by breaking down these carbohydrates, our body is able to very quickly renew itself and recharge itself with energy. It is because of these wonderful beneficial properties that it is popular in South American countries and is becoming more and more in demand around the globe.

Digestive system

Like most other vegetables and fruits, peach palm fruit is an excellent and versatile source of fiber. She plays important role during digestion, since its coarse fibers slow down the processing process. This, in turn, has a positive effect on reducing bloating and helps prevent more serious gastrointestinal diseases such as stomach ulcers and colon cancer.

Heart Health and Diabetes

Fiber plays a very important role in the fight against diabetes and can help the body regulate insulin levels in the blood. By slowing down the absorption of glucose into the blood, fiber optimizes the functioning of many organs, such as the pancreas. Peach palm fiber also reduces the severity of the effects. diabetes mellitus, strengthens the heart, cleanses the body of excess cholesterol in blood vessels and arteries, thereby reducing the chances of atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes.


One of the most important vitamins found in the fruit is vitamin A, as well as other carotenoids that help protect the body. Carotenes have a positive effect on eye health, and therefore improve vision, because they act as antioxidants, reducing cataracts, and also preventing macular degeneration in the eye cell.

Skin protection

Vitamin C, vitamin A, which are also found in the miracle fruit, maintain a healthy fluid balance in the body. Vitamins stimulate the regrowth of new skin cells and protect others. Potassium in human blood helps control the balance of water in the body, promotes fluid exchange in cells, thereby maintaining the functionality of all important elements body work.

In addition, the fruit contains many key minerals such as magnesium and calcium, which can normalize white blood cells and thus eliminate the chronic effects of free radicals.

The fruits are not eaten fresh.

The fruits are boiled for 2-3 hours in salted water, often with the addition of oil, after cutting the peel, then eaten hot. They are usually eaten with some kind of gravy or as a side dish for fatty dishes, since the peach palm pulp is a bit dry. The pulp of the fruit is also added to bread products, and a strong drink is prepared from them. alcoholic drink. The kernels are edible and taste like coconut.

The soft core from the upper part of the trunk (palmetto), like some other types of palm trees, is eaten raw or used in various dishes, or canned. It tastes similar to celery stalks. This part of the palm is eaten fresh or boiled, mixed with egg and used as a filling for casseroles. Also, when palm sap is fermented, an alcoholic drink is obtained. Chicha beer is made by fermenting unsalted boiled puree of these fruits, sometimes mixed with plantain. The production of such a drink is prohibited in Costa Rica, with the exception of reservations where Indians live.

The kernels are edible and taste like coconut.

In Panama, the fruits of the peach palm provide food for many species of parrots, including those listed as endangered and endangered.

Carefully collected fruits (without dents) can be stored at room conditions for a week.

Palm wood is used as a building material, and the leaves are used to make roofing for huts.

Peach palm leaves are used to feed pigs and chickens. Hollow palm trunks serve as gutters for water drainage, as pipes or flower planters.

The thorns with which this extraordinary palm tree protects its fruits from animals are used by the Indians to apply tattoos with which they decorate their bodies.

Fruit picking device

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