Installation of staircases and flights. Installation of staircases and landings: general information

Prefabricated reinforced concrete stairs are fireproof structures and are mounted in a special room - a staircase. If you have crane equipment for building a house, such ladders allow you to work efficiently and quickly. Prefabricated stairs made from large reinforced concrete elements are especially suitable for high-speed construction.

In the practice of constructing residential buildings, standard reinforced concrete stairs with a march slope of 1:2 are most widely used. In addition to them, steeper stairs with a slope of 1:1.75 and 1:1.5, which occupy significantly smaller areas, are also widely used in cottages.

Flights of stairs (GOST 9818–85×) are manufactured in several types: LM - flat without frieze steps; LMF - ribbed with frieze steps; LMP - ribbed with two half-platforms or with one upper half-platform (Fig. 18–20). Flat and ribbed flights of stairs differ from each other in that in some the steps are made on a reinforced flat slab, in others on two reinforced concrete beams - stringers.

Both flights of stairs are solid reinforced concrete structures, the steps of which are cast along with the slab or stringers. Flights of stairs of the LMP type are larger reinforced concrete elements, here the following are combined into one structure: steps, stringers and one or two stair half-landings.

Rice. 18. Prefabricated (flat) reinforced concrete stairs used in buildings with transverse load-bearing walls (platforms with ends or cantilever projections rest on load-bearing walls staircase)

For each standard flight, stair landings are manufactured at reinforced concrete factories: 1LP - flat for LM type flights; 2LP - ribbed for LM type marches; LPF - ribbed for LMF type marches; LPP - ribbed final half-platforms for marches of the LMP type.

Flights of stairs, landings and steps are manufactured in two versions: right and left - for stairs with rise, respectively, counterclockwise and clockwise.

Rice. 19. Prefabricated (ribbed with frieze steps) reinforced concrete stairs used in buildings with transverse load-bearing walls; and staircases with two half-landings, used in buildings with longitudinal load-bearing walls

All reinforced concrete stairs must be designed and marked floor plan home before the start construction work. This is not the type of stairs that can be worked on “for later”. Such stairs are built according to the working drawings of the project, where all elevations, horizontal dimensions and installation clearances are indicated.

The installation of stairs is carried out simultaneously with the construction of walls. During the installation, three people work, who, as the walls grow, after measuring the horizontal and vertical dimensions, lay the landings and flights using a crane.

Rice. 20. Prefabricated (ribbed) reinforced concrete stairs without a lower half-landing and final half-landings for LMP type stairs

Before installation begins landings and flights, their dimensions are checked with a tape measure and a wooden template is made that copies the profile of the supporting part of the flight of stairs. Then the installation sites for the landings are marked on the walls of the staircase, a layer of mortar is applied and the landing is installed. Check the position of the installed staircase vertically and horizontally.

If necessary, correct the position of the platform with mounting crowbars or lift it with a crane and install it again, achieving the design position. The elevation of the top of the landings must strictly correspond to the design level, otherwise the flight of stairs will be crooked or fall between the landings. To align the platforms in height and in plan, use a wooden template (Fig. 21).

Rice. 21. Sequence of installation of prefabricated iron concrete stairs

Flights of stairs are conveyed by crane using a four-legged sling with two shortened branches, which, when lifted, give the elements a slope slightly greater than the design one. Flights of stairs without mounting loops are mounted with a fork.

Before installing the flight, installers make a bed of cement-sand mortar on the supporting places of the landings, spreading it and leveling it with trowels. When installing flights of stairs one installer is located on the lower landing, the other on the upper landing or on a scaffold next to the stairwell.

He is the first to accept the flight of stairs and directs it into the stairwell. At a height of 30–40 cm from the landing site of the flight, both installers press it against the wall, give the crane operator a signal and install first the lower end of the flight, then the upper one. Installation inaccuracies are corrected with crowbars, after which the sling is unhooked and the joints between the march and the platforms are sealed. cement-sand mortar and install inventory barriers.

If the landing of the march on the support platforms proceeds in the reverse order (first top, then bottom), then the march may fall off the upper platform. With such landing of the march, it can also become jammed between the platforms.

Standard staircase designs make it possible to arrange two-flight staircases for most standard heights floors (2.7; 2.8; 3; and 3.3 m). In staircases with transverse load-bearing walls, landings of the 1LP, 2LP and LPF types are used, which with their ends or supporting ribs (consoles) are included in the masonry of the walls.

For 1LP platforms without a supporting rib, another installation option can be used, in which the floor and interfloor platforms are supported on steel “chairs” (cantilever brackets), rigidly anchored into the walls of the staircase. In this case, all the walls of the staircase can be load-bearing. Flights of stairs of the LMP type are used in buildings with longitudinal load-bearing walls; these flights, like LPP half-landings, are cantilever structures.

In low-rise cottage construction, a reinforced concrete staircase can be built in an open staircase (in a niche). With a certain building layout, to save space, staircase landings are not installed, and the ascent to and from the stairs is arranged directly from the floor slabs.

In this case, the flight of stairs must be supported by a load-bearing lintel or reinforced concrete beam (purlin, crossbar). You cannot rest the ladder on the floor slab (Fig. 22). The installation height of the lintel (or beam) is selected so that the height of the final steps is equal to the ordinary steps of the flight, that is, the full thickness is taken into account flooring, arranged on floor slabs.

Rice. 22. Non-standard support of flights of stairs

Typically, flights of stairs arrive at a construction site with smooth steps made of heavy concrete. To give the staircase an elegant look (Fig. 23), the steps can be lined with marble or granite treads, supplied with the staircase.

The landings are also finished accordingly (with treads or other materials of the same thickness). The thickness of the treads should be taken into account when designing the floor height, since they, laid on steps and landings, will raise the level of the “clean” floor.

Rice. 23. Overhead treads

If the entrance to the building is organized through a staircase under the first intermediate landing, then with a floor height of 2.8–3.0 m, it is necessary to install a basement flight of 3–6 steps leading to the first floor landing. In this case, a structure of stacked reinforced concrete steps laid on steel stringers or brick walls is used.

Installation of staircases is a complex process, which determines how safe your movement between floors will be. In addition, it is important to take into account the aesthetic component. Let's look at how to do this job correctly.

Design Features

March- this is the number of steps of a staircase between two floors or landings. If you decide to make a staircase in your house with your own hands, be sure to familiarize yourself with the design of staircases and landings various types. In order for the design to be safe and aesthetically pleasing, it is necessary to comply with a whole list requirements. Most often, stairs are made of concrete, wood and metal. For reinforced concrete, it is imperative to prepare formwork for staircases.

Double flight staircase design

The peculiarity of complex two-flight products is that the steps of the flight of stairs are supported on the landing. Its presence is mandatory for structures longer than 16 steps, but not less than three. It is important to maintain the center line. The distance from it to the edge of the stairs cannot be less than 30 cm.


Before you begin installing flights of stairs with your own hands, you need to prepare the space for the work. First of all, you need to prepare the supporting structures. This applies to the floors of the floors and platforms separating the marches. The design of complex staircase structures requires the presence of such gaps to distribute the load.

If you are planning to make a concrete structure, you will need to prepare formwork for the staircases. In addition to it, you will need a support beam for fixing the elements and clamping parts.

Concrete structures

The most reliable, but most difficult to implement is, perhaps, precisely concrete structure. Its production requires a lot of time and materials.

Concrete stairs are most often poured on site

There are two options: do all the work on site or install an already cast flight of stairs on a prepared platform.

Since a concrete flight of stairs is generally made by hand directly at its final location, it is necessary to prepare a site for its installation. First of all, the frame is erected, best option– moisture-resistant plywood; high-quality metal reinforcement is used to strengthen the structure. Since the pressure is on top part, the load is distributed in such a way that the greatest support falls on the bottom of the steps, therefore Special attention should be given to this particular area.

The formwork for a flight of stairs must be well reinforced

When the structure of the “skeleton” of the future product is ready, you can install the formwork for the flight of stairs, thanks to which the solution will not leak outside the frame. Concrete is poured from the bottom up. It should be mixed and vibrated to remove voids in the structure of the mixture. If you are installing an already cast march, the edges of the platforms are prepared for it. Adhesion is achieved using a cement pad. After the solution has hardened, you need to level the surface and eliminate distortions and defects. After this, painting or other finishing can be done.

When installing ready-made monolithic flights of stairs, you cannot do without special equipment


More simple and affordable option For most, it is the installation of wooden staircases. In this case it is available more options its installation. First you need to define the final project. Depending on the available space and configuration, you can make a single-flight staircase with winder steps or complex with the installation of platforms. Manufacturing begins with the installation of supporting elements, in most cases these are stringers.

Wooden flight of stairs

How to make a flight of stairs from wood with your own hands:

  1. Cut stringers from wood according to the dimensions of the project. They can be serrated or straight. In the latter case, use additional elements- fillies.
  2. Place additional supports if necessary.
  3. Fasten the prepared parts.
  4. Place the steps on the jagged stringers. They can be fixed with dowels, screws or glue.
  5. Install risers. Ideally, the step should hang over them by about 2-3 cm.

Structural elements of a wooden flight of stairs

If desired, you can use several materials in the design, for example, a metal frame or decorative elements. After installing the fences, the product is painted.


Metal stairs are very strong and durable if you follow the regulations and standards when working with this material. The process of making metal staircases with your own hands takes more time compared to wooden ones, but this material allows you to build a stable structure of almost any configuration. It is from metal that they are most often built spiral staircases in private homes. As for marching ones, their design can differ radically in each specific case; this largely depends on the type of frame: it can be stepped or straight, double or single.

Metal staircases in most cases have a welded structure

Do-it-yourself installation of metal staircases and flights is mainly done using welding machine. To begin with, set up the elements that provide support for the entire structure: support pillars. After this, platforms are attached for installing steps and platforms. In most cases, their manufacture requires that the steps themselves be made of wood. The platform can be made flat or in the form of a frame made of corners. The steps are fastened with screws, and risers do not need to be made at all. After this, the metal must be painted to prevent corrosion. Wooden fragments are also painted.

Decorative processing

After everything installation work will be completed should be taken care of decorative finishing flight of stairs. The following options are possible here:

  • coloring;
  • sheathing;
  • laying tiles;
  • plaster.

Interesting decorative design staircases - granite cladding

Parts can be painted before installation if dirty work is not envisaged. This is especially true for modular structures.

The finishing of the walls of staircases is most often done using plaster. Additionally can be used decorative panels. The same goes for reverse side concrete structures. The steps of the latter can be covered with tiles, wood or laminate. Painting is a suitable method for all options. Anyone can do this with their own hands. Wooden and hardware must be treated to protect it from destruction. Finished flights of stairs are painted using enamels, pigment impregnations, alkyd, acrylic, oil paints, varnishes, etc.

If you install the stairs yourself, take care of the safety of the spans and platforms in advance. To do this, you need to secure fences and handrails. If you follow all the rules, you will end up with a reliable and beautiful product.

A flight of stairs can either include landings or consist only of a flight. The latter is possible if the span is short. If the number of steps on the flight exceeds 16, the construction of a horizontal section is mandatory.

Building standards for straight staircases.

March is a sequence of steps located in a straight line, oblique and curvilinear. A straight march is a design in which the steps are erected in a straight line.

  • The number of steps on the flight should be from 3 to 16. Otherwise, the staircase should contain a horizontal section.
  • The central line in the middle of the span is called the shoot line and should be located at a distance of at least 30 cm from the edge of the tread.
  • Hence, the minimum permissible width of the stairs is 60 cm. It should be remembered that this option allows for the movement of only one person.
  • The march is fenced with railings on both sides.

The landing is a horizontal section between flights. Dimensions and shape are determined taking into account middle length human step.

  • The width of the area should be equal to the width of the stairs.
  • The length is equal to the width of the span.
  • If the marching elements are located parallel to each other, then the shape of the platform will be rectangular or rounded, if perpendicular - square.

Installation of stairs in a residential building: requirements

For multi-storey residential and office buildings concrete or reinforced concrete structures are used. Their installation work is carried out using special equipment.

Before installation, the quality of the product is checked: both visual and measuring. If debris, dirt, ice, etc. are found, cleaning work should be carried out.

If there is a discrepancy geometric parameters design, the product is not accepted and installation is not carried out.

When performing installation work, the design position of each staircase element, the quality of welding or any other finishing works. The photo shows the concrete structure after installation.

According to SNiP, the permissible deviations are as follows:

  • horizontal position of steps – 2 mm;
  • horizontal position of the pads – 5 mm;
  • vertical position of fencing elements – 3 mm;
  • discrepancy between the upper edge of the march – 5 mm;
  • half the difference between the support depths of horizontal sections is 5 mm.

Deviations in the dimensions of elements range from 3 mm for thickness to 5 mm for length. In this case, cracks, sagging, rust or grease stains on the surface of metal elements are not allowed.

Do-it-yourself staircase installation

Manufacturing and installation staircase design in a private house they are quite often made independently, especially if the owner has experience working with wood, or even metal. This option is feasible when the weight of the product does not reach half a ton. The construction of a concrete staircase will require a different technology. Since it is impossible to make and install a flight of stairs without construction equipment, a different method is used: they make formwork, that is, a wooden model, and then pour concrete into it.

The popularity of reinforced concrete stairs is due to for a long time operation. During their service life they require virtually no repairs. Installing such a design eliminates many problems in the future. It is made of waterproof and frost-resistant material, which is reinforced with steel rods or wire for greater strength.

Monolithic and prefabricated reinforced concrete stairs are installed both in private houses and in public buildings and industrial premises, outside and inside. They can serve in any climatic conditions. According to the configuration, the staircase can have one or two flights, be rotary or spiral.

Reinforced concrete stairs are divided into monolithic and prefabricated.

The former require fairly good preparation for installation, which cannot be done without crown equipment.
More easy installation require prefabricated structures. You can order ready-made elements monolithic or prefabricated structure, or try to make everything yourself. It’s easier to order stairs, but such designs will have standard dimensions and will significantly impact the family budget.

Monolithic and prefabricated reinforced concrete structures have their own characteristics that do not allow them to be placed in absolutely any place in a private home. Supports are required for their installation cross walls, on which the reinforced concrete structures will rest with their ends.

Reinforced concrete staircases

There are also several options for marches.

Flat flights of stairs do not have frieze lifting elements. The spans are constructed on a flat slab with reinforcement.

Ribbed flights of stairs with frieze steps are installed on stringers in the form reinforced concrete beams. This is a one-piece design.

There are also ribbed flights of stairs that have upper platform, and may also have half-courts.

Reinforced concrete structures on metal stringers are perfect option organizations lifting structure V small houses or with non-standard sizes. This type structures can have frieze steps or do without them.

If the structure has frieze steps, it has rectangular shape, while the lower and upper lifting element merge with the platform.

For device reinforced concrete structures Inside a residential building, either standard designs of stairs with a slope of marches in a ratio of 1:2 are used, or structures with a slope of 1: 1.75, which do not take up much space for installation.

Since prefabricated and monolithic structures made of reinforced concrete and its elements are manufactured in factories; they have a certain GOST.

Element Options

In accordance with GOST, the number of steps recognized as the minimum should be three, and the maximum - 18. In this case, the width of the flight should be more than 90 cm, and the height of the step should be 15-16 cm. According to GOST, the size of the landing is also prescribed: its width should be more than 90 cm, and the length is about 200 cm.

Factories produce staircases of standard sizes, so if a monolithic reinforced concrete structure is being installed, there is no need to do calculations.

Prefabricated staircase structures are also produced standard sizes, however, they can be selected to suit certain parameters building. In this case, calculations need to be made.

The length of the march can be 167-696 cm and the width 90-110 cm.

Usually standard project provides for the organization of 16 steps with a width of 28-30 cm and a height of 15 cm.
The height of monolithic and prefabricated reinforced concrete stairs ranges from 25 to 240 cm.

If the staircase will be located in residential buildings, its angle of inclination should be 25-40 degrees. In order to save space in buildings industrial type The tilt angle is 45-70 degrees.

Since reinforced concrete stairs cannot be made under custom sizes, adjust parameters ready-made structures you have to do it yourself. For example, if the staircase turns out to be too high, its lower frieze step is recessed in concrete.

Do-it-yourself installation of the structure

The installation of such a structure is quite difficult to do with your own hands, so installation must be done in a strictly defined order.

First you need to do proper preparation.

It is worth remembering that the installation of the structure must occur in parallel with the organization of the load-bearing wall.
If you decide to install a reinforced concrete staircase yourself, you will need at least three people. One should be on the ground floor, the second on the top, and the third should control special equipment.

Before installation, wooden templates are prepared in accordance with the dimensions of the stairs, which will copy the profile of the support of the stepped span.

Installation begins with marking points on the wall of the staircase for the installation of reinforced concrete elements. Next you need to apply a cement layer and install the platform. In order for the installation to proceed correctly, you should always check the installation of the slabs using wooden templates. It is necessary that all elements fall into place in accordance with the project.

After this, apply to the supports of the slabs cement mortar followed by leveling. Next, the steps are installed using a crane.

When installing it yourself, you should know that the marches are lifted with a stopper of four branches.
In this case, two branches must be shortened to create a certain slope of the structure.

Two people standing on the first and second floors must control the position of the steps in relation to the slabs. First the lower and then the upper flight are mounted. If you do everything in the reverse order, the flight of stairs may fall off the surface of the top slab.

Inaccuracies during installation are corrected using a crowbar. When the march is installed in its place, all the joints that have formed between the slabs are covered with mortar.

As a rule, the initial creation and installation of a reinforced concrete staircase with your own hands is quite difficult, since the quality of self-produced concrete often does not meet all the parameters of a good design. However, you can order it or try to produce it using high-quality cement and plasticizers. Then the process of creating a reinforced concrete structure occurs differently.

First they make a calculation stair elements and supports. Then the formwork and reinforcement frame are installed. And then the concrete is poured.

To create the formwork, boundaries are formed on the sides and bottom using shields and the parts are connected to form steps. To create them with your own hands, you will need a 10x10 cm beam and 3 cm thick boards for steps. Next, a frame is created using steel rods installed longitudinally and transversely.

After this, the process of pouring concrete occurs. To create a solution, M400 cement is usually used, one part of which is mixed with four parts of crushed stone, water and a plasticizer in an amount of 10 ml. The solution must be mixed in a concrete mixer. After pouring, the structure must be covered with polyethylene.

The reinforced concrete staircase takes about a month to dry. It should be faced only after two months after pouring.

Not only apartment buildings, but private buildings often have more than one floor in height. To move between levels, it is necessary to install flights of stairs and landings. This article gives basic ideas about structural elements stairs, their characteristics and GOST standards.

Elements of staircase design

When choosing a transitional structure between floors, the average person most often gives priority to the beauty and aesthetics of the staircase elements, but we should not forget that the design of the staircase must first of all meet the utilitarian requirements regulated by GOST, among which safety is paramount.

Staircase design elements

Below are definitions of the main stair elements:

  • March-type span (march) - the number of steps between the platforms.
  • The turning area is the horizontal zone between the main flights.
  • Stringers - special basics to stop the steps.
  • Risers are the vertical elements of a step that close the space underneath it.
  • Bowstring - solid wood or metal beam, connecting all steps of the march.
  • Balusters are the supports on which the railings of the fence are attached.

Materials for stairs

Depending on what materials the staircase is made of, both the price of the product and its characteristics depend.
For marches and flights the following is used:

  • wood is the most common material from which it is easy to make your own stringers, steps and fences;
  • metal – has the greatest strength;
  • stone is durable and reliable in use;
  • glass – a modern original solution;
  • concrete and reinforced concrete are the “classics” of modern construction.

Main characteristics of marches and platforms

According to GOST, the slope of the march is 1:2 - 1:1.75 ratio of height to length of step, for auxiliary steps - no steeper than 1:1.25. The steps in the march are made identical, comfortable for walking, their number is no less than three and no more than 18. The most common are marches with 10 - 13 steps - this number is considered the most convenient when ascending or descending.

The width of the steps should ensure the placement of a full foot (at least 250 mm), the height should be in the range of 130-200 mm. The fencing of platforms and flights is made with a height of 0.9 m. The width of the flights according to GOST is at least 800-1000 mm, and the width of the platform is not less than the same size chosen for the flight.

Preparation for installation

Depending on the material, the work performed to construct the stairs differs. They can be divided into two stages: preparation of elements and installation.

The installation of staircases and landings by specialists begins with drawing up a project, where they visualize the nuances of operations, the arrangement of structural parts and compliance with GOST.

Based technical documentation elements are purchased or manufactured required sizes: stringers, steps, platforms and fences. The place of their fastening is marked and, if necessary, enlarged assembly is carried out. At this stage, it is important to comply with GOST requirements for the size and configuration of stairs.

Installation of main elements

The fastening of the staircase elements also depends on the type of material, which determines what characteristics the stringers and other components should have. One thing remains unchanged - installation must ensure rigid fixation of flights of stairs and landings to load-bearing walls. This is the price of security.

Installation of fences

Fencing of flights and platforms is one of the important components of the stairs. Its primary task is to ensure safety (protect against a possible fall) and ease of movement (serve as a support when ascending or descending).

Essential elements:

  1. balusters - vertical or horizontal supports of the fence;
  2. handrails;
  3. infill – a fencing element that performs a decorative function (thanks to decoration), and protective (limiting the space between the balusters).

The requirements for stair railings are regulated by GOST standards, according to which their height for internal stairs is at least 90 centimeters. There should be no barriers sharp corners and protrusions and have a fire-resistant treatment.

Special requirements apply to stairs in institutions where children are located (schools or kindergartens). Here, the design according to GOST must be such as to protect children: it is mandatory to install additional handrails 50 centimeters high.

The maximum gap between balusters is 10 cm. If there are children in a private house, it is worth complying with these GOST requirements when constructing a staircase railing. Exist fastening fencing balusters to flights and platforms: welding, concreting, fixing with screws - for each material there is its own, most correct, solution. The main condition: the design of the stairs must be safe.

The collected information outlines the main milestones of “staircase construction”. Those who wish to study “narrow” issues in more detail are invited to find answers on our Internet resource or leave a comment with wishes for the disclosure of a topic of interest. For example, more details about the requirements have already been written in the corresponding article.

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