Fashionable office interior. Law Firm Offices

When it comes to office design, designers sometimes face challenges simple task. A travel agency and a bank should differ not only in design style, but also in the organization of space. The design speaks about the company as a whole, so there are no trifles here.

There are basic requirements for office design:

  • good lighting, preference is given to daylight;
  • light colors, sometimes branded colors are present;
  • functional and practical furniture.

Such rules promote productive work and will not distract the attention of employees. It is also important to organize not only the workplace, but also the recreation area, which is maintained in a single general style.

Popular styles in modern offices


Office style is laconic and spacious. Nothing superfluous, minimum furniture, maximum space. Everything is thought out to the smallest detail, nothing here distracts from work.
The furniture is simple and functional, with a well-thought-out document storage system. Office desks, chairs, cabinets fit harmoniously into the interior without attracting attention.

The lighting is calm and diffused, which creates a certain airiness. Quite often used panoramic glazing. The color scheme is light, the furniture is several shades darker. There is practically no decor.


Grace and beauty, curved smooth lines, imitation of natural patterns. Compared to minimalism, modernism is often inferior in functionality. This style makes the room elegant and attractive.

Preference is given to soft shades: beige, blue, gray, green. All the colors that appear in natural environment. Thanks to this, a calm working atmosphere is created.
Furniture is most often made to order from natural materials.

Even if this is factory production, the impression of exclusivity should remain. No hard lines. Tables, chairs, cabinets with rounded corners. Complex carving and various decorations– the main characteristics for furniture in the Art Nouveau style.

In such an office you will find one large classic chandelier with various elements decorations And on the employees’ desks there are small desk lamp, in a single design with a chandelier. You can also use spotlights.

Decorative elements such as vases, panels, paintings are welcome. Modernism does not like emptiness and severity. But you shouldn't decorate your office too much. Otherwise, you can overload the space.

Hi-Tech (High-tech)

Cutting-edge technology, functionality and creativity are the main features of the style. Complete absence decorative elements. But the play of light on glass, chrome and polished surfaces completely compensates for this “shortcoming”.

The main role is played by lighting on the ceiling and additionally at employee workplaces. Lamps are mounted on brackets or stands.

The furniture is modern and ergonomic, convenient location. Anatomically shaped chair, tables, curved corner shape. Everything you need to be at a distance arm's length" The space will be divided by mobile partitions; they are used for a meeting area and the boss’s office.

Techno art

The most daring and modern companies can afford this style. Emphasis is placed on bright acid colors, broken lines and non-standard wall decoration. There are metallic motifs or a simple brick wall.

The office space is elongated or round; a regular rectangular one is not suitable. Various architectural elements, which specifically make the space heavier - attics, columns, multi-level ceilings. Doors, like windows, can be of unusual shape.


Spacious office space, not separated by any partitions or walls. High ceilings And big windows. Overall it gives the impression of being “unfinished”. Rough finish, which is more characteristic production premises than the office.

Concrete wall, ceiling beams, communications that are specifically put on public display. These are the features that characterize this style.

The loft welcomes the combination of old and new. Brick wall And glass finishes, designer furniture and an antique table lamp.

Organization of office space

Only three directions can be distinguished here. This is closed (office-corridor), open and mixed.

Closed space is more typical for government agencies, where one long corridor and offices with signs.

OpenSpace is a large office space that is divided into zones by mobile partitions. This approach to organizing space is gaining popularity among modern offices. The main advantage is space saving.

Mixed space is also no less popular. There can be a separate office for the manager, a room for negotiations or relaxation.

The modern rhythm of life dictates its conditions and functionality, practicality and convenience are now a priority. The style of minimalism and hi-tech meets these requirements. Companies that want to show their high status and pay attention to elegance choose modern. Brave and young organizations will prefer techno-art and loft.

In the European approach to office design, the option with open space, but bring special variety to the interior using unusual solutions. Partitions are made of light, opaque material, which helps employees concentrate on work without being distracted by neighboring departments. In Scandinavian countries they use light furniture from natural wood, as well as laminated or metal. Europeans call Scandinavian furniture the heaviest, although it is far from American. In Germany they also use similar furniture, but in France and England they prefer laminated, made in the most different colors using corporate colors. Laminated furniture combined with metal inserts gives lightness and unobtrusiveness. In Italy they like to bring everything to the maximum, prioritizing lightness, sophistication and unobtrusiveness. Italian designers have tried hard to influence the tastes of the entire European community. The British decorate their offices using a strict style, but not without the sophistication that accompanies the prim British. Here they also use the Open Space option, but the management sits in its own personal accounts, and there is also a room in which meetings are held.

Office style ideas for USA

In this country most often working space is performed in a strict, businesslike style, without any unceremoniousness, often suppressing precisely this severity and intransigence. Some admire this style, believing that this is where wealth “lives.” Others view such bourgeoisness with negativity. Americans also decorate their offices with the Open Space option, which only has external walls and columns. At the same time, there are premises where they conduct
rooms where meetings are held, rooms for recreation and meetings. In our country, modern Western trends are gradually being introduced, displacing corridors with many offices, which are still used every day in the CIS countries. Offices with large space, easily formed and reconfigurable. Modern business centers are designed this way, taking into account the modern approach to office design.

Office design from “A” to “Z”. Photos and 3D visualizations of projects. Moscow office interiors With unique design office space. A designer's view of beauty, comfort and practicality. Design projects how to competently and beautifully decorate an office in a particular interior style. Art deco/art deco and modern style. Examples of what designers Moscow studio AR-Design can suggest that your office evoke only positive emotions. Interiors, an example of which you can order design in Moscow in the studio.

The situation in the world of office design

As professional interior designers say: “ Office design is a culture that has not yet reached its peak in Russia" Unlike Western countries, in our country little attention is paid to the convenience, beauty and uniqueness of the workspace. Not every Russian realizes that the workplace is important element living space. In essence, and in general, this is related to the culture of doing business. In general the situation is like this.

Many tenants or owners office premises they simply don’t feel the need to create beautiful interiors. Such people believe that from beautiful interior of little use. Not many of those who have their own office are convinced that office design can increase the company's potential.

As a result, of the total mass of owners and tenants, only 10% pay attention to the beauty and practicality of the interior. Whose side is the truth on? As always, opinions are divided, and this is not surprising. Some people are skeptical about office design, while others are enthusiastic about it. One way or another, it is worth noting that most of the companies whose offices have attractive interiors are successful companies. However, even among successful companies

There are also those who carry out their activities in offices with disgusting in-rum.

Sometimes and/or at first glance, thoughts of impressive design and attractive office interiors may seem unnecessary. But this is only at first glance. Only a 10th part of clients who have entered into a service or purchase agreement in an office admit or are aware that the design of the environment influenced their decision. In fact, it is the atmosphere of the environment, expressed in D-I and multiplied by the attitude of employees, that is the foundation for the success of business premises.

Disputes about the indirectness and obviousness of the doctor’s influence on business processes have not subsided since then. Everyone tries to defend their point of view and attract maximum attention to their assessment, regardless of the degree of objectivity and constructiveness of the position. Some argue that appropriate design is already 70% of success, others, not sharing such optimism, argue that the interior should not be given special attention. Some insist that in-er is nothing more than a screen; others try to convince their opponents that harmony is an attractive and effective tool. In general, a complete lack of consensus!

About what is most effective tool attracting a client, everyone always argues. However, those who are most often guided common sense and perceive such discussions with objectivity in the following context. In the world of design, where the office is seen as structural element achieving a goal is all relative!

Tasks and goals

Unlike the design of a living space, office design has slightly different goals. Therefore, the theoretical process of creating commercial interiors at the project level has its own specifics. In addition to creating a beautiful and practical image, the office designer needs to ensure that this image is a catalyst for the working atmosphere.

Not just a beautiful office space, but an office space in which, one way or another, you will want to work. If an apartment is a place where a person usually relaxes, then an office is a place where he works. But how can we make the interior provoke efficiency in a person’s mind? After all, as we know, man is by nature a lazy creature. The solution to this not an easy task

In order for a person to have a desire to work productively not only in connection with financial motivation, but also with reflection, a directed influence on consciousness is necessary. In general, such exposure can be an excellent tool for increasing performance and, as a result, efficiency. You can find out how to achieve this.

Bad image

Office interiors that inspire confidence and generate positivity. Myth, fairy tale or reality? What do they look like and is this even possible? Perhaps, the designers answer and point to a number of aspects and research.

Agree that it’s unpleasant to be in an office interior that looks like yesterday’s day of heavy drinking. Perhaps someone will disagree, but this is a personal matter for everyone. For those who agree and realize the horror of such a picture of existence, it should be clear what exactly is meant by the word horror. The picture is unpleasant in all respects, especially if the plot of such a picture involves business communication. Bad, isn't it? Therefore, before you doubt the benefits of competent design, you should think about the possible losses associated with its absence.

If the interior of your office is not in doubt, that’s good. However, if you think that something is wrong in your life, then it’s time to act.

Stylish look

For an engineer to be a harmonious component of the company’s activity scenario, it is necessary right choice style. The office should not just look beautiful, but be decorated in the appropriate style. The interior composition must correspond to the profile and image of the company.

For example, if a company sells electronics, then the sales office design can be like this. If an interior is needed for real estate transactions, it may look like So. There are many examples of di-na and they are all different, but harmoniously corresponding to what the office is intended for.

Area as a reason...

To a large extent, the choice of design option depends on the area of ​​the office space. Not every style is able to reveal the essence of its splendor in a very limited space. If the area is small, then there are fewer options for appropriate design and vice versa. In a large office space, it is possible to implement many more design scenarios.

The fact is that for the embodiment of many storylines a unique planning solution is required. Possibility of creating different planning solutions allows the designer to operate with a wide variety of interior styles.

IN small room the possibility of creating a mass of planning solutions is absent by definition. Therefore, a reasonable choice of style for an office interior is most often dictated by the size of the area (S). For example, for the effective implementation of design Art Deco/Art Deco office ideas you need a lot of space. At least that's what our experts say.


If the space allows, then it is necessary to equip a rest room in the office. This is a very important component of creating a harmonious atmosphere in a cozy workspace. A place where you can relax, take a breath, or concentrate abstractly on a particular task.

For all large companies, break rooms are an integral part of the interior. This approach to creating a working atmosphere is not accidental. It has been proven that an abstract and relaxed atmosphere contributes to the search for non-standard, but competent, correct and necessary solutions.

The rest room is designed in accordance with a single style concept, but with a bias towards using the most gentle palette of color and light when finishing. The interior of these rooms reigns in peace and quiet, and sharp contrasts and a bright palette are replaced by blurred boundaries of pastel shades. As a rule, in such places there is a lot of greenery, appropriate decorative items, and the piercing smell of lemon is replaced by a woody trail of sandalwood.

Design project and its context

Before design idea to become a beautiful office, a detailed display of all aspects of the idea in the project is necessary. The project is not a luxury, but a means to an end. This is how you can succinctly formulate the reason for creation.

D-P When creating an office design project, a number of important rules must be observed. For example, zoning and engineering rules are fundamental rules in the design of any office interiors. Zoning and engineering support these are processes that have systemic nature

and fundamental importance. A careless attitude towards these processes leads to inevitable failures in the interior matrix. In the office, as in the apartment, everything should be, by the way, in its place. First of all, this concerns the choice of furniture, color palette and lighting. Furniture should be comfortable and practical, color palette

Decor items are a secondary matter, but not unimportant. Their importance is most often underestimated, but in vain. Decorative elements can fill the interior with a lot of unexpected, but very useful and pleasant effects. When choosing decorative elements, you need a clear understanding of what things can become a harmonious component of the composition.

Placing, hanging, sculpting... anything and anywhere is strictly not recommended. In this matter, tact and intuition are paramount. Inappropriate decor is a waste of time, money and effort. The office interior is not a garbage dump, but a place for business meetings, searching for partners and new opportunities.

Office interior design, the creation and implementation of which in Moscow you can order from our design studios, is vital for every person who is busy at one workplace most of the day. Spending 8-9 hours a day at work, a person is simply forced to arrange the space around him with maximum comfort, since only this allows you to somehow diversify the dullness of everyday life and paint them in brighter colors.

It is very easy to implement this if you contact the BUROSNEG design studio, where recognized masters of design and interior design of office and work premises work. Our studio has extensive experience allowing us to quickly create any office design. Moscow, in which BUROSNEG operates, showed that the most in demand is precisely exclusive design, because it can be used to attract attention large quantity clients. Moreover, having unique design office, you will always have something to surprise competitors and clients who, when they find themselves in a good office, subconsciously strive to stay for a long time.

Design studio BUROSNEG offers a wide range of services, including:

  • engineering design;
  • creation of an interior design project based on an original concept;
  • design of facades of office and residential premises;
  • designer's supervision over the implementation of the design project;
  • supplying construction sites with all necessary materials;
  • Additional services.

Office space design from BUROSNEG

Exclusive office project, makes it possible for the company to gain additional competitive advantages. If you want to have more trump cards that you can oppose to your competitors, you simply need original design interior Individual office space design makes it possible to stand out among competitors, and also has a lot of advantages:

  • a stylish interior can significantly increase the chances of successfully concluding a contract, since clients will subconsciously want to return to the comfortable office of your company again;
  • the presence of a corporate identity reflected in the office design makes it possible to significantly increase competitive advantages in the market;
  • employee productivity is directly related to how comfortable the workplace is, and the best way to do this than the original design simply does not.
  • Designer design helps to avoid many mistakes that are often made when designing independently and lead to additional problems in business.

Office design project from the studio BUROSNEG - this is profitable, since our company is flexible pricing policy and has many offers for every client.

Office design and engineering

Office design, like any other room, must be created in accordance with certain rules. Moreover, such rules combine general principles decoration of premises, and specific ones intended for the right equipment workplace. Here are some of them.

  1. Correct zoning of the room. More than half of the efficiency of a company’s employees depends on how well the office space is distributed. Zoning should ensure easy communication between employees, quick access to documents and equipment with a minimum of movement, the presence of a recreation area for receiving and accommodating visitors, a dedicated manager’s office, etc.
  2. Correct selection and distribution of color. The choice of color in which the walls, ceiling and other parts of the room will be painted should be made not only according to personal preferences, but based on the so-called. "color psychology", which suggests that each color affects a person differently.
  3. Correct selection of furniture. Office furniture should combine convenience, functionality and comfort, and also be in harmony with color design office and correspond to the specifics of the company’s activities.
  4. Rules for the design of individual offices. If the layout and design of an office involves the allocation of separate rooms, then the interior design must be approached individually in each room. This is especially true for the director's office, which is the concentrated expression of the entire company.

Order office design in Moscow

In our design studio you can order an office design. Development conceptual interior office, the creation of a design project and its turnkey implementation from the BUROSNEG studio will allow you to get a stylish and modern design turnkey office.

Office interior design involves work in several stages. Initially, it is necessary to create a conceptual idea within the framework of which the design will be designed. This requires coordinated work design architect and the customer, allowing us to create a high-quality design from an aesthetic point of view that will fully satisfy the client.

After defining the concept of the design project, its immediate implementation begins. The office space is marked out, the location for individual offices is determined, utility rooms, recreation areas and reception of visitors, etc.

The next step is the selection of construction and finishing materials, which will make it possible to bring the design concept to life as accurately as possible. You should also take a responsible approach to the selection and arrangement of furniture, which should contribute to optimal distribution space.

The final stage of creating a project is the selection of decorative elements and their distribution in the office.

The design of an office space is an indicator of presentability and successful business. You definitely need to choose wisely style solution, and not just hang company logos on the walls, and paint the walls in corporate colors.

The premises should immediately position future clients and partners for a favorable result. The place of work should be convenient not only for employees, but mostly for receiving important visitors.

Let's look at ideas for various modern office designs.

Mistakes when choosing a design

When choosing light interior rooms, for example, with soft ottomans or unreal abstractions of photo wallpaper on the walls in a law firm potential client may perceive that the company is not serious about its work.

For an IT company, on the contrary, a too conservative design will be dissonant with the latest technologies and progress.

Modern office interior

To properly arrange stylish design, corresponding to the work profile, and instill maximum confidence among visitors, it is better to contact professional designers. Only a specialist will choose the desired style and recommend fashionable interior details to create a unified image of an effective company. The interior should inspire complete confidence and make a positive impression on visitors.

“Transparent” offices are very fashionable now. Panoramic glazing is popular in modern offices, mobile partitions completely transparent, glass furniture, etc. Such lightweight interiors help expand the space; they are light and airy.

Decorating a beautiful and stylish room where it will be comfortable to work and receive clients is not as simple a task as it might seem at first glance. Competently expressing the company's image, calculating the design budget, creating comfortable workplaces - many questions immediately arise.

The main rule in arranging office space is to take into account all the above nuances, regardless of the field of activity of any company. Therefore, you need to know the design rules taking into account fashion trends.

How to create an unusual office interior?

Classic and Empire

Large companies seeking to emphasize their high professional level, stability and excellent quality of work (services), it is better to choose classic designs or luxurious empire style. These are the most popular styles in representative banks, as well as in law firms, luxury real estate agencies, etc.

If you want to emphasize the strict conservatism and stability of the company, this best solutions. Examples of chic offices in a modern style can be seen below in our gallery.

To create the right atmosphere in these prestigious styles, expensive materials and appropriate luxurious furnishings are required. Therefore, repairs and complete transformation ordinary room going to a stunning office is not a cheap pleasure.

But it is the excellent quality of new materials, ideal order and strict lines that will create the necessary appearance of nobility and impeccable taste. Each element should loudly communicate the prestige and sustainable success of the organization.

Working in a modern office should be top level, then employees will involuntarily “strive” to be better and strive for new knowledge. It is more difficult to unite a large team to work as one well-coordinated mechanism, where each employee is a qualified specialist and clearly interacts with others.

“Lite” will also do English design, it perfectly reflects the seriousness and presentability of a large organization.

Timeless classics in design are somewhat heavy, but prestigious expensive furniture, leather chairs, large closets. It's convenient in spacious rooms. Never loses relevance classic design premises, this is always in trend, ideas can be seen in the following photos:

It should be taken into account that it is not always appropriate to create classic interiors. For example, conservatism in design is not suitable for an IT company.


If you need to choose an option that will amaze you with its novelty and originality, it is better to consider modern. Nowadays it is not used so often, but its aesthetics and unusual shapes always make it stand out.

Its main characteristics are unusual shapes, smooth lines, a predominance of gloss on all surfaces, a stunning play of contrasts in color ranges and invoices. A huge selection of furniture in this direction is always easy to find.

You can use rich stylish tones. Modern looks much “lighter” than classics; they are recommended for use in small rooms.

Non-standard solutions are valued today more than ever. There is no boredom in them, they amaze with their dynamics and bright colors. Experienced designers They can easily adapt the modern style specifically for your field of activity.

For example, transparent partitions are possible here, which go well with new equipment, home theater, etc.

IN classic versions It is difficult to divide the room into small offices. Modern office equipment: laptops, computers, faxes do not fit so organically into the classics, but in modern they will become a continuation of the interior. Furniture: Light tables and chairs, often in bright colors.

An excellent solution - modern is ideal for organizations related to creativity, tourism, etc.

High tech

For companies that outsource, IT technologies are more suitable for hi-tech. This ultra-modern design fits perfectly with any technical innovations. Originality and unusual combinations of elements in the interior will demonstrate to clients the employees’ ability to think outside the box.

Mobile partitions and division into many small offices will also fit organically here. Open space is perfect for offices.

Important! It is imperative to pay attention to the competent organization of free space and clear zoning.

For this you need multifunctional furniture, especially Transformers. Boards look good for drawing schedules and reminders. In such offices it is easy to change everything, even decor is not required for decoration. The originality of furniture, lamps, and organization of space become spectacular decorations for working with visitors.

We hope that the advice experienced specialists will help you understand new trends in office styles. We present to your attention various photos modern offices for every taste.

Photos of modern offices

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