"The world of indoor plants." Lesson on cognitive development in the senior group

Summary of an integrated lesson on ecology / speech development in senior group.

Educator: Kravtsova Anastasia

Subject: "Houseplants"

Goal and tasks: clarify children's knowledge about plant care techniques and their sequence. Reinforce the loosening technique that children have not mastered enough. Introduce the children to a new type of care - fertilizing the soil, and inform them of some application rules. Develop speech, thinking, maintain interest in indoor plants.

Preliminary work : loosening the soil.

Equipment and materials: indoor plants, poster depicting the structure of plants. Maintenance equipment: oilcloths, loosening sticks, rags, on each table a bowl of water, a spray bottle, scissors, a watering can, a basin and a bowl. The teacher has a bag of fertilizers and cups of solution, full and filled to half.

Activities: experimentation

Location: corner of nature

Enter in lexicon children's words: fertilizer, top dressing.

Progress of the lesson:


Offers to stand in a circle and smile at each other, greet guests

Surprise moment.

Educator: Children, when I came to kindergarten this morning, what did I see! Dunno came to visit us and was very surprised to see a lot indoor plants in our kindergarten. Dunno was glad that the plants looked well-groomed.

And therefore left you a gift.

The teacher puts a box on the table.

I suggest you open the box and see what's there.

The children and the teacher open the box.

Educator: - Yes, it's a flower. And then there is a letter, now we will find out what message our guest left us.

" Hello guys. Dunno writes to you. I live in Flower City. We have many beautiful flowers growing here. I grew this flower myself and decided to send it to you in kindergarten. It's called Kalanchoe. I hope you will take good care of him, and he will delight you with his flowers. Goodbye. Good luck".

Educator:- Which interesting plant, how many beautiful leaves it has on long stems. This flower is called Kalanchoe. The plant loves light, but is afraid of intense midday sun. So best place for Kalanchoe there will be east or west windows. The plant loves cool weather. The plant should be watered moderately. Between waterings top part the soil should dry out. Usually in summer period One or two waterings per week are enough. Kalanchoe does not like humid air. But when high temperature Spraying is allowed. All Kalanchoes are succulents. Those. plants tend to accumulate water in leaves and stems and regulate moisture reserves

Educator: - Look, there is another flower on the table. What is it called?

Child:- Geranium.

Educator:- What do geraniums and Kalanchoe have in common?

Child:- There is a stem, leaves,

Educator:- Okay, but you forgot to name very important part plants. Which

Child:- Roots. They are in the ground.

Educator:- Why do plants need roots?

Children find it difficult to answer.

Educator:- They suck moisture from the soil, nutrients, and the roots also hold the plant above the ground.

Educator: How are these plants different?

Child: stems of different thicknesses

Child: leaves different shapes and coloring

Educator:- What conditions are needed for plants to grow and bloom well?

Educator:- We need to water them, loosen the soil.

Physical education minute:

The flower says to the flower:

“Pick up your paper.” (Children raise and lower their hands)

Get on the track

Yes, tap your foot (Children walk in place, raising their knees high)

Shake your head

Greet the sun in the morning (Rotate your head)

Tilt the stem slightly

Here is a charger for the flower. (Tilts)

Now wash yourself with dew,

Shake yourself off and calm down. (Shaking hands)

Finally everyone is ready

Celebrate the day in all its glory.

Educator:- Children, today we will take care of indoor plants, but first let’s remember what we need to do for this.

Child: children list techniques and procedures for care

Educator: - What did you learn in the last lesson?
Child: loosen the ground
Educator: - Why do you need to loosen the soil?
Child: - so that water flows well and it is easier for roots to grow in loose soil
Educator: - What do you use to loosen the soil? Why exactly these sticks?
Child: so as not to damage the roots
Educator: - How to loosen correctly? Arina, show me.
(The child completes the task, the teacher holds the pot with the plant at an angle so that all children can see)
Educator: - Is Arina doing the right thing? That's right, closer to the stem it does not loosen deeply, but further from the stem it loosens a little deeper. How should you wash plants?

Child Wipe large leaves with cloths, plants with small leaves place in a basin, cover the soil with oilcloth so as not to wash it away, and water from a watering can
Educator: - Why do we care for plants?
Child: so that they become beautiful, grow well and bloom.
We draw the children’s attention to the plants that they have already looked after; do they notice any changes in their appearance?
geranium has new leaves, balsam has buds
Target setting: Educator: - Spring is starting now, our plants are starting to grow. In order for them to grow and bloom better, they need to be fertilized and fed. There is a special powder fertilizer for this (shows a bag of powder). But you can’t sprinkle the powder on the ground; it must first be dissolved in water. The plants are fed with this solution once a week, after watering, so that the solution is better absorbed into the soil. I have cups with fertilizer solution. Some cups contain half of the solution, while others are filled to the brim. After you wipe the leaves of your plants, loosen the soil and spray them, and wash the plants with small leaves in a basin with a watering can, you will take the cups of fertilizer from me. But everyone should think about how much solution he will take the glass with - full, or with half of the liquid?
Child: if the plant is large - full, smaller plants will require less solution
Educator: - When you pour the fertilizer, put the cups in place

Children are asked to clean up their workspaces and take the plants back to where they were. The guys begin to work. During the children’s activities, the teacher helps them with advice and notes those who successfully cope with the task.

After the children have completed the task, the teacher sums it up and asks the children:

Educator:- What did you learn today?
Child:feed the plants
Educator:- Why do they need to be fed?
Child:so that they grow and bloom better
Educator:- What kind of land should the fertilizer go to? How much fertilizer should you pour into a plant pot?
Child:-On wet soil, fertilize after watering, pour fertilizer depending on the size of the plant
Educator:“Today we fed the plants together, and then this work will be carried out by those on duty - once a week.” The day before, I will dilute the fertilizer in a bucket, and the attendants will pour it into pots with plants. Now we will observe the plants to see changes in them after feeding. At home, tell your mothers what you learned today, and take care of the plants at home the same way as in kindergarten.

To consolidate knowledge about the classification of plants;

Introduce students to types of indoor plants;

Give an idea of ​​the importance of indoor plants for humans and the environment;

Teach proper care for indoor plants;

Develop practical skills of students;

Stimulate the development of cognitive abilities;

Cultivate a love for nature and the world around us.

Planned results:

Know about indoor plants and be able to care for them;

Develop an interest in independently searching for material.

Equipment: multimedia equipment, flowers in pots, cluster, drawings of leaves, handouts.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Repetition of what has been learned

We talked about the fact that all natural objects are usually divided into two large groups: living and inanimate nature. Let's check whether you remember well the objects of living and inanimate nature.

Guess game

The teacher lists objects of living and inanimate nature. If wildlife objects are named, students should raise their hands.

Words: snow, thunderstorm, flowers, rain, lilies of the valley, wind, tree, snowdrift, animal, fog, grass, cloud, bush.

You are well versed in the topic. What are the differences between living and inanimate phenomena? Highlight the main functions that help determine that you are looking at objects of living nature:

They breathe, reproduce, feed, grow, age, die.

III. Preparing to understand the topic

We talked about plants, about flowers. Remember what flowers you already know? (nasturtium, peonies, roses, chrysanthemums)

These flowers grow on the street, in squares and parks, in flower beds and gardens. They bloom in spring and autumn, delighting us with their aroma, bright colors and beautiful shapes. Do you remember what these plants are called? (floral and decorative)

Some flowers delight us in the forests, meadows and fields. These are lilies of the valley, buttercups, poppies, cornflowers. Others the person grows himself. Who does not know about the beauty of a rose, about the splendor of dahlias or does not rejoice bright colors peonies.

What are these two groups of colors called? (wild and cultivated)

Task on the interactive board.

Highlight wild flowers in blue and cultivated flowers in green.

Words on the interactive board: rose, peony, chrysanthemum, lily of the valley, thistle, chamomile, poppy, pansies, snowdrop.

IV. Explanation of a new topic

There is also a group of plants that people grow.

Guess the riddle:

They purify the air, create comfort, make the windows green, all year round are blooming.


What do you think are the purpose of indoor plants?

Compiling a cluster based on student answers (Plants: decorate a room, heal, purify the air, create comfort)

Flowers in pots with signs are displayed in front of the students.

Look at our indoor flowers. Read the names on the signs. These names are very beautiful, but some are very difficult. We must remember them in order to know how to properly care for them and what benefits these plants bring.

Chlorophytum: cleanses the air of bacteria and absorbs toxins. There is no need to water frequently, but you can add a few tablets to the soil activated carbon to enhance the properties of the plant.

Dracaena: irreplaceable if the floor in the room is covered with linoleum. Dracaena absorbs benzene, which is released from synthetics, and also absorbs exhaust gases entering the room quite well.

Dieffenbachia: loves light, but not direct sunlight. It should not be touched with hands, because the juice of the leaves can cause allergies. Perfectly purifies the air.

Ficus: it is better to place it near windows that overlook the road or industrial enterprises. Cleans the air well, absorbs toxins and harmful substances. In winter, it is better not to water the ficus, but to spray the leaves with a spray bottle.

Geranium: releases substances that have calming and anti-stress properties. It is best to place it in the bedroom. Geranium loves the sun and a lot of water.

Cactus: reduces air ionization and protects against electromagnetic radiation. Loves sun and water.

Aloe: Aloe juice is famous medicinal properties, it disinfects and kills germs.

Peperomia: protects us from colds because it destroys viruses that cause ARVI. It is better to place peperomia in the shady side of the room.

Some indoor plants not only delight us with their unusual leaf shapes and unusual colors. It is noticed that they extinguish negative emotions. These are begonia, fern and tradescantia.

Flowers and plants are never alike; they differ in shape and color, and each plant, each flower is unique in its own way.

Video presentation on the theme "Waltz of the Flowers":

The presentation clearly demonstrates how each color has its own flower, thereby forming a bouquet and a rainbow of flowers ( literally and figuratively).


Our scarlet flowers
The petals are blooming,
The breeze breathes a little,
The petals are swaying.

Our scarlet flowers
The petals close
Quietly falling asleep
They shake their heads.

V. Consolidation

1) Game "Third Man"

There are a number of words on the board from which you need to eliminate unnecessary ones:

Aloe, calendula, geranium;

Nasturtium, ficus, cactus;

Kalanchoe, peperomia, aster.

2) Game "Find a pair"

3) Game "Find the owner"

The teacher shows drawings of leaves. Students must guess which plant they belong to.

4) Complete the sentence: I love indoor plants because….

VI. Generalization of knowledge

Indoor plants make us happy, make the room cozy, and purify the air in the room. Plants in the house bring great benefit. But you need to properly care for them. What do you think plants like? (Light and water)

Look carefully at the signs near our plants. A light circle means the plant loves light. The shaded circle shows that this plant prefers to grow in the shade. The letter "T" means that the plant is heat-loving. It is better to place it closer to heating sources. The letter "M" means that the plant is frost-resistant. It can easily withstand low temperatures.

Exercise: arrange the flowers in places according to the characteristics of the plants that you have learned about.

Read carefully the instructions on caring for indoor plants.

1) Most flowers should be placed close to the light, but avoid direct sunlight.

2) Water every day in summer, less often in winter.

3) Do not water plants with cold water.

4) When watering, the watering can should be kept low so that the soil does not erode.

5) large smooth leaves are wiped with a damp cloth.

6) You need to loosen the soil after watering, when the soil dries out a little. They only loosen upper layer without touching the roots of the plant.

7) Bait and replanting are carried out in spring and early autumn.

What mistakes have you made when caring for plants?

VII. Student reflection and assessment

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What other plants would you like to talk about?

What remains unclear?

What task was interesting to do?

VIII. Homework

Draw any indoor plant and prepare short story about him.

Abstract frontal training on the formation of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech and the development of coherent speech in the older group using an example lexical topic "Houseplants "

Lesson objectives:

Correctional educational goals:

a) clarifying and expanding ideas about indoor plants and caring for them;

b) clarification, expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic “Indoor plants”:

Word-objects: plant, cactus, ficus, violet, clivia, geranium, ivy, pot, watering can;

Sign words: indoor, green, smooth, prickly, tall, blooming, curly;

Action words: care for, water, wipe, spray

c) improvement grammatical structure speeches:

Develop the ability to form nouns in genitive case;

To develop the ability to correctly use prepositional-case constructions with prepositions ON, UNDER, FOR, BECAUSE OF, FROM UNDER;

Develop the ability to coordinate nouns with numerals two and five, as well as the ability to coordinate nouns with adjectives sort of.

d) developing the ability to make sentences based on a picture and answer with a complete answer.

Corrective and developmental goals:

Development of coherent speech;

Development of visual gnosis and constructive praxis;

Development of auditory attention;

Development of coordination of movement and speech;

Development of general and fine motor skills;

Development logical thinking, memory, visual attention and perception.

Educational goals: developing skills of cooperation, interaction, initiative, activity, independence, nurturing in children love and care for indoor plants.

Equipment: magnetic board, visual material “Indoor plants” - cactus, ficus, geranium, violet, clivia, ivy, cut-out puzzle cards with indoor plants, living indoor plant violet, ladybug, manual “Count how many”, blank for drawing “Cactus without thorns”, cards “What’s extra”, painting “Living Corner”, watering can.

Progress of the lesson:

    Organizing time. Report the topic of the lesson.

The speech therapist calls the children to the window.

L. – Guys, hello! Everyone come here to me, stand in a semicircle. I’ll tell you a riddle now, would you like it? Listen carefully:

“On my window there is a whole winter Garden

There are cactus, geraniums, and all the flowers here.

Here is violet, clivia

Gently blossoming

Tell me guys

What are these plants called?

D. - Indoor!

L. - That's right! Why are such plants called indoor plants?

D. – Because they grow in the room.

L. - That's right! Well done! The topic of our lesson today is “Indoor plants” and I, Oksana Nikolaevna, will conduct it with you. Take your seats.

    Clarification, expansion and activation of the dictionary. Formation of the ability to select words-attributes to words-objects.

A game« Match the trait to the plants »

L. - Guys, look at the board. What plants do you already know?

D. – cactus, violet, geranium

L. - That's right! How did you know it was a cactus?

D. – It’s prickly.

L. - That's right! What kind of violet?

D. – Blooming

L. - That's right! And there are also indoor plants ficus, clivia and ivy. Let us name their signs.

Ficus (what?) – tall, smooth

Geranium (which one?) – soft, blooming

Cactus (what?) – prickly, green

Clivia (which one?) – tall, smooth, blooming

Violet (what?) – low, soft, blooming

Ivy (what?) – low, curly

L. - Well done!

    Development of visual gnosis and constructive praxis. Clarification of the dictionary on the topic “Indoor plants”.

Puzzles" Houseplants »

L. - And now each of you will assemble an image of one of the indoor plants from parts. Whoever collects it first will raise their hand! (Children collect cut-out pictures)

L. – Well done, you are the very first! Tell me, what kind of plant did you get?

D. - Violet.

L. - Tell me, what kind of violet is it? (Etc. children talk about their plants)

    Improving the grammatical structure of speech. Formation of the ability to form nouns in the genitive case. Formation to respond with a complete answer. Development of memory and attention.

A game“What’s missing? »

L. - Now I want to check how well you remember indoor plants. At my command, you will close your eyes, and I will remove one plant. Then you open your eyes and tell me what is missing.

At the command of the speech therapist, children close their eyes. The speech therapist removes the violet.

L. - What happened?

D. – violets

L. - we answer full sentence: “The violet is gone”

The game is played for all plants.

    Physical education minute. Development gross motor skills. Development of coordination of movement and speech, auditory attention.

The speech therapist invites the children to go to the carpet.

A game" Houseplants »

L. - Guys, squat down and imagine that you are all little plants, you are my houseplants. The plant that I approach and water with a watering can begins to rise, grow and stretch upward towards the sun. You need to stand on your toes, raise your arms up and stretch. When I move away, the plant will gradually wither and drop its leaves. You need to slowly relax and drop your arms, bend over, lowering your head. (the speech therapist waters each plant and finally waters them all at once, the children get up)

L. - And now you will pull your leafy hands in the direction where I say, but listen carefully, because I will show completely different actions, it is important for you to repeat only the movement that I name, and not show. (The speech therapist confuses the children, ends the physical education session)

    Improving the grammatical structure of speech. Formation of the ability to correctly use prepositional-case constructions with the prepositions ON, UNDER, FROM, FROM UNDER.

The speech therapist places a pot of violets in front of the children and takes the Ladybug.

Exercise "Ladybug ».

L. - Guys, look who flew to us, did you recognize it? Who is this?

D. - This is Ladybug

L. - That's right! The ladybug flew in and sat on the leaf. Now where is Ladybug? (The speech therapist removes the ladybug under the leaf)

D. – Under the leaf

L. – took off from where? – D. - From under the sheet.

L. – flew off to where? – D. – for the pot

L. – took off from where? – D. – Because of the pot.

L. - Oh, now where did Ladybug sit? – D. – on the hand (etc. Ladybug flies over children)

L. – Well done1

    Improving the grammatical structure of speech. Agreement of nouns with the numerals two and five.

A game“Count how much? »

L. - Guys, the ladybug flew away, but left you a lot different plants, sort it out.

The speech therapist hands out cards with pictures of two and five plants.

L. – Tell me, who has how many plants?

D. – I have two cacti and five violets

I have two violets and five ficus

I have two clivias and five geraniums

I have a ficus and five cacti, etc.

    Development of fine motor skills, logical thinking, visual perception.

A game "Drawing a cactus »

The speech therapist distributes cactus blanks without thorns.

L. - Guys, what plant is shown in the picture?

D. - This is a cactus.

L. - That's right! What is missing from the cactus in the picture?

D. - thorns

L. – Let’s all say in unison: The cactus doesn’t have enough thorns

D. - repeat

L. – Let’s finish drawing the spines of the catus.

Children finish drawing spines on the cactus, the speech therapist hangs finished works on a magnetic board.

L. - that's what beautiful cacti We did it!

    Development of logical thinking, visual attention, perception. Development of coherent speech.

The speech therapist puts pictures on a magnetic board.

A game "What's extra? »

L. - Guys, now I want to check how attentive you are. Look at the objects in the picture and name what is odd.

Picture No. 1: green houseplant, green crocodile, brilliant green, red mug

D. is an extra mug, because all the objects are green, and she is red.

Picture No. 2. Needle, ball, cactus, awl

D. is an extra cactus, because all objects are inanimate, but he is alive.

L. - Good! There is also a second answer to this picture, what else would be superfluous?

D. - a ball, because all objects are prickly, but the ball is not.

L. - Well done!

    Formation of the ability to make a proposal for a picture on a given topic. Clarification and activation of the verb dictionary. Developing the ability to respond with a complete answer. Development of coherent speech.

The painting “In a Living Corner” is hung on a magnetic board.

Conversation on the picture"In the Living Corner"

L. - Guys, look at the picture. The girls Katya and Olya are working in the living area. They take care of the ficus. What is Katya doing?

D. – Katya is watering the ficus

L. – What is Olya doing?

D. – Olya wipes the leaves.

The speech therapist hangs up the second picture.

L. – what is this girl doing?

D. – The girl sprays the flowers.

L. - That's right! Plants need to be watered, wiped and sprayed. Why do guys need to care for plants?

D. – Plants need to be looked after so that they do not wither.

11. Conclusion.

L. - Guys, this is where our lesson comes to an end. Did you like the lesson?

L. – which indoor plant did you like best?

D. – Cactus, violet, ivy….

L. – Thank you guys, you made me very happy with your answers, it’s a pity that the lesson ended so quickly. And so that you remember our meeting, I have prepared gifts for you - these are more magical indoor plants. Take the cards to your home, make a wish and it will come true. Goodbye!


This lesson is devoted to the practical acquisition by children of lexical and grammatical means of language using the example of the lexical topic “House plants”. The lesson structurally consisted of 11 stages, each of which had corresponding instructions.

Based on lexical material selected taking into account age characteristics, you can determine the topic of the lesson (Indoor plants).

The lesson started with organizational moment, the purpose of which was to activate the attention of children and bring them to the topic and goals of the lesson. The children guessed the riddle and easily understood what the lesson would be about.

At all stages of the lesson she became more active speech activity children. The children were asked questions that encouraged them to use word formation operations in their own speech.

The visual material corresponded to the topic and objectives of the lesson. All stages of the lesson were interconnected and interdependent, subordinated to the given topic and goals of the lesson. Throughout the lesson, work on thinking, memory and attention is observed.

The proposed tasks were given in order of increasing difficulty.

During the lesson, a variety of game techniques were used to captivate children and create a positive attitude, prevent fatigue and maintain interest in the lesson. The children especially liked the game “Ladybug”. I think that I completed all the tasks and goals set, the children clearly really enjoyed the lesson.

In the senior group, the visual skills of preschoolers are improved. Object drawing becomes more expressive; children are already able to create quite realistic images, using the most different means. If earlier they painted flowers and trees of a primitive, mostly symmetrical shape, now it is a more complex nature - indoor plants with a characteristic structure of stems, leaves and flowers.

What you need to consider when preparing for a lesson on drawing indoor plants in the senior group of kindergarten

What paints can be used, what base

When drawing indoor plants, a base in the form of white sheet A4 format, and it is better to place it vertically.

You can depict indoor plants using watercolors (in this case, the teacher pre-tints the base in pastel shades). Watercolor in in this case more preferable than gouache, since this composition does not require too bright tones. Attention is focused on color transparency and smooth transition

shades. Houseplants are also drawn with colored pencils.

The floral theme also predisposes to the use of wax crayons - the result is a composition of delicate colors.

Note that in all cases, it is best to first outline the outline of the flower and pot itself with a simple pencil. This will make the image more realistic and harmoniously position it on a sheet of paper (adjust the size).

What drawing techniques and techniques will be used IN In the older group, preschoolers improve traditional drawing techniques. Working with pencils, they achieve more thorough shading (from right to left or top to bottom) that does not go beyond the outline. In addition, you can use a pencil to convey various shades

colors while adjusting the pressure.

If the children depict indoor plants in watercolor, then they practice brush movements: to obtain broad lines, the entire pile is applied to the paper, and subtle elements (for example, the core and petals of a flower, the ornament of a pot) are drawn with the tip of the brush. In order to convey the characteristic color of the plant, in the older group the range of colors with which children work is expanded. They learn techniques for mixing paints, especially interesting ones

pastel shades

are obtained by diluting the main color with white.

As for the initial drawing of the outline with a simple pencil, children should apply light pressure so that no rough lines remain when painting. The example in the older group for object drawing is used only to explain drawing techniques. When the children begin independent activities, the teacher removes it, leaving only nature - a houseplant. Note that a full display of the drawing in the older group is often not required; the teacher always leaves some part of the work for

In order for preschoolers to better understand the task and introduce a creative element into the composition, it is good to show them 2-3 samples, comparing them with each other. When analyzing children's works, the teacher notes those where there are elements of creativity.

To make sure that the children understand the explanation, the teacher usually asks one of them where to start drawing. At the beginning of independent activity, the teacher first of all guides those who started work incorrectly.

Note that when depicting plants, including indoor plants, non-traditional techniques are often used in the older group. Sometimes they are presented in works not in pure form

, and are partially included in traditional drawing. For example, geranium flowers can be depicted in an original way using cotton swabs. And to convey the shape of a cactus, it would be appropriate to draw with your palms. An interesting effect is obtained by drawing with half a potato (having previously drawn lines on it with a sharp object), which is dipped in paint and pressed tightly against a sheet of paper. In this way you can transfer beautiful drawing

leaves. Another unusual solution

to depict a flower - finger painting. Or a stenciled image using foam rubber and paint. Preschoolers aged 5–6 years can already print with leaves, which requires good coordination of movements. The leaf is covered with gouache and then the painted side is applied to the base. In this way you can depict, for example, a violet with its large leaves

, the remaining parts of the composition are completed with a brush.

Finger painting Palm painting Painting with half a potato Palm painting

What additional types of visual activities can be used (sculpting, appliqué) When drawing indoor plants, it is appropriate to use additional funds

visual activities. Thus, flowers can be given impressive volume by highlighting the core using plasticine balls. Plasticine flagella can also be used to highlight the pattern of leaves. Applique elements will create a beautiful ornament on a flower pot.

Is it possible to individualize tasks according to design and level of difficulty?

Place of the topic “Houseplants” in the card index of drawing classes in the senior group of a preschool educational institution. Specific composition options within the theme

Drawing a houseplant is usually offered to students in the senior group at the beginning of the school year (September). However, this activity can be done at any other time. It is best to associate such drawing with a corresponding topic on studying the surrounding world.

As specific themes for drawing, you can suggest such as “Violet”, “Cosmea”, “Cactus”, “Azalea”, “Fern”, “Pike Tail”, “Geranium”.

Also, children in the older group can be given the opportunity to choose the plant they will depict. Preschoolers aged 5–6 years already have a broader outlook; in drawing they can convey the similarities and differences of similar objects. Therefore, you can give children tasks to draw two indoor plants at once, differing from each other in height, shape of leaves, flowers. For example it could be pike tail

and geranium.

Geranium and pike tail Since the topic of the lesson will be indoor flowers, Special attention you need to devote time to drawing the pot.

It can have a beautiful color or be decorated with an interesting ornament, which, again, preschoolers come up with on their own. Drawing indoor plants can be timed to coincide with March 8 - draw a beautiful composition as a gift to your mother. In this case it will be especially appropriate to use unconventional techniques And additional materials

. The gift can be presented in the form of a postcard.

Drawing with palms

Card for mom

What can be used as a motivating start to the lesson: looking at indoor plants in a group, pictures, photographs, educational conversations, fairy tales about indoor plants, etc. For older children, play is still one of the methods of learning to draw. Therefore, the topic for the lesson needs to be played out in an interesting way, one way or another. For example, children love to transform into representatives different professions

. In this case, you need to invite them to “transform” into artists who will draw objects (houseplants) from life. And after the guys finish work, a vernissage is held.

Some fairy-tale character (toy), for example, a fairy who has never seen indoor plants, may come to visit the children. The motivation for the children will be the desire to give her a gift - to draw flowers that will bring her joy and purify the air in her home.

The teacher may ask what indoor plants the children have at home and who takes care of them.

At the beginning of the lesson or the day before, you need to examine indoor plants with the children in a group, paying attention to the shape of the leaves, the color of the flowers, the height and thickness of the stem. The teacher tells the children about key features each plant: does it love the sun, does it need frequent watering. It should also be noted that each flower has a pot, which is also different from one another.

Looking at a houseplant

It will also not be superfluous to hang a poster, photographs or thematic pictures “Indoor plants” on the board.

Thematic pictures

Poster for preschool educational institution

Motivation to draw can be harnessed from literary work about indoor plants, which the teacher will read to the children at the beginning of the lesson. So, the fairy tale that senior teacher N.M. Golyshevskaya came up with is very educational. (city of Barnaul) “Green Hedgehog”, in it the features of various indoor plants are unobtrusively explained to preschoolers. Main character works - a small cactus Cactus, nicknamed the Green Hedgehog. Despite his external prickliness, he is very kind and sympathetic. Recently, the owner separated him from his mother, transplanting him into another pot. The cactus baby found himself among unfamiliar plants, but he is very inquisitive and wants to make friends. First, he meets the money tree (crassula arborescens), which tells the Green Hedgehog about its origin - it comes from Africa, so it loves the sun very much. The next neighbor is an arrowroot with a very beautiful leaves, spotted with red veins. She, on the contrary, is afraid of too bright sun, but loves humidity, and the owner often sprays her leaves with warm water. As evening approaches and before rain, Maranta folds its leaves. Then Little Cactus gets acquainted with Sansevieria, or “pike tail” - its dark green leaves are shaped like a sword, and its light transverse stripes look like fish scales.

The hostess brings another plant into the room - a fern. She informs her pets that it will not only decorate the interior, but will also protect the air from dust and harmful substances. And although the fern never blooms, it pleases the eye with its beautiful leaves. The “newbie” quickly got used to it and proudly told his new neighbors that ferns had lived on Earth since ancient times, along with dinosaurs.

After reading such a fairy tale, it is good to consolidate the knowledge gained from it with the children, and then ask them to draw the character they like from the work. At the same time, you can play out the task and invite the children (if they wish) to give the plant human features - draw eyes, a smile, etc.

Fairy tale character

Photo of a houseplant

Another fairy tale about indoor plants - “Azalea and White cat» L.V. Skrebtsova. T It tells the story of a good woman, Mary. She lived with a white fluffy cat, who was always the center of attention at home. But one day before Christmas, Maria went to a flower shop and bought herself a houseplant - a pink azalea with many delicate buds. The flower was beautiful, as if it illuminated everything around with a joyful light, the guests could not take their eyes off it. Maria carefully looked after him, and Azalea delighted her owner with new wonderful flowers every week.

The cat was very offended and became more and more gloomy. He waited for Azalea's flowers to wither as soon as possible - then nothing would remain of her beauty. One day Maria opened the window to let the plant breathe fresh air. The cat couldn’t stand the cold and jumped to slam the window. When the owner returned to the room, Azalea did not give up the cat.

The next day, the animal began to chase a sunbeam and accidentally broke a beautiful pot on the shelf. The cat was confused, but Azalea in a gentle voice invited him to hide behind her green back. The plant had grown so much by that time that the cat was completely invisible behind it. When Maria entered the room, she thought that the sharp wind was to blame for everything. From that day on, the cat and Azalea became friends. The beauty was happy that she purchased true friend, and he protected her as best he could.

Photo of a houseplant

Fairy tale character

This kind fairy tale helps in nurturing in children such qualities as goodwill, mutual assistance, and attention to each other. After listening to her, the children will be happy to draw a beautiful azalea. How more difficult option you can offer preschoolers a plot composition - depict indoor flower and a cat who sits next to her or hides behind a plant.

At the beginning of a lesson in drawing indoor plants, it is good to read poems about them to children. The following works are suitable.

E. Blaginina "Ogonyok"

Crunching outside the window

Frosty day.

Standing on the window

Fire flower.

Raspberry color

Petals are blooming

As if for real

The lights came on.

I water it

I take care of him,

Give it away

I can't do it to anyone!

He's very bright

It's very good

Very much like my mother's

Looks like a fairy tale!

Elena Blaginina

Geranium on the windowsill

Opened the petals

And a crown of green knitting needles

I hung up the lights.

When I feel sad

Spring evening

Then the geranium flower

Let it shine as a beacon.

N. Nishcheva

Katya took the watering can,

I watered all the flowers.

Let them drink some water

Small flowers.

Leaves with a soft cloth

Our daughter wiped

Dust makes it difficult to breathe

Closes pores.

I loosened it with a sharp stick

The earth is all in pots.

Katya is very smart,

Little daughter.

Yunna Moritz "Flower"

I have a flower.

He could drink the sea.

I'll give him some water -

He swallows

And it blossoms a little.

E. Blaginina

There is a real garden on my window!

Large fuchsia earrings are hanging.

A narrow date is growing - the leaves are fresh.

And the Russian palm tree has leaves like knives.

A modest flame flared up like embers.

All under the hair of a cactus is a stump.

Tits are jumping under my window.

The birds are happy - it’s nice for them

Look at this cute window

Where in winter - fly,

Where there are plenty of flowers.

The theme of physical education sessions and finger exercises should also be related to the plant theme. Here are the possible options.

Finger gymnastics on the theme “Flowers”

Class notes

Author's full name Title of the abstract
Karpova E.V. "Violet"
(watercolor and wax painting)

Educational objectives: learn to draw a houseplant violet, improve skills in working with watercolors and wax pencils.
Developmental tasks: expand ideas about indoor plants, their medicinal properties, expand your vocabulary, develop color perception and a sense of composition.
Educational tasks: maintain interest in research activities, careful attitude to plants, the desire to care for them.
Integration of educational areas: « Artistic creativity", "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Health".
Demo material: pictures of indoor plants, audio recording of the song “Magic Flower”.
Handout: sheets of white paper according to the number of children, watercolor paints, pencils and wax pencils, sippy cups, brushes, brush holders.
Progress of the lesson:
Riddle about indoor plants. Conversation: why are they needed in the house (they decorate the interior, make the air cleaner, saturate it with oxygen and moisturize it, lift people’s spirits).
The teacher tells the children that since ancient times people have valued beautiful flowers, even celebrations were held in honor of flowers.
The teacher asks the children what kind of indoor flowers grow in their home and who takes care of them.
The teacher draws the children’s attention to the plants that are in their group and asks them to tell the children about the rules for caring for them. Preschoolers should know that plants are also living beings; they, like people and animals, breathe, grow, and drink water. In addition, they feel kindness and affection. It’s not for nothing that evil, soulless people’s flowers grow poorly, don’t bloom, and often die.
Story about medicinal plants aloe and Kalanchoe, which are also called “home doctor”.
Violet is the most picky of indoor plants; its other name is “pansy”. The teacher tells the children the ancient Greek legend of the origin of this beautiful flower: the goddess Aphrodite bathed in a grotto where no one should have seen her. Several people were spying on her. The angry goddess turned her father Zeus to punish them - and he turned them into flowers, which with their appearance express curiosity and surprise.
Violets come in different colors. The most beautiful - with double leaves, the edge of their petals has a fringe contrasting color(blues have white, reds have purple, whites have blue).
The teacher invites preschoolers to draw a violet in an unconventional way to get a beautiful fringe.
Explanation of the sequence of the plant image. The sheet of paper is positioned vertically. The core of the flower is drawn yellow. The fringe and pattern of the petals is drawn with a purple wax pencil, and when the petal is covered with watercolor, the wax is not painted over and remains purple - the branches look beautiful and impressive. The design is complemented by green violet leaves, and the children choose the shape, color and decoration of the pot themselves.
Before the children’s independent activities, a physical education session “Flowers grow in the meadow” is held.

  • Flowers grow in the meadow
    Unprecedented beauty.
    (Stretching - arms to the sides)
  • Flowers reach for the sun.
    Stretch with them too.
    (Stretching - arms up)
  • The wind blows sometimes
    But that's not a problem.
    (Waving your arms)
  • Flowers bend down
    The petals drop.
  • And then they get up again
    And they still bloom.
Ptashinskaya N. "Indoor plant"
(Drawing from life)

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher reads to the children V. Viktorov’s poem “Flower” (about how a man picked a flower, it stood for a day in a glass and withered). Next, a conversation begins about indoor plants, the children name them and tell what conditions they need to live.
Word game "What if?" Children answer the teacher’s questions regarding indoor plants (for example, what if you don’t water the flowers? Etc.).
Then the teacher invites the children to turn into real artists who draw objects from life (motivation). Today these will be indoor plants - sansevieria and chlorophytum (optional). The features of their appearance are discussed.
After the children have completed their work, the teacher gives them homework - to check if they have poisonous plants(ficus, spurge, etc.).

Zamalieva E.F., Minnullina A.R., Sorokina A.F., Tukhvatullina L.K. "Houseplants for a fairy"

The lesson begins with a surprise moment - a package is brought to the group. To find out what's in it, children must solve riddles:

  • No arms, no legs, but moves,
    Breathes but doesn't speak
    It eats, but has no mouth. (Plant.)
  • They grow on windows - they bring joy to people. (Indoor plant.)

The teacher opens the box - it contains a photograph of an unknown indoor plant (there is a question mark on the pot). Next to him is a toy fairy. It turns out that she had previously lived in a store where there were no indoor plants, and she had never seen them. The fairy doesn’t know at all how to care for them and asks to be taught how to do it.
Pictures depicting garden and indoor flowers are shown. A mini-conversation about indoor plants is held. A corner of nature is considered. The guys tell the fairy how to care for plants.
The teacher draws the children's attention to a chlorophytum sprout that has taken root in a glass of water. This flower purifies the air, and the teacher invites preschoolers to give the fairy a lot of chlorophytums so that she always has clean air in her house (motivation).
Techniques for depicting plants are demonstrated.
A physical education session on a flower theme is being held.
Children begin to engage in independent activities. At the end of the lesson, the fairy thanks the guys and tells them that it turns out that the parcel contained a photograph of chlorophytum.

Kolesnik T.V. "Cosmea"

The lesson begins with a conversation about autumn. Children recite previously learned poems about this time of year.
A surprise moment: summer has not yet completely left and sent the children a gift that is in a box. To find out what it is, the guys guess a riddle (about flowers). The box contains a vase with calendula and petunia flowers.
The teacher shows the children an image of another flower - cosmos. The children repeat its name in chorus. It turns out that this plant can live both outdoors, in a flower bed, and indoors, in a pot.
Preschoolers are invited to draw this beautiful plant.
The teacher demonstrates drawing techniques: petals are drawn using the dipping method, and the stem and leaves are drawn with the tip of a brush.
Children draw cosmos to the composition of P. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers”.

Examples of finished compositions on the topic “Indoor Plants” with comments on the completion of the work

Painting indoor plants in watercolor allows you to convey transparency and tenderness natural shades. In this regard, very attractive images are presented in the exhibition of works depicting violets (photos 6 and 12). The special feature of these compositions is the exquisite gradient background.

Non-flowering plants can also look beautiful (photo exhibition “My Favorite Houseplant”) - with the help of colored pencils, the design and shape of the leaves of fern, chlorophytum, sansevieria, and “money” tree are very realistically conveyed. We also note the careful drawing of the pot.

Ammarilis looks elegant in photos 1 and 3. Felt pens make the color palette rich.

Preschoolers love to draw cacti (photos 4, 5, 8, 10). This is often done using unconventional techniques, such as palm painting (photo 8). The composition in photo 4 is different original ornament pot. The intricate image was created in photo 10 (the cactus is depicted with wax crayons.

Preschoolers of the older group were able to convey the characteristic pattern of sansevieria leaves (photo 7).

The photo exhibition “Geranium” (photo 9) pleases with its diversity color palette pots.

Drawing from life with felt-tip pens Drawing with pencils Drawing from life with felt-tip pens Drawing from life with watercolors Drawing from life with watercolors Drawing from nature with watercolors Drawing from nature with watercolors Drawing with palms Drawing with nature with watercolors Drawing with wax crayons Drawing from life with watercolors Drawing from life with watercolors Drawing with watercolors and felt-tip pens

Videos on the topic

Subject drawing “Houseplant” - a preschooler depicts a sansevieria in watercolors (the composition already has a ready-made pot).

Educational video “The Most useful plants for children's room"

Long-term project in kindergarten “Plants give health to children”

Children love to draw flowers, especially girls. In the older group, this process becomes more complicated, the compositions become more intricate. The topic “Indoor Plants” involves a lot variety of options, which the teacher can play out in an interesting way in class.

Summary of educational activities for familiarization with the outside world in the senior group.Subject : “Journey to the land of indoor plants”

Target: to give children the knowledge that indoor plants not only make our homes healthier, but also make people healthier.

Program content:

    To consolidate knowledge of the names of plants familiar to children;

    clarify the idea of ​​the importance of the root in the life of plants (absorbs moisture and nutrients from the soil, helps to gain a foothold in the soil, the plant lives as long as the root lives);

    develop the ability to notice the beauty of indoor plants;

    Introduce a new indoor plant - aloe.

    learn to distinguish it by external signs(size, shape, color, density, surface, taste of succulent leaves);

    give children new knowledge about the medicinal properties of indoor plants;

    expand your vocabulary, the ability to answer questions, express your thoughts clearly and distinctly.

Dictionary expansion: “creeping”, spreading, lush, aloe, groove, thorns.

Equipment: Interactive whiteboard, slide show “Indoor Plants”; presentation No. 2 “Roots of various indoor plants”; sheets of paper in the shape of a heart (for each child); magic box; indoor plants, pictures with their images (cut-out); music; simple pencils.

Preliminary work: Conversations about indoor plants, their benefits, ways to care for them . Write descriptive stories about familiar plants. Learning the names of indoor plants. Preparation of children's "sanitary squad". Making passports for indoor plants together with children. Reading fairy tales, riddles about plants. Memorizing poems about indoor plants.

Productive activities: Making passports for indoor plants together with children.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator shows a magic box with a surprise.

Guys, look who sent us an amazing box. Who could it be? Let's see what's inside? The teacher takes out the disk. Who knows what this is? What could be on it? (Presentation No. 1 “Indoor plants”)

Yes, this is a letter from the “city of flowers”.

How will we get there? There is no return address here. The guys are imagining things. And here are also envelopes with a task for each of you. Probably, if we complete it correctly, we will find ourselves in the city of flowers. You are ready?

Look at the tables. Open the envelopes and collect the pictures. ( Children collect pictures: geranium, sansevieria, tradescantia, balsam) Flowers didn’t just send their images, they really want to know what you know about them, do you know how to care for them? You are ready?

What do people call the plants whose pictures you collected?

Geranium – “crane nose”, sansevieria – “pike tail”, “mother-in-law’s tongue”, “Tradescantia – “woman’s gossip”, balsam – “Ivan Tsarevich”, “Vanka - wet”. Why do you think they were called that? (The teacher opens the screen. There are indoor plants on the tables).

Indoor flowers, like people, they are alive. Every person has a heart. Let's check our heart, apply right hand to the left side of the chest. Listen to how it beats. What happens to a person if his heart stops? Do houseplants have a heart? Which part of the plant will we call its heart? Right! As long as the root lives, the plant lives. When do you think the root might die?

Yes, it can be damaged when loosening, so it is recommended to loosen the soil at the edge of the pot, and shallowly and carefully towards the middle.

There are different kinds roots Watch (Presentation No. 2)

Here is the violet root - it is short. But the begonia root seems to be crawling along the ground. This is what is called “creeping”. Let's repeat in chorus. What does begonia root look like?

Here is a spreading, lush root. This is geranium root. I suggest you draw a root on the heart-shaped leaves and give the drawing to the plant ( music sounds, children draw).

Plants react to good and evil. Try to communicate with a flower as with an intelligent being.

... You should bend over the flowers

Not for tearing or cutting,

And to see their kind faces

And show them a kind face.

S. Vurgun


The teacher offers to gently communicate with the plant, carefully touch the leaves, and say kind words.

Training “We are like flowers”


What beautiful indoor plants in a group! And you are also very beautiful, and everyone looks like flowers. Nika, for example, looks like a violet. She has too Blue eyes like violet flowers. What plant does Seryozha look like? And I? Etc.

Mimic exercise “How do plants get happy and sad?” (Children pretend)


Well done, you know so much about indoor plants, so they give you a very useful flower. This is not a simple plant, but a plant that is a healer. It helps cope with diseases.

Leaf with a hump, with a groove

It has thorns, but does not know how to hurt,

But he treats us any day and any hour!

How many of you know this plant? Who has it at home? How is this plant useful? Children's stories.

People call it agave. It helps treat wounds, stomach diseases and runny nose, cough.

We are considering.

It has an erect stem, the leaves are elongated, pointed, green, juicy, fleshy, and fragile. The leaves are covered on top with a damp coating of wax, which protects the leaves from moisture evaporation. (I prove it by pouring water on the leaf, it rolls off, the leaf remains dry.) If you rub it with your fingers, the wax is erased and the leaf turns bright green.


And now it's time for us to go back. Now I'll swing magic flower and we will find ourselves in our kindergarten.

Let's put aloe in our corner. Approach the flowers. Tell them thank you!


    Nikolaeva S.N. “Methodology of environmental education for preschool children”

    Tkachenko T. “Using diagrams and writing descriptive stories.” “Preschool education” No. 10, 1990.

    Lobodina N.V. " Complex classes in the senior group"

    Ryzhova L. “What a miracle? Everyone is amazed that it blooms so beautifully.” “Preschool education” No. 8, 2001.

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