Monstera leaves. Why do the edges of Monstera leaves constantly turn black? How to save? large plant

Planting and caring for monstera (in brief)

  • Bloom: The plant is grown as an ornamental foliage plant.
  • Lighting: bright diffused light or partial shade.
  • Temperature: in summer – usual for residential premises, in winter – 12-14 ˚C.
  • Watering: Regular and abundant: the substrate should be slightly moist at all times.
  • Air humidity: increased. It is recommended to regularly spray and wash the leaves with a damp sponge.
  • Feeding: from March to August twice a month comprehensive mineral fertilizer for decorative deciduous plants, during the rest of the year Monstera does not need fertilizing.
  • Rest period: not clearly expressed.
  • Transfer: young plants are replanted annually, four-year-old plants - once every 2-3 years, old plants - once every five years, but upper layer substrate up to 5 cm thick needs to be changed in pots large plants annually.
  • Garter: the vine is tied to a support dug into the potting soil - a ladder, a tube filled with moss or an artificial trunk wrapped in copra.
  • Reproduction: sometimes by seeds, but more often vegetatively (cuttings and shoots).
  • Pests: ivy scale insects, thrips, mealybugs and spider mites.
  • Diseases: sooty fungus, stem rot.

Read more about growing monstera below.

Monstera flower - description

So, indoor monstera - evergreen, a longtime favorite of flower growers who appreciated its exotic beauty and ease of care. Monstera at home grows to four meters in length, literally within 5-6 years, but since the plant is a vine, it needs stable support. In addition, the use of a support is very convenient, since a large monstera takes the form of a tree and occupies less space, and it looks more impressive. carved leaves monsteras reach a diameter of 45 cm, and young leaves are solid, but over time holes appear in them, and the larger the leaves become, the more slits there are in them. In addition to the usual roots with which in nature the vine grows like an epiphyte to a tree, great importance have and aerial roots monsteras that reach right down to the ground and feed the plant from the soil. Monstera blooms in the same way as other araceae, with an inflorescence similar to an ear of corn wrapped in a blanket. The monstera fruit is a berry about 20 cm long with a banana-pineapple flavor. By the way, in Australia, monstera is bred precisely for its nutritious and tasty fruits. But a monstera grown indoors is unlikely to be able to treat you to a delicious fruit, since monstera blooms infrequently at home.

Monstera - can you keep it at home?

Readers sometimes ask why Monstera cannot be kept at home. And really – why? I don’t know who and when examined the monstera for the presence of vampire properties or toxins, but personally I didn’t notice anything like that in it. The only factor that makes you think about whether to keep a monstera in the house is its size. A beautifully formed monstera tree grew in my house for several years, until I had to part with it because it, and not me, became uncomfortable - the monstera no longer had enough space in my modest apartment. I gave the plant, which had become too large, to my friend, and she placed it in the lobby of her restaurant, which the monstera still decorates today. But if you are sure that keeping a monstera in the house is harmful, well... there are many other plants that are no worse. Well, for those who, like me, believe that Monstera can be kept at home, I recommend, just in case, not to place it in the bedroom or nursery.

Caring for Monstera at home

How to care for monstera.

Monstera is unpretentious, and caring for it is not burdensome. If you want the leaves of the plant to be decorated with fancy holes and slits, provide it with bright, diffused light. As a last resort, keep it in partial shade, but full shade will not do any good. decorative qualities plants. In summer, the monstera will be comfortable with the usual temperature for this time of year, but in winter it is advisable to give it a break from intensive growth and provide coolness - 12-14 ºC. Protect the plant from drafts and sharp drop temperatures The soil of Monstera should always be slightly moist, and watering should be carried out based on this principle. If the monstera is in a room with central heating and a temperature that is comfortable for you, and not for her, then you will have to water the plant as often as in the summer. But if you place it in a cool room, then watering can be reduced. Water for humidification is used that is settled or filtered, without any admixture of lime. Very important for monstera high humidity air, so be prepared to frequently spray and wash the leaves of the plant in the warm season, but if you suddenly notice spots of moisture under the monstera pot, this is a sign for you that you have overdone it with moisturizing the leaves. This ability to remove excess moisture through the leaves is called guttation. The monstera usually “gots” before rain or when the air in the room is too humid, which is why the monstera is popularly called a crybaby. In winter, replace leaf spraying with hygienic dusting and polishing of leaf plates.

Monstera fertilizer.

In the warm season, from March to August, the monstera is fed twice a month with “Agricola”, “Nitrophoska”, “Ceramis”, “Effecton” or other complex fertilizer for decorative foliage plants. As soon as it gets cool, fertilizing is stopped and resumed only at the beginning of the next growing season.

Monstera transplant.

Young monstera specimens are replanted annually, those that have reached four years of age - once every 2-3 years, adult monsteras are replanted once every five years, but the top layer of soil (about 2.5 cm) must be replaced with fresh substrate annually. You need to take a larger pot for the monstera, as they say, “for growth,” since the monstera grows very quickly. The soil should be loose, light, but fertile, as for violets, for example. The composition can be approximately this: two parts of turf soil and one part each of peat, perlite (or coarse sand), humus (or leaf soil). Experts suggest adding sphagnum, bark and charcoal. Of the ready-made soils for Monstera, “Terra” or a mixture for palm trees is suitable. How to transplant a monstera? A thick layer of drainage is placed in the pot, then the monstera root ball is carefully transferred and the container is replenished required quantity substrate.

Support for monstera.

Since Monstera is a large vine, mature age it will need support - a wooden or plastic ladder, an artificial trunk wrapped in copra, but it is best to use tubes with holes for this purpose: the tube cavity is filled with moss, which is kept wet all the time, which will give adventitious roots additional moisture. Try to direct the ends of the aerial roots into the holes of the tube - this will provide the plant, in addition to moisture, stability.

Monstera reproduction

Monstera reproduces by seed and vegetative methods.

Monstera seed propagation.

How to propagate monstera by seed? Moist sphagnum moss is placed in ziplock bags, seeds are added, the remaining volume is filled with air and the zipper is closed. The percentage ratio is approximately this: 5% moss with seeds, 95% air. Crops are kept in a bright and warm (25-28 ºC) room. Shoots appear in two weeks or a month, and after the seedlings develop two leaves, they are planted in containers with a substrate of the following composition: one part each of sand, leaf and turf soil. Seedlings are grown at a temperature of 25 ºC in bright diffused light, replanting annually in new pot.

Propagation of monstera by cuttings and shoots.

How does the monstera reproduce? seed method? After all, its seeds do not have good germination, and it takes a very long time for Monstera to grow from seeds. That is why amateur flower growers prefer faster and reliable way reproduction - vegetative. This monstera breeding takes place from March to June. Parts of the stem with one or two leaves, the top of the trunk or the lower ones, are used as cuttings side shoots. Monstera cuttings or its top are rooted in water under bright diffused light at a temperature of 25 ºC. The water must be changed every two weeks. After a few weeks, roots will appear, let them grow, and then transplant the cuttings into soil to sow seeds. When the monstera leaf regains its elasticity, you can feed the rooted cuttings with complete mineral fertilizer at the rate of 1 g per 1 liter of water. Some gardeners immediately plant cuttings in the ground and cover glass jars thus creating Greenhouse effect. After 3-4 years, the young, strong plant is transplanted into a spacious pot.

Monstera pests and diseases

Diseases and insects.

You won’t have any problems in this regard with Monstera: it is extremely rarely affected by pests, and it is also resistant to diseases. And only the most careless owners can subject the plant to attack by scale insects and spider mites, whose presence is not so easy to notice. If you do find pests, try wiping the monstera leaves soap solution, but if this does not help, you will have to apply treatment with an insecticide - actara or fitoverm. But what to do if the leaves of the monstera turn yellow and then become transparent? This sure sign chlorosis, so you need to buy “Iron Chelate” and use it according to the instructions. In lazy owners who violate the rules for caring for monstera, the plant may suffer from fusarium, late blight, anthrachnose, bacterial and stem rot, and spotting.

Monstera turns yellow.

Usually, the monstera reacts to all mistakes and shortcomings in care by changing the color of the leaves - yellow spots on the leaves of the monstera are a sign that the plant is dissatisfied with your care. Why does Monstera turn yellow? There are many reasons for this:

  • – if the leaves turn yellow en masse in winter, it means you’ve gone overboard with watering;
  • – if, along with yellowing, brown spots also appear on the monstera, this seems to be the case insufficient hydration;
  • – if the leaves not only turn yellow, but also fall off in large numbers, this is the result of too high a temperature and insufficient humidity indoor air;
  • – leaves become yellowish-pale if the plant suffers from excess light.

What to do if the monstera turns yellow? Find out the cause and eliminate deficiencies in plant care.

Monstera is drying up.

Sometimes only the tips of Monstera leaves dry out, and sometimes necrosis spreads along the entire edge of the leaf, which negatively affects the decorative appearance of the plant. And in this case, the question of why the monstera dries out may have several explanations:

  • – drafts or a stream of air from the air conditioner falling on the leaves of the monstera;
  • – indoor air that is too warm, too cool or too dry;
  • – stagnation of water in the roots, watering in dark time days or, conversely, in direct sunlight;
  • - wither and dry out quickly lower leaves if the plant needs replanting.

Monstera turns black.

There are also several explanations for this phenomenon. The leaves turn black when the Monstera has an unbalanced watering regime: from a lack of moisture, the leaves first turn yellow, then darken, and from an excess, blackness appears on the green leaves, and in the second case, the rot can be either dry or wet. To find out why the monstera turns black, just watch it: if during observation you find guttation, then you need to immediately reduce watering so that the leaves do not turn black later.

Monstera species

The Monstera genus is quite diverse in nature - about 25 species, but only two of them are grown in culture.

Monstera deliciosa, or attractive (Monstera deliciosa)

in greenhouse conditions it can grow up to 12 meters in height, in a room - only up to three meters. At good care can bloom every year, but the fruits ripen only in a greenhouse. Withdrawn variegated form(variegata), more demanding of care, but not growing as fast as the main species. Also popular is the delicious variety Borsigiana, or Monstera Borsiga, bred from Monstera - not as powerful a plant as the original species.

Monstera oblique, or unequal-sided (Monstera obliqua)

- a plant from humid Brazilian forests with graceful lacy elliptical leaves up to 20 cm long and 6 cm wide. The leaves are entire, unequal at the base, with a short petiole (12-13 cm), on a short peduncle (7-8 cm) there is a few-flowered inflorescence 4 cm long, but this species does not bloom in cultivation.

Monstera leaves turn black when the soil is flooded. Water moderately when the lump dries 2-3 cm deep (or maybe deeper, depending on the size of the pot). You need to remove the plant from the pot, inspect the roots, cut off rotten or dried ones. It is better to plant in a new substrate. For this you will probably need a couple of assistants.

You can cut off the blackened part of the leaves. The green part of the damaged leaves will nourish the plant with moisture for a long time until it turns yellow and falls off.

expose it to the light. water with slightly sweetened warm water and wipe the leaves regularly

Either you overfill or you don’t overfill

You're most likely overdoing it. We must allow the soil to dry out.

If the edges dry out, spray more often. I also have a huge monstera, I water it once a week. I put the aerial roots in a jar of water, it regulates its water balance itself.

According to some sources, the name “monstera” comes from the Latin monstrotus, i.e. amazing, weird. According to other sources - a monster. And if you look at it carefully, you can say: “An amazing monster.”

Huge leathery, long-petioled, deeply dissected leaves with many holes different shapes and the quantities arouse keen interest. An unforgettable impression is made by the curved, intertwined aerial roots extending from the stem. These rapidly growing “ropes” are racing to reach the soil surface with their tips and get comfortable in flower pot and only then feel completely safe.

At approximately 4-5 years of age, a mature plant, due to its impressive size (only leaf petioles with good care reach 1 m in length or more), can take pride of place in the corner by the window. At the same time, part of the new adventitious aerial roots, like the suckers of an octopus’ tentacles, tightly “sticks” to the wall. And yet all the aerial roots are not enough to provide natural support for a thin stem. Tubes wrapped in dry palm fiber are available for sale as a support for monstera. They can be selected in proportion to the size of the plant.

On the north side you will never see large luxurious leaves with many holes, and the leaf blade may even be whole, so the best option- place the monstera in a bright place without straight lines sun rays. In summer, the optimal temperature is not lower than 210°C, and during the rest period, from October to March, it is somewhat cooler. (16-19°C).

Monstera requires frequent spraying. The soil should be constantly moist, but not wet. If possible, it is exposed to warm summer rains. For watering and spraying, use warm water. soft water.

From April to August, flower fertilizers are applied once every one or two weeks, and the rest of the time they are not fed. Don't make the mistake of following sellers' advice, such as that Monstera requires annual replanting. For delicate aerial roots and fragile stems, this method of agricultural technology is unacceptable. So, if a plant is grown from a small stem cutting, then one intermediate transplant into a flower container “for growth” is necessary and a second is final. Mature plant(with at least five to six leaves) are placed immediately in a large flower tub with a tray.

In addition to spraying, an adult monstera plant needs to regularly wash the leaves with warm boiled water. If you neglect such a labor-intensive procedure, then troubles cannot be avoided: dusty, unkempt leaves are a favorite target of pests. With age, the lower leaves lose their former attractiveness and will have to be removed.

When growing monstera, some difficulties may arise. With severe waterlogging, the edges of the leaves turn black; pale color of the leaves indicates that the plant receives too much sun. Leaves without holes or a bald trunk indicate a deficiency mineral nutrition.

There is no amateur gardener who has not at some point dreamed of growing a luxurious monstera. Another question is that not everyone can afford this for reasons of further placement of an adult plant, because the climbing stem exceeds 6 m, and the diameter leaf blade reaches 60 cm.


leaves turn black:

1) from overflow

2) insufficient drainage

Fix the problem or replant the plant and it must be in the pot drainer, and ideally when there are several of them... or reduce watering until the top layer of soil dries 1-2 cm deep into the pot. Cut off the black parts on the leaf - the process of restoring the plant is very long

Most likely, overfilling, especially dangerous in dense, heavy soil.

Possible difficulties

Improper care of monstera can lead to diseases. Direct sunlight burns the leaves, especially after spraying. The reason for the loss of lower leaves may be too high a room temperature. Lack of nutrition, watering or cramped pots lead to yellowing of the leaves. In poor lighting, the lower part of the stem is exposed, the leaves become smaller, the internodes become larger, and the leaves are poorly cut.

1. Leaves are “crying” - the soil is too wet.

2. The stems rot - stem rot. Typically, this disease manifests itself in winter when there is excess moisture.

3. Leaves turn yellow or turn brown - if many leaves have turned yellow, which also rot and wither, then the most probable cause is waterlogging of the soil. If there are no signs of withering or decay, then possible reason- lack of nutrition. If only the lower leaves turn yellow, pay attention to whether they have brown spots and how the new leaves look - if they are small and dark, then this is a sign of lack of moisture. Pale leaves with yellow spots indicate an excess sunlight.

4. Leaf fall - the lower leaves always fall off as they age. If several leaves suddenly die off at once, and the upper leaves become dry and brown, then the reason is too high temperature air.

5. Bare trunk at the bottom, small pale leaves- the plant does not have enough light.

6. Brown spots on bottom surface leaf - red spider mite.

7. Brown, papery tops of lobes and edges of leaves - dry air. Similar symptoms may appear if the pot is too small. Brown tops are an indicator of waterlogging of the soil, but in this case the leaves usually also turn yellow.

8. Leaves without holes - Young leaves usually do not have holes. The absence of slits on mature leaves may indicate a lack of light, too low an air temperature, lack of moisture or lack of nutrition. In tall plants, water and nutrients may not reach upper leaves- aerial roots should be deepened into the soil or directed into a moist support.

most likely an overflow

Monstera came to us from tropical regions. It's an impressive size evergreen tree Our flower growers especially loved it for its grandeur and ease of care. Moreover, the plant has many varieties, which allows you to choose a specimen to suit your own taste. Many owners of vines often face the problem of yellowing leaves. There may be several reasons for this, and in most cases it is not difficult to get rid of this trouble.

The main causes of yellowing foliage

To detect the true factors that provoked the disease, you should carefully examine the plant and evaluate the conditions of detention. After all, the most common problem is precisely non-compliance optimal conditions. Although Monstera easily tolerates apartment climate, it can sometimes start to get sick. As a result, the leaves turn yellow, blacken and fall off.

Leaves may turn yellow completely or become covered with spots, turn black, dry out and curl into a tube, and all this indicates various violations. Such phenomena can be provoked by incorrectly selected:

  • location;
  • air temperature;
  • humidity;
  • amount of light;
  • pests;
  • other diseases.

Let's look at how each of these factors affects the health of the plant and what methods of control exist.

The photo shows a monstera flower

Incorrect lighting

The South African guest does not like direct sunlight. Under their influence, monstera leaves quickly begin to turn yellow, and then even become white color. If you notice this problem, you need to act immediately. Diffused bright lighting is ideal for her. When choosing a place, you should give preference to the area near the window, which must be covered with a curtain.

The opposite problem can be a lack of light. Some novice gardeners mistakenly place the plant in the far corner of the room. In this case, the monstera develops a deficiency nutrients. The leaves first lose their elasticity, wither, turn yellow and, eventually, begin to fall off.

As a therapy, it should be moved closer to the light source and this situation should not be allowed to happen in the future. Don't forget, Monsterea is shade-tolerant, but far from shade-loving. Therefore, you should not test the plant and subject it to torture sunlight or the shadow side.

Water imbalance

Sometimes, in order to understand why the leaves of a vine turn yellow, you need to check the condition of the soil. For normal existence and growth, it needs a lot of water. Spreading leaves and abundance of roots require regular watering.

The lack of moisture can be determined by the nature of yellowing. In this case, yellow spots will appear on the old leaves, which soon completely affect the leaf. In this case, young leaves look sickly and immediately wither. One more characteristic feature Brown spots will appear on the surface of the foliage.

In this case, you need to increase watering and additionally turn on irrigation of the above-ground part of the plant. The amount of moisture supplied should be reduced only with the onset of cold weather. At this time, Monsterea enters a passive phase, growth is reduced to a minimum and therefore excess moisture may also cause a problem.

A concomitant symptom of excessive watering will be the wilting of all leaves. Most likely it started to rot root system. In this case, the tree may quickly die. What to do? Try to dry the soil as much as possible. You can place the pot closer to heating devices, but for a weakened plant such therapy is very undesirable. If the condition rapidly deteriorates, a transplant should be considered. First, amputate all roots affected by rot and let the healthy ones air dry.


Many people experience that the tips of Monstera leaves turn yellow and dry out during the heating season. First of all, dry climates and excess heat are stressful for the vine. Especially those individuals that are located in close proximity to radiators.

At this time, almost all plants require careful control of their fluid intake. If the soil dries out very quickly, water it daily. If even after this the foliage continues to dry out and turn yellow, it means that you will need to change the location of the flower. A sure sign of excessive heat will be curling of the leaves.

Monstera requires moderate temperatures. In winter it should be between 16–18 °C. At higher levels, the plant begins to grow rapidly, and a seasonal lack of nutrients and a decrease in activity will contribute to a severe weakening of the plant.

Incorrectly selected soil

Soil for all representatives of the flora is an important vital element; it is from it that they consume most of the components for full life support. You can purchase soil for palm trees at a specialty store. In it in optimal ratio all necessary elements will be concentrated.

You can also prepare the soil yourself. To do this in equal quantities mix the following types:

  • peat;
  • sheet;
  • coniferous;
  • sand.

Do not forget that good drainage will help avoid stagnation of moisture and rotting of the roots.

Diagnose that yellowing and wilting is due to wrong soil possible based on the following criteria:

  • care is carried out according to all rules;
  • the tree grows poorly or does not grow at all;
  • the appearance is very painful.

In this case, a transplant will be required. Young plants should be replanted into a new pot and soil annually, older plants are allowed less often, once every 2-3 years. In this case, every year it is better to remove the top 4–5 cm of soil and replace it with new ones.

Nutritional deficiencies

Sometimes owners of monstera fail to create as close as possible to natural conditions for a plant. In this case, it does not please with its growth; the leaves do not grow to large sizes, turn yellow, dry out and fall off. In this case, one can also judge the lack of nutrients. Monitoring the growth of aerial roots will help to more accurately determine the cause. If there are too many of them and their number increases quickly, it means that there are not enough nutrients in the substrate for the vine.

Will help correct the situation additional contribution fertilizers They can also be purchased ready-made from flower shop. It is important to carefully follow recommendations for frequency of use and dosage. Helps quickly revive application nitrogen fertilizers and ash.

Diseases and pests

Monsterea is not often attacked by insect pests, but inaction in this case can lead to the death of the plant. Most often it affects:

  • scale insect;
  • mealybug.

Scale insects can be detected by looking at the back of the leaf. It consists of small brown plates, after which they remain sticky marks. With severe infection, the leaves begin to wither, turn yellow, curl and fall off. To get rid of it, special insecticides should be used.

Mealybugs resemble very small cotton balls. They feed on the sap of leaves and leave small black or brown dots. If diagnosed early, you can get rid of it by wiping the pest's location with a damp cotton pad. In more severe cases, you should also apply chemicals for processing.

Thus, by yellowing and drying of the leaves, the monstera warns that it feels discomfort due to incorrect conditions maintenance and damage by insect pests. The sooner the true cause is discovered and measures are taken, the greater the chances of a speedy recovery.

The birthplace of monstera is considered South America. This vine, which is accustomed to the humid and warm climate in natural environment, under appropriate conditions, willingly decorates the interior of a living space. However, in home growing Monstera is not common. Why can't you keep this plant at home? Previously it was believed that it was carnivorous. Today many are convinced that this flower is a vampire. But this is not true. In the process of breathing at night, it takes air from the room, like any other plant. Monstera has large leaves, and therefore it absorbs slightly more oxygen. That is why the room where the flower is located needs to be ventilated more often. Monstera is not a vampire, she doesn't take away vitality in humans.

Monstera - leaves turn yellow and dry. Other diseases with photos and their treatment

In home cultivation, Monstera dainty or beautiful predominates. She is very demanding about living conditions. Otherwise, its leaves dry out, turn yellow and blacken completely or at the edges. Why is this happening and what to do? The causes of plant disease can only be determined by specialists. Today they willingly share their experience in growing flowers and effectively treating their diseases.

Why do monstera leaves turn yellow? What to do? How to cure the disease? The leaves of the plant may turn yellow due to dry air. However, this factor can only act in combination with others. unfavorable conditions growing. If the monstera has not been replanted or moved, and its leaves turn yellow and dry, this indicates a change in the temperature and humidity conditions of its content. IN summer time The leaves of the flower should be sprayed frequently, but do not increase watering. As paradoxical as it sounds, with the onset of heat, the flower begins to drink less water, and therefore it can be flooded.

Description of common monstera diseases and their effective treatment- more details in article...

Spots on monstera leaves yellow color may appear when the flower is planted in heavy soil
. The soil for the plant should be loose, light, without humus. This flower is not accustomed to fertile soils, and therefore a large number of nutrients may respond by yellowing leaves. Heavy soil does not allow air to reach the roots. Monstera leaves turn yellow because the roots are starved of oxygen. You can solve the problem by transplanting the flower into the right soil, but you must not disturb its root system.

The leaves turn yellow if Monstera is overwatered, especially in winter time . What to do? If the yellowing of the leaves does not occur en masse, then you can get by with adjusting the watering. The plant should be watered regularly with warm water. The soil in the pot should be slightly moist, but not dry. If water accumulates in the pan, remove it immediately. Low temperature indoors and excess moisture leads to rotting of the roots. How to determine this. Rotten roots are reflected in the turgor of the leaves. He falls. The plant is stunted and throws out small leaves. The problem can be solved by replanting the vine and removing the rotten roots.

Why else do monstera leaves turn yellow? If she doesn't get enough light. Windows oriented to the south (southwest, southeast) are ideal for its placement, but at the same time you need to protect the leaves of the flower from direct sunlight, which can cause burns.

What causes monstera leaves to dry out en masse? At the same time, the level of soil moisture is strictly monitored. The earth is kept slightly moist. In this case, you need to carefully examine the plant. If the lower leaves of the monstera turn yellow and dry, and the young ones grow small, a large number of aerial roots are formed, then this is a sure sign of a lack of nutrition for the plant. Solution to the problem: fertilize or replant the flower in a pot bigger size. In this case, the integrity of the earthen coma around the roots. Violation of the root system leads to the death of the flower.

Monstera leaves turn black. Why does this happen, because all the conditions for keeping the flower are met?? The leaves of a flower can turn black due to waterlogging of the soil. In addition, the plant is planted in too heavy soil. When watering, it sticks together and does not allow air to pass through to the roots, which affects the condition of the leaves. Regular waterlogging of the soil and insufficient oxygen saturation of the soil leads to disruption of the root system. The problem can be solved by adjusting the watering. After the monstera begins to expel new leaves and the old ones stop turning black, you can think about replanting. Light soil is used for this.

Why do monstera leaves turn black and yellow? The leaves grow small. Before they have time to open, they turn black at the tips, and the trunk of the plant becomes wrinkled. Cause of the disease: waterlogging of the soil. This comes either from too frequent watering, or the flower pot is very large and the root system does not have time to absorb all the liquid from the soil. If the tips of the leaves of the plant simply turn black, then you can save it by normalizing watering. If a monstera's stem is rotten and rotten, the flower cannot be saved. You can cut it for rooting.

Monstera is an unusual plant. Probably every owner of this marvelous vine noticed that in cloudy weather or after too much good watering she begins to cry - drops of water flow down the leaves. This is a normal reaction tropical plant to appear in leaves excess moisture, which needs to be output.

It is worth remembering that the homeland of monstera is the tropics, where you can simply take it and evaporate excess water will not work. We have to find another way to remove the water. So special tiny stomata appeared on its leaves at the edges of the veins. Through these holes, water is squeezed out of the leaves. Because of this feature, it is not recommended to place Monstera where such drops could damage furniture or flooring.

If you notice that your Monstera is crying too often, the problem may lie in the substrate being too wet. Try to let the soil dry out a little, do not water too often.

Monstera stems rot

One of the misfortunes that appears on monstera is stem rot, when the stems begin to rot. As a rule, the disease makes itself known in winter. It is at this time that they are created ideal conditions for fungal development. If such symptoms appear, it is necessary to replant the monstera and limit watering. In addition, you will have to increase the air temperature in the room.

Monstera leaves turn yellow

Gradual and small yellowing of leaves is a natural phenomenon. But if there are a lot of such specimens, and rotting and wilting are added to the yellowing, then it is possible that the soil is waterlogged.

If the new leaves are small and dark, possible lack of moisture.

The appearance of pale leaves covered with yellow spots speaks of an overabundance of sun - it’s time to go into the shade.

If the leaves of a monstera fall off, then you need to look for the cause in mistakes in caring for the plant. For example, leaves drying out, changing color to brown and further falling off most often indicates too high an air temperature. This is often observed in heating season in winter.

The monstera's trunk is exposed

Sometimes the monstera loses its leaves, the trunk becomes bare, and the remaining leaves are pale and small. This may indicate a lack of light. Although the tropical woman puts up with the shadow, you should not abuse her patience.

If on inner surface Brown spots appeared on the leaves It's worth looking for spider mites.

They dry out and become brown tint edges and tops of leaves? The air in the room may be too dry. Spraying or placing the pot in a tray with damp peat or moss will help. However, it is worth considering that sometimes brown leaf tips, on the contrary, can indicate waterlogging. But in this case, this symptom will also be accompanied by yellowing of the leaves.

Sometimes you may notice that there are no holes on adult monstera leaves. It’s impossible to answer unequivocally what this is. Holes may not appear due to lack of power, lack of water, low temperature or lack of light.

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