Medicinal properties of immortelle in the treatment of the liver and biliary tract. Sandy immortelle: beneficial properties and contraindications

The plant contains a complex of organic oils and acids, minerals and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the body and.

Prepared infusions and decoctions using this herbal preparation are used as:

  • choleretic agent;
  • expectorant;
  • diuretic;
  • pain reliever;
  • hemostatic.

Cmin sand is used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, obesity, atherosclerosis, etc. The herb is natural antibiotic and antioxidant. For external use it is used for burns and erosions.

Improvement metabolic processes in the body when using the drug is the reason for its use in the treatment of obesity. The plant also has a calming effect. The anti-inflammatory effect of immortelle allows it to be used during respiratory diseases. The flavonoids contained in the flowers help fight allergies.


Despite a number of numerous properties, the medicinal herb has some contraindications. Since sandy immortelle has a cumulative effect, it cannot be used for a long time to avoid liver problems. It is prescribed with extreme caution to people with increased blood pressure. Increased acidity is also a contraindication for treatment with this drug.

Important! The herbal preparation should not be used by pregnant women.

The treatment course should not exceed 10 days for people who suffer from the above diseases.

Pharmacy release forms

  1. Flaminum comes in the form of a yellow powder with a bitter taste. It is used to treat chronic cholecystitis and has a choleretic effect.
  2. Arenarine ointment (ophthalmic 1%) is used to treat eyes after burns.
  3. Sandy immortelle flowers are available in crushed dry form and are used for treatment as decoctions and tinctures.


Choleretic effect

Prepare the following mixture:

  • mix 3 tbsp. l. sandy immortelle;
  • 2 tbsp. l. water trefoil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. mint and 1 tbsp. l. coriander

The dry mixture is poured with half a liter of boiling water and left for half an hour. Take orally before meals.


In our article you will learn at home.

  • Treatment of hypertension
  • 2 tbsp. l. dried flowers;
  • mixed with 2 tbsp. l. three-leaf watch;

pour 2 liters of water.

The resulting mixture is boiled over moderate heat until about a liter of infusion remains in the container. Take 100 ml up to 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is 30 days.

  1. Anthelmintic effect
  2. A spoonful of immortelle herb is steamed in a glass of boiling water and kept in a water bath for half an hour.
  3. The resulting decoction is diluted with boiling water to obtain 200 ml.

The herbal infusion is put in the refrigerator for 2 days, and then 100 ml is taken 30 minutes before meals.

The number of doses per day is 2-3 times.

Treatment of sinusitis

Take 2 tbsp. l. dried flowers and steamed in a glass of boiling water for about 40 minutes. Then the steamed flowers are placed in gauze and applied to the nose.

Douching for leucorrhoea in women

Inject 30 drops of extract into the vagina. The procedure is repeated up to three times a day.

  1. Treatment of thrombophlebitis
  2. Pork fat (900 g) is mixed with plant flowers (300 g).

Cook over low heat for 3 hours.

The resulting ointment can be used after two days. Can also be used as a treatment for furunculosis.

Treatment of cholecystitis

The evening infusion is prepared from 3 teaspoons of flowers, which are poured with a glass of boiling water. Infuse overnight, and then the filtered broth is divided into three doses and drunk before meals.

  • Cleansing the body of toxins
  • immortelle, birch buds, St. John's wort and chamomile (a teaspoon of each type);

brew with a glass of boiling water and leave for 4 hours.

A glass of infusion is used in the evening with a teaspoon of honey.

Boosting immunity

  • Mix:
  • immortelle, string, chamomile and birch buds in a ratio of 1:1:1:1;
  • placed in a thermos and steamed for three hours;

Before going to bed, drink a glass of decoction with honey.

It helps and restores the body after respiratory diseases, and has a general strengthening effect.

Harvesting time and methods

Sandy immortelle loves dry sandy soils, so it can be found in pine forests, sandy meadows and light coniferous forests. It is collected exclusively during the flowering period (June - August) in dry weather. Collected flowers dry in a dark, well-ventilated area. The collection can be stored for 2 years in a dry and protected from sun rays

place. Recently, many people prefer to grow their own to be sure of environmental friendliness. Immortelle blooms beautifully with yellow caps, and will look great on your site. Just keep in mind that this plant is very picky about the soil and does not tolerate excess moisture.

Important! Immortelle is planted using seeds that can be extracted from a pharmaceutical pack with grass flowers

At the end of April beginning of May in sandy soil, fertilized with peat. To do this, grooves are made into which the seeds are placed. There is no need to sprinkle the furrows. The plant is light-loving and does not tolerate weeds, so it is planted in sunny places and weeded several times.


Sandy immortelle flowers are widely used for medicinal and preventive purposes. It has tonic and immunostimulating effects. Herbal teas using immortelle have a general strengthening effect on the body due to its fortified composition.

Despite everything, the plant has a mild toxic effect. Therefore, during use, you should follow the dosage and do not use infusions for more than three months, since the components of the herb can accumulate in the liver and produce the opposite effect.

Before using sandy immortelle as a remedy, you should consult a herbalist.

The garden flower immortelle (or helichrysum) belongs to beautiful views dried flowers. Another name for the plant is tsmin. The family Asteraceae (or Compositae) to which it belongs includes many varieties flowering plants

, but the immortelle, a flower, the photo of which is presented below, is one of the brightest representatives of this family.

Origin Why is this lovely plant nicknamed immortal? It turns out that helichrysum is a universal plant that decorates a flower bed, stands in a vase for a long time after cutting, and when it dries, it decorates any winter composition of dead wood that has been standing without water all winter. The homeland of tzmina is the Australian continent , but nowadays it can be found in flower beds in different countries world, and the number of varieties of helichrysum has exceeded 450 items. But most of them grow only in natural conditions

. And only about 28–29 species of them have been cultivated. In addition to its beautiful appearance and variety of colors, immortelle contains many active substances

, thanks to which the flower is also used for medicinal purposes.

Tsmin, helichrysum, immortelle, goldenflower, immortelle or yellow grass (lat. Helichrýsum) is a large genus of perennial, less often annual, herbs, subshrubs and shrubs of the Asteraceae family.


Helichrysum translated means golden sun, since the main colors of flowers are yellow, orange, red. And cut immortelle practically does not change the color of the flowers.

Immortelle bract grows naturally on the Australian continent, in countries in southeast Asia, and in most countries of the European continent.

Currently, breeders are developing new varieties of this flowering plant. But it should be remembered that the varietal types of this flower healing properties do not possess.

The most common flowers are the sandy immortelle, which is planted along with other flowers in flower beds in gardens and squares and decorates front gardens. This plant has erect stems that grow to a height of 45–50 cm.

The foliage is slightly elongated, short with sharp tips, light emerald green. Rhizomes – small size, slightly branched. The tops of the stems are decorated large inflorescences of small yellow flowers with a lemon tint. IN natural conditions can grow, filling entire meadows with a yellow cloud of its flowers.

This shrub is in full bloom summer season, so from June to the end of August these lemon flowers can be seen in fields and forest edges.

This species grows mainly on loose sandstones, so its main habitats are Russia, Ukraine, Georgia and Belarus, where there are many regions with a similar type of soil.

Harvesting immortelle

Only immortelle flowers have healing properties of this plant. But the rest of the above-ground parts of the plant have no medicinal properties. Therefore, experienced herbalists collect only blooming inflorescences without stems and leaves.

The flowers are collected at the beginning of summer, when the immortelle is just beginning to bloom. This is done because the largest amount of healing substances is contained in half-opened inflorescences.

The collected raw materials are dried on terraces, attics or in other rooms where there is adequate good ventilation. After final drying, the flowers are removed glassware with a lid or in bags made of material. If all stages of collecting and drying raw materials were completed correctly, then medicinal properties Dried flowers will last for 2-3 years.

Chemical composition and pharmacological properties of the plant

The amount of useful substances in this plant is quite large:

  • essential oils;
  • flavone and fatty acids;
  • tannins;
  • dyes;
  • a number of vitamins;
  • macro and microelements;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • aglycone;
  • cresol;
  • glucose.

Thanks to this combination of active substances, vitamins and minerals, the medicinal plant has the following effects on the human body:

  1. antibacterial;
  2. anti-inflammatory;
  3. antispasmodic;
  4. diuretics;
  5. choleretic;
  6. wound healing;
  7. increase appetite;
  8. help remove “bad” cholesterol from the body.

In addition, it was found that infusions based on immortelle can increase blood pressure, therefore they are recommended for regular use by people with constant low blood pressure. It is also noted that these flowers help normalize the functioning of the gallbladder.

Essential oils obtained from cumin are used for massage, for taking medicinal baths, as well as in cosmetology. They are also added to various creams and used in aromatherapy.

When should you use drugs containing immortelle?

Various medicines, infusions and decoctions based on this medicinal flower, are used for treatment various diseases urologists. These drugs help relieve pain syndromes of various nature, as well as spasms, disinfect wounds, including purulent ones, and can help resolve hematomas.

Decoctions from immortelle flowers restore and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cope with constant constipation, restore normal work intestines.

Who are contraindicated with immortelle preparations?

Despite its many beneficial properties, immortelle, like any other medicinal plant, has a number of contraindications. And before taking drugs based on it, you should consult your doctor. In addition, the recommended preparation proportions should be observed. medicinal infusions and decoctions, and take them only in the dosage that is recommended. Otherwise, instead of being useful, these drugs can cause harm to the human body.

You should not take medications with cinnamon in the following cases:

  • for liver problems;
  • if a person has a tendency to allergic reactions;
  • expectant mothers;
  • during breastfeeding.

You should not take drugs containing immortelle for long period, because those substances that are part of it have the ability to accumulate in our body, and this causes enormous harm to the liver.

Typically, taking any herbal tinctures should last no more than 180 days, after which you should stop taking them for at least a month.

During this time, all excess substances will be removed from the body. Then treatment can be resumed.

Features of garden varieties of immortelle These types of flower have a wonderful decorative look

, look great in a flowerbed in single plantings, as well as in groups with other flowering plants. Garden immortelle(or helichrysum) grows well in loose, fertilized, well-lit areas

. The stems can reach 90 - 110 cm in height. The flowers of this plant are round in shape, can reach 5 - 7 cm in diameter, their color can be different, sometimes two-tone, they retain their color and shape for a long time, and do not lose their decorative appearance even after drying. Immortelle varieties most often reproduce by seeds. To disembark at garden plot you can grow seed material at home, and on permanent place

plant with ready-made seedlings. In this case, plants can begin to flower much earlier than those grown from seeds directly in open ground.

Watch also the video The immortelle flower belongs to the perennial genus Asteraceae. Sometimes gardeners call it helichrysum or tsmin. They decorate gardens, household plots, and are used for cooking. medicinal products

. Immortelle propagates by seeds, cuttings and dividing the bush. Let's take a closer look at how to plant, grow, and care for immortelle flowers.

Briefly about the plant

It is important to know the description of the plant in order to plant and grow it correctly. Immortelle flowers can be found in the Caucasus, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The plant grows on sandy loose soils, dry mountain hills, pine forests and forest glades
. Helichrysum reproduces well and forms thickets. The height of the flower is no higher than 50 centimeters. It has heavily pubescent and leafy stems. The leaves have pointed tips. The flowers consist of lemon-yellow baskets. The plant actively blooms in summer. To decorate country cottage area , garden helichrysum flowers are being planted. For rapid development And beautiful flowering

The plant must be fed and watered.

Plant varieties Immortelle happens different types

  1. . The most popular varieties are:
  2. Gomphrena globosa forms a branched bush, the flowers of which have a pink, crimson or orange tint;
  3. Static sinuata is very beautiful flower with bright colors and pretty leaves;
  4. Sandy immortelle has simple, erect, numerous leaves, pubescent on top. Flowers small size. They have a golden yellow or orange tint;
  5. To decorate rock gardens and rockeries, coral varieties of immortelle are planted. Their height is 24 centimeters. On those sticking out in different sides The branches have many small leaves with gray pubescence. The small inflorescences themselves are painted white or yellow;
  6. The margarite-flowering variety of helichrysum grows to a height of 8 centimeters. The bushes bloom in early summer in the form of a mat with small, pubescent gray leaves. The short flower stalks of the plant are dotted with dry white inflorescences. The bushes grow very quickly and can reach a diameter of 50 centimeters;
  7. The most original look immortelle is a Milford variety. The reed flowers of the perennial are white on the inside and pink-carmine on the outside. When the flowers open, you can see white clouds. Blooms from late spring to early autumn;
  8. Helichrysum selago has creeping stems on which grow shiny whorled leaves of a dark green color. The perennial has small baskets of white and yellow flowers;
  9. A perennial variety called Tien Shan blooms with yellow inflorescences. In appearance, it resembles a sandy plant variety;
  10. The narrow-leaved variety of helichrysum grows to a height of 30 centimeters. It has white-silver leaves. Flower growers decorate borders with this variety.

Read also: Causes and methods of eliminating brown and other spots on anthurium leaves

The listed types of immortelle are grown in gardens and homesteads. They are often used to create medicinal products.

In the garden, some gardeners also grow such a plant variety as Italian helichrysum. It has a spicy aroma. Due to its tart smell, this type of flower is used to prepare stewed fish and other fish dishes.

The Italian variety of helichrysum is considered medicinal plant. It is used to prepare decoctions that have a choleretic effect and dilute bile.

A decoction of the plant is used for cholecystitis. Very often, Italian immortelle is used to neutralize microbes.
The Italian variety of flowers are subshrubs, half a meter high. Their inflorescences are collected in the form of large barrels. Plants grow slowly and bloom in July the next year after planting.

Features of planting and caring for immortelle

In order for flowers to bloom magnificently and beautifully in personal plots, it is important to choose right place planting, and also regularly care for it. It is necessary to take into account that the plant loves warmth and sun. Care consists of proper watering and timely feeding of the plant.

Landing Features

Immortelle should be planted in sunny areas with fertile soil. In summer, be sure to water the flowers. But, you should not overfill it, as due to excess moisture it may begin to rot.
A couple of times during the flowering season, water the beds and loosen the soil.
When planting immortelle, it is important to remember that annual plant varieties are less demanding than perennials. Perennials are having a hard time winter frosts. For wintering, the bushes can be dug up and stored in a warm place, or they can be well covered with leaves and dry branches to protect the soil from severe frosts.

Fertilize flowers

Organic and mineral fertilizers are used to feed helichrysum.
Before flowers are planted in the soil, it must be fertilized with organic and complex mineral fertilizers. The first type of feeding for everyone square meter squares are taken at two kilograms, and the second - at 20 grams.
In order for the cultivation of immortelle to bring positive results, it must be fertilized three times during the flowering season. Proper care in the form of fertilizers it will give the gardener many beautiful flowers.

Protection from diseases and pests

Immortelle withstands attacks from pests or diseases. Most often, the plant suffers from aphids and burdock caterpillars. To defeat pests, immortelle is treated with special preparations.
By using Bordeaux mixture get rid of white rust on helichrysum leaves.

Features of flower propagation

Seed propagation

The annual variety of cumin is propagated from seeds. They can be collected immediately after the bushes bloom. Seeds are sown for seedlings in greenhouses. Young plants grow from seeds, which, after planting in open ground take root well and bloom earlier.
Planting seeds for seedlings is carried out immediately after the onset of warm days, when morning frosts are no longer a concern. Fresh soil, peat and sand are poured into each hole.

Read also: Rules for propagation of gladioli

Dividing the bushes

The perennial variety of immortelle reproduces by dividing the bush. To do this, a five-year-old bush is dug out of the ground and carefully divided into branches, which are then planted in the ground, covered with earth and watered.

Before planting a perennial flower variety in open ground, it must be prepared: fertilize organic fertilizers, dig and drain the soil.


Cultivation and propagation of shrubby immortelle species is carried out using cuttings. Prepare the soil first: mix the soil with sand and peat. Then plant the cuttings collected in June into it. After this, water the cuttings and cover with plastic bags. They need to be removed regularly to ventilate the cuttings so that they take root and do not die without air. As soon as the cuttings take root, they can be transplanted into open ground.

What plants does immortelle combine with?

Cultivation of immortelle flower in open ground is carried out together with chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, lavender, thyme and rosemary.

The garden type of immortelle is used to create alpine slide. It grows harmoniously near:

  • short shaving;
  • lubelia;
  • Iberis;
  • rhizomes;
  • ground cover sedums.

Immortelle is used to create flower beds and ridges, framed paths. Can be planted in the garden different varieties helichrysum to create a beautiful colorful floral fairy tale.

Use of immortelle

Growing from seeds or by replanting flowers, as well as caring for immortelle, is carried out so that it not only decorates garden area, but also to use it to create medicinal drugs.
Immortelle consists of essential oils, steroid compounds, tannins, flavonoid acids, vitamins and microelements.
Immortelle-based products are used in medicine for the following purposes:

  1. Treatment of urological diseases. The drugs help relieve pain, eliminate spasms, and also have disinfecting properties;
  2. The flowers of the plant are used to make preparations for the treatment of gastrointestinal pathologies. Decoctions restore peristalsis and eliminate chronic constipation;
  3. Medicines are made from the plant to cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol plaques, thereby useful material better absorbed;
  4. Thanks to immortelle, wounds, damaged skin, and bruises heal faster.

Cmin has antihistamine properties. Therefore, it is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of helminths of various types. The plant prevents their reappearance in the body.

Contraindications to the use of the plant

Since immortelle substances can accumulate in the body with long-term use of medications, the liver may begin to work more slowly. Therefore, treatment with plant-based drugs is not recommended for longer than three months.

Read also: Proper care of delphinium after flowering

It is important that the doctor prescribes the treatment and dosage individually for each patient.
It is strictly forbidden to use immortelle flowers for obstructive jaundice, a tendency to allergies, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Procurement rules

From the beginning of flowering until the flower heads fluff up, immortelle inflorescences are collected. The buds are laid out on newspaper and dried. Place dry raw materials in glass jar or cloth bag. If helichrysum is collected and dried correctly, it can be stored for three years.

Recipes for preparing medicinal medicines

Immortelle is used in the following forms to treat various diseases:

  • Pour 30 grams of dried flowers into a glass of 20 percent alcohol. Place in a dark place for seven days. Take 30 minutes before meals three times a day, 15 milliliters of tincture diluted in 50 grams of water. This medicine helps with skin pathologies;
  • Pour dried inflorescences (10 grams) cold water(half a liter). Let it brew for 8 hours. Take the resulting remedy for the treatment of cholecystitis throughout the day;
  • Pour a glass of boiling water over 30 grams of dried immortelle flowers. Simmer in a water bath for half an hour. Strain the broth and add a glass of water to it. To combat worms and dermatosis, take a quarter glass three times a day before meals.

Tsmin tea has a choleretic effect. Mix coriander with mint, shamrock and immortelle (a dessert spoon of each herb). Pour the mixture with half a liter of boiling water and let it stand for 30 minutes in a kettle or thermos. Take a glass of tea three times a day before meals.

Growing cut flowers

If you want to grow immortelle for cutting, it is important to feed it once every 14 days, especially when the plant grows and develops. In this case, you need to fertilize it complex fertilizers. Fertilizer must be applied to the soil at warm. And then water the bushes with flowers.
When the flowers are cut, they need to be cleared of leaves and hung upside down in small bunches. It is recommended to dry them in a ventilated, dark place.
Low-growing varieties of immortelle are used to decorate panels and colorful compositions. They are also often used to decorate cards and souvenirs.

Flower of life immortelle is translated from Latin as “golden sun”, this plant is widely used in medicinal purposes. Today there are more than 500 varieties of helichrysum ( scientific name garden flower).

Description of the plant

This perennial grows up to 50 cm in length, has drooping and leafy stems. The leaves are pointed, the inflorescences are baskets of bright lemon color. Gardeners cultivated this flower, and therefore you can find orange, white, pink and even dark brown immortelle flowers in reality and in photos.

Source: Depositphotos

Immortelle - useful plant and a bright flower

Helichrysum grows on dry, sandy, rocky soils, as well as on forest edges, meadows and steppes. Easy to care for, but requires open sunny place for growth.

Immortelle flowers appear from July to August, and the fruits ripen in the first half of September. The plant reproduces by shoots from rhizomes and seeds. Under natural conditions it grows throughout Europe, can be found in Central Asia and in the Caucasus.

Medicinal properties

A unique list of medicinal components is included in the composition of the plant. Immortelle plants contain valuable essential oils, tannins, flavonoids, fatty acids and other components (vitamin C, cresol, aglycone).

Scientific medicine has recognized beneficial features product, raw materials are added to the composition of herbal preparations to eliminate inflammatory processes liver, Bladder, for effective outflow of secretions.

The plant is also used for intestinal disorders, to relieve constipation and normalize the microflora of the digestive tract. The flower cleanses the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol and has hemostatic properties.

According to the description, immortelle flowers are flowers of strength and eternal beauty, and therefore are included in many masks to eliminate wrinkles and smooth the skin. And decoctions and infusions from the plant help remove waste and toxins from the body, which helps eliminate subcutaneous fat.

Collection and procurement of raw materials

It is not difficult to prepare immortelle raw material; just cut off the baskets with the remainder of the peduncle and dry in a natural way, chop by hand and put into fabric bags. Store in dark place no more than 3 years.

The immortelle flower in the photo is surprisingly bright appearance, is actively used not only for medicinal purposes, but also for the formation of landscape decorations.

Immortelle, helichrysum, tsmin, zheltyanka - all these names correspond to one plant - a herbaceous perennial from the Asteraceae family. Its branched shoots are decorated with bright inflorescences with small, hard buds that retain their beauty for a very long time, even when dried. The plant is native to Africa (Madagascar and the Cape region), as well as Australia and Asia Minor. Immortelle is actively used in floristry, landscape design and medicine. Its genus is quite numerous, which makes it possible to create a bright and rich composition. You just need to follow a few simple rules and pick up appropriate place for a flower garden.

Botanical description

Immortelle is a perennial, but sometimes annual plant with branched shoots. It forms a shrub or subshrub with an openwork crown. Under the ground there is a short and weakly branched rhizome. The height of the shoots ranges from 30 cm to 120 cm. The erect stems along the entire length are decorated with narrow regular foliage. Only at the base can the leaves grow oppositely and be larger. The color of the lanceolate leaves is usually dark green. There is a short pile or coating on the surface that does not allow moisture to evaporate too quickly.

The flowering period covers July-September. At this time, basket-like inflorescences with a diameter of 4 mm to 7 cm bloom at the tops of the stems. They contain small, thread-like, tubular bisexual flowers. They are surrounded by bright petals (involucre). At the beginning of flowering, the inflorescences are very dense, almost capitate. Over time they become more loose. The color of the petals is dominated by bronze, pink, yellow, purple, red and their shades. The smallest baskets are most often collected in more complex umbrella inflorescences.

The plant is pollinated by insects. After this, oval, prism-like, ripens. seed pods. Their surface is woolly, and at the top there is a single-row crest.

Popular types of immortelle

In total, there are more than 500 species in the immortelle genus. About 30 of them are used in gardening.

The perennial grass lives on salt marshes, rocky embankments, and sandy loams of Eurasia. The short woody rhizome produces several straight, almost unbranched shoots up to 30-40 cm in height. They are covered with alternate oblong leaves with tomentose pubescence. Yellow inflorescences-baskets bloom in June-August. They are quite small (4-6 mm in diameter) and are collected into larger and more complex scutes. The plant is used medicinally.

The perennial plant consists of branched shoots covered with felt pile. Large palmate leaves grow at the base of the stems, and smaller, lanceolate ones are located above. The inflorescence-basket consists of white male and pink female flowers. They bloom in May-June.

A perennial plant with branched shoots 60-80 cm high. Ribbed straight stems are covered with narrow lanceolate foliage with a bare dark green surface. The inflorescences of this species are the largest and brightest, so the plants are very popular among gardeners. In the center are small tubular flowers, surrounded by bright shiny wrappers of pink, yellow, orange, red and white flowers. The variety blooms in July and pleases with flowers until frost. After pollination, the tufted achenes ripen. Varieties:

  • Violet - a shrub up to 1.1 m high in June blooms lush baskets 4-6 cm wide with purple or dark red wrappers;
  • Fireball - a slender shrub with linear leaves grows 115 cm in height and produces convex baskets (5-6 cm wide), surrounded by red-brown involucres;
  • Hot Bikini - branched shoots 30 cm in height bloom scarlet inflorescences with a diameter of 2 cm.

Reproduction methods

Immortelle can be propagated by seeds or vegetatively. Majority decorative varieties They are annuals, so they are sown anew every year. Use purchased seeds, since those collected independently may not save decorative properties. An additional advantage of annuals is their unpretentiousness.

Seedlings are pre-grown. To do this, prepare boxes with moist sandy-peaty soil. Seeds are distributed on the surface without pre-treatment and press lightly into the ground. Friendly shoots appear within 4-6 days. After 2-3 weeks, the seedlings are planted in individual pots. It is planted in open ground towards the end of May, when the danger of frost has disappeared. The distance between plants should be 20-25 cm. In order not to damage the delicate roots, it is better to immediately dive immortelle plants into peat pots or carefully preserve the old lump of earth.

At the end of April, you can sow plants directly into open ground, but in this case flowering will occur later and will reach its peak only next year. As the seedlings grow, they are thinned out. Regular watering and weeding are more important for young plants.

Large bushes of perennials need to be divided periodically. To do this, in the spring they are completely dug up and cut into pieces with a shovel. Each division should have 2-3 buds.

For cuttings, young shoots are used, which are cut in the summer. They take root well in pots with mixture. garden soil with sand. Plants can be kept outside in the summer and brought indoors for the winter. Planting in open ground is carried out next spring.

Outdoor care

Immortelle is very unpretentious, so caring for it will not be difficult. First you need to choose the right place. The plant needs a lot sunlight, only some species prefer shaded areas. The soil for helichrysum should be loose and fertile, without stagnant water. Acidity is preferably neutral or slightly acidic.

Before planting, the area is carefully dug up. If necessary, add a mineral complex for flowering plants and compost. A layer of drainage material is poured onto the bottom of the planting hole.

Immortelle has good drought resistance, but to get beautiful, profusely flowering bushes, you cannot do without watering. Before use, it is advisable to let the water stand and warm it slightly in the sun. Irrigation is carried out in the morning or closer to sunset so that the plants do not get burned by drops of water.

Regular feeding is mainly needed perennial varieties. It is enough to add mullein solution 2-3 times per season or mineral fertilizer. Weeding and weed removal should be carried out periodically. Wilted inflorescences, dry shoots and leaves are also cut off.

The exquisite charm of immortelle flowers with airy greenery and bright colors difficult to overestimate. They are used on mixed flower beds, near buildings or fences. The plant is also suitable for decorating rock gardens and rock gardens. The flower is very popular in floristry. It is often used in making wreaths, garlands and winter bouquets.

Not fully blossomed buds along with the stem are cut off in the fall. Leaves are completely removed. Drying is carried out in a vertical position with the head down. Don't be afraid to keep immortelle at home. Although dry, dead flowers are a concern, these are just superstitions. Tsmin is considered the guardian of youth and attractiveness. It protects sleep, fights ailments, gives the owner courage and bravery, and also teaches him to embrace every day with joy.

Composition and preparation of medicinal raw materials

Sandy and meadow immortelle are usually used for medicinal purposes. Its inflorescences contain a large amount of flavonoids, glycosides, ascorbic acid, essential oils, resins, bitters, coumarins, dyes, trace elements.

The collection of raw materials in the form of incompletely blossomed inflorescences is carried out at the beginning of flowering. The peduncle is cut along with the basket (up to 10 mm). Immediately after collection (no later than 4 hours), the inflorescences are laid out on racks in a shaded, ventilated place. Special dryers with temperatures up to 40°C can be used. Dried flowers emit a faint bitter-spicy aroma. They are stored in paper bags or fabric bags up to 3 years.

Medicinal properties

Decoctions, aqueous and alcohol infusions. It is consumed separately or included in complex herbal preparations. Also used essential oil for aromatherapy sessions.

The drugs have choleretic, diaphoretic, tonic, mucolytic, antispasmodic, bactericidal, and hemostatic effects. The list of diseases that immortelle helps with is quite long. It is most effective when:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • kidney inflammation;
  • cholecystitis;
  • hypotension;
  • gastritis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • gout

Decoctions are drunk to get rid of stones and sand in the kidneys and gallbladder. They restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen the nervous and circulatory systems.

Like any other treatment, taking immortelle must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, as part of complex therapy. The plant also has contraindications. It should not be taken by hypertensive patients, people suffering from thrombophlebitis, obstructive jaundice and increased stomach acidity.

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