Garden landscape (60 photos): arrangement of trees and shrubs, creation of flower arrangements. Construction of an artificial reservoir

Citizens, tired of everyday work in a stuffy metropolis, are looking forward to the first sunny days to enjoy the peace and tranquility of the own dacha. They all dream of turning their plot into a true Eden - a place where they can relax comfortably, a place that will please the eye and allow them to relax. With even basic knowledge, you can turn the smallest and most unremarkable area into a real oasis. Moreover, you can do this with your own hands. The design of the dacha landscape, a photo of which we posted in this article, will help you create fresh ideas for landscaping.

How to arrange a dacha

Creating a beautiful and modern landscape is a difficult task, we won’t argue, but it is quite feasible for everyone. It is not at all necessary to change the terrain of the site, create complex designs. It is quite possible that in your case it will be enough just to build a beautiful and cozy gazebo, break interesting lawn or plant exotic plants to give your dacha a unique charm.

Where to begin

First of all, you should choose a style - it should not differ from the general concept of the house. For those who are new to landscape art, has little understanding of styles, it is necessary to study special literature.

Consider existing ideas and select the desired landscape design options. Now carefully examine your site, conditionally divide it into a recreation area, a vegetable garden and economic activity area, etc. Do not try to use every centimeter of the site, do not clutter it with unnecessary elements - leave room for relaxation.

Decoration with flowers

You can improve your site by using a lawn in an unoccupied area and designing an original flower bed. Before starting construction work, consider the shape and size of the structure, select suitable plants. They all have certain characteristics, so you need to have a good idea of ​​which flowers suit you best.

Beautiful hanging baskets with hanging flowers planted in them look original. You can decorate an alpine slide using creeping thyme, perennial carnation, aster, anafalis, seaside army and saxifrage. At the top of the hill you should plant plants that develop well in bright light. sunlight. These can be iberis, cinquefoil, evergreen shrubs or heucheras.

Do-it-yourself landscape at the dacha: rock garden

Now we will try to build an alpine slide. This work must begin in early autumn.

First thing you need precise marking territories. The landscape of the dacha provides for the presence of an alpine slide of large, medium or small size. When planning a slide with an area of ​​10 m² or more, it is necessary to mark out future transitions and garden paths.

If you are planning to create a landscape at your dacha with a rock garden, then you must understand that this structure is not at all a meaningless pile of stones, but a scaled-down model of a natural mountain landscape. To make it look similar to the original, the territory must have a “valley”, “cliff”, “plateau” and “peak”. Additional effect is achieved thanks to in various ways illumination of these areas.

Slide diagram

If you decide to decorate your site with an alpine slide, develop its plan on paper. This will allow you to plan the work correctly, since this is quite a complex decor. After this, the plan must be transferred to the selected territory. It is advisable that the area be high and well lit. Make the markings.

Site preparation

If you are creating a dacha landscape with your own hands (you can see photos in publications for gardeners) with an alpine slide, you will need to prepare the site. To do this you need to remove upper layer ground (depth is at least 300 mm). Then the bottom layer (100 mm) is formed, for which broken brick, gravel, and slag are usually used. Then a second layer is created, consisting of coarse sand (50-100 mm). All created layers are abundantly watered.

Next we compose earth mixture from soil cleared of weeds, crushed humus (peat) and coarse sand. The components must be taken in equal quantities. This mixture is poured onto the drainage layer, and a slide about one meter high is formed. If desired, it can be of greater height.

Laying stones

The created layers must undergo shrinkage, after which you can begin laying stones. First, the largest ones are placed along the edges, then medium-sized ones, and finally small ones. Small stones look great on top of an earthen hill. It is important that the alpine slide becomes a dense structure. Therefore, large stones should be buried three-quarters of their size in the ground. Using this technique, you will get a better simulation of rock outcropping.

Plant selection

When creating an alpine hill, it is important to choose the right plants. Not only the overall appearance and beauty of the structure, but also its compliance with the overall landscape design largely depends on this.

Paths made of natural stone

To create an unusual landscape at your dacha, a completely acceptable solution is to create stone or mosaic paths. Magnificent decorative qualities natural stones make them extremely popular, and quite simple technique The execution of stone mosaics allows you to independently make the cladding of retaining walls, and decorate the recreation area in an original and stylish way. You will need a little bit of creativity and out-of-the-box thinking for this.

Regular river pebbles can be ideal material to create unusual paths with bright ornaments, it can be used to decorate inner part garden pool, which will make your site completely different from the neighboring one.

Today you can choose ready-made tiles from natural stone. This will save you from having to select interesting stones yourself. In this case, creating a mosaic will not be difficult, provided that everything necessary tools and materials will be prepared in advance.

It is also necessary to create a base for the mosaic. To do this, remove the soil to a depth of 10 cm, compact the soil and lay a drainage layer. It is best to use crushed stone.

Then we will install a metal or wooden sheathing to pour the cement base. To do this, use a trowel and a building level, which is necessary when leveling the surface. Place on top reinforced mesh, which is filled with 2 cm of mortar.

Leave the surface leveled in this way for 30 minutes for the solution to set. This will allow the material to be laid perfectly evenly and with better quality, and the mosaic will look more uniform and natural.

The stones must be evenly laid out over the surface and, using a soft rubber hammer, driven into the cement. Having created decorative pattern, the seams are thoroughly rubbed with mortar and the mosaic is left until completely dry. The advantages of stone mosaic include its durability. With the help of this technique, your dacha (garden) will be transformed for a long time.

Landscape: small mechanization

Owning a summer cottage not only brings pleasure, not only gives an opportunity to be proud of oneself, but also imposes certain obligations on the owner. The larger the area you own, the more effort you will need to put in to ensure that it is always in proper order, and without a well-groomed, trimmed lawn in front of your house, the area will not be beautiful. In this regard, all owners are faced with the need to purchase a lawn mower.

Someone will argue that the landscape at the dacha (photos of which amateur gardeners like to show) can be created using the good old scythe, but it is already obsolete and, moreover, will not allow achieving uniform mowing.

To understand which lawn mower is best for you, you need to know how the different types differ, and therefore know what criteria you should use to choose it.

The most significant difference is the type of engine used. In other words, the principle of its operation. Based on this principle, we can distinguish gasoline lawn mowers- devices that operate using a gasoline engine. They have advantages, including greater power, the ability to use additional functions and various devices. But there are also disadvantages. This is, first of all, the presence of exhaust gases and operating noise.

Electric mowers are devices that operate using an electric motor. This type has less power, but is also less noisy, and is also characterized by the absence of emission of harmful exhausts. Naturally, such equipment requires power. It is carried out via a fixed network and from

Mechanical mowers are not the most common option, since their action is carried out using the muscular power of a person who pushes the device in front of him. The advantages of such a device include the absence of the need for power and low noise.

Bridges at the dacha

A dacha (garden), the landscape of which each person can create independently, gives great satisfaction to the owner. This is an extremely enjoyable activity because here people create a place for mental and physical relaxation.

Originally arranged flower beds, varied decorative elements- all this lifts the mood and encourages further creative process.

Original bridges - a great opportunity create an original design for your dacha.

Types of bridges

The purpose of these structures has changed dramatically today. Nowadays, not all of them simply connect two banks. Their main purpose is decorative. In addition, they are used as separation functional zones on your site. Therefore, when choosing the type and style of the bridge, carefully analyze what it will symbolize - this will mainly determine how best to position it.

  • The style of the bridge depends on where it starts and ends. For example, a rock garden suggests simplicity and sophistication, in accordance with Japanese culture.
  • Lush gardens require an ornate design.
  • Bridges that are located over streams or ponds should be located in close proximity to the gazebo on one of the banks - this achieves completeness of this part of the garden.

If you, creating a landscape at your dacha, plan to build a bridge with your own hands, then the most suitable material will undoubtedly become a tree. Designs made from this material fit harmoniously into any style on a site of any size. In addition, it is easy to repair failed sections of such a bridge.

As you can see, creating a landscape at your dacha with your own hands is not too difficult. The main thing is don’t be afraid to experiment, show more imagination.

“Dacha penal servitude” is a phrase that should disappear from our vocabulary forever. And “dacha vacation” begins with preparing the place - and landscape design. Let's look at the photo best options landscape design of a summer cottage near a country house.

"Dacha is not about relaxation." Somehow it has become the custom since the times of the Soviet Union that the concepts of “dacha” and “garden” are closely related for us. For members of the older generation, a country house (dacha) is not a place of relaxation, but a means of survival. Are you jealous of the models in the pictures about their vacation in a cottage on the river bank? Always dreamed of having your own small forest with a gazebo and a hammock, but do you strongly associate a dacha with garden beds, seasonal work on potatoes and, at best, barbecues? It's time to break the persistent stereotypes and finally arrange the dacha so that it is pleasant to spend time there.

Where to start designing a site near a country house

You should start arranging your dacha with those same “acres”, usually covered with beds with cucumbers and dill. Meanwhile, the dacha plot - good opportunity try yourself as a landscape designer.

The first step is to sketch out your site plan. When designing a garden, you need to start from the location of the house. Mark where there are already buildings (except country house, there is often a garage on site, summer cuisine or tool shed). And now it’s time to think about what you need for a good rest. with a barbecue? Goldfish pond? Beds with your favorite variety of strawberries? Write down everything that your imagination suggests and place it on the plan.

PLEASE NOTE! the height of plants on the site should decrease from north to south. The beds are where it is warmer. Trees are where the north is.

Independently designing and decorating a summer cottage will require patience, knowledge in many areas and considerable effort. In the excitement of design and a burst of inspiration, do not forget about what exactly you wanted to see on the site from the very beginning. In the process, it is very easy to get carried away and lose the main idea. As a result, instead cozy garden and your dream house, you risk getting the same chaos from the beds with which you started the renovation.

Don't be afraid to implement bold ideas and trust your intuition, but try not to stray too far from the core idea and style that you like.


The path layout is laid depending on which areas of the garden you need access to. Good decision - lay out an “excursion route” past those parts of the site that look most attractive. There must be an easy path to the beds and flower beds (if you have saved them).

Note! Main paths should be smooth, without sharp turns.

A walking route among trees or flowers can be made winding and complex so that guests have the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of a flowerbed or garden composition from all sides.

There is not as much space on the dacha plot as we would like. But even with conditionally cramped conditions, the width of the path must be chosen taking into account the fact that two people should “diverge” freely on it. The optimal width is 1-1.5 meters.

The garden path should have a slight slope on both sides - then puddles will not form on it. Besides rainwater the path will additionally “water” nearby flower beds and wash away dust from the path itself.

The material for the garden path must be resistant to temperature changes, durable and aesthetically pleasing. Most often, concrete, stone or decorative tiles. A more natural option is paths sprinkled with sand or gravel. Mosaic paths made of pebbles look very attractive.


Landscape design received less attention than interior design. What can we say about lighting an area if it is not always remembered in interior design? With the right lighting, an area can look more interesting in the evenings than during the day.

We use functional lighting, but forget about decorative lighting. To illuminate the paths, turns and buildings on the site, diffused soft light is enough, which makes it possible to safely move around the yard, but does not distract from observing the garden.

Recessed lamps are perfect for functional lighting. They can be mounted along paths, at the edges of steps and near railings. The main purpose is to serve as “guiding lights”, without blinding or irritating the eye. You can also use lamps on posts - if you don’t mind that during the daytime a “fence” will be visible around the garden paths. Bollards come in all possible styles, so even a technical lighting element can be used to support the overall mood of the space.

Thanks to decorative lighting, you can highlight all the advantages of a site by highlighting individual trees or highlighting flower beds.

To illuminate shrubs, trees or decorative elements, ground mini-spotlights are usually used. They are capable of providing not just warm or cold tone lighting, and illuminate the area with any color - thanks to the filters on the glass.

Features of lighting for a summer cottage:

  • lamps need less power than in the city
  • It is better to choose energy-saving lamps
  • It is advisable to provide the possibility of separate inclusion of technical and decorative lighting
  • The power cable for the lighting should be well insulated so that you do not accidentally damage it during gardening work

Garden figurines

Garden figurines of gnomes, animals and mythical characters are very popular in the West, where each of the characters has its own story. You can install any decor on the site. The main thing is that it does not look like a “foreign body” and matches the style of the house and garden. Garden gnomes often hide in bushes, and a forest fairy should live near a tree. Come up with your own fairy tale about how the Easter bunny or dragon came into your garden.

Landscaping garden plot

Tall plants are best placed on the north side. Middle lane The plot is allocated to bushes. If you decide to save several beds of tomatoes and peppers “for salad” - these plants feel best in sufficient light, on south side garden

All typical country gardens are planned in a regular style. Beds, greenhouses and even rows of trees are arranged in a geometric pattern.

Landscape design suggests a more natural and natural arrangement of trees and flowers. Special attention pay attention to the nuances of the relief. If there is a hillock on your summer cottage, you should not level it. Try to play with the composition that nature has already created for you.

Alpine slide

Alpine slide is a small piece of real mountains, created by your own hands. A simple pile of stones with flowers somehow stuck between them is not an alpine slide. This decor is not as easy to create as it seems. Before you start implementing the composition, it’s a good idea to plan it on paper. IN a real slide there are peaks and cliffs, smooth plateaus and green valleys.

Construction of the slide begins in the fall. The first layer is gravel or broken brick, on top of which an earthen mixture is poured (in a heap, of course). The approximate height is about a meter (later, when the earth “settles”, the slide will become a little lower).

After shrinking, large stones are installed in the hill (they are buried halfway into the ground). Medium and small elements are placed on top. The choice of plants for a slide depends not only on their requirements for soil and light, but also on general style plot. But first of all, you should pay attention to flowers and herbs that do not require complex care.

Important! The basis for the alpine slide are perennials, annual flowers can be replanted several times a year, updating and changing the appearance of the hill.

Popular plants for alpine hills:

  • edelweiss;
  • sedum;
  • saxifrage;
  • lumbago;
  • sponge.

Flowerbeds in the garden plot

A flowerbed is not necessarily the usual circle or rectangle filled with even rows of flowers. Creating an elegant and thoughtful flower bed requires taste and some effort, but the beauty of the resulting composition is worth it.

Vertical flower beds

Vertical gardening is a popular type of design for urban spaces that can be adapted for a summer cottage. Who said that flowers have to live on earth? They need soil, but soil can be supplied to the height of human growth.

Advantages of vertical flower beds:

  • REQUIRE LESS SPACE than traditional flower beds;
  • THEY MAKE THE SITE ORIGINAL due to the non-standard solution.

Although flowering plants are most often used for vertical flower beds, ornamental vegetables, herbs or greens look no less attractive - and even more unusual. Interesting option for vertical flower beds - climbing fruit-bearing plants.

Classic forms of vertical flower beds:

  • pyramid- plants are planted in a multi-tiered container;
  • flower tower- similar to a pyramid, but the diameter of the “tiers” does not decrease.


Rabatki - flower stripes, usually located along paths, fences or around lawns. The planting width is from half a meter. When the plants in such a flower bed bloom, the ground is covered with a continuous bright carpet.

Types of discounts:

  • unilateral(usually located along the house or fence line);
  • bilateral(usually designed in the middle of the alley).

Plants for flower beds can be very different. The basic principle of choosing plants for gardening is that they should be low, bright, and match each other in color.


This is a flower garden where herbs, small shrubs and even small trees are organically combined. It is quite difficult to care for it, because each of the plants requires special conditions. Weeding can also add problems - dense planting is a distinctive feature of the mixborder. This type of flower bed is often found in gardens landscape style, where the plants are located so as to create a feeling of “randomness” of their appearance on the site.

Mixborder features:

  • free lines and shapes of flower beds
  • tall plants - in the background (if there is one viewpoint) or in the center (if the flower garden can be viewed from several sides)
  • look impressive contrasting combinations flowers or vice versa - different kinds plants in the same range.

Design project for a summer cottage depending on the area

The style and fullness of a summer cottage directly depends on how many acres are at your disposal. Don’t try to implement everything at once if you only have 6 acres of land. The garden may not fit a swimming pool, but small flower beds and paths will be in perfect condition.

What to consider when planning:

  • Terrain and natural relief.
  • Shape of the plot. The usual “cut” of land can be square, but there are also L-shaped and triangular sections. These features can be used and played up in design.
  • Soil type. This determines how plants will feel comfortable in your garden.
  • Location relative to cardinal directions. This is important both for planting trees and for thinking through garden lighting schemes.

Plot 6 acres

For small plots, the geometric style that was so often found in Soviet vegetable gardens is best suited. It allows you to use the available space as efficiently as possible. You can add originality using non-standard moves (for example, vertical gardening).

NOTE! The house should not cast a shadow on light-loving plants.

Garden trees planted in a row on the north side will not only help organize the space, but will also “shelter” the house from cold winds. In the northern part there are technical buildings and a greenhouse.

If you are not hiding something too important, it is better to abandon the high fence. In a small area, it will only increase the feeling of cramped space. Garden paths with smooth curves (not straight) will also help to add “spaciousness”.

Plot 10 acres

The basic rules for designing a site do not depend on the area. The trees and the barn are still in the north. But you get somewhere more space for imagination when designing the southern part. On a plot of 10 acres, you can already equip a gazebo, sow a lawn and even build a bathhouse or sauna (planted with climbing plants).

On a plot of this size, you can arrange a Japanese garden (you will have to tinker with installing a gazebo and creating an artificial stream) or a “wildlife corner”, which will be filled not with garden trees, but with forest trees. In this case, it is important to plant not only tall plants, but also undergrowth - herbs and shrubs that do not require a lot of light (daisies, bells and ferns are what you need).

Plot 12 acres

Such an area will fit not only residential buildings, but also a small pond with a waterfall. The soil extracted during the construction of a reservoir can easily be converted into the base for an alpine slide or an independent element of landscape design.

Narrower paths can run from the central path to the house, leading to secluded corners of the garden, to a gazebo or stream.

12 acres make it possible to allocate children their own space on the site and equip a play area with soft grass, where there is no sharp corners, thorny plants or tall trees.

How to do your own landscaping

To competently arrange a site with your own hands without involving a designer, you will need the following skills:

  • agronomist
  • builder and surveyor
  • and, of course, the artist

You should start by studying the features of the shape and location of your site, plotting all existing buildings on the plan and marking out functional areas. Further, armed with a reference book garden trees and plants or a seed store catalog, select those species that suit you for aesthetic reasons - and which suit your site.

Gradually, the popularity of country landscape design is increasing, and this is happening mainly because many people strive to obtain beautiful and extraordinary plots, as evidenced by country landscape design photo. At the same time, sometimes it doesn’t matter that you can come to the dacha only on weekends or during vacations.

Rarely does anyone turn to competent specialists on this issue; this is often due to the reluctance to part with a decent part of their budget due to the cost of such services. If you have free time and desire, it is possible to complete your dacha on your own.

Landscape design of a summer cottage photo

When arranging a site on your own, the question often arises, where is the best place to start designing in order to get by? minimal investment and time. To arrange the landscape at the proper level, you should be guided by all the recommendations and requirements for each territory. It is necessary to first draw up a plan of both the site itself and all its individual elements. A good solution would be to draw sketches of the garden and landscape that you want to achieve on paper. Thanks to the development of technology, today there are many programs created for planning future landscapes with already planted trees and plants, arranged flower beds, arranged decorative elements and even an artificial pond. Any person can work with such a program, the main thing for this is the presence of a computer and the Internet, and, in fact, the very desire to arrange a beautiful and correct one. In addition, any program has training articles that facilitate fairly quick learning.

When creating your own project, you need to be guided not only territorial area, but also in form, since it can influence a lot. To create something that is not only beautiful, but also easy to use, every necessary zone must be thought out. Due to the fact that relaxation can be passive or active, such areas should be provided; in addition, there should be a workplace, as well as a garden and vegetable garden. Do not forget that the dacha also has a residential area. However, the arrangement of all of the listed areas is not mandatory; it is enough to decide on the most necessary ones that can ensure a comfortable stay at the dacha.

Country landscape design - photo

Residential zones most often consist of service, residential, entrance and access areas. Sheds, garages, and other buildings are located in the service areas, and houses are located in the residential areas themselves. The presence of each zone is almost mandatory. The greatest attention is usually paid to the entrance and access areas, their various decorations and the creation of a special one. Small terrace should be located in the backyard, which will make it possible to separate the space, which will be quiet and cozy. If there is free territory, you can register children's area, especially if there are children in the family. Kids love to run around, which is present in many outdoor games. The children's area should be located somewhere on the outskirts of the site, as far as possible from the residential area. This is necessary not only to maintain peace in the house, but to prevent unpleasant consequences, such as broken glass in the house from a ball.

Country landscape design photo

When creating, it is necessary to develop several versions of the project. One should display general plan territory, and on the rest - specific zones that will ensure a clear and accurate drawing of all the details. After completing the projects, you can begin to select plants, while being guided by the desired end result that should be obtained from planting flowers, bushes and trees.

For most, dachas are a place of relaxation, where the bustle of the city cannot distract you, where solitude is possible. In this regard, when arranging the landscape at their dacha, some people build a so-called screen. Arrangement of the screen consists of planting a hedge with large trees. This method helps to separate the space, creating your own corner, hidden from prying eyes.

When creating it is necessary to be guided by weather and physical conditions. For example, it is worth paying attention to which side the sunrise occurs, or where the sun is located in the afternoon. Taking into account such factors will allow us to achieve the maximum comfortable environment in various zones. If the area is frequently exposed strong winds, then you can plant massive trees to fence the area.

In addition to comfort, the landscape must also be safe. Therefore, when making garden paths, you should not limit yourself narrow width, as it will bring a lot of inconvenience when moving around the site. The best solution would be to install one and a half meter paths. To ensure safety during night walks, you should ensure good lighting.

At your dacha, given the permissible territory, you can implement almost any idea that may arise in your head. Country landscape design photo will allow you to glean a lot of ideas, including organizing beautiful flower beds, artificial ponds, and fountains. But the beauty and well-groomed nature of a summer cottage is sometimes not enough; a good solution would be to create some zest on the site. Such a highlight could be a rock garden combined with an equipped pond and a cute and comfortable swing located nearby. Personally made garden furniture is especially attractive.

If there is plenty of territory at your dacha, then you can start building a beautiful waterfall. This does not mean large design, characterized by the complexity of construction and rather difficult maintenance. A small artificial waterfall would be just right. It will significantly transform the area at the dacha, making it nicer and more comfortable. And the feeling of enjoying the splash of water is simply indescribable. You can, of course, limit yourself to only an artificial reservoir, but why not immediately make two structures in one. A waterfall can be perfectly complemented by a beautiful one, which will bring additional joyful emotions. Water in combination with flowers always receives quite flattering reviews.

First of all, it is worth studying the methods of construction artificial waterfalls and stock up on everything necessary for this. Almost everyone knows how to plant trees or arrange a flower garden, but with the installation of waterfalls the situation is different. This issue requires detailed investigation. First you need to get a pump, pipes, waterproof film, beautiful decorative stones and, in fact, concrete mortar.

The device will allow you to get a landscape of special beauty, the main thing is to do all the work correctly. First you should start building several terraces. The size of the waterfall directly depends on their number and size. After this you can proceed to earthworks, consisting in the formation of the riverbed and the construction of the slide itself. After the channel is dug, it is necessary to put a film in it and pour concrete on top. For the waterfall to function, pipes must be connected to a hill. The pipes must be connected to a pump necessary to set the water flow.

Landscape design at the dacha is very not an easy task, the implementation of which is possible through the application of maximum effort. Due to this, it is possible not only to arrange beautiful flower beds, but also to design fountains, small waterfalls and other decorative elements that decorate the site and give it coziness.

Assembling a waterfall structure is not difficult; decorating it is much more difficult. There are no definite schemes in this matter, so you should show all your imagination. Some arrange beautiful flower beds near the waterfall, while others decorate the structure decorative lighting. But in any case, the view of the waterfall lined with stones is simply amazing. In this regard, you can do without additional decor that can add brightness appearance waterfall You can build a beautiful waterfall in just a few days, and its beauty and soothing murmur of water will bring joy for many years.

In landscape design projects summer cottages may contain many different elements. Particularly attractive are dachas decorated with unusually trimmed shrubs and trees. This curly haircut requires certain skills and taste. And it is not at all necessary to resort to the help of a specialist. This art is called topiary, and it can easily be found in some park area or on garden territory.

Unusually trimmed shrubs of various shapes are a real miracle in landscape design. The main thing to consider when using topiary is that such art is applicable exclusively to large areas. Therefore, if you have a small territory, it is better to abandon such an idea. In this case, a small garden plot will look ridiculous. The attractiveness of curly bushes and trees is achieved provided that they are surrounded by space. In small areas it is better to use small elements as flower beds, a stream or a fountain; you can also get by with a few coniferous trees. Crowding a small area should be avoided. Oversaturation of elements will not lead to the desired result under any circumstances. In this regard, it is necessary to decide best elements design and work on their arrangement. This is the most perfect option for decorating small areas.

You don’t have to spend a lot of effort, a lot of time and money on an interesting landscape design for your dacha. When selecting one or another component of the future landscape, you need to carefully consider how organic it will look. The same applies to harmonious combination between all elements. It is also worth asking about the care of various elements. Often people decorate their dacha with beautiful bright components, although they do not have the opportunity and time to maintain the proper state of the ideas embodied in reality, which leads to the pointlessness of all efforts.

The desire to transform a summer cottage, turning it into a beautiful corner for relaxation, necessitates the need to carefully study the issue of landscape design. The popularity of competent design of the territory adjacent to housing construction is constantly growing. The essence of landscape design is the art of competently combining a harmonious environment and one’s own “I”.

Complex Harmony

To create a beautiful landscape design for your summer cottage, you don’t have to turn to professionals. Having familiarized yourself with the key stages of design, delving into the nuances of landscaping and following the rules for designing small areas, you will be able to independently achieve harmony with all surrounding elements of the environment.

Fundamental elements of landscape design

Considering beautiful pictures depicting country landscapes, it seems impossible to become the owner of such an environment in your summer cottage. However, the step-by-step implementation of a carefully designed project allows you to achieve the planned results. To get a beautiful landscape design, when developing a plan, we first take into account the existing residential building, its size, style and color design. The building represents a kind of center of the entire composition, the arrangement of the territory allows you to gracefully emphasize beautiful features at home and skillfully disguise shortcomings.

Harmony is achieved when the development of landscape design details was carried out in compliance with the principles established by specialists. What elements does the project include:

Advice ! A winning option for a beautiful landscape design is the use of lamps of different designs (light stands, built-in, wall-mounted, columns) and their placement at different levels.

Color and stylistic harmony

Even a low-budget design project for a summer cottage will look impressive with well-chosen color combinations. Help you navigate the selection color range A conditional division of all components of landscape design into four categories will help.

The first group includes plants, trees, ponds, and paths that create the illusion of a natural origin. They are characterized by a dim palette of colors, gradually changing with the advent of the new season. The second group contains elements decorative landscape who openly declare their artificial origin. Here, a landscape design specialist skillfully plays with colors, creating beautiful alleys or flower beds that are most vividly perceived at certain times of the year.

The next group includes architectural elements headed by the country house. This part pays close attention to color design facade of the building, its combination with gazebos, bridges and surrounding vegetation. To create a beautiful landscape design light color the house or its majestic dimensions are skillfully emphasized standing nearby dark green trees. Bright decorative plantings will help hide the everyday perception of a grayish building.

The list is completed by decorative elements of landscape design in the form of sculptures, benches, paths, and lanterns. To create a beautiful environment, they can be used to competently mask imperfections in the surrounding landscape or focus attention on significant objects.

An integral condition for the formation of a beautiful landscape design is the stylistic combination of all objects. Based on the existing structure and size of the summer cottage, choose the shape and material for the remaining furnishings:

  • when equipping paths and lighting;
  • in the design of the recreation area;
  • during the construction of a gazebo;
  • in selection garden furniture;
  • when planning landscaping, etc.

Landscaping rules

Choosing the right plants to form a beautiful landscape in the future is one of the key tasks of landscape design. A competent combination of warm and cold shades will help to visually change the distance to the object. Warm colors enliven the area, attract attention and create the illusion of proximity. Cool shades bring calm and tranquility; their location visually seems further than reality.

Note! The decision of floral design in landscape design necessarily takes into account the amount of time planned for caring for plants.

Options for planting shrubs and trees

It is unthinkable to organize a harmonious landscape design without taking into account the size of the summer cottage. Compositions from large woody plants relevant over a wide area. Slow growing and dwarf species will help you get a beautiful landscape on a small plot of land. There are several ways to beautifully plant woody plants:

  • alleys;
  • hedges;
  • nesting plantings;
  • curbs;
  • labyrinths;
  • backstage;
  • topiary;
  • tapeworms.

Most often, they form alleys and hedges. Trees and shrubs planted along the paved paths of the summer cottage will create romantic atmosphere landscape design. Densely planted evergreen shrubs form a beautiful hedge, successfully used in landscape design for zoning a summer cottage. Two or three row hedges look original, the rows of which are completed with plants of different heights. The nesting method involves planting 3-5 trees in a circle at a distance of up to 1 m from each other, in the future this will allow the formation of a beautiful common crown of large sizes.

From low growing bushes, not exceeding 50 cm in height, landscape design includes borders that provide beautiful frames for individual areas. An interesting option for decorating a spacious summer cottage is a labyrinth of living trees or shrubs. Trees planted in a single row, forming a kind of curtain, called a curtain, are intended to limit the view in landscape design. Beautiful green figures, trimmed from bushes and trees with small foliage, always cause admiration. The art of topiary rightfully occupies a leading position in landscape design. A tapeworm is a solitary growing tree or shrub, most often an exotic specimen of decorative value.

Application of hanging plants

Vertical gardening is a popular technique in landscape design. To country house design has become beautiful, it is often used. There are many design options:

  • an arch installed at the entrance to the garden;
  • trellises used to delimit a garden plot or fence it;
  • gazebos located in the recreation area.

Decorating the façade of a building on a summer cottage with climbing vines is another original landscaping technique. Indoor hanging plants in hanging baskets will create beautiful setting on the terrace, under a canopy or in a gazebo.

Use of decorative flowers

A flower garden is an integral attribute of a beautiful landscape design. When developing it, the type of plants must be taken into account: annual or perennial, remaining in the winter in open ground or requiring transplantation.

Each owner of a summer cottage has his own concept of a beautiful flower garden; landscape design may include:

  • flowerbed;
  • arabesque;
  • rose garden;
  • discount;
  • border;
  • mixborder;
  • rockery

A beautiful flower bed is the most common landscape design solution in a summer cottage; any geometric shape is suitable for it. If you want to get a pattern, flowers are selected that are the same in height and different in color. On small flower bed Landscape design specialists recommend planting tall plants in the center and shorter ones along the edges. In this case beautiful view The flower bed is provided on all sides.

The complex shape of a flower bed in the form of a butterfly or an abstract figure is called an arabesque. With this method of landscape design, preference is given to low-growing flowers. Lovers of roses will definitely want to arrange a beautiful rose garden in their landscape design. A flower garden in the form of annuals planted along the edges of a path in 3-5 rows is called a rabatka. A beautiful border of perennial flowers planted in several rows will help complement the hedge on your summer cottage. The height of the plants is selected so that the front row does not cover the background. Mixborder is a type of border where there is no order. Creative people will like the idea of ​​landscape design to plant plants in a chaotic disorder.

A rock garden, where a rocky hill created by human hands is skillfully supplemented with mountain vegetation, will help to elegantly decorate a dacha plot. A rockery, a rocky flower garden on a flat area, looks original in landscape design. Besides alpine vegetation, low-growing coniferous plants or representatives of steppe flora are appropriate here.

Nuances of designing a small area

By wisely using landscape design techniques, a small summer cottage plot can be turned into a beautiful, well-groomed area.

Advice ! Decide on your priorities, do not oversaturate the area with unnecessary decorative elements. Simplicity and compliance with the chosen style are the key successful registration plot.

The nuances of arranging a small area:

  • A high fence visually compresses a limited space. Use in landscape design will allow you to soften the contours climbing plants on the fence. Simultaneously decorating the walls of a building with intertwining views helps to shift the emphasis in visual perception.
  • It is optimal to use a low mesh fence in small areas, providing an overview of the space outside the dacha. If the proposed method is not suitable, a combined fence from different types material will dilute the monotony of the situation.
  • Following the principles of landscape design, the recreation area should be separated from the economic part. Vertical gardening will provide beautiful zoning of a summer cottage.
  • It is better to distribute trees throughout the area, avoiding planting in one row.
  • A small area planted with seed will help create a beautiful look in landscape design. lawn grass and decorated around the edges with ornamental plants.

Advice ! Avoid traditional rectangular beds in landscape design; round shapes can transform plantings of carrots or spices into a nice place, resembling a flower bed.

The decision to improve the garden area entails whole line the most interesting events that are usually referred to as “landscape design”. At its core, this is the transformation of that piece of land that is located near the house.

The landscape near a private house can be changed and made more comfortable using natural means, as well as materials created by human hands. Landscape improvement personal plot- a labor-intensive and painstaking task, but it is well rewarded in the end.

If you decide to equip and landscape the area around your house with your own hands, arm yourself with patience. Of course, some skills are also required. The main thing is to follow a clear plan and use a little imagination in expressing your vision of harmony and comfort.


Arrangement of a personal garden should begin with design. You can draw the project yourself on a sheet of A4 paper (photo below). the main task project - to competently manage the territory available to the owners of a private house.

First you need to assess the terrain. Imagine where there could be paths and steps, and in what corner of the yard you could install a small fountain, barbecue or even a bathhouse. Landscape design is not only creativity, but also well-developed spatial thinking.

It is best to draw a project to scale. This way you won’t make a mistake with the size of the items, and when the work is completed, everything will fall into place. Draw out a sheet and mark the location of the main objects: a gazebo, a bridge, an alpine slide, etc. If you decide to equip a small pool, artificial pond or fountain with your own hands, be sure to think about the location of all communications (water supply, etc.).

After this, you need to ensure free and convenient movement around the yard. Straight or winding paths are perfect for this purpose. Make several sketches with a pencil until the drawing “plays.” Landscape design for each individual yard is created individually and is therefore unique.

Be sure to consider the lighting. Plan where a gazebo in the shade of trees will fit well, and where it is better to arrange a place for sunbathing. After everything falls into place, you should clear and prepare the yard area around the house with your own hands.

The buildings

Large architectural details play a crucial role in the design of the yard. The area around a private house is good because the following objects can be located on it:

Wooden, stone or forged gazebo (photo);

bathhouse (sauna);
grill or barbecue with an adjacent dining area (photo);

children's playground;
well, swimming pool, artificial pond or fountain (photo);

summer shower, etc.

When equipping all this with your own hands, do not forget about the rules for constructing some buildings and arranging reservoirs. If you decide to build a large brick gazebo in the courtyard of your private house, you will need to pour a foundation. A small pond should also be properly equipped. Be sure to strengthen its banks so that the soil does not erode during rains.

Photo 1.1

Try to make the most of your yard's landscape features. Small hills are simply created for arrangement beautiful steps(photo 1.1) and alpine slides (photo 1.2). You can put a bench under the trees in a shady corner of the yard, where you can relax on hot days.


After the main architectural details take their place, it’s time to arrange the garden paths with your own hands. No matter how much you love to walk barefoot on dewy grass, paths must be paved. Otherwise, in a couple of months the entire lawn in your yard will be trampled. This is unacceptable since greenery plays an important role in landscape design.

So, garden paths can be straight, winding, with one or more ledges if you are lucky enough to live in a hilly area. The ascent must be done with steps, which can also be very different in configuration (photo).

Design is made up of little things. Even the material from which the garden paths will be laid depends general form yard landscape. You can post them paving slabs, natural or artificial stone and even small crushed stone. The main thing is that the material fits into the overall concept. The design of a private courtyard should look cozy and not stereotyped.


How the landscape design created by yourself “plays out” largely depends on the landscaping. Before planting flowers and shrubs, take care of the soil fertility. If it is depleted, it will be necessary to bring in black soil and fertilize the land.
Is the landscape of the courtyard near a private house decorated with trees? Great, you can use this (photo). If you want to slightly shade some parts of the yard, you can plant a few more low trees, for example, fruit trees.

It is impossible to imagine landscape design without flowers. They fill the space with vibrant colors. You can also plant flowers, shrubs and trees with your own hands. The main thing is to take into account the growth height of all these plants. Make sure that taller flowers do not cover low-growing flowers from the sun, otherwise all efforts will be in vain, and they will simply wither.

The landscape is also very decorated with the so-called alpine slides. They are easy to make with your own hands. Alpine slides look good on slopes and ledges. They are a combination of rocky surfaces with low-growing flowers and shrubs.

The space between the flower beds, Alpine slides and other design elements should be filled with fresh green grass. The lawn can be arranged in two ways: by planting with seed grass or laying out roll lawn. In the first case, you will have to try a little more, taking care of the grass until it comes into force and takes root properly.


Landscape design is difficult to imagine without such decorative elements as bridges, lanterns, benches, unusual crafts from scrap materials. It is not at all necessary that there is a river flowing through your yard, across which you can throw a bridge. You can create a pond yourself.

The design of the landscape around a private house is greatly enhanced by low lanterns lined up along the paths. Their light in the evening will create an atmosphere of fabulous comfort in your yard. Be sure to place one or more benches in secluded corners of the garden. There you can retire and relax peacefully from the noise of city life.

All kinds of decorative elements made with your own hands look extremely colorful. For example, a large flower garden can be arranged on an old cart (photo). Lush vegetation, bright flowers and wicker baskets and pots scattered around will add coziness to your yard.

Furniture and various small items

If you like to sit in the yard with a book or have a drink fresh air a cup of tea, you can’t do without garden furniture. Forged or wicker furniture. But it doesn’t have to be like that at all. You can make tables and benches yourself from those left over after construction wooden house logs and logs. You just need to use a little creativity.

Of course, you can’t do without various crafts handmade: flower beds made from old tires, funny wooden boxes for flowers (photo 2.1), hand-painted pots, etc. By the way, all plants do not have to be planted in the soil. Some will look and feel better in pots.

Photo 2.1
It’s great if you or someone in your family is interested in creating miniature copies palaces, castles and houses. This decor always looks advantageous against the backdrop of dense vegetation (photo 2.2). In general, try to use all your talents to the maximum, then your landscape design will become a real work of art.

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