Who was able to get rid of house ants? Video: how to get rid of ants

Ants are insects that definitely deserve attention: they are intelligent, live on almost the entire planet, communicate using pheromones and are divided into castes within their colonies. They even dedicate books to them! But all this is absolutely not happy when insects appear in your kitchen.

Under what conditions will ants appear in the house?

If you find an ant wandering alone in your house, it’s too early to worry. Perhaps it just came from the street on clothes or shoes. But this could also be a dispatched intelligence officer who finds out how suitable the area is for habitation. And he will bring friends with him if he finds food available:

  • a pan of pasta on the stove or an unsealed bag of cereal in a drawer,
  • dirty dishes in the sink (insects, unlike your partner, like this),
  • garbage in open package or a bucket (in addition to attracting ants, this will also attract).

The sooner you start taking action, the greater the chance that the insects will be exterminated before they create a nest in your apartment. And in this case, getting rid of the ants will be much, much more difficult. Harmful arthropods will walk along baseboards, along walls and drawers in orderly rows.

How to get rid of ants if they have just appeared

If insects were noticed in small numbers, preventive measures are sufficient:

  • If possible, destroy the scouts by external mechanical impact. In short, just crush them.
  • Wipe possible routes with a solution of vinegar or soap (liter of water, tablespoon liquid soap, a couple of drops of citrus essential oil). For convenience, the mixture can be poured into a spray bottle.
  • Draw the barriers. On the ant paths, draw a continuous line about a centimeter wide using a crushed activated carbon or chalk, black pepper or turmeric. Vaseline or scented baby powder will also work.
  • Seal yourself. Block all entrances and exits for ants: check ventilation, baseboards and all cracks. If it is not possible to plaster and fill the entire house with silicone sealant, adhesive tape will suffice as a temporary measure.

How to get rid of ants if they have already taken up residence in your apartment


Ants communicate using pheromones: insects need special ones to mark tasty or harmful food, send danger signals and reproduce. We will play on this. By filling the apartment with pungent odors, we will communicate in the language of aromas who is boss here. So, ants don't like smells:

  • mint (bunches of fresh or dry can be hung around the house),
  • garlic (rub the baseboards and ventilation grill with a clove),
  • camphor,
  • chamomile (buy dried flowers at the pharmacy and scatter around the perimeter of your home),
  • bay leaf(put a couple of leaves in the boxes with cereal supplies),
  • aromatic oils of clove, lavender, lemon and orange.

If you conduct aromatherapy sessions regularly, other measures may not be required. If this does not help, then we continue to fight in other ways.


You can place them in places where ants are likely to go. Traps are made according to the same principle: a fragrant bait is placed in the center, and the edges are processed in such a way that insects cannot get out. Here are a couple of examples:

  • Cover the perimeter of a cardboard or sheet of paper with double-sided tape, and place the sweet in the middle.
  • Dissolve a couple of spoons of jam in a glass of water.
  • Grease the edges of a deep bowl with Vaseline and crumble the cookies inside.

The disadvantage of traps is that they only destroy worker ants who are looking for food for the colony. However, the queen and other insects will continue to live and produce new pests.

Folk remedies

Most effective way- force worker ants to carry poisoned food into the heart of the colony. This way, both the young and the queen will come under attack, which means that new individuals will stop appearing.

  • Boric acid + yolk. Mix boiled egg yolk with honey or jam and 20 grams of boric acid. Roll the mixture into balls and place them where the ants are expected to move. Renew the bait until the colony is completely destroyed.
  • Boric acid + honey. Dissolve a teaspoon of honey and 10 grams of boric acid in a few tablespoons of water (you can also take it in liquid form). Leave droplets of the solution in suspicious places. Update as needed.
  • Borax + minced meat. Mix both components in arbitrary proportions, roll into balls and place around the apartment. Instead of borax, you can use boric acid in dry or liquid form.

Chemical attack

The insecticide market is full of all kinds of products: crayons, traps, gels, pastes and sprays. Choose any ant repellent, but when using it, remember to take precautions: follow the instructions, wear protective gloves, keep children and animals away from the poison.

If you are not confident in your abilities, contact a destruction specialist.

Are ants bothering you? If yes, how do you deal with them? Share your tips in the comments.

Since childhood, we have treated ants with great respect, but of course: they work around the clock, carry a weight several times greater than their own body. Hard workers, in a word. But when these hard workers settle in our house, try all our supplies and constantly run somewhere before our eyes, this causes a storm of different feelings that are far from respect. In addition to aesthetic discomfort, domestic ants can also cause significant harm our health: they are the same carriers of infection as flies or cockroaches. But exterminating house ants is not an easy task.

The function of reproduction in an ant colony belongs to the queen, and without the participation of working individuals, which usually annoy us. So the fight against household pests should not be limited to physical violence against a visible enemy: over time, the uterus, hidden from prying eyes in a nest somewhere under a tile or floor, it will spawn them again. Therefore, in order to get rid of ants forever, it is necessary that the queen also die. How to do this?

The workers feed the entire family, so you can add ant poison to the bait, and the ants will take it to the queen and larvae. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise the hard workers may die before they bring the trophy to the nest.

Mix ¼ teaspoon of boric acid in 1 glass of water, add 2 teaspoons of honey and 3 teaspoons of sugar. Pour the mixture into small dishes and place them in all places where ants appear, but so that neither pets nor children can reach them.

Another way: grind a piece of “live” yeast, the size of walnut, with 1 tablespoon of sugar and 2 tablespoons of water (you can also add 1 tablespoon of boric acid here), mix thoroughly and place on empty matchboxes. Place half-open boxes in all places inaccessible to children or animals, but loved by ants. The ants disappear after a week or two.

Or mix 0.5 teaspoon of borax and 2 tablespoons of minced meat, roll into small balls and place in the same places.

Renew all drugs every 2-3 days throughout the month.

How to protect food

In the meantime, while ant removal is in progress, you can protect food and some public places using the following tips:

  • Ants cannot stand the smell of garlic and spoiled lemon, so they do not go where these products are.
  • For some reason ants don't like sunflower oil, so you can lubricate the necks of jars with jam with it - they won’t stick in there.
  • If you wash the ant paths with bleach or bleach, they will no longer be able to find it. And when they lay new ones, they can lay them in another place (for example, to neighbors))).

And then the destruction of domestic ants will become the work of your whole life))

The presence of ants in a house or apartment causes trouble for every person. Some owners do not pay attention to a single representative. But that’s when you should start looking for an effective way to control insects. They multiply quickly, so you shouldn't hesitate to get rid of them.

Reasons for the appearance of ants in the apartment

If you find a forest ant in your apartment, then there is no reason to worry. He himself will quickly leave the room, since he will not be able to survive in it. But his red-haired comrade is the reason for your immediate actions. Don't be fooled by the fact that there is only one. This is the so-called intelligence officer. He explores the territory and, if he finds food and water, then he brings the whole family here.

An excellent condition for ants to live and reproduce in an apartment is free access to water and food. Residues of food on the tables, scattered crumbs and drops of water in the sink contribute to active growth the number of ant people. The favorite treats for these insects are sweets, meat and any protein food. They will also find a poorly washed sweet spot that long time can feed them. The ant people are also partial to meat dishes.

Insects nest in hard-to-reach places that cannot be determined by appearance. Their home may be cracks in the plaster, free space behind the baseboard or tiles, under the parquet flooring. Between floors, ants settle closer to heat sources. A cluttered balcony or closet is perfect for permanent place insect habitat.

The main reasons for the appearance and reproduction of insects in an apartment or house can be:

  1. Constant availability of freely available food (open containers, sugar bowls, bread, etc.).
  2. Poorly washed countertop surfaces.
  3. A sharp cold snap (ants are heat-loving insects and, if cold weather comes unexpectedly, they look for warm places to hide).
  4. Settlement of “neighborhood” ants in your home. If the neighbors began to actively fight the insect invasion, then an ant colony settles in the nearest territory.

Therefore, all measures to destroy uninvited “guests” must be carried out from the moment the scout is discovered until the apartment is completely cleared of them.

Why are house ants dangerous?

Like any insect, ants are undesirable in residential areas. They explore many places in search of food. Interfloor ceilings, garbage chutes and trash cans are no exception. Their paws are a cluster of peddlers dangerous diseases. An ant bite can cause allergic reaction. They are especially dangerous for young children. In addition to harm to human health, they cause material losses - damage to things, furniture, products, etc. Therefore, you need to get rid of ants immediately, since they themselves will never leave a warm, well-fed home.

Ways to get rid of house ants

Get ready for a long fight with ants right away. Firstly, their numbers are very large and they multiply quickly. Secondly, it is very rarely possible to immediately find colonies with a queen. Thirdly, not all remedies can help immediately. There are several effective ways extermination of house ants:

Calling a pest control team
This method is expensive, but does not pose any hassle for you. The team members themselves will find places where ants accumulate, treat the premises and give recommendations for self-prevention.

Application of insecticidal chemistry
The drug market offers wide choice gels, aerosols, liquids, crayons, etc. Upon purchase chemical agent to destroy or repel ants, always pay attention to the date of manufacture, period and storage conditions.

Important! If you buy the drug on the street in winter time, then temperature changes do not have a positive effect on the action active ingredients. Therefore, there is no need to expect any effect from such a remedy.

Buy chemicals To kill insects you need to go to special stores where storage conditions are not violated.

Application of aerosols
The use of aerosols will help instantly get rid of large quantity insects, provided that all colonies are detected. If the queen remains alive, then in a few days the new residents of the ant family will pay a visit again.

Important! Sprays are very toxic. Therefore, before using them, you need to cover all things, food, aquarium, flowers. You only need to work wearing a cotton-gauze bandage or a respirator. There should be no children, pets or other unprotected people in the room.

Aerosols of the brands “Raid”, “Raptor”, “Kombat”, “Off” show good results. Also, ants die from any aerosols from bedbugs.

Chemical gels
Chemical gels are used to repel insects for a long time. They can also be used as preventive procedures. Gels show good results. Their use does not require searching for ant colonies. It is enough to apply drops of gel around the perimeter of the premises in the detected places of their accumulation. Workers bring drops of the product to the colony as food. By consuming them, the ants die.

The duration of action of the drugs is designed so that the insects have time to carry the gel drops to their habitats and die there. It will take about two months to completely free your home from ants. Therefore, you need to stock up on gel, patience and be sure to follow the recommendations for maintaining the premises. The brands Fas, Raptor, and Globol are recognized as effective gels.

Chemical powders and pencils
Chemical powders and pencils are less effective than gels. Their use is rational as preventive measures and in combination with a stronger drug. They kill only those insects that have had direct contact with particles of powder, chalk or pencil.

Using Traps
If there are children and/or animals in the house, then baits should be placed in containers so that only ants can get to them. Effective results were shown by using traps of the Raptor, Kombat, Grom and Grom-2 brands. They contain special microgranules that destroy insects in places where they accumulate.

Electric traps, like sticky ones, act locally. They only scare away and destroy worker ants that scurry around your home in search of food. If they die, the anthill will send the next ones for food.

Most drugs prepared independently based on folk recipes, contain boric acid. But there are options without the use of such strong substances. In almost every home you can find ingredients that will repel ants just as well. Practice shows several effective compositions:

  1. Boric acid, sugar and water are mixed in equal proportions to form a batter. Balls are then formed and placed on permanent insect trails. Sugar acts as a bait. As a result, the entire colony dies within a week.
  2. Boil three medium potatoes and three chicken eggs. Mix the yolks with the puree, add one teaspoon of sugar and one packet of boric acid. We form balls and proceed according to the previous scheme - place them in places where insects walk. Change the balls every week and a half.
  3. You can use balls of minced meat as bait (mix 2 tablespoons with 1/2 teaspoon of boric acid). But this method is not suitable for homes where there are pets.
  4. As an analogue to chemical aerosols, which kill only upon direct contact, you can use a soap solution. Fill a spray bottle with water, add any soap and spray on insects, on their paved paths, etc. Soap solution destroys the smell by which ants find their paths and other representatives of the colony. You can enhance the effect if you add a few drops aromatic oil. Tea tree oil, mint oil, eucalyptus oil, or anything else with a strong smell helps.
  5. To repel ants from food, use laurel leaves. Place them in containers with flour, paprika, and sugar. These products are a treat for insects, but the smell of bay leaves will prevent them from approaching them. They also cannot tolerate the smells of garlic, lavender, mint, camphor and cloves.
  6. Use baits that kill ants and are completely safe for residents. Cornmeal, uncooked semolina, place black ground coffee along the route of the working insects. These foods are not digested by their stomachs, and the ants die.
  7. If you have private house, use coffee grounds, falling asleep around the building. To kill insects inside, add a little sugar to the leftover coffee.
  8. To destroy the larvae, you need to remove their food sources. Use sugar diluted with yeast as bait. The feeders will bring sugar to the colony, but the fermentation process of the yeast will make it unfit for food.

The perimeter of the room can be fenced with barriers. In this way, worker ants can be trapped and destroyed. To create barriers, you can use the following means:

  • crushed activated carbon;
  • coarse salt;
  • scattered ground pepper (cayenne, chili, black);
  • baby powder;
  • line of pencil or silicone gel;
  • seasonings - cinnamon or turmeric;
  • citrus oil - orange, tangerine, lemon, etc.

Preventing the appearance of ants in the apartment

To prevent even a scout from appearing in your home, follow the following recommendations:

  1. Keep food areas (kitchen, dining areas, etc.) clean.
  2. Wash kitchen surfaces and sinks thoroughly. After washing, wipe them dry with a clean sponge. We recommend wiping kitchen furniture(cabinets, countertops, tables) with water and vinegar. It neutralizes odors and cleans surfaces of dirt that is difficult to see.
  3. Don't leave food in open containers. Use tightly sealed containers to store food.
  4. Make sure that the trash can does not overfill and is tightly closed.
  5. Clean your kitchen floor daily. Use detergent for this disinfectant. Special attention Pay attention to baseboards and possible cracks.
  6. Use chemical pencils or gels to repel unwanted insects.
  7. Track where the ants entered the room. It is necessary to tightly close all possible entry points for these insects. To do this, use putty, glue, silicone sealant etc. Scotch tape or other adhesive tape undesirable for these purposes, since the sticky surface suffers when exposed to temperatures and the entrance for extra residents again becomes free.

These simple precautions should also be observed during insect control. Stick with them for at least a week or up to complete disappearance insects from your home. If you live in an apartment, then the fight against the colonial people should be carried out together. The result of individual measures to get rid of them will be the relocation of ants to neighboring territories. Then the reverse process follows. You also need to warn neighbors if pest control workers are called.

Cleanliness in apartments and implementation of preventive measures are the main obstacles. They will keep ants and other insects away from your home.

Video: home remedies for cockroaches and ants

How to get rid of ants in the house: Most people living in the private sector periodically encounter house ants. Some do not pay attention to them, others try to fight, some are confident in the exceptional benefits they bring. Indeed, in their native element, ants are irreplaceable “forest orderlies,” but red, domestic ants, brought to Russia from India more than two centuries ago, raise many questions.

Forest representatives of ants, brought home by chance, in a basket or clothes, will definitely not bring any harm - they will not be able to live in “home conditions”, without their native forest, but there are special individuals for whom the warmth and comfort of a human home or apartment is like heaven a place without possible natural hazard.

Ants in a private home - identifying the danger

Let's first figure out whether ants living in a residential building or apartment pose a danger. Imagine, every day hundreds, thousands of insects move through your living space, including the trash can, toilet room, bath. From time to time, ants go out “for a walk”, visiting, for example, your neighbors or compost pit. Then, having collected various dangerous bacteria, they get into jars of cereals, containers with food, a bread bin, they can even be found in the refrigerator, hermetically sealed bags of food.

Conclusion - house ants may be the cause infectious diseases, worms, digestive disorders. The urgency of the problem increases if there are small children in the house. Having developed in your house to the size of an average colony, ants begin to pose a danger to the foundation, wooden floors, electrical wiring, can lead to short circuits, for example, stuffing into household appliances, switches.

Video on how to get rid of house ants

Now there are a great many ways to get rid of ants, from absolutely environmentally friendly to rather aggressive chemical ones. Next, we will consider the safest and effective methods struggle.

The first step in the war against uninvited red-haired neighbors will be reconnaissance actions. It is necessary to try to find out in which part of the house the nest is located, where the females are located - they are the center of the ant colony and never leave their place; when they are eliminated, there is a real chance to get rid of all the ants forever. The problem is that once you find out where the nest is approximately located, it can be almost impossible to get to it physically, but you can use a trick. You can transmit poison through working ants running around your house, the main thing is that the concentration of toxic substances is low, otherwise they simply will not have time to get to the nest and transfer the poison to the larvae and females.

Remedies for ants in the house

A popular home remedy for making bait is boric acid, which kills insects by destroying the chitinous shell. To prepare a poisoned solution, you need to mix in equal shares boric acid and any sugar-containing liquid, then place “drinkers” in places where ants accumulate.

You can also place, on the permanent routes of insects, poisoned balls rolled from minced meat or boiled potatoes and egg yolk, with the addition of a teaspoon of sugar and boric acid. Borax can be used instead of boric acid. A seemingly harmless mixture of honey and ordinary yeast also causes the death of insects.

Remedy for ants in the house: For the effectiveness of manufactured baits, lay them out regularly, week after week, for at least two months. Don’t stop fighting, even if it seems to you that the ants have left - be on the safe side, if at least one female is left alive, all your efforts will go down the drain.

An environmentally friendly and safe way for others to get rid of ants, without the use of toxic substances, is to use plants with an odor intolerable to insects. Rosemary, mint, eucalyptus, cloves, sage, thyme, lavender - repel insects. You can use them instead of plants essential oils, rubbing them in the places of the ants' "paths". An alcohol or oil tincture of camphor is also suitable for these purposes.

How to get ants out of the house: The smell of table vinegar is also not liked by ants, so washing the floor with its addition will definitely help get rid of insects, and generous treatment with a vinegar solution, half a liter per bucket, will protect the foundation of the house from the ants that have occupied it. Home remedies – time-tested and they will definitely help you, but be patient, this is not a one-day process.

Chemical, industrial products fights sold in stores are quite varied in the mechanics of their application. There are highly specialized ones, aimed only at ants, and broad-spectrum means that fight all types household insects. The market offers special containers that lure insects inside, various powders, granules, and liquids intended for treating residential premises. After their use, the ants disappear within five days, for a warranty period of at least four months.

How to deal with ants at home: You can also purchase glue-based traps that fill as insects enter, crayons, and sprays. Traps are placed on permanent, “trodden roads” of pests, and transverse stripes are drawn on the same paths with chalk. Sprays, due to their purely targeted use, are ineffective for large, developed colonies of ants.

Do not delay your fight against domestic red ants, take care of your health and your loved ones. Be on your guard, even the appearance of a lonely individual can be an alarming sign - ants do not live alone and it is quite possible that if he likes you, expect a whole anthill to visit you. Accept preventive measures– wash the floor with vinegar or try other eco-friendly measures described above.

With the arrival summer time, a person often discovers inside an apartment various insects. In addition to flies and mosquitoes, you may encounter problems such as ants. Of course, this insect could simply crawl in from the street, then nothing terrible will happen. Unfortunately, there are times when ants appear in the kitchen. If this happens, you should sound the alarm, because such insects will cause a lot of trouble.

The homeowner should think about how to get rid of house ants in the apartment, until they multiplied.

Having seen an ant inside an apartment, many people believe that the insect crawled in from the street. Of course, this can happen, but more often than not, the apartment is occupied by house ant. To distinguish house ant from a street insect, just look at its size and color. They have a red tint and are significantly smaller than the individuals found on the street.

Every person should know how to get ants out of an apartment, otherwise their colony will grow so large that many problems will arise.


Few people know, but there are several types of house ants. All of them damage furniture, things, equipment

Pharaoh ant

and food. Apartment owners may encounter the following ants:

  • Thief Ant;
  • Pharaoh ant;
  • Turf ant.

In addition to damaging property and food, insects can become spreaders of infectious diseases. That is why it is necessary to get rid of them as quickly as possible. To do this, you need to figure out how to deal with ants in an apartment.


Before you remove ants from your home, you need to learn how to distinguish them from street individuals.

The smallest individuals are workers thief ants. Their length is 1-2 mm. Body color is bright yellow. Females can reach 6 mm. At the same time, their body is painted dark brown. This insect is rarely found in houses, since the main habitat is the anthills of other ants. This insect makes a living by stealing ant eggs. If individuals have entered the apartment, they set up their home in the voids of the walls and cabinets.

Pharaoh ant is a frequent “invader” of apartments. The body length of a working individual reaches 3 mm. His body is colored red. The female is much larger, her body length is 6 mm. You can verify this by looking at the corresponding photo.

Turf (red) ant

Turf or red ants settle inside cracks in the foundation or under paving slabs, unlike their relatives, these individuals are more hostile. They can even attack their own tribesmen. The body length of the working insect reaches 4 mm. As for the females, they are 2 times larger than the rest of their fellow tribesmen and reach 7 mm. As their name suggests, ants are dark red in color. Black individuals may also be found.

Life cycle and reproduction

Yellow ants, like other insects, have several development cycles. First, the female lays an egg, after which a larva emerges from it. After this, she becomes a pupa. At the final stage life cycle, an adult appears.

The female is responsible for laying eggs in domestic ants, as well as in forest ants. The only difference is that red house ants have multiple queens, so they can create a colony much faster. After laying eggs, the female treats them with her enzymes. As a result, only working individuals can be born. When the enzymes run out, the males enter the “battle” and fertilize the eggs.

Over the course of their entire lives, female house ants are capable of laying up to 500 thousand eggs. That is why you need to know how to get rid of small pests.


Many people, out of ignorance, confuse house ants with forest ants, as well as with beneficial insects. In fact, red and red ants only harm humans.

The insects first target food items. When colonies grow, individuals can attack domestic animals. As a result, cats and dogs die. In addition to “stealing” food, insects can cause various infectious diseases. Besides small ants In the apartment they bite quite painfully.

Noticing uninvited guests, you need to think about how to get rid of ants in the apartment, otherwise the consequences of their activity will be colossal.

Where do they come from?

To understand how to deal with ants in the house, you need to understand where they came from and why. Insects such as house ants have the following causes:

Regardless of where the ants in the apartment come from, it is necessary to urgently begin to fight them.

Pharaoh ants have several queens at once

Where and how can you find the uterus

Red ants that move around the apartment are working individuals, and their destruction will not save the apartment from “invaders,” since the female will lay new eggs and appear in a few weeks

new individuals. That is why the fight against red ants in an apartment should consist of destroying the working individuals and searching for the queen.

Sometimes there are cases when insects are not located inside the apartment, but between floors. In this case, it will be impossible to find the female. If you still managed to figure out the anthill, you need to recognize the queens.

It is enough to kill the queen, and then the remaining ants will leave the apartment to find a safe place. Fighting house ants can take more than one day.

Fighting ants in the apartment

Many people are interested in the question of how to deal with house ants in an apartment? In fact, you can get rid of insects:

  • Folk remedies;
  • Professional substances;
  • Traps.

Each method is unique in its own way. That is why you can choose any remedy for ants in your apartment.

Traditional methods

If small ants appear in your apartment, it is recommended to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Thanks to folk remedies, getting rid of the pest will be quick and successful. A good remedy counts boric acid. This remedy will quickly get rid of the problem. You need to mix 50 grams of sugar with 5 grams of boric acid. In order for the components to mix, they must be diluted 50

Boric acid is very effective in fighting ants

milliliters of water. Many people add 0.5 teaspoon of jam to the mixture. Folk remedies for ants in the apartment spill out next to cracks.

Security measures

Before getting rid of red ants in your apartment folk ways, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the safety precautions.

Special danger folk remedies Introduced to small children and pets. This is why it is recommended to eliminate ants permanently when children are not at home.

Industrial products

Aerosols kill ants in a few hours

Nowadays it's not hard to find effective remedy from house ants. All you have to do is visit a store that sells household chemicals. Many people believe that the best products are Raid, Raptor and Regent.

Some people prefer to use it to control house ants in the apartment gels, others prefer to use aerosols. Whatever effective remedy for ants in an apartment is used, the result will be positive.

Security measures

When using specialized means, you must remember the precautions. It is strictly forbidden to use obsolete aerosols. This is due to increased toxicity for humans and animals, since it is impossible to remove house ants from the apartment using harmless substances. After etching, it is best to ventilate the room.

Ant Traps

Popular aerosols sometimes do not give the desired result, since they are aimed at destroying working individuals. Over time, the queen of red ants produces new offspring that occupy the apartment. To stop ants from appearing in the house, it is recommended to use traps.

The insects pull out the bait, which, over time, ends up inside the anthill.

It should be noted that this is the most effective way to combat insects, since removing red ants from an apartment is not enough - it is necessary to eliminate their queen.

DIY trap

If you don't want to spend money, then you can build a trap with my own hands. To do this you can

Homemade ant trap

use plastic caps that hold the bag of boric acid. After this, traps are placed in places where insects accumulate. The ants will pick up droplets of the gel and then carry them into the den. Knowing how to get rid of ants in the kitchen, all that remains is to act.

Which remedy is the most effective?

Nowadays, the household chemicals market is full of drugs and chemicals that allow you to get rid of insects. When house ants appear, there is no time to think about how to get rid of them without consequences. People who have tested from their own experience the effects of many substances emit an aerosol Raid, aerosol " Clean house " and the drug " Great warrior».

Aerosols give results within the first hour. As for the gel, the result will be noticeable only after a week, since you can get rid of ants in the house only by constantly adding the drug to the trap.

Prevention of ants

Professional ant trap

It is best to prevent the appearance of insects in advance, because it can be difficult to remove ants from the apartment in the future. To do this, it is recommended to remove dirty dishes and kitchen table from crumbs.

It is recommended to wash the floor approximately once every 4 weeks. ammonia. In addition, it should be attached around ventilation grille double-sided tape to prevent little red ants from entering the apartment.
In conclusion, I would like to say that ants can and should be fought. And these videos can also help with this.

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