Beautiful projects of one-story houses with a winter garden. Two-story house with a winter garden

Winter Garden, attached to the house, is very popular. The popularity lies in the beauty, coziness and comfort of this extension. The basis of a winter garden is to create an atmosphere from fresh flowers and plants that are grown in the house all year round. It is especially pleasant to enjoy the smell of fresh blooming flowers, which create a truly heavenly place.

The winter garden relaxes, saturates the body with oxygen and takes you into the world of dreams. Such extensions are often popular in country houses or cottages, but it is also possible to install them in apartments. What is needed to build such an extension and features of the types winter gardens Let's take a closer look.

Features of home winter gardens

The winter garden has the appearance of a transparent structure that can visually expand the boundaries of a given room. The glass structure is equipped with an additional heating system in winter period, ventilation and watering of plants.

The simplicity of the construction contributes to the arrangement of even a balcony in a city apartment. Special glass is special energy-saving double-glazed windows

. They consist of two or three glasses, inside of which there is an air cushion that saves heat inside the attic. Double-glazed windows not only save in winter time , but also help in summer time . In summer they don't allow high heat premises, which has a positive effect on plants and people. Sun rays , penetrating inside the glazed greenhouse, contribute to the creation greenhouse effect

. This effect is used for the growth of vegetation indoors. An important point when creating a winter garden is the arrangement of its walls and floor special materials

, which contribute to the accumulation of heat during the day and release at night.

You will find all the information about the types of siding for cladding a house. The presence of a heating system is not mandatory element , because its main purpose is to create a microclimate and a certain temperature. But, when building an extension from single glass, the presence of a system is mandatory so that the flora does not freeze in winter, because some plants do not survive at temperatures below +15 degrees.

A single-glazed attic must be equipped with an additional shading device. The dimmer is designed to prevent the room from overheating above +30 degrees, which will negatively affect their growth or even kill them.

Creating a room tightness is important point, because cracks can allow cold air to penetrate into the extension. Having an automatic watering system is optional, but it is important to water almost daily. Automatic system Watering will make human labor easier. It is also necessary to provide a lighting system.

In winter, the sun does not always shine often, and the days are short at this time of year. Therefore presence is necessary additional lighting– artificial. These are the main features of arranging a house with a winter garden. It is also important to provide for the availability of auxiliary equipment for plant development.

Methods of organization, design

Initially, to organize the construction of an extension, it is necessary to resolve the following points:

  1. Periods of operation. In what seasons will this room be used: for year-round or seasonal use.
  2. What is the purpose of the extension?: As a hobby for caring for plants or for everyday relaxation.

If you plan to use it all year round, then you can safely fulfill your fantasies about filling the room various kinds plants. When used year-round, the attic is equipped with special soft corners for relaxation and even night sleep. You can also arrange an attic kitchen corner where tea parties will be held.

Breakfast, lunch or dinner: the organization of all these additions in the greenhouse is determined by the area of ​​the room; if it is a balcony, then it is unlikely that you can put a sofa on it. If you plan to use the extension only during certain periods, then it is enough to equip the greenhouse with your main favorite plant species.

There is no need to create heating, irrigation and ventilation systems. All this can be done artificially with your own hands. It is the orientation of further use that depends on the arrangement of the extension with a winter garden.

Read also about standard sizes entrance doors.


The placement of the winter garden extension can be varied. It can be created together with the main house or built on afterwards. But it is best to build it together with the house, this will simplify the engineering design. As mentioned above, a winter garden can be added:

  1. To the private country house or cottage.
  2. On the balcony of the apartment.
  3. To any other residential premises, and even the construction of a separate room.
  4. On the roof of your house or top floor apartment.

When planning a room, you should divide it into the following components:

  • main area for growing plants and flowers;
  • an area for storing equipment and plant care items;
  • relaxation area
  • other additional zones if available free space(sports equipment corner, ottoman or sofa for sleeping, table for conversations and eating).

TO optimal sizes The winter garden extension covers an area of ​​10 to 20 m2. A smaller structure is adjacent to the overall volume of the residential building.

You will probably want to get acquainted with the designs of the facades of private houses, which will tell you about.


To create the main frame, special Construction Materials. They are calculated during construction under the influence of the following factors:

  1. Weight of double-glazed windows. The frame must support the weight of the glass from which the room is constructed.
  2. Action external factors: wind, rain, snow.
  3. Effect of other mechanical or physical influences.

The frame is best constructed from wood, steel or aluminum. Metal-plastic profiles are rarely used.

It is possible that you may need .

Steel is used in the construction of the winter garden structure. But since the room with the plants is humid, the moisture will contribute to the appearance of corrosion on the steel structure. Need to prepare steel materials to the effects of corrosion. Effect of moisture on wooden frame will also negatively affect the strength of the structure. Moisture also has harmful properties on wood. Needs to be painted wooden elements structures with varnish, paint or special impregnation.

The highest quality among all is aluminum frame. Moisture does not destroy aluminum elements, and therefore it creates a rigid, durable and at the same time easy time design. Price aluminum profiles not much different from the other two. The use of metal-plastic profiles gives the structure strength and durability. Does not require additional care.

Heating systems

So, if you plan to use the winter garden all year round, then it is necessary to upgrade the room with a heating system. To choose suitable system heating, you need to know the criteria influencing the choice:

  1. Dimensions of the winter garden. How larger size rooms, therefore, more heat is needed for heating.
  2. Frequency of use of the winter garden. If you plan to use it continuously throughout the year, then the system is required.
  3. Type of plants grown. Most plants develop at temperatures above +18 degrees, with the exception of some frost-resistant ones.

These factors should be taken into account when planning and choosing a heating system. Garden heating systems can be used in the following types:

  • electric heaters;
  • air conditioners;
  • heating type "warm floor";
  • water heating;
  • stove heating;
  • air heating.

The technology of facade insulation with polystyrene foam is described.

Let's consider the main parameters for using each of the above types. Electric heaters are the use of convectors or fireplaces to heat a room. You can install automatic heaters that will turn on and off when the room temperature drops.

The number of fireplaces for heating is selected by calculating the area of ​​the room. Air conditioners allow you to create a microclimate in the room. In winter, heating is carried out, and in summer, cooling is carried out. Air conditioning includes: air conditioners, split systems or mounted UFO heaters.

Heating with a “warm floor” system allows not only to heat the room, but also to create proper air circulation. The room is completely heated in this way. Water heating carried out by installing batteries in the winter garden. Water flows through the batteries and is heated by a steam boiler.

The boiler can be gas, solid fuel, electric. Stove heating carried out by firing the furnace. The construction of the stove is not necessary in the greenhouse itself. The stove can be heated either with wood or coal.

Air heating is carried out by installing a fan in the wall between the heated room and the room with the winter garden.

Warm air is distilled by a fan, thereby producing heating.

Difficulties at work, pros and cons

The pros and cons of all types of heating are entered into a table for ease of analysis.

Name/type of heating pros Minuses
1. Electric heaters. Changing the location of the heater depending on the need. A large amount of electricity consumed, which is expensive.
Regulation of heat flow by changing power. Capable of drying out the air, which negatively affects the development of plants.
Easy installation procedure
2. Air conditioners. Possibility of temperature adjustment. High cost of equipment and electricity.
Does not dry out the air compared to electric heaters
3. Warm floor. Circulation warm air throughout the room. High cost of equipment and installation.
The floor heats the soil in which the plants are planted. Warm ground increases the speed of plant development. Difficulty in repairing when the heating system breaks down.
The pipes through which water is supplied for irrigation are heated. Carrying out installation during the construction of the premises.
4. Water heating. Low cost of heat. Difficulty in installing heating batteries.
The temperature in the garden and neighboring rooms is the same. There are no differences.
Maintaining a certain temperature.
5. Stove heating. Cheap combustible materials. Uneven temperature distribution throughout the room.
Creation certain interior in room. Fire hazard.
No automatic temperature control.
Constant supervision and maintenance of the system is required.
6. Air heating. The simplest and cheap option heating Due to the small amount of heat, it is necessary to insulate the room from the outside.
Dries out the air.
It spoils the appearance of the room.

The table shows which type of heating is optimal. But the decision should be made specifically for a specific room.

The winter garden must be built with sunny side, i.e. from South. This will make it possible to warm up the room as much as possible in winter.

Design solutions.

In addition to the winter garden extension, you can install special sliding glass doors coupe. This will save space indoors and add personality to your conservatory.

The use of accordion type doors gives the room style, spaciousness and individuality.

The Japanese design of a winter garden represents the presence in it low growing plants, exquisite flowers and small trees.

The interior of a garden in a house in the Avant-garde style is determined by the presence of an original approach not only to the room itself, but also to every object in it. Wide range color palettes and colors add unusualness and outrageousness.

The design of a winter garden in the Art Nouveau style conveys style, sophistication, expressiveness and richness of the color palette.

There is still a very large variety of species design solutions. Everyone has their own distinctive feature, which distinguishes the winter garden of your home by varying degrees of elegance and uniqueness.

By the way, you may be interested in material about which one is better.

You can make a winter garden with your own hands. There are difficulties in the design, and therefore it is best to get help experienced specialists exactly this area. Because organizing a glass extension has special approach

  1. . When building a winter garden, it is necessary to observe some important points: Choose a location for the extension, taking into account all the parameters. This is the influence climatic conditions
  2. and external factors.
  3. During construction, think through the smallest details that need to be constructed during the construction period, and not after it.
  4. Do not immediately fill the constructed extension with a variety of plants on the first day. Initially check the functionality of all installed systems. Don't neglect fire safety in the annex. There are some heating systems
  5. may cause a fire. Consider everything necessary measures security to equip the extension with an alarm system. After all, the glass extension is great place

to enter the house of intruders.

Find out what materials for soundproofing walls are.

  • Some tips for equipping your winter garden with decorations:
  • install small fountains with lanterns that will turn on at night and create a warm and gentle atmosphere. Relaxing in such a room will be a heavenly pleasure;
  • You can install any plants, but pay due attention to this. There is no need to plant a hundred types of plant varieties;
  • installing a large aquarium with real fish will not only complement the interior of the winter garden, but will also enliven the room;

install a TV or cinema, where it will be doubly pleasant to watch movies with family or friends, saturated not only with emotions, but also with fresh oxygen.


In this video you will be shown a project for a house with a winter garden. A winter garden in a private house is not only to complement the home, but also to diversify its interior. This will allow you to expand the confines of your home to the available area. It is worth considering the following: if you want to add a winter garden, you need to thoroughly study all the main points so that the garden really brings benefit and not torment to the owners of the house.

The winter garden appears in the imagination of many as the embodiment of a child’s unattainable dream of a never-ending summer. This warm, carefree time gives everyone a feeling of joy, comfort, warm wind, pleasant rustling of leaves and fresh air filled with floral aromas. The idea of ​​choosing and implementing a design for a cottage with a winter garden will allow you to make your childhood dream come true by creating an evergreen kingdom in a private home.

House plans with a winter garden: features

If you are planning to implement a real “winter garden”, you need to keep in mind that architectural projects houses with a winter garden involve the construction of complex engineering and technically winter garden structures, equipped in a special way for growing plants. We can develop similar engineering equipment according to your exact requirements. technical specifications for an additional cost.

Very often, a winter garden, being part of the residential part of the house, often also carries the functions of a living space. It can best be combined with a living room, a swimming pool, or an office. IN modern understanding The winter garden has left the category of a collection of flowers planted in pots. Rather, it is a beautiful landscape that was artificially created in a certain closed area.

Undoubtedly, the winter garden is perceived as original decoration interior, but at the same time it also performs another, no less important task: it plays the role of a warm vestibule between the street and the residential part of the house. It's all about its ability to effectively accumulate thermal energy needed to heat the house.

The architectural concept of “flowing spaces” was invented back in the 19th century and consisted of the mutual penetration of the house and the surrounding nature into each other. So the greenhouse remained just a non-capital separate building, but with the idea of ​​a winter garden, the architects went much further, isolating their own oasis of nature within the walls of the house.

Layout of house projects with a winter garden: the influence of orientation to the cardinal points on plants and room comfort

The garden windows face north: the room is suitable for shade-loving plants and may require additional lighting during the cold season.

Winter garden oriented windows facing south, can create discomfort for plants, the soil will dry out quickly, the leaves will dry out from excessive sunlight. In a good way protect plant leaves from sunburn is the use of translucent curtains or installation of blinds.

The optimal layout of houses with a winter garden is considered, where the location of this room is east side, since the plants will receive the most beneficial afternoon sun.

Plans for house projects with a winter garden are popular among developers who value comfort, reliability and outdoor recreation. The durability of winter garden structures directly depends on solving a set of technical and aesthetic problems.

If it so happens that the appropriate finished project you didn’t find houses with a winter garden in our catalog (replenished with new projects in 2018), consider the projects of houses with closed terrace. By providing for its glazing at the time of construction, the idea of ​​organizing a room with a winter garden can be realized. In addition, we can complement almost any standard solution home winter garden.

If projects of houses with a winter garden (photos, diagrams, videos, drawings, sketches) can be viewed in this section) only slightly do not correspond to your wishes, then you can individually change the layout or the selected option. Can also be ordered for an additional price with a winter garden. And the basis for drawing up an estimate can be obtained by using the addition “”.

We wish you to find and buy for turnkey implementation a project that will make all your dreams of your own home come true!


The chic phrase “winter garden” - for 90% of our compatriots means a window sill filled with flowers. IN best case scenario– a glazed balcony where you can display the same flowers along with a couple of ficus tubs and garlands of bindweed.

The brilliance and poverty of winter garden projects

Winter garden in a glazed extension

Meanwhile, this phrase has recently gained such popularity that everything larger number design organizations use it to increase the competitiveness of their developments. Agree, the name “Project of a cottage with a winter garden” sounds much more luxurious than just « Individual house with an area of ​​215 sq. m". And, accordingly, it magnetizes the wallets of those 10% who can afford something like this.

Meanwhile, most of these types of projects for houses with a winter garden are quite ordinary building designs individual development, part of the cubic capacity of the first floor of which is glazed and protected from above by a translucent canopy. Not in all projects this part of the building at least extends beyond the contour of the facade.

In most cases, the winter garden borders the living room and is connected to it by a door. Since it (the winter garden) also has a separate door, it can be used both as an entrance hall and as an emergency exit.

Winter garden in the bay window

We did not find any special, additional lighting, etc. in any of the projects available for public viewing. Apparently, the designers trust the design of these systems skillful hands happy owners of their creations.

In 80% of cases, a winter garden is created on a common foundation with the rest of the house. On the one hand, this is bad, because... increases the cost of construction and does not allow plants to be planted directly into the ground. On the other hand, it’s good, because makes it possible to implement projects for a winter garden with a swimming pool at the construction stage - the “California dream” of a typical representative of the Russian middle class.

Winter garden with swimming pool

Precisely the middle class: the creation of winter gardens itself will increase the cost of a regular cottage project by 30-40 thousand rubles. But at the same time, if you personally do not have the makings landscape designer, then you will have to pay extra to a specialist who will turn a glass cubicle with a cement (at best) floor into something pleasing to the eye and attractive to stay in. And this amount can range from a completely reasonable 70-80 thousand (in the Moscow region) to infinity: during the oil boom, the ambitions of creative workers in the Russian Federation acquired truly cosmic proportions.

How much does a winter garden cost?

Winter garden worth half a million

Judging by the company's price list, a typical extension in the form of a rectangular glass vestibule to the wall of a house will cost 216 thousand rubles. A glazed bay window is 100 thousand more expensive. Buildings with more extensive glazing of the facade and part of the roof of the first floor of the building cost half a million.

But, of course, these figures do not include the cost of plants or other decorations: floor coverings, boxes with plants, fountains and sculptures. For example, a friend we know with an above-average income paid for the equipment of his winter garden with an area of ​​just over 30 square meters. m 16 million blood.

Winter garden from the highest price segment

And nothing special on these 30 square meters. m no: amber tile floors, granite fountain lining; marble flowerpots for palm trees; a bust of Voltaire tickling his nostril with a goose feather; of course, the “herbarium” itself with . And, in general, that’s all!

You can download winter garden projects, at least, on the above website "Window to Paris". If you wish, we can provide a couple more addresses. For example, the site of an architectural design studio or simply from .

Winter garden in the attic

For some reason, a quick scan of the proposals did not yield a single project for a house with a winter garden in the attic. Although there are no design proposals for equipping a winter garden in the attic, attic, etc. - a dime a dozen.

In fact, it is very profitable and rational decision. It’s really difficult to turn an attic into a living space, but for a winter garden it’s just the thing: it’s enough to embed three or two windows like or into the roof, bring a couple oil heaters for the harshest winter months, put a rocking chair, and you're done!

Winter garden in the attic with a fully glazed roof

As a rule, an attic is a room with sufficient natural ventilation and, with rational placement of windows, with excellent lighting. If you take on the design of winter gardens in the attic professionally: provide, for example, lighting or domed glazing of the roof, think about reinforcements ceiling or hanging points for flowerpots and boxes with flowers, then such projects, one must think, would take off!

Winter projects in kindergarten

Winter garden in kindergarten

It’s also a shame that we couldn’t find designs for houses with a winter garden for social institutions. For example, for kindergartens. But they would be there, how fitting! Or in hospitals, clinics, etc.

But, obviously, the social sphere cannot afford such delights, and architectural and construction organizations do not engage in charity. So kindergarten teachers build mini-greenhouses in libraries, dead-end corridors and other places that are unsuitable for such things.

It's a pity! It's a pity!

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