Beautiful cladding of private houses. Cladding the facade of a house: which material is the best? Cladding of external walls with wooden clapboard

When choosing cladding on the street side, the following types of facades are considered priority:

  • insulated: ventilated and not;
  • stone;
  • having external cladding made of brick or clinker;
  • having decor in the form of siding or panels for facades.

Each of them has certain advantages and disadvantages, as well as installation rules and, accordingly, technical components. Beautiful facades of private houses, despite their attractiveness, must also provide insulation and sound insulation functions.

Insulated facades

They are available: ventilated and non-ventilated.

Ventilated facades

They ensure the creation of an attractive appearance of building facades, but are also characterized by the performance of other functions. This type of cladding reduces thermal energy losses in winter period time, as well as protecting the walls of buildings from the influence of negative factors. The principle of operation is the presence of a small gap between the wall of the house and the cladding material. This ensures the circulation of air masses. The facades of beautiful buildings, which are formed like a sandwich with a layer for air, are characterized by excellent thermal insulation and also protect the walls from moisture.

The choice of material for the frame of the facade of a building is directly dependent on the material used to construct the walls.

  • The following facings can be used:
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • vinyl siding;
  • , as well as stone;
  • asbestos-cement slabs, as well as;
  • panels for ;

translucent panels that give the building the appearance of an extraordinary aquarium.


Beautiful facades of buildings can be built according to the principle of a multilayer insulated system of an innovative type. They are performed similarly to the sandwich system and include the following parts:

  • mineral wool or polystyrene foam;
  • reinforcing frame mesh;
  • finishing layer of plaster.

Installation is quite simple, so it is possible to cladding a building without involving construction crews in the work. Plates made from expanded polystyrene can be installed without any problems, since they are attached to the walls using a specialized adhesive composition. By adhering to the recommendations, as well as installation instructions, you will save money, since the work will be completed on your own.

Decorating the facade with artificial or natural stone and decorative plaster - stylish and original

The presence of a layer, which is present in most panels for cladding multilayer systems, many different texture options, as well as color solutions, will provide the ability to create attractive building facades at a fairly affordable price.

Mixture composition finishing plasters different. They can be:

  • Mineral. These are mixtures that are environmentally friendly, as they consist of components such as sand, water and plasticizers.
  • Polymer. These mixtures are highly resistant to external influences. environment, abrasion, and also their color does not lose over a long period of time. They are used in most cases to create facades with an attractive appearance in two-story houses, built of brick.
  • Silicate. These are innovative mixtures characterized by moisture resistance, frost resistance, and excellent thermal insulation properties.

Stone facades

They are most often built in houses with one floor, and are used as natural wall decoration or for facades in various combinations of both colors and textures. As everyone knows, the price of natural stone is quite high, but the structure looks presentable and fashionable. The market today is saturated with a wide range of both artificial and natural building materials, made of stone or imitated, the cost of which varies.

Terracotta - ceramic tile in combination with decorative stone is an excellent and modern solution

Advantages of stone facades:

  • Polished stone, intended for finishing, is ideal for the base and columns of the building.
  • Appearance medieval castle achieved through the use of cladding " torn stone " or " savage».
  • Sandstone and limestone will add warmth and comfort appearance building.
  • Quartzite looks advantageous if it is used to frame window openings, and is also a good option for using it for finishing architectural details - columns, balconies and arches.

The video shows beautiful and modern facades houses

Stone facades are easy to install, which saves a lot of money, and also look great due to the play of color components and texture filling. If purchasing natural stone is not available, it can easily be replaced by artificial stone, which is not much different from the first one.

The finishing of the facade will have little weight, since the stone, created artificially, does not exceed one centimeter in thickness. This explains its versatility for installation on walls made of wood, brick, and blocks.

Brick or clinker for facade cladding Brick finishing of the facade of a house is stylish and modern solution

. You can build on contrast, as in this case

Such materials are suitable for the external design of buildings made of brick. Creating spectacular combinations, as well as changing the shape and even the height of buildings in visual terms, is achieved through a variety of color solutions, as well as textures.

[email protected] Properly executed finishing of the facade of a private house fully meets the basic requirements. It protects the walls from external influences , insulates the house, is magnificent decorative decoration . In today's material we will present the most common options for exterior decoration of a house, photos that allow you to evaluate decorative features different materials

, and comparative analysis of the cost of various coatings.

Harmonious selection of finishes enhances the appearance of the house The basic requirements for finishing facade surfaces are regulated by the Code of Rules 71.13330.2017. Based on this document, it is prescribed that for fixing facing slabs that require an adhesive layer, materials in the form of mastic or glue of class C1 (on lower floors

) and C2 (above the first floor).

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Wood siding, the predecessor of all other types of similar finishes, has not lost its popularity. For the manufacture of modern products The wood cellulose mixture is pressed when heated, which makes the panels durable. For improvement performance characteristics additives are added. The raw materials are pre-cleaned from harmful impurities and resins, which makes wood siding environmentally friendly safe material. Thanks to its natural structure, its coating looks cozy and natural.

Among the disadvantages is the need for periodic treatment with compounds that protect against fire, mold and insect repellents. Also wood cladding requires painting as it periodically fades in the sun. It is not recommended to cover the walls of private houses made of foam or fiberglass with wooden siding.

Metal siding

If we compare metal siding with its analogues, it is the most resistant to natural influences and has a service life of 30 years or more. The material is durable, withstands shock loads well, and does not become brittle when heated and cooled. All dirt can be easily washed off with a stream of water from a hose.Metal siding is rot-resistant and cannot be damaged by rodents and insects. This material is fire-resistant and does not melt in the presence of an open flame nearby. Does not fade when exposed to sunlight.

Disadvantages include the possibility of rust due to exposure to moisture and higher cost. Cutting requires a special knife, and installation cannot be carried out without professional skills. When attaching the cladding, installation is mandatory.

Sandwich panels

Thanks to a three-layer structure, including a metal or polymer shell located on both sides and insulation between them, sandwich panels have excellent thermal insulation qualities. Polyurethane foam or polyurethane foam is used as insulation.

This is a worthy material for, the positive characteristics of which are quick installation, low weight, good noise insulation, and environmental safety. An important factor is the affordable cost. After correct installation On a frame (wooden or metal), sandwich panels serve flawlessly for a long time.

The downside may be the possibility of freezing of the joints if the installation was carried out incorrectly.

Ventilated facades

Multi-component ventilated facades protect walls when temperatures drop and extend their service life. They are a system with special gaps that ensure ventilation of the insulation. It is recommended to use galvanized or aluminum profiles for the frame.

The advantages of ventilated facades are their long service life, which is at least 50 years. In winter, they retain heat well, are non-flammable and environmentally friendly. When temperature changes occur, cracks do not form on the surface. They are attracted by simple installation techniques that can be carried out at any time. If necessary, the cladding can be easily dismantled.

The downside of a ventilated façade is the possibility of condensation appearing between the wall and the insulation if the installation was carried out incorrectly. As a result, the walls begin to freeze, and moisture forms on them, reducing their service life.

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Modern cladding of the facade of a house, which material is better - comparison of options

Variety of options for finishing house facades modern materials complicates the choice, so it is important to first analyze their range and decide on priority criteria.

Material nameKey BenefitsFlaws





Aesthetic appearance

Breathable cover

Possibility of damage from mechanical impacts




Environmental Safety

High resistance to external influences

High price

Installation skills required

Facing brick:







With high decorative qualities

A solid foundation is needed

Careful docking

Porcelain tilesExcellent durability

Resistance to any weather conditions


Significant weight

High price

Ceramic facade tilesGood decorative qualities, durability

Low price

The need for careful preparation of the base

Requires styling skills

Fragility of the material

Decorative siding:


Wooden (larch);


Easy installation

Low price

Nice decor

Some types have a short service life

Poor UV resistance

Sandwich panelsEnvironmental Safety

Quick installation

Good sound insulation


Joints may freeze
Ventilated facadeLong service life

High thermal insulation performance

Available installation

Condensation may form in gaps

Even short scoping analysis allows us to draw certain conclusions. More detailed information can be found in the article in the descriptions devoted to specific types of facing varieties.


The choice of material and technology for finishing the facade of the house should be done at the design stage. The modern market offers a lot of different materials, so equip the facade in accordance with a certain budget or design idea won't be difficult. When choosing a material for finishing the facade of a private house, you should take into account the two most important factors. Firstly, the house must be in harmony with the surrounding area, look aesthetically pleasing and in accordance with the tastes of the owner. Secondly, the facade material should become protection for the house, playing the role of additional insulation and sound insulation, as well as protecting bearing structures from moisture, sunlight and other negative impacts. Not every finishing material will cope with the tasks, so we will focus on the best options.

Types of facade structures

Among other things, when choosing a facade material, it is necessary to take into account what the building is built from; the principle of organization may depend on this facade finishing. For example, for wooden houses It is recommended to install a ventilated façade.

It is customary to divide facades into the following types:

Depending on whether there is a gap between external wall houses and finishing materials, facades are divided into:

  • ventilated;
  • unventilated.

Ventilated facade

Ventilated facades assume the presence of a ventilation gap between the façade material and the wall or, if used. The gap is necessary for free air circulation and drainage excess moisture, which condenses or leaves the house through the walls. The floor wall material remains completely protected from all atmospheric influences. It is better to equip such a façade when the walls breathe.

involves installing finishing material directly to the wall. Sometimes facades are classified simply as ventilated and “wet”, although this is not entirely correct.

Now we can move on to the materials that are widely used in finishing the facade of a private house.

No. 1. Plaster for facade finishing

No. 3. Facing brick

One of the most popular materials for facade finishing has always been and is. It is clear that for these purposes, not an ordinary construction one is used, but a special decorative one, which is called.

Ceramic brick, made from clay by firing it, is well known to each of us. Its facing variety amazes with a wide variety of colors and textures, but this is not the only advantage of the material.


  • durability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • good sound and heat insulation characteristics;
  • resistance to temperature changes, sun rays, fire;
  • relative cheapness.


Hyperpressed brick

This material is obtained by using shell rock and some special additives using the semi-dry pressing method. Outwardly it resembles ceramic brick, but is ahead of it in many respects.


  • durability and strength;
  • good geometry;
  • frost resistance;
  • a large assortment;
  • ease of processing.

The water absorption of such bricks is at an average level - about 5-6%, and the obvious disadvantages of the material include high thermal conductivity, the ability to change color over time and heavy weight, which affects transportation.

Sand-lime brick

Facing sand-lime brick made from cement-sand mixture by autoclaving, special additives can be used. Due to the ease of production and low cost of raw materials, sand-lime brick is considered one of the most available materials among other types of bricks.


  • high strength;
  • precise geometry;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • good soundproofing qualities;
  • low price.


No. 4. Porcelain tiles for facade


  • durability;
  • the widest range. You can find tiles of any size, color and texture, as well as those imitating stone, brick and other materials;
  • resistance to negative environmental factors;
  • fire resistance;
  • relatively light weight.

The tiles can be installed either using the “wet” method or by installing a ventilated façade.

No. 6. Concrete facade tiles

The material is produced on the basis of cement, quartz sand, filler and additives.


  • durability and moisture resistance;
  • strength and rigidity;
  • big choice;
  • relatively low price.


No. 7. Decorative siding

Siding is one of the most inexpensive, easy to use and modern materials for the facade of the house. It has excellent decorative qualities, is sold in a wide range, boasts decent durability (up to 50 years), and excellent sound and heat insulation qualities. Siding can be used to cover any surface and even improve a long-built house.

Main types of decorative siding:

  • vinyl;
  • wood;
  • metal;
  • cement.

Vinyl siding

Made from polyvinyl chloride, can imitate stone, brick, wood and others natural materials. – one of the most popular materials for facade cladding, used most often in domestic private construction.


Resistance to mechanical damage is often considered an advantage, but swipe capable of compromising the integrity of the material. Among shortcomings a large coefficient of linear expansion, which must be taken into account during installation, low thermal insulation qualities and the difficulty of replacing a damaged element in case of repair.

It is worth highlighting basement siding . It is completely identical to vinyl, but differs in increased thickness: 3.5 mm versus 0.7-1.2 for conventional PVC siding. Due to this, the resistance to mechanical damage increases, which makes the material one of the best in terms of price and quality ratio for.

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Metal siding

Made from aluminum or steel, which are coated with a layer of primer and polymer coating. in private construction it is rarely used due to its high price. Better suited for cladding a house steel sheets with zinc protective layer and polymer or powder coating.


  • strength;
  • durability (up to 50 years);
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • non-flammability;
  • resistance to any weather conditions;
  • high aesthetics;
  • relative ease of installation.

In addition, metal siding is resistant to corrosion due to protective coatings, but if such a coating is damaged, you should expect rust to appear. Naturally, there is no need to talk about heat and sound insulation qualities.

Cement siding

The material is obtained by mixing and pressing cellulose fibers and cement. Cement siding in terms of its decorative and performance qualities it can replace stone.


  • high strength;
  • resistance to precipitation, sunlight, high and low temperatures;
  • fire resistance.

Among cons heavy weight, difficult installation, high cost and insufficient wide choose colors and textures.

No. 8. Sandwich panels

They are a multilayer material consisting of two layers of rigid material (usually metal) and a layer of insulation between them. This entire “sandwich” is connected using the hot pressing method; the surface of the panels can be smooth, embossed or decorative.


The only downside is the high price.

No. 9. Facade cassettes

Metal facade cassettes Today they are widely used for cladding facades. administrative buildings, but more recently they have also been used in private construction. The material is easy to recognize by its characteristic appearance: these are square or rectangular elements made of metal (steel, aluminum, less often copper) with a polymer coating.


  • high reliability and durability;
  • aesthetics;
  • large selection of sizes and colors;
  • resistance to negative environmental factors and fire.

Metal cassettes can be used for cladding old and newly constructed buildings and are mounted on a frame. The only negative is the high price.

No. 10. New and undistributed materials

In addition to those materials that have already become traditional in the field of facade cladding, there are also more innovative and in some ways even more progressive. The most interesting of them:

  • concrete siding. Made from cement, sand and dyes. The material has a beautiful appearance and a pleasant rough surface, it is durable, but quite heavy, so it will require reinforcement;
  • clinker thermal panels consist of ordinary clinker tiles and a fused polystyrene foam layer, and this is an excellent insulation material. While visually attractive, such finishing becomes an additional heat insulator. Disadvantage – high price;
  • glass panelspopular option For shopping centers and administrative buildings. For arranging a private suitable for home only if you like bold decisions.

The choice of finishing material for the facade should be preceded by a multifactor analysis, including climatic features region, type of house, style features of the site, own preferences, wall material, own requirements and preferences. Fortunately, there are plenty to choose from.

Exterior wall decoration is an important part of the design of any building. After all, the facade of the house is the business card of the owners. It reflects their preferences and forms the first impression of the home as a whole. Exterior finishing, in addition to decorative, also performs the function of insulation, and also plays the role of protection load-bearing walls from the effects of temperature changes and natural precipitation. In this article you will learn how to decorate the facade of a private house.

Nowadays, there is a huge amount of building materials that can be used for exterior decoration of a building. Before you begin work on the design of external walls, you need to carefully study the positive and negative qualities of all finishing materials and decide what end result you plan to get.

The external decoration of a private house also depends on the design of the interiors - it is necessary that there is harmony between them. Only then will the house look not just like a structure made of stone and concrete, but a comfortable and cozy home in which you will want, as they say, to live and live well and make good money.

In addition, the choice of finishing material is influenced by:

  • selected façade design style;
  • climate;
  • budget for construction work.

What materials are there for exterior home decoration?

A modern facade is usually finished with artificial or natural origin, brick, vinyl or metal siding, porcelain tiles, plastic or wood panels, plaster.

Wood paneling

Wood is considered an excellent thermal insulation and environmentally friendly material. Most often for making wood panels oak, cedar, and pine are used.

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The positive aspects of wood are its strength and resistance to precipitation. The disadvantages include the need special care: wood needs to be treated every year special compounds for protection against pests.

Cladding with metal panels

Metal panels are one of the most practical cladding materials for exterior walls of buildings. They are usually made of steel or aluminum. Metal panels have a long service life and do not require any special care.

The design of a facade with such cladding looks stylish and beautiful, especially if it includes wooden or stone finishing elements.

Decoration with vinyl panels

Facade vinyl covering do not require maintenance. Photographs of the facades of private houses show that it can be used for cladding any buildings, regardless of their type. It is affordable.

Another advantage is the variety of colors and styles (it can be stylized as stone or wood). Also on vinyl good thermal insulation, but the impact resistance is less than that of wood and metal.

Brick cladding

Brick is a unique finishing material. With its help, you can create different patterns, and it also gives the entire structure a cozy look. In addition, its advantages include:

  • ease;
  • durability;
  • no need for special care;
  • ease of installation;
  • excellent thermal insulation properties.

The disadvantage is the high cost.

Finishing with natural or artificial stone

Just like brick, stone is the most expensive facing material. In addition to significant financial investments, it requires serious efforts. Stone cladding is a rather complicated and time-consuming process. As a result, buildings are usually only partially finished with stone.

But such design of facades gives a private house a particularly chic and representative look. Such a building will have a higher value upon subsequent sale.

Concrete finishing

IN Western Europe Every day the popularity of cladding external walls with concrete is only growing. You can expect this to happen soon fashion trend will reach our country.

First, it must be said that external walls are finished with concrete if they need to be strengthened and strengthened. Such facades look very stylish. In addition, concrete has the ability to highlight the beautiful appearance of wood and other finishes.

Facade plaster

Finishing with plaster can be done by anyone. A plastered facade can have a rather beautiful appearance, especially if textured plaster is used. Speaking about the qualities of this coating, it is durable and weather-resistant.

Finishing with other facade panels

In addition to panels made of wood, metal, vinyl, panels from:

  • Fiber cement. They are resistant to frost, lightweight, and durable. Another advantage is the variety of texture solutions. Minus - high cost. Mounting is done on a metal frame.
  • Foam plastic. The peculiarity of such panels is the presence of a reinforced layer of plaster and the absence of the need to install a frame. The disadvantages include the impossibility of attaching them to the facades of wooden buildings - this can lead to rotting of the wood.
  • Glass. Glass panels Made from special impact-resistant glass. They have good heat and sound insulation properties. The disadvantage is the high cost of material and significant costs when installing it.

Cladding external walls with sandwich panels

A sandwich panel consists of two sheets of metal and a layer of insulation and a vapor barrier layer between them. Pros - a light weight, ease of installation, excellent thermal insulation, durability, moisture resistance, fire resistance.

If the top layer is damaged, the panel can be easily restored, without the need to replace most of the facade. The disadvantage is that such material is not cheap.

Covering the external walls of a house with siding

This is probably the most common and a budget option facade finishing. Siding can be installed on both insulated walls and walls without insulation. The facing material used to hide facade defects. It is moisture resistant and comes in a variety of textures and colors. Vinyl, metal, wood, and cement can be used to make it.

The ideal cladding is the one that best protects the load-bearing structures of the house from various kinds precipitation. This is the most important point, which you should pay attention to when choosing facade cladding.

Of all the finishing materials that meet this requirement, choose the one that is easiest to install and further care, which has the best thermal insulation and moisture-repellent properties.

Photos of the facades of private houses

From the point of view of professionals, the facade of a private house is its architectural attire, that is, its so-called outer shell, on which the first impression not only of the building, but also of its owner depends. An indisputable fact is that the style chosen for finishing the exterior of a building often reflects not only the favorite color palette owner, but also his taste preferences, and in some cases, lifestyle. However, at the stage of drawing up a design project for the facade of a house, it is important to decide on the choice of finishing materials, which should be not only attractive in appearance, but also as functional as possible. The materials used must be resistant to corrosion, moisture, sudden temperature changes and influence ultraviolet rays, and must also have high insulating characteristics and absolute non-toxicity. Read this article about how to choose the right style for developing the design of the facade of a private house, as well as how to choose suitable finishing materials within the framework of a particular stylistic decision.

Facade design of a private house: what needs to be taken into account?

In the process of choosing a stylistic solution for the facade, it is important to take into account the climatic characteristics of the zone in which the building is located, as well as its territorial specifics. The finishing features of nearby buildings are no less important, since how you decorate your property will determine whether it will blend in with the surrounding buildings or stand out as a bright spot. When choosing a design style, we must not forget that modern design any specific canons are alien, and therefore, buildings designed in recent years successfully combine two or more stylistic trends.

For the design of the facade of the building, as well as for human face, the generally accepted laws of “make-up” apply, which state that with a private decorative design any building can change almost beyond recognition. In this regard, in the process of cladding the facade and developing a design project for its design, it is important to take into account any, even the most insignificant detail.

Basic rules for facade design:

  • The psychological perception of a building depends entirely on the chosen color, which sets the building a certain mood;
  • In order to deprive the walls of flat monotony, it is important to choose the right texture of the material for the design of the facade, which will give the building some structure;
  • As for the overall stylistic concept of the house, it depends on a thoughtful combination of the previous two design components.

House facade design photo

Selecting material: practical fundamentals of the issue

Knowledge of all the intricacies of design is of course important, however, practical side issue, namely the choice of materials for finishing the facade, has no less important role. So, the following materials can be selected for cladding the facade of a building:

  • Facade plaster, which can be mineral, acrylic, silicone and silicate;
  • Tile or stone;
  • Siding;
  • In addition, the facade can be decorated with brickwork.

Each of these options is characterized by its own characteristics, as well as advantages and disadvantages, which will be briefly discussed below.

Plaster: material features

A facade lined with plaster is called wet, since “wet” technologies are used in the process of finishing it. The modern construction market offers several types of plaster compositions used for cladding external walls.

Mineral plaster, characterized by minimal cost, but at the same time the least ductility and durability, which often forces one to abandon its use. Although, according to many experts, this is not considered a significant disadvantage of such plaster, especially in combination with the low cost and environmental friendliness of the components used. The use of mineral plaster is relevant when finishing walls made of “breathable” materials and insulated mineral wool or basalt slabs. In addition, experts do not recommend using mineral plaster for finishing houses located near highways, since vibration, one way or another transmitted to the walls, will contribute to the premature formation of cracks;

Acrylic plaster, which is characterized by the highest ductility and moisture resistance, however, the characteristics of the material cause the formation of a film on the treated surface that prevents “breathing” and evaporation of moisture. However, in the case of finishing walls insulated with polystyrene foam and houses located near highways, this is more of an advantage than a disadvantage;

Silicate plaster could become a material that has absorbed many advantages: high plasticity, breathability and antistatic properties, thanks to which it does not attract dust particles. Taking into account the long service life, this type of plaster is one of the most expensive, both in terms of the cost of the material and the cost of installation work;

Silicone plaster, combining all the advantages of the previous types, has become a hit among all the types of plaster offered. However, despite the fact that it has the most a good combination properties of all presented types of plaster, it is characterized by a more than affordable cost.

Siding: characteristics of the main varieties

Distinguish the following varieties siding:

  • Polyvinyl chloride siding;
  • Wood siding;
  • Metal siding.

If use wood siding, which inspires confidence not only in the house, but also in its owner, dates back more than one century, vinyl siding, during its relatively short operation, was not able to fully convince developers of its environmental safety. And such mistrust, by the way, is completely unfounded. Let's explain why.

  • Usage vinyl siding promotes the formation of a protective, high-quality ventilated screen that does not interfere with the “breathing” of the walls and helps remove excess moisture;
  • Vinyl siding is a direct barrier to exposure to direct solar radiation, and is also easy to clean and retains its original appearance for a long time;
  • The features of PVC allow the material not to support combustion, however, if a fire does occur, the siding will emit harmful substances at the moment of combustion, if it is located outside, it does not in any way affect the atmosphere inside the building.

Wood siding

Despite the fact that the durability of some types of wood leaves much to be desired, this does not in any way affect the durability of the material, since it is made from impregnated wood(treated with steam under pressure). This material is characterized not only by durability, but also by resistance to adverse factors.

Finishing the facade with tiles: what to pay attention to?

Despite the fact that this method of finishing the facade is very simple in design, it is far from cheap to implement and is characterized by the need for strict adherence to all technological rules installation

  • It is important to know that masonry walls are characterized by initial shrinkage;
  • The existence of a large number of types of tiles determines the use various types glue suitable for a particular type;
  • Exists a large number of types of tiles imitating various materials, for example, chopped stone or brick. If you prefer these varieties, do not neglect the opportunity to choose color scheme for a grouting composition, which allows you to add additional splendor to the appearance of the facade.
  • You also get the opportunity to combine different textures, but it is important to consider their size. For example, to give the building massiveness, stability and monumentality, the largest elements are used to cover the base, while the walls are lined with smaller parts.

Brick facade finishing

Brick has long been the embodiment of good quality, and with the advent of clinker brick - also respectability. Since brick cladding is carried out at the stage of wall construction, the appearance architectural building already calculated by the master. However, there are also times when a building has already been built, but its unpresentable appearance forces one to resort to the use of brick. When it's possible?

This is advisable if you plan to equip a ventilated facade, namely, leave a ventilation hole and an air gap. Otherwise, the destruction of wood will accelerate, since inner surface Condensation will form.

Country house facade design: how to decide on stylization?

Since facade design is a creative process, during which each owner of a country house must effectively balance his capabilities with a flight of imagination, it is important to find golden mean, thanks to which you can create the facade of your dreams. There are several stylistic solutions for finishing the facade of a house:

  • Classic stylistic solutions;
  • Country style;
  • Styles in which English and Canadian motifs can be traced;
  • Buildings in modern and high-tech style;
  • And finally, the chalet style.

Classic design of the facade of a country house

The popularity of classics when decorating the facade of a private house is still unusually high. Distinctive feature houses whose facades are decorated in classic style, are clear proportional forms and symmetrical geometry of absolutely all elements of the facade. A distinctive feature of the design of windows and doors is rectangular shapes or availability decorative arches. Among other trends, classic is distinguished by its simplicity, sophistication and unpretentiousness. The absence of unnecessary details allows you not to distract your eyes from exquisite simplicity facade of a private house. Despite the fact that the classical style clearly shows a desire for minimalism, one cannot neglect elements that indicate the high status of the owner of the house, such as rich massive railings, columns and other decorative details.

Country style: varieties and their features

Country style is a whole movement that includes many styles with certain features. Country style also includes national style Russian village, and French Provence, and the cowboy style of the Wild West, and the chalet style common in the Alps. That is, country is a multinational style that embodies the customs of a particular country. Within the country style, natural materials are used - stone and wood. Despite the fact that the stone may be artificial, the use modern technologies allows you to make it almost indistinguishable from natural. This style will be most preferable for country houses located near forests or mountains.

French Provence, which is part of the country style, unlike traditional country, which tends to warm shades, is distinguished by its desire for cold, restrained tones. The favorite of this style is White color. However, for economic reasons, finishing a building in the Provence style can become quite expensive, which often makes it necessary to abandon its use. Modern designers offer more rational way finishing the building in Provence style. This design for finishing the facade of a house in the Provence style involves mixing modern finishing materials, for example, the building is faced with sandwich panels or siding, leaving only the base, which will subsequently be finished with expensive natural stone characteristic of the Provence style. Stone cladding, different warm shades, will fit perfectly into the environment and local landscape.

Distinctive feature French Provence are snow-white windows divided into several sections, as well as the use light shades for decorating balconies and gables of buildings.

Originally developed for the cladding of shepherds' homes, the chalet style is also at the peak of popularity. However, the use natural wood and the stone does not allow us to say that this type finishing is in average price category. Being a type of country style, it is a style with oriental roots, which, one way or another, can be traced in its appearance. Especially the presence of oriental roots is revealed by the simplicity of the roof and the general simplicity of decoration.

Houses with features of minimalism and industrialism

Small houses located within the city are characterized by a clear tendency towards industrialization of the exterior. Among designers and home owners, minimalist styles are now at the peak of popularity, in which there is a clear tendency towards stylistic decisions hi-tech style. The main concept of buildings decorated in this style is clarity and conciseness of forms, as well as simplicity of design.

High-tech, incorporating the trends of everyone modern trends, above all, is characterized by convenience and functionality. When finishing the facade of a building, glass, metal and plastic are used. The severity and unpretentiousness of the design is complemented by color scheme- there is more white, black and steel here.

But one cannot say about modernism that it is restrained. It does not gravitate toward symmetry and is characterized by a predominance of the most unexpected shades, contrasting combination which allows you to accurately imitate the natural riot of colors.

Design project for the facade of a house: how to do it yourself?

  • The first stage of drawing up a design project involves developing a sketch, which, if you have the appropriate skills, you can do it yourself or seek help from a specialist to whom you can express your wildest wishes, be it decorating a house in a classic or modern style.
  • At the second stage, the facade is designed. If your house has already been built, you need to take measurements and visualize the chosen stylistic direction by using computer programs, then prepare an estimate, taking into account the selected materials and types of work. However, if you do not have specialized skills, we do not recommend that you do this yourself, since this stage of creating a design project requires a lot of knowledge regarding regulatory construction, as well as the characteristics of the market for modern finishing materials.

  • The next stage of the design project is decoration. On at this stage you can now confidently rely on your strengths and skills and complete it yourself. During the work process, it is important to remember that the holistic design of the entire house should not contradict the design individual parts, since in the end everything should be harmoniously combined with each other and be designed in a single stylistic direction.
  • The fourth and final stage of drawing up and developing a design project is design work, during which you will be able to realize all your wishes regarding the design of the building’s facade. It is important to remember that the development of a design project can be carried out not only for a new house, but also for an old one. Its only difference in the case of decorating an old house will be the need to redo the old facade, which will significantly complicate the process, but will not affect the final result.

Non-standard design solutions in the design of the building facade

If you want to stand out from the crowd of houses, we recommend that you use the following ideas that arose from those craftsmen who, like you, do not want to merge with the crowd.

Undoubtedly, the winner is the house whose façade is decorated with fresh flowers. To do this, it is necessary to fix aluminum cassettes on the wall of the house and install pots with fresh flowers in them, which can give the house an attractive and unusual appearance, reviving it;

You can cover the walls of your house with plaster, and then paint them to match the color of the flag of your home country or the country in which you live. This solution will make the house much brighter than one that is painted in a monotonous color scheme;

A modern solution for finishing the facade of a building is to cover it with multi-colored caps from plastic bottles, which are driven to the base of the wall with nails or screws. If your house is wooden, this will be much easier, but in any case the main difficulty this method lies in the need to collect such a huge number of caps. If you collect multi-colored caps, you can lay out intricate designs on the wall;

One more non-standard solution The cladding of the building's façade will be the use of glass jars, which are laid out like brickwork.

Thus, you can realize your dream in decorating the facade of a building yourself, but if you are not confident in your strengths and skills, seek the help of specialists who will be able to make your wishes come true.

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