Wood composition on the wall. Decorative tree on the wall

For some reason, we used to think that genealogy was a science for aristocrats. A person knows his ancestors up to the third generation and enough, and only family photos save the situation by reminding us of departed relatives and friends. What's wrong with having a beautiful family tree with a picture in a large album, or even better on the wall in the living room or bedroom? It's not easy decorative decoration, but such a thing is to teach our children to honor the memory of their ancestors.

Family trees on the wall in the interior

There are several types of ways in which family can be depicted. Usually the frame contains a canvas on which an intricate design is made. In the area of ​​the roots, the name of the founder of the clan is written, and branching branches go up, on which the names of his descendants are written. The more children he had, the more branchy it becomes unusual plant. Alas, some branches quickly dry out, but others stretch upward and branch, reaching the top of the crown. Our names and the names of our children will be located here.

Tree on the wall with photo frames

Sometimes the trunk and branches form the very names of our relatives, in other cases a lush oak tree is painted with paints, and the surnames of the descendants of the founder of the clan are written on beautiful leaves. But more visual and beautiful is the family tree on the wall, on the branches of which there are photographs of all relatives. Here you can not only read their names, but also see their faces. Old photos that are several decades old look especially colorful. Such a tree on the wall with photographs is a real historical aid; your children can see what hairstyles and outfits their ancestors had, they can judge how people changed interior interior their homes over time. Try to find more material and you will end up with a large and branchy family tree, it can turn into a real highlight of your cozy home.

Today, individuality and originality are increasingly valued; in our age of free creativity, everyone is trying to create something unique and exclusive in their lives. Many direct this desire to home improvement: they mix various styles, experiment with colors, shapes and materials, invent new ones, creative ideas registration Therefore, quite a lot of methods have already accumulated that require a creative approach to implementation. One of the ways to add originality to the interior is wood on the wall.

This is a very fashionable technique today that allows you to transform any room in your apartment, be it a kitchen, living room, bedroom or children's room. In fact, there are many techniques and techniques for creating a tree on a wall. It should also be noted that in this way you can transform any interior in most styles and for this you do not need to undertake serious renovation work. Let's take a closer look at ways to help do this. We will also consider ideas of functionality in this creative approach to interior design.

DIY tree on the wall from scrap materials

Of course, before starting work on creating an image or a three-dimensional tree on the wall, in the interior, it is worth deciding what size and shape it will be. In this case, it is worth relying on the design features in which the room is decorated: first of all, it is necessary to take into account the style, color of the walls, degree of lighting, furniture, etc.

Picture of a tree on the wall

This is the simplest method, since in the end we will get a flat image of wood on the wall in the interior.

  • Paints, chalk or pencil - this is the main material and at the same time the means with which the tree will be created. The only difficulty is that before applying the image to the surface of the wall, it is worth practicing on paper, because artistic skills will be needed here more than ever. An image of the future image is drawn on the album sheet. And then, when you have practiced and mastered your artistic skill, you can start drawing on the wall.

  • The second method is to cut the outline out of paper; wallpaper and other large-format paper are suitable for this. To do this, a profile is drawn on it, and then painted over. required color if necessary, well, then cut it out and paste it on the wall. At the same time, self-adhesive wallpaper or film will greatly simplify the task; a large palette of colors will help you with your choice suitable option. Such a tree can be cut out from ordinary magazines, although you won’t be able to get a whole one, you will have to cut out many of its parts, and then on the wall from scraps you can assemble the whole composition into one.

  • A similar method is used when using fabric made from desired color fabric, the image of a tree is carefully cut out and glued to the wall. In this case, it is better to use a denser fabric, it can be burlap, furniture fabric, cotton, etc. And if you correctly compose the image of a tree from fabrics of different colors, you can get a very interesting and creative composition .

  • In order to simplify the application of images on the wall using paints, you can use a stencil for wall decoration. To make it, you can use thick cardboard, or replace it thick wallpaper. The tree is first drawn on this paper. and then it is cut out. After the wood stencil for the wall is ready, we fix it on the surface with masking tape and you can start filling the stencil with paints.

Try to create an image of a tree with unique elements of branches and trunk, because in nature nothing is 100% alike.

All higher listed methods drawing an image of a tree on the wall can be supplemented with such elements as leaves, birds, animals, butterflies, children on a swing and much more. This will help bring brightness, originality and more life to the interior.

The image can be applied to any part of the wall, and by the way, it is not necessary to depict a whole tree. Sometimes it is enough to depict a crown, or in general middle part or a branch hanging from the top. But a full-size tree with its crowns reaching to the ceiling, as in the photo below, will look no less effective.

A separate point can be made ready-made options wood on the wall - today there are vinyl stickers on sale. This is the easiest way as it does not require any creativity, just choose a suitable sticker and stick it in Right place.

Volumetric tree on the wall

This is a more advanced option, since on the wall there will be not just an image, but a three-dimensional figure. Ideal option in this case there will be a real tree itself. Today it is very fashionable to place in the interior, near one of the walls, either a whole trunk with branches, or just branches; these can be birch, larch, oak or another tree.

But in order not to harm nature, you can also use alternative options. A three-dimensional image of a tree on the wall can also be built using available materials.

  • If there are stocks of polystyrene foam available, then this a great opportunity cut a tree out of it. Individual parts are cut out of pieces of foam plastic and then simply glued to the wall.
  • The next method is no less fascinating; it requires thick thread or yarn, and pushpins with a long stem. The buttons are stuck into the wall along the contour of the future tree, and then the thread is wound in a certain sequence, thereby we get an image, and in a very original way.
  • You can also imitate it on the wall using toilet paper. It must first be moistened in water, after it acquires a sufficiently soft state, the necessary figure is molded from it.
  • A more professional material would be gypsum; this is an excellent option for modeling, because it is very widely used for interior decoration. Today, stucco molding from plaster has turned into real creativity; it is used to create experienced craftsmen entire works of art.

Functional trees on the wall in the interior

In addition to the aesthetic function, trees on the wall in the interior can also have practical properties. So, for example, you can design a shelving system. They are usually made from chipboard or MDF. Such a tree can easily fit many small things: books, figurines, toys, watches and much more.

To ensure that the shelves on the wall are not too conspicuous, they can be fixed exactly in the place where the tree branches are located.

If you have attached a real tree to the wall, then on its branches you can easily place hanging household items, jewelry, a pincushion, etc. And sometimes larger things, as in the photo below.

Having a tree on the wall today, as you can see, is not only modern and beautiful, but also very practical. Creativity in interior design today is valued very highly, because in this way you can create a truly unique atmosphere in the interior.

Drawings on walls have long become an art accessible to everyone. It's simple and enough economical way diversify the interior of the room. The drawing can also be done by professional artists. The work will be excellent, but the price will leave a significant hole in the apartment owner's budget. The cost of painting one square meter walls will cost at least 2–2.5 thousand rubles. And it’s far from a fact that this space will be painted with a dense pattern. For 2 thousand, the artist will draw only simple patterns or monograms. A full-wall painting can cost more than 100 thousand. No one argues that this option is obviously a win-win, but if you wish, you can make a drawing on the wall, or a fresco, with your own hands.

We create a drawing on the wall in the apartment with our own hands

A person’s lack of artistic talent does not at all put an end to the idea of ​​decorating the wall of his apartment with an interesting image. Enterprising people have developed several simple technologies, which will allow you to do without such colossal costs. The main thing is inspiration and the desire to create.

Projector to help the artist

Some creative people use technical devices to make life easier. You can simply display the image you like on the wall using a projector. Outline all the elements in the form of a sketch and then decorate with paints. A very convenient technique that you can use.

Projection drawing technique

Variant of drawing in the nursery

How to draw with your fingers

Children love to draw on the walls. And often this is drawing with paint using your hands. Some artists have taken this children's fun to an absolute level. new level. Using finger painting, you can draw a real masterpiece on the wall of your apartment. Of course, this requires a certain skill, but you can also train on an ordinary Whatman paper. In addition, there are a huge number of video tutorials on the Internet in which simple and in clear language all the intricacies of this work are explained, as well as various technologies. Drawings created in this way are never repeated. They always have their own individual look. The paint can be absolutely anything, the main thing is that it is not toxic or has a pungent odor. When drawing, you should not put a lot of paint on your finger at once to avoid drips.

Using this technique you can make unusual drawings

Painting a wall with your fingers

Unusual full-wall panel

In Romania, the use of special rollers with a convex pattern is no longer something out of the ordinary. But in the CIS countries this innovation is just beginning to take root. Some designers even came up with their own ideas for embossed rubber surface wonderful invention. All you need to do is prepare the surface and choose paint. The pattern is applied simple movement like when painting a wall.

Using a roller when drawing

Decorative roller

The Russians turn out to be no less interesting

Where to start painting the walls in a room

You have to prepare everything for work in advance. Purchase the necessary paints, make or buy a ready-made stencil, prepare the wall. But first things first.

Surface preparation

The first step is to decide which image on which wall will best fit into the design of the room itself. Then you need to clean the surface of the old coating, be it wallpaper or paint. Although, some types of paints can be safely applied with plaster. It won't work just with oil paints. Most often, paintings or frescoes on the wall are made using plaster that has been carefully applied and dried. The stencil technique is possible without this preparation: it can be done directly on the wallpaper. You can also do without cleaning the wall if the room has paintable wallpaper ( special types non-woven, paper or glass wallpaper).

Required materials and tools

You can apply a design to the walls with your own hands using the most ordinary brushes. But you will need at least 3 with different pile thicknesses. For application using a stencil, a regular sponge or roller may be suitable.

Almost any paint will do. You can buy regular gouache, acrylic or tempera paints are also suitable. It is advisable to take moisture-resistant paints so that the drawings are more durable. Their consistency should be medium. Beginners should not take on designs that contain more than three shades. When used correctly, even several colors will create an elegant design. You need to remember that even if you choose only black, you can get a beautiful abstract painting. You can also use spray paint for painting if you have experience working with them. By the way, graffiti is not such a bad way to make your apartment bright and individual. But not everyone can cope with this.

You can use tempera paints for painting.

To make your work easier, you can purchase a palette. You can mix colors and create new shades on it. You can also make several test strokes on the palette or practice them.

The drawing should suit the character of the room. In living rooms you can paint abstract images in the form geometric shapes. A children's room should convey the spirit of childhood: cartoon characters, funny animals or toys. In the bedroom you can place pictures of the forest or the sea, something soothing and not stressful. Don’t rush to redraw the first picture you come across on the Internet. To enliven the room, a simple floral pattern or the application of butterflies, cats, stars, and so on may be enough.

The first step is to draw the background, if there is one in the selected image. It is applied, as on paper, to a damp surface. The wall should be lightly moistened with water. After the background has been applied, you can begin drawing the sketch. This can be done even with a simple pencil. Tracing paper or carbon paper will also work. Professional artists can try transferring a large design onto the wall using a grid-based enlargement of the design. The drawing and the wall are drawn into cells and then painstakingly redrawn. Another way to transfer an image to a wall is with gunpowder. All lines in the drawing are pierced with a needle. Then it is applied to the wall and all holes are filled with coloring powder. You can use coal. A drawing in the form of dots remains on the wall, with which you can already work. To apply large paintings, you need to mark the wall using a level so that the drawing does not warp. After which the artist sets off on a free voyage. The main thing is to let the already drawn elements dry before taking on the next ones. Drying can be done with a regular hairdryer or even a fan. But just don’t bring them too close, otherwise the paint will spread. If the work is not urgent, it is better to let the paint dry on its own. It won't take that long.

For those who are not so confident in their abilities, excellent option It will be possible to apply a drawing on the wall with your own hands using a stencil.

Making a stencil

Stencils can be found on the Internet, printed and cut out on hard cardboard. Not any cardboard will do; you need to take something that won’t get wet from the slightest drop of water. You can also use a plastic paper folder to make a stencil.

For advanced users, the option of using a plotter may be suitable. First you need to find a picture in eps format, and then simply send it to be cut on a plotter. Thin plastic or oracal film is suitable for this. The stencil will be completely ready as soon as you remove the cut out elements that are not included in your drawing.

If you don’t have time for this, you can purchase Gstencils. Some printing studios can make a stencil based on your design. You just need to stick it on the wall in the chosen location.

Applying wall art

The main rule for applying a pattern to a wall using this method is that after applying each element, you need to thoroughly wipe the stencil itself. Otherwise, multi-colored spots will spoil your masterpiece.

Use a spateria to spread the paint.

Your cardboard or plastic assistant needs to be firmly attached to the wall using special glue, or better yet, regular tape. But make sure that you do not remove a piece of primer or wallpaper along with the fastening.

Using a brush to make a design

Easy Stencil Ideas

You can advantageously highlight some parts of the apartment with the help of butterflies or flowers. A very popular design is a tree. The variety of designs is amazing: cherry blossoms and apple trees, family trees, black silhouettes and trees of life. Cats are also a popular design: they are easy to make, everyone likes them, and they enliven the apartment with their presence. In the children's room you can arrange the real thing starry sky. Especially if you use luminous paints.

What is needed to create unique interior? Desire, time and inspiration. Nothing is impossible. Pick up brushes and paints and create drawings, create. But everything that is created with your own hands makes you even more happy.

IN modern world Values ​​are constantly changing, as is the understanding of beauty. More than a hundred years ago, it was fashionable high ceilings, windows and doors, floral wallpaper and paintings in heavy frames. Nowadays, something beautiful is not always expensive, easy to make and often replaced - if you get tired, faded or broken - throw it away.

Trees are beautiful, but we often don't notice it. If you remove greenery from cities, they will become terribly uncomfortable. And we go to parks and forests for a reason - that’s where we relax. Scientists have proven that all asymmetrical objects calm our psyche. These include clouds, flowers and any plants and trees. Even unnatural, drawn ones.

Bathroom design made in wood

White wood in the interior looks very unusual and beautiful

Lately it has been fashionable to use dry trees in the interior, but they take free place and difficult to install. Another option is to paint a tree on the wall with your own hands. No, photo wallpaper is not the best option. The first association with the word “photo wallpaper” is an old, unevenly faded panel with nature in an old school or hospital building. Of course, if you choose photo wallpapers wisely, they will enliven the room, increase the space, and breathe new life to your small and ordinary room. But not the forest, the forest on photo wallpapers remained in fashion a couple of decades ago.

- You don’t have to choose for a long time beautiful wallpaper.

A solid color or plain paint will be a great backdrop for your tree.

- This best alternative paintings.

What to hang, landscape? Big or small? Or maybe a lot of photos would be better? But the photographs on the walls are already so boring, and the tree is practically alive.

— Wood on the wall in the interior gives comfort.

Even drawn. Where do we feel calmer? Leaning against a tall and beautiful trunk is psychologically more pleasant, brings you closer to nature and gives you comfort.

— Originality.

Natural or fabulous, or assembled from a bright ornament. Plain or variegated, flat or voluminous - your tree should be unique, just your plant.

A wooden bathroom looks very modern

Wallpaper with imitation wood is pasted on the wall

How and from what to make it?

There are many decor options. The main thing is not to be afraid; usually the tendency to experiment is higher in apartments with old or inexpensive repairs, if you spent a lot of money on beautiful wallpaper, you will no longer paint a decorative tree on top of the wall. And will it look good?

Some are constantly engaged in creativity, combining hobbies and income, others simply take a break from everyday worries, plunging into the world of homemade beauty. But someone lights up, and until they knit a napkin for an ottoman, sew a cover for a chair, or draw a tree on the wall, they will not calm down.

Whole tree or crown? Or maybe just a branch? Or a tall oak tree that goes high to the ceiling, right up to the chandelier? This solution enlarges the room, turning low ceilings in our apartments to the boundless sky above. There are many options, your tree can be born in your head or taken from some sketches, but it should match your interior in color and shape.

A wooden wall perfectly complements the interior of the room

Imitation of old wood on the wall looks very unusual

Simple and fast solutions

Paints - watercolor and gouache - will not work; it is better to avoid water-soluble paints, this will preserve the design when the humidity changes or children are pampered, and also makes wet cleaning accessible. The best option would be oil or acrylic. It is important to know what you want to see in your room; first you need to make a sketch on paper. It’s easy to make marks on the wall with chalk or pencil, so you can imagine future image your tree and, if necessary, adjust anything.

Paper - old wallpaper or self-adhesive film - the color is not important, you can cut out the outline, paint it in any color and stick it on the wall. For many, this is a simpler option that gives more room for imagination - old newspapers, color magazines, all that remains is to create.

Crumpled paper will help make your decor voluminous and unique.

The fabric is better thick, but most importantly, bright. The meaning is the same - we cut out a decorative tree to place it on the wall entirely or parts of it: branches, leaves, and glue it to the wall. The main thing is to choose bright, rich fabrics that are not prone to fading.

Wood in the living room will create a special atmosphere

Instead of wood, you can use wood-look tiles

Imitation wood in the living room interior looks very unusual and beautiful

More complex options

Real wood will complicate your work - selecting the material, processing it and placing it on the wall will take a lot of time and force you to work, but the result is worth it - it's real! A living, warm and beautiful tree.

Plaster stucco is a product of almost professional creativity; the hands of a master create creations that are indescribable in their liveliness - a trunk, branches, leaves. But creating such a tree is difficult, and the services of such exclusive work are not cheap.

Imitation wood in the interior will look very beautiful

An excellent solution would be to finish the walls with wood-look tiles.

Tricks to improve results

A stencil made of cardboard or wallpaper will simplify the task of drawing on the walls - the tree is depicted on thick paper, and then cut out, and the resulting outline is applied to the wall.

Help from a friend - if you have designers or artists among your friends, involve them in the work. Even just friends with good taste can give useful advice or spend the weekend doing something useful together.

The tree is beautiful not only with its silhouette, but with its leaves, fruits, flowers, as well as birds sitting on the branches. They are easy to make from any material, the main thing is that they enliven the interior with their bright colors.

Vinyl stickers on sale will clear your doubts - ready-made solution, are easy to stick; if desired, the sticker can be peeled off almost painlessly.

The tree hides the corner perfectly, turning square room closer to natural environment. It is beautiful, original and pleasing to the eye.

The sleeve in the kitchen can be made from wood-look tiles

Instead of wood, you can use wallpaper with wood imitation

The living room design is made in modern style with wood imitation

DIY wall decoration options

Paper, fabrics, paints are good, but what if you want something more original and voluminous?

Polystyrene foam is affordable and inexpensive material, it is easy to cut out any shapes from it; due to its lightness, the foam can be glued to any surface. It is painted on top with any paint that will turn the workpiece into an almost natural product.

Decorative nails or pushpins stuck into the wall will become support points for colored yarn, from which the original design will be laid out.

Wallpaper with white wood imitation is pasted on the wall

The living room design is made in warm colors with a tree

Not only aestheticism, but also functionality

Wood in the form of shelves, or shelves made in the shape of a tree crown - books can be laid out on such a system; multi-colored spines will be a beautiful addition to the tree. Figurines, especially in the form of birds, will make your tree even more alive.

You can decorate a hanger in the hallway in the form of a branch. However, only volumetric and durable materialnatural wood or plaster.

Wood as a finishing material

Internal wood trim more typical for country houses, a block house for wall cladding turns the room into a wooden cottage. Warm color wood and natural patterns give peace and comfort, and it seems that when we look out the window we will see the greenery of the nearby forest, the flower bed and the greenery of the lawn. If the block house seems too aggressive and clumsy, you should opt for a more classic finish using boards.

The walls in the room can be decorated with wood-like tiles

Wallpaper with imitation wood will harmoniously complement the bedroom interior

Wood-effect tiles will perfectly complement the interior

Some people like the tree, others it resembles a sauna or a balcony. Maybe the lining is too aggressive for rooms, but in hallways and corridors finishing with solid wood boards is the best option. If possible, offices or administrative premises are decorated with this material.

Another option is to decorate one wall with wood. Nowadays zoning is in fashion and different colour walls, and wood is more beautiful material, how fake diamond or brick. A good option There will be both natural wood with its indescribable texture and laminate. The latter already has such a huge selection of colors and patterns that you can choose the one that best suits your interior. Interesting solution one wall will be finished with the same material as the floor. Decorating walls with laminate with your own hands will allow you to make the interior match your taste without regard to other people's norms and rules.

You can stick wallpaper with wood imitation on the wall

The wall decoration is made with wood-like tiles

Wood as an accent

The image should be easy for the eye to catch on - small branches and patterns, leaves and squiggles, streaks of bark. Otherwise, it will get lost, merge with the wallpaper, and “hide” behind the colorful sofa. Your tree should be, if not the center of the room, then an important part of it, contrasting with the plain wall and the simplicity of the furnishings.

Each room has its own

A fairy-tale oak tree from Lukomorye with a learned cat would be appropriate in a nursery; a tree with flowers and a swing would be appropriate in a girl’s room. An older girl can draw a cute abstraction for herself, decorating a room without painting the walls.

In a kitchen or living room in a modern style with its characteristic minimalism, it would be appropriate to look at a tree with patterns or ornaments. In more classic room ordinary wood looks good with natural color and proportions.

The design of the room is made in one color scheme

Imitation ebony in the interior looks very beautiful

You can stick wallpaper with wood imitation on the wall

In the hallway and corridor, a small tree is suitable, catching the eye, turning uncomfortable nooks with corners of the corridor into cozy room with original trees.

The scope for imagination is limitless, the main thing is to create!

Video: Imitation of wood with putty

50 photos of examples of using imitation wood in the interior:

Of course, after moving to a new home, everyone wants to make it not only comfortable and practical, but also add a touch of originality to the familiar interior. Recently, the trend towards wall painting has become particularly relevant. The drawing on the wall fits into absolutely any interior, making it unique and unique. Upon entering a room with such picturesque walls, guests will easily be able to form a first impression of the owners of the apartment, and the happy owners of the home will more than once hear compliments about their creativity and impeccable taste.

Cherry blossoms - forever

But not everyone can afford to hire a professional decorative artist who will create a real detailed and well-drawn masterpiece on your walls. Not everyone can do this on their own, but if you misjudge your artistic talents, you can best case scenario, get a clumsy, but passable picture, and in the worst case, you will have to sketch or wash away the results of your artistic efforts.

Therefore, if the last time you held a pencil and a brush in your hands was when you were still at school, then it is better to first try to make a sketch of the drawing in a fairly large format. By drawing a future picture on whatman paper, you can soberly assess your capabilities. Better yet, show the drawing to your relatives or friends to get their opinion.

Remember! It is especially important if your relatives or loved ones live with you. It is impossible for a room that has turned into yours light hand V blooming garden, brought discord to family relationships and made your family nervous.

Important points when drawing a tree on a wall

IN When choosing a pattern for a room, you should consider:

  • Room dimensions.
  • Its direct purpose.
  • Interests and hobbies of residents.
  • The artistic talents of the author of the drawing.
  • The amount of money you are willing to spend on creating the painting.

Based on the above factors, we can conclude that the drawing on the wall should be quite simple and not tacky. In addition, it is highly not recommended to make large drawings covering the entire wall in small rooms. In this case, it is best to choose part of the wall or one corner for painting. Of course, there is practically no room in the house where drawings on the walls would be inappropriate.

The illusion of completely natural wood

As for the bedroom or children's room, you need to be quite careful with applying bright and catchy images to the walls, since the main purpose of these rooms is relaxation, and colorful, saturated designs can distract adults from relaxation and prevent children from falling asleep.

If you nevertheless decide to depict any paintings on the walls of these rooms, then it is best to place them at the head of the bed. As for the type of drawing and its content, everything will depend on the individual desires of the apartment owner. But in order for all the interior items in the house to be harmoniously combined with the pattern, you need to work hard. The versatility of a wall painting should be motivated by practical considerations. After all, you must admit that it would be quite stupid to select furniture and accessories to match the masterpiece you have drawn, and not vice versa.

Wood or its elements are deservedly considered one of the most universal designs. The fact is that this drawing can be done in almost any style, and, depending on the room where it will be depicted, you can add various decorative elements. In addition, the image of a tree can be easily decorated with all kinds of voluminous accessories. It is easy to place hooks for clothes on the tree branches, making it into a hanger, photo frames or any other small items.

The tree can be decorated with pleasant little things

Remember that it is best to make the tree branches asymmetrical; this will greatly simplify the drawing process and make the picture more lively and natural.

How to paint a tree on the wall and what materials to use

When you have finally decided on the design, you can begin to bring your idea to life. This is best done in several steps:

  1. Preparatory. Choose a spot on the wall and carefully evaluate the surface. If there are no noticeable flaws on the plastered wall, you can immediately begin drawing contours, but if this wall has significant unevenness or spots, and old paint cracked, then the place for the future painting must be leveled and cleaned.
  2. Creating a sketch. When preparatory work completed, take a simple pencil and use thin, barely noticeable lines to draw the contours of the future drawing. If you don't have much artistic talent, get creative and use a projector. In this case, you will just need to trace the drawing projected onto the wall.
  3. Coloring. When painting a picture, use brushes of different thicknesses. First, apply paint with a wide brush to the largest single-color elements (trunk, thick branches). Then paint the thin branches using a smaller brush. Once the base colors have been applied, you can safely begin placing accents and adding small parts. Leaves, flowers and thin twigs can be depicted using a stencil. Various forest inhabitants also look good on the tree.

Watch the video for inspiration:

So, now you know how to correctly draw a tree on the wall of a room in an apartment! We wish you a successful renovation!

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