Indoor flower money tree name. Money tree - indoor flower: folk signs, superstitions, conspiracy

There is a popular opinion that a money tree in the house is a material well-being, and if it also blooms, it means that prosperity and wealth will settle in this house for a long time. “Money tree” or “Crassula tree” is grown by many people, since the plant does not require much attention and always looks beautiful. This one is not capricious indoor flower It is distinguished by small glossy fleshy leaves resembling coins and is a decoration for any interior. True, the plant does not please many people with its flowering. To do this, you need to know all the secrets of care and cultivation in order to create everything for the plant. favorable conditions.

A flower has not only decorative qualities, but also healing. The fat woman releases a lot into the surrounding space useful substances, which can have a positive effect on a person’s general condition and health in general. The money tree will become a real home healer only if proper care.

A blossoming money tree is very rare and a pleasant surprise. Many people would like to see their pet bloom, but for this it is necessary to observe certain important points. In general, the plant is considered unpretentious and even patient. It grows very quickly and is easy to grow, but the flowering period occurs very rarely. Here the owner of the indoor plant will have to be patient.

Crassula arborescens is widespread in Southern Africa. The plant feels so good in its native conditions that it is easy to meet in wildlife in bloom. The money tree feels favorable when located most of the day in bright sunlight and high air temperatures. The growth and development of the entire plant depends on sufficient light and heat. An excess of light and direct rays of the sun are undesirable and even dangerous. Short daylight hours, which are common in many regions with the arrival of the autumn-winter season, also negatively affect the development of the fat woman. When growing at home, you need to choose a windowsill with proper lighting, without the danger of sunburn.

Caring for an indoor flower begins with planting it. For a money tree, the soil composition does not have of great importance. It takes root in any soil and reproduces in any way. A shoot, the tip of a shoot, and even an ordinary leaf, when dropped into soil or water, take root very quickly, grow intensively and feel good in a new place. Correct fit- this is the first step towards the beginning of the long-awaited flowering. But there are other simple but mandatory procedures.


I love this houseplant very much Fresh air, but negatively affects sudden change temperatures Therefore, “walks” on the balcony or outside are best done in the warm season, when the difference in temperature indoors and outdoors is minimal. In the warm months, the fat woman loves temperatures from 20 to 25 degrees, and during the rest period (during winter time) – from 10 to 15 degrees.


Although the fat woman belongs to the moisture-loving representatives, but excess moisture in the soil it will only harm it. Firstly, with an excess of water, growth and development may slow down, and secondly, the root part of the plant may rot. It is best to water the flower after upper layer the soil will dry out to about one centimeter deep. Volume irrigation water– moderate, but at the beginning of flowering, the amount of water when watering must be increased. Important to use for water procedures water room temperature.

Feeding and fertilizers

The money tree is positive about regular fertilizing, which can be applied to the soil once or even twice a month. Since the flower belongs to succulent plants (such as, for example, a cactus), it is better to use fertilizers that are intended for feeding cacti.


Crassula – fast growing plant, which needs timely transplantation as it increases in growth and volume. To choose the right new one flower pot, you need to focus on the top of the plant. Its volumes are the approximate volume of the pot. When replanting, it is important not to damage the integrity of the root part. It is better to replant the plants together with the earthen ball or most of it. The new soil mixture should be of the same composition as the old one.

Shaping the trunk

Experienced flower growers believe that the development of the stem also affects the beginning of flowering of the Crassula and recommend cutting off the top of the plant, which has reached a height of about 30 centimeters. This will contribute to better rooting of the tree, the appearance of new buds and the formation of a beautiful crown and strong trunk.

Daily care of the plant to promote flowering

The money tree may not bloom long time, even for several years, but this does not mean it will never bloom. Must be repeated daily simple rules care that will bring this long-awaited period closer:

  • Ventilation of the room in which the plant is kept. The fat woman loves fresh air very much.
  • Timely ridding of the flower from dried, withered and old leaves.
  • Using support or garters for rapidly growing stems and shoots.
  • Regular wet wiping of the leaf part. Even an imperceptible layer of dust prevents the plant from breathing and fully developing.

Not everyone was lucky enough to see and admire this rare and long-awaited event. Owners indoor plants They probably know from books, magazines and the Internet what this beauty looks like, but everyone wants to have Blooming tree in your home.

Crassula arborescens blooms with small white flowers that look like small stars, which cover individual shoots or the entire plant at once. In other species of this plant, flowering is distinguished by yellow or pink shades of flowers. After waiting for the fat woman to begin this charming period, you can add blooming beauty cash coins and multi-colored ribbons that will complete the symbolic image of wealth and prosperity.

Crassula or money tree How to make it bloom? (video)

The money tree flower looks beautiful and is easy to care for. A folk sign says that this plant promotes financial well-being its owners. With proper care, it will become a real decoration of any interior.

How to care for a money flower

Another name for this indoor plant is Crassula. It is called money because its leaves resemble coins. Feng Shui says that when correct location indoors, the flower improves the financial situation of its owners.

The money tree flower does not tolerate well high temperature in room

When caring for it at home, you need to consider the following points:

  • location and lighting. It is better to put the flower on the windowsill, where there will be enough sunlight. This will help avoid pests;
  • watering features. The plant does not require much moisture. In winter, it is recommended to limit watering to once a month; in summer, water once every 3 weeks, and then remove excess water from the flower pot. Spraying leaves can cause them to rot;
  • humidity. With frequent changes in the humidity level in the room, the fat plant loses its attractive appearance, the color of the leaves fades;
  • air temperature. It is important not to place the flower near heating radiators. The optimal temperature in winter is +14ºC - +17ºC, the rest of the time - +19ºC - +25ºC;
  • feeding You need to feed the fat woman in the spring. summer period when the stems and leaves are actively growing, no more than once a month. Fertilizers can be used universal, special, and also for cacti.

In order for the money tree to grow lush, you need to pinch out new buds. After 3-4 pairs of new leaves appear on the branch, pinch out the bud between the last pair of leaves.

How to properly replant a money tree

In order to transplant a money flower you need:

  • prepare a wide flower pot, no diameter larger size crowns;
  • the pot should not be deep, because the roots of the flower grow wide;
  • replant only 3 weeks after purchasing the flower to adapt it to new conditions;
  • you can take ready-made soil - for cacti or succulents;
  • create a 2 cm drainage layer from expanded clay or other material that does not rot, fill the pot a quarter full with soil;
  • when transplanting, preserve the earthen lump and remove rotten roots;
  • After transplanting, water the plant well.

Care money flower at home involves replanting an adult plant once every 2 years spring period, young – once a year. If you replant the Crassula in March, the likelihood of new flowers appearing increases.

Do you want to improve your well-being? Then the money tree will come in handy! You just need to learn how to properly care for it. Common Crassula (Crassula or money tree) is popular with most gardeners.

This plant is native to Madagascar, Australia, southern Arabia and arid southern Africa. Crassula accumulates in its leaves large stock moisture, this helps the plant survive in such hot countries. If you believe the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, it is the fat woman who brings financial well-being to the house.

How to plant a money tree?

The money tree belongs to the genus of Succulents of the Crassulaceae family and is an ornamental deciduous plant.

If you decide to purchase a “money tree” in a store, please Special attention on the condition of the leaves: they should be hard, fleshy to the touch, without any mechanical damage. The stem should be thick and strong. The soil should be moist. The store will offer you different types Crassula. Feel free to choose the type you like, as they grow well at home and care for them is the same.

Ordinary garden soil is not suitable for Crassula. Since it can be infected with pests, which at home will begin to multiply and cause harm to the plant. Usually used for soil special mixture for cacti and succulents. If you are using universal soil for indoor plants, add a little sand to it.

When transplanting a money tree into another pot, place expanded clay or small pieces red brick. Cover the soil with a thin layer of soil. Remove the plant from cramped pot, being careful not to damage the root system. Remove rotted roots. Now feel free to transplant into new pot. Water thoroughly and place in the shade for a week. Spray the leaves to prevent them from wilting. Then move the plant to its usual place. The money tree is replanted every two years in the spring, or, if necessary, in the spring once a year.

Money tree care

In order for the money tree to bloom, keep it in a cool place in winter at a temperature of +12 to +15°C, water it once or twice a month.

Crassula, like any indoor plant, does not like frequent changes of place. Place the plant in bright room. The temperature in summer should be from +20 to +24°C. Avoid hitting straight sun rays on the leaves so that they do not burn or fall off.

All about the money tree

Feed the plant during active growth(from spring to autumn) once every two weeks. In winter once a month.

The editors of the site advise placing the money tree in the southeast or south window. After all, according to Feng Shui, this plant accumulates wealth in its leaves, and the better the condition of the tree, the better the financial situation.
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Crassula - Crassula - is called " money tree" The plant belongs to the Crassulaceae family ( crassulaceae, lat..), a genus of Crassula. Other names: monkey tree, living tree, tree of happiness. But it is more often called “money” because of its fleshy leaves, similar in shape to coins.

Habitat in natural conditions

Homeland of the Crassula - South Africa. The plant lives in dry areas of South Africa, on the island of Madagascar, in South Arabia. Some representatives grow in humid regions of Australia.


Representatives of the genus Crassula are united by one common feature- fleshy leaves and trunk, which is why the plant got its name. In total, about 300 species have been identified. Only some representatives are most well adapted for home conditions. Varieties of this tree can be grown on your windowsill.

Tree Crassula (Crassula arborescens)

Most popular type house plant- tree crassula. In adulthood, it resembles a small tree with a rich crown. The trunk is brown-gray, thickened, reaches 7 cm in diameter. The leaf is fleshy, thick, slightly elongated, with a rounded edge. Its length can be 7 cm and width 3–4 cm. The color is rich green or dark in color.

The crown grows up to 1.5 meters in width and height by about 10 years. Flowering is possible at this age.

Crassula ovata

The plant has the appearance of a shrub, the stem of which is rich in twigs. As it grows, it turns into a pronounced trunk.

The shape of the leaves is rounded, reminiscent of an egg, which is why Crassula got its name. The leaves are rich green or silver-gray and in the sun they acquire a reddish edge. Sometimes white specks form.

Hobbit (Crassula hobbit)

This is a cultivar of the oval and milky Crassula, reminiscent of coral polyps. It looks exotic because of the unusual structure of the leaf: it is twisted inward and extended upward, adjacent blades grow together to the middle. The plant has a trunk, the growth principle is similar to Crassula ovata. An unusual representative of the family is used to create bonsai compositions.

Crassula lactea

Ornamental shrub with creeping shoots. Reaches a height of 60 cm. The peculiarity is the obovate shape of the leaf, fused to the middle with neighboring leaves. The color is green, with white dots, reminiscent of a milky coating.

Small-headed Crassula (Crassula capitella)

The unusual shape of the leaf determines the name of this plant. The leaves are small, only 0.6–1.0 cm in length, collected in rosettes. Light green, with red specks and midrib. The trunk is thin, evenly strewn with leaf rosettes. There are many varieties of this species, among them there is a plant with bright red leaves.

Shortleaf Crassula (Crassula brevifolia)

This is a plant with a straight trunk, showered with short, rounded leaves. Their length is only 1 cm. The color ranges from light green to gray, with a silver or reddish frame.

It is difficult to list all the varieties of domesticated fatworts - there are many of them. Flower growers have tamed wild varieties of plants and adapted the most beautiful representatives of this family to life at home, and developed new varieties.

Magic abilities

Why is Crassula called the money tree? The custom of investing magical meaning in a decorative tree came from Ancient China, where the Crassula has been considered a symbol of wealth since ancient times. Its leaves look like coins, and its thick stem looks like an expensive wallet. The plant accumulates moisture and stores it like a thrifty person. Hence the sacred meaning. It is believed that the tree sheds its leaves to financial losses, and the gradual growth of the crown promises an increase in the owner’s well-being.

Whether this is true or not, everyone will decide for themselves in their own way. For the same reason, the tree symbolizes happiness, combining prosperity and joy. The tree of life gets its name because of the amazing vitality of a succulent representative of the flora in dry unfavorable conditions in a natural environment.

Tree propagation and planting

To plant a money tree, you need to find a leaf or cutting, or, as a last resort, buy seeds. Certainly, faster plant will form from a leaf. To do this, cut a leaf or leaf cutting from a healthy bush.

There are two ways:

During the first 3 years, the plant gives significant growth, so it will have to be replanted regularly, changing pots to wider and deeper ones for the development of the root system.

By the third year, you need to transplant the money tree into a heavy, wide pot: root system not always able to hold large plant independently, the containers often turn over, injuring the Crassula and causing inconvenience to the owners. To do this, the trunk is removed from the old container, the main soil is cleared from the roots and placed in a new prepared pot.

Crassula can be propagated within a couple of years, when planting material will reach full size.

It is advisable to transplant in the spring during the period of active awakening flora, a living tree can be propagated in spring and summer.

Soil preparation

To plant and replant a plant, you need loose soil close to the ground. natural environment a habitat. For this you can purchase ready mixture for cacti at a botanical store or make it yourself:

  1. Deciduous soil - 3 parts.
  2. Turf – 1 part.
  3. Peat – 1 part.
  4. Coarse sand without dust - 1 part.
  5. For loosening, birch coals or brick chips and expanded clay granules are placed.

It is advisable to plant a young shoot in soil prepared according to the given recipe; for an adult, the proportions can be adjusted, and the amount of turf can be doubled.

Before planting the plant in the soil, you need to correctly arrange the layers in the pot:

  1. 1–2 layers of expanded clay are poured onto the bottom.
  2. Lay the prepared soil to half or 2/3 of the volume.
  3. Crassula tree or another variety of it is planted.
  4. Add soil and press down the top layer.

The planted flower must be watered.

How to care for a plant

Caring for a money tree at home does not require special effort- an unpretentious plant. Nevertheless, it is necessary to observe hygiene measures for the florist pet, water it correctly, feed it in a timely manner and form the crown.

Watering mode

The money tree - the Crassula - accumulates moisture and holds it for quite a long time, therefore it does not need abundant soil moisture.

How to water the fat plant:

  • In summer, you need to water the tree no more than 2-3 times a week, but you should still determine the amount of moisture based on the condition of the soil. If the surface of the earth dries out, then adding water is required. It is important not to turn the soil into a swamp.
  • In winter, there is almost no need to water the plant; the tree is dormant. Regime – 1 time per month. Of course, if the pot is placed above the radiator, then the humidification mode is summer.

Dust removal

The money tree, Crassula, has dense leaves that normally receive dust. To remove it, use a damp, soft cloth. Spraying in the case of wide leaves may not be effective. Some gardeners practice shower procedures for the tree of life: place the pot in the bathtub and spray it with water from the shower head. At the same time, you should not direct the streams towards the pot, so as not to over-moisten the soil.

Lighting and temperature

To make caring for the tree easier, you need to place it in favorable living conditions. The plant loves the sun, but in moderation - it is better to place the pot on the western, eastern or adjacent sides. The southern direction gives too intense radiation, from which green leaves burn and become Brown color. In the north there is not enough light.

After winter, you need to accustom the plant to the sun gradually, exposing it to the sunny side in doses.

You can grow a money tree quickly only in comfortable temperature conditions:

  • In summer – +20–22 ˚C;
  • In winter, during hibernation - not lower than +70 ˚C.

In summer, the tree can be taken out onto the plot or onto the balcony - it loves fresh air. When there is significant cold weather, the pot must be brought into the house.


Another rule from the series “how to care for a money tree” is timely fertilization of the soil. The plant is unpretentious and does not require frequent interventions. Still, cactus mixtures sold in floriculture stores will help improve the condition of the soil. They are used in the summer according to the instructions. In winter, fertilizer is not required.

Crown molding

Often a tree is formed unevenly, some branches develop quickly, others slowly. To avoid distortion, weak sides pinch out onto 2 leaves, at this point the growth of a new shoot is activated. Molding is carried out in the spring-summer period so that new shoots have time to lay flowering buds.

Flowering indoor tree

Probably few people have seen the money tree bloom. Many novice flower growers are sure that Crassula is not at all flowering plant, but that's not true. The photo below shows the beauty of the tree in its blooming state.

Crassula flowers are white and pink, shaped like a star. They are collected in loose panicles and are located at the ends of young shoots.

Flowering is possible only in adults over 10 years old; young plants do not have this trait. Blooming begins in autumn winter period when the plant is preparing to go dormant.

A living tree blooms for 2–3 months; as the flowers fade, they are removed so that seeds do not form if this is not required.

A plant can bloom only with full compliance simple rules care for complex irrigation, sufficient sunlight and fertilizing. If Crassula feels good, she will definitely let you know about it.

After flowering for the remaining winter period, the tree should be removed to rest in a dark place until spring.

The fat woman is known to almost every person. At one time it was even fashionable to keep him at home, so to speak, to exaggerate his wealth. But for most, this plant did not stay at home for long. The thing is that the flower always reacted the same way to any maintenance error - it dropped its leaves. Yes, there is such a feature behind it. And it’s not at all a lack of cash flow, as some people think.

How to properly care for a money tree? In principle, it does not require any exorbitant conditions. Now let's look at everything in order.

Where to get fatty

It is generally accepted that the largest cash flows are attracted to the house only by a stolen plant. This “scientific” fact belongs to the category of superstitions. And it only works for those people who are inclined to believe in it. Just like the fact that a stolen plant grows better.

You might think that if you secretly tear off a leaf somewhere and stick it in the sand, then in two days you will get a whole tree. Nonsense. A flower will grow well only when it is properly cared for. Where the leaf or shoot was taken is no longer so important.

Crassula can be bought, begged for as a gift, or stolen. The main thing is to love her and create the right conditions.

Which pot should I plant it in?

Many people complain that the fat woman grows tall, feels good, but falls. That is, the stem is thin and cannot support its own weight. It remains green and bears little resemblance to a tree. Let's reveal a secret: the stem of the crassula begins to become woody and grow in breadth only when the root reaches the bottom of the pot. Therefore, the plant should be planted in a wide but low container. The depth of the pot should be no more than 10 cm, but the diameter should be at least 20 cm. Remember Japanese bonsai. This is the capacity you should be guided by.

The best materials are clay, ceramics or terracotta. This way, less moisture will evaporate during drought, and when excessive watering the excess will be absorbed into the walls. Of course, only partially, but sometimes this is enough to prevent the plant from starting to rot.

Where to put the fat plant

There is an opinion that the money tree should be dragged across the windows. They say, in winter on one, in summer - on something completely different. It’s better not to touch the fat plant again, otherwise it will give you a shower of leaves. Then she will stand there bald. Choose one for her permanent place. It must have certain light and temperature conditions.

The money tree loves light, but can grow well in partial shade. The main condition is that there should be direct lighting only half the day. Better after lunch and until evening. The other half of the day the lighting should be diffused. If you don’t have such a window, then place it on any windowsill. And regulate the light with improvised means - curtains, cardboards. Just don't cover the money tree completely. Just keep it out of direct sunlight.

If a reddish border begins to appear on the leaves, then increase the duration of direct lighting little by little. But first you need to know if this is a feature of your plant variety? Now there are a lot of variegated forms.

Temperature. Despite the fact that the plant comes from Africa, it does not really like high temperatures. At +25°C the leaves begin to wither and wrinkle. At +5°C, rot and disease begin to attack the money tree.

The most optimal temperature for keeping Crassula ranges from +15 to +20°C. Just don't sudden changes. If one mode is selected, then let it remain. It must be changed gradually, otherwise the leaves will fall again.

And yet, even though it is a tree, its external strength is deceptive. Breaking off an entire branch with careless movement is as easy as shelling pears. So be careful.

Advice. If the heat sets in and it is not possible to move the pot to a cooler room, then place additional containers of water nearby and spray the flower more often. This will make it easier for him to tolerate high air temperatures.

What soil to plant in

The money tree does not need a super-extraordinary soil mixture. Store-bought ones are perfect for her, for example, for succulents or cacti. Or you can assemble it yourself. To do this, take garden soil, clean sand, peat and humus. There are no special proportions; by eye it turns out to be approximately only 1 part. You can add a small handful of small stones, this will allow the soil to remain loose. In addition, the root system of the Crassula will entwine these pebbles. This will allow it to hold tighter in a shallow pot when it becomes a real tree.

The plant requires drainage. These can be coals from deciduous trees, small brick chips, gravel. Just don't use eggshells, as some sources advise. It will be compressed and will be of no use. And the fat woman does not need excess calcium.

When to water Crassula

The fleshy leaves of the money tree are able to accumulate water and retain it. But this does not mean that the plant does not like to drink. Still not a cactus.

Watering the Crassula clean water room temperature. It is advisable to let it sit for at least a day. If the water is spring or well, then there is no such need.

How many times should I water? There are no exact recommendations here; it all depends on the conditions of detention and the microclimate in the room. But let it dry out earthen coma it is forbidden. It is better to add liquid little by little as soon as the top layer of soil dries to a depth of 2 cm.

At the same time, excessive watering should be avoided. This can cause root rot.

What to feed

A money tree may well exist without additional fertilizing. But then, what use is it to you if you don’t want to take care of it? Over time, the soil in the pot will still be depleted and the plant will gradually wither away. Or it will freeze in growth.

So that the fat woman pleases you lush crown and attracted prosperity, you also need to give her something in return. For example, any fertilizer for succulents or cacti. They feed the plant from March to October. It will be enough once a month, on the second day after the next watering.

In winter, limit watering and do not feed the money tree at all.

Advice. If you couldn't find it specialized fertilizer, then feel free to take any multi-component mineral water for indoor plants. Just carefully read the dosage on the package and divide it by two. The fat woman will be happy with such care.

The formation of the money tree depends on what final result you need. General rules are:

  • Use a sharp sterile blade or knife to cut off the top of the shoot, leaving the stalk
  • sprinkle the cut with crushed activated carbon tablet
  • There should be at least 3 leaves left on the shoot

These principles apply to both methods of plant formation. Specific methods are described below.

Bush. To do this, pinching the shoots begins at the very early age. Cut off the crown of the central stem at the level of 4 leaves. Soon, stepsons will begin to appear from the lateral axils of the leaves. They are also pinched, leaving 4 leaves. Later, after the final formation the right size bush, just periodically inspect the money tree and remove excess shoots.

Tree. To get a plant exactly in the form of a tree, you first need to let the central stem grow the desired height. Usually this is from 20 to 35 cm. And only then begin shaping. Cut off the top of the head. Then first two lateral shoots will grow from the axils upper leaves. They are pinched over the 6th leaf. Further formation takes place continuously throughout the life of the money tree. Each branch is cut above 6 or 7 leaves.

However, you may not get a tree if you have a hanging variety of Crassula. In this case, it is better to form it just like a hanging plant. Hang the pots and let the shoots grow downwards calmly. With proper care it looks quite impressive. In addition, a hanging money tree is a rarity in our homes.

Advice. Do not throw away the cut leaves. You can try to root them. If you don't need a new plant, then use them in cosmetic or medicinal purposes. The value of Crassula is akin to beneficial properties aloe.

How often to repot

Replanting a money tree often means simply replacing the soil with a new one. This should be done no more than once every 3 years. Because the plant does not like to be touched at all. It is necessary to increase the size of the pot only when it becomes obvious that it is too crowded. Characteristic features are growth cessation and strong protrusion of roots above the soil surface.

It is advisable not to touch the roots themselves during transplantation. The only exception is the onset of rot. In this case, you will have to cut off all the damage to healthy tissue, then sprinkle it with crushed coal, chalk, or cauterize it with ordinary medical brilliant green.

The only disease that threatens the fat woman is rot. It occurs spontaneously under too cool conditions and excessive watering. Eliminate these factors, and the plant will be powerful and healthy.

If you do overwater the fat plant, then either urgently replace the soil in the pot, which is not advisable to do often. Or place it under a pot in the area drainage holes a thick pack of paper napkins or kitchen towels. The excess liquid will be absorbed and the money tree will be saved.

Did you miss it and rot appeared? Help the fat girl urgently! Trim the affected areas to healthy tissue, rinse with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkle with activated carbon.

At large area lesions will have to cut off healthy cuttings and grow the money tree again. Such a plant cannot be saved.

Pests. In the Russian microflora there are no individual insects that are attracted by the dense, leathery leaves of the plant. But when kept in summer open ground Crassula can be favored by aphids. There are two options here:

  1. Spray the plant with any insecticide systemic action strictly according to the instructions.
  2. Remove aphids by hand by carefully washing the stems and leaves warm solution potassium or laundry soap.

Is it possible to plant in open ground?

The fat woman loves ventilation, so she is often summer season taken out to the balcony or loggia. IN middle lane She also feels great in the garden. Not on open space, otherwise the leaves may burn.

Do not forget to provide good drainage in the planting hole, because after heavy rain, excess moisture should go away.

Care outside is absolutely the same as at home. Just be sure to bring the plant into the room before the cold weather sets in. And check for pests.

  1. Once a month, carefully wipe the leaves of the money tree to remove dust. It loves it very much. You can wash them gently under a gentle stream warm shower. Just be sure to cover the soil in the pot with thick polyethylene or wrap cling film. Excess water may damage roots.
  2. To prevent the money tree from toppling over under the weight of its own crown, choose a pot with a wide, stable bottom. You can place heavy pebbles or glass balls on the soil surface, just make sure that they do not touch the trunk.
  3. Be sure to disinfect the soil before planting or replanting. Purchased or homemade- doesn't matter. But freezing in the freezer with further calcination in the oven will save you from many problems in the future. Additionally, you can spill the soil with a very hot solution of potassium permanganate. Only after this you can plant the money tree no earlier than three days later, otherwise you can burn the roots.

How to care for a money tree? As you can see, it's not that difficult. The most ordinary conditions, simple watering and a little fertilizer. But there are so many benefits! And aesthetically - after all, it’s a tree, and practically - well-being will increase. Love your flowers, they will thank you for it!

Video: how I care for money trees in winter

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