Indoor flowers are magical. Amulet for love

If I dream about family life It just doesn’t come true, think, maybe the violet doesn’t want a man to live in the house? Like camellia, which is also considered a flower of loneliness. For married couples with children these flowers will be brought more happiness. Violets thanks to their magical energy They will not let a depressive mood into the house. Specimens blooming in lilac shades can cleanse the house by removing negative energy from it.

Closed and shy people need to be put in flower pot camellia, it will help you get rid of complexes, become more confident, and believe in your attractiveness. To attract the opposite sex like a magnet, place it in your home.

An orchid will improve your mood and cleanse the energy at home. Photo:

Place spathiphyllum in your bedroom; it’s not called the plant of love for nothing. If a single woman wants to find a soul mate, let her place an anthurium in her bedchamber. It is believed to attract men, just like Chinese rose. Therefore, be sure to place these flowers in your home.

Also classified as a flower of love. This graceful plant It will improve your mood and cleanse the energy of the house, just like balsam, which is popularly nicknamed Vanka wet. He will help homely atmosphere be positive and will clear the air.

Violets, thanks to their magical energy, will not let a depressive mood into the house.

Has magical properties and indoors White Lily. It must be positioned so that the light from the moon falls on the buds. Then he will feed them at night, and during the day the plant will begin to give its magical powers to the woman who is the owner of the plant.

In addition to useful energy point view, domestic plants, there are also harmful ones. Thus, the majestic monstera is a powerful vampire, like Dieffenbachia. These indoor vines are capable of taking energy from people. Their negativity is especially evident in small rooms, where it is extremely undesirable to place these indoor plants. It is better to place it in large offices, medical institutions, where many people pass daily. Here these plants can even become useful, as they will cleanse the space.

For your home, choose plants with positive energy. Photo:

It is also not advisable to place ferns at home; if you have a strong desire to grow such plants, do not place them in the bedroom, nursery, or where family members spend a lot of time. It's better to take them out winter Garden or place it on a glassed-in balcony, heated in winter.

It is better to grow cacti for those who have a calm character. Too much active people can become aggressive when in proximity to domestic needle plants.

When breeding flowers, it is important to know what appearance plants can be grown in one room or another. Thus, Feng Shui does not recommend placing in the living room or bedroom those that have leaves and flowers with pointed and torn edges. It is believed that these representatives of the flora are capable of emitting negative energy.

The magic of indoor plants

Houseplants- one of the ways to gently influence the energy of a home, bringing in a little love or monetary energy, strengthening protection or bestowing peace and harmony.

It should be noted that since these plants are living and continue to live and develop in the process of “use,” their power can be very great. Please note that if your plants “do not live” and die, despite careful care, this may indicate very unfavorable energy in the apartment or house - it means that the plants simply cannot cope with it, they are destroyed, just as dry talismans that have done their job deteriorate herbs

Uzambara violet is energetically connected with the planet Venus. However, this plant will not bring passionate love or new love into your life - but it will preserve existing relationships and effectively cope with constant discord in the family. In addition, violet also has protective properties.

Dracaena or dragon tree is another plant that perfectly cleanses the atmosphere of the house from scandals and quarrels. In addition, dracaena in the bedroom helps to revitalize sex life, and it has a particularly good effect on men.

Geranium with red or pink flowers It is recommended to grow it at home to protect it from evil forces. White geranium is useful if you are planning to have offspring - it promotes childbearing. All varieties of geranium, without exception, have a beneficial effect on married life, bringing peace and harmony to it. If you collect geranium flowers and dry them, you will get an excellent amulet that will attract love into your life.

Indoor rose– a universal “attractor” of love. Buy this plant if you lack romance and new feelings in your life. Naturally, it should be placed in the bedroom.

The Christmas rose or poinsettia is a plant that should be placed in the living room. It enlivens the atmosphere of the home, making it lighter and more welcoming. If you want the doors of your home to always be open for guests, and for the guests to feel comfortable and happy, be sure to purchase this plant!

You can place it next to the poinsettia aloe vera- a plant that protects the house from uninvited guests, and at the same time from accidents and failures. At the same time, aloe brings good luck to all the inhabitants of the house.

The cactus is the most famous home protector. Cacti literally “eat up” negativity in an apartment; in addition, they are very useful for computer scientists: these plants absorb electromagnetic radiation, somewhat neutralizing the harmful effect of the proximity of these complex mechanisms. Please note that a cactus placed in the bedroom can slow down your personal life a little - it is believed that a cactus in the bedroom will protect your chastity.

Ivy and other indoor plants climbing plants They are also protectors, and their properties are mainly directed locally. Therefore, in the office, place a pot of vines or ivy next to your desk, at home - in the bedroom, at the head of the head.

Cyclamen is placed in the bedroom so that it protects you while you sleep. Red cyclamen is especially effective for this. Interestingly, it is believed that cyclamen protects not only from negativity and evil in general, but also from weather disasters. And the flowers of this plant, dried and wrapped in white or purple cloth, will become a talisman to help cope with the consequences of separation or unhappy love.

The orange tree brings happiness and love to the house for all its inhabitants. And succulent plants and dwarf myrtle are abundant. The lemon tree is a protector of the home, purifying the atmosphere.

Araucaria protects against evil and hunger. In general, all types of domestic palm trees are plants that protect wealth in the house, bringing “masculine”, projective, solar energy.

edited news .:Velvet:. - 10-01-2013, 19:43

We are all accustomed to perceiving flowers given by someone as a sign of attention, a manifestation of love and care. But suddenly, with the appearance of a bouquet or a plant in a pot, life changes for the worse. In this case, damage to flowers can be done, and so strong that a person withers from black magic in a short time.

Who can do damage

Spoil the indoor flowers or a bouquet can be people who experience anger, envy, a desire to get a person out of the way in an effort to achieve career goals, or love relationships. The danger of such a magical action is that damage spreads through flowers within a few days. At the same time, the flowers begin to fade.

It is easy to cause growing damage to flowers; even beginners can cope with these rituals. Each ritual requires certain flowers and their number.

The most terrible spells are cast on indoor flowers and plants, from which it is difficult to completely cleanse yourself.

Signs of damage

Signs that the damage was caused with the help of flowers are clearly expressed already on the second day after the person accepted the charmed plants as a gift:

  • loss of appetite and sudden weight loss;
  • apathy, decreased performance;
  • frequent causeless headaches;
  • a sharp deterioration in health;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Unreasonable scandals begin in the family, searching for flaws in each other;
  • problems arise at work;
  • personal success is at risk;
  • The financial side of life suffers greatly.

If the damage was done with the help of flowers, poor health and deterioration of health are not amenable to medical diagnosis and treatment.

Methods for determining spoilage

If a person was given a bouquet of flowers and his life went downhill after that, then the bouquet is immediately burned and produced energy cleansing apartments. If the problems have taken a sharp turn, then it is better to invite the priest to the house or seek help from a specialist.

It’s worse if damage was done to indoor flowers, but even here you can try to determine whether the plants are dangerous - water the flowers with holy water. If the flower suddenly withered, then a black magic ritual was still performed with it.

There are times when the person who gave the flowers did not mean to wish anything bad, but inadvertently jinxed it. This happens when a person is envious by nature and, congratulating him on the holiday and giving flowers, said too many flattering words. If you give flowers during a period of deep mental turmoil or ill health, the energy of the plant will be unfavorable.

To find out whether an evil eye has been cast on a flower, you will need red threads. You should choose any flower from the bouquet and wrap it around it. If during this process the thread begins to burn your hand, the energy of the flower is negative.

How to remove damage

If a person is convinced that the flowers have been damaged, then it is necessary to take immediate action. This type of black magic is the most dangerous - the human psyche most often suffers.

If the ritual is performed over a bouquet, then it should be burned or buried in an abandoned area. The same is done if damage is done to indoor flowers.

After the disposal, new indoor plants purchased from a garden store are brought into the house. They will help remove negative energy from the room.

Ritual to remove negativity

It is quite possible to remove negative energy on your own:

  • the ritual is performed on the waning moon;
  • the procedure is carried out for 9 days;
  • take a glass of water and speak a spell over it 3 times;
  • take a sip of water from this glass;
  • moisten the forehead, crown of the head with the remaining water, sprinkle the chest and back 3 times;
  • You can’t wipe off the water; it’s better to wait until it dries on its own.

Words of the spell: “Zarya-lightning, clear water, stands in a green oak grove White birch in twelve roots. Just as neither the morning dew nor the evening dew holds on a birch tree, so neither lessons, nor ghosts, nor sorrows-illnesses, nor fears-commotions, nor wind-breaks can hold on. From fair-haired, from blond, from black, black-haired, from two-toothed, from three-toothed, from two-toothed, from three-toothed. Be, my words, strong and sculpted forever and ever. Amen".

Protection from the evil eye

If you suspect the evil eye through flowers, place it in any glass container. For such flowers you need to speak water, then take two wooden spoons, scoop up the charmed water with them and pour them into the flowers.

Just as water rolls off spoons and doesn’t hold on, lessons from flowers will roll off, fall off, and don’t hold on.

To get rid of the evil eye that could come to you along with these flowers, pour water from the vase into the toilet or under dry wood, saying: “Go away, trouble, to where the water went.”

How to spoil flowers

The damaged indoor flower was most likely planted in soil brought from the cemetery. Certain conspiracies are read over the plant.

One way to cause damage is to take flowers to the cemetery. They are given to your enemy - necrotic energy will do its job.

If you need to inflict more serious damage, then take a bouquet of flowers to the cemetery and read the spell there 13 times.

Flowers are graveyards, pustules are scabs, deeds are blind. The eyes and legs don’t move, the hands don’t take, the ears don’t hear, the head is spinning, the mind is flowing like jelly, the fingers don’t bend, the inside doesn’t breathe, the heart is pressing, the back is twisting. Cursed!

Houseplants have enormous magical powers. If you take dedicated care of your plants, which depend on you to live, you will be able to grow magic garden in a home that will have an impact on your daily life.

Violet Uzambara

Uzambara violet, Saintpaulia, is extremely popular among plant growers who do not have the slightest idea about its magical properties. From a magical point of view, these plants are influenced by the planet Venus and cause a vibration of spirituality and peace. Their five-petaled flowers have protective properties and associate the plant with the female deity - Venus. This flower, if it stands correctly, is away from prying eyes, saves your family happiness, the happiness of your children and takes care of your health.


A lunar plant belonging to the lily family. Aloe protects the home from uninvited guests and accidents, as well as from negative energy. On Hawaiian Islands They believe that this plant brings good luck.


Anthurium, whose homeland South America, has a heart-shaped flower and glossy leaves. He is in large quantities grows in Hawaii and is brought on ships for sale in flower shops. Now widespread on the mainland, this plant brings beauty and love to the home.

Avocado pit
An avocado or alligator pear seed placed in water and sprouted will turn into beautiful plant, which will bring love to the house. This plant, under the influence of the planet Venus, can also increase sexual appetite.


The graceful witch's broom fern provides protection to the home and its inhabitants, especially children and babies, and brings beauty to everyone. All ferns have magical properties and have been used in the practice of occultism for centuries. Ferns in the home provide peace and comfort. Any common variety can be grown indoors for these purposes, and they are especially effective if placed in front of large windows. The fern is believed to attract luck to gambling people. Fern attracts finances to your home and protects people from wastefulness. Fern is considered a plant that affects financial well-being families. Unexpected enrichment has always been associated with the appearance of a fern in the house. They say that in order for the fern to grow, you need to put tobacco in the pot.

Bromeliad plants

Bromeliads bring luxury and abundance, as well as exquisite beauty. All types of bromeliads have one very useful quality– they very actively and effectively saturate the air in the room with oxygen.

Under the magical influence of the Sun, this plant has sharp needles that reflect and dissipate negative energy.


cacti various types is a protective plant that can be grown indoors. If possible, place one cactus in a north window and another in a west window. This will help protect your home from burglars and burglars. But you need to know that cacti also have properties that can lead to undesirable consequences for you. If grown in the bedroom, it can cool your sexual impulses. Cacti are ruled by the planet Mars.

Saffron (Crocus), a Venus plant that typically blooms in the spring, sends vibrations of love and peace to your home. Saffron has long been considered a symbol of happiness. It perfectly restores mental strength, and is also capable of awakening both sublime love and earthly passion in a person. Crocus flowers are able to cleanse the space around them and neutralize the negative field. Among magical properties of saffron there is one thing without which to modern man today is indispensable - the aroma of the spice relieves anger, aggression, hatred, and helps to calm down.


Cyclamen is sacred plant giving happiness in the family. In the house, cyclamens have protective power, because while they are growing, no harmful spell can work. Cyclamen also protect the home from the effects of bad weather. If cyclamens are grown in the bedroom, they will protect you while you sleep. The strongest magical colors cyclamen - pink and white. Cyclamen not only affects a person’s energy and allows him to cope with shyness, but also brings real aesthetic pleasure to its owners.

Ivy of all varieties (ruled by the planet Saturn) has both decorative and protective properties, which are no less than when it weaves around the walls of a house from the street. Ivy is grown to cleanse rooms from “foreign energy.” In a pot, it serves the same purpose as its fancy stems and leaves ward off all evil and negative energy from the place where it grows. Ivy is also considered a symbol of immortality and gives perseverance in life and aspirations.


Orchids usually bring love, although in the East they are believed to serve virtue. Either way, they turn out great. home plant for those who will patiently look after them. They are ruled by the planet Venus.

Indoor palms

Palm trees, solar plants, also have magical properties. Where palm trees grow, high vibrations occur. Their magical qualities are the reason that in ancient times they were associated with both religious and witchcraft rituals.

Araucaria tall

High araucaria (Araucaria excelsa) guarantees protection from hunger and evil if it grows in the house. This beautiful tree was made for Christmas and its very shape reflects it. magical properties.

Cactus San Pedro

Considered very rare and good luck, the San Pedro cactus has medicinal properties. It is associated with the four winds and, being a plant that protects from all evil, has played a large role in religious and magical rites ancient inhabitants of America.


Bringing love and abundance, succulents are one of the most ancient houseplants. Choose the variety that suits your sense of magic. Succulents are ruled by the Moon.


Tulips ward off poverty and despair. They are also plants of love; it is not for nothing that they are ruled by the planet Venus. If you were given a tulip in the spring, make an effort and grow it. Save the bulb and plant it next year for more more love and money.

Venus flytrap

The Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) may at first glance seem strange plant for the home, but it is a delicious, insect-eating plant. They can be obtained from many nurseries. Although they are devoted to the Goddess of Love, they are usually brought into the house for their sake. protective qualities. They can also be specially grown to lure happiness, money or work into the house.

wax tree

The wax tree, with its hard waxy leaves and star-shaped flowers, is popular with magicians because of its resemblance to a pentagram. Ruled by the planet Saturn, it grows in the house to give it security.

The impact that they have flowers amulets per person, for his home and family, very much. But each individual plant has its own energy, and therefore their influence is different.

Since ancient times, amulets have been created that they always carried with them in order to attract good luck, love, and happiness.

Home energy is protected by indoor amulets plants, which are real protectors, always standing guard.

They attract positive vibrations, transform negative energy, thereby harmonizing the overall home atmosphere.

This reliable way protect yourself, your family and your home from everything bad and evil that exists in the world. To understand how to choose a talisman and not make a mistake, you need to know the meaning of each of them.

How are amulets used?

You can use the magical properties of amulets flowers in different ways:

  • as a personal amulet
  • to protect your home, office
  • during rituals
  • for healing (dried herbs are widely used)

You need to know which flowers are suitable for each specific occasion - to improve health, to protect against negativity, to attract love, money, good luck, to find peace in your home.

Amulet for health


Serves as a real home healer aloe. Almost everyone famous plant

, aloe is not bright or spectacular, but its beneficial effect on the human body can truly be called magical. To the house through entrance doors

energetic vibrations constantly penetrate – some of them are pathogenic.

And if the protective field of the home is not strong enough, then such energy affects every member of the family.

In this situation, aloe will help - it will perfectly clean your home, strengthen spatial energy, and attract health.

Amulet against evil spirits

Asparagus To prevent evil energy entities from having access to the house and to every living person in it, use the power .


It will close all the holes that have arisen in the biofield, cleanse your aura of astral entities that have stuck, and strengthen the action of the chakras. In addition, asparagus gives confidence in own strength

, and a person is able to independently repel the attack of an unclean spirit.

Amulet for love

Hibiscus If you cannot meet a person with a kindred spirit and a kind heart, then take the advice of esotericists - place it in your bedroom hibiscus or .


Thanks to them, someone you will never want to part with will very soon appear on your life horizon. Your relationship will be harmonious: to the extent of romance, to the extent of passion. And it will help with tightness in bed avocado

, the seed of which can also be planted in a pot near your bed.

How to attract material wealth

Crassula About the beautiful Crassula Everyone knows that she can enrich any home if she receives love and proper care. Its second name (folk) is Money Tree

or tree of luck.

In addition to attracting money to the house, the fat woman has the ability to cleanse the room in which she is located from the negativity and negative energy that has accumulated in it. In addition to the Crassula, they are also attracted to the house , palm bamboo And.


  • How to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye Geranium
  • ..
  • A great option that can lift your spirits, help you feel better, and even attract love. But not everyone knows that the thorns on its stem also serve as excellent protection against thoughts sent by ill-wishers.. Tradescantia

Suitable for the kitchen - ward off unkind words and scare away enemies. They also update the entire energy system in the house.

How to protect yourself from envy

How to protect yourself from envy Azalea repels the thoughts of envious people. It helps you figure out where the truth is and where the lies are hidden. The world

full of unkind people - that's a fact. Some people just need to know about other people's failures and feed off internal forces

your friends.

A great option that can lift your spirits, help you feel better, and even attract love. But not everyone knows that the thorns on its stem also serve as excellent protection against thoughts sent by ill-wishers. To protect yourself from such negativity, you should use the miraculous effects of azalea. In addition to protection from external evil, it helps to achieve internal balance, get rid of fatigue and nervousness. If you decorate your home with a cute azalea, you will forever forget about uncertainty and fear. It will open your eyes to your surroundings and help you understand who is a real friend and who is just pretending. This magic flower

helps to “weed out” your surroundings and leave only devoted and true friends around you.

Flowers for peace and well-being in the home

Begonia Around begonias

Harmony and eternal balance always reign - she will cope with all family problems, help reach a compromise, and calm tense nerves. With its influence, it changes all negative vibrations to positive ones. They will forget about you in your house bad mood

and tears. Also affect the emotional atmosphere calla lilies

How to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye. They fill the family corner with love, mutual understanding, kindness and respect for each other. neutralizes negative emotions

, such as anger, rage. In a house where geraniums grow, people never raise their voices and know how to negotiate.

Plants-amulets for the garden

  • Not only the house needs protection, the garden also needs to be protected from negative external influences. They cope well with this task: Mint
  • . The pleasantly smelling branches of this plant create a protective layer around the yard. It also attracts happiness, luck, and financial well-being. Kalina.
  • In the old days, viburnum was planted in every yard - this is the strongest amulet. But she needs to be looked after carefully. The more love you show to beautiful tree

Flowers-amulets according to the signs of the Zodiac

  • and tall stems. Plants with red flowers will bring good luck. Taurus . And here
  • this sign Non-flowering seedlings are suitable for the zodiac. For example, a cactus will do its job perfectly. Twins.
  • . This is the sign that is patronized
  • . The tenderness of snowdrops harmonizes perfectly with the character of the virgins. Also lemon tree or fig tree will be a great addition to the positive atmosphere. The floristic influence of properly selected seedlings can inspire representatives zodiac sign, awaken their talents.
  • Scales.
  • These people are connected with nature very closely, so they subtly feel everything. natural processes
  • . They are also great at admiring the colors of the world around them, and they know how to appreciate everything around them. Favorable influence
  • have edelweiss and gladioli. Scorpion . will become a violet, narcissus or dracaena.
  • Fish.

Representatives of Pisces need energy, both from unpretentious flowers and those that require daily attention and care. For example, forget-me-nots or poppies will enrich the atmosphere of your home. And the orchid will attract happiness.

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