What fertilizers should be applied when planting cucumbers? How and what to feed cucumbers - tips for growing vegetables in a greenhouse and open ground What fertilizers to add when planting cucumbers.

Kirill Sysoev

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To obtain a rich harvest, proper care of cucumbers in the ground is necessary. In addition to following the rules of planting and watering, you should take into account the plant’s needs for certain minerals and microelements, which can only be obtained from fertilizers. There are several options for feeding seedlings and improving soil quality.

Why do you need to fertilize cucumbers in open ground?

In good, fertile soil, the plant will bear fruit without additional help, but when the soil is of poor quality without different mineral elements you will get a meager harvest. Fruiting also decreases when the same crop is planted several times in a row in the same soil. Feeding will help solve these problems and has positive aspects, for example:

  1. Seedlings that are fed show more fast growth compared to other plants.
  2. You will be able to collect fruits longer (fruiting is often extended for a long time).
  3. With proper soil cultivation, you can increase productivity and positively affect the taste of cucumbers.
  4. At optimal selection plants receive nutrition in the soil additional protection from diseases. This important condition when planting cucumbers in the soil, because they are poorly protected from natural factors and pests.

How to fertilize cucumbers

It is important to consider that plants may be deficient organic elements or their excess. Both conditions have a bad effect on this crop, so you should choose correctly which fertilizer is best for cucumbers and whether they need it. The main rule on how to feed cucumbers is to do it often, but little by little. The procedure can be carried out at the root or foliar method. There are several stages of feeding plants in the ground after planting:

  1. It is carried out immediately after the appearance of 2 leaves on the tops. During this period, there is a lack of nitrogen, which is important for increasing green mass. It is necessary to use urea with water, water it at the root. If desired, you can replace the product with chicken droppings or mullein.
  2. The next feeding of cucumbers in the ground is carried out after 15 days. The plant still needs nitrogen.
  3. The third feeding is carried out during the flowering of cucumbers. Greatest need appears in plants in potassium. Any potash fertilizer or wood ash is suitable for this.
  4. On the 4th, 5th, 6th feeding, fruiting occurs, during which the plant needs nitrogen and potassium.

Root feeding of cucumbers

This method involves entering nutrient solutions or substances as close as possible to the root system of cucumbers. There is no need to dig holes or “lay” mixtures directly to the roots of the plant. As a rule, the prepared substances are poured under the leaves of the seedlings. Fertilizer should be poured onto the soil, without getting on the tops and leaves. In some cases, due to the concentration of substances, the liquid can leave a burn or even kill the plant. As a rule, the cost of such additives is low; you can make your own solution from inexpensive components.

Foliar feeding of cucumbers during fruiting

This method of feeding, on the contrary, is carried out exclusively on vines and leaves (extremely rarely on fruits, if too many pests have appeared or a disease has begun). Foliar treatment can also be called spraying, in which the solution has a different high concentration compared to root feeding. As a rule, they fertilize using this method in the morning and evening in cloudy weather without precipitation. Sun rays when spraying, they can damage the green mass of cucumbers.

How to feed cucumbers in open ground

When fertilizing, it is important to find out what minerals and microelements the seedlings lack at this stage. It depends on what to water the cucumbers with for a good harvest, what organic matter or complex substances are needed. At certain stages, bird droppings and animal manure should be used; at others, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium or nitrogen substances should be used.

What fertilizers to apply when planting cucumbers

The first portion of fertilizers is applied to the soil before planting the seeds. After this, young plants need a whole complex of elements that should be fed to them in order to obtain a rich harvest. An important component is potash fertilizers, providing rapid growth, plant formation, improvement taste qualities fetus Typically, the following types of microelements are used:

  • potassium nitrate;
  • urea;
  • granular superphosphate;
  • potassium sulfate;
  • double superphosphate;
  • potassium chloride.

At large quantities in the soil phosphorus should not be forgotten nitrogen fertilizers, otherwise there will be few ovaries and more male flowers; adding them after the fact will not change the situation. Phosphorus is needed by cucumbers for the proper functioning of the root system, timely flowering, and growth of greenery mass. Its excess leads to yellowing of the plant, falling off, and rapid death.

Application of mineral fertilizers for a good harvest

This method of feeding cucumbers after planting is the most common step to achieve better yield. Mineral fertilizer for cucumbers open ground may be mixed with organic substances or use it yourself. Phosphorus is needed to strengthen the root system, and correct height plants - nitrogen, when flowers appear - potassium. Chlorine is extremely harmful to cucumbers, so mineral salts containing this element should be excluded. How to properly feed seedlings in the soil with mineral fertilizers:

  • alternate organic, mineral substances;
  • nourish the garden bed clean water before feeding the plant;
  • introduce fertilizers into the grooves, which should be made at a distance of 5 cm from the seedlings;
  • The substance can only be poured onto the ground, avoid contact with leaves and tops.

Fertilizing cucumbers in open ground with organic fertilizers

Those who grow cucumbers in the ground know that the most low price for organic feeding will be available when purchasing bird droppings and mullein. They are diluted in a bucket with liquid in a ratio of 1:15. You can also add about 500 g of ash here. There are also traditional methods preparation of organic fertilizers, for example:

  • collect all the weeds from the garden;
  • add nettle, plantain, dandelion leaves to it, chop finely;
  • 1 kg of the mixture is diluted with 10 liters of water;
  • Let the product steep for a day, strain it;
  • It is worth feeding at the rate of 4 liters per 1 square meter land.

How to fertilize cucumbers with yeast

An additional option for feeding cucumbers after planting in the ground is yeast. Gardeners often use this fertilizer; it has the following advantages:

  • improves root formation;
  • stimulates growth;
  • plant endurance increases;
  • becomes a source of bacteria that increase the immunity of seedlings.


  1. Dissolve 10 g of dry bread yeast in 10 liters of water.
  2. Put 2 tbsp. l. sugar into solution.
  3. Let the starter brew for 2 hours, stir it in 50 liters of liquid.

How to use:

  1. You can use this option as an answer to the question of how to feed cucumbers, but no more than 2 times.
  2. The first application should be made on the 12-14th day of planting.
  3. The second is after phosphorus fertilizing.

How to feed cucumbers in open ground with ash

This substance is an excellent organic fertilizer. Every gardener should know how to feed cucumbers in open ground using ash. It contains calcium, which is very important for the plant. Rules of use:

  1. During the entire growth period, ash is added no more than 6 times.
  2. You need to feed the first time when 3 leaves appear, the second time when the plant begins to bloom.
  3. As the fruits grow, you can feed the cucumbers in the ground once every 14 days. a small amount solution.
  4. Dry ash or ash infusion can be used to fertilize the soil. The first option is poured onto the ground next to the plants before the watering procedure.

Complex fertilizer for cucumbers

When you are not exactly sure what to feed the cucumbers after planting in the ground, you cannot find out exactly what element the plant is missing, you should use complex fertilizers. A popular example of such a fertilizer is nitroammophoska, which contains potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus. After planting, fertilizer granules are dissolved in liquid and used as foliar feeding. It can be easily ordered or bought in an online store, the price is 10,000 rubles per ton.

Microelements for cucumbers

For healthy growth of cucumbers in the ground after planting, a rich harvest, and the development of immunity against pathogens, it is necessary to feed the plant with microelements. There are several basic substances that seedlings must have:

  1. Nitrogen. An important trace element during plant growth, it provides green mass and protects against yellowing.
  2. Phosphorus. Cucumbers need a little of it, but it should be supplied regularly. Phosphorus ensures the plant proper and healthy development of the root system and rapid growth of green mass.
  3. Potash fertilizers. Different variants fertilizers containing potassium. Fertilizer will ensure the transport of nutrients to the seedlings from the root system. Fruiting and vegetative growth are promoted by the optimal amount of potassium.

How to choose fertilizers

When a gardener is faced with the question of how to feed cucumbers after planting in the ground, one should take into account the growth characteristics of cucumbers in the ground. Many novice vegetable growers believe in the unpretentiousness of seedlings, but a truly good harvest can only be obtained if the seedlings are properly fed. You can make a choice based on the following recommendations:

  1. Mullein is well suited for any home seedlings that are being prepared for planting in open ground: it contains various nutrients that are beneficial for cucumbers. There is 1 liter of solution per plant. It is prepared in a ratio of 1:10 with liquid (1 part fertilizer and 10 parts water).
  2. You can find bird droppings in any store. Its price is low, so it is often used to feed cucumbers. For 10 liters of water you need 1 liter of litter. After this, add 2 cups of ash: you can periodically feed the seedlings with the resulting mixture.
  3. Complex fertilizers have a higher price, are sold in stores and have preparation instructions on the package.

The price of fertilizers for feeding cucumbers after planting in the ground

You can find feeding substances in online stores, specialized outlets that sell seedlings, products for gardeners, summer residents and vegetable growers. As a rule, large landowners purchase them from companies that produce fertilizers. This option is not suitable for an ordinary summer resident, because the price is set for wholesale purchases of several tons. In packages, the cost of feeding can range from 100 to 3000 rubles per kilogram/liter.

Video: how to fertilize cucumbers in open ground

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Cucumber is one of the most popular vegetables, consumed in fresh, and canned. Pickled and pickled cucumbers - the first holiday snack on our tables. To grow cucumbers, you should try and give the vegetable everything necessary elements to get a good harvest.

A little theory: basic rules for feeding cucumbers

Cucumber is considered the most capricious garden crops. For good development and fruiting is necessary for the cucumber nutritious soil, but at the same time the plant cannot tolerate strong concentrations useful elements in the ground. To balance the amount of nutrition and balance it with the nutritional value of the soil, you need to know what to feed the cucumbers after planting in the ground.

Did you know? The first greenhouses in history were built in Ancient Rome. Cucumbers were grown in them - the favorite vegetables of Emperor Tiberius.

Types of fertilizers

Cucumbers respond equally well to organic and mineral fertilizers; you just need to figure out what is best to fertilize cucumbers. From organic compounds culture best accepts mullein infusion– it is rich in nitrogen, copper, sulfur, iron and potassium. In addition to nutrition, the infusion provides the plant with protection from infections.

Chicken droppings contains nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium, also increasing resistance to disease and activating plant growth. An infusion of rotted grass will be an excellent source of nitrogen; moreover, when rotted, such fertilizer loses ammonia, which is harmful to plants, faster than animal organic matter.

Important! Horse manure is categorically unacceptable for cucumbers: it contains too much ammonia, which, when disintegrating in the soil, releases nitrates that are absorbed by cucumbers. The fruits of such a plant are dangerous to health.

Mineral fertilizers for cucumbers in open ground are also important, since in organic fertilizers some elements are found in minute quantities. The most important in all life processes cucumbers are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Potassium can provide cucumbers with a natural mineral remedy - wood ashbest source nitrogen for cucumbers, and phosphorus will be provided by adding superphosphate.

Forms of fertilizing according to method of application

There are two main forms of fertilizing cucumbers.

Basalfeeding cucumbers in open ground - a method of applying fertilizers under the bush, as close to the roots as possible. In this case, be careful, since it is undesirable for the fertilizer to get on the deciduous mass. Such fertilizing can severely burn leaves and stems.

Outside root feeding cucumbers - this is a spraying aimed at the above-ground part of the cucumbers: leaves and shoots. This method is safe for foliage, because feeding is not as concentrated as root feeding.

How to create a calendar for feeding cucumbers after planting in open ground

In addition to what to fertilize, you need to know how often to feed cucumbers in open ground. In order to control the process and not make a mistake with the timing and type of feeding, to give cucumbers the elements necessary for a specific life period and to prevent a shortage or excess of any substance, you need to draw up a feeding calendar. Make it in the form of a table with columns of dates, types of fertilizing (organic or mineral fertilizer), method of application (root and foliar) and a column that takes into account the added nutrient element (nitrogen, phosphorus, etc.), its quantity.

What, when and how to feed cucumbers after planting in the ground, we will consider further.

First feedingAfter planting the crop in the ground, it is carried out when two or three strong leaves appear. For better growth nitrogen is needed. This could be a mineral fertilizer - urea. Application method: root, quantity: 1 tablespoon of powder per 10 liters of water. You can also use organic mullein - dilute 500 g per 10 liters of water, fertilize using the root method.

Second feeding for cucumbers in open ground, it is carried out after two weeks. The same types of fertilizer and application methods are used. You can also use an infusion of chicken droppings or rotten grass. The grass is introduced by spraying.

Third feedingnecessary during the flowering period. Cucumbers need potassium to form full-fledged ovaries. Will do foliar feeding wood ash: two glasses per ten liters of water.

How to feed cucumbers in open ground fourth time? This feeding is carried out already during the fruiting period., the plant needs nitrogen and potassium.

The first feeding is after the fruits appear. Apply a solution of nitrophoska (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water), foliar application method. A week later, a second feeding is carried out using the root method, a solution of mullein with the addition of potassium sulfate (10 liters of water, 500 g of mullein, 5 g of potassium).

What is the best way to feed cucumbers after planting in the ground?

Feeding cucumbers is a necessity at all stages of the plant's life. Compliance with fertilizer dosages, alternating mineral and organic compositions, and timely application of the elements necessary for each period will provide you with a tasty and abundant harvest.

Did you know? The first mention of cucumbers in Russia was made by the German ambassador to Russia, Herberstein. In 1528, he described this vegetable in his travel diaries about a trip to Muscovy.

How to fertilize cucumbers immediately after picking seedlings

Nitrogen stimulates the plant for further development. When picking in open ground, it is often added to the hole for seedlings. a teaspoon of ammophoska.
Cucumbers are also fed with organic fertilizers containing nitrogen - mullein infusion, chicken manure and herbal.

Wood ash is sprinkled between the beds, which is absorbed into the soil after watering. Ash is rich in calcium, which accelerates plant growth. Moreover, since ash is natural remedy, it can be consumed several times during the growing season.

Fertilizing cucumbers during flowering

Just before flowering begins, add stimulatingfertilizer for cucumbers in open ground– mullein infusion with the addition of superphosphate and potassium sulfate. In this case, the following proportions are observed: 200 g of mullein, 5 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate per 8-10 liters of water.

A week later, already in the flowering phase, fertilizing is repeated, replacing mullein additives with nitrophoska (1 tbsp.) and reducing the dose of mullein to 100 g.

How to feed cucumbers during fruiting

Let's figure out what to water cucumbers for a good harvest. Fertilizer has proven to be effective during fruiting chicken droppings. The content of zinc, copper and nitrogen saturates cucumbers with substances necessary for the growth and taste of fruits. Chicken manure is used mainly in liquid form.

Fertilizing cucumbers during the fruiting period should also contain magnesium and potassium.

During the period of active fruiting, use potassium nitrate(25 g of nitrate per 15 liters of water), applied by the root method.

Important!During periods of frequent rainfall, cucumbers are highly susceptible to scab. When applied, potassium nitrate acts not only as a fertilizer, but also as protection against diseases.

How to properly feed cucumbers after planting in the ground, tips for gardeners

Before fertilizing cucumbers in open ground, it is advisable to find out what elements they need, in what quantities and what consequences will occur due to a lack of certain substances.

Cucumbers need nitrogen to grow, but before feeding with nitrogen-containing compounds, think about how much watering the cucumbers need. In case of lack of moisture root system won't be able to absorb required quantity element. If there is a lack of substance, the stems stop growing and side shoots cucumbers, the leaves turn yellow, the fruits change color to pale green and lose their taste.

Cucumber is a fertility-demanding crop soil mixture. However, the plant does not tolerate high concentrations. nutrients, which means they will have to be fertilized throughout the growing season. It is important pre-sowing preparation plot and applying fertilizers during planting. Let's find out what fertilizers cucumbers need when planting, and in what quantities they should be applied.

Article outline

Nutrients for cucumbers

For a good harvest, it is necessary to ensure a balance of nutrients in fertilizing.

When choosing what to add to cucumbers, you should take into account the growing season and the needs of the plant at this stage of development.

In open ground, the average consumption of one plant is:

  • nitrogen – up to 25 g;
  • potassium – up to 58 g;
  • phosphorus – up to 15 g;
  • magnesium – up to 5 g;
  • calcium – up to 20 g.

Nitrogen fertilizing

Cucumbers, unlike tomatoes, need nitrogen at almost all stages of the growing season.

The supply of this element is especially important at the stage of increasing the vegetative mass at the very beginning of the growing season.

Accordingly, make nitrogen fertilizing It is best to start digging in the spring and during planting.

Or are used as nitrogen fertilizers.

When choosing a mineral additive, keep in mind that urea does not work in cold soil, so adding it to cold soil in early spring ineffective, it is better to use ammonium nitrate.

But for spraying while growing vegetative mass, urea is suitable. In addition, this fertilizer in certain doses plays the role of a fungicide and will prevent certain diseases of cucumbers.

Nitrogen in large quantities is in fresh condition. Organic matter saturates the soil with humus, which cucumbers love so much. During autumn digging, you can add fresh manure; in spring, it is better to use humus.

Phosphorus supplements

Phosphorus – important element, cucumbers need it in small dosages, but the supply of this element must be regular.

Phosphorus stimulates the development of the root system, which in cucumbers is much smaller compared to the above-ground part.

In addition, phosphorus is involved in photosynthesis processes and is also responsible for the growth of green mass.

Phosphorus is especially needed during the formation of ovaries and at the stage technical ripeness fruits To replenish this element, all types of superphosphates are used:

  • monophosphate,

The first two fertilizers are applied to the soil in the fall. It is better to use ammophos in spring digging, as this agrochemical contains nitrogen.

Note! Phosphorus goes into a form that is digestible by cucumbers only after a year. Partial decomposition begins after six months. Therefore, dry superphosphates are incorporated into the soil in the fall. In the spring and during the growing season, prepare a solution and water the plants with it.

The lack of phosphorus will be compensated by organic matter, for example, bone meal, which can be used directly during planting, or manure, which is incorporated into the soil in the fall.

Potassium supplements

Potassium is the most necessary element for normal fruiting of cucumbers.

Its supply during the growing season should be uniform, since this element is responsible for the movement of other nutrients from the roots to other parts of the plant in the above-ground part.

At the fruiting stage, the amount of potassium is increased, and nitrogen supplements, on the contrary, are reduced.

If there is not enough potassium during the period of fruit ripening, they become deformed, the taste becomes bitter, and the shelf life of the product decreases.

Cucumbers react negatively to chlorine, so to replenish potassium in the spring, use:

  • potassium sulfate,

You can fertilize the soil for cucumbers with potassium chloride only in the fall.

Chlorine is a mobile element, and by spring it will be completely washed out of the soil by precipitation. From organic fertilizers, ash will compensate for the lack of potassium.

Autumn and spring preparation of a plot for cucumbers

Exists universal recipe for autumn and spring digging of the area reserved for cucumbers:

  • 5 kg – 10 kg of rotted manure/3 cups of ash/80 g – 100 g of nitrophoska/m².

They will improve the structure of the soil and saturate it nutrients.

The first fertilizing when planting seeds is carried out no earlier than 10 days after the appearance of the first seedlings. In the future, fertilizing of cucumbers is also carried out every ten days, alternating application at the root and spraying on the leaf.

Fertilizers when planting cucumber seedlings

Cucumber seedlings do not tolerate transplantation well. Therefore, many farmers use peat pots for seedlings that are simply buried in pre-prepared planting holes.

In this case, there is no damage to the roots, and the seedlings take root better in the new location.

From the usual plastic cups The seedlings are taken out carefully; before transplanting, the soil under the seedlings must be moistened.

The planting holes are also pre-watered; before watering, a teaspoon of ammophos or a tablespoon of bone meal is added. Since cucumbers also need calcium in large quantities, you can put a pinch of ground eggshells in the hole.

Fertilizers for cucumbers during the growing season

For the first time, fertilizing is carried out after the seedlings have completely rooted, but only if they look weakened.

Only nitrogen agrochemicals are used: slurry at the root or urea for spraying the above-ground part.

If the seedlings were fed before planting and after rooting they look quite healthy, then the first fertilizer is postponed until flowering and the same nitrogen fertilizers are used.

The second feeding is carried out at the beginning of fruiting and stimulates its duration.

During this period, plants actively consume nutrients, especially potassium. Phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers are applied in smaller quantities.

Carry out the second application in stages. When the first fruits form, cucumbers are watered:

  • 15 g (tbsp)/10 l.

After a week, the plants are fertilized at the root with the addition of potassium salt:

  • mullein 500 ml/potassium salt 5 g (tsp)/10 l.

In the future, all fertilizers are applied at intervals of one week. Can be used folk recipes: yeast solution, nettle infusion. Humates and growth stimulants will be appropriate.

How to Determine Nutritional Deficiency in Cucumbers

Nutrient deficiencies can be determined visually by appearance cucumbers:

Despite the need for regular feeding, cucumbers are very responsive to care. Follow the rules of planting and fertilizing, and the plants will thank you with abundant fruiting.

When planting, fertilizer for cucumbers must be selected correctly and applied in the required amount. This culture does not like an overabundance of organic and mineral supplements, therefore their number should be moderate. Cucumber is grown in open ground, greenhouses, from seedlings and seeds. With each option, fertilizing is applied differently.

Cucumber loves moist soil with good air access. Therefore, the beds are pre-dug in the fall. At the same time, manure is added at the rate of 6-8 kg per square meter of bed area. In spring, fresh manure cannot be applied; it is better to use humus. Apply it to the soil at a rate of 4-6 kg per square meter. Instead of humus, peat is used (8-10 kg/m²).

Except organic fertilizers, mineral fertilizers are added to the soil for cucumbers. When preparing the soil, it is important to add phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and calcium. Prepare the following mixture:

  • Urea – 20 g
  • Superphosphate – 30 g
  • Potassium sulfate or chloride – 10 g

Dilute all the ingredients in ten liters of water and fertilize a garden bed with an area of ​​one meter square with this amount. To prepare the soil, use ordinary ash and a glass of 10 liters of water. A mixture of potassium salt (half a glass) and superphosphate (a third of a glass) gives good results when growing cucumbers. Fertilizers are applied at the end of April or at the beginning of May, 2-3 weeks before planting the cucumbers in the ground. When growing a crop in a greenhouse, the concentration of fertilizing is made half as much so that the cucumber does not stop growing due to an excess of fertilizers.

Seed preparation

Cucumber seedlings are planted 30-40 days before they are transferred to a greenhouse or an open bed. To get a good harvest, you should choose the right soil for planting seeds. It should be fluffy, nutritious, with good drainage. Peat, humus, turf or leaf soil, river sand, and fertilizers are used to prepare the soil. Cucumber grows well in this mixture:

  • Sod land – 1 part
  • Peat – 1 part
  • River sand – 1 part
  • Superphosphate – 25 g/10 l of water
  • Potassium sulfate – 30 g/10 l of water
  • Urea – 10 g/10 l of water.

Nutrient soil for cucumbers is prepared with the following ingredients:

  • Sod land – 1 part
  • Peat – 1 part
  • Humus – 1 part
  • Ash – 1 cup per 10 l
  • Superphosphate – 25 g per 10 l

The soil is prepared in the fall, and by spring it will be settled and compacted. All components are thoroughly mixed and packaged in plastic bags. Before planting, cucumber seeds are soaked for 12-14 hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate to kill bacteria and fungi. Then they are germinated on a damp cloth. Add a couple of drops of honey to the water, it stimulates growth well, and the cucumber sprouts faster.

Feeding seedlings

After planting cucumber seeds, fertilizers are not applied to the soil until the first leaves appear. It is better not to use manure fertilizers; cucumber does not like an overdose of organic matter. Use ready-made minerals complex fertilizers. They are added at the rate of 0.5 g per liter of water. For self-cooking mixture, you can use the following recipe:

  • Superphosphate – 10 g
  • Potassium nitrate – 10 g
  • Copper sulfate, zinc and manganese – 0.2 g.

All components are diluted in 10 liters of water, and the plants are watered before adding to the soil. A cucumber produces a good harvest after applying the following fertilizer:

  • Ammonium nitrate – 7 g
  • Superphosphate – 15 g
  • Potassium sulfate – 8 g.

This mixture is also diluted in 10 liters of water. The second feeding is carried out after the appearance of several leaves on the cucumber seedlings, about a week after the first. Use the same mixtures, only concentration minerals they should have twice as much. The third time, fertilizers for cucumbers are applied two weeks after the first feeding. The following mixture is used:

  • Urea – 15 g
  • Superphosphate – 10 g
  • Potassium chloride or sulfate – 10 g
  • Water – 10 l.

Cucumber does not like too much fertilizer. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the seedlings in order to apply fertilizing correctly. The slightest change in growth or leaf color should be a reason to change the approach to adding nutrient mixtures.

Feeding cucumbers in open ground and greenhouses

Exist different opinions about whether it is worth applying fertilizers when planting cucumbers directly in the ground. Some gardeners claim that to obtain good harvest the ground should be fertilized with mineral mixtures. Others believe that the first fertilizing should be applied only two weeks after the cucumber is planted in the garden. With an excess of organic matter and minerals, the crop grows poorly. In the first case, before planting, it is recommended to add the following mixture:

  • Potassium salt – 15 g
  • Ammonium nitrate – 10 g
  • Superphosphate – 10 g
  • Water – 10 l.

For the second feeding (or the first, if you did not apply fertilizer during planting), use organic matter. Prepare the following mixture:

  • Chicken manure mixed with water 1:15
  • Manure slurry with water 1:8
  • Cow dung with water 1:6
  • Infusion of green herbs in a ratio of 1:5 with water

TO organic fertilizers minerals are also added. For example, mix 10 g of potassium chloride, superphosphate and ammonium nitrate. A tablespoon of urea is mixed with 60 grams of superphosphate. You can use ready-made mineral fertilizers. If the summer is warm and the root system of cucumbers is well developed, fertilizers are applied directly to the soil (root feeding). When wet and cold weather, spray the leaves with low concentration nutrient solutions.

If the cucumber grows in a greenhouse, fertilizers are applied in small portions, in low concentrations. An excess of organic and mineral substances slows down the growth of this crop. IN greenhouse conditions More attention is paid to watering than fertilizing. Chicken droppings, manure, superphosphate, potassium salts, and urea nitrate are used as fertilizers for cucumbers. You can use the above recipes, just reduce the concentration by 1.5-2 times. It is important to monitor the condition of the cucumbers and fertilize only when necessary.

Before planting cucumbers in the soil, it is necessary to apply fertilizers, which is the key to the fruiting of the crop. This should be given some attention Special attention, having previously prepared the soil in the bed intended for planting cucumbers.

Among gardeners, there are different opinions and views on how to prepare the land before planting seeds. Each summer resident chooses for himself which fertilizer to prefer for feeding cucumbers. Most people are convinced that it is necessary to fertilize the soil in the fall. Mineral mixture, used to saturate the soil, is saturated with nutrients, and this requires several months and abundant moisture.

Before sowing

Preparing the soil in the fall: after harvesting, the beds are treated by spraying them with a solution copper sulfate(1 tbsp per 10 liters of water), consumption - 1 liter per 1 sq. m beds. Before digging 1 sq. m of beds add 1 cup wood ash and 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate. Then the bed is dug up using a spade and left until spring. In spring, 10 days before sowing seeds, per 1 sq. m add 3 kg of rotted manure and dig up the soil onto the bayonet of a shovel.

Before sowing seeds, it is necessary to make furrows about 2 cm deep at a distance of approximately 15 cm from each other and water warm water(50°) with the addition of potassium permanganate (2 g per 10 liters of water) at the rate of 2 liters per 1 sq. m. Then after 20 minutes. water the grooves with a hot solution of sodium humate fertilizer (1 tbsp per 10 liters of water). Before planting, seeds should be pickled in a pale solution of potassium permanganate, any floating empty seeds should be removed, then the seeds should be rinsed and dried.


Dry seeds should be sown at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other and covered with a small layer of soil (1-1.5 cm), lightly compact the soil with your hand and do not water, as the grooves are well saturated with liquid. Spread double cellophane on top and secure it on all sides with heavy slats, you can cover window frames with glass or cut in half plastic bottles and cover the seeds with them.

For 25-30 days, while the seedlings are growing, the covering material cannot be removed. During this period, watering should be done (1-2 times) with warm water (as the soil dries out). 10 days before transplanting seedlings to permanent place you need to fertilize (sodium humate - 1 tbsp per 10 liters of water), consumption - 3 liters per 1 sq. m. Before fertilizing, be sure to slightly loosen the soil between the rows. Fertilizing and watering should be done on a warm day, then after fertilizing, cover the bed again. During the last 10 days before transplanting, the seedlings should be hardened, removing the cover first for 40 minutes, then the hardening time should be increased.

After sowing

25-30 days after germination, the seedlings need to be prepared for planting in a permanent place. Before planting, you need to dig the bed with a spade, make deep holes at a distance of about 30-40 cm from each other, add 1 kg of rotted manure to the hole, cover it with 6-8 cm of soil, water the holes generously with warm water, then plant a plant in each hole. Water the seedlings abundantly several hours before transplanting. Then, with a small shovel, dig up a plant with a large, damp lump of earth and lower it into the hole.

It is better to transplant seedlings in the evening or on a cloudy day. Watering cucumbers should be done 2 times a week in the evening hours. Fertilize 3-4 times during the summer. To do this, place 1 bucket of mullein and 1 glass of urea in a 100-liter barrel of water, mix well, and repeat the procedure after 3-5 days. Plants should be watered at the rate of 5 liters per 1 square meter. m.

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