How to grow strawberries from seeds at home. Fresh strawberries in January or is it possible to grow strawberries at home

To grow strawberries at home on the window, it is enough to allocate a place on the windowsill, prepare a flower box, and know the basic rules of care. We will tell you about choosing a variety, fertilizing and technology for growing strawberries at home. all year round.

To grow your favorite seasonal berries, it is not necessary to set up a greenhouse; it is enough to allocate a window sill on the sunny side and care for the plants, providing conditions for full growth and fruiting. At the start, you need to decide on the variety of berries, on which the subsequent result depends.

Variety selection

For home grown Strawberries need to choose remontant varieties. They bear fruit not once a year, like ordinary ones, but twice or more, and moreover, abundantly. However, both nutrition and care must be relevant, that is, appropriate.

Remontant strawberries are divided into several categories, depending on the duration daylight hours. It is called that, only in an abbreviation: DSD - long daylight hours, and NSD - neutral daylight hours, which is more typical for most regions.

Varieties where flower buds They arise during long daylight hours and bear fruit twice a year: in early summer and early autumn. Also, DSD varieties are characterized by preferential fruiting for the second harvest. Its share is 60-90% of the total mass of berries.

Second category remontant strawberries capable of continuously bearing fruit all year round. This species is easy to care for, resistant to variable humidity, lighting and unstable temperature conditions. These features are key when choosing a variety for home cultivation and regular fruiting.

Light-loving remontant varieties of strawberries include: “Inexhaustible”, “Autumn Fun”, “Crimean”, “Garland”. To the unpretentious neutral species belong to: “Queen Elizabeth” I and II, “Brighton”, “Roman F1”, etc. It is worth noting that the variety “Queen Elizabeth” is superior to other varieties in the number and size of fruits, and the frequency of fruiting.

Seeds or seedlings

If you decide to speed up or facilitate the process and buy ready-made seedlings, pay attention to the development of the plant. A good sign A healthy bush is considered to have 3-5 developed leaves and an embryo (buds for maturation future berries). It is better to buy seedlings in a specialized store, then you can count on compliance with the declared variety and proper quality planting material. Ready seedlings can be planted in separate pots or long flower boxes at a distance of 15 cm.

Planting with seeds

Seed preparation

The seeds need a little work. To sow seeds and get healthy seedlings at home, you need:

  1. Soaking the seeds will speed up the germination process. To do this, take a transparent plastic container with a lid and make holes in it with a sewing needle. This is necessary for air circulation.
  2. Cover the bottom of the container with gauze or cotton pads. Wet the material and spread the seeds. Cover them with damp cotton pads on top.
  3. Close the container with a lid and place in a warm place for 2-3 days. If you are soaking several varieties, be sure to mark the containers accordingly.
  4. Now proceed to stratification (hardening) of the seeds. This is necessary to simulate winter weather conditions, in order to accelerate the awakening of seeds and obtain rapid seedlings. Place the container with cotton pads in the refrigerator.Remember to control the humidity level. Once every 1-2 days, open the lid of the container and moisten the cotton pads.

After two weeks, the seeds are ready to be sown in the ground.

Soil preparation

To grow strawberries at home you can use garden soil or purchase a universal mixture in the store. The soil should be crumbly. The best option: mix forest soil, garden soil, and sand in equal proportions. Soil preparation should begin together with seed stratification.

Sowing seeds

To sow seeds, you can use available containers: plastic boxes, flower pots, cardboard boxes. The height of the sides should be at least 10 cm. Fill the container with soil and start sowing the seeds:

  1. Using a pencil, make shallow furrows of 0.7-1 cm with a distance of 3-4 cm.
  2. Since seed germination is about 40%, seeds need to be sown frequently.
  3. Gently tread the grooves with earth, no more than 0.5 cm.
  4. Cover the container plastic film and place in a warm place for 4-5 days.

After the first leaves appear, remove the film and transfer the container with the seedlings to a well-lit place. It is better if it is a window sill on the south side.

When the seeds have sprouted several pairs of leaves, the seedlings can be planted in separate permanent containers.

Take a spacious wooden or plastic box, pour a thin layer (1-2 cm) of expanded clay or fine gravel onto the bottom for drainage. Apply a second layer of fertile soil. The depth of the earthen “cushion” should be 10-15 cm.

Make holes at a distance of 8-12 cm and plant the seedlings. Moisten the soil regularly.

Knowing how to grow seedlings from seeds, you can choose any variety of strawberries and get invaluable experience and a bountiful year-round harvest. If the strawberries grow, transplant the newly formed bushes into separate containers.

Some tips:

  1. Mature plants do not tolerate transplantation well. When planting seedlings, choose a spacious container in which the plant will live for a long time.
  2. The container can be any, as long as its volume is at least three liters per bush. If we take, for example, long balcony boxes volume of about 15 liters, then you can plant 5-7 strawberry bushes at a distance of at least 15 cm. This need is associated with the active growth and development of the plant.
  3. The bottom of the tank must be lined with a layer of drainage (you can take expanded clay, pebbles or broken bricks).

Care and feeding

Strawberries are easy to care for. Growth stimulants should not be used - with a sufficient amount of ultraviolet radiation and optimal humidity the plants will bear fruit regularly.


It is better to place pots with plants on window sills facing east or southeast. From quantity sunlight The quality of the fruit directly depends. For circulation fresh air It is enough to leave the window sash in the ventilation position.

If the climate in your region does not often offer sunny weather, then it makes sense to buy a simple ultraviolet lamp, which will promote photosynthesis all year round. Don't forget to keep the soil moist.

To prevent the plants from drying out during your absence, use the method greenhouse effect. To do this, moisten the soil well and cover the container with the plant with film or a plastic bag. Do not forget about the “breathing” of plants: make holes for air circulation.

Top dressing

Strawberries need to be nourished useful substances. To do this, you can use mineral and organic complexes: nitrophoska, potassium nitrate, potassium sulfate, wood ash, etc. The first feeding should be carried out during the growing season, with the formation of a couple of true leaves. Choose your favorite fertilizing recipes and alternate their use 4 times a year, excluding the fruiting period:

  • 1 tsp. nitroammophoska per 5 liters of water;
  • 1/2 tsp. boric acid, 15 drops of iodine, 1/2 cup wood ash for 5 liters of water;
  • liter jar crusts and pieces rye bread soak in two liters warm water, keep for 7 days in a warm place. Add three parts warm water to one part of the starter and add plant food;
  • Part 1 sour milk or dilute whey with 3 parts water;
  • mix a tablespoon of nitrophoska with a teaspoon of potassium sulfate per 5 liters of water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. dissolve potassium nitrate in 5 liters of water;
  • 50 grams of wood ash per 5 liters of water.

Fertilizing should be carried out during the growing season and flowering, as well as after picking berries. At this time, new roots are formed and buds are formed for the next fruiting season. It is important to pay maximum attention to strawberries at this time.

As a rule, strawberries at home are not susceptible to disease. The only peculiarity is the life span of the plants. Since strawberries of NSD varieties bear fruit more abundantly and more often, and therefore age faster, their lifespan is 1 year. As for DSD varieties, the fruiting of which is several times poorer than NSD, their lifespan increases proportionally and amounts to 2-3 years.

Growing strawberries at home - simple task. Follow the directions and plant the seeds to grow strawberries at home. Believe me, growing strawberries at home will be a pleasant experience all year round.

It is difficult to find a person who would be indifferent to strawberries. This divine berry attracts with its appearance, amazing aroma and exquisite taste. Since ancient times, strawberries, a gift from nature, have been considered a special delicacy. It was served in the richest houses, in palaces. Over time, it became available to all social categories; moreover, it can even be grown on a windowsill. If you don’t believe me, then we invite you to check it out. the easy way at home. This is a wonderful alternative to those “plastic” tasting berries that are offered for sale in stores and supermarkets.

The product looks beautiful, elastic, amazing color, but once you bite into it, you immediately realize that this is not your favorite strawberry with its amazing taste and aroma. And the products are not cheap, it is much better to save money and be content with the divine taste all year round. So, the advantages of growing strawberries at home:

  • Saving;
  • Natural taste;
  • No chemical stimulants;
  • Harvest all year round;
  • Benefit from implementation.
  • What is needed to grow strawberries

A large container is required. Most suitable option– durable plastic bag filled with soil. Stores for gardening enthusiasts sell ready-made soil, but making a mixture for planting with your own hands is not difficult. It is necessary to mix the soil, peat and sawdust, add a little lime to reduce the acidity of the soil. You should make drainage waste at the bottom of the bags, and make small cross-shaped cuts at the top to plant the sprouts there.

What is better - seeds or seedlings?

Many people are confused by the idea that planting strawberry seeds for growing at home is an unprofitable and time-consuming process. However, this is a misconception. Strawberry seeds are indeed very small, but they have good germination, and the plants will be strong and stable. Before sowing the seeds, you should keep the bag in the refrigerator for one month. It is better to plant strawberry seeds for growing at home in early February, when the daylight hours are longer. If you want, use artificial daylight lamps earlier, since the culture is light-loving. Seeds should be sown directly into the soil without spreading on top of the soil. To maintain a moist temperature, cover the top with film until the first shoots appear. As soon as 2-4 leaves appear on the seedlings, they should be picked small pots, then transplant into bulk growing bags.

Planting strawberries with seedlings is even easier. Planting time: spring, autumn. During this period, strawberries do not grow as actively and take root well.

Choosing a strawberry variety

To grow strawberries all year round at home, you should choose remontant varieties that bear fruit several times a year. These varieties include:

  • "Yellow Miracle";
  • "Queen Elizabeth"
  • "Everest", etc.

How to care for the crop?

Caring for strawberries that you grow at home is almost the same as at home. open garden. Watering, fertilizing, and pest control are required. Ventilation, that is, circulation, is important for strawberries. Therefore, you should periodically open the windows briefly in non-freezing weather and ventilate the room. Daylight - natural or artificial - should illuminate the crop for at least 14 hours. When growing strawberries on a windowsill, choose the south side.

Another factor for good yield is pollination. It is clear that it is impossible to breed bees at home and carry out natural pollination. But there is a way out, and a very simple one. Place a fan in front of the flowers, let the air currents handle the pollen, or periodically pass them with a brush. Strawberries do not tolerate frost and drafts, so they should be protected from hypothermia. Especially home-grown strawberries are very sensitive to cold.

What to feed strawberries with?

When growing crops all year round, you need to apply to the roots and top of the plant once every 2 weeks. Should be used complex fertilizers, intended for garden crops. Specialized stores also carry fertilizer for strawberries with a set of carefully balanced beneficial microelements, thanks to which the crop will not get sick and will become resistant to all kinds of pests and temperature changes.

Strawberries planted in the house should be replanted and renewed every 4 years.

Seedlings are obtained by collecting new shoots, which are planted in separate containers and replace old and depleted bushes. New seedlings can also be obtained by sowing seeds.

Pests and diseases to which strawberries are susceptible

Strawberries can also develop gray rot, which can completely destroy the crop. In this case you need to take preventive measures. Firstly, the room should be ventilated; the strawberries should not suffocate. Exactly high humidity leads to dampness and rot. If you missed a moment, treat the plant with copper oxychloride at the rate of one tablespoon of the drug per 1 liter.

As it turns out, growing your favorite, sweet strawberries at home is not a difficult task. Yes, there are some tricks that you have to resort to. But in return for efforts and careful care, you can get a good harvest and even on winter days enjoy the taste of exquisite and aromatic berries. Just imagine the surprise and delight of the guests gathered at New Year, when you serve your own home-grown strawberries and cream on the table as a dessert.

Have a good harvest and good luck!

Growing strawberries at home - video

Do you want to enjoy your own strawberries all year round and have them for sale? It's not difficult - you just need to know the secrets of growing this dietary product food indoors!

Home conditions help to increase the duration of the period of full development of strawberries, turning winter outside the window into summer under the roof. It should be emphasized that the presence of pots and flowerpots, hanging plant pots or balcony boxes, vertical containers, and plastic bags in the rooms gives the room an elegant decorative look.

Home conditions help to increase the duration of the period of full development of strawberries, turning winter outside the window into summer under the roof.

Not only benefits, but also beauty - this is the additional benefit of growing strawberries all year round on a balcony, windowsill or wall. The use of remontant strawberry varieties with neutral daylight hours ensures regular fruiting, provided that lighting is provided gas discharge lamps daylight. Their spectrum composition is not very different from sunlight. At making the right choice growing technologies and good care You can get up to 5 strawberry harvests during the year.

Choosing a strawberry variety for year-round cultivation

The preference for strawberry varieties grown in a home environment should be approached with special attention. They all need to be remontant (within 40–45 days they form inflorescences, ovaries and berries) and high-yielding. For Dutch technology We need varieties that can be stored for a long time without losing their attractive qualities. Dutch seedlings Frigo are very popular. She is able to give bountiful harvest and after 7-10 months of cold storage. High-yielding Dutch varieties have also proven themselves well: Gloom, Polka, Darslek, Sonata, Marmolada, Tribute, Maria and others, which can also be stored dormant for a long time.

For the usual technology of growing strawberries, without frequent replacement of seedlings, it is recommended to use the Koroleva Elizaveta 2 variety, which is famous not only for its high yield, but also for its ability to form berry ovaries 2-4 more times after the first harvest. An important note - you need to choose self-pollinating varieties, otherwise there will be more difficulties in caring for strawberries.

Growing strawberries at home

Strawberry yield depends on application biological technologies. It is they who, first of all, form all the conditions that allow year-round cultivation strawberries with healthy, environmentally friendly berries.

If you have no experience in growing any plants in an apartment, it is better to first start growing strawberries only for your needs. But if it works out, you like it, you like it, then you can think about the strawberry business. First you need to decide on the place where they will grow. juicy berries. For them a wall will do rooms, insulated balcony or loggia, window sill. Let's not forget about the advantages of closed ground:

  • much less space is required for cultivating plants;
  • no dependence on the weather outside.

Growing strawberries all year round at home should begin with studying a step-by-step and detailed methodology that will help create all the conditions for obtaining rich harvests. To make year-round growing of strawberries a reality you need:

  • desire to get busy;
  • create the necessary conditions;
  • apply special technologies.

There is no need to reinvent the wheel, you just need to start getting acquainted with the experience of people who are actually achieving high yields strawberries all year round - practical guide presented below for you.

Excellent results produces strawberry seedlings planted in compact greenhouses using Dutch technology. Its essence is simple.

Strawberry seedlings planted in compact greenhouses using Dutch technology give excellent results.

Otherwise, this technology for growing strawberries all year round is called forcing. Harvesting berries is made possible by the continuous planting of new seedlings every 30-45 days. Old seedlings are usually thrown away. This technology presents special requirements to the soil - it must be sterile without microorganisms and weeds- to lighting, watering and fertilizing, strawberry varieties used. Dutch technology can be equally applied to the cultivation of strawberries on steep and horizontal surfaces. Advantages of Dutch technology:

  • seedlings can be planted in any containers: plastic bags, clay pots, wooden and plastic boxes, pallets and containers;
  • the ability to grow strawberries on a balcony, wall, windowsill, garage;
  • the berries are harvested every 1.5-2 months, which makes it possible to use this technique for business;
  • The greatest effort and expense are needed only at the initial stage.

Once you have started a year-round production of growing strawberries at home, in the future you can only maintain it in working condition, spending little effort.

For this method, you do not need to harvest seedlings for future use. It is enough to plant varieties that are capable of producing several harvests per season in good conditions. Their distinctive feature- form berry ovaries regardless of daylight hours. This method is best suited for growing strawberries all year round for your family's table. For this technology, the best containers are pots, boxes, and containers. They will have enough space on the windowsill, loggia, or on the slopes of the windows.

Technology for growing day-neutral varieties

The main difference between this method and the Dutch technology is that the seedlings are used for a year, and not for one or a month and a half. As for the rest, agrotechnical techniques for care, fertilizing, watering, and artificial pollination with all technologies are similar to each other.

Modern technologies make it much easier to grow many vegetables, medicinal herbs and berries at home. There is a wall-mounted economical FazendaGreen system, which is designed for year-round harvesting of environmentally friendly strawberries. The FazendaGreen module consists of a wall-mounted shelf, on three shelves of which there are 7 special pots. On top there is a phytolamp with an ideal light spectrum for strawberry growing. Also in the upper part of the structure there is a container designed for 5 liters of water and a special irrigation system.

Using ready-made automated systems for growing strawberries at home

Water flows down and reaches each of the 21 pots evenly, which creates an ideal microclimate for the growth and development of strawberry seedlings. There is a special sensor that automatically monitors lighting, temperature, amount of fertilizer and soil moisture. In case of deviations from the norm, it sends an SMS to the owner’s smartphone. The size of the entire structure is 1040x670 mm, and one portion of water is enough for 7 days of watering. This installation allows you to grow 6 kg of strawberries per month. There is a lot of material on the Internet on the topic: strawberries grown all year round using Dutch technology.

Rules for growing strawberries at home

To create in an apartment good conditions to cultivate strawberry seedlings you need to know preferences healthy berries. Strawberry loves:

  • abundance of light - the duration of daylight hours cannot be less than 14 hours;
  • fresh light breeze - you need systematic ventilation of the room using a window;
  • comfortable temperature of plus 18-22o C.

To create good conditions in your apartment for growing strawberry seedlings, you need to know the preferences of the healthy berry.

To create specific favorable conditions for strawberry seedlings, it starts with choosing a place (it is advisable that it has as much sunlight as possible). A good option is to place strawberry seedlings near a window. But, if you use phytolamps, strawberries can be grown in a warm but dark garage. In any case, lighting is needed. Practice has proven that daylight at 16 o'clock significantly accelerated the growth and fruiting of plants, and a day at 10 o'clock - all stages of growth and development of strawberry seedlings - lengthened.

Any container can be used as a container for seedlings. But, it is not advisable to use plastic bags in an apartment. They are good for use in greenhouses where optimal microclimate: uniform lighting, comfortable temperature and required humidity. In a home environment, such conditions are difficult to achieve. For an apartment, pots, boxes, and various containers would be a good option. They are profitable because they can easily organize collection excess water from watering. To do this, just place a tray under them.

Instead of the usual soil, a special substrate is used, which consists of a mixture of disinfected semi-decomposed high-moor peat without weed seeds and microbes with various additives: perlite (to improve aeration), coconut fiber and mineral fertilizers(potassium chloride and superphosphate). But you can get by with improvised additives.

Instead of the usual soil, a special substrate is used

Here is an example of a substrate prepared at home. For 10 kg of peat add 2 or 3 tablespoons dolomite flour(can be replaced with 200 grams of wood ash). All ingredients are mixed thoroughly. For storage, this mixture is poured into a plastic bag and poured with a specially prepared solution from an old kettle. Half a teaspoon is diluted in three liters of water copper sulfate and 200 ml of liquid mullein. Just before use, peat is mixed with 2 kg of small sawdust, pre-moistened with a solution of urea (1/3 tablespoon of urea is diluted in 0.5 liter of water). Also added small quantity(1/10 of the total volume) river coarse sand.

With the Dutch technology of growing seedlings, you will need a lot. Therefore, you immediately need to decide the question: when and how to grow it? Where and how to store? If you have a garden and you are cultivating strawberries in open ground, you can grow seedlings yourself in the summer months. To do this, in June and July, strong, well-developed rosettes are selected and planted in peat containers. The varieties must be remontant (that is, produce a harvest immediately a month and a half after transplanting into closed ground) and self-pollinating. If you don’t have your own plot, you will have to buy seedlings in specialized stores. It's not cheap.

If you have a garden and grow strawberries outdoors, you can grow your own seedlings during the summer months.

For cold storage for the winter, strong rosettes that have 3-4 leaves are selected. The thickness of the root collar should be at least 5 or 6 cm. The length of the root lobe should not be more than 5 cm. The seedlings are carefully laid out in plastic or wooden boxes, the bottom of which is covered with wet moss. The top of the boxes must be closed with a lid. Seedlings are stored in the refrigerator: temperature - +1 or +2 degrees; humidity - 90%. Under such conditions, it can be stored for 1.5 to 10 months.

You can grow seedlings yourself from seeds that are bought in stores for summer residents. This method requires time, effort and patience. Planting strawberry seedlings is done in plastic bags according to a checkerboard pattern: 25x25 cm in cut holes at an angle of 40 degrees.

Strawberry care

To get a rich harvest of strawberries, you need to take care of them. Care consists of proper lighting, timely fertilizing and watering. Additional lighting fluorescent lamps needed to extend daylight hours to 14 hours. Watering and fertilizing is done using drip system. It is this irrigation system that provides an optimal microclimate and best conditions for the development of strawberries. If the substrate has been prepared correctly and healthy strong seedlings- there should be no pest and disease control at home.

How to increase strawberry yield at home

Strawberries are very responsive to fertilizing, moderate but timely watering, good uniform lighting. An important agrotechnical technique at home to obtain good harvest - artificial pollination. IN natural conditions Strawberries self-pollinate with the help of wind and insects. At home, a fan can help with this. The best option A soft brush is considered to be used to touch the inflorescences.

Delicious, juicy, ripe strawberries are a delicacy for children and adults! In the garden beds in summer northern latitudes she feels great. But using the technology described above, it can be successfully grown at home. Strawberries are vitamins, a delicacy, and exotic all year round! But it can also be a profitable, exciting, enjoyable activity.

Strawberries are one of the most favorite treats not only for children, but also for adults. Many gardeners quite often grow it on their property or in a greenhouse. But there are also craftsmen who have adapted to growing strawberries in a pot at home on the window in winter period year. Today we will talk about how to do this.

Features of growing strawberries in winter

Today, anyone can grow any vegetables and fruits all year round. To do this, it is enough to have. But this option is expensive. So lately Growing garden and vegetable gardens is gaining enormous popularity garden plants or balcony. Strawberries were no exception. After all, many will agree that this is very original and tasty.

Growing strawberries in a pot is a popular activity.

For this you will need quality seedlings, pot, soil and great patience, because strawberries are a rather capricious plant.

Important point! Dug up strawberry seedlings are stored in a cold room for up to 9 months.

How to wake up a seedling

On short daylight hours in winter, you will need a fluorescent lamp.

To awaken the seedling, it must be brought into a warm room. Thus, if desired, you can set up conveyor growing of strawberries all year round.

It is important to remember that this plant is a light-loving plant, and in winter, as you know, daylight hours are short. Therefore, it should be ensured additional lighting, a fluorescent lamp will help with this.


The pollination process can be carried out using a brush.

Another nuance will be pollination. Since while growing strawberries in a greenhouse you can place a hive with bees or run bumblebees, this is impossible to do in an apartment.

But you shouldn’t be upset; in order to carry out the pollination process, you need to touch the strawberry flowers every day with a brush.

Suitable strawberry varieties

To purchase a truly suitable variety of strawberries, you should not rely on beautiful pictures V flower shops. According to many experienced gardeners, should choose . They are less capricious in care and are able to bear fruit all year long.

The Queen Elizabeth II strawberry variety is suitable for growing on a windowsill.

Following the reviews of people who have been growing strawberries on the windowsill for several years now The following varieties are ideal:

  • Autumn fun
  • Garland
  • Crimean remontant
  • Inexhaustible, etc.
  • Queen Elizabeth
  • Queen Elizabeth II
  • Roman F1
  • Tristar
  • Brighton.

It is best to plant strawberries not from seeds, but from seedlings. Since when planting with seeds, you will have to try hard to make the plants grow. But when planting seedlings there will be much less hassle.

Soil preparation

Once the variety is selected, you can begin preparing the soil.

You can already buy it in the store ready soil.

Many people, in order not to bother, buy ready-made soil at soda centers. But there are also gardeners who prepare it themselves. In addition, such soil is considered the best.

  • To prepare the substrate you will need sand, humus and conifer soil in equal parts. All these components must be mixed thoroughly.
  • It is not advisable to take soil from the garden . Since it is not loose enough, it happens very often, which can lead to the death of plants.

Preparation of strawberry seedlings

Strawberries freshly dug from the garden should not be planted in a pot.

Many people often make the mistake of planting strawberries dug up from the garden in the fall without any preparation.

  1. Before planting such a strawberry in a pot, it must be carefully examine for diseases .
  2. You should choose only the most beautiful and complete sockets.
  3. Selected seedlings before planting place a pot with soil and place it in a cool place (basement or refrigerator) for 12–14 days. This will provoke a state of dormancy in the plant, so it will rest a little.

Planting strawberries in pots

The first step is to take care of the container for the strawberry bush. It is important that he be required sizes and had special holes for water drainage, For one seedling, a 3-liter flowerpot is considered the norm. Many housewives prefer to plant strawberries in long balcony pots. In this case, 3–4 bushes can be placed in one flowerpot.

Long balcony pots are suitable for growing strawberries.

Important to remember! Strawberries cannot be transplanted from one container to another. Because.

Landing technology

If strawberries are planted correctly, they will produce a harvest.

This stage is the most important, since the correctness of actions during planting seeds or seedlings will depend further growth strawberry harvest.


Pebbles can be used as drainage.

  1. There should be drainage at the bottom of the container. To do this, use pebbles, expanded clay or broken bricks.
  2. Then you need to inspect the roots of the plant, if they will be too long, they should be shortened. So that they fit freely in containers.
  3. Plant roots neatly covered with earth and a little compacted .
  4. After planting, strawberries should be watered. This can be done with the help of growth stimulants.

Planting seeds

  1. First, the grains are placed in small plastic cups and cover with film.
  2. Then they need to be placed in the warmest place in the apartment.
  3. After the sprouts have grown a little, they are transplanted into permanent place(pot).

Strawberry seeds should be placed in a glass and placed in a warm place.

Caring for indoor strawberries

Strawberries require plenty of watering.

Caring for strawberries in flowerpots on the windowsill is a labor-intensive process. Since this plant requires a lot of attention, especially if it is not grown in natural environment in winter. In order for strawberries to develop well and bear fruit, you must follow the basic rules of care:

  • Lighting . Firstly, you need to place flowerpots with strawberries on windows where they are constantly exposed to sun rays. But the plant will still not have enough daylight in winter; it needs additional lighting using fluorescent lamps.
  • Watering . O should be regular and plentiful.
  • Temperature should be within 20 ten degrees .
  • Feeding. It is required during the period of flowering and ripening of berries. This should be done once every two weeks. During this period, it is recommended to introduce complex,... You can also spray strawberries with iron-containing fertilizers; it has a beneficial effect on the amount of harvest.
  • Loosening. It must be done regularly to ensure oxygen reaches the roots.

Pollination of strawberries at home in winter

This is a mandatory event to obtain a harvest. Therefore, let's look at it in more detail.

This is done in two ways: mechanical and manual . During mechanical, a small fan is installed next to the plants; when it is turned on, the air flow carries pollen to all inflorescences. To pollinate flowers by hand, you need to touch each flower on the bush with a soft brush. According to many experienced gardeners, the second method, although labor-intensive, is more effective.

For pollination mechanically You will need a small fan.

Fulfilling any of the care items may result in the death of the plant or loss of harvest. Therefore, all of the above recommendations must be taken seriously.


Growing strawberries in a pot will be a lot of fun!

Despite the hassle that you will have to face when growing strawberries at home in winter, this process can bring enormous pleasure to the gardener. After all, many people in winter begin to miss the opportunity to dig in the garden. And the admiration of your household will be an excellent reward for the work done.

Video about growing strawberries at home

Every second gardener or just a lover of house plants dreams of growing not only beautiful, but also useful plant. And almost every housewife would not mind strawberries being such a crop. This is beautiful - flowering plant emits a pleasant aroma, has beautiful view, and it is possible.

General concept of remontant strawberries

To enjoy all year round delicious berries you need to know what species and varieties are required for propagation. We have already written in detail about this earlier.

Homemade strawberries all year round are quite possible if everything is organized correctly.

Experienced gardeners use for similar purposes exclusively remontant varieties , however, you should know which varieties are capable of bearing fruit continuously, and which ones - only two harvests.

Is it possible to grow strawberries on a windowsill?

From normal looking remontant crops differ not only in that they are able to bear fruit several times per warm season, but also the duration of daylight hours. Conventional crops, as a rule, are characterized by ripening under short daylight hours, that is, they ripen even in the dark, if the temperature allows.

The strawberries have bloomed on the windowsill, we are waiting for the first berries.

Differences among varieties

Remontant crops are divided into ripening long daylight hours and neutral daylight hours - DSD and NSD.

Repairers of DSD are able to develop and lay buds only in the presence of prolonged lighting - produce crops twice a season . In this case, as a rule, the second harvest differs more large fruits and higher overall yield levels. However, in this case, this species is not particularly hardy, as a result of which many bushes die after the season - dry out.

NSD repairers are characterized by stronger endurance, fruiting is characterized by continuity and does not depend on the length of daylight hours. If they are created favorable conditions, are capable of producing high levels of yield for about ten months in a row. If grown at room temperature, providing sufficient light, weather conditions and the climate does not affect them either.

Classification of varieties

If you decide to grow strawberries on a windowsill, you should ask the store what type of seedlings they are and what they are called.

The main popular names of NSD repairmen:

  • Queen Elizabeth;
  • Queen Elizabeth II;
  • Roman F1;
  • Tristar;
  • Brighton.

Queen Elizabeth

It is believed that Queen Elizabeth is a long-day ripening species, however, many gardeners still prefer to grow it in an apartment due to large sizes berries and high taste indicators.

The main advantages of the variety:

  • large whisker formation for breeding;
  • size of berries – 50 grams;
  • beautiful flower stalks - nice decor on the window;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • long-term storage in fresh and processed form.

In most cases, the first Elizabeth is raised in the house by those owners who are satisfied with this strawberry productivity period due to busyness. The remaining varieties are bright representatives of their species, distinguished by regular fruiting, pleasant aroma, beautiful peduncles, high level endurance.

Rules for planting strawberries at home

When choosing a variety, it should be taken into account that the plant will live in the selected container for about three years, since it reduces immunity and productivity, and lengthens the adaptation period.

In order not to replant strawberries again, you need to immediately choose a larger pot.

In addition, adult seedlings may well die due to the fact that they are not able to adapt to new conditions as much as possible.

For one bush you can use a container with a volume no more than three liters . The flowerpot should be wide and medium in height - at least twenty centimeters. You can use balcony boxes for group planting. Depending on the size of the box, the number of seedlings is calculated. If the approximate volume of the container is from ten to fifteen liters - four bushes, the distance between them is twenty-five centimeters.

Preparing the container

The container for seedlings must be properly prepared.

  • Holes should be cut at the bottom of the pot or box to drain excess water, and the bottom of the container should be filled with a drainage mixture - expanded clay, pebbles, broken bricks or pebbles.
  • As a substrate you can use universal ready mixture from the store, which is used for indoor plants.
  • But it is also permissible to use a mixture prepared independently - forest soil, humus, humus, peat, sand .
  • The dose is selected at the rate of two parts to one part.

Planting a seedling


  • It is recommended to feed approximately once every fourteen days .
  • The frequency and amount of fertilizing will depend on the condition of the seedlings, stage of development, and time of year.

It should be remembered that there is a so-called “dead period”, when the plant rests - does not bloom, does not bear fruit, and does not throw out stepsons. At this time, all functions of the culture freeze - the plant thus rests - no fertilizing or fertilizing should be applied . Can be used monofertilizer , or perhaps a complex consisting of several substances.

Growing algorithm

Planting usually begins in July.

Approximately in the second week after transplanting the seedlings, new leaves should appear.

This is due to the adaptation period - so that the seedlings can adapt by winter and show results in the spring. Planted in a large pot, it can be placed on the balcony, on the sunny side - on the south or south-east side of the balcony.

The appearance of the results - the first additional leaves - is expected on eleventh day . If young leaves appear, the plant is firmly rooted and established. At the same time, the old leaves gradually die and fall off. On the thirtieth day, you can expect the emergence of the first ears of peduncles, which should be removed so that the second flowering will bring better results.


Approximately the thirty-seventh day - flower stalks open.

The first flowers appear on bushes planted more than a month ago.

First, several openings appear - approximately from two to four inflorescences . The duration of flowering varies within three days, then the petals fall off and the first fruits set.

The conditional end of flowering, if the strawberry belongs to the period of long daylight ripening, occurs approximately on the fifty-second day after planting.

We help flowers pollinate.

First berries

At the same time, the first berries have increased in size, and the flower stalks bloom and fade in turn.

It is necessary to monitor the stems due to the fact that the first berries are extremely large - the stems can break.

To prevent this phenomenon, you can place a fabric roller or foam rubber under the stems. And you should also remember about systematic watering as needed. The first sampling of ripened berries usually occurs on the sixty-first day, if all measures of correct agricultural technology are followed.

Deformed berries appear when the peduncles are insufficiently pollinated.

Fruiting all year round

For winter fruiting, strawberries need additional lighting, which will increase the length of the day to approximately twelve hours.

Additional lighting for homemade strawberries.

Temperature conditions are maintained at twenty degrees Celsius . If for indoor growing If the DSD variety is used, it is worth remembering that the duration of active productivity of this species is two or three years.

If you decide to grow NSD remontants, you need to be prepared for the fact that a decline in productivity may occur within a year, and then you will need to replant and breed young seedlings.

Video on how to plant strawberries from seeds at home

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