How to grow dill at home in winter. How to grow dill on a windowsill to get fragrant and lush greens at home? When to plant dill in the ground

You can grow dill on a balcony or windowsill all year round, although usually his landing in room conditions are planned for the autumn-winter time. For getting good harvest For fragrant greenery, it is necessary not only to select and plant the right crop variety, but also to provide the seedlings with proper care.

What you need to grow dill at home

Greens on the windowsill are a source of vitamins and fresh seasoning for different dishes, with its aroma reminiscent of summer. To grow good, powerful, juicy dill, you will have to try and stock up not only with patience, but also with the necessary props:

  • containers;
  • fertile soil;
  • drainage;
  • seeds;
  • lamps for illumination;
  • complex fertilizing.

Varieties for growing green crops in the window can be early or mid-season:

  • Grenadier;
  • Richelieu;
  • Gribovsky and others.

For planting in an apartment, choose early varieties dill

They will give quick harvest, however, will be deprived of lush foliage. Therefore, some gardeners prefer late-ripening, usually bushy varieties. They ripen longer, but they also produce a harvest over a longer period of time, and also delight the eye with abundant greenery and beautiful decorative look. Among the popular ones:

  • Kibray;
  • Brawler;
  • Firework;
  • Alligator;
  • Amazon;
  • Asparagus bouquet;
  • Puchkovy and others.

Take a responsible approach to choosing soil for growing dill at home. The soil should be loose, fertile and non-acidic. It is important that it retains moisture well. Buy ready-made substrate or prepare it yourself. To do this, mix garden soil with peat, compost, humus, and sand.

Advice. An old one can serve as a container. flower pot, volume up to 2 liters, or a small wide box with holes in the bottom. The sprouts should not be crowded in it. If the seedlings will stand on the window, make sure that the container looks aesthetically pleasing.

Preparing and sowing seeds

Due to the high content essential oils Dill seeds germinate for a very long time, regardless of where they are planted: in open ground or a pot. Therefore, first soak them in warm water, potassium permanganate or a growth stimulator solution. Place the seed in a small container with any of these liquids, and cover the top with a piece of gauze. Soaking time in water - up to 20 hours, in manganese - 2-3 hours, in a stimulator - according to the instructions. During this period, you need to change the fluid 2-3 times.

Attention! For planting, take only those seeds that have sunk to the bottom of the container.

Having selected suitable specimens, dry them well, and then start sowing:

  1. Place a 1.5-2.5 cm layer of drainage on the bottom of the container. Use expanded clay or broken brick for these purposes.
  2. Fill the container with soil. Moisturize it.
  3. Sow dill. To do this, you can make grooves or simply mix the seeds with the soil. The distance between the seeds is 2-3 cm. There is no need to bury them, just sprinkle some soil on top (layer thickness - up to 1 cm).
  4. Cover the container with film and place it in a warm place. Optimal temperature for seed germination is +18…+20C. The sprouts will begin to hatch 7-10 days after sowing.

Dill seeds

Caring for dill on the windowsill

Until the seeds sprout, regularly water the soil and remove condensation. When they sprout en masse, free the container from the film and place it on a sunny windowsill, remembering that dill is a light-loving plant. In the first week after this, reduce the night temperature by 1-2C to prevent the seedlings from stretching. For example, open a window or take a pot of seedlings to a glassed-in balcony.

In the warm season, you can do without backlighting. When growing greens in the autumn-winter period, you can’t live without it. Place the lamp at a distance of 0.5 m from the seedlings and turn on:

  • for 5 hours in the morning, if the container is in a well-lit place;
  • for 15 hours a day if the containers are located in the back of the room.

Basic care for dill in the window comes down to timely watering with settled water (as the soil dries) and spraying, especially if the room temperature exceeds +25C. Once a day, the pot with seedlings needs to be turned 180. This procedure will allow the seedlings to rise evenly, but not stretch out.

To grow dill in an apartment you will need additional lighting.

Feed the dill every 2-3 weeks using complex mineral fertilizers. Thin out the seedlings as they grow. Monitor the temperature in the room. If the room is cold, plant roots may rot. In an overheated room, seedlings will wither and require frequent watering, as well as more intense lighting.

Growing dill in a window from March to September is considered less troublesome. It is also possible to get a harvest in winter, although it requires significant effort. Remember that cut stems will not grow back. Regularly sow dill to pamper yourself and your loved ones with delicious fresh herbs for longer.

How to grow dill at home: video

Growing dill on a windowsill: photo

In the article we discuss dill - medicinal properties and contraindications, benefits for women and men, recipes for various diseases. You will find out whether pregnant women can drink a decoction of dill seeds, why it helps, how to prepare it for pancreatitis and helminth infections, and whether it is possible to lose weight with the help of dill.

Dill is an annual herbaceous plant with a straight branched stem up to 1.2 meters high. The dark green leaves are lacy in structure. Yellow flowers collected in umbrellas. For medicinal purposes, dill seeds, leaves, stems and flowers are used.

Appearance (photo) of dill

Chemical composition of dill

The beneficial properties of dill are explained by its composition:

  • vitamins of group B, P, PP and C;
  • essential oils;
  • linoleic, oleic and palmitic acids;
  • phosphorus, manganese, iron, potassium, selenium, zinc, calcium;
  • flavonoids (quercetin).

Due to the different content of essential oils and organic acids in herbs and dill seeds beneficial features and contraindications may vary.

Useful properties of dill

What are the benefits of dill seeds for the body:

  • folic acid and iron help the formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin, activate hematopoietic processes;
  • essential oils have a choleretic and diuretic effect;
  • antioxidants and organic acids cleanse the body of waste and toxins and increase resistance to infections.

Dill fruits reduce blood pressure and soothe nervous system, relieve pain and normalize digestive processes. Dill decoctions thin mucus, heal abrasions, and stop putrefactive processes in the intestines.

What do dill seeds treat:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver diseases;
  • gallbladder diseases;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • angina pectoris;
  • bronchitis;
  • cystitis;
  • infection with worms;
  • sleep disorders;
  • chronic headache.

Benefits for women

Dill seeds relieve pain during menstruation, increase breast milk production in nursing mothers and improve appetite. In cosmetology, dill is actively used to smooth out wrinkles, remove age spots and freckles, nourish and moisturize dry skin, and cleanse the pores of oily skin.

If you carefully study what other medicinal properties and contraindications for women dill seeds have, you can discover their effectiveness in the fight against excess weight. Dill relieves swelling of soft tissues, helps to absorb food more efficiently, and relieves bloating and stomach cramps.

Benefits for men

Dill as a medicine is useful for men with potency problems, as it is a powerful aphrodisiac. If you include plant seeds in your daily diet, the quality and duration of sexual life will significantly improve.

Dill seeds in folk medicine

IN folk medicine use dill seeds

  1. Buy dill seeds at the pharmacy or prepare them yourself.
  2. When harvesting at home, collect the plant far from highways, bodies of water wastewater and hazardous industrial enterprises.
  3. Store dried fruits in glass jars no longer than 2 years.
  4. Since there are a number of contraindications for dill seeds, the use of decoctions and infusions should only be after consultation with a doctor.
  5. Before preparing medicines, grind the fruits manually in a mortar or using a blender. This way the treatment will be more effective.

Dill tea for nursing women

Dill seeds increase breast milk production

If you do not produce enough milk to feed your baby, make a decoction of several herbs and start taking it already on the 10th day after birth.


  1. Dill seeds - ½ tbsp.
  2. Anise seeds - ½ tbsp.
  3. Fennel seeds - ½ tbsp.
  4. Fenugreek seeds - ½ tbsp.
  5. Water (boiling water) - 2 cups.

How to cook: Grind the seeds of anise, dill, fenugreek and fennel, pour into an enamel bowl and pour boiling water. Infuse the tea for 1-2 hours, strain.

How to use: Drink 2 times a day 30 minutes before feeding your baby.

Result: Dill tea gently and slowly increases the amount of milk secreted, relieves nervous tension and has a mild hypnotic effect.

Dill seed tincture for potency

To normalize male power with the help of dill fruits, the use of honey-valerian tincture should be regular.


  1. Dill seeds - 1 cup.
  2. Liquid honey - 2 cups.
  3. Ground valerian root - 2 tbsp.
  4. Water (boiling water) - 8 glasses.

How to cook: Grind valerian root, add dill and pour boiling water. Infuse the mixture for 24 hours in a sealed container, then strain. Mix with honey.

How to use: Take the infusion 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day 3 times a week.

Result: Honey-dill tincture with valerian root dilates blood vessels and ensures a long-lasting, full-fledged erection.

Infusion for the pancreas

Before drinking dill seeds to treat pancreatitis, check your diagnosis. Dill tincture will help if pancreatitis is in remission or you have a chronic form of the disease. In acute inflammation of the pancreas, dill will provoke excessive production of bile and aggravate the pain syndrome.


  1. Dill seeds - 1 tbsp.
  2. Water (boiling water) - 1 glass.

How to cook: Pour the crushed seeds with water, cover the dish warm towel and wait 60 minutes. Strain the dill broth.

How to use: Drink 2 tbsp. 30 minutes before meals.

Result: Dill seeds stop putrefactive processes and improve intestinal motility, cause the outflow of bile, eliminate constipation and pain.

When treating pancreatitis with dill seeds, not only the tincture, but also the dill decoction is beneficial.


  1. Dill seeds - 1 tsp.
  2. Water - 1 glass.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the seed powder, place the bowl on low heat and cook for 2-3 minutes. Cool the broth and strain.

How to use: Take ¼ cup 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Result: A decoction of dill seeds for pancreatitis relieves spasms of the vascular wall, provides a rush of blood to the pancreas and relieves inflammation.


  1. Whole dill seeds - 2 tbsp.
  2. Castor oil - 2 tbsp.

How to cook: Grind half the seeds into powder and leave the other half whole.

How to use: Take for 3 days before bedtime following diagram- seeds 2.5 hours after dinner and Castor oil 3 hours after that.

The medicinal properties and contraindications of unprocessed dill seeds do not say anything about the prohibition for children. However, such seeds are too hard and may not be liked by the child. In this case, make a combined dill decoction.


  1. Dill seeds - 2 tsp.
  2. Wormwood flowers - 2 tsp.
  3. Chamomile flowers - 2 tsp.
  4. Tansy flowers - 2 tsp.
  5. Water (boiling water) - 2 cups.

How to cook: Pour flowers and seeds into a thermos, pour boiling water and wait 10 hours. Strain the cooled infusion through 2 layers of gauze.

How to use: Give the child 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day 20 minutes before meals for 3-5 days.

Dill for weight loss

To obtain maximum effect weight loss, combine dill decoction with the leaves of the plant. Add them to salads and hot dishes.


  1. Dill seeds - 1 tbsp.
  2. Naked licorice root - 4 tbsp.
  3. Water (boiling water) - 1 glass.

How to cook: Grind dill seeds and licorice root, pour into enamel pan and fill with water. Boil the mixture in a water bath for 20 minutes.

How to use: Take ⅓ glass of decoction 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

Result: Thanks to the diuretic effect of a decoction of dill seeds, the ability to improve work digestive system and a beneficial effect on bile production, a gentle and gradual process of weight loss occurs.

Dill during pregnancy

Before being treated with dill for constipation and swelling, keep in mind that dill seed has medicinal properties and contraindications for women expecting a child. Chemical substances in dill seeds stimulates the smooth muscles of the uterus and can cause miscarriage or premature birth.

If you started taking dill seeds and felt pain in the lower abdomen, or bloody issues, stop taking it immediately and consult a doctor.


Dill seeds - contraindications:

  • hypotension;
  • individual intolerance;
  • acute form of inflammation of the pancreas;
  • asthmatic diseases;
  • oncological diseases.

Do not overuse dill infusions if you drive a car or your work requires concentration. An overdose of dill seeds may cause general weakness, nausea, temporary blurred vision and dizziness.

For more information about dill, watch the video:

Starting a new interesting business of growing greenery in the room, but having no idea about the intricacies of the process, you will, of course, get some results. Although it is not a fact that they will be positive, because dill has certain properties and requires the acquisition of basic knowledge in the field of agricultural technology and thoughtful preparation.

You can plant dill and grow it in your apartment all year round. The intensity of care depends on when the seeds were sown. Dill planted in autumn or winter will require more strength and time than greens sown in the summer.

On sunny side V good soil dill planted in spring and summer does not need additional lighting and usually grows in dense branched bushes. Good growth Dill seedlings provide long daylight hours, so in winter or cloudy weather an additional light source will be required.

Correct selection of planting material and preparation

Choosing the type of dill seeds requires the right approach to get a rich harvest. The seeds are no different visually, only their ripening time is different. Therefore, varieties are divided into early, middle and late.

For home grown experienced gardeners choose undemanding, persistent and productive variety Gribovsky, which produces aromatic greens. The seeds only need to be planted in fertile soil and the weeds must be weeded in time.

A good garden on the windowsill can be created with seeds of the late-ripening variety Kibray, with the early Grenadier and the mid-ripening variety called Richelieu. Southern varieties with a spicy taste and aroma also take root well on windowsills, but are more picky about conditions. Late-ripening varieties are chosen by experienced gardeners for growing on the windowsill.

Inexperienced beginning farmers have many questions about growing dill at home. Is it really not possible to just stick the seeds into the ground, regularly water the seedlings and weed them? weeds in a pot? True, instead of thickets fragrant greens You can observe the harvest in the form of rare colorless and tasteless blades of grass.

What rules must be followed when home planting dill so that the greens turn out no worse than on the market?

Preparing the necessary equipment

Planting begins with the mandatory preparation of seeds. They are soaked in warm water for at least five hours, then the water is drained and the seeds are poured with a medium solution of potassium permanganate for two to three hours. This must be done to disinfect the seed.

During soaking, prepare containers that are suitable for simple pots For indoor flowers or specially made for this occasion from wooden planks boxes. The capacity of the container depends on the planned volume of the harvest, but if you have not figured out this indicator, first try planting the greens in a pot of one or two liters, in the bottom of which there are drainage holes to drain excess water. The containers must be placed on pallets.

Sometimes seeds for seedlings are first planted in small peat pots, and from them greens are planted in permanent containers. The choice of permanent containers must be approached wisely, so that the pots fit harmoniously into the decor residential interior and did not spoil the room with their unsightly appearance.

A small layer of drainage is poured into the prepared pots, which can be ordinary expanded clay, crushed stone or pebbles. The next small layer is not too fine sand. The top layer is nutritious fertile soil in the form of ready-made soil mixture, intended specifically for this crop, or a mixture of ordinary turf, humus and peat.

Vermicompost is an essential ingredient of the soil in which dill will grow.

Now you can start sowing and growing fresh herbs right in your own room.


Seeds that sank to the bottom when soaked can be planted in the ground. Sunken seeds are sown after preliminary drying on fabric or cotton wool.

There is no special rule for geometric sowing of dill; you can sow greens in a pot in rows, bunches or in any other order. After sowing the seeds, an additional thin layer of soil, no more than two centimeters, is poured on top. Then the surface of the soil is slightly moistened, and the pot is covered with polyethylene. Greenhouse effect can be obtained using cling film, this is a very convenient way.

Pots or boxes with planted dill should be on the warmest and well-lit windowsill, so that the average temperature is plus eighteen degrees Celsius. The containers are kept in the light and warm until the first sprouts of dill appear. If you followed all the recommendations correctly, the crops will sprout within a week, maximum ten days after sowing.

Sprout care

As it turns out, growing the first green shoots is not a difficult process at all. Labor and time costs begin during further cultivation thick fragrant dill.

The film should be removed from the containers as soon as all the sprouts have risen. Caring for the warmer months involves creating good lighting, regular watering and spraying of dill. You also need to remember to turn the pots with seedlings once a day so that the plants do not lean to the side, but stretch upward.

Winter cultivation consists of the same actions as in the summer months, it is only necessary to provide the dill with good lighting during the short daylight hours. With a lack of light, it is impossible to get fluffy bushes, since the sprouts begin to stretch out excessively in search of sun rays. Suitable as additional lighting ordinary lamp, installed at a height of half a meter above pots of herbs. Morning illumination of dill on the windowsill is up to six hours a day, and for sprouts in the back of the room you need to turn on the lamp for at least fifteen hours.

The optimal regime for green crops is a temperature of seventeen to nineteen degrees above zero, although dill will tolerate slight deviations in one direction or another without loss. Regular watering should be moderate, and twice a month it is recommended to fertilize the soil with mineral fertilizer.

So, growing dill at home turns out to be more difficult in the autumn-winter period, when the plants lack sunlight. But at any time of the year you can get fresh greens if you devote time and enough attention to growing them.

Video - Household tricks. Dill on the windowsill

Tips from experienced gardeners for successful cultivation

To quickly grow high-quality shaggy bunches of dill, you need to know some secrets of caring for sprouts:

All recommendations should not make you think that growing dill at home is quite problematic without experience in this matter. But this is not at all true, because dill is easy to grow on the windowsill, since the plants have enough fertile soil and good lighting from the window.

14–20 days after the first sowing, the next batch of seeds is sown

The beneficial properties of dill and its spicy aroma make this green indispensable in preparing various dishes. In addition, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins and potassium salts in dill are necessary components of masks for improving the color and refreshing of facial skin.

Thus, to receive vitamins all year round, you just need to properly organize the planting of dill and other garden herbs on your windowsill, which is not particularly demanding on the conditions. If you are a beginner gardener and have no experience in this interesting matter, we recommend planting dill in the warm spring and summer months.

Video - How to grow dill at home in winter

Each housewife uses different herbs in cooking. It could be parsley, dill, cilantro, celery. In summer and early autumn there is not the slightest problem in buying these products. But summer flies by quickly, and useful product I want to have it on the table all year round. With modern freezers it's easy to freeze required quantity greenery, and use it throughout the winter. What should you do if you want to have fresh greens in your diet that have long been known? Let's try to figure out how to grow dill on a windowsill in winter at home.

You can grow this greenery in pots, boxes, you can even use plastic dishes, what is enough imagination. The soil can be brought from the dacha, or purchased in specialized places.

Important! The soil must contain vermicompost. It is ideal to add vermicompost and coconut fiber in a 1:1 ratio.

Pour the soil into a growing container. A low layer of fine crushed stone should be placed on the bottom of the dish. This will ensure drainage excess water when watering.

Selection of seeds for sowing

Need to choose early ripening varieties seeds Take these varieties:

  • Gribovsky;
  • Richelieu;
  • grenadier;
  • Aurora;
  • further.

Before planting, the seeds must be treated.

Important! Need to be properly prepared planting material. The success of cultivation depends on this.

Soak the seeds in warm water for 6 – 8 hours. There should not be a lot of water, just to cover the grains. Then drain and immerse the seeds in a very weak manganese solution for several hours. Don't overdo it; the solution should be barely pink. This is done to degrease the seeds.

Landing in the ground

The next stage is planting the seeds in the ground. There are no clear instructions here; you can sow in bunches or beds.

Attention! You can sow the material that sank to the bottom during the soaking process. Grains floating on the surface are considered poor quality.

After planting the seeds, they should be covered with soil. The layer should not be too large, one or two centimeters will be enough. When finished, cover the container with soil with film. You can use cling film or a regular plastic bag.

After the sowing procedure, place the container with the seeds in a place well lit by daylight. This could be a table by the window, a windowsill, a balcony. The temperature should be 18 degrees. If you did everything correctly and the conditions are suitable for seedling growth, you will see the first sprouts after 7-8 days. And after 2 weeks, the planted grains will germinate 100%. Growing seedlings from seeds is a painstaking process, but the result is worth it.

Sowing the seeds and seeing the first shoots is only half the battle. It is very important to have the right one further care for seedlings. After the small sprouts have hatched, the film should be removed from the homemade greenhouse. In summer, growing in this way will not bring special troubles, you just have to water it correctly, observe temperature regime and turn the pot once a day so that the seedlings do not pull to the side, but grow evenly. In cold weather it is a little more difficult.

In principle, care on cold days is similar to summer care. But great attention should be paid to lighting. Daylight hours in winter are short and the seedlings will be sorely lacking in lighting. The problem is solved by installing an additional lamp.

Important! The lamp must be daylight. Installed at a height of about 50 centimeters above the dill.

Artificial lighting will be enough for 5-6 hours. If the seedlings are in a darker part of the room, you need to provide light for 12 - 15 hours.

  1. In order for the dill to be fluffy and not stretch to the sides, you need to turn the container with seedlings 180 degrees once a day.
  2. Watering the plants should be regular, at the same time, but not too much. The roots may simply rot.
  3. The key to good greenery is mineral fertilization. Carry out the procedure once every 2-3 weeks.

Useful properties and vitamins

They are very valuable for the body and contain the following vitamins:

  • vitamin C. Good for immunity, increases protective forces body. A powerful oxidant that perfectly protects the body from the effects of stress. Reduces the effect of various allergens;
  • beta-carotene and vitamin E. Beta-carotene is an irreplaceable source of longevity and youth. Vitamin E is necessary for good blood circulation and promotes good blood clotting. Reduces blood pressure and the risk of scarring after wounds;
  • vitamin A and B. Vitamin A contributes to normal metabolic processes, improved digestion, high-quality functioning of the immune system. Vitamin B is essential for the synthesis of hemoglobin. It is necessary for the skin and mucous membranes.

As you can see, it is undeniable and therefore it makes sense to use it as medicine.

Dill - green medicine

Dill is an excellent source of vitamins, this has been known for a long time. Widely used to treat various ailments. Grass reduces blood pressure, has a vasodilating effect, increases diuresis.

Several recipes using dill seeds to treat various diseases:

  • infusion of dill seeds in water (1 tbsp per 0.5 l of water). Helps with diseases of the urinary system: cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis. This same infusion is an excellent diuretic.
  • infusion of dill herb (1 tsp per 0.5 l of water). Good, gastrointestinal disorders;
  • dill decoction. Used for obsessive hiccups, flatulence;
  • decoction of dill seeds (1:1). For the treatment of cholelithiasis;
  • dill infusion. For colds, helps with coughs, as an expectorant;
  • dill juice. For night blindness, blurred vision;
  • Eating fresh greens helps remove waste and toxins.

Important! The use of these prescriptions should be discussed with your doctor. Do not self-medicate to avoid negative consequences.

By eating such a valuable product as dill, you will stock up on vitamins, be young and beautiful long years. Be healthy.

Dill and parsley are the most favorite and familiar herbs on our table. If you want to always have fresh herbs on hand, be confident in their quality and just start a pleasant hobby, then we suggest creating your own mini-vegetable garden at home.

In this material you will find 3 step by step instructions about how to grow dill and parsley on the windowsill.

How to grow dill at home

Dill is annual plant, so you won’t be able to get a quick harvest by planting root crops or bulbs.

  • To grow dill from seeds at home, it will take you 5-8 weeks.

But you can plant it in an apartment at any time of the year. True from October to early spring Dill requires additional illumination with fluorescent lamps. Best time for growing dill on a windowsill - from March to August. At this time, it is easier to care for the plant and create additional lighting this is not required.

What we need:

  1. Pot or container 15-20 cm deep and with drainage holes at the bottom.
  2. Soil for indoor plants and preferably garden soil.
  3. Water in spray.
  4. Fluorescent lamps (if you grow dill in winter).
  5. Seeds.

Which varieties are more suitable for growing dill at home: early-ripening, mid-ripening or late-ripening?

  • If you want to quickly get greens or umbrellas and seeds for preservation, then choose the early varieties Gribovsky or Grenadier. They will produce a harvest quickly, but, unfortunately, it will not be rich (4-6 leaves), and soon after the leaves appear, early ripening dill will begin to bloom.
  • Mid-season varieties (Richelieu, Umbrella, Kibray) will produce greens about 10 days later, but there will be more of them (6-10 leaves).
  • Late ripening bush varieties dill (Alligator, Russian Giant, Buyan) produce a harvest later, but the richest in leaves (more than 10). Perhaps this option is most suitable for obtaining fresh herbs.

Step 1. Seed preparation

In order for the seeds to germinate faster and better, they must first be soaked in warm water for 24-48 hours, changing the water every 12 hours. Then the seeds that remain on the surface of the water need to be selected and thrown away, since most likely they are not suitable for planting. All other seeds that have fallen to the bottom must be removed using a sieve or poured through gauze and dried on it.

Step 2. Preparing the soil

While the seeds are soaking, you can start preparing the soil. To begin, add a 2-3 cm drainage layer of expanded clay to the bottom of the pot or container. A mixture of garden soil (it is best to prepare it in the fall) and soil for indoor flowers is suitable as soil for dill. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase good garden soil, fertilize purchased soil vermicompost in a ratio of 1:4. Another suitable option– a mixture of vermicompost and coco fiber in a 1:2 ratio. Keep in mind that the better and looser the soil, the more likely you are to get good results.

Step 3. Sowing seeds

Now you need to irrigate the ground with water from a spray, dig small grooves 1-1.5 cm deep in it, sow seeds in them, then lightly sprinkle them with earth from the edges of the grooves and again moisten the soil with water from a spray bottle.

  • It is important that the grooves are shallow and the seeds are not sprinkled too tightly.

Now all that remains is to cover the pot plastic film or a bag and leave to germinate for a week in dark place, where the air temperature does not exceed 18-20 degrees. When the shoots appear, pull out the excess shoots so that there is a 3 cm interval between the remaining shoots, and then place the pot on the windowsill.

Step 4. Create additional lighting

Dill is a plant native to the sunny Mediterranean and cannot grow without light. Moreover, the light is much more for him more important than heat. When growing dill at home from March to August, the pot with sowing can simply be placed on a well-lit windowsill.

  • Dill should receive adequate sunlight for at least 6 hours a day. On cloudy days, it is advisable to illuminate the plants with lamps. If the air temperature in the room where your mini-vegetable garden is growing exceeds 20 degrees, it is also advisable to illuminate it.

To grow dill on a windowsill in winter, you need to provide it with additional lighting with white spectrum fluorescent lamps, installing them at a height of 50 cm above the crops.

  • in winter artificial lighting exposure of plants to fluorescent lamps should last at least 12 hours a day.

Step 5. Caring for the harvest

Well, that's all, all that remains is to provide the plant with proper care and wait 30-40 days before harvesting the first harvest. Here are the rules and tips that will be useful to you during this period:

  • In summer, dill should be watered frequently, not allowing the soil to dry out, and in winter - moderately, waiting until the soil dries out after the last watering.
  • To make the dill juicy, spray it with water every day.
  • For irrigation, use only settled water. room temperature, otherwise the dill will get sick and turn yellow. In winter, you can use water melted from snow.
  • The ideal temperature for growing dill on a windowsill is +15-+18 degrees. Minimum permissible: +8 degrees. Maximum permissible: +25 degrees.
  • If the soil in which you planted the dill was not enough good quality, it is recommended to feed it with Agrolife fertilizers (1 rub./month, 1 tsp per upper layer soil) or biohumus (sprinkle in the aisles or around the stems once every two months at the rate of 2-3 tbsp per pot).
  • Since the leaves and stems of dill do not grow back after cutting, in order to get a regular harvest, you need to replant the seeds every three weeks.

Below is a video instruction on how to grow dill on a windowsill in winter.

How to grow parsley on a windowsill

So, we’ve sorted out the dill, it’s time for instructions on how to grow parsley on a windowsill. In many ways, the rules for sowing and caring for them are similar, but still different, since parsley, although it sprouts later, is less demanding on light and soil quality than dill.

In addition, there are two ways to grow parsley at home:

  • By sowing seeds.
  • By sowing root crops.

Growing parsley from seeds

First you need to select the seeds. Which varieties should you choose? To grow parsley on a windowsill, home gardeners most often choose early-ripening varieties that produce a harvest 10-14 days earlier than others.

  • Curly parsley: Moscaruse and Astra.
  • Flat parsley: Irinka, Italian hero, Laika, Russian feast, Pline.

Step 1. Wrap the seeds in damp gauze, leave them to germinate for 2-3 days in a warm place, then wring out the gauze and dry the seeds. If desired, after wrung out the gauze, it can be placed in freezer(at a temperature not below zero) for a month, then the seeds will germinate faster.

Step 2. Prepare the soil according to the instructions above and moisten it thoroughly.

Step 3. Then start planting: “dig” grooves 0.5-1 cm deep, sow the seeds (quite often), sprinkle them with soil from the edges of the grooves and moisten the soil with water from a spray.

Step 4. Next, you need to leave the crops warm (at a temperature of 19-20 degrees) until the first shoots appear, that is, for about 14-20 days. At this time, you need to water the crops every other day in moderation. It is not necessary to cover the container with film at this stage.

  • Parsley should be watered with settled or boiled water.

Step 5. When the first shoots appear, pull out the excess sprouts so that there is a gap of about 4-5 cm between the remaining ones.

Step 6. Now that young shoots have appeared, watering can be increased slightly, but do not allow the soil to dry out or, conversely, overwater. However, when growing parsley on a windowsill in winter, it should be watered sparingly, waiting until the soil dries out.

  • Ideally, at this stage the temperature should be lowered to +15–+18 degrees, for example, by opening the window slightly. At night, the window can be opened completely to lower the temperature to the optimal 10-12 degrees Celsius.
  • If the land was purchased, then the plants can be periodically fertilized with complex mineral fertilizers or solutions once every one to two months according to the instructions.
  • In summer, parsley can be grown on the balcony until the air temperature drops to 0 degrees.

Step 7. From early spring and into summer time parsley growing on a windowsill needs enough sunlight (at least 4 hours a day), and in winter it needs to be illuminated fluorescent lamp. The lamps can be installed at a height of 50-60 cm, and they should shine for at least 8 hours a day.

Step 8. The first harvest can be harvested 2 months after the first shoots appear. You need to cut off the branches not at the root, but leaving 5-centimeter petioles.

When the parsley has grown enough, it can be cut. It is believed that optimal “maturity” is branches 10-12 cm high. Disadvantages of this method: a lot of hassle. In addition, the first harvest will only be in 1.5 months. But such parsley will grow for longer than a year!

How to plant parsley with root vegetables

How to grow parsley on a windowsill from root vegetables better than the first way? First of all, because you don’t have to wait 2 weeks before the first shoots sprout.

To do this, you need to prepare a container 15-20 cm deep and soil according to the first instructions. Then you just need to transplant the parsley quite tightly into moist soil, so that only the heads remain visible. And finally, water with settled water. It is advisable in the first days after transplanting parsley from the garden to keep it cool on a glassed-in balcony, and when shoots appear, move the mini-bed to the windowsill.

  • The best time to force garden parsley into a pot is the end of October, but it is possible at other times. The ideal size of root vegetables is 5 cm in length and 2-4 cm thick.
  • If you don’t have your own bed of parsley, you can buy root vegetables at the store.
  • You need to water parsley in moderation, waiting until the soil dries.
  • When the parsley begins to actively grow, begin to water it more often and more abundantly.

We invite you to watch visual instructions on how to grow parsley on a windowsill (root) in the next video.

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