How to properly liming the soil. Lime fertilizers for acidic soil

There are several ways to lime the soil. Such an event is a chemical reclamation of acidic soil and represents the introduction lime fertilizers, which can be calcite, dolomite and limestone, as well as other components.

Why is soil liming carried out in spring and autumn?

As a rule, soils that have an acidic and strongly acidic reaction, with a pH below 5.5, especially require deoxidation with lime. Deoxidizes such acidic soils both in spring and in autumn period. You also need to remember that the application of agromeliorants is carried out with a large amount of calcium or magnesium salts in the soil.

Application of deoxidizers is very important on many types of soils, and is required to meet physiological needs garden plants in nutritional components, as well as proper soil structuring. Garden and vegetable soil is a colloidal system, represented by particles in a coagulated state, therefore the optimal rate of calcium and magnesium is a guarantee of reducing the risk of peptization of the soil and minimizing its floating with a lack of air. Timely and correct processing prevents the formation of a soil crust, reduces stickiness and viscosity, and also facilitates plant care.

Methods for determining soil acidity

Today, there are several ways to accurately determine the acidity of the earth. Typically, these methods are presented:

  • special indicator strips designed to determine the acidity level of the earth;
  • special measuring instruments equipped with an electrode probe lowered into the substrate to determine pH values;
  • “universal” measuring instruments that determine several soil parameters, including pH indicators;
  • vinegar and soda, which cause hissing and the formation of bubbles in a solution based on garden soil;
  • an infusion based on cherry and currant leaves, which turns red when exposed to acidic soil.

There is also whole line indicator plants that grow exclusively on acidified lands. Such plants include horsetail, marigold and buttercup, as well as plantain, fireweed and meadow cornflower. Calcareous soil is a favorite place for plants such as wheatgrass, bindweed and alfalfa to grow.

How to deoxidize the soil (video)

Ways to reduce soil acidity in the garden

Before determining which methods to use on the site, and which components are best added to the soil, you should clarify all the advantages and disadvantages of the main preparations used for liming.

Complex drugs

Garden centers and stores now offer a sufficient number of complex preparations to normalize the acidity level of garden soil, which at the same time improve the quality characteristics and composition of the soil.

As a rule, such deoxidizer preparations contain a significant amount of useful components, represented by calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, boron, cobalt, zinc, copper, manganese, molybdenum and others. Such chemical deoxidizers must be poured according to the instructions supplied by the manufacturer.

Peat and wood ash

Lime is added to sandy soils from 1-3 kg per sq.m, to sandy loam - from 1.5-3.5 kg per sq.m, to light loams - 2.5-4.0 kg per sq.m, to medium loams - approximately 3.0-5.5 kg per sq.m., heavy loams - 4.0-6.5 kg per sq.m., clay - 4.0-7.5 kg per sq.m.

Crushed chalk

Chalk, which must be thoroughly crushed for better digestibility, contains about 90-100% lime. IN sandy soils it is required to apply from 1.0-3.0 kg/m2, in sandy loam - from 1.5-3.5 kg/m2, in light loams - 2.5-4.0 kg/m2, in medium loams - approximately 3.0-5.5 kg/m2, in heavy loams - 4.0-6.5 kg/m2, in clay - 4.0-7.5 kg/m2.

Slaked lime

First, the product should be carefully extinguished with plain water. The application dose varies depending on acidity levels. In very acidic soils, it is necessary to add approximately 50-75 kg per hectare of land. About 40-45 kg is applied to soils with average acidity, and about 25-35 kg to slightly acidic soils.

Dolomite flour

The application rate may vary depending on the acidity level:
  • sand - 1.0-3.0 kg/m2;
  • sandy loam - from 1.5-3.5 kg/m2;
  • light loams - 2.5-4.0 kg/m2;
  • medium loams - 3.0-5.5 kg/m2;
  • heavy loams - 4.0-6.5 kg/m2.

Special attention require clay soils. In areas represented by clay, it is required to apply about 4.0-7.5 kg/m2.

Soil deoxidation with lime

Lime is usually used on fertile and sufficiently nutritious soils with no magnesium deficiency. This type of deoxidizer acts much faster than dolomite flour, so it is preferred in areas allocated for growing fast-growing garden plants, including cucumbers, tomatoes and zucchini, which are capable of growing well. green mass and produce fruit.

The rate of lime application to acidic soils at the main application stage is approximately 600-650 g per square meter area. In areas with moderately acidic soils, 500-550 g should be added, and in slightly acidic soils - approximately 400-500 g. It should be noted that a standard 10-liter bucket contains about 25 kg of lime.

Features of adding dolomite flour to the soil (video)

Why you can’t use quicklime for deoxidation

Such a composition can very quickly burn out and destroy all beneficial soil microorganisms, and as a result, the integrity of the soil is compromised from the point of view of the biological system.

Among other things, ordinary quicklime is characterized by structural heterogeneity and appearance resembles a combination of small and large lumps. As a result, after such liming, the amount of deoxidizer in different parts the area varies greatly.

How much lime is needed for one hundred square meters of land?

  • slaked lime contains 135% limestone;
  • in ground dolomites - from 75 to 108%;
  • in crushed chalk - from 90 to 100%;
  • in calcareous tuff - from 75 to 96%;
  • in lake lime - from 70 to 96%;
  • in dolomite flour - from 95 to 108%;
  • in marl - from 25 to 75%;
  • in peat tuffs - from 10 to 50%;
  • in beet defects - about 75%;
  • in belite flour - from 80 to 90%;
  • in oil shale ash - from 65 to 80%;
  • in cement dust - about 80%;
  • in open-hearth slag - about 85%;
  • in burnt dolomite dust - about 150%;
  • in gas lime - about 120%;
  • in leather podzol - about 110%;
  • in carbide lime - approximately 140%;
  • in peat ash - from 10 to 50%.

In clayey and loamy areas, it is advisable to use lime. In sandy areas with insufficient quantity magnesium, it is recommended to give preference to the use of ordinary limestone or dolomite flour. In areas with severe calcium deficiency, chalk, lake lime, drywall or marl, which contain a sufficient amount of calcium carbonate, are traditionally applied. Maximum efficiency on heavy soil can be achieved using slaked lime, which enters into a fast-acting type of reaction.

The dose is determined in accordance with the pH values ​​and characteristics of the mechanical composition of the soil. At pH less than 4.5 units, 800-900 g/m² is applied to sandy and light loamy soils, and 900-1200 g/m² is applied to medium-loamy and heavy loamy soils. At pH levels of 4.6-5.0 units, the application rate is respectively 500-800 g/m², and at pH levels between 5.1-5.5 units - 200 and 400 g/m².

How to prepare the soil for winter (video)

Basic and re-liming

There is a difference between main and repeated liming. The first deoxidation option is called reclamation, and is used in areas with a pH of 5.5 or less. With this method, only full doses of funds are applied. The repeated or supporting option is aimed at preserving what was created by land reclamation, the optimal level of reaction. Mandatory deacidification is carried out on beds for beets, cabbage, onions, spinach and celery, as well as carrots.

Very important carry out annual effective compensation for all losses caused by leaching by precipitation and removal by vegetation. There are several reasons for annual maintenance activities, and in addition to the completely natural acidification of the soil, there are factors of human activity, including the removal of calcium and magnesium by the crop, acidic precipitation, and the use of acidifying fertilizers and fertilizers.

The liming process must be carried out at least once every five years, since it is after this time that the acidity level of the earth can return to its original, far from optimal, levels.

The need for the introduction of lime materials arises with an acidic and strongly acidic reaction, practically at a pH below 5.5. Moreover, the advisability of introducing these so-called agromeliorants is associated not only with the need to neutralize soil acidity, but also with increasing the content of calcium in the soil, and in some lands, magnesium.

The relevance of enriching the soil with these elements is explained by the physiological need of plants for these nutrients, and their participation in the formation of soil structure. This manifests itself as follows: the earth is a colloidal system, the particles of which should normally be in the so-called coagulated (collapsed) state, and this requires calcium and magnesium ions, the amount of which should be proportional to the absorption capacity, depending on the mechanical composition of the soil, the amount and humus quality.

If there is not enough calcium and magnesium, then the soil particles are peptized (as if in suspension). At the same time, the soil floats, and this is accompanied by a decrease in pore volume, that is, there is less air in the soil (which means the roots can suffocate), an increased tendency to form a soil crust, and an increase in the stickiness and viscosity of the soil, which leads to more difficult processing.

The harmfulness of increased soil acidity reduces the availability of certain nutrients, inhibits beneficial soil bacteria and earthworms, increases the content of aluminum ions poisonous to plants in the soil, and reduces the structure of the soil.

Those who have forgotten the essence of acidity can be reminded that natural environments There are acidic, neutral and alkaline, and an acidic environment implies an excess of hydrogen ions (H+). The most relevant is liming for crops that are most sensitive to soil acidity, such as legumes.

Visually, increased acidity of the earth may indicate poor development cultivated plants with the simultaneous prevalence of some indicator weeds:

  • horsetail,
  • pikes,
  • sorrel,
  • creeping buttercup.

For increased acidity may also indicate strong development podzolic horizon, which has a whitish color, floating of the arable horizon, lack of structure in the soil and frequent formation of crust.

And the most accurate pH level can be determined using a pH meter or strips of indicator paper, which should be dipped into the soil extract. As a rule, liming is required on podzolic, sod-podzolic and peat soils.

Pros and cons of liming in the fall

In principle, soils can be limed both in spring and autumn. Autumn liming is often recommended due to the fact that many people dig up the soil in the fall. One of the arguments in favor of liming in the fall is the incompatibility of many liming materials with ammonium-containing nitrogen fertilizers, for example, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, ammophoska.

The downside is autumn liming There may be incompatibility of deoxidizers with some organic fertilizers, which are often applied in the fall. When choosing the time of application, in addition to the selected fertilizers, it is important to take into account the reaction of plants to an increase in calcium content and changes in soil reaction, weather, since it is better to spread lime materials on relatively dry soil.

How to lime?

Liming usually comes down to uniform distribution of calcareous material over the surface of the earth with further incorporation into the soil during the process of loosening or digging. In conditions of collective gardening, it is most convenient to measure out the required amount of agromeliorant in glasses or jars, for example, half a liter.

Step by step instructions:

  • Quicklime is scattered on a flat surface of the ground;
  • Afterwards it is sprayed with water;
  • After 20 minutes, some of the lime will be extinguished and dry;
  • The resulting flour needs to be collected and the remaining lumps moistened.

For timely deoxidation of the soil, it is important to choose the right lime material. These include:

  • slaked lime,
  • limestone flour (dolomite),
  • agromel.

Wood ash

In addition to typical calcareous materials, also can be considered as a soil deoxidizer. ash. Despite the name, slaked lime itself is used on a smaller scale for soil deacidification, possibly due to higher production costs and prices.

If we compare limestone flour with dolomite flour, the latter has some advantage, most relevant for light soils, namely the presence of magnesium. As for chalk, its main difference from ground limestone or dolomite is its smaller particle size, which speeds up its interaction with the soil and ensures faster deoxidation.


Before you begin liming, it is important to determine the pH level and texture of your soil, as they should be taken into account when choosing the dose of limestone material. As for determining the mechanical composition, it should be determined by connectivity, and not by color.

Table - approximate rates for adding lime material to the soil


Possible harm from it depends on the type of agromeliorant, the crop that will grow on freshly limed soil. Usually Negative consequences happen when using slaked lime, which often burns plants because it is an alkali, because the rest are carbonates.

As for the characteristics of crops, potatoes most often suffer from excessive liming. This manifests itself in increased susceptibility to scab and decreased starch content. These consequences, especially the latter, more often occur with insufficient potassium supply.

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​And potatoes are 20 rubles.​

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Liming standards

Dolomite flour is also good. It will deoxidize the soil with lime or dolomite; potatoes do not like acidic soils, so it does everything right.​

Quicklime. Quicklime construction lump. Application

​20 kg = 200 rubles (about the same price in St. Petersburg)​

general information

​Pounded limestone​ ​Of course​ ​is used. Having it,


​* This figure indicates the negative logarithm of the concentration of hydrogen ions in grams per liter of solution.​


Soil acidity is harmful to varying degrees

Technology for obtaining a finely ground mixture

​According to chemical composition separate the air mixture (consisting mainly of magnesium and calcium oxides) and hydrate mixture (containing a large number of oxides of iron, aluminum and silicon). In industry, quicklime is used for construction, lump and powdered. The latter is also divided into two types. The first is ground quicklime. The second type is obtained by using special technology. The method of slaking magnesium, calcium and dolomite lime using a limited amount of water is obtained slaked lime(fluffy). There are other types. These include, in particular, bleach and soda lime.​

Application of quicklime and its products

​To receive good harvests It is necessary that the soil on the site meets the acidity and nutritional requirements of the crops. Otherwise, the plants will die or the harvest will be disastrous.​
​It’s easier to grow a box of grapes and exchange it for 10 boxes of potatoes from a neighbor.​

Finely ground quicklime. Advantages

​I also understand when there is a plot of 100 acres.​

How are high-quality concrete and mortar mixtures obtained?

When planting, let the potatoes be treated with Prestige. And the potatoes won’t get sick and the bugs won’t eat them. This year I processed it, the beetle only began to land on it in the fall and I dug up the potatoes and there were no rotten ones. Also good when planting in a hole wood ash Sprinkling one spoonful at a time also helps against illnesses.​

Storage and cost

​However, you need a LOT. Not less than 100g per square meter, and if for the winter, then 200-300g won’t hurt.​

Soil liming, why it is carried out, and whether all lands need to be limed. Soil acidity.

Why are acidic soils unfavorable for plants?

- the main lime fertilizer. You can also use other lime-containing substances: fluff (slaked lime) (135%) *, ground dolomites (75 - 108%), ground chalk (90 - 100%), calcareous tuff (75 - 96%), lake lime (70 - 96%), dolomite flour(95 - 108%), marl (25 - 75%), depending on the admixture of earth, peat tuff (10 - 50%) and various industrial wastes: defective beet factories (75%), belite flour (80 - 90%), oil shale ash (65 – 80%), cement dust (80%), open hearth slag (140%), blast furnace slag (85%), calcined dolomite dust (150%), gas lime (120%), tannery podzol (110 %), carbide lime (silt) (140%), peat ash (10 - 50%) and much more. Lime must be added before planting the garden

​gardener​​Using analysis data​

​for our plants, it oppresses them and interferes with normal development, affects the structure of fruit and berry plants, which is shown on this page. But there are plants that grow on slightly acidic (even neutral) soils, for example, currants, and those that are loved by strongly acidic soils are cranberries.​

​Building quicklime is produced using natural calcium-magnesium rocks. They mainly include calcium and magnesium carbonate. They also contain admixtures of clay and sand. During heat treatment(when heated) in a furnace to a temperature of 800 to 1200 degrees, calcium-magnesium rocks begin to decompose. As a result of this process, oxides of magnesium (MgO) and calcium (CaO), as well as carbon dioxide are formed. Soil acidity is characterized by pH (hydrogen index). Neutral soil indicator is pH 7. This is the most favorable acidity ratio for optimal development plants that a gardener should strive for. The fact is that in acidic soil, plants do not absorb well. nutrients, it does not contain useful microelements that increase soil fertility, and those that exist are in a form inaccessible to plants. To understand that the soil is acidic, you can contact a special laboratory, where acidity is determined using litmus or special equipment. You can guess that the pH level is lowered if cornflower, heather, buttercup, horsetail, plantain, sedge, horse sorrel, and coltsfoot grow on the site. As a rule, soils in low floodplain areas are acidic, where water stagnates in abundance for a long time. The only way to correct the situation - lime the soil.​ ​Experiments have established that cabbage clubroot is a highly contagious disease cruciferous plants. Prof. Voronin watered as an experiment healthy plants water into which growths of clubroot-affected plants were dipped; as a result, all watered plants turned out to be diseased, while those that were watered clean water everyone remained healthy. The main preventive measure is to remove all plants affected by clubroot and burn them. The roots must be especially carefully selected from the ground so that not a trace remains of them. It is recommended not to plant cruciferous plants on soil contaminated with clubroot for two years. But experiments have proven that cabbage can be successfully grown on contaminated soil if, during planting, holes are made at the base of each plant 1.5-2 inches deep, into which a handful of quicklime is poured, after which the holes are filled up again. Under such conditions, cabbage and cauliflower planted on clubroot-contaminated soil remained healthy and developed normally; nevertheless, plants without lime were infected. M. Sanson confirmed the results of these experiments: instead of pits with quicklime Lime slag, obtained after burning lime, was scattered throughout the field and buried to a depth of 1 inch, after which the field was well harrowed. The cabbage planted in this field survived the clubroot.​

​You can plant potatoes and any other vegetables you want.​

How a gardener can determine whether the soil on his site is acidic

​In many cities there are plant protection bases of the VIZR type, with greenhouse farms, greenhouses, garden centers, there are specialists in the fight against plant diseases and pests and preparations for control, they can be called to the place. There are consultants in home plant stores. you have some kind of complex infection with some kind of rot, you need drugs, fungicides, etc. It’s better to do this procedure IN THE SPRING AND IN EACH HOLE (EVERY HOLE) literally a TABLE SPOON of this flour.

​Required doses​​, in preparation personal plot, but sometimes it’s possible later. In the area intended for planting strawberries, lime is applied a year or two before planting. Where it is occupied by fruit and berry plants, you can add it at any convenient time.​ He can do the analysis himself. Analysis instructions, of course, are included with the device.​​or according to a number of some characteristic symptoms. For example, a whitish (ash-like) layer lying close to the surface is the first symptom of acidic soil. If clover once grew on our site, then the soil is not acidic; it does not grow well there. If there is a lot of sorrel, horsetail, and other coarse grains growing on the ground, then the soil is acidic. ​Soil acidity​​Grounded quicklime is obtained by grinding the mixture in conventional ball mills. Their work is carried out in a closed cycle with a separator that releases particles of the required size. In some cases, two separators are placed in the unit in series. This significantly increases productivity. To date, issues regarding fine grinding of lime have not been sufficiently developed. In the process of selecting mills and grinding schemes, it is necessary to take into account, first of all, the degree of firing of the material (hard-, medium- or soft-burnt product). The presence of overburning, underburning, and the presence of solid inclusions must also be taken into account. It is more expedient to grind highly and medium-burnt lime, affecting its particles by abrasion and impact. This is what happens in ball mills. It should be noted that the tendency of solid particles to aggregate requires short mills and rapid removal of fine fractions from the total mass of the crushed mixture, as well as the use of methods that reduce aggregation. It is better to carry out liming in the fall, before deep digging of the soil. In this case, you need to carefully study the characteristics and preferences of the crops that you plan to plant in the garden, since some plants prefer slightly acidic soils, while others like alkaline soil. Lime must be applied in powder form in order to mix it evenly with the soil and achieve rapid dissolution. It is better to use fluffed lime for this: slaked lime that has been frozen. This lime is easy to apply and quickly dissolves in the soil. Instead of lime, you can use ground limestone, dolomite flour, chalk or calcareous tuff. In the case when you have to add quicklime, you first need to fill it with water (4-5 liters of water per 10 kg of lime) so that chemical reaction, only after this the lime will be suitable for use.​ ​treat with a solution copper sulfate, cut everything off lower leaves Apparently you watered it too much. Or last year tomatoes grew in this place and you did not till the soil before planting cabbage. Also, if there is ash, sprinkle it.​

Why liming the soil, and does all land need to be limed?

​And when there are only 6 acres, one way or another you have to choose what to grow.​​Sow according to the potato plot winter rye. There are two options going forward. If there is room for potatoes, then leave the rye until the end of summer, mow it in the fall and leave it on the plot. And only after a season can you plant potatoes. If there is no more space, then mow the crop in the spring and immediately plant potatoes. The first option is better, but not convenient for everyone. Do this every year. . Be sure to change planting material. Lime won’t hurt either, but rye is best!​ ​It’s kind of useless for the winter. It will be of little use, unless, of course, the lime is FREE. Depends on certain conditions: the acidity of the soil and its composition, the type of limestone fertilizer, depth and incorporation, and others. On lands with high acidity, it is applied in increased doses. To calculate the amount of some kind of lime waste that we want to add, we multiply by 100 and divide by the percentage of lime content of the required fertilizer. But where there are strawberries, only when the roots take root well, about two months after planting, it is best to next year.​

When is the best time to add lime to the soil?

​As is known,​ ​Another way is indicator paper​​Both directly and indirectly affects plants.​

​This substance is widely used in different areas human activity. The largest consumers include: ferrous metallurgy, agriculture, sugar, chemical, pulp and paper industries. CaO is also used in the construction industry. The connection is of particular importance in the field of ecology. Lime is used to remove sulfur oxide from flue gases. The compound is also capable of softening water and precipitating organic products and substances present in it. In addition, the use of quicklime ensures the neutralization of natural acidic and Wastewater. IN agriculture upon contact with soils, the compound eliminates acidity, which is harmful to cultivated plants. Quicklime enriches the soil with calcium. Due to this, the cultivability of the land increases and the rotting of humus is accelerated. At the same time, the need to introduce nitrogen fertilizers in large doses. Lime application rate for different soils and plants are different, there are special standards for this, which are best studied in detail in advance, but to improve slightly acidic soils, the liming rate is 300-400 g/sq.m. m, followed by digging. When planting shrubs, trees and plants, lime is added to planting pits followed by sealing. At active use mineral fertilizers the rate of lime application should be increased; if they are included organic fertilizers, then the need for liming is reduced. Excessive lime in the soil is also harmful; on alkaline soils, plants suffer from chlorosis - with this disease they also cannot receive enough lime. mineral elements and die. Therefore, liming should be carried out only as needed, taking care not to harm the plants. Treat the soil with lime next year.

What kind of lime should be applied to liming the soil?

​Some people choose what is easier to grow, others choose what they can grow.​​was not extinguished, it will be extinguished by water in the soil, only he has these worms crawling out of the ground, from overheating

What is used as lime fertilizers, and in what doses?

​It is not recommended to plant potatoes in the same place year after year. In the place where potatoes need to be alternated with strawberries.​ ​* In brackets next to each type of fertilizer it is shown how much lime, in terms of limestone, it contains.​

​Lime​​liming of soil​

​, is on sale, with the help of which, of course, it’s not very accurate, but you can still determine the acidity of the soil. With certain skills you can determine

Approximate doses of adding ground limestone to the soil (in grams to a depth of 20 cm per 1 m2)

The neighbor wants to sprinkle quicklime and dig up his garden for the winter, seemingly to cure the soil of diseases.

Alexey Zamyatin

The hydrate mixture is used in poultry and livestock farming for feeding. This eliminates the lack of calcium in the diet. In addition, the compound is used to improve general sanitary conditions when keeping and breeding livestock. In the chemical industry, hydrated lime and sorbents are used to produce calcium fluoride and hydrochloride. In the petrochemical industry, the compound neutralizes acid tars and also acts as a reagent in basic inorganic and organic synthesis. Lime is widely used in construction. This is due highly environmentally friendly material. The mixture is used in preparation binding materials, concrete and mortars, production of products for construction.​
Until a certain time, puffed lime was used in construction only in slaked form. In the thirties, I.V. Smirnov proposed using the substance differently. He, and subsequently Osip B.V. showed that under certain conditions hydrate hardening of the material can occur. This process is similar to the hardening of Portland cement or gypsum.​
​Mix lime with the soil in the hole, pour it with foundation and plant for good health. Checked)))​
But usually they choose what is more economically profitable to grow:
​manure is the most the best option leaves can be trained moss add ash from the stove the earth is exhausted everyone has pumped out all the strength from it

Liming helps to alkalize the soil if it is acidic. And from acidic soil, potatoes often get sick.


​Soil acidity (pH)​

Alexander Zhmurikov

​added in spring or autumn before deep tillage (digging).​

She-Wolf Tambov

​carried out to reduce soil acidity, which will significantly improve growing conditions fruit plants shown in this section. Lime does not need to be added to soils with zero acidity, but not all soils need to be limed. The bulk of fruit and berry plants grow on slightly acidic soils. This means we lime the soils with high acidity. For the bulk of plants this is
​soil acidity​

Margarita Ruzaikina

​Soil acidity​

The Scarlet Flower

​Quicklime, as mentioned above, is used in the manufacture of concrete and mortars. This connection has several advantages. In particular, in comparison with hydrated lime in the form of dough or powder, the finely ground mixture does not leave waste. At the same time, all its components are used most rationally during hardening. Ground quicklime has a lower water requirement. In addition, its specific surface area is also significantly smaller. In this regard, the “workability” of concrete or CaO-based mortar is obtained with a reduced volume of water. Reducing the water demand of concrete and mortar mixtures helps to increase their strength during hardening. When hydrated in already prepared mixtures, lime binds more water(up to 32% upon transition to hydrate). This contributes to the production of products, concretes and mortars of increased density and strength. During the process of hydrate hardening of quicklime, a significant amount of heat is released. In this regard, products based on this compound at low (below zero) temperatures harden more calmly and have best performance strength, since environmental conditions provide rapid heat removal and a reduction in thermal stress. It is these advantages that lead to the widespread use of CaO in the construction industry.​


​Lime is a concept generally accepted throughout the world, conventionally combining the products of firing (and subsequently processing) chalk, limestone and other carbonate rocks. Classification is carried out in accordance with the chemical composition. As a rule, the word “lime” means quicklime and the product of its interaction with water. This material can be in powdered, ground form or in dough form. The formula of quicklime is CaO. This compound is a product of firing rocks in which calcium oxide acts as the main chemical component. It actively interacts with water. As a result of hydration, slaked lime is formed - Ca (OH)

Adelaide Markoffеva

​keep crop rotation​


​grapes, nuts, cherries, apricots, pears, apples.​


It is necessary to use green manure. After the harvest I sow white mustard, which I dig up before flowering. I have time to sow the rye and dig it again before frost. Green manure treats the ground and fertilizes it with its green mass. Lime decomposes in the ground within three years.​

Tatyana B

​For sale special fertilizers. still need to know. what kind of soil? there is clay. there is sour. black soil, etc.


​This is ACIDIC SOIL.​


​Add the powder
​pH below 5.0,​
​according to some external signs, but it is better to do this based on the results of the analysis. It is carried out in the laboratory, where the soil is sent. The analysis itself is simple, it is carried out using some special instruments, one of them is known commercially under the name
​indicated by pH and the number *​
​During hydration hardening of quicklime ground good results possible subject to a number of conditions. First, the mixture must be finely ground. It is also necessary to maintain a certain ratio of lime and water. During the hardening process, optimal heat removal is necessary or other methods should be used that do not allow heating of hardening concrete or mortars to temperatures that can cause intense evaporation of moisture (especially during boiling). It is also important to stop stirring the mixture at a certain stage of the lime hydration process.​
​Follow the link:​
​Grapes cost about 200 rubles/kg, nuts about 300, the same for cherries. Apricots, pears, apples 50 rubles each.​
​My potatoes also hurt. I bought 2 bags of 10 kg of lime for the garden in the store, but it turned out to be not enough, they only filled in half a plot (3 hundred square meters), and the potatoes were born. Where there was lime, there were no wireworms or diseases.​

His land is bad.

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