How to clean the inside of a microwave oven. Types of microwave oven interior coatings and their features

A microwave oven makes life easier for many housewives. You can not only heat food in it, but also cook many dishes in short term. For bachelors, this is simply an irreplaceable thing, since there are many semi-finished products that are suitable for cooking in the microwave. Also, break rooms at enterprises cannot do without this invention. But, the more often you use the oven, and the more people have access to it, the more pressing the question: how to clean a microwave? As a rule, you don't want to spend a lot of time on this, but when you look at the amount of accumulated fat in the oven, you can give up. However, don't despair. There are many simple ways to clean the microwave oven.

1. Cleaning products

It is important to remember that you should never use abrasive cleaners to clean grease from your microwave. The fact is that a special coating is applied to the inner surface of the furnace that reflects waves. This coating is very thin, and when cleaning with abrasives or iron brushes, it can be damaged. Therefore, you can only use liquid products and soft cloths.

If ordinary detergents cannot remove accumulated grease, then try cleaning the microwave citric acid.

2. Citric acid

Use this method at your own peril and risk - there is a possibility of damaging the microwave.

IN deep plate, which is suitable for use in microwave oven, pour water and add citric acid. The plate must be filled halfway with water so that it does not boil away. Place it in the oven and turn it on at full power for 15-20 minutes. As a result, the acid evaporates and attacks the fat. After switching off, leave the oven closed for another 10 minutes, and then wipe the inside surface with a cloth.

If you don’t have a bag of citric acid in the kitchen, you can clean the microwave with lemon. To do this, put half a sliced ​​lemon in a plate of water. The effect will be the same.

3. Baking soda or vinegar

You can also clean the microwave with baking soda or vinegar. The steps are the same as in the previous paragraph. In a plate of water you need to put either a tablespoon of soda or prepare a solution of vinegar in a ratio of 1:4. Place the plate in the oven and turn it on for 15-20 minutes. Then wait another 10 minutes and wipe the inside surface with a soft cloth. Baking soda has a double effect. In addition to removing grease, it promotes shine on surfaces.

4. Laundry soap

Many consider it a relic of the past, but in its cleaning and disinfecting properties it is not inferior to many modern means. This soap can also be used when cleaning your microwave oven. You need to foam it well and apply this foam to the inner surface of the oven. Leave for 30 minutes. After this, wash away any remaining soap, dirt and grease.

When cleaning the interior, be careful not to allow moisture to get into the openings. This may cause damage.

In addition to cleaning the inside, don't forget to clean the outside of your microwave as well. Before doing this, be sure to make sure that the oven is unplugged from the outlet so that you do not get an electric shock during wet cleaning. All surfaces must be washed. Make sure that there is no dust accumulating on the rear grille, this can lead to overheating of the device and its rapid breakdown. You can use it to clean the glass on the door. usual means, which you use when cleaning windows. Also remember to wash the glass tray. It can be washed like regular dishes. Before cleaning the oven walls, be sure to remove large contaminants from the oven chamber. These could be crumbs and other leftover food.

As it turns out, cleaning a microwave quickly is not that difficult. But to make it even faster and easier for you later, do not forget to cover the food in the oven with a special lid.

Many housewives have no idea how to clean old fat inside the microwave. Complete cleaning of the “insides” of your snow-white pet will not take more than 15 minutes at home, if you know how to approach the procedure correctly.

The microwave oven has long been firmly established in kitchen space every housewife. This smart and compact appliance warms up ready meals, saving energy and precious time.

This is a real rival to the household kitchen stove: depending on the available functionality, it cooks, bakes, and grills food. At the same time, time costs are reduced several times. It's no wonder that using the microwave has become a daily ritual.

Safety precautions

  1. Before using liquid products, unplug the device from the socket.
  2. To clean the enamel surface, do not use metal brushes or abrasives: this will damage the enamel.
  3. The use of water during cleaning should be minimal: there is a risk of flooding vital important details microwaves.
  4. Don't take it apart electrical appliance independently, even if there is a possibility that contaminants have penetrated inside. Use the services of specialized services, which is much more reliable and safer.
  5. Don't experiment with household chemicals, unless they are intended for microwave oven cleaning. This may harm you and your home appliances.

Effective folk remedies

Cleaning the house is a labor-intensive process that requires a lot of time and money. Modern products from the chemical industry greatly facilitate the process, but many prefer time-tested “grandmother’s” recipes. They work no less efficiently, but are cheaper and more environmentally friendly.

Lemon acid

Great way to clean household appliances. It is possible to replace citric acid with fresh lemon or other citrus. Citric acid neutralizes well unpleasant odors, but you shouldn’t resort to its help often: with regular use, acid destroys the enamel.

For cleaning you will need:

  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. citric acid (or 4 tbsp. citrus juice).

After pre-mixing water and citric acid in a container, place it in the microwave. Depending on the degree of contamination, set the timer for 2-5 minutes. Then, for greater effectiveness, wait about 10 minutes more. After the procedure, fat and burnt marks can be easily removed with a soft sponge.

Video tips


A wonderful remedy that will help in the fight against even severe pollution. It is not recommended to use it constantly, otherwise housewives risk the beauty and integrity of the enamel coating. The disadvantages of this method include the smell: it is very pungent, open the windows in the room while cleaning.

For cleansing you will need:

  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar.

Combine vinegar and water in a deep container. Place the solution in the microwave for 3-5 minutes (depending on the degree of contamination) and turn the mode on to maximum. At this time, evaporation works for the housewife and vinegar vapor softens old fat. After the timer signals the end of operation, leave the device closed for another two minutes. After this, dirt can be easily removed with a simple soft sponge. Then clean again with water, removing any remaining vinegar from the walls.


Baking soda, which costs pennies, replaces many expensive products. Soda condensate has proven itself to be an excellent grease cleaner, but soda cannot cope with heavy contamination. The product will gently clean the surface of small and medium stains without damaging the enamel.

To work you will need:

Dissolve baking soda in a bowl of water, then place in the microwave for 3-5 minutes and turn on at maximum power. During this time, the soda forms condensation, which will soften the fat and burnt marks. After turning off the appliance, wait another 2 minutes, then remove the grease using a damp cloth. soft fabric.

If there is a stain that cannot be wiped off, baking soda will come to the rescue: pour a small pinch onto a rag and remove the stain. Remember, baking soda is abrasive and may leave small scratches on a glossy stainless surface.

Purchased products and chemicals

Products from the chemical industry are firmly established on the shelves of every home: in a matter of minutes they clean any surfaces of dirt, returning objects to their former shine and pristine whiteness.

There are also special chemicals for cleaning microwaves, but if you don’t have any at hand, others will also work, which housewives will always find in their arsenal. It is important to take into account their consistency and structure - abrasive substances will not benefit the enamel. Detailed description possible options Let's look at it in the table.

MeansDosageMode of application
Dishwashing liquid0.5 tsp.Apply a drop of product to a soft damp sponge, lather and place in the microwave for 30 seconds. Using the same sponge, wash softened dirt and remove any remaining product with clean water.

  • 4 tbsp. l. windshield wiper;

  • 2 tbsp. l. water.

Prepare a solution from the ingredients. Apply to a soft sponge and use it to remove dirt inside and outside the microwave oven.
Grease remover sprays1 tbsp. l.Most often, such products are sold with a spray on the package. A few clicks are enough to completely clean the inner surface of the product. Be sure to rinse off the cleaner with plain water.
Fat removal gels1 tsp.The grease removing gel will perfectly cope with the most difficult stains. Using a soft sponge, apply the product evenly to the surface. If the dirt is strong, leave the gel on for 1-2 minutes. Thoroughly rinse off any remaining product with water.
Laundry soap1 tbsp. l. soap shavingsDissolve the soap in a bowl with warm water, place in the oven for 2-3 minutes at maximum power. After the time has passed, thoroughly wipe the walls of the device with the same solution until all contaminants are removed. Clean any soap residue from your microwave with clean water.
  • It is easier to prevent contamination than to eliminate it: use special covers when working with a microwave. You can replace them plastic bags or baking paper.
  • Set aside 1 day a month to clean the inside of your microwave. This will help avoid large accumulation of fat on the walls, and will make the process of cooking and heating food more hygienic.
  • Do not rush to close the microwave door after use; let it stand open for two or three minutes: during this time, food odors will disappear and the resulting steam will dry out.
  • Ideally, remove stains after each cooking if any grease gets on the sides.

Regularly keeping your microwave clean will reduce time and effort. spring cleaning and will prolong the joy of using this useful housekeeping assistant. And the cleanliness of the inner surface is the key to health!

The microwave oven has long been an integral attribute modern kitchen. Cooking in it is quite difficult and requires skill; the principle of its operation and heating method are very specific and cannot compete with a classic oven, however, it has found its application as quick way reheat food or defrost meat and vegetables. However, no matter how hard you try, even with the use of a special cap, the entire inner surface Over time, microwaves become covered with a layer of splashes and stains. It is useful to know how to clean a microwave at home without damaging it. At the same time, the main thing is to remember simple rules that make a microwave oven stand out from others. kitchen utensils.

What you need to know about your microwave oven before cleaning it

Conventional wet cleaning is not applicable to a microwave oven. The entire internal surface should remain as smooth and shiny as after purchase. In addition, there are several places that you should not go into, even with a damp cloth or just persistence.

Inside the microwave oven there is general chamber, into which food is loaded for heating. In it you can find:

  • Round tray mounted on a rotating gear;
  • The rectangular hole in the top edge is closed metal grille- ventilation;
  • Rectangular opening across the entire width of the chamber – grill (optional);
  • On the side, usually the right side, there is a window covered with a matte plate - behind the mica protective plate there is a magnetron, the actual heart and energy source in the microwave.
  • Hole in the side covered with bars– compartment with a backlight lamp.

Not a drop of liquid should get into any of the holes, much less food and fat residues.

No matter how you are going to clean the grease inside the microwave and what available ingredients you use, it is better to stick to simple rules:

  1. Do not use abrasive compounds, even undiluted soda.
  2. Wipe the inner surface only with a slightly damp, well-wrung out cloth; it is better to use microfiber. The microwave is foolproof, so getting a small amount of liquid into any of the holes will not damage it, but dirt will accumulate and create problems that are much more serious than a poorly cleaned grill.
  3. Do not try to quickly scrape off stubborn stains and dirt. If even in the first attempt it was not possible to dissolve and soften using one of the methods listed below, it is better to repeat everything again from the beginning.
  4. It is better not to remove the mica plate from it seat, if it is possible to wipe it only from above. It should not be rubbed with force, even with microfiber, and under no circumstances should you press on it. It is very fragile and due to its layered structure it will not just burst, but will become larger, which will lead to its rapid clogging.
  5. No need to disassemble the microwave. If it is too dirty, then take it to a workshop where they can disassemble it and clean it from all sides.

If mica plate installed in the window in front of the magnetron is very dirty, then you can risk removing it, but only if you know which side to hold the screwdriver on and have a healthy sense of accuracy. The plate is often held in place by one or two self-tapping screws diagonally. If you unscrew them, the mica can be removed from the socket. In no case do not pry at the corner and do not put any effort into breaking it; it is better to pry it with something even and flat, such as a spatula or a credit card, on one of the sides and, slightly pushing the object, disconnect the plate.

Clean it only with dishwashing detergent or soap suds and only by placing it on a flat, hard surface. Once wet, it will stick to the table, so you will have to pry it off by the side again or pull it to the end of the tabletop.

The choice of mixtures for cleaning a microwave is quite extensive and they should be united by the main property - softening old, baked-on grease stains to a state where they can simply be wiped off with a rag.

Lemon, citric acid, vinegar

Prepare a deep plate, preferably a proven one, that does not heat up on its own in the microwave.

Place two medium-sized lemons cut into slices inside. If you don’t have lemons on hand or it’s simply a pity to waste them on something like this out of season, then citric acid will do the job just as effectively. Pour a packet of acid into the water and stir until it is completely dissolved. When using vinegar, pour half a glass into a plate and add water to the volume.

Place the plate in the microwave and turn it on at full power for 7-15 minutes, depending on the number of watts the stove produces. For a conventional 800 W stove, just 12 minutes is enough to heat a plate with two glasses of water.

After turning off the oven, wait another ten minutes until the liquid in the plate cools down a little, the steam mixed with acid will soften the dirt on the walls and you can quickly clean it.

If you take the plate out immediately after heating, you can seriously burn yourself and get caught in an avalanche of boiling water splashes. Always remember that water in a microwave easily overheats without boiling and can then, in a violent reaction, cause a lot of harm to people and surrounding objects.

Before cleaning, unplug the power cord and only then proceed with further cleaning of the microwave.

Remove the plate and remove the pan from the gear. It is easier to clean the tray separately in the sink using regular detergents. Wipe the inside of the microwave with a damp cloth. Add a couple of drops of dishwashing detergent, just to prevent the grease from clogging the microfiber too quickly, but not too much foam.

All that remains is to clean the walls of the chamber with a dry cloth or napkins, completely getting rid of water, drips and stains.

If you were unable to quickly clean the inside of the microwave the first time, then you should repeat the procedure from the very beginning, without resorting to radical methods in any case. Even with very advanced cases, a maximum of three treatments will be used, but stainless steel or enamel surface microwave oven will remain intact and undamaged.

A few notes about the chosen means:

  • Lemon slices, although not as effective as pure citric acid diluted in water, have the advantage of eliminating unpleasant odors and spreading a lasting citrus aroma that will fill the entire kitchen.
  • Citric acid will be the perfect answer to how to clean the inside of the microwave from grease and dirt. Has no smell.
  • It is better to use vinegar as a last resort, and only if it is possible to turn on the hood at full power and ventilate the kitchen well.
  • There is another option with ammonia, however, we won’t even remember about it.


If in the first case the active ingredient is lemon acid or vinegar, now alkali will come into play. Baking soda dissolved in water and heated to high temperature, will provide approximately the same result - burnt fat will soften, like other types of dirt. After which it will not be necessary to clean the chamber.


The main thing is not to forget that priority is given to products without abrasives. It is advisable to find products in the store famous brands for cleaning ovens and stoves or universal remedies for cleaning kitchen utensils. In fact, many manufacturers know how to clean a microwave in 5 minutes, without using particularly aggressive substances. There is no need for a large concentration of surfactants (Superficial active substances), acid cocktails or caustic alkali. Here is a list of options:

  • Frosh with soda;
  • OvenCleaner from AmWay;
  • Cillit Bang;
  • Grizly for stoves;
  • FortePlus from Sano;
  • Mister Muscle for the kitchen.

They should be used strictly according to the instructions; in the case of powder products, first dissolve them in water. If this is a cleaning product in a container with a spray bottle, then you should apply it only to the walls of the microwave oven, where there are no windows or holes, and wipe the rest of the space with a rag soaked in the product.

Usually it takes up to 5-10 minutes until the selected cleaning agent takes effect, after which it is removed along with the dirt with a damp sponge or rag.

As is the case with traditional methods not worth the effort physical conditions to remove contaminants. If all stains and drops of grease are not removed the first time, you should simply repeat the procedure with soaking, which may increase the exposure time.

How to clean a microwave at home

I am glad to welcome you again, my dear friends. Agree that modern technology makes our life a lot easier. And one of these irreplaceable assistants is a microwave oven. In order for it to serve for a long time it is necessary proper care. Today I want to talk to you about how to clean a microwave. Let's look at safe, and most importantly effective ways cleaning.

Suitable for both simple and specialized means. Just be sure to make sure that there is a marking stating that they can be used to clean microwave ovens. Because it is not recommended to clean the microwave with gels and powders containing abrasives. You may damage the surface.

If slight pollution, then special wet cleaning wipes will help you wash quickly. Look for them in any large hypermarket. They should have microwave and refrigerator icons on them. Cleaning gels and sprays also work well. These are anti-fat Mister Muscle, Sun Clean, Clean up, etc. If these are imported gels, the packaging should contain the inscription “Microwave cleaner”.

Some even use Fairy's solution with water. Dampen a cloth or sponge and wipe the microwave. Then you need to wipe it dry paper towel or a clean cloth.

If heavy pollution– for grease and dried pieces of food, try Luxus foam or Top house aerosol cleaner. They are inexpensive, but the effect is really cool.

I will not describe how to use gels and sprays. This is usually indicated on the packaging. As a rule, the product is applied for about 5 minutes. Then it is thoroughly washed off with a damp sponge. After which the inner surface of the oven is wiped dry.

In general, when cleaning this appliance you should use as little water as possible. You may accidentally damage moisture-sensitive parts of the device. The most important thing is that water does not get behind the oven wall through the holes.

Pay attention to the selection of rags, sponges and towels for wiping the stove surface. They don't have to be tough. Metal scourers The microwave cover may be damaged. And if bioceramics can still withstand such harsh cleaning, then the enamel will definitely be damaged. The outer surface of the device should be wiped with a soft sponge and wiped dry with a paper towel. If you wipe the touchpad, the cleaner should not contain abrasives.

Home remedies at hand

I have nothing against chemistry. Moreover, now there are quite effective and safe means. But how to clean grease from a microwave if someone is allergic? And even more so if there is a baby at home.

You can clean the inside of the microwave using improvised means. There are 3 proven options: lemon, vinegar, soda

Vinegar treatment

To do this, pour 300 ml of water and 2 tbsp into a bowl. vinegar. Place the mixture in the microwave. Choose a container that contains half of the water. Turn on the device at maximum power and set the timer for 10-15 minutes. When the oven turns off, do not open it for another 15 minutes.

To ventilate the smell of vinegar, open a window in the kitchen. During this time, most of it will disappear. After this treatment, all stains of grease and burning will soften well. Then they will need to be wiped with a damp sponge. Then wipe the entire surface with a dry cloth, inside and out.

This method is good for moderate pollution. If the grease or carbon deposits are old and there is a lot of it, you cannot do without chemicals.


U this method more advantages than the previous one. Soda has no unpleasant odor and is safe for children and animals.

This method is similar to cleaning with vinegar. Pour 250 ml of water into a deep container and stir 3 tsp in it. soda Turn on the microwave at full power and leave the container in it for 15 minutes. Then wipe off the grease and carbon deposits with a damp cloth. Then wipe everything dry with a paper towel. Be careful, the walls of the oven cannot be cleaned directly with soda. She will scratch them. Although, I admit that I cleaned the microwave with soda from yellow spots fat And pah-pah, it works :)

Lemon, citric acid

You can clean your microwave in just 5 minutes using lemon. Firstly, citrus fruits are great for removing stains and bacteria. Secondly, there will be a pleasant lemon aroma inside the oven. Pour a couple of glasses of water into a container and add a few slices of lemon. Place the dishes in the oven and turn on maximum power. At minor dirt 5-10 minutes is enough.

Under the influence of steam, the fat will soften and can be easily removed with a damp cloth. For severe contamination, it is better to use citric acid. For a glass of water you need 2 tbsp. Boil for 15-20 minutes. After 10 minutes, open the oven and wipe the walls with a dry cloth. Then turn it on again for the remaining 10 minutes.

How to deal with old fat

If the device for a long time I haven’t washed it, it will be difficult to clean it using only the above means. This is especially true for ovens with grills. Meat is often cooked in them and fried until crispy. The result of such cooking are stains of fat and burning on the walls. If you don't wipe them off immediately after cooking, they harden well on the walls. Firmly bonded to the inner surface.

For such cases you need to use special remedy to remove fat. But don’t just smear it on the inside walls. Cleaning is carried out in two stages. First you need to clean the device with lemon or citric acid. When the walls are steamed and the fat softens, apply a special product.

Mister Muscle, Luxus or Top house products cope well with old grease stains. The liquid is left on the walls for the time specified in the instructions. Usually this is 5-15 minutes. After turning off the device, first wipe the walls with a damp cloth, then with a dry one.

Be careful! After you have steamed the oven with lemon water, do not immediately apply detergent. The walls will be hot and you may get burned. Let the device cool down slightly

Proper care of a microwave oven

But timely preventative cleaning It will not only save time when cleaning the stove, but will also extend its “life.” It is always easier to clean fat immediately after cooking than after it has frozen.

I understand that I’m often too lazy to wash it right away. And then you keep putting off cleaning. But believe me, this is the most the best option keep the microwave clean.

I hope a few simple rules will make caring for this device easier for you:

  • The interior surface of the appliance must be wiped after each preparation. Use a soft, damp cloth or sponge.
  • If something burns or escapes during cooking, turn off the appliance and wipe off any remaining food on the turntable. After which you can continue cooking.
  • Heat the main dishes by covering them with a special lid. Then the fat will not splash onto the walls of the oven. The lid is now sold in any household. store.
  • Once a week, do wet cleaning in the microwave. You can boil a container of water in it, even without lemon or soda. This cleaning takes no more than 10 minutes. But fat will not accumulate on the walls.

It is easier to remove any contamination from the surface of the appliance immediately after cooking. This must be done, as bacteria settle in grease stains. Especially if you are used to only heating food. Inside the household appliance due to low temperatures there will be a favorable environment for different microbes. We don't see them. But they love dirty environments so much. Just like in the advertisement :)

I hope my simple tips on how to clean the inside of a microwave at home will make it easier for you to care for it.

Share which ones you know effective means cleaning? Don't forget to subscribe for updates. And also share links to interesting articles on my blog with friends. Bye-bye everyone.

Just recently, humanity did not even know about the magical and so convenient microwave ovens. Now this miracle of technology stands so confidently in every kitchen that it is sometimes taken for granted. Defrost, reheat, and sometimes cook a full dinner - nothing is easier. You just need to set the time and press one button and you can be calm. Agree, this is very convenient?

The microwave is unpretentious and easy to maintain, but sometimes it “wants” us to take care of it. Namely, they thoroughly cleaned its inner surface from fat and other food particles. Make it at home and without unnecessary hassle Any of us can do this.

Probably every good hostess knows that it is not necessary to spend exorbitant amounts of money on newfangled kitchen cleaning products and household appliances. After all, you can use your grandmother’s advice and recipes and adapt them to your needs. modern life. These methods are practical and save money. family budget and, most importantly, do not harm anyone ecological situation in general, nor our health in particular. Let's figure out how to clean the inside of a microwave using “folk” remedies.

In first place is fragrant lemon. There is nothing simpler than this remedy. Take a microwave-safe deep plate and pour 300 ml of water into it. Mix with the juice of half a lemon. To achieve a greater effect, you can add lemon slices directly with the zest. Place the mixture in the microwave for 10-15 minutes, setting the power to maximum. Then carefully remove the plate (always use oven mitts or a towel to do this!) and wipe the surface of the microwave with a soft cloth. Your kitchen will be filled with a juicy lemon aroma, and your microwave will shine clean.

The method of cleaning a microwave using citric acid is also simple. You will need a plate again. Pour 200 ml of water into it and add 1 tsp. citric acid, stir. Place the plate in the microwave at maximum power for 5-10 minutes. The result will not keep you waiting long. When the time is up, remove the plate and gently wipe the microwave with a clean cloth.


Regular table vinegar will also help in cleaning the microwave. Vinegar is an excellent grease cleaner for microwave ovens, along with lemon and citric acid, since it also acts gently and does not scratch the surface of the oven. The principle of operation is the same. Pour 200 - 300 ml of water into a deep plate, add a few drops of vinegar. Place the container in the microwave for 5-7 minutes at maximum power. Remove the plate and carefully clean the inside of the microwave with a soft cloth or sponge.


Regular soda will also help when cleaning the microwave oven. Soda, along with lemon and vinegar, is food product, so you can use it without risk to the health of your household.

There are two ways to clean the inside of a microwave using baking soda.

  • Method 1.

Take two tablespoons of baking soda and dissolve them in 300 ml of water. It is better to take a wide and deep plate. Place the container in the microwave for 10 minutes at maximum power. As you can see, the operating principle is the same for everyone folk remedies similar. In addition, baking soda, along with lemon, can remove unpleasant odors. After this treatment, all you have to do is wipe the surface of the microwave with a soft sponge or towel. In addition, this soda solution can be used to wipe the surface of the microwave oven and the outside.

  • Method 2.

For this method you will also need the usual laundry soap.

Dissolve laundry soap in 500 ml of water. It's better to take warm water, and first grate the soap, this will make things go faster. Add 1 tablespoon of baking soda to the solution and mix thoroughly. Pour the resulting substance into a spray bottle and apply evenly to the walls of the microwave inside and out. Leave for half an hour and then remove the fat with a soft, damp sponge.

Precautionary measures

You learned how to clean the inside of a microwave at home using available materials. Agree, it's very simple. However, when working with electrical appliances, you should observe special rules safety precautions.

Start cleaning the inside of the microwave from grease only when it is turned off. Make sure that the cord is unplugged from the outlet and that there is no electricity currently connected to the stove. You can use a clean microwave oven only after it has completely dried. Otherwise there is a risk of injury electric shock, and you also risk permanently disabling your assistant.

Don't let it get too much heavy pollution microwave, this may cause short circuit. Use simple and convenient ways cleaning your microwave oven, and it will serve you for a long time and properly.

Cleaning a microwave oven from grease and dried droplets and food particles is not particularly difficult. However, it is important to remember that the inner surface of the stove consists of a special coating that reflects microwave waves. Most often, it is very thin and can easily be damaged during cleaning. Therefore, it is extremely important when cleaning the microwave not to use rough abrasives, knives or forks. The microwave cleaning methods described above are gentle and do not damage the surface of the device. Use only special soft cloths, sponges with a delicate surface or old rags.

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