How to get rid of mold and mildew in your apartment. How to remove mold from an apartment forever: what to do, traditional methods, chemicals and industrial preparations

How to eliminate mold forever. Checked!

Home remedy. Cleaning washing machine from mold

I recommend it to everyone! We have old house Mold was always growing before. We bought expensive chemicals, it cleaned it up, but not for long. On the advice of a neighbor, we made this remedy and for the 4th year now no mold is visible!

Keep the recipe: 2 tsp. tea tree essential oil (for disinfection); 2 cups of water. 1 tsp alcohol to dissolve the oil (to the bottom) Pour the ingredients into a spray bottle, shake and spray on problem areas.

Shelf life is not limited.

Vinegar destroys 82% of mold and can also be used to combat mold. Pour vinegar into a spray bottle and spray. The vinegar smell will go away after a few hours. Ammonia. soda.Lubricate problem areas.

2. In the bathroom. - In the bathroom, peroxide will help destroy mold that has appeared and prevent its further appearance. To do this, you need to take a 33-35% solution, mix it with water in equal proportions, and spray the surfaces that have become moldy with a spray bottle. They are also used for this, ammonia and soda.

Cleaning the washing machine from mold.

Mold appears in the washing machine from time to time. On the Internet I found several ways to get rid of it, which, in general, boil down to treating the inside of the machine with products containing chlorine. At first I used Domestos exclusively for these purposes, and then I realized that any modern cleaning products give the same effect. Therefore, I clean with the liquid product that I currently have on hand.

You will need: Liquid cleaner, preferably with chlorine. 2 household napkins or sponges that you don’t mind throwing away later. Thick household gloves. 25 grams food citric acid.

Step by step solution:

1. You don’t immediately realize that there is mold in the machine; you wash it and wash it. Washed items smell like washing powder, but when the machine stands with the door closed, bad smell. In addition, as soon as you unscrew the rubber, such an unpleasant picture appears.

2. Check with a napkin. The result is obvious, it needs to be cleaned.

3. First, simply remove with any napkin rubber gasket the dirt that we can remove.

4. Then, as I already wrote, we take any liquid cleaning agent and apply it to the rubber wherever we can get it.

5. Then thoroughly distribute the cleaning agent along the folds of the rubber gasket.

6. Close the machine door and leave it like that for 2 hours.

7. After this time, turn on the rinse mode and rinse the cleaning agent out of the machine.

8. This is already enough, the control napkin remains clean.

9. But since we’re busy with the machine, why not do preventative cleaning drum with citric acid. In the compartment for washing powder add a sachet (25 g) of regular food grade citric acid. 10. Turn on the machine to the hottest washing mode, for me it is 95 degrees. When it's over, even mine old typewriter looked much nicer.

Please note: Unfortunately, with this method I am not able to completely get rid of mold, but only to scare it away for a while. Although I wipe the rubber almost dry after each wash and try to keep the machine door open between washes, I have to clean it approximately once a year washing machine in such a simple way.

Mold can bring not only aesthetic dissatisfaction to the walls, but it also conceals much more more problems– an unpleasant odor and the appearance of health problems, so the sooner you get rid of black mold, the better it will be.

There are many products on the market that will help get rid of mold, but they are all highly toxic. We offer you safer and more natural remedies to get rid of mold in your bathroom and other rooms.

If a very small area is contaminated, you can handle this task yourself without involving professionals. Save money by reading our best recommendations, which are an excellent substitute for expensive products.

Article outline:

Causes of mold

First, let's explain what mold is, why it is black, and what causes it to appear. Black mold is a collection of small organisms, in particular Strachybotrus Chartarun and Strachybotys Bcmpa, which cause large number health problems. It can be found anywhere in your home, including ceiling tiles, wood (soaked with water), walls, floors and carpets. Small leaks or plumbing problems lead to mold growth because it only grows in moist environments.

For example, if your carpet gets wet and isn't completely dry, it can develop mold and spread throughout your home.

If you touch black mold with a gloved hand, it will feel slimy, like a slug. Typically this mold is black in color, but there are also greenish-yellowish varieties. Black mold has a very distinct "mildy" odor. Sometimes it's hard to notice. But if you suddenly begin to experience breathing problems, or allergic reaction- check your home thoroughly.

Proven ways to get rid of mold in an apartment

ATTENTION! Do not scrape dried mold as it will become airborne! Wear safety glasses and a mask to protect yourself when removing black mold!

The first thing you should do is find a pair of latex or rubber gloves and wear protective clothing that covers your entire body. Be sure to wear a respirator to protect your lungs. Shut down ventilation holes in the room you are going to work in. You can also turn on a small fan and open a window to direct mold spores into the open air.

Moisten the affected surface with a mixture of soap and water and wipe with a stiff brush. When finished, place all used materials in a trash bag and tie it tightly. Now it's time to use a store-bought disinfectant (or one of the ones below) on the affected surface. Don't forget to treat all surfaces. This will help kill any remaining mold spores. Rinse the area hot water. Allow the surface to dry completely.

Products that will help remove black mold

  • Tea tree oil is the most effective remedy! This essential oil safe for people and animals. It has a strong smell, but don't worry, it will disappear soon. The oil has excellent antifungal and antibacterial properties and, in addition to killing all types of mold, is effective in the treatment of lice, dandruff and fungal nail diseases. So, without hesitation, buy a small bottle and keep it at home. Recipe: Take 1 tsp. tea tree oil and 1 tsp. water (in a 1:1 ratio), pour oil and water into a spray bottle, shake well and spray on the affected areas.

  • Vinegar is the most cheap way! Vinegar is a non-toxic and safe alternative chemicals. According to recent studies, even a 5% vinegar solution can kill 99% of bacteria and 80% of viruses. Take a spray bottle and fill it with 5% vinegar. Keep a bottle in your bathroom and kitchen and use it at the first sign of mold. If the smell of vinegar scares you, add a few drops of any essential oil to it. Lavender oil is best suited for these purposes, as it will leave behind a scent that will be pleasant to human perception.

  • Extract from selected grapefruit seeds – exotic way mold removal. The main advantage of this method is that the extract from selected grapefruit seeds is odorless. It can be purchased online or in stores healthy eating. For the solution we need: 15-25 drops of extract and 2 glasses cold water. Combine liquids in a spray bottle and spray onto affected areas.

Other products that will help get rid of mold...
There are a number of other products you can use to combat mold. Some substances can even damage the surface on which the mold is growing. Use these recipes carefully and only as a last resort.

  • Bleach. 1 cup of bleach per liter of water. Bleach will not completely kill mold in porous materials. Another disadvantage of this product is its aggressive chemical reaction. Bleach will ruin the color of your carpet, leaving behind toxic fumes.

  • Borax. Borax does not emit toxic gases, but it will not help you clean your carpet. More suitable for hard surfaces like tiles.

  • Ammonia. A solution of 50% ammonia and 50% water. Do not mix with bleach as it will create very toxic fumes. After spraying the product, leave it on for 2-3 hours and then rinse the area.

  • Hydrogen peroxide. Pour 3% hydrogen peroxide into a spray bottle. Spray the affected areas and leave on for 10 minutes. While hydrogen peroxide is a safer alternative to bleach, it can also damage some materials.

How to remove mold from an apartment permanently

As you understand, removing mold from walls is very difficult. The methods listed will only help get rid of small outbreaks when the cause is a local situation: flood, poor ventilation or cold. If in your apartment there are large formations of mold that have formed in more than one month: cracks in the wall, low-quality slabs that freeze, flooding of the wall with outside- then you need to fight it with more thorough methods.

First you need to remove surface mold formations, as mentioned above. Then you need to completely remove it from the wall. finishing materials: wallpaper, paint, panels or tiles to assess the scale and determine the cause of the formations. If there is mold on the wall itself, then it must also be thoroughly cleaned and literally wash the wall.

But this is the localization of the problem - you need to eliminate the cause of the dampness of the wall or the room itself:

  • If the problem is the quality of the wall (it freezes or condensation forms on it), then perform external insulation;

  • If water flows down the wall from the outside, then it is necessary to organize a drain;

  • If mold forms due to dampness in the room, then completely waterproof and insulate it, especially if you live on the first floor, above the basement;

  • Also ensure the room is well ventilated and heated.

Once again we want to focus your attention: to get rid of mold, it is not enough to clean it, you need to eliminate the cause of its appearance, because it will appear again.

After all the above steps, it is necessary to carefully treat the wall with a deep penetration antifungal primer, if necessary, 2 times. This should be done in such a way as to prevent the primer from getting on the skin and by wearing a respirator, while ventilating the room. When the wall dries well, it can be insulated from the inside using polystyrene foam, which has been finished cement mixture, or simply hiding the “bare wall” by applying a layer of plaster to it to hide the places where the mold was located.

Any structure is at risk of infection by fungus, and the fight against mold on the walls in the apartment remains actual problem for many property owners.

The causes of mold can be very diverse. Increased indoor humidity and insufficient ventilation lead to the development of fungus. These factors are a consequence of shortcomings made during the construction of the building (poor hydro- and thermal insulation of floors, walls, foundation, etc.). An apartment owner who is too keen on finishing surfaces with modern materials (for example, plastic) can also contribute to the formation of mold. It is impossible not to mention the premises in which the appearance of mold is most likely due to high level humidity, – bathroom and kitchen. Don't forget about leaks from apartments located above.

If the owner country house there are all possibilities to fight fungus, the battlefield of the apartment owner is most often limited only to her internal space(although residents of the first floors can independently carry out some work on waterproofing and insulating basement floors or external wall apartments). For the rest, residents of multi-storey buildings have to rely on the responsibility of housing and communal services organizations.

For mold to form you need special conditions

The main condition for successfully combating fungus on walls is eliminating the conditions for its development. It is necessary to ensure uniform distribution of heat throughout the room and prevent an increase in humidity in it:

  • the heating system must work properly;
  • there should be no gaps in the water pipelines;
  • rooms, especially those with high humidity, should be equipped effective system ventilation (if natural is not enough, forced ventilation should be installed);
  • It is better to leave bathroom and kitchen doors open more often.

In almost every apartment, water supply lines are covered with casings. It is necessary that the air underneath them circulate freely. To do this, it is necessary to make ventilation holes in the casing. Decorative panels sanitary equipment – ​​bathtubs and sinks – are also finished. Natural air exchange must also be ensured under the cladding.

Education high humidity and condensation in the apartment is facilitated by faulty ventilation

IN winter time Condensation may form on the windows. The phenomenon is inherent in inexpensive plastic structures. To prevent droplets from appearing, you need to ensure unimpeded flow warm air to the windows. You may have to drill through the sill in several places.

You should not move furniture close to insufficiently insulated walls of the apartment - this will make it difficult natural ventilation partitions, and fungus can appear both on them and on furniture.

Apartment renovation – best time For complex activities to prevent the appearance of fungus, however, the problem is completely solved only after waterproofing and insulating the walls from the outside. In this case, their freezing and moisture penetration inside are prevented. Interior work the problem will only be partially solved. Only thorough surface treatment will save the partition from the formation of mold. antifungal agents. Similar work needs to be carried out on preparatory stage repair.

Advice! It is better to time the repairs to warm season, when it is possible to thoroughly dry the areas to be treated.

To prevent and partially eliminate mold, walls are treated with an antifungal antiseptic.

What to do if mold appears

Mold control will not turn into endless war with timely detection of signs of its occurrence. If several months have passed since the fungus began to develop, then radical measures will be required to destroy it. In the meantime, mold has just appeared on the walls, you can get rid of it using inexpensive, time-tested means. Among them:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • vinegar;
  • ammonia;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • borax;
  • baking soda;
  • chlorine bleaches.

3% hydrogen peroxide is an effective fungus remover. The substance is applied to a previously cleaned area, but painted surfaces cannot be treated with peroxide due to its bleaching effect.

Table vinegar is often used to combat fungus. It is sprayed from a spray bottle over a surface cleaned of mold. Vinegar destroys almost all types of fungus and penetrates deep into the material being processed.

After spraying, wipe the affected area with a cloth soaked in vinegar. After 1 hour, traces of vinegar can be removed clean water. The room is being ventilated. It is recommended to repeat the vinegar treatment after a week.

A spray bottle is also used when spraying ammonia. The anti-fungal composition is prepared from equal parts of an ammonia solution and water. An hour after treatment, the surface is washed with clean water and the room is ventilated. When working with ammonia Respiratory protection must be used. An ammonia solution is used to remove fungus from tiles and glass.

Potassium permanganate – famous antiseptic. Its solution (1 teaspoon of potassium permanganate per 1 liter of water) is wiped or sprayed on surfaces infected with mold.

To destroy mold, you can use borax: 1 glass of the substance is dissolved in 2.5 liters of water. The composition is applied to the wall with a stiff brush. It is better to repeat the operation 2-3 times. There is no need to rinse off the borax solution.

Baking soda helps get rid of mold. Use a sponge soaked in a solution (1 teaspoon of soda per 1 glass of water) to wipe the surfaces. After 50-60 minutes, they are wiped with a sponge and clean water, but so as not to completely remove the formed film of soda.

Killing mold with bleach

Sodium hypochlorite, which is the basis for many bleaches, is destructive to mycelium of any kind, however, the bleaching composition, which is highly chemically active, should be used with caution. Work with it wearing safety glasses and rubber gloves. It is also necessary to use respiratory protection, since the vapors of chlorine compounds are poisonous.

Bleach can be used to remove mildew from tiles, glass and other similar surfaces. Side effect its use may cause fading of the treated area, so it is better not to apply bleach to painted walls (especially wallpaper).

To combat mold on walls, you can use laundry bleaches.

It is not recommended to use bleaches and other chlorine-based compounds on porous materials such as plasterboard and wood. Volatile chlorine compounds destroy fungus only on their surface, and water gets inside the material, creating an ideal environment for the development of mold.

A solution for combating mold on the walls in an apartment is prepared from 1 part bleach and 10 parts water. The composition is applied with a brush to a surface previously cleaned of fungus.

Advice! Before removing mold, the affected surface must be moistened, which will prevent the spread of spores throughout the apartment.

Destruction of mold with potent agents

Sometimes it is possible to get rid of mold on the walls only by using radical methods of control. Sometimes the fungus penetrates so deeply into the wall that it has to be destroyed by removing the plaster to the base.

Traditionally, it is used to treat surfaces heavily affected by fungus. copper sulfate:

  • 100 g of the substance is dissolved in 10 liters of water heated to 40 0C;
  • the affected area of ​​the wall is cleaned of fungus and peeling fragments of plaster;
  • the surface is washed with a warm aqueous solution laundry soap;
  • Advice! After removing the fungus and plaster, before impregnating it with antifungal agents, you must thoroughly dry the area of ​​the wall to be treated.

Contents of the article:

Probably everyone has encountered mold on the walls, which manifests itself as ugly black stains or green spots and has a very unaesthetic appearance. appearance. But few people know that they need to get rid of this scourge when the first signs appear, since it is very dangerous to human health. That is why it will be useful for every housewife to know effective means and methods that will help quickly solve this problem.

Mold is a microorganism whose spores are found in almost every home. But it is not always possible to detect it with the naked eye, so in some cases it may be necessary to use special equipment. When the most favorable conditions for mold, its intensive development begins, and the problem may become more widespread.

Traces of this microorganism can be found in the most unexpected places- for example, mold often develops on wood, concrete, protein glue, wood filler, paper, linen and food. Mold occurs in any area where there is high humidity.

Causes of mold

Before you start looking for methods that will help you get rid of mold once and for all, you need to accurately establish the reasons that provoke its appearance:

  • Mold is a dangerous microorganism that can get inside the apartment on shoes, products, outerwear, animal hair, etc.
  • After particles of the microorganism enter the nutrient medium, intensive reproduction of spores begins and this process sometimes occurs at astronomical speed, so in the near future you can notice the fungus on wood, fabric, paper or indoor plants.
  • The ideal climate for mold growth is high humidity air (approximately 50–70%), as well as with poor ventilation of the room. Most often, mold appears in the toilet, kitchen and bathroom, after which it can spread throughout the apartment.
  • As a rule, mold develops in apartments on the first and last floors of high-rise buildings, because in this case there is a damp basement with not very good waterproofing or poor roof insulation.
Experts identify several main reasons that can trigger the appearance of fungus indoors:
  1. Incorrect circulation air flow, resulting in air stagnation in the room.
  2. Increased humidity in the room, which can be caused by frequent use of humidifiers, the presence of a large number of flower pots in the room, constant drying of wet laundry, etc.
  3. Use of drywall in construction, since this material is one of the main reasons for the development and further spread of mold throughout the apartment.
Before you start fighting mold, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause that could cause its appearance. If it is not eliminated, unsightly spots of fungus will soon appear again on the walls or furniture.

How to remove mold from walls?

It is important to remember that only integrated approach. It will not be enough to simply wash the walls clean or get rid of old furniture, because you need to completely remove all toxic spores:
  • Mechanical cleaning of all surfaces affected by fungus is carried out, all stains and black spots are removed.
  • Areas where there was fungus are treated special means, which destroys mold spores.
  • We must try to completely get rid of things on the surface of which there is fungus, since even after its removal, mold may appear again over time.
  • It is important to regularly ventilate the premises to ensure proper air circulation.
  • The overall level of humidity in the apartment decreases.

Effective products for removing black mold from walls

Today there is quite a large number of the most diverse, effective and quite available funds that will help you quickly get rid of the fungus.

Almost every housewife is familiar with such an active substance as sodium hypochlorite. This product is not very aggressive and less toxic, unlike a special primer, but it is dangerous for the fungus and its spores. The simplest bleach will help get rid of almost all types of mold in the apartment.

This product is convenient for treating floors, glass and tiles. For this purpose, it is recommended to use a mixture of bleach and water (the components are taken in a ratio of 1:10).

It is necessary to take into account the fact that bleach has corrosive properties, which is why it can discolor colored products. When treating surfaces on which fungal spores have appeared, it is necessary to use protective equipment, to chemical solution Do not get it on your skin, otherwise you may get a serious burn. During operation, it is necessary to open the windows in the room to ensure effective ventilation.

Vinegar is a weak acid solution that can neutralize approximately 80% of various types mold fungus. This product is less toxic, unlike bleach, but it does not leave the most pleasant specific aroma, which will take some time to get rid of.

To remove fungus from the walls, you need to treat all areas where traces of mold were found with vinegar. To make it easier to work with, you can pour the product into a spray bottle, after which all contaminated surfaces are treated.

After an hour and a half, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse all treated areas. a large number clean water and ventilate the room to remove the pungent smell of vinegar.

As a preventive measure, to prevent mold from reoccurring, it is necessary to treat contaminated surfaces with vinegar every 7–10 days.

Hydrogen peroxide

This product has antifungal and antibacterial effects, which is why it is ideal for fighting fungus. Today you can buy hydrogen peroxide 3% at any pharmacy. This drug is not only effective, but also completely safe, so it will not harm your health and will not leave an unpleasant odor.

All areas where traces of mold have been noticed must be thoroughly washed with hydrogen peroxide. Then you need to wait 10–15 minutes and clean the surfaces with a stiff brush.

Before using hydrogen peroxide, it is important to remember that this product has the same effect as bleach, so it may highlight treated areas and is not recommended for use on painted surfaces.

This product perfectly removes traces of fungus and is also suitable for treating non-porous glass or tile surfaces. But it is not recommended to use it for cleaning porous materials from mold.

To remove fungus, mix in equal quantities water and ammonia, after which the composition is poured into a sprayer, and the foci of fungus are treated. After a few hours, all treated areas are washed with clean water.

If ammonia is used, it is necessary to work in a special protective mask, as an unpleasant sore throat and severe headache may occur.

It is strictly forbidden to mix bleach with ammonia, as the resulting composition will emit toxic gas and there is a risk of serious poisoning, which in the most severe cases can be fatal.

Baking soda is one of the most effective and completely safe means to remove mold. It contains no aggressive substances, therefore this method will not cause harm to health and can be used at any time, as well as to prevent the re-development of the fungus.

First you need to prepare a cleaning composition - mix water (1 tbsp) and baking soda (1 tsp). All problem areas are treated with the resulting mixture, after which the soda does not have to be washed off with water. The resulting layer will be an excellent protection against the re-formation of fungus.

This is one of the most popular and effective folk remedies, which helps to get rid of fungus on the walls in a relatively short period of time. Borax has pronounced herbicidal, insecticidal and fungicidal properties.

It is a natural mold inhibitor, so aqueous solution Borax helps to quickly get rid of mold and remove unsightly black stains from walls and furniture.

Before applying the borax solution to the infected area, it is necessary to treat it with a vacuum cleaner brush. Next, mix borax (1 tbsp) with water (2.5 l). The infected area is wiped with the resulting solution and the treated area is blotted with a dry cloth, as it is necessary to remove excess moisture.

The borax solution does not have to be washed off the wall or furniture, since after drying it creates a reliable protective film, preventing the reappearance of mold.

A copper sulfate solution can be used to remove mold from bathroom walls. To prepare it, take copper sulfate (100 g) and dissolve it in water (10 l). Before using this product, you must take into account the fact that it may leave a slight blue tint on the treated surface.

This product can be used if the mold problem has not become global and has not spread to large surfaces. To combat fungus, it is necessary to use a solution of laundry soap that contains alkali.

To remove moderate mildew, tea tree essential oil can be used. 2 tsp dissolves in 2 glasses of water. oil, after which the resulting composition is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed onto the infected areas. After this product dries, a thin layer forms on the treated surface. protective film, which does not need to be washed off.

Cool water is poured into a glass, after which grapefruit seed extract is dissolved in it (you will need about 10–15 drops disinfectant). The resulting composition is poured into a spray bottle, and all contaminated surfaces are treated. This solution does not have to be washed off, since after drying a protective film is formed that will prevent the fungus from reappearing.

Regardless of which particular product will be used to combat mold, in order to completely get rid of it, it is necessary to take appropriate measures when the first signs of fungus appear.

Learn how to remove mold from walls in this video:

Mold is a name given to microscopic fungi that grow like moss on various surfaces. Mold appeared on Earth about 200 million years ago, and today more than 100 thousand species of this life form have been studied. The “war” between humans and this fungus has been going on for more than one millennium, but, unfortunately, the latter is often in the lead. There is still debate over who will outlive whom: mold or humanity.

Mold is increasingly becoming an uninvited guest in many apartments and houses. It is generally accepted that it only starts in abandoned buildings, basements, attics or in dilapidated buildings, but this is not always true. Mold can also grow in clean, well-maintained, renovated apartments.

This is not surprising, because every year these mushrooms adapt better and better to human living conditions, despite chemicals, polluted air and environmental problems. What can I say, mold survives even in outer space.

Dealing with such a problem is not so easy, but it is possible. Mold is indeed very difficult to remove, but there are still ways to do it. There are many chemicals available to combat this type of pest, but they are quite expensive and not always effective. Today, the whole world is actively fighting this phenomenon, and let’s talk about home methods for getting rid of mold, which have been tested for years by our grandmothers. But still, the most important thing in this matter is to identify the “enemy” in time and immediately begin to eliminate it, because, as you know, mold is an extremely dangerous microorganism for human life.

Harm from mold

The harm caused by mold is difficult to count on one hand, because it is an endless list of various diseases that are difficult to diagnose. The human body is capable of fighting many microorganisms, but it is mold spores that firmly attach to the lungs, thereby accumulating there. Constantly staying in a room contaminated with mold can lead to serious illness. respiratory tract. These include bronchial asthma, various eczemas and even rheumatism. For young children, the fungus is extremely dangerous; its effects can be reflected in the form of a constant cough or allergies.

Parents, afraid of exposing their child to air, do not dare to ventilate the room often, but the damage from mold is much greater than from cold air. We have already said that it is not easy to find out the cause of illnesses caused by mold, so the only way to find out the cause is to change the environment or move.

In addition to harming your health, the resulting “moss” negatively affects the aesthetic appearance of your apartment. It can spoil the finish of walls and various surfaces.

First signs of appearance

The first sign of mold is an unpleasant, damp smell. It is very bright when entering the room from the street. The appearance of various grayish or yellowish spots on wall decoration or other surfaces is also a “bell” to take action.

You need to get rid of mold not locally, but throughout the entire apartment, because its exact location is not always easy to determine. Be sure to regularly ventilate the room and monitor its heating, otherwise you yourself will create a “cozy home” for mold. Clean regularly, but don't overdo it - excess moisture We don't need it. Try not to fill the room with flowers, they can increase humidity. If the problem of “contamination” is large-scale, then it is worth uniting with your neighbors and fighting together. If even such a “union” does not help, then you should immediately contact the Housing Office.

So, let's look at the 5 main ways to combat mold.

1. Antiseptic primer

Antiseptic primer is a finishing of various materials to protect against rot, insects and, directly, mold. This primer is one of the effective means for combating fungus. For active action, it includes additives that are divided into certain types: fungicides - against mold, algaecides - against moss, algae and lichen, bactericides - against bacteria.

To combat mold specifically, it is better to opt for a fungicidal primer. It will help overcome the fungus even in winter, and prevent its reappearance in the future. You can buy antiseptic primer at any hardware store. It should only be applied to a wall that has been cleared of mold, because the fungus can affect the wall to the very base of the finish and even penetrate into the tiles.

2. Bleach kills mold.

Bleach, thanks to the sodium hypochlorite in its composition, is also one of the effective ways to combat mold. Unlike primer, this will be a gentler method of cleaning, because bleach does not contain such aggressive components. The product can be used to treat tiles, glass or floors, but, unfortunately, it is not suitable for all surfaces. Bleach should be diluted with water in a ratio of one to ten. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to safety measures, because bleach reacts aggressively not only to mold, but also to the skin of the hands. To protect yourself, you should use durable rubber gloves.

3. Vinegar for mold

Vinegar is a less aggressive mold remover than the previous two, but is not much less effective.

Not all surfaces can be treated with vinegar, because it is still an acid. To combat fungus, you need to remove it with a sponge soaked in vinegar. This procedure can also be performed as a preventive measure.

4. Hydrogen peroxide kills mold

Hydrogen peroxide is an effective antifungal agent. Its main advantage is non-toxicity. A three percent peroxide solution can be bought at any pharmacy for pennies, but the result will be truly amazing. But, despite all the advantages, it also cannot be called universal, because use on many painted surfaces is not recommended.

5. Baking soda

Baking soda is popularly known as an excellent cleaning agent. It is also non-toxic and safe to use. Baking soda is not only a means to combat mold, but also to prevent its occurrence. In order to treat the affected surfaces, you need to dissolve one spoon of soda in a glass of water. This concentrate will be quite sufficient. It is better to wash off mold with a sponge soaked in a soda solution.

These methods will undoubtedly help you in the fight against harmful mold, but do not forget about the main reasons for its appearance. Don’t forget to monitor the condition of your home and don’t let this problem arise, because when it comes not only to beauty, but also to the health of your family, you shouldn’t hesitate, because mold can “live” even in the most inaccessible places.

We hope that you will use our tips and get rid of mold forever.

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