How to get rid of spring chickweed. Collection and preparation

Spring clear is a perennial ephemeroid with roots that die off after flowering. Its leaves are colored, like the stem, light green shade, very gentle. They are alternate, round or semi-round, without stipules. The lower ones are located on long cuttings, and the upper ones - on short ones. The shoots are often semi-recumbent. The flowers are bright yellow, solitary, with 6-9 tepals, which have an exquisite shine. They attract well (beautiful honey plants!).

Chistyak grows almost everywhere. There is especially a lot of it in the south and in the middle part European Russia and in southwestern Siberia. It is most often found in broad- and small-leaved forests, near water bodies, and in bushes. It can also be found on forest edges, in mixed-grass steppes, personal plots. Some designers use it to create beautiful landscape. It begins to bloom in April and continues until June. If the weather is cloudy, the chistyak closes its flowers.

Additional names: coulter, poisonous leaf, hare's lettuce, toadgrass, buttercup, etc.

Medicinal properties

The beneficial properties of spring buttercup are due to the presence in its composition of a large amount of vitamin C (more than in citrus fruits!), saponins and proteanemonins. IN traditional medicine this plant is not used. In homeopathy and folk medicine it is used as a mild laxative, analgesic, blood purifier, expectorant and wound healing agent. In addition, some herbalists recommend it for use in the fight against scrofula, acne, hemorrhoids, aches from colds, periodontal disease (you need to rinse with a decoction), and suppuration of wounds. It is worth noting that spring chistyak is also good in cooking, as part of spring blood-purifying salads or soups.

Application of the plant

Spring cleanser can be included in medicinal ointments against acne, decoctions, water infusions and healing mixtures. When fighting acne traditional healers It is recommended to make a collection of 3 tbsp. spoons of plant leaves and 1 tbsp. spoons of any fat or butter. It’s easy to use: just apply to the problem area and wash off after 5-10 minutes. warm water. It is worth noting that such a composition will also be useful for scrofula and various skin rashes.

For hemorrhoids, you can make a water infusion of buttercup. To do this you need to take 2 tbsp. spoons of dry young leaves, pour 50 ml of boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Filter and start making lotions. By the way, you can apply cotton pads soaked in such a decoction not only to hemorrhoids, but also to the chest, as well as to bumps and bruises. Very helpful!

Another way to use spring chistyak is as a decoction with the addition of whey. To prepare it you need to take 1 tbsp. spoon of dry leaves, pour 1 cup dairy product, boil for 2 hours. Cool, filter. Take 1 tbsp three times within 24 hours. spoon, shortly before the meal. Indications for use: vitamin deficiency, diathesis and acute bronchitis.

Contraindications for use

Spring guillemot is poisonous! It cannot be used in fresh, only in dried form. Because it is after drying that the caustic alkaloids chelidonine and cholerythrine are destroyed and become harmless. But still, go to the doctor and consult about whether you can use the plant in medicinal purposes, not forbidden. Absolute contraindications are: childhood, pregnancy and lactation.

Syn: spring buttercup, buttercup, buttercup, butterflower, early lettuce, poisonous leaf, toadgrass, millet, millet, hare's lettuce, hare's lettuce, chimney, etc.

A perennial herbaceous ephemeroid in which all above-ground parts die off after flowering and root tubers - organs - remain in the soil until next spring vegetative propagation. It is used in folk medicine as a diuretic, expectorant, blood purifier and wound healing agent.

The plant is poisonous!

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Flower formula

The formula of the spring flower is: *Х5Л5Т∞П∞.

In medicine

Spring grass is not a pharmacopoeial plant, and its medicinal properties are used only in folk medicine.

Also fresh leaves Chistyaka are used in homeopathy in the manufacture of preparations. In addition, the chistyak is one of the first early spring plants, containing vitamin C, so it is used to prepare a blood-purifying spring salad.

Contraindications and side effects

The plant is contraindicated for children, pregnant and lactating women. It is necessary to avoid overdose, as side effects are possible, in particular irritation of the stomach and intestines, as well as negative impact on the kidneys. It is important to know that after the end of flowering and fruiting, spring guillemot becomes very poisonous. Dry chistyak leaves are less dangerous, since when dried, caustic substances are destroyed and become harmless.

In cooking

Young leaves of chistyaka are edible when fresh and are eaten. Vitamin salads, soups, green and cold cabbage soup are prepared from them.

In crop production

Spring chistyak has good decorative qualities(pleasant appearance, bright, yellow, rather large shiny flower), which are often used in floriculture and landscape design when composing various compositions in flower beds and alpine slides.


Spring Chest (Lat. Ficaria verna) - is included in the rather large genus Buttercup (Lat. Ranunculus), the Buttercup family (Lat. Ranunculaceae), or is isolated into a separate subgenus Chistyak (Lat. Ficaria). The genus Buttercup consists of about 600 species of herbaceous plants distributed throughout the globe.

Botanical description

Spring grass is a small (10-20 cm in height) perennial ephemeroid. The stems and leaves are very tender, light green, bare, shiny, shoots are often semi-recumbent. It has two types of brood buds: on the roots there are tuberous thickened adventitious roots, and in the axils of the leaves, which serve for vegetative propagation. The leaves are alternate, without stipules, long-petiolate, rounded or almost rounded (2-4 cm long and wide), crenate, with a heart-shaped base. The flowers are solitary, actinomorphic (regular), rather large (25-35 mm in diameter), bright yellow, with 6-9 oblong shiny tepals. At the base of the petals there is a nectar pit. Stamens and pistils are numerous. The formula of the spring clear flower is *CH5L5T∞P∞. The fruit is a prefabricated nut. Early flowering and vegetative (April - May) plant.


Distributed everywhere, especially in the middle and southern zone of European Russia and in the southwest of Siberia. It grows in forests, mainly broad-leaved, but also coniferous-broad-leaved and small-leaved, often damp and damp, often along watercourses, in thickets of bushes. Also found on open places– mixed-grass steppes, meadows, edges and clearings of deciduous forests, as well as in the floodplain and on the banks of rivers and streams. Often forms mass accumulations.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

Medicinal raw materials is the above-ground part or the entire plant (grass with roots). Raw materials are harvested during the flowering period. Spread in a thin layer and dry on outdoors under a canopy or in a room with good ventilation. Finished raw materials are stored in paper bags. The shelf life of raw materials is 1 year.

You should know that tubers collected after the fruits have ripened are poisonous.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of spring clearweed has not been sufficiently studied. Fresh leaves contain saponins, protoanemonin (anemonin in dried leaves), carotene, ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Starch and sugars are found in the roots.

Pharmacological properties

Spring chistyak has diuretic, expectorant, mild laxative, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, and blood purifying properties. Liquefies phlegm during a strong cough.

Use in folk medicine

In folk medicine, spring chistyak plays an important role in the treatment of various diseases (for example, bronchitis, tracheitis, constipation, hemorrhoids, skin rashes, diathesis, acne, gingivitis, stomatitis, polyarthritis, abrasions, wounds). At the same time, for medicinal purposes, traditional healers and herbalists use the aerial parts and roots of the plant only at a young age. A decoction of the roots and leaves of chistyak is used against warts and scabies.

In folk medicine of Belarus, spring cherry is used for snake bites (the plant is crushed, mixed with lard and the ointment is applied to the bitten area). Tea from the dried plant is used for skin diseases; warm baths are also made from chamomile tea for certain areas of the skin and for hemorrhoids (sitz baths). Chistyak has long been used for treatment inflammatory diseases organs respiratory system, especially bronchitis with increased sputum. In folk medicine, a mixture of grass and roots of chistya is used for scrofula and acne as a spring blood purifier. Crushed fresh leaves of the spring chistyak mixed with pork fat or butter in the form of an ointment are applied to tumors of the mammary glands, as well as hemorrhoidal cones and nodes, as well as various seals. The ointment is also used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent for body aches during colds, scrofula (exudative diathesis), gland tumors, acne and skin rashes.

In folk medicine, a decoction of the herb is used for rinsing the mouth for periodontal disease and gum damage, as well as for compresses, lotions and washes for long-term non-healing and purulent wounds. A decoction of the herb in whey is also used for jaundice, spring vitamin deficiency, bronchitis and diathesis. In the spring, herbalists recommend taking juice from fresh chistyaka grass with milk to cleanse the blood, as well as to replenish vitamin C deficiency.

Historical reference

The name of the genus comes from the word “Ficus” - ficus, or fig, due to the similarity of clusters of nodules with dry fig fruits.


1. Barabanov E.I. Botany. M: Publishing center "Academy", 2006. P. 237.

2. Gubanov, I. A. et al. 595. Ficaria verna Huds. – Spring clear // Illustrated plant guide Central Russia. In 3 vols. M.: Scientific T. ed. KMK, Institute of Technology. issl., 2003. T. 2. Angiosperms (dicots: separate-petalled). P. 210.

3. Plant life / Ed. A. L. Takhtajan. M.: Enlightenment. 1981. T. 5 (2).

4. Elenevsky A.G., M.P. Solovyova, V.N. Tikhomirov // Botany. Systematics of higher or terrestrial plants. M. 2004. 420 p.

5. Peshkova G.I., Shreter A.I. Plants in home cosmetics and dermatology. M. 2001. 684 p.

6. Skvortsov V.E. Flora of Central Russia. M. 2004. 481 p.

7. Shantser I.A. plants middle zone European Russia (Field Atlas). M. Publishing house KMK. 2007. 470 p.

For the bright ones yellow leaves The spring guillemot has received many nicknames among the people: spring buttercup, buttercup guillemot, chicken-leaf, butterflower, early lettuce, poisonous leaf, toadgrass, pshonka, hare's lettuce, guillemot.

The plant grows in the forest zone of Eurasia. Often found near water bodies, in meadows, in bushes, among trees. Cultivated varieties of guillemot are grown on private plots. They are distinguished by terry lush inflorescences and multi-colored leaves.


Spring chistyak refers to perennial plants from the Buttercup family. The calyxes of the flowers are among the first to bloom, which is why it is considered a primrose.

Chistyacha has a low-growing stem 10–20 cm high. Part of the shoot spreads along the ground. Leaf blades round-heart-shaped, from 2 to 4 cm in diameter. They are attached to the stem using long petioles. The surface of the leaves is shiny, light green in color.

The flowers are bright yellow in color and large in size (2.5–3.5 cm in diameter). IN botanical description the flower formula is indicated: CH5L5T∞P, which means 5 sepals and 5 petals, stamens and pistil. Flowering lasts 10–15 days. After its completion, the fruit is formed. Morphologically it represents a composite nut.

The green vegetative part of the plant quickly dies, so the chistyak is considered ephemeral. Remains in the soil root system, consisting of thread-like roots and 10–30 grayish tubers. The nodules are pear-shaped. They are small in size: 10–25 mm in length.


Spring guillemot is able to reproduce with the help of:

  • brood buds;
  • fruits;
  • rhizomes

Brood buds are located in the axils of the leaves. By appearance they resemble millet grains. After the leaves dry out, the buds fall to the ground and spread groundwater across the territory. This method of reproduction is the main one.

The fruits ripen in late spring. They have fleshy, odorous appendages that attract ants. Insects take away the seeds and thus contribute to the spread of the plant. This method is called myrmecochory.

Beneficial features

Studies of the chemical composition of the plant showed the presence in it:

  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • Sahara;
  • starch;
  • carotene;
  • saponins;
  • anemonina.

The beneficial substances contained in the cleaner have led to its use as pharmacological agent in folk medicine. TO medicinal properties herbs include:

  • diuretic;
  • laxative;
  • expectorant;
  • wound healing;
  • blood purifying.

Along with this, poisonous alkaloids - cholerythrine and chelidonine - were found in the grass.


In homeopathy, fresh leaves and young roots of the plant are used. They help in the treatment of a wide range of diseases:

  • diathesis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • polyarthritis;
  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis.

Ointments, decoctions, and tea are made based on the vegetative parts of the plant. An ointment made from a mixture of crushed greens and fat is considered an antidote to snake bites. The bitten area is lubricated with it. The drug has a resolving effect on tumors, compactions, and lumps. The ointment is used as an anti-inflammatory agent for colds. It has found application in cosmetology to solve dermatological problems - cleanses the skin of rashes and relieves irritation.

The ability of the herb to thin phlegm during a strong cough is used to treat inflammation of the respiratory tract. The wound-healing properties of the cleaner help with dental diseases. Rinse your mouth with a decoction of the herb. In addition, it makes it possible to get rid of warts and scabies. Compresses soaked in the broth are applied to ulcers and wounds.

A mixture of fresh chistyak juice with milk has a preventive effect against spring vitamin deficiency, saturating the body with vitamin C. A decoction of dried parts of the herb is added to warm baths that are made for treatment skin diseases.

Chistyak spring- Ficaria verna Huds. = F. ficaria subsp. bulbilifera

This plant of our flora is larger, blooms much later, and most importantly, is capable of reproducing at a fantastic speed. And not only with seeds, but also with tiny bulbs that even appear on flower stalks.

A characteristic representative of deciduous forests, it grows in rich soil in damp forests, along streams, in wet meadows and ravines, often abundantly. It is found in the European part within the forest zone, as well as in the Caucasus, Western Siberia, Central Asia(Tian Shan); outside Russia - in Western Europe.

A perennial with a stem 15 - 30 cm high, deciduous, thin, ascending, few-flowered and a bunch of tuberous ovate-oblong roots. The leaves are rounded-heart-shaped, up to 2-5 cm in diameter, the lower edges are notched-angular-crenate, long-petiolate, the upper leaves are short-petiolate, angular-heart-shaped. The leaf blade is somewhat fleshy, glossy green on top. Small brood buds in the form of nodules mostly develop in the leaf axils. The flowers are regular, with a double perianth. A calyx of three yellowish-white or yellowish-greenish thin-filmed leaves. Eight to twelve elliptical petals up to 18 mm long, yellow, at the base with a honey pit covered with scales. Stamens and styles are numerous. The fruits are obovate, fluffy, swollen at the top, with a very short nose. Blooms in April - May.

An early spring plant with a short growing season. It actively reproduces vegetatively with the help of axillary nodules - buds ("brood buds") and tuberous roots. When the above-ground parts of the plant die, the brood buds remain lying on the soil surface, covered with leaves, and in the next growing season they give rise to new plants. Thanks to this method of reproduction, guillemot individuals grow in groups, often forming large clusters. It blooms profusely, but only in well-lit places can fruits be found, and then in small quantities. Insect-pollinated plant. The fruits have a juicy appendage at the base, thanks to which ants take them apart. IN natural conditions the seeds germinate in the spring. The following spring, the first ovoid-shaped leaf appears - obtuse at the top, slightly heart-shaped at the base. These plants are almost impossible to distinguish from young specimens that arose vegetatively from brood buds.

Photo by Mikhail Polotnov

It’s easy to bring such a plant into the garden, but getting rid of it is unthinkable. So spring grass can only be planted among shrubs or trees, being sure that there will never be a rock garden or even an ordinary flower bed in the garden. And it’s better not to bring it to the site at all. In the end, the cleaner will get to the neighbors, and they are unlikely to be happy with such a “gift.”

What can you say about the national collection of finches, which has scientific status? There is one in Devonshire (England). It has more than 150 forms and varieties. The best of them total number 47, available for sale. The color of the flowers varies from white (4 varieties) and cream (5) to dark orange (2).

And " Fried Egg"("Fried Egg"), I just want to translate "Scrambled Eggs" - White flower with a bright yellow center. There are unusual green flowers, simple and even double (5 varieties). Except " Flora Pleno"("Flore Pkno") with a dense yellow pompom there is a terry "daisy" " Double Bronze" ("Double Bronze1); " Collarette"("Collarette") with a small pompom in the center; white " Double White" ("Double White") and " Ken Aslet"("Ken Aslet").

The leaves can be not only different shades of green, but also silver - " Sheldon Silve p" ("Sheldon Silver"), bronze (8 grades), variegated with white and yellow spots(3). Moreover, all these characteristics are found in different combinations. For example, " Copperknob"("Coppernob") - orange flowers and bronze leaves. Different shades of cream flowers combined with bronze leaves, at least " Crawshay Cream"("Crawshay Cream").

And there are also chistyaks with leaves like holly, for example, " Holly Bronze"("Holly Bronze"). Or such a delight - miniature forms only 7 cm high (4 names).

Spring buttercup- Ranunculus ficaria (lat.)
a species of herbaceous plants from the genus Buttercup of the Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae).
Previously, this species was classified in the genus Ficaria.
Russian and Latin name:
SPRING GUY - Ficaria verna Huds.

We come across a frequently occurring flower at every step. in early spring Its tenderness and brightness begins to delight the eye with its delicate leaves and bright yellow flowers - stars, as soon as the sun warms up the stars bloom.
COMMON NAME: Latin name Buttercup Ranunculus literally means “little frog,” but the second name for the spring buttercup, “chistyak,” most likely happened because buttercups were used to treat skin diseases, and in particular warts.
Other names: spring buttercup - poisonous leaf, millet, lettuce, butterflower, toadflower, early lettuce adonis, Fierce Color, night blindness, Buttercup - fierce, poisonous, Dentarius - poisonous tooth, ram tooth; Aryan tooth(this is what the Romans called the flower, since the Germanic Aryans were their enemies)

IN different periods The growth of the plant is both edible and poisonous. So, before flowering begins, in early spring, Buttercup is edible. But a little later, during the flowering period and seed-formation, poisonous alkaloids chelidonine and cholerythrine appear in the plant. Hence different names lettuce guillemot, chickweed, toadgrass, spring guillemot and buttercup guillemot, i.e. poisonous……..
Pharmacy name: herb - Ranunculi ficariae herba (formerly: Herba Ranunculi ficariae).

BOTAN,DESCRIPTION: Perennial herbaceous plant. The stem is 25-30 cm high, covered with leaves, thin, ascending, few-flowered, with a bunch of tuberous roots.
The leaves are very decorative: rounded-heart-shaped, glossy green, up to 5 cm in diameter, the lower ones are angular-crenenate, long-petiolate, the upper ones are short-petiolate, heart-shaped-angular.
Spreads over the soil surface like a whole carpet. Pollinated by insects.
The fruits are obovate, fluffy, swollen at the top, with a very short nose, and, as a rule, are formed only in well-lit places. The fruits have a succulent appendage at the base, thanks to which ants spread throughout the garden.
When the above-ground parts of the plant die, the brood buds remain lying on the soil surface, covered with leaves, and in the next growing season they give rise to new plants. Thanks to this method of reproduction, individuals of the clearweed grow in groups, often forming large clusters, turning into a malicious weed. It blooms in the spring in April-May along with snowdrops, by the way. Like all types of buttercups, it is very poisonous. Before flowering, the buttercup is not so dangerous, it can even be used as a salad dressing.
Flower characteristics:
Blooms in April-May. The flowers are bright yellow, fade over time to almost white, on rather short pedicels. The flowers are located at the ends of the stems, solitary, look like bright yellow stars, the upper side of the petals is oily and shiny. Flowers up to 3.5 cm in diameter, solitary, regular. The calyx consists of 3 sepals, the corolla - of 6-12 petals. The fruit is a multi-nut. The nuts are pear-shaped, light yellow.
The seeds ripen in July. It reproduces by seeds, nodules, and brood buds formed in the axils of stem leaves. This plant of our flora is larger, blooms much later, and most importantly, is capable of reproducing at a fantastic speed. And not only with seeds, but also with tiny bulbs that even appear on flower stalks.
It’s easy to bring such a plant into the garden, but getting rid of it is unthinkable. So spring grass can only be planted among shrubs or trees, being sure that there will never be a rock garden or even an ordinary flower bed in the garden. And it’s better not to bring it to the site at all. In the end, the cleaner will get to the neighbors, and they are unlikely to be happy with such a “gift.”

HABITAT Spring buttercup is widespread mainly in countries with cold climates, choosing damp places for its place of residence; it likes to settle near rivers, in wet meadows, in ravines and even in swamps.
Distribution: in the European part within the forest zone from the Atlantic coast in the west to Western Siberia in the east, as well as in the Caucasus, Central Asia (Tian Shan).
Parts used: fresh grass. Small brood buds similar to nodules develop in the leaf axils. Tubers are most often consumed after the plant blooms, although they can be collected in early spring.
Although little has been studied, it has been found that buttercup leaves contain a very toxic substance - protoanemonin. This substance has a very negative effect on horses. This substance also has a pungent odor and pungent taste. If you happen to inhale the vapors of this substance - your Airways and the eyes will become irritated, a runny nose, suffocation, spasms of the laryngeal muscles and lacrimation will appear.
The following substances were also found in buttercup leaves: ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamin C, alkaloids, saponins. The fruits contain fatty oil. The flowers contain carotenoids, better known as carotene epoxide, xanthophyll epoxide, flavoxanthin, taraxanthin, chrysanthemumaxanthin.
Leaves contain up to 190 mg% vitamin C, 5 mg/o carotene, 0.02/o essential oil, 0.73/about triterpene saponins, alkaloids.
Protoanemonin was found in fresh plants, and anemonin in dry plants. Root tubers contain 13.5/about starch and up to 10% sugars, up to 1.8/about saponins, vitamin C
Due to the fact that chistyak is one of the first spring plants containing vitamin C, it has long been used as a so-called blood-purifying spring salad.
So, before flowering begins, in early spring, you can prepare salads from chistyak, after boiling it in salt water. Boiled chistyak is used to prepare pastes, put in green borscht, soups, botvinya, pickled, salted and dried. But somewhat later, during the period of flowering and seed formation, the poisonous alkaloids chelidonine and cholerythrine appear in the plant.
Despite its toxicity, buttercup is quite popular in medicine, of course, in small doses.
For example, protoanemonin, when applied topically, causes necrosis and irritation, while in small doses it stimulates activity nervous system, increases the number of red blood cells, increases the hemoglobin content in the blood. Also, it has fungistatic and antimicrobial effects. Antimicrobial against staphylococcus, E. coli and white mold.
Still in small doses, buttercup has a tonic, analgesic, and wound-healing effect. Also, the flower is successfully used in the treatment of skin tuberculosis.

Buttercup is used often, but in small doses.
*If animals eat buttercups, poisoning and even death can occur.
*But the most poisonous part of the spring buttercup is its root.
*If you enter the root individual species buttercup in the vagina of a pregnant woman, a miscarriage occurs.
The active toxic substance in buttercup is called protoanemonin (anemonol). When taken orally, it causes severe irritation to the digestive tract and kidneys.
*When used externally, skin burns may occur.
Harmful effects can be eliminated with oil walnut, sugar and melted butter.
Despite its toxicity, spring buttercup is honey plant, attracts bees and insects in spring.
* For snake bites, the plant is crushed, mixed with lard and applied to the sore spot.
In spring, fresh chistyaka grass is used in folk medicine as a salad to replenish vitamin C deficiency, or the juice is squeezed out of it, which is then mixed with milk.
In folk medicine, chistyak plays an important role and as an independent medicine during courses of treatment to cleanse the blood.
-Very often the yellow flower was used for various diseases skin.
-Skin tuberculosis and scabies were treated with a decoction of buttercup.
-In addition, well-ground buttercup flowers and leaves were used instead of mustard plaster. But we should not forget that all these parts of the plant are poisonous. For example, you should avoid contact with wounds, cuts, and scratches.
- Also a good diuretic and mild laxative, helps with constipation and hemorrhoids.
-Its blood purifying and wound healing properties are known.
- The use of buttercup for headaches and neuralgic pain, gout, and rheumatism was quite popular.
-It was also used to treat burns, wounds, furunculosis - but this was in small doses.
* TEA from dry buttercup is less dangerous than fresh parts of the plant, since the caustic substances are destroyed when dried. Tea: 2-3 teaspoons of chistyaka herb are poured into 1/4 liter of water, heated slowly, brought to a boil and filtered. Take several times a day by sips to cleanse the skin for skin diseases or in the form of compresses. This tea is drunk several sips throughout the day to cleanse the skin, and warm baths are also made for individual areas of the skin, diluting it with the same amount of chamomile tea. This combination also helps with hemorrhoids (sitz baths).
*Buttercup helps well with heel spurs:
Brew the herb with boiling water and boil for 10 minutes, then pour the entire contents into a basin and steam your feet until the water cools.
*Caustic buttercup herb in the form of a condensed infusion is used for lotions and compresses for skin tuberculosis.
Infusion: 3 tbsp. tablespoons of the herb are infused for 3 hours in 0.5 liters of boiling water and used externally when warm.
**Umbilical hernia
Prepare a tincture of white buttercup flowers (pour a handful of flowers into 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for infusion). Take 1 tbsp. before eating.
**Buttercup extract has a bactericidal effect, activates the restoration and rejuvenation of skin cells. It can be used to wash your hair.
Attention!!! BUTTERCUPPS ARE POISONOUS! Therefore, consult your doctor first!
Side effects. Since the fresh plant contains some of the caustic substances characteristic of buttercups, avoid overdose, otherwise irritation of the stomach, intestines and kidneys may occur.

*Use of spring chistyak in cooking
Before flowering begins, in early spring, you can prepare salads from chistyako, after boiling it in salt water. Boiled chistyak is used to prepare pastes, put in green borscht, soups, botvinya, pickled, salted and dried.
-Unblown flower buds of chistyaka, marinated with cloves, are used as capers.
-You can make a coffee drink from the roasted nodules.
-Leaves and stems of chistyaka are harvested for cooking in April-May, for salads - after the plants flower, from the second half of May.
-The nodules are collected immediately after the snow melts, before the plants begin to grow, or at the end of June, after they wither. Buttercup tubers are used to make soups and, when boiled, are used in salads and vinaigrettes.
For winter use, they are boiled and, in this form, salted in a concentrated salt solution; the nodules are also dried or pickled.
In Western Europe flower buds Chistyaka is pickled with vinegar and consumed like capers. Young shoots are used as salad and seasoning.
In Transcaucasia and Central Asia, the common millet (Ficaria falcicularis C. Koch.) is found. Its juicy leaves have a pungent taste and are used by the local population as a spicy seasoning.

THE MAGIC of Spring Chistyak

Planet:- Sun, Mercury, Neptune
Zodiac sign:- A lion
Element:- water
Language of flowers:-symbol of separation
Basic properties: - repels evil spirits
Collection and preparation
First of all, we need to think about safety rules - after all, the buttercup is poisonous, and we will have to handle it. This means that you need to clearly know that it is better to pick buttercups with gloves on and immediately put them in a basket or somewhere else.
The buttercup is harvested when its fruits are already formed, but the yellow flowers are still visible. You need to tear off, or even better, cut off the stem of the plant with scissors or a knife, carefully, trying not to uproot it - we don’t need it, and a new flower will grow in this place.
Having collected the flowers, sort them out and wash them if possible, especially if you need buttercup flowers for medicinal purposes.
Under no circumstances should you dry it in the sun! The sun will simply dry out the grass, and all its substances will evaporate, they will simply disappear. If you put it somewhere in the shade, all the substances will remain in the plant, and it will be suitable for the potion. It is not necessary to cut the buttercup, but it is better that the leaves are whole and the flowers too - because we will always have time to erase them into dust, but what if whole parts are needed?.. So, be careful and careful when preparing the buttercup.
For magical purposes - collect in the third phase of the Lena, at sunrise, by dew. Gathering with the Sun in the sign of Leo and the Moon in the sign of Leo, or with the Sun in the sign of Taurus and the Moon in the sign of Gemini.

In magic, buttercup is most often used for poison potions.
And this, of course, is all because of that very toxic substance - protoanemonin. Buttercup is very convenient to use for poisoning, because if you put in enough of this flower, a person will instantly be poisoned and is unlikely to survive.
Thus, a person who drinks or eats a large number of buttercup, literally doomed.
Buttercups are very unpretentious and grow almost everywhere, that is, getting a buttercup will not cause any problems.
It is practically impossible to escape, and this is not comforting, but you can just be careful and not drink anything that came from the hands of people who arouse suspicion.

Myths and legends:
Buttercup grows where frogs live. The goddess Leto (mother of Artemis and Apollo), running away from the serpent sent by Hera, could not find shelter for childbirth. Angry at the inhabitants of one village who did not even give her water, she turned them into frogs. And she settled them among the buttercups.
Everyone remembers Shakespeare's immortal tragedy "Romeo and Juliet". It was from the buttercup that the potion was prepared, which the pharmacist gave to Juliet so that she would fall into a sleep that was so similar to death.
They say that in ancient times Satan tried to hide among the buttercups from the Archangel Michael. And this is precisely why buttercup became so “evil”.
Buttercup - flower pagan god Ancient Rus'- Perun, patron of the Russian army.

There is such a legend:
“The daughter of a merchant, rich but greedy, really wanted to get married. Her father refused to marry her to his beloved, a decent but poor guy. In a fit of despair, the girl scattered her father’s gold coins, they sprouted and turned into buttercups.”

There is even a belief that whoever finds a buttercup will bring wealth to him. Some people even specially plant buttercups in their garden so that wealth will come

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