High-quality tiles made in Russia. Which ceramic tiles are better: consider major manufacturers, advantages and disadvantages

, Italon, Grasaro, Jade-Ceramics, Kerama Marazzi, Uralceramics, Kerabud, Shakhty tiles);

  • Foreign enterprises that opened tile production in Russia (Cersanit, ColiseumGres, LB-Ceramics).
  • Why domestic tiles are of poor quality

    Let's start our story with the first category of domestic tile manufacturers. These are those enterprises that, for one reason or another, could not or did not want to switch to new technology production of ceramic tiles. There may be several reasons for this. From a banal lack of funds to re-equip production facilities, to a simple reluctance to change anything. It would seem that time dictates new requirements. Low-quality Russian tiles cannot be in demand in a competitive environment, but this is not entirely true.

    As in Soviet times, today there is a fairly large segment of consumers who do not prioritize design and high specifications ceramics, and its cost. In addition, consumers of low-budget domestic tiles are construction organizations carrying out “social repairs” in new buildings and large chain construction stores, which Low price product required to attract buyers.

    Outdated equipment does not allow such manufacturers to produce tiles high density and large format. This means that they only produce 15x15 cm wall tiles, known to us since Soviet times. Tile blanks are sent to ovens for metal mesh, which bends under the influence of temperature. As a result, the tiles come out of the oven uneven. The lack of automation does not make it possible to regulate the composition clay mixture, so the tile shrinks unevenly during sintering. Coarse dyes and control of their dosage in manual mode lead to serious discrepancies in the color of the finished product.

    Tiles from manufacturers who work the old fashioned way are truly the most affordable. But having acquired it, you must be ready to the fact that, for example, bathroom tiles from Russia will not be consistent in size and will vary significantly in color scheme, and its design will leave much to be desired. For this reason, you will not be able to buy Russian tiles from these manufacturers in our store.

    High-quality Russian tiles are no longer a myth!

    We conditionally included in the second category of domestic manufacturers those Russian enterprises that are trying to keep up with the times. They began to master new technologies, updated production lines , began to purchase dyes for glazes abroad. Maybe not immediately, but over time, ceramic tiles from Russia has approached the quality of imported analogues, occupying the middle price segment of the market.

    As for the design of these products, most factories order the design of their collections from specialized agencies in Italy and Spain. The updated equipment park allows such Russian enterprises to use when decorating tiles silk-screen printing, computer printing, lustration and gilding technologies. Modern high-temperature kilns, the use of double and single firing technologies, and the use of computer control over product quality allowed them to produce tiles in a variety of formats and for various purposes.

    Not having sufficient production capacity to produce the entire range of ceramics, some Russian factories are forced to resort to outsourcing. They produce only background tiles, and decorative elements are produced to order at other enterprises. This practice is also used in Europe. With strict adherence to technology, as a rule, the quality of the product does not suffer from this.

    European tiles made in Russia, is this possible?

    This segment of Russian manufacturers tiles can be called the most advanced. Joint ventures with foreign capital have access to the most latest developments in the ceramic industry. Foreign investments, plus operating experience accumulated abroad, allow such factories to produce high-quality products.

    Such manufacturers are aimed simultaneously at both domestic and European consumers. Therefore, factories carry out strict quality control of manufactured ceramic tiles. Production capacity located on the territory of the Russian Federation, help reduce the cost of tiles, which increases its competitiveness in the European market.

    What is the price of tiles from Russia?

    As we have already said, the cheapest building tile is called SSK (grade agreed with the client). That is, tiles, to reduce the cost of which the technology was changed during the production process. Its quality does not stand up to criticism, so we do not sell such tiles.

    Modern Russian enterprises use the same materials in the production process as foreign ones. High quality clay is mined directly in Russia; some companies even own clay mines. The tile production technology is also at the European level, and costs tiles from Russia inexpensively: sometimes two to three times cheaper than imported analogues. Why is this happening?

    This can be explained by three reasons. Firstly, each manufacturer has its own pricing policy. Secondly, labor in Russia is much cheaper than in Europe. Thirdly, delivery of tiles from abroad is very expensive and accounts for the lion’s share of its cost. Therefore, Russian ceramic tiles have the most objective prices.

    Russian-made tiles - decent quality at an affordable price

    Recently, the situation on the Russian ceramic tile market changed dramatically in better side . Domestic tiles have become an excellent alternative to imported tiles, which we are incredibly happy about. Now in the ProfiPlitka online store you can safely buy ceramic tiles from Russian manufacturers. Its quality is beyond doubt, and its price offer remains the most interesting.

    In fact, the only thing that is difficult for a buyer to visually evaluate when choosing is compliance with production technology, durability of the design, durability decorative coatings, compliance of the declared characteristics with real ones. All this depends on the quality of production, adherence to technology, reputation of the manufacturer, equipment used, materials for production. This means that it is worth deciding in advance on your priorities regarding the manufacturer’s brand, and building your own rating of the best in terms of price and quality of products.

    Recognized market leaders

    Spain (Ceramica, Infinity Ceramic, Aparisi, Ceramica Gomez, Pamesa, Novogres)

    Unconditionally the best among the world's manufacturers of ceramic tiles have been for many decades. Almost all of them are located in the province of Castellon. About 30,000 people work here in factories that produce ceramics and export them around the world.

    Here in production a mixture is used traditional technologies, modern equipment and constant development of new materials and components that allow us to obtain new properties and qualities of products. In particular, new developments concern methods of applying patterns: one of the latest achievements has been digital four-color printing, which allows you to transfer a design onto a tile with high realism and does not affect the performance characteristics coverings.

    As for the price, it is unlikely that you will be able to find cheap Spanish tiles, but still price category can be completely different. They offer both elite collections, produced in small batches, and mass-produced tiles, which nevertheless remain the best in their class today. When choosing real Spanish tiles, you can be 100% sure of the high quality of the material.

    Italy (Valverde, Cersaie, Tilegres, Saloni)

    Famous all over the world and... Tile manufacturing technologies came to this country from neighboring Spain, so local production traditions are no less ancient than those of leader No. 1. When developing the design of their collections, the Italians managed to add a unique national temperament and charm to the impeccable quality of their products. Combined with advanced production technologies, the boundless creativity of Italian masters set them apart from the equally unique and colorful collections of Spanish masters. They have firmly occupied their niche in this area.

    The hallmark of Italian ceramics has become tiles made to look like natural stone, with rich, accurate colors and excellent quality of veining. Spanish tiles draw much more attention to themselves in the interior; Italian designers strive to convey their emotions and creative impulses just as brightly, but at the same time more restrained and conservative.

    Germany (Agrob, Boizenburg, Steuler, Jasba)

    German tiles are not very widely represented on the Russian market with inexpensive collections, but among exclusive ceramics there is enough big choice discreet, respectable series. It is one of the best views tiles imitating wood and stone. The presented collections mainly use pastel shades in a classic style.

    The key advantages of all the presented leaders in the steel tile production industry:

    1. high resistance to temperature influences,
    2. resistance to chipping, cracking,
    3. strength,
    4. immunity to aggressive environments,
    5. high hardness,
    6. resistance to abrasive substances.

    They differ significantly from each other in design solutions, technologies used for applying a decorative layer, materials of manufacture (therefore, each specific brand has its own strengths and weak sides), but the impeccable technical characteristics remain unchanged.

    The best tiles in the mid-price category

    IN in this case We invite you to pay attention to the best in the category “reasonable price - high quality" Almost all factories and plants, regardless of what country they are located in, use Italian equipment and technology in their work. This is a quality product that fits all operational requirements. The range of products presented in this category allows you to implement virtually any design idea.

    Poland (Cersanit, Opoczno, Ceramika Paradyz, Polcolorit)

    It is always in high demand and successfully competes in the market with Italians and Spaniards. Its main advantage: similar quality at a significantly lower cost. Such price policy due to a number of objective reasons: geographical location, low transport costs, lower production costs.

    Aesthetic appeal, practicality and resistance to chemicals- the main characteristics that determine the success of Polish factories. At the same time, for each of the collections it is worth noting the clearly designed decor, smooth surfaces of the tiles without the slightest deformation. As practice shows, even professionals cannot always distinguish Polish tiles from, for example, Italian ones in terms of quality.

    Russia (Kerama-Marazzi, Shakhty tiles, Sokol)

    Domestic manufacturers are confidently conquering the ceramic tile market, gradually displacing more expensive, but not always the same quality brands. In most cases, like Polish factories, they work on Italian equipment.

    The joint Russian-Italian production of Kerama-Marazzi is confidently in the lead due to compliance with all the subtleties of ceramic manufacturing technology, inexpensive domestic raw materials, low production costs when working together on produced collections with Italian designers.

    One cannot but rejoice at the richness of the textures offered (wood, textiles, stone), the quality and variety of styles of the products. It is worth recognizing that there are only a few manufacturers of this level at the moment, but the active development of many other enterprises is also obvious.

    A modern bathroom is harmonious combination sanitary equipment and finishing materials. One of the most popular and irreplaceable options for many design solutions today is ceramic tile. No other cladding gives rise to so many different ideas. But consumers, in order to make a choice in favor of a specific product, should take into account many factors, including knowledge about the manufacturer. It is worth noting that domestic tiles for the bathroom, practically does not differ from tiles produced in other countries, and therefore it does not always make sense to overpay for a European brand.

    When making a choice in favor of a specific product, you should review in more detail the information about the products presented at construction markets and in supermarkets. You can start by carefully studying the ratings of bath tile manufacturers. In addition, it would be a good idea to read the reviews left by consumers for the products you like.

    The best manufacturers of bath tiles

    Modern hardware stores offer consumers a wide range of products facing tiles. It differs not only in shape, design and quality, but also in the country producing these products. If we talk about the leading products in sales, then of course it will be imported tiles for the bathroom. And Italy deservedly takes first place in the list of manufacturing countries.

    It is the manufacturers of Italian ceramic tiles who dictate the directions and development trends for this industry. After all, new ideas are born here, which later become trends for the whole world. On many Italian factories Handmade products are still produced.

    Spain confidently occupies second place in the ranking. Tiles produced in this country are practical, durable and highly durable. On the territory of the state there are deposits of unique clay, which, thanks to special firing, acquires unsurpassed qualities. The production of bath tiles is carried out in more than 300 factories located throughout the country, which allows Spain to occupy a leading position in the export of wall tiles to the world market.

    The third position in the list of world leaders in tile production should be given to Poland. Products from manufacturing plants from this country are represented quite widely in our stores. Many experts call Polish tiles the standard of quality, because their production harmoniously combines modern innovations and age-old traditions. The peculiarity of ceramic tiles is that they have a reduced cost, but at the same time decent quality.

    We should not forget that there are domestic ceramic tiles for the bathroom. Russian manufacturers offer quite a wide the lineup their products. The tiles have a low cost, but, of course, despite the huge number of manufacturing plants, not every one of them can boast of the excellent quality of their products. This is due to the fact that some factories use low-grade material and do not have high-tech equipment. In cases where both raw materials and technology are of a decent level, then the produced tiles deserve attention.

    Top manufacturers of ceramic tiles

    Almost every country has its own companies and factories producing facing tiles. In large European countries, the number of factories often reaches 300-400 units. And it can be quite difficult to figure out which manufacturers of bathroom tiles actually produce high-quality products and which do not. Experts who have been working in this field for many years offer to get acquainted with the most common brands of leading countries.

    It is the products from these manufacturers that are considered the most popular and of high quality. Each collection produced at the listed factories is distinguished by its properties, characteristics and design. And today, choosing the products that suit a specific interior is not at all difficult.

    Main characteristics of tiles from different manufacturers

    Depending on the country of origin, ceramic tiles will have their own specific features and characteristics. Therefore, before making a choice of a specific product, it is worth familiarizing yourself in more detail with the main features of each type of product. Thus, domestic bathroom tiles have relatively low prices and a wide range of products. This is due to the fact that it is produced in factories located in our country, which means that manufacturers do not have to pay for delivery.

    Of course, for now Russian tiles have not reached the same level as European products, since Russia does not yet have centuries-old traditions and principles for manufacturing facing material, and raw materials are not always used top level. But joint Russian-European factories produce durable and resistant facing products. In ready-made collections, neutral shades predominate, but the number of special design delights is minimal.

    Polish ceramic tiles It is also distinguished by its low cost compared to European products. But, at the same time, these are quite high-quality and durable products. Manufacturers of bathroom tiles from Poland offer collections decorated with Slavic motifs, that is, there are patterns and ornaments characteristic of this style. In general, the design is quite diverse, and you can find an option for any interior.

    Italian products belongs to the category of designer products. It is in this country that the latest style developments are born that dictate fashion to the rest of the world. Besides the original color design, the products are different and non-standard sizes and forms. These can be larger tiles, or slightly curved, and are also often found with jagged edges, which looks quite stylish and unusual in the interior.

    It is Italian tiles that most reliably convey textures various materials. It is especially worth noting collections with imitation of natural objects - aged ceramics, wood, leather or minerals. Perhaps the only drawback that distinguishes imported bath tiles is the rather high price of the product.

    This minus can also be attributed to Spanish tiles, which are a fairly common finishing material all over the world. Products from leading manufacturing plants embody a harmonious combination of aristocracy and sophisticated style with bright decor and simplicity of form. The peculiarity of the collections is large quantities decorative elements. Just like Italian tiles, products from this country have a wide variety of textures - from natural stone before imitation of any textiles.

    Ceramic tile produced in many countries, including major European countries such as Italy, Spain, England, Germany or Belgium, as well as in Africa and Asia. Sometimes, when you go to a construction supermarket, it is very difficult to make a choice in favor of one product. But if you purchase products from leading manufacturers, you can always be sure that the repairs made will last long years and will only bring a feeling of coziness and comfort.

    Relatively recently Russian market ceramic tiles brought to the attention of consumers products produced mostly abroad. But today the situation has changed somewhat and the phrase – ceramic tiles, Russia – is increasingly associated with Russian brands. Enterprises and factories producing ceramics in the Russian Federation have reached a competitive level and present products that are comparable or even in some ways superior to Western brands.

    This “breakthrough” of Russian factories producing ceramic tiles is explained by the fact that they began to successfully cooperate with foreign colleagues, not only adopting their experience, but also inviting technologists and designers of famous Spanish and Italian brands to cooperate.

    In addition, a wide range of collections and high quality ceramic cladding are explained by the fact that well-known factories for the production of ceramic tiles have equipment installed in the very modern version and employs specially trained, highly qualified personnel.

    There are no monopolists in the production of ceramics in the Russian Federation and, apparently, none are expected. Manufacturers of ceramic tiles are presented big amount enterprises, including Kerama Marazzi, Sokol plant, Stroyfarfor OJSC, Voronezh and Volgograd ceramic factories, Azori.

    The domestic ceramic tile factory, called "Sokol", founded at the beginning of the last century, supplies its products both to the domestic market and exports them to European countries. Keeps up with "Falcon" and Azori, production workshops which are located in St. Petersburg. Both enterprises are equipped with equipment of Italian and Spanish origin, and maintain partnerships with ceramic manufacturers in these countries.

    The Velor ceramic tile production plant is located in the city of Orel. It belongs to the Kerama Marazzi group from the world-famous Italian concern Marazzi Group. The same group includes a plant producing ceramic granite in the Moscow region - Kerama Marazzi. The sales volumes of these enterprises in Russia are impressive, reaching several million m2 of various ceramic tiles per year.

    According to official statistics among the best manufacturers OJSC Stroyfarfor is the leader in ceramic tiles in Russia - in terms of sales of its ceramics trademark"Shakhtinskaya tiles". The company has its own clay deposit not far from the main production in the Rostov region, and quartz sand is also mined there. In addition, raw materials are supplied from Ukraine and other Russian regions.

    Extraction of clay for the production of ceramic tiles under the Shakhtinskaya Plitka trademark at its own quarry

    The Volgograd ceramic tile plant has a sales volume slightly less than its closest competitors; it produces decorative borders, also facing floor tiles and ceramics for walls.

    The Voronezh Ceramic Factory, which also actively offers its products on the Russian ceramics market, has its own state-of-the-art laboratory for the production of ceramic dyes; Spanish raw materials are used in production.

    Percentage share of each enterprise in the production of domestic ceramic tiles

    About the quality of Russian ceramic tiles

    Mostly ceramic tiles Russian production is different great design and excellent quality. It consists of quartz sand, feldspar, chalk and other components, the extraction of which on an industrial scale is carried out only in the Russian Federation. Thanks to them, ceramic tiles in Russia are gaining special properties, surpassing even foreign samples in terms of strength and reliability.

    Russian tiles can withstand quite serious mechanical influences, it does not crack or crumble; also, manufacturers of ceramic tiles in Russia, in the struggle for consumers, are releasing more and more new collections, distinguished by a special unique design.

    Due to climatic conditions the country is quite harsh, Decoration Materials for outdoor use must withstand all weather conditions. For domestic manufacturers, the technology for producing ceramic tiles used in facade decoration is no longer something unattainable. Latest development Russian specialists - ceramics that can withstand even ultra-low temperatures. She is also not afraid of any precipitation; she tolerates both rain and snow equally well.

    Competent pricing policy

    Another advantage that ceramic tiles have: Russia - inexpensive! That is, the price of Russian products is quite affordable. And not because the quality is worse - Russian ceramics are in no way inferior to their counterparts from abroad. And for the reason that the sales market and production are located in the same country, which means there are no duties. That is why the best finishing materials in this segment are available to consumers at a “beautiful” price.

    Selection of finishing ceramics

    Despite the fact that ceramic tiles, produced in Russia, have already established themselves as excellent material for finishing, there are also pitfalls here.

    You should not buy products from unknown manufacturers, even if their price seems very nice. Momentary savings can turn out to be significant costs in future.

    Combination only famous brand and a relatively low price will guarantee that finishing ceramics will meet absolutely all stated criteria.

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