Ipb is new in interior decoration. Water based paints


Anyone who has done repairs at least once in their life can say with full confidence that it is better to survive such a “global flood” with professionals. Moreover, the ease of working with them, manifested in the prompt determination of the required volumes and assessment of upcoming services, as well as the possibility of bargaining over costs and rates, allows you to save money, not to mention saving time, effort and nerves. Another indisputable advantage of working with professionals is the constant monitoring and application innovative technologies under repair.


Template one-room apartments, Khrushchev, two-room, three-room, communal apartments did not leave much to the imagination, not to mention the likelihood of preferring to remodel the apartment, selecting the interior and design to your taste. But our lives are changing, and today we have waited for more advanced materials for renovating our apartments, which seemed unattainable and non-existent to us. This includes modern suspended ceilings, liquid wallpaper, decorative plaster, 3D floors, walls, etc.


Widely used throughout the world for more than half a century, glass wallpaper has relatively recently appeared on the market. Russian market. They are in constant demand among those who are planning apartment renovations due to their first-class operational characteristics, How:

alkali and acid resistance


fire safety

vapor permeability

environmental friendliness.

Renovate apartments It's a pleasure to use this material! In addition, glass wallpaper reinforces the wall, preventing the appearance and growth of cracks, and they are also resistant to concentrated disinfectants. The material is based on fiberglass obtained from glass melted at a temperature of one thousand two hundred degrees. Raw materials used for the production of glass wallpaper: quartz sand, dolomite, soda, lime - safe, hypoallergenic materials that prevent the proliferation of microorganisms and do not release toxic substances into the environment.

The uniqueness of the coating is that it can be used on any surface: metal, concrete, brick, plasterboard, wood, chipboard. Sheets of glass wallpaper perfectly hide small irregularities, cracks, interpanel seams and other flaws, forming a perfectly smooth and even surface. After gluing, the fiberglass wallpaper is allowed to dry thoroughly for one day. Then the repair is continued by painting the surface with latex, acrylic or water-based paints using a roller.

Obviously, apartment renovation is associated with significant financial and time costs. But glass wallpaper is exactly that good-quality and durable option that will allow you to not have to worry about repairs for several years! They can be repainted up to 12 times without losing the relief of the design. Fiberglass wallpaper is used in residential buildings, medical institutions, hotels and offices, since the coating allows you to give the room an aesthetic modern look and maintains its optimal microclimate.


Plaster can be applied to almost any surface. The coverage possibilities are extremely wide. Plaster can imitate marble with its shiny, smooth surface, it can reproduce delicate silk, look soft like velvet, create the effect of aged walls, leather, embossed paper, old stone, aged glass.

These qualities, combined with well-chosen color palette make decorative plasters practically perfect coverage for interior decoration. Apartment renovation requires significant labor costs, so the speed of applying plaster is an undeniable advantage of this type of finishing.

However, to carry out quality work, it is better to entrust the repair professional team of workers.

Other advantages are excellent performance properties, great opportunities for creativity, and, importantly, the relative cheapness of the material. Apartment renovation requires the most thoughtful and thorough approach, so it makes sense to inquire about the properties in advance various coatings. For example, decorative plaster is good because it does not “collect” dust, does not absorb odor or cigarette smoke, and is vapor permeable. All this makes decorative plaster very practical and durable coating. The strength of the material (abrasion) is many times higher than that for various types wallpaper and water-based paint.


Usage suspended ceilings is an innovation in itself, since they are regularly improved and gain mass positive qualities, starting from strength and durability of use, and ending with environmental friendliness and fire safety.

Innovative technologies used in production of suspended ceilings, include the relationship between environmental thought and advanced developments. Stretch ceilings are distinguished by such important characteristic like environmental friendliness. It has now been proven that suspended ceilings do not harm the human body even if it is in the room for a sufficient amount of time. long time. This is ensured by the “breathability” of the suspended ceiling fabric due to its special structure. In addition, harmful microbes cannot accumulate on them. It is also worth noting that PVC film does not release harmful substances into the environment.

That is why it is currently allowed installation of suspended ceilings both in medical and children's institutions. A special ceiling coating with an antistatic effect protects against dust accumulation. Its low thermal conductivity and high moisture resistance prevent the formation of water condensation and the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. It is worth emphasizing that the materials used in suspended ceilings, differ long term service and do not rot over time. At the same time, suspended ceilings are completely free of substances prohibited by SanPiN.

These results have been repeatedly confirmed by laboratory tests carried out on the fabric used for suspended ceilings. The production technology of French linen materials L’ete is based on the principles of protection environment and environmental friendliness. It is important that they do not require subsequent labor-intensive care. In addition, the polyvinyl chloride film used for production of suspended ceilings, is used quite widely, including in direct contact with food.

Currently, stretch ceilings with photo printing applied to them are an innovative new product. This innovation has been adopted by many designers, as it allows them to fully realize the grandiose ideas of a unique and extraordinary home interior.

By using this new product, the owner of an apartment or house will be able to emphasize his bright personality and impress your guests. main feature This innovation lies in the possibility of choosing absolutely any pattern. However, it is worth choosing a pattern that can create a favorable atmosphere and energize positive energy, both household members and house guests. A correctly chosen pattern for photo printing on stretch ceilings will have a beneficial effect.

Innovative technologies in this area are attracting more and more new consumers, increasing the demand for stretch ceilings in general. They allow you to transform ceiling spaces into a gallery, making it a work of art. Manufacturing “to order” allows you to fully implement all innovative solutions in suspended ceilings, ranging from those aimed at the quality of the canvas, and ending with those that will visually transform your home. This also includes seamless, multi-level ceilings, various arches, tents, as well as technology "starry sky", so loved by many. With all the variety of offers, the choice is only yours.

Innovative finishing materials: technologies on the verge of science fiction

Just as ingredients cut up and piled up are not yet a festive dinner, so a faceless box with a roof is not yet a residential building. What makes a home truly habitable are all those tiny touches that appear over time: a path trodden in the grass to the porch, a slightly worn seat on the owner’s favorite chair, traces of ash in the fireplace. But before you move into your newly-made family nest and begin to equip it, you need to take care of the internal and exterior decoration- it is she who will create the ideal atmosphere for its residents in the cottage and clearly demonstrate to others the tastes of the owners.

The first finishing materials can be considered animal skins on stone walls caves This attribute certainly matches all functions modern finishes: practical, aesthetic, religious. Even though we live in a secular state, nevertheless, the personal beliefs and convictions of the inhabitants have a significant influence on the selection of artistic subjects for decoration, for example, walls. Natural materials such as stone, wood or clay have been used both for construction and for decorating houses since time immemorial, a prototype appeared a little later modern wallpaper, and archaeologists find remains of plaster in the ruins of palaces of ancient kingdoms. A modern buyer will not be surprised by a simple lamella, “lining” and even clinker stone; real originals and creatively minded individuals are hunting for ultra-modern developments that humanity did not dare to dream about just fifteen to twenty years ago.

Amazing wallpaper

Let's start with something simpler. Do you remember how you and your whole family hung wallpaper in homemade triangular newspaper hats? How did they try to join a drawing on two sections with four hands, and still, someone’s eye was treacherously let down, the canvas “moved”, and despite all the efforts the seam never turned out perfect? Well, you can forget about it - today the whole world uses seamless wallpaper - decorative ribbons, the width of which corresponds to the height of the room. Seamless wallpaper is glued not vertically, but horizontally, as a result the room takes on a neat and complete look.

Seamless textile wallpaper

Textiles, paper and vinyl are all familiar and old, but what about cork wallpaper made from pressed chips of cork tree bark? The main advantage of cork wallpaper is its absolute environmental friendliness. The material does not even require adhesive additives - when heat treatment Natural juice is released from the cork, which reliably holds the mass together; for water resistance, beeswax can be added to the material.

Cork wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper, in fact, are a type decorative plaster- they are applied to the wall with a regular spatula, like paint or varnish, and then smoothed into an even layer. Unlike traditional roll wallpaper, such coverage does not require preliminary preparation surfaces and even masks unevenness or micro-cracks in walls.

Liquid silk wallpaper

Innovative wall coverings

If the family has Small child, very soon all the horizontal surfaces in the house are covered with permanent markers. As they say, if outrage cannot be prevented, it must be led! Cover the walls with special marker paints and after a week, when the coating has hardened, you can draw on it like on a regular board.

Marker coating

Chalkboard paint turns the room into a huge school classroom - it is very convenient to write on such a surface with crayons.

Blackboard effect chalkboard paint

Finally, magnetic paint contains metal particles, all kinds of magnets can be sculpted on a wall painted with it, like on a refrigerator - only very, very large.

MagPaint coating

Antibacterial paint- a composition that purifies and disinfects air can be effectively used not only in specialized medical institutions, but also in children's rooms. The action of the composition is based on the principle of photocatalysis, which is triggered by exposure to light. You light a lamp and the air begins to rapidly clear.

Volumetric ceramic tile creates amazing visual effects, by alternating convex and concave sides, complex optical illusions are achieved, and the elements themselves are produced in hexagonal or even round shapes.

Volumetric ceramic tiles

The most unusual new items

Flexible stone- also a type of wallpaper. As the name implies, this coating truly completely imitates not only aesthetic, but also practical properties natural stone: this material is durable, wear-resistant, does not fade in the sun and is not afraid of mechanical damage. At the same time, the walls look as if they were really hewn from natural marble or granite.

Flexible stone

Real sea pebbles glued to a nylon mesh. This flooring looks especially authentic in a bathroom or in a patio with a swimming pool, and the small pebbles massage bare feet, providing high-quality acupuncture massage.

"Live" liquid tiles can be used on any horizontal surface, but it will look most impressive on the floor: the coating reacts sensitively to the slightest touch, instantly changing the pattern.

Better suited for walls thermal wallpaper : the same effect is achieved by changing the temperature regime. In order not to experiment with a hairdryer and iron manually, it is better to immediately place such a coating in a place accessible to temperature changes: for example, opposite a window or near a radiator. All you have to do is admire the suddenly appearing and hiding pattern.

This time we deliberately left out the so-called “smart” technologies, when interior decoration, for example, can extinguish or transmit wifi signals, focusing on the naturalness and exoticism of the proposed new products. In addition to them, the market today is experiencing a “boom” of environmentally friendly products: textile wallpaper, coverings made of bamboo, grass, silk and cotton. Manufacturers strive to simplify the consumer’s life as much as possible, therefore, for example, instead of complex stacked parquet flooring, parquet boards with a tongue-and-groove assembly system are now at the peak of popularity. There are many opportunities to decorate your home in an original and quick way, and every year there will be more and more of them.

Hello! Wallpaper is standard interior solution, and, to be honest, we are already tired of it. While my husband and I were choosing best materials for wall decoration, I have compiled a review to help my regular readers. Get inspired, comment, suggest your ideas!

Venetian plaster

The coating visually imitates natural stone, it looks soothing and peaceful. The basis of this finishing material is stone dust: marble, malachite or granite quartz. Binding componentslaked lime, when it is combined with stone flour and water, carbonization occurs and plaster is formed. The finishing shade is created using special pigments of organic or inorganic origin.

Decorative plaster

It is presented on the market in several forms: relief, mosaic, “under a fur coat”, “roller”, “rust”. The material has a paste consistency.

Structural plaster

It is made on the basis of silicate, minerals or synthetic latex. It is a granular structure with an admixture of marble/granite granules or wood fibers.


One of the expensive and labor-intensive types of plaster, it contains pieces of acrylic on water based, acrylic lacquer(satin or matte). If we consider the best materials for wall decoration, flocks are in first place due to the elitism of their application.

Wood wall decoration

The wood covering can be made from valuable species or more affordable analogues of natural raw materials. Often they use material from the inexpensive segment and, using coloring, give it the appearance valuable wood. For interior design in country style, cherry and walnut are mainly used, this makes it easier to achieve wall decoration that looks textured and rough. To create a high-tech style, which implies the presence of a monolithic surface effect, cladding made of pine, beech, cherry, birch or walnut is used. Paintings on walls look especially colorful; innovative coating options are also created using wood carvings or inlays.

Fashion trend - wall decoration with a fabric layer

Upholstery with textile fabric perfectly hides possible defects in the surface of the base. Creating drapery from severe types fabric, according to experts, is a less labor-intensive process than wallpapering walls. The only BUT: there are some difficulties in installing sockets and switches.

The best materials for wall decoration - paints

Modern water-based paints, acrylic and water-dispersed types of compositions have forever replaced their predecessor analogues in oil based. Emulsions are used in the design of living rooms and bedrooms, and in rooms with high level humidity is a priority silicone paints, which form a hydrophobic surface.

Decorative paints are one of the modern solutions in the interiors industry. With their help it is easy to create an imitation of silk, brocade, stone or wood on the surface of the living room walls, entrance area or bedroom, using a simple roller. Decorative types coatings differ from conventional paint in their aesthetic component - the end result amazes with the expressiveness and sophistication of the finish.

The painting - looks impressive in the open spaces of a studio apartment - is done using interior paints and stencils.

Wall panels

The most accessible representative of this category of modern finishing materials are considered plastic panels. Even though these are the best materials for wall finishing, installation of a supporting frame will be required, but this minus is offset by the bonus of good sound insulation if installed correctly.

Glass panels - a stylish and elegant solution in interior design - are an expensive material that requires a rigid frame. Most often they are combined with other types of coatings and used in the design of living areas, dining and entrance group and, of course, the bathroom.

Balsa wood and “flexible” stones are also popular as worthy views finishes are used as an environmentally friendly accent in the interior composition.

Volumetric eco-panels - they cover everything wall surfaces premises or decorated in the form of a panel against a background of plaster. They can be painted to give the desired shade. latex paint. The basis of the 3D panel is bamboo, cellulose, straw and reed raw materials.

The use of new technologies for the renovation of apartments and houses greatly simplifies and speeds up this process. Besides, modern materials and innovations make it possible to turn routine work into a real creative process.

When designing a building, developers always think about its durability. After all, no one wants to spend money on reconstruction later. Dutch researchers have found a solution to this problem. They developed a unique invention - white cement, which spontaneously recovers with the help of calcium lactic acid and certain bacteria.

The latter absorb calcium and produce limestone, which repairs microscopic damage. Scientists specifically chose for these purposes rod-shaped bacteria that can survive for several decades without oxygen and food.

With the help of innovations in the construction of private houses, it is possible to build inexpensive, light and warm walls. For the manufacture of permanent formwork Warm polystyrene foam is used. The main advantage of the method is the high speed of the work process. Using such slabs, big house can be erected in a couple of weeks. This applies even to houses with complex layouts.

Also, the use of permanent formwork allows you to save on insulation, because the slabs and blocks are already equipped with a layer thermal insulation material. The main disadvantage of the technology is that the concrete must be homogeneous.

This is a Russian invention, suitable for building a private house with your own hands. The use of technology is advisable for the construction of columnar and pile foundations. At the end of the pile there is a dome-shaped thickening. Thanks to this shape, it is possible to use pile foundations on heaving soils.

The main working tool will be a drill with an adjustable opening blade on a long pole. It was developed by specialists specifically for this method.

Hollow blocks are formed at the construction site, from which the foundation walls are erected. For these purposes, formwork modules are needed. They should be periodically rearranged and fixed where the walls are planned to be installed. The next step is to load the solution into the module and wait for it to dry. Next, the modules must be dismantled and moved to another area.

Advantages of the technology:

  • reduction in the volume of land work;
  • it is possible to design houses from different materials;
  • low financial costs;
  • reducing the risk of uneven drawdowns.

This is one of the most current areas that is of interest to construction organizations and largest producers. Its concept is to maximize the optimization of living space in terms of energy efficiency and ease of use.

The “heart” of the system is electronic device, managing the entire economy. Innovations are used to form a unified structure that includes elements of comfort and functionality:

  • electrical devices (load distribution and voltage changes in the network);
  • lighting devices (timely switching off of devices);
  • monitoring and security systems ( Fire safety, burglary protection, video surveillance);
  • communication systems (heating, ventilation, air conditioning).

"Smart home" has every prospect of becoming a standard for human habitation. At the moment, the development of completely autonomous houses without the need for human maintenance is underway.

Facade finishing

All kinds of new products regularly replenish the ranks of finishing materials. If facade finishing is required, you can find very interesting solutions for cladding external walls building.

They are made from non-woven fabric and polypropylene. This is a kind of system that includes two components: the wallpaper itself and a special dispersion glue. They are durable, wear-resistant, do not contain harmful substances. If you need to repair small cracks or hide external defects on the walls, then this is an excellent option.

Construction mixtures

Using acrylic mixtures and calcite and marble fillers to make decorative plaster, you can do the following:

  • change the color and texture of the walls;
  • form the desired surface relief;
  • imitate natural stone.

Such coatings are durable, are not afraid of moisture and do not fade in the sun.

Co plastering materials Only a highly qualified specialist who knows how to shape the texture of the walls and is able to do some of the work manually should work.

The construction market offers water-soluble acrylic, water-based and water-dispersed paints with a huge palette of colors and shades.

Hanging decor

Frame finishing technologies allow you to radically change appearance buildings. For example, thermal panels with imitation natural stone can simply transform an old cinder-cloud building. It takes on the appearance of antique masonry made of natural stone. Also, for original design You can use other options:

  • porcelain tiles;
  • plastic siding panels;
  • wooden cladding panels.

Wall decoration

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that the walls in rooms should be covered with wallpaper or painted. But thanks to new technologies in repair and decoration, many alternative methods have appeared.

They are made from environmentally friendly pure material based natural fibers cotton and cellulose. As additional components Sometimes crushed tree bark, dry seaweed or various dyes are added.

This is a great option for people with allergies. Liquid wallpaper coverings are not afraid of mold, fungi and bacteria.

Careful preparation of the walls is not required, which is also their advantage. On the contrary, they are able to disguise small irregularities, making the walls more neat. Once applied to the wall, liquid wallpaper resembles fine-grained hard foam. The universal building material is used for finishing in hotels, offices, administrative and residential buildings. Its service life is about 30 years.

Bamboo wallpaper

They are made entirely from natural material(on rice paper narrow slats of exotic grains are glued on). They finish the most different rooms: living rooms and bathrooms, loggias, balconies.

They are characterized by the following parameters:

  • strength;
  • wear resistance;
  • environmental friendliness.

Bamboo wallpaper is not afraid of humidity and temperature changes. You can choose the color to your taste: vanilla, pistachio, chocolate, green, tortoiseshell, wenge.

Thermal wallpaper (blooming)

Such wallpapers have the ability to respond to changes in air temperature in the room. They contain thermal paint, which is responsible for the visual effect - the manifestation of additional details of the design. The canvases usually depict plants that begin to bloom as the temperature rises (first turning into buds and then into flowers). This is original and unusual option, creating the effect of “living walls”. Since “blooming” usually occurs when high temperatures(25-30 degrees), it is better not to cover the entire room, but to focus on one wall (the sunny one).

Floor materials

Gender is important element interior design, so you should take a responsible approach to its choice. Newest technologies The renovation also touched on the materials used to finish the floor. Manufacturers offer the following options:

  1. . This is a mixture of polymer water-soluble resin and mineral filler. The technology for making such a coating is very simple. The main costs required to carry out preparatory work(a solid and level base is required). The low-viscosity and fast-hardening mixture allows you to create a perfectly smooth floor. Then you can put a parquet board or laminate on it. There are many design options, including those with original patterns and designs.
  2. Cork by l. This young look flooring already received wide use. It is environmentally friendly, moisture resistant, easy to maintain, and retains noise and heat well. In addition, the cork looks beautiful, is soft and pleasant to the touch. The disadvantages are the high price and the wearing off of the protective layer over time. It is also easy to damage when moving furniture. It is worth refusing to use the coating if you have pets, as it can be damaged by claws.
  3. Heavy-duty multi-layer linoleum. The new material has an additional polyurethane coating, which significantly increases the service life of the product (up to 15 years). Additional advantages of such linoleum are high noise and heat insulation.
  4. Parquet flooring made from tongue and groove boards. This type finishing material is collected from parquet board, however, it is much easier to install. The advantages of this coating are long term service and increased durability.
  5. Glass floor. It is made of several layers tempered glass, between which you can optionally place photographs or color film. Sometimes glass niches are equipped with lighting for a more impressive effect. It is not cheap to install such a floor, but there is budget alternative– glaze only certain areas. Glass floors are usually laid only in in public places(for example, in entertainment centers).
  6. . This fashionable covering gives the room uniqueness and sophistication. It has many advantages: antistatic properties, moisture resistance, wear resistance. Among the disadvantages are the appearance of scratches from sharp objects and the claws of pets.

New technologies in repair and construction are radically changing the idea of ​​functional, safe and comfortable housing. Development concerns all existing niches: from foundation laying methods and power tools to finishing materials.

Technologies do not stand still: what just recently seemed the height of perfection will already become hopelessly outdated tomorrow.

This statement is also true for many finishing materials: oil enamels, wallpaper on paper based and the so-called “roll-ups” are now perceived as something archaic, left in the irrevocable past. In return, manufacturers offer new options, the aesthetic qualities and performance properties of which significantly exceed the characteristics of the finishing materials used in the past.

"Capital Master" prepared short review modern finishing materials successfully used by our company in the renovation of apartments and offices. We hope this article will inspire you to new ideas and bold interior achievements.


"Flexible Stone"

Roll material, one of the types of wallpaper, the front surface of which imitates the color and texture of stone (for example, light sandstone). Strips of flexible stone are applied to walls treated with adhesives, after which the joints are rubbed until smooth. Even after many decades, flexible stone will not change its original properties: this material is resistant to fading and abrasion.


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