DIY free energy generator: diagram. How to assemble a generator from scrap materials

Electric generators are an additional source of energy for the home. If the main power grids are far away, it may well replace them. Frequent power outages force the installation of alternating current generators.

They are not cheap, is there any point in spending more than 10,000 rubles? for the device, if you can make a generator from an electric motor yourself? Of course, some electrical engineering skills and tools will be useful for this. The main thing is that you don’t have to spend money.

You can assemble a simple generator with your own hands; it will be relevant if you need to cover a temporary shortage of electricity. It is not suitable for more serious cases, as it does not have sufficient functionality and reliability.

Naturally, there are many difficulties in the manual assembly process. Required parts and tools may not be available. Lack of experience and skills in such work can be intimidating. But strong desire will be the main incentive and will help overcome all labor-intensive procedures.

Implementation of the generator and its operating principle

Thanks to electromagnetic induction is formed in the generator electric current. This happens because the winding moves in an artificially created magnetic field. This is the principle of operation of an electric generator.

The generator is driven by an internal combustion engine. low power. It can run on gasoline, gas or diesel fuel.

An electric generator has a rotor and a stator. The magnetic field is created using a rotor. Magnets are attached to it. The stator is the stationary part of the generator, and consists of special steel plates and a coil. There is a small gap between the rotor and stator.

There are two types of electric generator. The first has synchronous rotor rotation. He has complex design, and low efficiency. In the second type, the rotor rotates asynchronously. The principle of operation is simple.

Asynchronous motors lose a minimum of energy, while in synchronous generators the loss rate reaches 11%. Therefore, electric motors with asynchronous rotor rotation are very popular in household appliances and in various factories.

During operation, voltage surges may occur, which have a detrimental effect on household appliances. For this purpose, there is a rectifier at the output ends.

The asynchronous generator is easy to use maintenance. Its body is reliable and sealed. You don’t have to worry about household appliances that have an ohmic load and are sensitive to voltage surges. High efficiency, and a long period of operation, make the device in demand, and besides, it can be assembled independently.

What will you need to assemble the generator? First, you need to choose a suitable electric motor. It can be taken from washing machine. It’s not worth making a stator yourself; it’s better to use ready-made solution, where there are windings.

It’s a good idea to immediately stock up on enough copper wires, and insulating materials. Since any generator will produce voltage surges, a rectifier will be needed.

According to the instructions for the generator, you need to do a power calculation yourself. So that the future device produces required power, it needs to be given a speed slightly higher than the rated power.

Let's use a tachometer and turn on the engine, so you can find out the speed of rotation of the rotor. You need to add 10% to the resulting value, this will prevent the engine from overheating.

Support required level voltage will be helped by capacitors. They are selected depending on the generator. For example, for a power of 2 kW, a capacitor capacity of 60 μF will be required. You need 3 such parts with the same capacity. To make the device safe, it must be grounded.

Build process

Everything is simple here! Capacitors are connected to the electric motor in a delta configuration. During operation, you need to periodically check the temperature of the case. Its heating may occur due to incorrectly selected capacitor capacitors.

A homemade generator that does not have automation must be constantly monitored. Heating that occurs over time will reduce efficiency. Then the device needs to be given time to cool down. From time to time you should measure the voltage, speed, and current.

Incorrectly calculated characteristics are not able to provide the equipment with the necessary power. Therefore, before starting assembly, you should carry out drawing work and stock up on diagrams.

It is quite possible that homemade device will accompany frequent breakdowns. This should not be surprising, since hermetic installation It is practically impossible to obtain all the elements of an electric generator at home.

So, I hope it’s now clear how to make a generator from an electric motor. If you want to design a device whose power should be enough to operate simultaneously household appliances And lighting lamps, or construction tools, then you need to add up their power and select the desired engine. It is desirable that it has a small power reserve.

If you fail when manually assembling an electric generator, do not despair. There are many on the market modern models, not requiring constant supervision. They can be of different power, and are quite economical. There are photos of generators on the Internet; they will help you estimate the dimensions of the device. The only negative is their high cost.

Photos of DIY generators

Nowadays production own electricity not so much unusual thing. Electricity networks are intermittent, especially outside large cities. And to avoid problems with this, many resort to using electric generators. In order to purchase or make one, you need to find out about the best electric generators that you can make with your own hands.

What is it

An electric generator is special device, which is designed to convert and accumulate electricity. And it is usually extracted from unusual sources - from gasoline and gas to environmentally friendly ones, such as wind, sun and water. Such a generator can be expensive. Even the most low-power ones can cost from 15,000 rubles.

Therefore, in order to save several tens of thousands, many create them themselves. It’s good that there are now quite a lot of ideas on how to make an electric generator with your own hands.

Operating principle

Electromagnetic induction underlies the operating principle of an electric generator.

An artificial magnetic field is created. A conductor passes through it, creating an impulse. The pulse meanwhile becomes a direct current.

The generator itself has an engine that is capable of generating electricity by burning a certain type of fuel. It can be diesel fuel, gasoline, gas.

At this time, the fuel entering the combustion area produces gas during combustion. And the gas makes the crankshaft rotate. This in turn gives impulse to the driven shaft. The latter provides output energy in certain quantities.

Electric generators basically have two mandatory mechanisms - a rotor and a stator. Their availability does not depend on fuel and power.

The rotor is needed to create that same electromagnetic field. It is based on magnets that are located at the same distance from the core.

The stator does not move. This allows the rotor to move while the stator adjusts the electromagnetic field. Achieved due to the steel blocks in its structure.


The types of electric generator devices do not end with the division based on fuel use. Also, depending on the type of rotor rotation, generators can be:

  • Synchronous - more complex in their design. Voltage fluctuations lead to malfunctions. This affects work and productivity.
  • Asynchronous - with an easy operating principle and other technical characteristics.

Magnetic coils on the rotor of a synchronous generator make it difficult for the rotor to move. The rotor in an asynchronous generator is more like a flywheel.

Design features have a great influence on efficiency. Synchronous ones have a loss of up to 11%. For asynchronous, the loss reaches a maximum of 5%. Such indicators make asynchronous devices popular not only in everyday life, but also in production.

Asynchronous generators have other advantages:

  • Frequent repairs are not necessary, because the simple housing reliably protects the engine from spent fuel and excess moisture.
  • The output rectifier will protect electrical appliances powered by the generator.
  • Resistant to voltage surges.
  • All parts in the design are quite reliable and durable, so operation without repairs can last more than 15 years.
  • Thanks to resistance to surges and the ability to power devices with ohmic loads, the number of different devices for connection is growing - from computers to welding machines and lamps.
  • High efficiency.

What materials are needed

To collect a small asynchronous generator, details such as:

  • Engine. The easiest way is to take it from broken electrical appliances, because making it yourself is difficult and time-consuming. Motors from washing machines work especially well.
  • Stator. You need to take it ready-made, with winding.
  • Transformer or rectifier. Useful if the output electricity has different power.
  • Electrical wires.
  • Insulating tape.

Of course, to make wind and solar power generators with your own hands, you will need more complex circuits and more materials, but if desired, both them and instructions for them can be found.

Pay attention!


The assembly process can be complicated by various reasons. For example, there is no specific skill for a job. There is no experience in creating such devices. There are no necessary parts and spare parts. However, if all this and a great desire are present, then you can try.

But before starting work, you must fulfill several conditions - obtain materials and instructions for making an electric generator. And read them. And also take care of safety precautions.

Before starting work, it makes sense to take care of assembly diagrams and drawings. This will greatly facilitate and speed up the process.

Gas and gasoline electric generators are most often assembled by hand. But both when assembling them, and when assembling others, you need to make preparations and some calculations. For example, it is important to know the power of the required generator.

To determine the rotation speed, the motor must be connected to the network. To determine, you will need a tachometer. The value obtained from the measurements must be added to the compensatory value of 10%. This value helps prevent the engine from overheating.

Pay attention!

Taking into account the power, you need to select capacitors.

It is important to remember about grounding, because we are dealing with electricity. And this is not only a matter of device wear and tear, but also a safety issue.

The assembly itself is simple - the capacitors are connected to the motor one by one according to the diagram (it can be found on the Internet). That's all you need to create a low power generator.

This option is the most convenient and easiest. However, it is worth paying attention to the following points:

  • You need to monitor the engine temperature so that it does not overheat.
  • Sometimes the generator will need to be allowed to cool to 40 degrees.
  • Efficiency may decrease depending on operating time. This is fine.
  • The user will need to independently monitor the condition of the generator and connect measuring instruments to it.

After assembling the mechanical part, you should start electrical side. You should start after installing the pulleys connected by a belt.

  • The windings on an electric motor are connected according to a star circuit.
  • The capacitors connected to the winding must form a triangle.
  • The voltage will be removed between the end of the winding and the midpoint. Then the result is a current with a voltage of 220 volts, and between the windings - 380 volts.

Pay attention!

Experts give some more useful tips that will help when assembling the generator:

  • The electric motor can become very hot. To prevent this from happening, you need to replace the capacitors with ones with a lower capacity.
  • Homemade electric generators usually require capacitors with a voltage of 400 volts or more. For proper operation One is enough.
  • The network requires a three-phase transformer if all phases of the motor are needed to power the house.

Most likely, even made as in beautiful photos, homemade electric generator, will not be able to compete with purchased models.

However, if you perceive it as an additional, backup source of electricity, then it is quite possible to make and use it. Moreover, as practice shows, making a generator yourself is not so difficult. You just need to put in the effort and everything will work out.

DIY photo of electric generators

Unfortunately, domestic power supply organizations do not keep their word. Their contracts signed with consumers are worthless. The supply of electricity outside large cities is inconsistent, the quality of the supplied current is low (meaning voltage), so residents of small towns and villages always have candles and kerosene lamps in stock, and the most advanced ones install gasoline power generators. In this article, another option will be proposed, which will be indicated by the question, how to make an electric generator with your own hands? Let's look at one version of this device.

Electric generator from a walk-behind tractor

Residents of suburban villages have been using walk-behind tractors for a long time. After all, today this is, so to speak, the most reliable assistant, without which work in the garden or garden cannot be carried out. True, like all tools of this type, the walk-behind tractor fails. It can be restored, but as practice shows, it is better to buy a new one.

The owners of the instrument are in no hurry to say goodbye to it, so every owner has country house There is one old copy in the closet. It will be possible to use it in the design of an electric generator with a voltage of 220/380 volts. It will create torque to the current generator, which can be used as an ordinary asynchronous motor. In this case, a powerful electric motor will be required (at least 15 kW, with a shaft speed of 800-1600 rpm). Why is the electric motor so powerful?

Do homemade generator for a couple of light bulbs there is no point, because the issue of completely providing a country house with electricity is being resolved. But with a low-power electric motor, you won’t be able to get enough electricity. Although it all depends total power household appliances and home lighting. After all, in small dachas There is nothing except a refrigerator with a TV. Therefore, the advice is to first calculate the power of the house, then choose an electric motor-generator.

Electric generator assembly

So, to assemble a 220-volt gasoline generator with your own hands, you need to install a walk-behind tractor and an electric motor on the same frame so that their shafts are parallel. The thing is that the rotation from the walk-behind tractor to the electric motor will be transmitted using two pulleys. One will be installed on the shaft of a gasoline engine, the second on the shaft of an electric one. In this case, it is necessary to select the correct pulley diameters. It is these dimensions that determine the rotational speed of the electric motor. This indicator must be equal to the nominal one, which is indicated on the equipment tag. Slight deviation in big side within 10-15% is welcome.

When the mechanical part of the assembly is completed, the pulleys connected by the belt will be installed, you can move on to the electrical part.

  • First, the windings of the electric motor are connected in a star configuration.
  • Secondly, the capacitors connected to each winding must form a triangle.
  • Thirdly, the voltage in such a circuit is removed between the end of the winding and the midpoint. It is here that a current of 220 volts is obtained, and between the windings 380 volts.

Attention! Installed in electrical diagram capacitors must have the same capacitance. In this case, the size of the capacitance is selected depending on the power of the electric motor. It is this ratio that will support the correct operation of the current generator itself, but especially its start-up.

For information, we give the ratio of motor power to capacitor capacity:

  • 2 kW – 60 µF.
  • 5 kW – 140 µF.
  • 10 kW – 250 µF.
  • 15 kW – 350 µF.

Please note some useful tips given by experts.

  • If the electric motor gets hot, then it is necessary to replace the capacitors with elements with reduced capacity.
  • Typically, for homemade electric generators, capacitors with a voltage of at least 400 volts are used.
  • Usually one capacitor is enough for a resistive load.
  • If there is a need to use all three phases of the electric motor to power the house, then it is necessary to install a three-phase transformer in the network.

And one more thing. If you are faced with the problem of how to organize heating using a homemade electric generator, then the engine from the walk-behind tractor here will be small (meaning the power of the device). The best option– this is an engine from a car, for example, from an Oka or a Zhiguli. Many may say that such equipment will cost a pretty penny. Nothing of the kind. Today you can buy a used car for just pennies, so the costs will be minimal.

Advantages and disadvantages

So, what are the advantages of this device:

  • You console yourself with the thought that you did it yourself. That is, you are proud of yourself.
  • Financial costs are reduced to a minimum. A homemade unit will cost much less than its factory counterpart.
  • If all stages of assembly are carried out correctly, then assembled by your own hands electrical equipment can be considered reliable and quite productive.

There are several negative aspects of this type of device.

  • If you are new to electrics or are trying to make a current generator without delving into all the intricacies and nuances of the assembly, then you will fail. The time and money you spent will be considered wasted.

In principle, this is the only drawback, which inspires optimism.

Other electric generator designs

The petrol option is not the only one. You can make the motor shaft rotate in different ways. For example, using a windmill or water pump. Not the best simple designs, but they are the ones that allow us to move away from consuming the energy carrier in the form of gasoline.

For example, assembling a hydrogenerator with your own hands is also not difficult. If a river flows near the house, its water can be used as a force to rotate the shaft. To do this, a wheel with many containers is installed in its channel. Using this design, it is possible to create a flow of water that will rotate a turbine attached to the shaft of an electric motor. And the larger the volume of each container, the more often they are installed (the number increases), the greater the power of the water flow. In essence, this is a kind of generator voltage regulator.

With wind generators things are a little different because wind loads are not constant quantities. The rotation of the windmill, which is transmitted to the shaft of the electric motor, must be adjusted by adjusting it to the required speed of the electric motor shaft. Therefore, in this design, the voltage regulator is a regular mechanical gearbox. But here, as they say, it’s a double-edged sword. If the wind reduces the gusts, a step-up gearbox is needed; if, on the contrary, it increases, a reduction gearbox is needed. This is the difficulty of constructing a wind power generator.

Conclusion on the topic

To summarize, you need to understand that homemade electric generators are not a panacea. It is better to ensure that electric current is constantly supplied to the village. This is difficult to achieve, but you can get compensation for inconvenience through the court. And the money already received will be used to purchase a factory gasoline generator. True, you will have to take into account the consumption of expensive fuel (gasoline). But if you want to assemble an electric generator with your own hands, then delve into the topic and try.

What can you use to assemble an electric generator with your own hands?

Unfortunately, domestic power supply organizations do not keep their word. Their contracts signed with consumers are worthless. The supply of electricity outside large cities is inconsistent, the quality of the supplied current is low (meaning voltage), so residents of small towns and villages always have candles and kerosene lamps in stock, and the most advanced ones install gasoline power generators. In this article, another option will be proposed, which will be indicated by the question, how to make an electric generator with your own hands? Let's look at one version of this device.

Electric generator from a walk-behind tractor

Residents of suburban villages have been using walk-behind tractors for a long time. After all, today this is, so to speak, the most reliable assistant, without which work in the garden or garden cannot be carried out. True, like all tools of this type, the walk-behind tractor fails. It can be restored, but as practice shows, it is better to buy a new one.

The owners of the instrument are in no hurry to say goodbye to it, so every owner of a country house has one old copy in their closet. It will be possible to use it in the design of an electric generator with a voltage of 220/380 volts. It will create torque to the current generator, which can be used as an ordinary asynchronous motor. In this case, a powerful electric motor will be required (at least 15 kW, with a shaft speed of 800-1600 rpm). Why is the electric motor so powerful?

There is no point in making a homemade generator for a couple of light bulbs, because the issue of fully providing a country house with electricity is being resolved. But with a low-power electric motor, you won’t be able to get enough electricity. Although it all depends on the total power of household appliances and lighting of the house. After all, in small dachas there is nothing except a refrigerator with a TV. Therefore, the advice is to first calculate the power of the house, then choose an electric motor-generator.

Electric generator assembly

So, to assemble a 220-volt gasoline generator with your own hands, you need to install a walk-behind tractor and an electric motor on the same frame so that their shafts are parallel. The thing is that the rotation from the walk-behind tractor to the electric motor will be transmitted using two pulleys. One will be installed on the shaft of a gasoline engine, the second on the shaft of an electric one. In this case, it is necessary to select the correct pulley diameters. It is these dimensions that determine the rotational speed of the electric motor. This indicator must be equal to the nominal one, which is indicated on the equipment tag. A slight upward deviation of 10-15% is welcome.

When the mechanical part of the assembly is completed, the pulleys connected by the belt will be installed, you can move on to the electrical part.

Electric generator device
  • First, the windings of the electric motor are connected in a star configuration.
  • Secondly, the capacitors connected to each winding must form a triangle.
  • Thirdly, the voltage in such a circuit is removed between the end of the winding and the midpoint. It is here that a current of 220 volts is obtained, and between the windings 380 volts.

Attention! The capacitors installed in the electrical circuit must have the same capacity. In this case, the size of the capacitance is selected depending on the power of the electric motor. It is this ratio that will support the correct operation of the current generator itself, but especially its start-up.

For information, we give the ratio of motor power to capacitor capacity:

  • 2 kW – 60 µF.
  • 5 kW – 140 µF.
  • 10 kW – 250 µF.
  • 15 kW – 350 µF.

Pay attention to some useful tips given by experts.

  • If the electric motor gets hot, then it is necessary to replace the capacitors with elements with reduced capacity.
  • Typically, for homemade electric generators, capacitors with a voltage of at least 400 volts are used.
  • Usually one capacitor is enough for a resistive load.
  • If there is a need to use all three phases of the electric motor to power the house, then it is necessary to install a three-phase transformer in the network.

And one more thing. If you are faced with the problem of how to organize heating using a homemade electric generator, then the engine from the walk-behind tractor here will be small (meaning the power of the device). The best option is an engine from a car, for example, from an Oka or a Zhiguli. Many may say that such equipment will cost a pretty penny. Nothing of the kind. Today you can buy a used car for just pennies, so the costs will be minimal.

Advantages and disadvantages

So, what are the advantages of this device:

  • You console yourself with the thought that you did it yourself. That is, you are proud of yourself.
  • Financial costs are reduced to a minimum. A homemade unit will cost much less than its factory counterpart.
  • If all stages of assembly are carried out correctly, then the electrical equipment assembled by your own hands can be considered reliable and quite productive.

There are several negative aspects of this type of device.

  • If you are new to electrics or are trying to make a current generator without delving into all the intricacies and nuances of the assembly, then you will fail. The time and money you spent will be considered wasted.

In principle, this is the only drawback, which inspires optimism.

Other electric generator designs

The petrol option is not the only one. There are different ways to make an electric motor shaft rotate. For example, using a windmill or water pump. Not the simplest designs, but they are the ones that allow you to move away from consuming energy in the form of gasoline.

For example, assembling a hydrogenerator with your own hands is also not difficult. If a river flows near the house, its water can be used as a force to rotate the shaft. To do this, a wheel with many containers is installed in its channel. Using this design, it is possible to create a flow of water that will rotate a turbine attached to the shaft of an electric motor. And the larger the volume of each container, the more often they are installed (the number increases), the greater the power of the water flow. In essence, this is a kind of generator voltage regulator.

With wind generators, things are a little different because wind loads are not constant quantities. The rotation of the windmill, which is transmitted to the shaft of the electric motor, must be regulated, adjusting it to the required speed of the electric motor shaft. Therefore, in this design, the voltage regulator is a regular mechanical gearbox. But here, as they say, it’s a double-edged sword. If the wind reduces gusts, a step-up gearbox is needed; if, on the contrary, it increases, a reduction gearbox is needed. This is the difficulty of constructing a wind power generator.

Conclusion on the topic

To summarize, you need to understand that homemade electric generators are not a panacea. It is better to ensure that electric current is constantly supplied to the village. This is difficult to achieve, but you can get compensation for inconvenience through the court. And the money already received will be used to purchase a factory gasoline generator. True, you will have to take into account the consumption of expensive fuel (gasoline). But if you want to assemble an electric generator with your own hands, then delve into the topic and try.

How to properly connect a 380 to 220 volt electric motor

How to make a generator from asynchronous motor with your own hands

  • Design and principle of operation of a three-phase asynchronous motor

  • Local power grids are not always able to fully provide electricity to homes, especially when it comes to country dachas and mansions. Interruptions with constant power supply or its complete absence forces us to look for electricity. One of these is to use - a device capable of converting and storing electricity, using for this the most unusual resources (energy, tides). Its operating principle is quite simple, which makes it possible to make an electric generator with your own hands. Maybe, homemade model will not be able to compete with a factory-assembled analogue, however, this great way save more than 10,000 rubles. If we consider a homemade electric generator as a temporary alternative source power supply, then it is quite possible to get by with homemade products.

    How to make an electric generator, what is required for this, as well as what nuances will have to be taken into account, we will find out further.

    The desire to have an electric generator for your use is overshadowed by one nuisance - this is high cost of the unit. Whatever one may say, the lowest-power models have a fairly exorbitant cost - from 15,000 rubles and above. It is this fact that suggests the idea of ​​creating a generator with your own hands. However, he himself the process can be difficult, If:

    • no skill in working with tools and diagrams;
    • there is no experience in creating such devices;
    • out of stock necessary details and spare parts.

    If all this and a great desire are present, then you can try to build a generator, guided by the assembly instructions and the attached diagram.

    It is no secret that a purchased electric generator will have a more expanded list of capabilities and functions, while a homemade one is capable of failing and malfunctioning at the most inopportune moments. Therefore, whether to buy or do it yourself is a purely individual question that requires a responsible approach.

    How does an electric generator work?

    The operating principle of the electric generator is based on physical phenomenon electromagnetic induction. A conductor passing through an artificially created electromagnetic field creates a pulse, which is converted into direct current.

    The generator has an engine that is capable of generating electricity by burning a certain type of fuel in its compartments:, or. In turn, the fuel, entering the combustion chamber, produces gas during the combustion process, which rotates the crankshaft. The latter transmits an impulse to the driven shaft, which is already capable of providing a certain amount of output energy.

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