Gas heating requirements. Installation of a gas boiler in a private house requirements

Despite numerous warnings that installing a wall gas boiler, must be carried out by specialists with the appropriate license, often installation is carried out independently. In order not to encounter unpleasant consequences in the form of gas supply shutdowns and penalties during preparatory work, and installation work, you will need to comply with the standards described in SNiP.

Norms and rules for installing a mounted gas boiler

Construction standards and rules for the installation of mounted gas boilers are described in, as well as amendments dated May 26, 2004 and. These regulatory documents describe general provisions related to location, fire and operational safety requirements.

Additional instructions regarding installation work are contained in the installation manual supplied by the manufacturer of the unit.

Before you begin installing a wall-mounted heating boiler with your own hands, you will need to fulfill several prerequisites:

  • Get technical specifications for installation. The gas service should check the possibility of connection heating unit to the central highway.
  • Make a project. The need for a design for installation exists in every case, with the exception of situations when the heat generator is changed to one identical in power and model.
  • Make approval - after preparing the project and receiving technical conditions, the documents are submitted for approval to the Gaznadzor authorities. If everything is in order, permission to install is issued.

After receiving the approval results, you can begin installing a wall-mounted gas heating boiler with your own hands. In order for the work to proceed with the least disruption, several current requirements are taken into account:

  1. With installation height.
  2. Requirements fire safety.
  3. Instructions regarding interior decoration boiler room

At what height should a gas boiler be hung on the wall?

When installing a wall-mounted boiler, you need to take into account the distances specified in SP 42-101-2003. In particular, the standards stipulate that from the base of the floor to the burner device there must be at least 0.9 m and no more than 1.2 m. In fairness, it is worth noting that the requirements apply to flow-through gas water heaters, but gas workers apply these standards to boilers.

According to the instructions, minimum distance to the floor from the bottom of the body should not be less than 80 cm. When determining the location of the boiler, one more parameter is taken into account. Minimum height installation, determined by the distance from the chimney duct. The requirements stipulate that the boiler must be lowered down by at least two chimney pipe diameters. As a rule, the heat generator is installed in the range from 0.8 to 1.8 from the floor level.

Fire safety when installing a mounted boiler

When installing a wall-mounted gas boiler, fire safety requirements are required. Minimum fire breaks are provided:
  • At least 10 cm from the wall surface on which the unit is mounted.
  • From the opposite wall, at least 40 cm.
Fire safety rules indicate the need to install a thermal insulation shield on the wall under the gas boiler. When connecting the chimney and passing the pipe through the roof and interfloor slabs, fire breaks are provided.

Between the room used for the boiler room and the living rooms, a partition made of non-combustible materials with a high degree of fire resistance is installed. When connecting to a pipeline, a corrugated metal pipe is used. Fully rubber hoses or protected by metal braiding are prohibited.

How and with what to finish the walls behind a gas boiler

According to the joint venture, the wall in the boiler room under the boiler can be sheathed with an asbestos board covered with stainless or galvanized steel. Protective screen, should protrude 10 cm around the perimeter of the boiler. It is allowed to cladding a brick or concrete wall, ceramic tiles, or plaster.

The requirements for finishing materials when installing a wall-mounted boiler used for the ceiling are specified separately. According to existing standards, it is prohibited to use plastic for cladding or to cover the ceiling with wallpaper. Installation of gypsum fiber or plasterboard boards, followed by leveling plaster mixtures and puttying, and painting with water-based paints.

If a gas heat generator is installed in wooden house, security requirements are becoming more stringent. When installing wall-mounted boilers, the wall is covered with basalt insulation, at least 5 cm thick. The top is covered with sheet steel.

Thermal insulation material for installing the boiler on wooden wall, be sure to choose among non-flammable materials, with heat resistance and the ability to withstand heat over 1000°C. For work, basalt (not mineral) wool is optimal.

Wall materials when mounting a gas-mounted boiler

The most common installation errors are related to insufficient fixation of the heat generator to the wall of the house. Existing standards indicate the need for rigid installation of boiler equipment. The boiler must be firmly fixed to the wall, strictly observing the vertical and horizontal levels.

The fastening requirements for installing a wall-mounted gas boiler largely depend on the material of the walls. Installation standards for wooden, plasterboard, reinforced concrete, brick, and hollow walls are specified separately.

How to hang a boiler on a wooden wall

According to “Apartment-to-apartment heat supply of residential buildings with heat generators on gas fuel", you can hang the boiler on a wooden wall, provided that the following conditions are met:
  • Material with a high degree of flammability, in the place where the boiler is installed, is treated with pyrine retardants.
  • The wall is covered with plaster mixtures with a minimum thickness of 15 mm, or with roofing steel over asbestos sheets.
An alternative to the above is cladding a section of the wall with gypsum fiber board, followed by cladding with ceramic tiles.

Correctly hang the gas boiler on a wooden wall, installing an additional reinforcing beam placed under facing material(lining) to ensure reliable fixation of the heat generator.

How to install a boiler on a plasterboard wall

A plasterboard wall is made by attaching sheets to a metal structure and implies the presence of voids. Firmly fixing the heat generator to drywall is problematic, but possible. At the stage of manufacturing the metal frame, a place is provided for installing the boiler. The mounting point is strengthened with wooden beam and metal profiles.

There are special fastenings for gas boilers to a plasterboard wall, which are plastic stoppers, screwed directly into the facing material itself. Installation anchors are screwed directly into the plug. As practice shows, ready-made fastenings become loose over time and lose the strength of their fixation to the wall.

How to attach to a reinforced concrete wall

Reinforced concrete is optimal material walls for installing a gas heating boiler. Precast concrete structures are durable and belong to the group of NG (non-combustible) materials. To install the boiler, no additional conditions are required.

Work is carried out using metal anchors, through which, strictly according to the level, it is fixed mounting plate. The boiler is hung on the prepared site. Reinforced concrete wall suitable for installing any type of heaters: high power, with a built-in storage boiler, etc.

How to hang on a brick wall

The standards separately stipulate the conditions for installing the boiler on brick wall. Brick is a non-combustible material, therefore, the heat generator can be installed directly on the wall. But sometimes, when putting a boiler installed in this way into operation, certain difficulties arise.

To satisfy all the wishes of gas workers, installation is carried out as follows. The walls are plastered. While plastering the surfaces, a plate is installed for mounting the boiler. After plastering, it remains to stick out from the wall seat(two bolts), on which the boiler is installed.

Fastening the boiler to a wall made of foam concrete, gas silicate, aerated concrete

To hang a wall-mounted gas boiler on a wall made of blocks of foamed porous material, several methods are used:
  • Mounting fasteners are installed during block laying. The installation of the boiler is carried out strictly after the mortar masonry mixture has completely hardened.
  • Special “screws” for foam concrete are used. In their structure, they resemble similar plasterboard plugs. They have a deep thread with a large pitch and are hollow inside. After screwing into foam concrete, gas silicate or aerated concrete, any anchor can be screwed into the screws.
  • Use of hairpins - in in this case, two studs are installed from each other at the required distance. On each side of the wall, a strip is installed, secured with bolts.
  • Use of chemical, liquid anchors. Another option that provides the most durable fixation, but requires certain financial investments.

How to secure a chimney for a wall-mounted boiler

The rules for installing a chimney depend on what type of boiler they plan to install. Atmospheric heat generators use natural draft. Boilers with a closed combustion chamber are connected to a coaxial chimney, and combustion products are removed and air is taken in using a forced method.

Features of the operation are reflected in the connection requirements:

To fix chimneys, ready-made fasteners are used with the ability to change the distance to the surface.

What is needed to install a wall-mounted boiler

Self-installation of a gas boiler is possible only if you have the necessary construction tools, supplies and certain technical skills. All work is carried out in strict accordance with the step-by-step plan and boiler installation diagram given by the manufacturer in the operating manual.

To complete the work you will need:

  • Construction tools - you will need: a hammer drill with set of drills, building level, tape measure, pencil, adjustable wrench. When connecting to the mains: voltage indicator, insulated screwdrivers, pliers. For the substrate: asbestos sheet, roofing steel, basalt insulation.
  • Fasteners and Consumables– a mounting strip, metal or chemical anchors, and studs are required. To connect to the central gas main, you will need a corrugated hose.

To satisfy the requirements of gas workers, the connection must fully comply with the requirements specified in the relevant SNiP, SP and PPB. Some nuances associated with installation depend on the region, therefore, before installation, it is worth consulting with your local gas inspector.

After supplying a private home with gas, the next task, as a rule, is to install gas equipment. Many apartment owners also refuse central heating and prefer the autonomous option, wanting to save money and turn on and off the heating of the premises when they see fit. But in order for such heating to be safe and efficient, it is necessary to comply with the requirements for installing a gas boiler.

In the gas supply control organizations, registration and approval takes place necessary documents And By for connecting the gas main to the house, and for installing heating units.

One of the rather unpleasant procedures when installing a heating boiler that runs on gas is the collection and execution of a voluminous package of documents. Many, faced with this process, soon rush to abandon this idea.

Basic requirements and standards can be found in the document “Gas Distribution Systems”, included in SNiP 42-01-2002. In addition to it, it would be nice to study a document that is no longer working, but contains a large number of information that will also be useful is “Gas supply” SNiP 2.04.08-87. Additionally, you will have to familiarize yourself with the standards given in related documents talking about boiler installations, ventilation systems, heating, sewerage, water supply, safety precautions during construction, sound insulation, fire safety, etc.

Coordination of boiler installation

You need to go through several authorities to obtain approval for the installation of a gas-fired boiler. On your own, without approval, the installation process will be illegal and unsafe, and not only for the home owner, but also for the rest of the residents of the house, if the boiler is installed in a high-rise building.

1. Technical conditions

To connect to the gas supply of a private house or apartment have to obtain from the gas supply organization technical conditions permitting this procedure. To do this, a statement is written to the controlling organization. It must indicate the approximate demand for gas volume per hour. The registration procedure lasts seven - fourteen days. Upon successful completion of this event, a document will be issued - technical conditions for the installation of equipment operating on gas fuel. This is a permit for preparatory construction and installation work.

2. Project

Having the technical specifications in hand, you can proceed to the second step - development project documentation. The gas supply project includes plans for laying a gas supply pipe from the boiler installation site to the central gas pipeline.

The project will also indicate sections of the gas pipeline crossing the site

If the home is located in the private sector and the pipeline must cross land plot, then a diagram of the gas pipe in the area is also drawn up, where the location of its entrance into the wall of the house is indicated. The project is developed by engineers licensed for such activities, based on the provisions of the GOS.

3. Coordination with the gas supply organization

The completed project is submitted for approval to the organization that controls gas supply in the applicant’s area of ​​residence. Project approval takes from seven to one hundred days, depending on the volume and complexity of the document. Attached to the project following materials regarding the heating device:

  • examination of the boiler’s compliance with all requirements necessary to ensure normal operation and safety;
  • technical data sheet of the device;
  • certificates of compliance with technical and sanitary-hygienic requirements;
  • operating instructions.

All documents specified in the list are prepared by the manufacturer and must necessarily accompany any product of this type. They are transferred by the seller to the buyer at at When purchasing a device, you should pay special attention to this.

If the project was rejected for the first time, the applicant is given a document indicating the reasons for the refusal and a list detailing all the problems of the project that require correction.

If the project is approved, it is certified by the signature and seal of the responsible person. This document is the final permission for installation heating device.

Installation restrictions

For safety reasons, appliances operating on gas fuel are prohibited from being installed in the following premises:

  • in which there are no ventilation systems;
  • in dormitories (rooms);
  • in bathrooms;
  • in the corridors and on the balcony;
  • in basements;
  • on ground floor;
  • on flammable wall surfaces.

One important clarification regarding installation on the ground floor and basement: installation is only permissible in a private single-apartment house, i.e. if the house is not divided into several owners.

Requirements for installation of units

When installing a gas boiler, the homeowner must strictly adhere to a number of regulatory rules:

  • the boiler is installed in such a way that there is free access to it from any side;
  • the size of the entrance door to the boiler room where the device is installed cannot be less than 80 centimeters wide;
  • the area of ​​the boiler room or other room cannot be less than four square meters;
  • the boiler room must have a window with an area of ​​at least 30 cm² per 10 m³ of volume - to provide lighting in any situation;
  • the ceiling in this room must have a height of at least two and a half meters;
  • water must be supplied to the boiler room;
  • a grounding loop is mandatory if the operation of the boiler is related to the consumption of electricity;
  • boiler room walls must be plastered;
  • the chimney must have a cross-section corresponding to the power of the unit.

Having considered the requirements presented, we can conclude that a kitchen can be a fairly good room for installing a wall-mounted boiler, if it is not possible to install a boiler room. There it can be placed next to the gas stove.

An additional advantage of installing a boiler in the kitchen is that it meets all the above requirements - ventilation, gas supply, adequate room area, cold water supply. In addition, by installing a boiler there, you can save a lot on pipes and keep more than one wall intact.

Floor-standing boiler, which has massive dimensions and a power of 150 kW, must be installed in a separate room - the boiler room. It should be taken into account that a device with a power of up to 60 kW can be installed in a room with a volume of at least 27 m³, which means it can be installed in the kitchen.

But you need to know that floor-standing boilers are quite noisy, so if you plan to install the unit in an apartment, it is better to choose a wall-mounted option.

If the boiler is hung or installed against a wall made of flammable material, it must be protected with a heat-resistant insulator, for example, special plasterboard or asbestos sheet will do.

Boiler installation

Installation of any gas equipment is carried out by a gas technician; independent installation is strictly prohibited. The manufacturer attaches the boiler installation diagram to the documentation of the heating device, and it will be useful to the installer.

  1. When installing the unit in a boiler room, the floors must be arranged correctly. They must be made of non-flammable material and have a water drain. It is necessary to extract coolant from the heating circuit in case of an emergency.
  2. Installation of gas equipment is not carried out at sub-zero temperatures; it must be at least five degrees Celsius. But even with too much high temperature It is unsafe to install the equipment, so it should not exceed 35 degrees.
  3. A level mark is made on the wall for the bracket, on which the boiler will then be hung.
  4. If a double-circuit gas appliance is installed, then it is placed on the return pipe strainer. It is necessary to ensure that the heat exchanger remains clean for a long time. Ball valves are installed on both sides of the filter and on the boiler pipes.
  5. When connecting the boiler to the gas supply line, a gas meter, a special gas tap, a gas alarm and a thermal shut-off valve are installed in front of it.
  6. The socket into which the boiler will be connected, if it is volatile, must be grounded.
  7. When the boiler pipes are connected to the water supply and gas supply, the system must be filled with water. This is done slowly so that the air in the future coolant does not stagnate - it will have the opportunity to leave the circuit along air vent devices. During the period of filling the system, the boiler must be disconnected from the power supply.
  8. Before starting the boiler, you must check the connections gas pipes for a gas leak. This is very simple to do - you need to knock down thick foam from any detergent and use a sponge to apply it to connecting elements. If there is a leak, it will definitely inflate soap bubble, and if the pipe is connected tightly, the foam will gradually settle. Only after all these manipulations can you start the system by connecting it to the power supply.


It is very important to provide the room where it is installed gas apparatus, good ventilation.

Supply and exhaust ventilation- a prerequisite for any boiler room

  1. Kitchen room in multi-storey building It is equipped with a general house ventilation system, so there will be no problems with it. When installing the device in a boiler room, a ventilation duct is installed in the ceiling of the room and vented outside.
  2. Supply ventilation can be installed in the door by making a hole and installing a ventilation grill.
  3. Special standards have been defined for ventilation inlets. So, for one kW of device power, the grille must have a size of no less than 8-10 cm² (air intake from outside the house) and no less than 30 square meters. cm (air intake from inside - from other rooms).


Special attention - proper organization chimney

Correct installation of the chimney is no less important than the ventilation system. The chimney can be made of a metal sandwich pipe that is discharged through the roof of the boiler room (or through the wall) and rises along the wall from the outside to the roof.

Or maybe coaxial, coming out through the wall and having a small size. Each of them is established according to certain rules.

  1. Combustion products should not enter the room, which means that the smoke exhaust duct must be gas-tight.
  2. The diameter of the chimney should not be less than the diameter of the pipe leaving the boiler. The ratios for boiler power have been established - the homeowner will definitely be familiarized with these figures when drawing up project documentation.
  3. Heading metal pipe should rise above the roof no lower than its ridge - this will ensure normal removal of gas combustion products and prevent reverse draft.
  4. When the chimney is brought out through the wall, a hole is made for it, the pipe is connected to the boiler and taken out into the street. If gaps have formed in the opening between the wall and the chimney, they must be sealed hermetically. Such a smoke exhaust duct of a coaxial kind of suitable for a boiler with low or medium power, and is usually used for wall-mounted models.

Heading coaxial chimney in a wooden house


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Requirements for premises with gas equipment

Where to install a gas boiler

Selection of boiler and installation standards

Before purchasing a boiler, you need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of its installation and approval of permits and design and installation documentation. Only by reliably knowing all these rules for gas wall-mounted and floor-standing boilers will it be possible to accurately determine which one is suitable for a particular apartment or house.

Probably no one will argue about the statement that gas systems most preferable for use in private homes and cottages. Gas boilers They are quite reliable and efficient, have relatively low fuel consumption and make it possible to regulate the air temperature in the room, which directly depends on the power of the boiler in closed heating systems. What you need to know before installing this equipment will be discussed in this publication.

General requirements

The rules for installing a gas boiler in a private house are strictly regulated. That is why, before creating autonomous heating based on a gas boiler unit, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with regulatory documents, which must be followed at all stages of the work. First of all, this is: SNiP 2.04.08-87; SNiP 2.04.01-85; SNiP 2.04.05-91; SNiP 41-01-2003; SNiP 21-01-97.

Gas heating installations, differ in many respects. When installing, an important point is the number of circuits, location and method of exhaust gas removal. Single-circuit boiler equipment are used to heat the premises of a private house. Many models can work with indirect heating boilers to create domestic hot water. Double-circuit boilers are designed to create heating and domestic hot water at the same time.

Heating equipment for a private home can be wall-mounted or floor arrangement. Floor-standing boilers, as a rule, have greater power and dimensions, due to the boiler placed in them. Such installations are demanding on the ventilation system of the room in which they are installed, the presence of a chimney with natural draft, the fire safety of the enclosing structures and the quality of the foundation on which the equipment will be installed. Mounted boilers are less demanding, and therefore more in demand among our compatriots.

Before installing a gas boiler in a private house, you must prepare its future location. It is prohibited by law to place gas minikants in living rooms. Ideal for these purposes separate room with appropriate dimensions, proper ventilation, lighting and fire safety systems.

There is a direct relationship between the power of the boiler unit and the volume of the combustion room.

  • Power ≤ 30 kW requires a room volume ≥ 7.5 m 3 .
  • Power 30 - 59 kW requires a room volume ≥ 13.5 m 3.
  • Power ≥ 60 kW requires a room volume ≥ 15 m 3 .

If a closed heating system uses a cascade connection of gas boiler units, then the required area of ​​the boiler room is calculated based on the requirements: 4 m 2 of floor per installation, with a ceiling height of at least 2 m.

Regarding the walls and ceiling of the furnace room: they must be made of material with a fire resistance rating of 45 minutes.

As for ventilation: the room intended for the installation of gas boiler equipment must be equipped with a supply and exhaust ventilation system with a multiplicity of at least 3. The size of the supply air duct (when air is supplied from the street) is calculated at the rate of 8 cm 2 per 1 kW of boiler power. If the inflow is made from corridors and non-residential premises of the house, then the diameter of the air duct should be calculated in the ratio of 30 cm 2 per 1 kW of equipment power.

In addition, in this room There must be a window with a glazing area of ​​at least 0.3 m2 for every 1 m2 of floor.

Doors to the boiler room must also meet strictly defined requirements: the opening width is at least 0.8 m. To compensate for negative pressure, in case of problems with air flow, a gap of at least 2.5 cm in height is required between the threshold and the door.

Stepping away from the topic, we would like to inform you that we have prepared comparative reviews for gas boilers. You can familiarize yourself with them in the following materials:


Before connecting a gas boiler to the heating system and starting to enjoy all the benefits of civilization, you need to take care of the availability of engineering communications. In addition to the heating and gas supply system pipes, you need to take care of the following communications.

  1. Electricity is needed to work pumping equipment, igniter and automation. In addition, the boiler room needs light and an additional socket for possible connection of a stabilizer or uninterruptible power supply. Experts recommend organizing the power supply in the boiler room using a three-core cable, with a conductor cross-section of 2 mm 2. There must be on line circuit breaker. Light is made through the use of required quantity lamps with closed shades. Let us remind you that all electrical equipment must be grounded.
  2. Water pipes. Everything is simple here: despite the fact that the heating system is closed, over time the amount of coolant in it decreases. To recharge, you need running water. If you plan to connect a double-circuit gas boiler, then water supply is necessary to create hot water supply in the house.
  3. Sewerage. The need for a sewerage system is usually thought about only after the blast valve has been activated, as a result of which masses of coolant end up on the floor. The best option is the presence of a drain organized in the floor.

Smoke removal system

The chimney is an integral part of any gas (and not only) heating equipment. For turbocharged boiler units they are used, which have small sizes and are taken out into the street through a hole in load-bearing wall. Installations with atmospheric burners are a different matter: the temperature of the exhaust gases at their outlet reaches 800 °C. It is precisely such devices that require a major chimney made in accordance with all fire safety rules.

Another important quality chimneys must have is to create natural draft. To do this, they must run strictly vertically, have a diameter corresponding to the power of the boiler unit, and be correctly discharged through the roof. The figure shows the height of the chimney head, depending on its location on the roof.

As for the dependence of the chimney diameter on the power of the boiler unit: here you should focus on the data indicated in the installation passport.

Scheme and stages of connecting gas boilers

It is best if the connection is handled by specialized specialists or services that will service your heating system. If your initiative self-installation boiler equipment will find support in the relevant authorities (which is very doubtful), then after preparing the project and the necessary permitting documents Once the equipment has been purchased, you can begin installing the boiler unit.

  1. Installation. The wall-hung boiler is mounted on the wall using special mounts or strips, which are usually supplied in the kit. The floor mounted one is mounted on a flat, fireproof surface. Unlike wall-mounted equipment, floor-standing boilers are installed at a distance of 25–30 cm from the wall. It is important to know that the installations must be accessible from all sides.
  2. Connection to the smoke exhaust system. Important! After connection, you need to make sure that there is draft in the chimney. Be sure to check the tightness of the connection between the outlet pipe and the chimney.
  3. Connection to communication systems. Typical scheme connecting a gas boiler to a heating system with a two-pipe system looks as shown in the figure.

The following is a classic connection diagram for a wall-mounted double-circuit gas boiler.

From left to right: coolant outlet to the heating system; entrance tap water; gas main connection; hot water to the DHW system; inlet of cooled coolant from the heating system.

First of all, you should take care of installing taps on the water supply, heating and gas systems, which will be responsible for disconnecting these systems from the boiler during its maintenance and repair, as well as if emergency shutdown is necessary. Next, you should install a filter rough cleaning for the input of the plumbing system and the “return” of the heating system, using shut-off elements before and after it. The final stage will be connecting the boiler unit to the heating system and trial run installations. It should be carried out in the presence of gas industry specialists.

Choosing a gas boiler for heating is extremely popular and rational decision. It is convenient and easy to use, provides smooth control of the room heating level. Cost of expenses for gas heating is the lowest compared to other types of home heating. That is why there is now such demand for installing a gas boiler in a private home.

Requirements and standards

Rules for installing gas boilers in a private house are in specialized regulations. All installation standards and requirements are described in building codes ah and rules (SNiP) dated 31−02−2001. In addition to this document, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of several more building codes that describe heating systems, fire safety rules, and requirements for ventilation of buildings.

Choosing a boiler for a private home

It is especially important that it is calculated correctly required gas boiler power. If you choose a boiler too small size, then it will not be enough for full heating and the temperature in the house will be uncomfortable. But you shouldn’t choose a boiler that’s too powerful. This results in fuel being used inefficiently and the service life of the equipment is reduced. The choice should be made with some power reserve, since Full time job at the limit of capabilities has a bad effect on the duration of operation.

For the right choice, should use a simple formula.

It is necessary to divide the area of ​​the heated room by 10. Next, multiply by the regional coefficient. It directly depends on temperature conditions region where the house is located.

These calculations give the approximate required power for climatic conditions. For a more detailed and accurate choice, you should also take into account the volume of the heated house and the quality of insulation.

Basic requirements for the installation room

If the gas boiler has a power of more than 30 kW, then it must be installed in a separate room.

The premises requirements are as follows:

If the power is less than 30 kW, then installation is allowed in any non-residential premises, which fits the general requirements for boiler rooms.

  • In most such cases, installation is carried out in the kitchen.
  • The exception is the height of the ceilings, it must be more than 2 meters.
  • Many people want to install it in the bathroom. But such rooms almost always do not meet the requirements for lighting and room volume.

Chimney and ventilation for a gas boiler in a private house

It is extremely important to comply regulatory requirements when installing ventilation. Improper installation may result in a fire or explosion hazard.

It is also important to bring the chimney to the roof according to correct scheme. The traction power and efficiency of the boiler depend on this. A special scheme is used for this:

  • On flat roof the pipe should be raised at least 0.5 meters from the roof or parapet.
  • If the exit on the roof slope is closer than 1.5 meters from the ridge, then the chimney should be installed 0.5 meters higher than the ridge.
  • If the pipe goes to pitched roof from 1.5−3.0 meters further than the ridge, then the pipe must be increased with your own hands to a height no less than the highest point of the ridge.
  • When the pipe exits more than three meters from the ridge, you need to measure the height of the pipe with a line at an angle of 10 degrees from the top.


Gas boilers exist in two versions depending on the installation method: floor-mounted and wall-mounted. Floor standing boilers usually have high power and large mass.

Wall-mounted boilers are usually smaller in size and inferior in power to floor-standing boilers. The installation diagram for a wall-mounted gas boiler is as follows:

  • The wall to which the wall-mounted boiler will be attached must be strong enough for its weight. The wall should also be protected with fire-resistant material.
  • The wall-mounted boiler is mounted at a distance of 3-5 cm from the wall and at least 50 cm from the ceiling and other walls, 80 cm from the floor.
  • The wall-mounted boiler must be secured and leveled using a building level.
  • Use water pressure to clear the inlets of the pipes from debris.
  • Connect the heating pipes with shut-off valves. Install a water purification filter.
  • Connect the chimney and make sure there is good draft.
  • Call the gas service to connect the gas.
  • Connect electricity.

It is prohibited to install the equipment when low temperatures. The temperature should be between +5 and +35 degrees.

Before the first start, water should be drawn in smoothly. This will get rid of air bubbles in the system, which have an extremely bad effect on heating.

Installation and assembly of equipment must be carried out by specialists with necessary level qualifications and permission. Professionals perform a full range of work for safe operation and compliance with all connection standards. But sometimes you can do some work yourself. To do this, you must obtain permission from the supervisory organization. But still, gas service workers will accept and test the equipment for compliance with all safety standards.

Connection to the gas pipeline

Before installing a gas boiler in a private house, you need to do the following steps:

The entire approval process can take from 1 week to 2 months, depending on the workload of various specialists.

Despite the list of requirements and some costs For the preparation of design documentation and connection by specialists, a gas boiler will quickly pay back the costs of its installation.

Own mini-boiler rooms - convenient way heating a private house. Modern units with an extremely high efficiency and the possibility of smooth adjustment, they allow you to efficiently heat rooms of any size. Their popularity is also due to the affordable cost of gas. Technical regulations impose strict requirements on the premises for installing a gas boiler, failure to comply with which can lead to an emergency.

Today, gas boilers are the most popular for heating a home.

Preparatory activities

Before installing the heating system, you will have to collect a considerable amount permitting documentation, prepare a project, bypass a number of authorities. Strict requirements for the premises for a gas boiler are determined by dangerous properties gas, which is an explosive substance.

The owner of the premises must independently study the standards and SNiPs, which describe all the rules and standards for placing equipment in residential premises. Issues of gas supply to suburban households and the rules for using gas-powered equipment are regulated by SNiP 31−02−2001. After this, the home owner needs to contact the appropriate design service, which will draw up technical specifications. The finished design documentation will become the basis and a clear plan for further installation.

In this video you can see how to properly and safely place a boiler room in your home:

When submitting an application to the gas supply service, you must provide the following information:

  • expected volume of blue fuel consumption;
  • Availability gas appliances in room ( gas stove or instantaneous water heaters);
  • area of ​​the heated room.

A gas boiler makes it possible to set the microclimate that suits you without being tied to central heating and water supply

Specialists review the application and decide whether it is possible to install a boiler in this room. If the conditions for installing a gas boiler in a private house do not comply with safety requirements, the applicant will receive a justified refusal. The possibility of installing a heating system is considered in each individual case; there are no standard projects.

If the solution is satisfactory, the owner of the premises receives a project with technical conditions. During the installation of gas equipment, they must be strictly observed, otherwise specialists will identify inconsistencies and violations during inspection, which may result in a refusal to start the system or subsequent corrections.

Development and approval of the project

Installation work without a design permitting the installation of a heating boiler is prohibited. First of all, this is due to the high degree of danger of the work being carried out and the further operation of the equipment.

When drawing up design documentation, the features of the premises are taken into account. It must comply with all the requirements specified in the technical specifications. In addition, the project indicates a drawing for laying gas supply communications:

  • in private houses - throughout the area up to front door in a residential building;
  • in apartments - from the front door to the point where the boiler is connected to the gas network.

When installing heating boilers, it is necessary to create a project, this is due to the high degree of danger of this structure

The preparation of such documentation can only be carried out by authorized persons who have received a license for such work and are responsible for all calculations. The owners of the premises are prohibited from editing anything or making adjustments at their own discretion. Prepared project documents are subsequently sent for approval. This issue is dealt with by the gas supply technical department. Review may take from several days to several months, depending on the complexity of the drawings and the characteristics of the premises.

Along with the project for which boiler equipment will be installed, the following must be submitted for approval:

  • technical passport of the unit;
  • installation and operating instructions;
  • certificates confirming the boiler’s compliance with sanitary and technical standards;
  • confirmation of an examination of the boiler, revealing its compliance with safety standards.

When choosing heating equipment, you need to know what gas boilers are and their characteristics

The buyer receives all these documents when purchasing equipment. If it was not possible to achieve a positive decision on the installation, you need to pay attention to the reason for the refusal. Specialists reviewing the project are required to list the actions the implementation of which will subsequently allow obtaining permission. Once the documents are approved, you can proceed to installation work.

Eligibility Conditions

According to the requirements, the installation of gas boilers in a private house must be carried out in a separate non-residential premises, provided that its power exceeds 30 kW. Well suited for mini-boiler room equipment basement or any structure attached to the cottage. This allows you to heat not only the main living space, but also technical rooms.

Gas boilers do not create noise or soot, and can heat rooms up to 300 sq.m.

A residential building is equipped with a boiler room if the following conditions are met:

  • area per boiler - at least 4 square meters;
  • ceiling height - from 2200 mm;
  • the presence of a window is required (as a source natural light) with an area of ​​at least 0.5 square meters;
  • door opening - from 800 mm;
  • the distance from the boiler to the entrance to the room is at least 1300 mm;
  • the distance from the boiler to the wall is at least 1300-1500 mm, which is due to the need to access the equipment in case of breakdown or maintenance;
  • the floor covering must be made of non-flammable, non-combustible material.

It is recommended to insulate the surface of the walls to which the boiler is closest with heat-resistant materials. The unit must be placed horizontally; vibration and noise level during operation depend on its stability. In the room where the boilers are located, everyone electrical outlets there must be a grounding circuit, which is due to the connection individual elements to the power supply network (pump, ignition).

A supply is required in a mini-boiler room cold water, and in the floor there is a drainage system for removing coolant. Access to the inspection window must be free, since cleaning is carried out regularly due to clogging of the channels.

Installation of chimney and ventilation

Floor-standing boilers are very powerful, but wall-mounted boilers save space, especially in small apartments

Ventilation system, like the chimney, are necessary for normal, uninterrupted operation heating system, as well as to prevent emergency fire or explosion. They are equipped separately, and a forced ventilation duct is installed to supply fresh air. The entrance window is located at the bottom of the entrance door or external ceiling; its size is at least 1/30 of the entire area of ​​the room. To prevent air circulation, ventilation ducts must not be blocked.

The location of the boiler is preferable directly next to the chimney pipe. If it is located in the wall, two windows are equipped - the main one and the inspection window. The pipe outlet is equipped directly to the street or through other rooms through pipes.

It is appropriate to equip separate rooms as boiler rooms in case of installation of floor-standing boilers. They are characterized by more bulky dimensions compared to wall models and block the passage in the room. Floor-standing boilers are more powerful, but wall-mounted ones are convenient to use even in apartment buildings. Such equipment already provides coaxial pipe, removing combustion products and simultaneously providing air flow.

Requirements for kitchen facilities

Not all houses have the opportunity to allocate a separate room for boiler room equipment. In addition, if the power of the unit does not exceed 30 kW, then it is allowed to be installed in kitchen areas. At the same time, they must meet the approved requirements:

  • the distance from the boiler to the wall surface is at least 10 cm;
  • distance to ceiling - at least 15 cm;
  • lack of exhaust hood (for models with an open combustion chamber);
  • The volume of the room is at least 15 cubic meters.

Ventilation can be provided by a grille mounted at the bottom of the door or by leaving a gap in the window frame.

Certain requirements must be strictly adhered to to ensure safe operation. similar equipment in the kitchen

The listed requirements are common to everyone who wants to install in own home autonomous system heating. However, the main basis for permission to install a gas boiler will be technical conditions, which are considered by specialists individually for each object.

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