Freesia flowering times. How to plant freesia correctly: basic methods of proper cultivation

Freesia is a beautiful and noble decoration for any garden plot. The homeland of the capricious beauty is considered to be warm and humid African lands, where it was discovered and then domesticated at the beginning of the 19th century. Today, gardeners are attracted by the variety of shapes and shades of freesia flowers. Read our article on how to grow a plant and care for it.

This perennial herbaceous corm plant belongs to the Iris family, which includes about 20 charming views. Blooming freesia always attracts admiring glances. Fragrant, large, bell- and funnel-shaped flowers can create a kaleidoscope of orange, cream, yellow, pink, purple, white and red. Where freesia blooms, the air is always saturated with the subtle aroma of lily of the valley.

Varieties of culture

Freesia Armstrong

The branched stem of this plant reaches approximately 65 cm in height. In spring, such freesia dresses in snow-white, pink, lilac, scarlet or rich red. Fragrant bells are united in 3-5 buds into lush panicles.

Varieties of this type of freesia show off their flowers from May to June. Armstrong's most impressive freesia variety is the Cardinal freesia.

Freesia broken

Its stem rarely exceeds 30 cm in height. Miniature variety very different fragrant flowers various shades of yellow. There are also varieties that produce white flowers, such as Alba freesia.

Freesia hybrid

Flower growers love this type more than others. The plant was obtained by crossing broken freesia and Armstrong freesia. The culture is notable for the wide palette of shades in which its buds are painted during the flowering period. The highlight of a flower is its throat, which is usually colored contrasting color in relation to the petals. A fairly tall crop, the height of which in some cases exceeds 100 cm. The plant species is distinguished by a bare, highly branched stem and a brownish scaly corm. The leaves of this freesia are neat - thin, divided in half by a central vein.

The most impressive representatives of the species are Ballerina, Rose Marie and Pimperina. Admire these varieties of freesia in the photo:

All types of plants have varieties of simple and double forms. A simple-shaped flower has one row of petals, a double-shaped flower has two or more. Considering that flower shops today offer a wide range of freesia varieties and various combinations of varieties in one package, you can grow a real work of art near your home, consisting of freesias of various shapes and colors.

Decorative value of freesia flowers

This is adorable garden plant valued primarily as a cut crop. This is not surprising, since freesia flowers:

  • become the main accent when composing any flower arrangement. For this reason, freesia is a frequent guest in wedding bouquets;
  • maintain a fresh, attractive appearance for a long time;
  • attracted the attention of venerable perfumers due to its delicate aroma;
  • have become an integral element of landscape design;
  • with proper care, they delight with their abundance both in the garden and on the windowsill.

Freesia: cultivation and care

The plant feels great in a greenhouse all year round. The bulbs are germinated in large wooden containers or on racks in light and loose soil. A mixture of leaf or turf soil and peat is also suitable. Water the crop regularly and very moderately: after morning watering, the soil around its trunk should dry out noticeably by the evening. Freesia flower stalks must be tied up.

The optimal conditions for germinating bulbs are considered to be a temperature of 20°C. In the cold season, 6 - 7 days after planting, the temperature in the greenhouse is reduced to 10 0 C, and in the spring, make sure that the thermometer does not leave the 20 0 C mark. Sharp cooling or warming (below 2 -3 0 C and above 20 - 21 0 C) spoils freesia peduncles, deforming them. In winter, the flower needs additional lighting.

Growing freesia in open ground

Many people are happy to invite freesia to their personal plot. The plant loves the sun's rays very much, but does not tolerate wind. The crop grows successfully in loose, humus-rich soil with sufficient drainage.

Before planting in open ground, freesia tubers are given a long period of rest: they are stored indoors for about 3 months. high level humidity at a temperature of about 28 - 30 0 C. Freesia is planted in the garden when the danger of sudden frost has passed. After planting, do not forget to mulch the crop with neutralized peat. From the very the best side freesia will be able to show itself if it is satisfied with natural light: the flower loves sunlight very much, but does not tolerate the aggressive effects of burning rays in too hot weather, therefore light partial shade is considered optimal conditions for normal flower growth.

Peduncles appear by August, and freesia will delight you with luxurious flowering until autumn. The better the weather, the longer the flowers do not fade. Flowers for a bouquet can be cut when at least two flowers in the inflorescence have fully opened their petals. Withered flowers are immediately removed, otherwise they will deprive the neighboring fresh buds and flowers of nutrients.

The graceful plant is distinguished by weak peduncles that easily bend under their own weight, so a freesia garden cannot do without a strong support. In truth, a slight curvature of the stem even looks attractive, but the lack of support threatens the freesia with premature breaking and shortens its life. Twine stretched at several levels in the form of a grid can serve as a support. This design will be needed as soon as the plant shoots reach a height of 15 cm.

A correctly installed support will allow the freesia to maintain a vertical position, which will provide the stem and leaves of the flower with uniform access to air, moisture and light. When tensioning the mesh, you need to ensure that the distance between its cells does not exceed 10 - 15 cm. As the freesia grows upward, the mesh is increased due to new levels.

When flowering ends, the corms are dug up - this must be done before the leaves dry out. The above-ground part of the stem is cut off. For 1 month after removal from the soil, the corms are stored at a temperature of about 25 0 C, then gradually reduce it to 10 0 C.

At the beginning of the growing season, freesia especially needs loose, light soil, so do not forget to periodically loosen the soil around the flower. Abundant and regular watering also has great value for freesia - it will bloom only if the soil is constantly moist. Abundant flowering garden beauty lasts 3 - 6 weeks. During this time, watering should be gradually reduced until completely stopped. You also need to remember to regularly spray the stem and leaves of the plant, since air humidity is of no small importance for it. Watering and spraying are carried out in the evening, taking into account that the moisture should be completely absorbed by the soil and the freesia itself. In open soil, the flower feels good until the onset of frost.

With the arrival of autumn (late September - early October), freesia fades, its leaves turn yellow, dry out. It's time to dig the plant's corms out of the ground, removing the stem and leaves. Clean the bulbs from the soil, cut off the roots and old scales, and leave them for about 30 minutes. in a non-concentrated solution of potassium permanganate or other fungicide (for example, Fundazol, Maxim) and give them 2 - 3 days to dry completely at a temperature of 25 - 28 0 C in a well-ventilated area. Finally, the bulbs are carefully sorted to discard any spoiled or rotten ones. The healthy part is left for storage.

How to store freesia bulbs

To preserve the integrity of the bulbs of this crop, they are placed in a net and left in a room with a temperature of about 21 - 25 0 C and air humidity above average (about 80%). If suitable conditions There is no storage; you can place a container filled with water under the net with the bulbs. Planting material should be sorted out once a month and inspected for diseased or rotten corms. 1 month before planting in open ground, the bulbs are transferred to a cooler place (from 10 to 15 0 C).

Experienced flower growers store plant bulbs by burying them in dry peat. If severe winters with severe frosts do not come to your area, you can leave the corms in the ground, hiding them under a layer of fallen leaves or spruce branches.

Freesia propagation methods

Progeny from a plant you like can be obtained using its seeds or daughter bulbs.

Propagation by seeds

Sowing is scheduled for the period from April to May. A day before planting, the seeds are immersed in a manganese solution. The next day they are buried in planting boxes with a greenhouse substrate or a mixture of turf or leaf soil.

The first shoots appear after approximately 23 – 25 days. When they are already clearly visible, they are “relocated” to the greenhouse. In order for young freesia to grow stronger, it is regularly looked after: they make sure that it has enough light, water, weed and feed it with fertilizers based on potassium and phosphorus every week.

When transplanting pickled seedlings to permanent place use paper cups or special boxes.

Reproduction by daughter bulbs

Tubers can be stored without problems together with adult bulbs. They are planted in boxes with sand in March, and sent to the ground in April-May. For further good growth Freesias are poured into the planting holes with a certain amount of sand and crushed coal in equal proportions, after which they are spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate. Seedlings need frequent hilling and watering. Seedlings can be transferred to open ground along with a planting box.

Freesia Fertilizer

In order for the plant to grow healthy, it is periodically fertilized. Freesia is highly sensitive to the degree of soil salinity; therefore, only liquid solutions are suitable for it, and dry mixtures are strictly contraindicated.

The first feeding of freesia should take place 1.5 - 2 weeks after planting: garden beauty will not refuse nitrogen-based fertilizer. Feeding with high concentration nitrogen needs to be applied 3 – 4 times per period active growth flower.

Later, with the appearance of spikelets, a mineral composition is used instead of nitrogen fertilizer, which also supports freesia when it is at the peak of flowering. The plant especially needs mineral supplements with sufficient amounts of iron, boron, phosphorus, calcium, manganese and potassium. For the next feeding at the end of August, it is better to use superphosphate. With the arrival of autumn, freesia slows down its growth: by mid-September, the flower stalks of the plant fade, and the leaves begin to turn yellow. The flower stalks are removed, but the plant continues to be watered and fed.

Experienced gardeners recommend the following feeding scheme: for the first time, fertilizer in the form of ammonium nitrate (20 g per 1 bucket of water) is applied immediately after germination, then every two weeks the freesia is fed with a composition prepared from 40 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium salt per 1 bucket water.

Diseases and pests dangerous to plants

Diseases that gladioli often suffer from include: great danger and for freesia. The sophisticated plant is very difficult to tolerate fusarium, gray, dry, hard, penicillium and sclerotial rots, scab.

Such viral diseases, like the bean virus and the freesia virus, can destroy even very tall and healthy flowers. The causative agent of these diseases, the freesia mosaic virus, causes the development of small wet spots on the leaves of the infected plant, which dry out after a while, leaving behind light marks. If there are a lot of such marks, the sheet dies. Due to the harmful virus, freesia bulbs also suffer: they become covered with rusty spots. Beautiful bloom for a sick freesia it becomes an almost impossible task. The plant forms a curved arrow, on which buds with greenish petals subsequently appear. Aphids are considered to be the spreaders of the virus. Diseased plants should be destroyed to protect healthy neighboring freesias.

As preventive measures disinfection is carried out by washing the dug up bulbs. The same procedure is carried out before planting the plant in open ground. For processing, zircon, potassium permanganate solution, and foundationazole are used.

growing in open ground freesia is often plagued by spider mites, thrips and aphids. Detected pests are eliminated using soap solution or any insecticidal agent.

The health of freesia largely depends on compliance with the rules of agricultural technology:

  1. For watering plants, use only settled warm water.
  2. Watering is carried out no later than 5 pm, so that the freesia leaves have time to dry by night.
  3. Neighboring plants should not be planted too closely, otherwise air stagnation in wet weather cannot be avoided.

Freesia, which is cared for according to all the rules, will thank you with lush blooms and luxurious flowers.

Garden and home freesia: features of cultivation. Video

Freesias are graceful, fragrant flowers grown from bulbs. Freesias make a great addition to flower arrangements, and most people grow them for cutting and bouquets. Freesias can be grown either in the ground or in pots and will bloom around 12 weeks after planting. Once freesias have opened their buds, they will remain in bloom for months on end.


Part 1

Planting freesias

    Find out when to plant freesias. Freesias grow from bulbs that must be planted at a specific time of year for them to bloom. The season for planting freesia depends on what growing zone you live in. Learn about the growing zones for your region to determine the best time to plant freesias.

    • Freesias can survive winter in warm regions. If you live in a warm region, plant freesia bulbs in early fall to give them time to take root and become established.
    • If you live in a colder region, freesias will die in the winter if you plant them in the fall. You'd better wait until early spring when the last ones pass possible frost. This way the fragile buds will grow and bloom.
  1. Choose large, sturdy bulbs. Freesia bulbs, also called corms, are similar to green onions. Buy them from the nursery the same day or just a few days before you plan to plant them in the ground. If you live in a cool climate, wait until spring to order freesia bulbs.

    Prepare the planting bed. Choose a place that is well lit by the sun. Freesias will not bloom if planted in the shade. They need sun all day long to bloom and keep you happy with their blooms throughout the season. Choose a planting location so that the flowers receive maximum light for at least eight hours a day. The soil should be relatively fertile, but this is not necessary; the situation can be corrected by applying fertilizers to change the acidity of the soil. However, freesias require soil with good drainage. They need a lot of water, but if the water sits around the bulbs and roots, they will begin to rot.

    Plant the bulbs. Dig holes 5 centimeters deep, 8-10 cm apart. Place the freesia bulbs in the recesses with the pointed ends facing up. Cover the bulbs with soil and compact them gently, then water the bed thoroughly. Sprouts will appear within 2-3 weeks.

    Consider pot planting. If you want to plant freesias in a pot, choose a pot with adequate drainage hole and fill it with regular soil mixture. Plant the bulbs 5cm apart and 5cm deep. Keep the container indoors after planting, and move it outdoors sunny place as soon as the sprouts appear.

    Part 2

    Freesia care
    1. Fertilize the sprouts. When you see the first shoots, you can help them get off to a good start by feeding them potash fertilizers, such as comfrey granules. Place the granules at the base of the sprouts and gently press them into the soil. This step is not strictly necessary, but it can be helpful if the soil in your area is not very fertile.

      Prop the plants when they begin to grow tall. When they reach a height of 15-20 cm, freesias need support to prevent them from falling. Place small supports behind each plant and carefully support the freesias on them. Check the supports from time to time to make sure they provide sufficient support.

      Water freesias throughout the growing season. Once freesias are planted in full sun, their soil dries out very quickly. Keep it moist, but not soggy, throughout the growing season. After 120 days, the freesias will bloom. Continue watering them until the flowers begin to fall off, from which point you can gradually reduce the watering until they finish blooming.

      • Water your freesias in the morning so the planting bed has time to dry out before nightfall. If water sits in plants at night, mold may begin to grow.
      • Water around the base of the freesias so that the drops do not fall on the leaves and flowers, otherwise the plants will get burned from the bright sun.
    2. Wait until the foliage turns yellow before removing it. When the flowers have fallen, let the leaves continue to grow. Wait until they turn yellow before removing. They continue to provide the plant with energy before dying. The accumulated energy will help your freesias grow strong next year.

      • After the first frost, "harvest" your freesias by trimming the leaves and stems to an inch above the ground.
      • This step is not necessary if you live in a warm climate and the freesia leaves never turn yellow or die.
    3. Dry the bulbs and let them rest. If you live in a cold climate, you'll need to dig up the bulbs and let them dry out throughout the winter, then replant them in the spring. If you don't do this, the bulbs won't survive the winter. Dig up the bulbs and place them in a cool, dry place over the winter, then plant them after the last frost has passed.

      • In warmer climates, you can leave the bulbs in the ground. They will germinate again in the spring after surviving the winter.

    Part 3

    Freesia cutting
    1. Prune freesias when they are in full bloom. The plants will continue to bloom after cutting, so there's nothing wrong with wanting to enjoy them in your home. Use clean pruning shears or sharp knife and make a diagonal cut towards the base of the stem, leaving a petiole a few centimeters long.

      • Do not use scissors to cut freesias as they will crush the stem instead of leaving a clean cut. A clean cut will ensure long flowering of cut freesias and cause less damage to the plant.
      • Potted freesias can also be cut. Avoid bringing the pot indoors as the freesia will die without adequate sunlight.
    2. Provide clean water and flower food. Freesias can stay in bloom for up to three weeks if you feed the flowers. Fill the vase clean water and pour a packet of nursery food into it. Alternatively, you can add a teaspoon of sugar syrup to provide nutrition for the flowers. Add more fertilizer each time you change the water, which should be changed every few days.

      Keep the vase clean. Another way to ensure that your flowers last a long time is to use a very clean vase with no residue from previous bouquets. Even a small amount of bacteria can cause rapid flower rot. In addition to using clean vase and changing the water regularly every few days, try adding a teaspoon of bleach to the water when you change it. Bleach kills bacteria and keeps flowers fresh much longer than if you don't use it.

    • A good way to test how well water is moving through the soil is to test it a few hours after it rains. Any areas where puddles remain are not suitable for growing freesias.
    • If you are starting to get sick of insects, avoid using chemicals as this may damage the flowers. Instead, use sticky tapes from flies or collect insects by hand.
    • Freesias do not do well in hot climates.
    • Sixty-centimeter bamboo shoots are the best supports for freesias. Tie the stems with twine or thick thread.
    • The flowering period can be extended if you keep the plant in a cool place.
    • Always plant bulbs with the pointed end facing up.
    • To get beautiful flowers by January, start potting your plants in August-September.
    • Consider a rodent-proofing system for your plants.
    • Do not store the bulbs in closed containers, or pack them too tightly, otherwise they will rot.

How to believe in yourself and make your dream come true? It will help you with this exquisite flower aristocrats - delicate and fragile freesia. The Cape lily of the valley, according to legend, charges with unheard-of warlike fortitude and thereby opens the way to victory. Not only that, the African iris (another name for freesia) is famous for the divine aroma of lily of the valley and a whole palette of natural shades. Fortunately, freesia is an easy flower to grow and is perfect for beginner gardeners to practice. Unlike other bulbous plants, its flowering is constant, that is, having begun to bloom in July, it will continue flowering until frost. Take into account our tips and tricks for correct landing freesia in open ground, thorough care and cultivation, and victory undoubtedly awaits you!

Types and varieties of freesia

The most popular types of freesia are:

Video: types and varieties of freesia

How to prepare freesia bulbs for planting

Freesias need to be planted in open ground at the age of 2 months, so, as a rule, in mid-to-late March you should remove the freesia bulbs from the refrigerator in order to plant them for germination.

All bulbs usually look quite good from the outside because they are covered in scales. But when you start clearing them of scales (except for the tips, you don’t need to touch them, just the bottom), you may find dried specimens that you will have to get rid of.

To stimulate root formation, each bulb should be lubricated with aloe juice - this is one of the simplest and folk ways. Naturally, you can take advantage of more effective purchased funds, for example, “Kornevin” or “Heteroauxin”.

Planting freesia bulbs for germination

As landing capacity you can use the most ordinary plastic cups (0.2 liters). Don't forget to make drainage holes in them.

Advice! If your bulbs are small, then you can plant 2-3 pieces in 1 cup; if they are large enough, then 1 piece.

The soil for planting should be loose and airy. You can prepare it according to the following recipe: take humus, turf and leaf soil in a 1:1:1 ratio.

Step-by-step instruction planting freesia bulbs for germination:

Video: preparing freesia bulbs and planting them for germination

By the way! If you want to plant freesia babies for germination, then they need to be placed in sufficient deep pot(about 15 centimeters) at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other, depending on the size of the children. The babies will grow in this container all summer, and in the fall they should be dug up and stored.

Caring for freesia after planting for germination

The optimal temperature for germinating bulbs is +15-18 degrees. In order to maintain this it is enough low temperature on the windowsill, you can use a “screen”, for example, from ceiling tiles. This effective remedy for protection from home hot and dry air.

Important! At high temperature freesia inevitably stretches out and thins out. As a result, their peduncle will be weak and the flowers will be small. It is unlikely that such a plant will please the eye.

Gradually, the temperature outside the window will begin to rise, and therefore on the windowsill, which should not be allowed, as the bulbs will begin to grow excessively large. green mass. Therefore, closer to the time of disembarkation, you should begin to take the plantings out onto the veranda or loggia during the day, when the temperature there is above +10 degrees, and at night, bring them in and return them to the window.

Freesia bulbs planted for germination should be watered like regular seedlings, that is, as the soil dries out.

When the seedlings have grown noticeably, it is worth installing small supports in the pot and tying up the freesia stems so that it does not break off.

When and how to plant freesia seedlings in open ground

Landing dates

It is difficult to name specific dates for planting freesia in open ground. As a rule, you need to look at the weather. The average daily temperature should be noticeably higher than +10 degrees, and the soil should be at least +10 degrees. Depending on the region and climate, the timing may vary. So, in the south you can plant as early as April, in Middle lane(Moscow region) it is worth waiting until May; in the Urals and Siberia they are most often planted in late May - early June.

By the way! If the seedlings are not yet crowded in the cups, then you can postpone planting. If it has outgrown, then it is advisable to hurry up and plant it in open ground.

In general, freesias are not afraid of frost, but if there is a threat of frost, and you live in a fairly cold region, then after planting you should install arches and cover them with film. Also, the ground around the seedlings can be additionally covered with black film.

According to the lunar calendar in 2019

This can help you choose the optimal date for planting bulbs. Moon calendar.

Important! Planting freesia bulbs in a pot (for germination at home) is also recommended in accordance with the lunar calendar.

So favorable days For spring landing freesia bulbs in 2019 according to the lunar calendar are:

  • in February - 15-17, 23-25;
  • in March - 12-17, 22-25;
  • in April - 6-8, 20-26, 29, 30;
  • in May - 6-8, 14-17, 21-23, 31;
  • in June - 1, 2, 9-11.

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar for 2019 The dates for planting freesia bulbs in spring are:

  • in February - 4, 5, 19;
  • in March - 6, 7, 21;
  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17.

According to lunar calendar from the magazine “1000 tips for a summer resident.”

Place and soil

You should choose a place for planting so that the area is well protected from winds and drafts, and the sun does not stand over the flower all day. In other words, the flower should be planted in light partial shade.

The soil for growing freesia requires sufficiently nutritious, loose and well-drained soil. For example, in landing hole you can add soil for seedlings, humus, or mix garden soil with peat 1 to 1. You should also add superphosphate at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 seedling and mix thoroughly with the soil.

Planting in open ground

Step-by-step instructions for planting freesia seedlings in open ground:

Video: planting freesia in open ground

Caring for freesias in open ground

After planting and until freesia is dug up in the fall, its care should include: watering, loosening and weeding the soil from weeds, as well as fertilizing.

Freesia loves humidity and does not tolerate drought well, so summer period it needs to be watered every day. But it is worth understanding that from overwatering and stagnation of moisture can cause the bulbs to rot, so after heavy rains it is advisable to loosen the soil next to the flower. After flowering ends, watering should be significantly reduced and then stopped altogether.

As always, before flowering, you can use freesia to feed nitrogen fertilizers, and already during flowering - potassium-phosphorus.

Home care when growing in an apartment

If you decide to leave the freesia in the apartment and continue growing it at home, then caring for it is almost identical, except that it is advisable to water it before 17-00 in the evening, so that the moisture does not stagnate in the pot at night, in other words, the soil dries out.

By the way! Freesia responds very well to evening mist sprays.

And do not forget to tie it to the supports so that the flower does not break under the weight of the peduncles.

Worth remembering! Freesia is a light-loving flower, but it should not be exposed to direct rays, so it should be kept on an eastern or northern windowsill.

As soon as the plant enters a dormant period, in other words, it fades, the amount of watering should be reduced and then stopped altogether.

When to dig and how to preserve freesia bulbs

In autumn, the bulbs should be dug up, all the leaves should be cut off, then washed, disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and stored.

What kind of epithets do people find when describing the aroma of freesia? But every time they find themselves in a difficult situation. Because there are simply no such words. It is impossible to convey its magical aroma in the article, but the description of the flower, planting rules and many nuances of caring for it will help you grow freesia flowers, and this is what it all looks like in practice.

Freesia: flower features

Freesias originate from South Africa, and a significant part of their species are from the Cape floristic region (extreme southwest of the African continent) - the richest vegetation area on earth (not to be confused with the Cape geographical region) due to the Mediterranean climate with a reverse temporal position of the seasons (winter - June - August). Two of the freesia species are widespread in the African tropics, and the northernmost limit of distribution reaches Sudan.

Did you know? Modern floristry distinguishes zones of the earth's surface according to the content of flora, differences in the features of its formation and evolution. This division is built hierarchically, and at the top of this hierarchy the most significant objects are the floristic kingdoms, which include floristic subkingdoms, regions, subregions, etc. The Cape floristic kingdom is the smallest of all the floristic kingdoms.

In the places of its origin, freesia, classified by botanists as a member of the Iris family, finds favorite places among the abundance of shrubs along wet banks.

Among flower growers, hybrid freesia (Freesia hybrida) is often used for growing garden flowers. It was bred experimentally from the following varieties:

  • F. refracta– broken freesia;
  • F. leichtlinii– Leuchtlin freesia;
  • F. armstrongii– Armstrong freesia.
Freesia corms are covered with light brown scales; with linear tuber leaves, with a prominent central vein, 0.15-0.20 m in length, 10-15 mm in width, glabrous stem. 2-5 pieces of fragrant, narrow funnel-shaped flowers 30-50 mm long are in a branched weak one-sided inflorescence. The flower tubes are narrow and weak at the base, subsequently widening steeply, with oval, pointed lobes of the outer part of the flower and a blunt and wider central upper lobe. Three stamens are attached inside the tube. Freesia has a three-locular ovary; trilocular, obovate, small seed pods; the seeds are angular, round, dark brown.

The genus Freesia received its name thanks to the doctor Friedrich Frese (Germany, 1795–1876), who cultivated this plant. It is incorrect to draw an identity between the genus Freesia and the genus Vriesea, which is in the Bromeliad family.

Where to plant freesia, conditions for growing a flower

It is easy to create in greenhouses and conservatories required environment for breeding freesia, although such an activity is considered only capable of experienced and professional gardeners. It is possible to grow freesia all year round, but in the cold winters of middle latitudes its tubers cannot survive the winter - they must be removed from the soil and planted winter storage. For many gardeners, information on how to grow freesia in the garden will be relevant. To plant freesia in gardens, you must first find a place in partial shade, also protected from the winds. There is no need to worry about the soil - any soil will do. The main requirement for it is looseness and drainage.

In early August, one to three flower stalks sprout from each freesia bulb. In good weather, flowering can last until October. Flowering is prolonged by transplanting the bulbs into a flowerpot, container or pot. When frost sets in, they are moved to a warm place, and the fragrant freesias will delight you for some time.

After digging, the freesia bulbs are first stored for thirty days at 25 °C in a ventilated room with sufficient dryness. In the future, it is necessary to lower the temperature to 10 °C. When using others temperature rules There is a lack of formation of freesia inflorescences in many corms; a complete set of rules for planting and caring for which must be strictly followed.

Freesia and light

For wellness freesia in enclosed spaces prefers bright lighting, without shading from direct sunlight. The most suitable location for it is windows facing east and west. The northern direction will not provide the amount of light necessary for normal growing season. Therefore, in winter and autumn it is necessary to provide additional lighting.

Temperature and air humidity for the plant

In addition to controlling the lighting, there are other general rules that tell, especially beginners, how to properly grow flowers and freesia in particular.

To properly maintain freesias, fully ventilated rooms with a temperature of 20 to 25 °C are required. After the flowering period, freesia begins a period of dormancy (sleep), and the plant needs to lower the temperature to 15 °C for a period of up to two months. Excessive moisture in the soil is unacceptable, otherwise the bulbs will rot. The time of keeping cool during sleep is characterized by a lack of irrigation. Freesia tolerates dry air normally, but hot weather requires regular moistening and spraying.

How to plant freesia correctly

Before you plant freesia in the garden, you need to understand how to prepare freesia for planting. By the beginning of March, the corms are prepared and placed in pots containing turf soil, sand, peat and humus. For a volume of three liters there will be six freesia bulbs, which will be in earth mixture about 18 days indoors at a temperature of 25-28 °C.

Did you know? Freesia – female name, may have come from freziya, a Hunnish language. Men are like a magnet attracted to women with this name.

Freesia is planted in open ground after the threat of night frosts has passed. Holes are prepared based on planting to a depth of 3-6 cm. The distance between large tubers is 5 cm, between smaller ones - 3 cm. Row spacing is spaced one after another from 15 cm. To protect the soil from overheating, it is mulched with pine needles or peat. By August, 1-3 sprouts will appear, and freesia will bloom until the beginning of October.

How to care for freesia in open ground

When cultivating freesia in open ground, special attention is paid to maintaining an optimal moisture balance through mulching. In this case, soft neutral peat is used, covering the soil with a layer of 3 cm. You can also use steamed straw for this. In addition to mulching, freesias need to weed and loosen the soil to optimize oxygen penetration. Freesia flowering in the garden lasts up to one and a half months. This period is increased by cutting one third of the stem when cutting flowers.

How to water freesia

When growing freesia in the garden, gardeners provide special treatment glaze. Freesia is watered abundantly and regularly during the growth and flowering period, which lasts up to six weeks. During this season, the soil should always be moist. In addition, both the stems and leaves of the plant are sprayed. It is better to carry out these procedures in the evening so that the flowers have time to absorb moisture. After the end of the blooming period, the intensity of watering decreases until it stops completely. In open ground in the garden, freesias are kept until frost.

Important! Freesia requires special care when planting and caring for it in open ground.

Freesia Fertilizer

When growing freesia, you should enrich the soil at least twice within 30 days with superphosphates (35 g per 10 liters of water) or potassium salts (10 g per 10 liters of water). Freesias do not have the necessary resistance to soil salinity, therefore, it is better to fertilize them only with a liquid solution, abandoning the use of dry mixtures.

During the active growth of freesia, it is necessary to apply mineral bait with a large volume of nitrogen four times. When growing in open ground, it is necessary to use such fertilizer application tactics, thanks to which the initial complementary feeding with ammonium nitrate solution (20 g per 10 liters of water) is necessary upon emergence of seedlings, and then every two weeks fertilizing is carried out with the addition of 40 g for the same volume of water superphosphate and 20 g of potassium salts.

Support for freesia in the garden

Freesia flower stalks, being rather weak and easily bendable, need support. A slight grace of curvature will not take away the beauty of the flowers, but rather will add charm, but in order to avoid breaking off during further growth, they are tied to supports. For this purpose, install a mesh, tying it with twine when the freesias reach a height of 150-200 mm.

Installing supports for freesia is necessary to help the plant maintain its vertical position, since freesia needs to grow in conditions of even distribution of air and light. This can only be achieved due to the absence of strong curvature of the flower stems. When arranging the grid, you must remember to maintain the width between the cells of about 10-15 cm. As the growth of flowers in height increases, further levels are added to the grid or simply raised by moving it along the supports.

Important! Freesia needs support, as it is fragile and fast growing plant. Keep in mind that freesia with yellow-red flowers grows even faster than specimens with other colors.

Flower diseases and pests

Freesias are plagued by the same diseases and pests that gladioli are susceptible to. Improper care can cause damage to freesias by thrips, spider mites, and aphids. But Most often, freesias suffer from diseases such as rot, fusarium and scab. Affected plants must be immediately removed. For prevention, the bulbs can be disinfected immediately after digging and cleaning them from contamination. Before planting, disinfection is repeated. It is recommended to use a weakly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate.

Perennial herbaceous freesia belongs to the iris family. Natural views grow in South Africa no further north than Sudan. Based on the area of ​​greatest distribution, freesias received a second name - Cape lilies of the valley.

Beautiful rich flowers color range, grown in cultivation, have a delicate aroma and inflorescences on thin stems. Due to their decorative properties, flowers are very popular; they are grown in flower beds, for bouquets, and at home they are suitable for growing in flower pots.

Features of cultivation

The most favorable conditions for growing freesia are greenhouse or greenhouse conditions. In our climate, this plant requires annual digging of tubers; if kept indoors, it blooms in winter.

Garden freesia is light-loving, but does not tolerate direct sun rays, drafts, heat, cold and sharp changes temperature. Stems individual species need supports during the flowering period.

The plant is not easy and not every gardener can achieve its flowering in open ground. But forcing in pots usually takes place without problems - after planting in September, freesia blooms by the beginning of spring. Garden and indoor flowers require annual replanting.

Planting freesia in the ground

Before planting in the ground, the bulbs should be grown. At the beginning of spring, the tubers are freed from scales. To prevent diseases caused by fungus, the tubers are kept for half an hour in foundation (0.2 percent solution). After this, the corms are immersed in loose fertile soil by 5 centimeters and left in the light until planted in the ground.

You can grow freesias from seeds, although this method is less reliable. Seeds are placed in moistened soil, covered with two centimeters of special seed soil and kept in the light under glass for about twenty days. When the seedlings hatch, the most developed ones are planted on a designated plot of land in mid-May.

The flowering of freesia directly depends on how it was aged. temperature regime when planting in the ground. Create a tropical regime for the purchased tubers. To do this, place the bulbs in a linen bag and place it in a warm place over a bowl of water. After some time, root rudiments form in the tubers, and a peduncle will emerge inside. Before planting in the ground, the temperature should be reduced to +10 °C. Before planting, treat the bulbs with Actellik and a growth stimulator. If special drugs if you don’t have it on hand, sprinkle the tubers with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Important! Store-bought freesia bulbs may be infected with viruses or fungal diseases. In this case, the tubers rot after planting.

The soil

You can plant flowers when the soil warms up to 10°C. Freesias require nutritious and loose soil. To ensure development and flowering proceed without problems, add rotted humus (compost) and complete mineral fertilizer to the soil. Optimal neutral acidity is 6.0-6.8 pH. If the soil is acidic, add a top layer in the fall or add dolomite flour.

Large tubers are planted at intervals of 5 centimeters, smaller ones at intervals of 3 centimeters. The distance between rows is 10 centimeters. Freesia has thin and brittle stems that often break off. To prevent this from happening, when the plants reach 15 cm in height, stretch twine between the rows.

Flowers love moist soil; to limit water evaporation, mulch the soil with peat with neutral acidity.

On light soils, the planting depth is 12 cm, on medium soils - 10 cm; if the soil is heavy or the tubers are small, the planting depth should be reduced to 6 cm.

After planting, the area is generously watered and mulched to prevent the bulbs from drying out and rotting until a full root system is formed.

Advice. Do not press the sprouted tubers into the ground, even if it is well loosened. Prepare a separate hole for each bulb and carefully place the planting material.

Boarding time

The usual time for planting in open ground is mid-April. Later, the earth warms up above +15°C and the rudiments of inflorescences may die. Freesia will germinate, but most likely there will be no flowering.

With stable heat in the range from +13 to +20°C, the plants will germinate in two to three weeks. When it gets colder, flower stalks may slow down, and when it’s hot, the leaves grow to the detriment of the development of inflorescences. Freesias do not like heat and cold; at temperatures below +2-3 °C and above +20-22 °C, the flowers are deformed and empty buds are formed.

Advice. It is not recommended to plant freesias in open ground in the fall. Heat-loving plant, most likely, will die in frost.

Freesias thrive in warm, shaded areas without drafts. The plant is capricious and requires constant attention, but with good care, the sissy will thank you in the second half of summer with wonderful fragrant flowers. The area with freesias must be regularly loosened and weeded.


If after planting the bulbs the soil temperature drops to +10°C, the flower stems will be short or not develop at all. At temperatures above +20°C, leaves will grow and flowering will be modest.

Attention! Favorable temperature for freesias +18OC for air and +15OC for soil. Small fluctuations of a few degrees are acceptable. At optimal temperature the plants will sprout within two to three weeks after planting.


The soil for freesias must be mulched with three centimeters of soft peat or steamed straw. Mulching helps maintain optimal humidity and soil temperature.

During the active period, freesia needs regular watering at the root. Try to water the flowers so that the inflorescences remain dry. In dry weather, it is advisable to spray the stems and leaves in the evening. At the end of flowering, watering is gradually reduced and completely canceled before digging up the tubers before frost.


In the first two weeks after planting, the plants are watered regularly, while avoiding waterlogging. When active leaf development, bud formation and flowering begin, watering needs to be increased. To prevent waterlogging and the spread of infection, water the flowers in the morning; the leaves must dry before sunset.

Feeding and fertilizer

Freesia does not tolerate saline soils, so it is better to give preference liquid fertilizers. Dry mixtures are contraindicated for this flower. In summer, feed the flowers three times with complex mineral fertilizer with nitrogen. Feed freesia for the first time ammonium nitrate. After the sprouts appear, dilute 20 g in 10 liters of water, then feed the lily of the valley plantation with solutions of superphosphate (40 g per bucket of water) and potassium salt (20 g) every 14 days.


Fragrant bouquets are traditionally made from freesia. You can trim the stems when the first flower or two blooms. Remove fading flowers immediately so that the developing bulbs can be fully nourished. In October, when the leaves begin to turn yellow, dig up the bulbs and then cut off the above-ground part of the freesia. There is no need to trim the stems before this.


It is strictly not recommended to replant capricious freesia during the active period. If the place for flowers turns out to be unsuccessful, wait until autumn, dig up the tubers, and next year look for a more suitable site.

Freesia is propagated by bulbs and seeds. The seeds ripen in boxes of two. Ripe seeds Brown, pollinate them on a clear day. During seed ripening, watering should be intensified and the plant should be fed with potassium fertilizer.

Corm propagation

This method is used more often than the seed method. Tubers collected in the fall in an open area a couple of months before planting are placed in pots with warm humus soil (about + 10-15 ° C). The distance between the tubers should be 5 centimeters, the immersion depth should be 5 cm. After the soil has warmed up, the bulbs are planted in the beds.

In October, when flowering ends, the freesias are dug up, the stems are cut, and the corms are inspected and healthy ones are sent for storage until spring. Freesias cannot be left in the ground over the winter - they will freeze. To prevent the bulbs from drying out, place them in a paper bag and determine wet room, for example, to the bathroom.

Seed propagation

The seeds intended for sowing are placed on a damp cloth or in wet sand. Seedlings germinate at room temperature about a month. The room should be dark and sprayed regularly. After the emergence of seedlings with two leaves, they are transplanted into pots with a distance of 5 centimeters, and with the onset of heat they are moved to open ground. Flowers grown from seeds bloom the same summer. With this method of propagation, the characteristics of the variety are not preserved. You can extend the flowering time of freesia if you plant the seedlings in several stages. You need to sow in compost with peat.


The first flowers appear in August and fill the garden with the scent of lilies of the valley. Up to ten buds can bloom on each peduncle, and lateral inflorescences often grow. Flowering in open ground lasts from August to early October.

Loose freesia inflorescences are collected in fragrant panicles of various colors. Cape lilies of the valley come in white, yellow, pink, purple, violet and lilac. Through the efforts of breeders, varieties with an orange border and specks, with blue edges and yellow center, terry, large and small.

It is advisable to secure flexible freesia stems by pulling threads between the pegs. Cut off dried inflorescences immediately. If you cut a bunch of freesias, the flowers will remain in water for quite a long time.

Important! Freesias refuse to bloom if, after they have risen, the temperature drops below +3°C or, conversely, rises above +20°C.

Problems, diseases, pests

Freesia gardens are attacked by aphids, spider mites and thrips. It is not difficult to detect these pests during inspection. Treat flowers with insecticides.

At improper care freesias are affected by fusarium, rot and scab. These diseases can be avoided by watering with settled, non-cold water. Do not water the flowers in bright sun, but also do not delay the time of moistening the beds - the leaves should dry before night. Do not plant flowers too close to each other to avoid air stagnation during humid and warm summers. Rot and fusarium can be cured with fungicides.

Necrosis of flowers and leaves can be caused by viruses. Infected plants will have to be disposed of so that the virus does not spread to other flowers.

Popular types of freesia

When buying freesia bulbs in flower shops, you can choose a single variety or purchase a freesia mix - a set consisting of flowers various forms and colors. This bouquet on a flowerbed will decorate any garden plot or the front lawn.

The most valuable flowers are those native to Holland - superfreesias with tall stems and large inflorescences.

IN temperate climate varieties that take root:

  • Carmen is red.
  • Rose Maria, San Malo - pink.
  • Mozart, Valenti, Zephyr – lilac.
  • Golden Milady, Topaz - orange.
  • Apollo, Diana – white.

The newly introduced Dutch freesia, Sunbeams, has a strong stem and stunning fragrant orange flowers with red stripes.

Red flowers bloom in late spring and are fragrant in the garden until July. Panicle inflorescences on well-branched stems up to 70 cm high are framed by long thin leaves. The most famous variety of this freesia is Cardinal.

The small plant does not grow above 40 centimeters. The flowers are white or yellow. It blooms earlier than other types of freesia - in April, with the onset of the first warm days. Two types are popular in the Russian climate: Odorata (yellow) and Alba (white).

The result of crossing broken freesia and Armstrong. The tall plant grows up to a meter in height. Large flowers are collected in abundant inflorescences. Hybrid absorbed best qualities parents. Tall branched bush, blooming generously fragrant inflorescences purple, crimson, yellow and other colors. Varieties of this variety:

  • Ballerina - with corrugated white-yellow flowers.
  • Rose Marie is a miniature flower up to 25 cm in height with crimson-white flowers.
  • Pimperina - even more stunted appearance(up to 20 cm), generously strewn with red corrugated flowers with yellow base of petals.
  • Vinita Gold is a bright orange flower.
  • Royal Blue is a blue variety of freesia.
  • When planting freesias, consider the width of the leaves and the spreading nature of each type of bush.
  • For lush flowering special conditions are required - temperatures up to +22 ° C during the formation of buds. Select areas for planting freesia where direct rays of the sun do not penetrate and the air does not warm up.
  • Some varieties of freesia need supports. For example, broken freesia will survive better under the weight of inflorescences if you provide it with support.
  • Freesias love moist air, but their buds and flowers die or lose their decorative effect when drops of water fall on them. Spray the flowers, being careful not to touch the inflorescences. Best time for moisturizing – 5-6 pm.
  • On warm, fine days, cover the freesias with reflective material, such as ground straw. The insulating layer should be from 3 to 5 cm. Disinfect the straw by steaming.

Answers to gardeners' questions

How long does freesia live?

It is difficult to predict how long the demanding freesia will live in open ground. Every autumn, be sure to dig up the tubers along with the dried above-ground parts. Corms are the main organ of the plant, the most vulnerable and sensitive. Unlike other perennials, freesias cannot survive a frosty winter in the ground. Keep the dug up bulbs warm and you will preserve the varietal properties of freesia when next landing in the spring.

How does freesia winter?

After flowering has ended, when the freesia leaves begin to turn yellow but have not yet dried out, the tubers should be carefully dug up. The stem with leaves is cut off after the bulb is removed from the ground. The corms are cleaned of scales and roots and placed for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or fungicide (foundazol, phytosporin). After the tubers are dried for several days in a well-ventilated place, the temperature should be from 25 to 28 ° C. After inspection, rotten or damaged tubers are thrown away, and the rest are stored in canvas or paper bags at 20 degrees and high humidity. To make your planting material “tropical,” place a container of water under it. Sort through the bulbs once a month and remove the bad ones to save the rest. Before planting, move the bulbs to a cool place (10-15°C) 30 days before planting. If freesia does not have a long warm period in winter with high humidity, the tubers are unlikely to germinate.

At the time of buying planting material V flower shop Keep in mind that the corms were stored in the refrigerator and before planting they require at least a minimum warm-up period at high humidity.

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