Chimney of an iron stove. Chimney for a stove: design features and basic installation rules

Our ancestors, living in almost the coldest country on the planet, heated their homes in winter wood stoves. In an era when every residential building is equipped gas cat, stoves and fireplaces have become exotic, the installation of which serves as a decorative element rather than a practical necessity. However, these devices are still heating devices, and therefore require smoke removal. In this article we will tell you how to construct a chimney for a fireplace.

Chimneys for fireplaces or stoves are channels through which a mixture of gases, which are products of fuel combustion, is removed from the firebox heating device in atmosphere. The design of these elements of the heating system is made in the form of a pipe or a brick shaft, the tightness of which determines whether the system works correctly. Chimneys for fireplaces and stoves are necessary, since without them it is impossible to operate heat-generating devices, the operation of which is as follows:

  1. Fuel is placed into the furnace of heat-generating equipment (stove, fireplace, boiler). Basically, the devices operate on wood, gas, compressed or hard coal, and fuel oil.
  2. The fuel is ignited using an open flame source, as a result of which the system generates a large amount of heat used to maintain optimal temperature indoors, and smoke.
  3. Smoke, which is a product of fuel combustion, consists of a mixture of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, ash, soot, and other aggressive chemicals. The temperature of the smoke entering the chimneys for fireplaces or stoves reaches 400-500 degrees, therefore, obeying the law of convection, it rises, freeing up space in the firebox for cooler air.
  4. The design of the smoke removal channels is a vertical sealed shaft through which hot smoke rises only upward. Thanks to this process, the furnace receives Fresh air saturated with oxygen necessary to maintain combustion.

The process of drawing oxygen-rich air into the firebox is called draft. To check chimneys for fireplaces for the presence of draft, you need to bring a lit match or candle to the firebox: if the flame deviates towards the smoke exhaust channel, then the system is working correctly. If the candle flame burns evenly, there is no draft. But the most dangerous situation develops when a reverse draft is formed, it is signaled by a flame that has deviated in the direction opposite to the chimney.

To correctly make a smoke exhaust duct for a stove or fireplace, you need to carefully study the information about the heating device specified in the instructions, and also calculate the volume of gas in the firebox. Installing a chimney for a fireplace with your own hands is quite difficult, since this complex design requires special knowledge and experience that only experienced craftsmen can boast of.

Placement methods

Assembly and connection of the smoke exhaust duct occurs after installation of the heating device. However, you need to select a location and calculate the cross-section and pipe before starting installation. Chimneys for fireplaces or stoves are placed in two ways:

Note! Calculation of the smoke exhaust duct of a heating device determines the recommended cross-section and height of the pipe, calculates required level draft to maintain combustion. When calculating these parameters, take into account the power of the device, the type of fuel used, location and climatic conditions in the construction region. Chimneys for fireplaces are built on the basis of a design that takes into account all of the above factors, and the connection is made under the supervision of a professional craftsman.


Chimneys for fireplaces are made from various materials that have high heat resistance, low thermal conductivity, excellent fireproof properties, do not enter into oxidative reactions with water, and also do not interact with aggressive chemicals, which are contained in combustion products.

To make a durable and reliable smoke exhaust duct for the stove, use the following materials: Important! The material for assembling the chimney is selected based on the type of fuel on which the heat-generating device operates: for fireplaces and stoves operating on solid fuel, brick and ceramic pipes with smoke removal from gas models

Steel sandwich pipes work well.

The use of heating ducts is associated with the risk of fires and carbon monoxide poisoning, therefore strict requirements are imposed on smoke exhaust ducts, the purpose of which is to protect users.

To ensure that the operation of the equipment does not cause problems, the following conditions must be met when installing the chimney: Important! Experienced stove craftsmen advise, when discussing a fireplace project, to insist on placing the chimney inside the house, and always near the inside, and not outer wall

. With this installation scheme, the channel turns out to be warmer, there is no draft deficiency and vapor condensation in it.

Video instruction For the manufacture of chimneys they are used various materials

, some of which have been in use for several centuries, while others began to be actively used only a few years ago. Any type of smoke outlet has its own characteristics, so it is important to have an understanding of each of them.

Chimney materials Considered structural element heating system can be built from traditional building materials, but wealthy owners can also afford materials created using the latest technologies . The choice of solution for a particular home primarily depends on economic feasibility, requirements fire safety

and aesthetic views of the home owner. We advise you to study more information about in addition to this article.

Metal chimneys As mentioned above, metal pipes for smoke removal are divided into single-layer and double-layer. Single-layer ones are a cylinder, which, as a rule, is installed inside a brick or ceramic chimney. Double-layer consist of two cylinders of different radii, between which a layer is placed heat-insulating material

, which is most often played by basalt mineral wool.

Advice! If your home's exterior design is antique, the metal chimney can be lined with copper to maintain stylistic consistency.

Black metal High-quality chimneys made of this material are covered with a layer of enamel on top, which reduces their susceptibility to burnout and corrosion. As a result, such a product may for a long time

last at temperatures up to 500 °C, while short-term changes up to 700 °C are acceptable. The key advantage of ferrous metal smoke exhaust pipes is the most low price , But performance characteristics don't let them be effective solution For, working in intensive mode.

Stainless steel

This material is ideal for chimneys of all types. Alloy stainless steel withstands temperatures up to 850°C and can withstand peaks up to 1200°C. We previously wrote about and recommended bookmarking the article.

The best brand for structures of this type is AISI 321 (it contains molybdenum impurities), but wide use also have AISI 316 and AISI 304. It is worth noting that many unscrupulous manufacturers produce products from less heat-resistant brands, as a result of which they can burn out after 10-15 years of light use.

Advice! When choosing a stainless steel chimney, be sure to inquire about the quality of the steel. You can independently evaluate this parameter using a magnet: good steel has a large number of alloying additives, as a result of which it is not magnetic.

Do-it-yourself sandwich chimney for a stove

The best option for installing a stove chimney with your own hands would be a sandwich system made from of stainless steel. He looks good and answers everyone modern standards fire safety. Important benefits is the fact that it is as simple as possible to assemble it alone, without having experience or special knowledge. It is enough to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The installation process should start from the bottom elements.
  • Where the pipe comes into contact with wood and other fire-hazardous materials (in the attic or roof area), it is necessary to use insulation, for example, stone wool.
  • In order to protect the ceiling surface, a steel platform must be installed in the area of ​​the chimney passage.
  • In the case of creating an external pipe, it is necessary to include in the system tees designed to drain condensate.
  • The elements located above are inserted into those installed below.
  • It is advisable to protect the upper exit of the chimney using a thermal fungus, weather vane, deflector or spark arrester.

We cannot imagine a home without heating. Our concept of comfort unconditionally includes suitable temperature regime. In a private house central heating no, and each owner solves the heating problem in his own way.

We welcome our regular reader and we bring to his attention an article about chimneys for stoves - an absolutely necessary component of any heating system, be it a stove, modern fireplace or boiler with automatic feeding fuel.

A chimney is a vertically located pipe that discharges hot flue gases of fuel in a heating unit into the atmosphere to a height sufficient to create draft in the duct and disperse toxic combustion products away from windows and ventilation ducts.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation of chimneys is based on the phenomenon of expansion of hot gases, reducing their density and, accordingly, the rise of lighter gases upward.

Flue gases rise upward, a vacuum is formed in the firebox and more cold air– the phenomenon of traction occurs.

How does a chimney work?

The main part of any chimney is a vertical pipe structure. Structurally, the usual brick stationary box differs from modern prefabricated counterparts from ready-made modules factory made.

Traditional brick pipe includes the following elements: neck for connection to the stove, riser with valves, slope, otter, neck (at the point of passage through the roof), headband, sometimes a metal cap.

Homemade chimneys made of metal or asbestos cement include pipes, caps, adapters for connecting to the stove, and insulation.

The most modern views chimneys - ceramic and made of three-layer sandwich pipes. The ceramic structure consists of an external expanded clay concrete frame, an internal prefabricated ceramic pipe, and a layer of insulation between them. The ceramic and sandwich structure itself includes the following blocks: straight blocks for collecting condensate, tees, modules for cleaning, transition elements for connecting heating units. An integral part of a modern chimney is the deflector.

Types and designs

The design features of the chimney primarily depend on the material from which they are made.

According to the material, chimneys are:

  • brick;
  • reinforced concrete (usually industrial);
  • asbestos-cement;
  • of steel;
  • ceramic;
  • three-layer metal - two layers of steel with insulation made of mineral wool between them.

By design, chimneys are:

  • indigenous - the structure has its own foundation;
  • wall, built-in load-bearing walls building;
  • mounted - light pipes are mounted on a vertically located outlet pipe of a boiler or fireplace (and potbelly stove);
  • Often lightweight structures are simply suspended from the supporting structures of the building;
  • coaxial - arranged on the “pipe-in-pipe” principle. The most common example is horizontal gas vents of gas heating boilers. It is used in devices with a closed combustion chamber and ensures maximum safety for residents. Save fuel consumption. Recently, vertical structures of the Shidel system have appeared, taking combustion air from the roof of the house (just below the top).

Which one is better to choose?

The choice of chimney largely depends on the parameters of the installed heating unit(design, temperature, type of fuel used), degree of readiness of the house (we are modernizing an old house with stove and wall pipe, the house is only “in design” or already installed bearing structures, or there is already finishing); heated volumes.

Peculiarities various types chimneys are shown in the table:

Table 1

Name Advantages Flaws
Brick Durable and resistant to high temperatures brick masonry construction, durability - depending on the material of the liner. Complex installation requiring highly qualified masons; heavy weight, need for a foundation; long installation time, the need to replace the liner approximately every 10 years. When working with modern boilers and fireplaces, a brick without a liner can collapse in literally 10 years. Wall structures can only be installed during the construction of a house.
Ceramic Service life up to 50 years, smooth inner surface, high installation speed; high acid resistance, good thermal insulation; withstands temperatures up to 550° Expensive option; installation requires some qualifications; there is a need for a foundation; fragility
Single-layer steel (and asbestos-cement) Smooth internal surface, lightweight, inexpensive, high speed of installation, easy to repair; resistance to corrosion and condensation Insulation required; When passing through structures made of flammable materials, large offsets are required; They burn out in 10-15 years, there are no components - during installation you will have to make all the elements yourself. Galvanization will last five years (or less)
Steel sandwich type Long service life, smooth inner surface, light weight, fast easy installation, easy repair, high resistance to corrosion and condensation; can be installed/suspended outside the building; good thermal insulation Quite expensive elements

You should not use flexible steel corrugation - they burn out very quickly.

Despite the price, it is worth choosing modern ceramic chimneys or “sandwich”. If necessary, they can be mounted in finished house, and outside the house, they are durable, fairly easy to assemble, resistant to high temperatures, well insulated, and have a large assortment of ready-made factory elements.

If you want to use an old wall box from a regular one heating stove– it is necessary to insert a stainless steel liner and insulate it. But perhaps you should choose a sandwich - there will be less hassle.

Do it yourself or order

You can make some elements yourself for installing single-layer pipes or lay out a brick structure (if you have the skills of a qualified mason).

But the installation of prefabricated structures can be done with your own hands - this will help save a considerable amount of money. family budget. You will have to pay a lot for the services of a qualified team - the amount is comparable to the cost of materials. There is a risk of running into unskilled workers.

When deciding whether to do the work yourself, you need to carefully analyze your capabilities:

  • How accessible is the roof;
  • do you have friends or relatives who can help;
  • Do you have a fear of heights?
  • What are your qualifications in performing repair work?

Building regulations

The installation of chimneys is determined by the provisions of SNiP 41-01-2003.

The chimney design must meet the following regulatory requirements:

  • the minimum height must be at least 5,000 mm or grate;
  • when located on the roof slope at a distance of less than 1.5 m to the ridge, the pipe should be 500 mm higher than the ridge;
  • when located on the roof slope at a distance of 1.5-3 m to the ridge, the pipe must be no lower than the ridge;
  • when located on the roof slope at a distance of more than 3 m to the ridge, the angle between the horizontal and the line passing through the ridge and the top of the pipe should be no more than 10°;
  • the head should rise above flat roof to a height of at least 1,000 mm;

  • maximum length each horizontal and inclined section should not be more than 1000 mm, the total length of their projections onto the horizontal should not exceed 2000 mm. If there are oblique and horizontal sections, it is necessary to extend the pipe by the length of the horizontal projections. For ceramics, horizontal sections are not allowed.

Fire safety requirements for chimneys

The distance from the surface of ceramic, insulated steel and asbestos-cement chimneys to combustible house structures must be at least 250 mm; for brick chimneys and sandwich pipe structures - at least 130 mm.

Must be protected building construction from combustible materials using cement or gypsum plaster on a mesh with a thickness of at least 25 mm.

If the roof covering can burn (roofing felt, bitumen shingles, ondulin), or leaves or fluff may accumulate on it - a mesh spark arrestor should be installed on the head.

Remember that the life and health of your loved ones depends on the quality of smoke removal.

Traction force

Factors influencing traction force:

  • pipe height;
  • condition of the surface of the internal channel - regularity of soot removal, wall roughness;
  • the presence of inclined or horizontal sections. The presence of horizontal and inclined sections is undesirable, since lengthening the chimney is undesirable - the gases will cool, the draft will decrease until it tips over;
  • installation of a deflector;
  • quality of insulation;
  • air supply to the firebox.

Your safety depends on the force of traction, so it is necessary to regularly check the presence of traction and take measures to clean the channel from soot and the pipe head from ice.

Making and installing a chimney with your own hands

What materials are best to make it from?

The easiest to install - steel structures. Single-layer steel products require insulation and the manufacture of components - in general, work for pathological workaholics, and here we will not consider their installation.

Installation of a chimney made from a sandwich pipe is quite simple, the presence large quantity All kinds of elements and components in stores allow you to assemble a device of any configuration.

Drawing and diagrams

Before starting work, decide on the dimensions and draw a diagram or drawing - this will help you calculate correctly required amount materials and organize the work correctly.

Size calculation

The height of the pipe is determined in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 41-01-2003, but should not be lower than 5 m from the grate. The diameter is assumed to be equal to the diameter of the outlet of the heating device.

Installation video

Watch our video - it will help you see all the intricacies of the assembly process.

Installation features

Installation begins from the stove or fireplace. First starting element mounted on the boiler or furnace pipe. This element does not have insulation for technological reasons (the alt-free filler melts and sinteres into stone). All elements are designed in such a way that one end has a smaller diameter and is inserted one into the other, like into a socket. One of the docking options is to pull it out a little inner tube, insert into another inner tube. Press down. Then lower it down outer pipe with insulation, press down. Secure the connection with a crimp clamp and tighten it with a bolt and nut. All joints must be coated with sealant.

Then a tee is mounted, modules with a cleaning hatch and a condensate drain are mounted below. There are designs for installing the lower part of the chimney on the floor.

Then the rest of the structure is installed. After a meter, the sandwich is attached to the wall with special brackets. An element with a cleaning hatch must be installed on each floor and in the attic.

It is advisable to connect the chimney elements “via condensate” - the pipes are mounted in such a way that the upper one is inserted into the lower one and the condensate cannot seep through the joints, but flows down the walls into the condensate drain.

An element with a gate is mounted under the ceiling.

The passage of the pipe in the ceiling is covered with a galvanized sheet and filled with insulation. The distance to structures must be at least 130 mm.

The most difficult stage of installation is the roofing. Mark a hole in in the right place roofs. Make a hole in the roof. An under-roof sheet is attached from the inside and installed on the roof roof cutting. It is selected depending on the angle of the roof. The cutting edges are placed under a sheet of roofing material.

If necessary, install stretch marks. Install the deflector.

Frequent errors and problems during installation

The most serious mistake– absence of a condensate collector and elements with hatches for cleaning.

It is strictly forbidden to install joints in places where structures pass through floors. individual elements– leaking hot smoke can cause a fire.

Although manufacturers today offer private homeowners a wide variety of heating boilers, however, many of them prefer to install stoves or fireplaces in the house, since thanks to them they require minimum costs. Any heating equipment requires reliable removal of combustion products. That is why during its construction it is necessary to pay special attention to both aesthetic characteristics and operational characteristics.

The required level of traction, which provides maximum comfort and safe conditions to be in a particular room, it creates a chimney for the stove. It is an air channel through which combustion products exit. This can be a regular brick pipe or modular metal types, it is only important that it functions properly.

Basic designs

Exhaust channels through which air saturated with combustion products is disposed of are necessary not only for stoves, but also for fireplaces or heating boilers or gas water heaters.

We list the main types of chimneys for stoves.

  • Direct current. This is one of the first systems through which combustion products were removed. They have a significant drawback - due to the non-stop removal of gases to the outside, the bulk of the generated heat is also carried away.
  • Direct-flow structures equipped with crossbars. These small additions help retain some of the heat. When heated, the jumpers transfer heat to the walls of the heating unit. The same design is typical for stoves without a chimney in bathhouses: the stones in them are heated by the hot combustion products.

  • With a "labyrinth". There are many varieties similar designs, but they all unite common features. In particular, this concerns the rate of gas removal. It is quite low, since the exhaust gases are passed through winding channel. In the process, the device itself warms up in parallel and ensures maximum heat transfer.
  • A now classic Russian stove. The chimney diagram is bell-shaped. The hot gas rises up, cools slightly on the inclined arch of the hearth and descends to the channel. The disadvantage of such a system is that it heats up unevenly. For example, in the lower part of the hearth it does not warm up at all, since the heat mainly goes to the roof.
  • Modular. Unlike the classic brick version smoke removal, they are made of metal. They are used in gas-fired heating systems. The fact is that the products of methane combustion are acidic compounds that destroy bricks with their aggressive effects.

Device Features

The efficiency of brick, metal, flexible chimneys for stoves and others depends on several factors, for example, material and dimensions, cross-section, height.

  • It is preferable that the chimney pipes, say, for a bathhouse, be presented in cross section regular circle, that is, they had a cylindrical shape. The escaping smoke with this configuration, unlike the angular one, does not encounter obstacles in its path and is removed with the least resistance. In addition, a minimum of soot accumulates on the walls of the outlet pipe.
  • The outlet of the heating device must coincide in cross-section with the smoke exhaust duct. If the width of the latter in the connection area turns out to be greater, which occurs quite often, then a special reducing adapter is installed, which must be carefully sealed at the junction. When joining, the expansion of the pipes should be directed upward to prevent condensate and resins from flowing out along their outer wall.

  • Special attention requires the horizontal part of the channel structure. Warm smoke, as you know, moves vertically upward, so moisture condenses especially actively in these areas and a thick layer of soot is deposited. To compensate for so undesirable consequences and improve traction, it is necessary, firstly, to strictly limit the length of these sections: they must be less than 1 m in length, and, secondly, to provide condensate receivers and inspection doors there.

The correct chimney for sauna stoves is exclusively vertical. However, it is permissible to lay the pipe at a slight slope, provided that the length of the inclined section is no more than 2 m.

Main stages of calculation

The calculation of the chimney is carried out taking into account such parameters as the power of the connected heating device, shape and others. Optimal height and the cross-sectional diameter is calculated based on the SNiP of the stove and chimneys.

Height above roof

To determine the height of the outlet channel of industrial boilers, a special formula is used that describes its relationship with static draft, the average temperature (K) in the pipe and the average outside air temperature in summer period. If necessary, the value obtained from the calculation results is adjusted upward, taking into account the following rule:

When calculating the height, the height of neighboring buildings is also taken into account: in the case of higher ones, the channel is installed above their roofs.

Pipe cross-sectional area

In practice, they usually do without special calculations, based on the following cross-sectional values, depending on the power of the unit:

  • less than 3500 W - 14 ×14 cm;
  • 3500–5200 W - 14×20 cm;
  • 5200–7200 W - 14×27 cm.

The cross-sectional area of ​​the cylindrical channel is assumed to be the same.

If the cross-section is significantly larger than the calculated value, the traction will deteriorate and, as a result, the system will operate unstably. A smaller cross-section leads to poor removal of combustion products, up to the complete cessation of this process.


The choice of material for the design of the smoke exhaust system is based on the type of fuel used for heating. For example, for gas equipment MDS ceramic pipes are best suited, while brick ones can quickly collapse.

The classic version of the drainage system is considered brick chimney effective solution metal furnace. Brick construction assembled exactly according to the design, where the laying of each layer of the channel is prescribed separately. In this case, it is necessary to obtain a minimally rough surface from the inside and ensure complete tightness.

Today, stainless steel is most often used. In design steel pipes can be: insulated and non-insulated:

  • non-insulated are used exclusively for indoor installation stoves and chimneys: they are installed in a special shaft;
  • When installing a pipe outside, it must be insulated to prevent moisture condensation inside the pipe.


For safety reasons, the chimney must be properly insulated, especially if the duct passes through ceilings in the immediate vicinity of flammable materials. based on the type of floor material and pipe temperature. It would be great if the walls and ceiling close to where the structure passes are finished with fireproof material. If this is not the case, then the heated parts are insulated from hazardous materials using sheets of metal and a layer of non-combustible materials.

The part of the pipe going outside must be securely fixed and protected from the wind. They are covered with deflectors on top to protect them from precipitation. Gas boilers in this matter there are an exception: a protective cap on the chimney pipe in in this case- violation.

Some information from SNiP used when installing a stove and fireplace chimney

  • Smoke exhaust ducts can also be located on external walls in the case when they are made of non-flammable material, and the heating device is located near the internal ones. In this case, external thermal insulation is required, which will prevent moisture from condensing inside the pipe.
  • The brick channels are complemented by pockets necessary for cleaning. They are covered with bricks (layed on edge) or a door is installed.
  • For roofs made of flammable materials, it is necessary to provide a mesh spark arrester, which is installed along the top of the channel. If the latter is made of brick, then between it and flammable hazardous materials it is necessary to provide a gap of 13 cm, in the case of non-insulated ceramics - 25 cm, and for insulated ones - 13 cm.

  • Installation of stoves and fireplaces gas fuel has its own characteristics. The connection is made using flexible metal pipes included in the equipment set. A prerequisite is the presence of a vertical section in the system, and the distance between the horizontal axis and the line of the lower level of the pipe must be at least 50 cm. This distance can be reduced, for example, if the ceiling height is less than 270 cm
  • doubled if the heating unit is equipped with a draft stabilizer;
  • up to 15 cm if there is no stabilizer.
  • In a new building, the maximum length of all horizontal sections is more than 3 m, in old building– up to 6 m. The pipe is installed with a slight slope in the direction of the heating unit. If there are two units operating in the house, then they can be connected to a common outlet channel. They should be spaced less than 75 cm apart from each other.
  • The outlet channel can have a maximum of three turns, the radius of curvature of which must exactly coincide with the diameter of the pipe section.

In order to do correct device chimney, you must have detailed diagram of this building. Improper masonry can cause the accumulation of harmful toxic substances indoors. Such work must be carried out by a highly qualified specialist who knows everything about such a structure.

The correct level of smoke draft ensures the rapid removal of carbon monoxide from the living space. This structure is a kind of pencil case that removes caustic combustion products.

Several models of chimneys are presented in specialized departments. They differ in their structure and the material from which they are made. Our guide presents detailed instructions How to make a chimney for a stove with your own hands. Recommendations experienced specialists make the task much easier.

Types of chimneys

Exhaust shafts through which harmful gases saturated with combustion products are removed are required not only for standard stoves, but also for fireplaces and gas boilers. Today, several types of chimneys are known. These include:

Straight streaming. This variety is considered a popular structure, which is most often used for arranging living space. The only drawback of such a chimney is rapid heat loss. In addition to toxic substances, most of the thermal energy evaporates here.

Straight flow pipes with jumpers. They retain most of the heat during the combustion process of materials. This design is quite often used in baths. Such a chimney long burning The oven requires constant cleaning. Ash quickly settles on the surface of the lintels, thereby preventing the rapid removal of toxic substances.

Straight flow chimney with a labyrinth. This variety is characterized by high heat transfer. Carbon monoxide pass through numerous jumpers. They quickly heat the walls of the chimney, thereby contributing to maximum heating of the room.

Kolpakovy. It is used for the Russian stove. The hot smoke quickly rises, where it gradually begins to cool. After this, it descends along the arch of the chimney masonry. The only drawback of such a structure is its uneven heating.

Modular. They are made from metal alloy. They are intended for heating systems working on gas. Metal chimneys for stoves are able to cope with acidic compounds of methane combustion products. Brickwork in this case it will quickly collapse.

Chimney device

The effective operation of a chimney shaft directly depends on several criteria. For example, the section, height and material from which it is made.

What needs to be taken into account when constructing such a design:

The size of the outlet of the heating device should be slightly smaller than the cross-section of the chimney duct. If the diameter is slightly larger, you will need an additional adapter that will regulate the smoke removal process.

Particular attention must be paid to the horizontal part of the structure. Warm air quickly moving upward. Soot and combustion products quickly begin to settle here.

Regulation of traction by reducing the length of these segments will help shorten this process. They must be less than one meter. In addition, it is necessary to provide a condensate trap and doors for cleaning the chimney.

For sauna stove, it is best to use a vertical chimney. In some cases, it is possible to lay metal pipe. During the fixation process, it is recommended to observe correct angle tilt It should be no more than 2 meters.

Stages of creating a vertical chimney

To create a chimney shaft, you need to prepare the following tools and materials. For this you will need:

  • first grade brick;
  • construction composition;
  • level;
  • rope for guide;
  • ladder;
  • design diagram.

Creating a chimney includes the following steps:

The first layer is laid out from five bricks. The laying must be neat and even. Subsequent rows are made according to the same pattern.

When the required height is obtained, you can proceed to the construction of the edge. Each subsequent row adds 35 ml more. The result will be a stepped structure in the ceiling area.

After the pipe has reached the attic level, it begins to be laid according to the initial stage. The diameter of the hole should gradually decrease.

The final stage will be to remove the brick shaft from the roof. The photo of the chimney for the stove shows the entire working process.

Photo of chimneys for the stove

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