DIY wooden toy using a jigsaw. Plywood toys: tools and auxiliary elements, manufacturing details

From time to time, hobbies that were forgotten for a while return to our lives. For example, making toys with your own hands is now at the peak of popularity.

Movable toys made of plywood are of particular interest, especially since the price of the finished toy will pleasantly please you, inspiring you to create new masterpieces.

Why is this necessary?

Quite often, manufacturing from a hobby turns into profitable business.

Original colorful toys are used as:

  • decoration home interior;
  • decor for personal plot and flower beds;
  • as memorable souvenirs;
  • in the form of safe (environmentally friendly) educational toys.

Plywood inexpensive material, with the acquisition of which there will be no problems. Having mastered the basics, you will easily navigate the choice of sheet thickness for a specific toy.

Having insignificant weight and thickness, plywood is quite durable and can withstand serious loads.

The qualitative characteristics of the material allow you to create toys of various levels of complexity and sizes:

  • doll and children's furniture;
  • houses;
  • designers;
  • original New Year's toys decorated with carvings.

If you decide to make a toy with your own hands, you need to start from the very beginning. simple product. As you purchase practical experience you can make things more difficult.

First of all, you need to prepare diagrams of plywood toys with your own hands. This is the basis on which quality depends external characteristics and functionality of the toy. The drawing must be made to a real scale, thus avoiding errors and inaccuracies.

Once you are sure that the drawing is perfect, transfer it to cardboard or paper. The next stage is transferring the image onto plywood.

What do you need for work


For this exciting activity you will need an initial set of tools, but their quality must be impeccable:

Skimping on tools can result in insufficiently polished edges, which can cause injury.

After the drawings of plywood toys are transferred to the base, you can begin to work:

Auxiliary elements

Having prepared all the parts, you can begin assembling the toy.

For this purpose you will need auxiliary materials:

  • screws;
  • nails;
  • wood glue.

To ensure the strength and functionality of the toy, we use screws and nails to small parts, which should not move - glue. When assembling, please remember that metal fastenings should merge with the surface.

Advice. Before you start making the product, prepare a place where you can work unobstructed.
Success largely depends on the ability to concentrate and move freely, without fear of knocking over or scratching something.

It is easiest to consider the entire work process using a specific example.

Making toys


When choosing a material, you should pay attention to the presence of obvious defects:

  • knots;
  • dents;

Before you start transferring the drawing onto plywood, it must be thoroughly cleaned with a coarse grater and polished with a fine sandpaper. It is extremely easy to transfer an image onto a perfectly flat surface using a soft, simple pencil.

To make you feel comfortable during the polishing process, it is recommended to wrap the block in sandpaper. Translate the drawing slowly, after attaching it to the base with buttons.

Advice: For beginners Special attention You should pay attention to your posture; the accuracy of your movements and, accordingly, the final result depend on this.

To cut, you need to be patient; straight or, on the contrary, curved lines are obtained after acquiring practical skills. Finished parts must be sanded again using fine-grained sandpaper.

As a rule, the first crafts are made using ready-made drawings, which consistently indicate the assembly process.

Connect the parts in strict accordance with the instructions. The properties of the material allow you to adjust the shape of parts when deviations are identified during the assembly process; the main thing is not to rush.

Advice. It is necessary to sand plywood exclusively along the layers, the surface should be ideal, glossy-matte, you will experience a pleasant sensation when touched.

Making dynamic toys

Children's dynamic toys are of genuine interest to representatives of different generations, the production of which you can safely move on to, having mastered the basic skills of working with materials and tools.

As an example, consider one of the most popular options: a duck that will tap its paws as it moves.

You will need:

  • drawing and a simple pencil for transferring to the base;
  • plywood sheet, optimal size A4;
  • stick 80 cm long with a diameter of 7 mm, ball - 50 mm.

Manufacturing process:

  1. You can print the template on a printer with resizing and apply it to a previously prepared surface. (see also )
  2. Use a jigsaw to cut out the wheels and duck. You should cut out carefully, the results of haste and sudden movements quite difficult to adjust.
  3. Sand thoroughly with fine sandpaper finished parts, especially the edges. Skillful use of sandpaper allows you to correct errors made during the sawing process, irregularities become invisible.
  4. For production dynamic toys In addition to the standard set of tools mentioned above, you need to prepare a drill.
  5. IN in this case you need to drill a hole in the tail area to attach the wheels.
  6. The final stage is the coloring of crafts; when choosing colors, you can give free rein to your imagination.

In principle, if you act in accordance with the instructions and drawings that come with the model you are interested in, no problems will arise, but it is still recommended to start with the basics.

Christmas toy made of plywood

DIY Christmas tree decorations have been especially in demand lately; the demand for them is growing due to the return of fashion for products self made.

To make them, you will need a sheet of plywood, a set of tools, bright colors and all kinds of decorative elements: lace, beads, pieces of fabric or leather, glue. A lot of templates are available on the Internet, but individuality is valued in handmade products; give free rein to your creative fantasies.

After transferring the image onto the plywood, carefully cut out the desired shape with a jigsaw; the work is quite painstaking, since in most cases the toys are quite compact.

Then do the drill small hole for ribbon or thread, now you can safely proceed to decorative finishing. Bright colors(acrylic, gouache) will give the craft a special festive look, patterns made by burning in combination with a varnish coating - an imitation of antiquity.

Subtleties that need to be learned to create quality crafts

  1. When attaching transfer paper to plywood, you should position the pins or nails so that you can easily lift the drawing to check the quality of the image.
  2. Lay the thinnest elements along the grain to increase their strength.
  3. When should not move exactly along the lines, but pass next to it, with outside.
  4. The diameter of the hole should be slightly larger than the nails used to allow them to rotate freely.
  5. You should not drive the nails in completely; you may need to move certain parts to improve the model.


You can find a variety of drawings of toys made from plywood using a jigsaw on the Internet and use them at your own discretion. If you have questions during the toy making process, watch the video in this article.

Similar materials

New Year's toys made of plywood, templates for which can be found in our material, were previously used as the first decorations for the Christmas tree, since this material was affordable and easy to work with. But over time, we learned to do Christmas decorations made of glass and other materials, so many began to forget that decorations made of wood also turn out to be very beautiful, and besides, they can be made with your own hands. We invite you to remember how amazing DIY plywood toys can be and learn how to make them yourself.

How to make Christmas tree decorations from plywood yourself

As already stated, wooden Toys They are very easy to do, besides, this process is very interesting and helps to develop creativity and imagination. It is enough to know what the design of the product looks like, arm yourself necessary equipment, time and, of course, imagination.

It is best to use sheets of plywood to make such toys, and here's why:

Even the so-called construction waste is enough for a toy: these are scraps of solid sheets of plywood;
You can set the toy to absolutely any size, even if the design of the product involves some kind of large object, it can be made smaller.
Toys made of plywood do not break or break, which is especially convenient if there are pets in the house, which are attracted by hanging decorations, and small children can also play with such toys; if they are careful, they simply cannot get hurt.

Preparing the necessary equipment

First of all, you need to organize yourself work area. It could be kitchen table, covered with oilcloth so as not to damage the furniture. As an additional measure of “protection,” you can put another sheet of plywood on top of the oilcloth.

Drill with different drill bits;
Hand jigsaw or electric;
Fine sandpaper;
Hot melt adhesive or wood glue for attaching toy elements;
Acrylic paints and clear varnish;
Accessories for decoration.

The first option for creating a toy

You can make the most ordinary, flat one New Year's toy made of plywood according to templates in the form of various fairy-tale characters or figures that are most typical for the holiday. To do this, simply cut out the desired outline using a pre-printed template. Here are some options for such templates:

You can also draw a figure on paper yourself, cut it out and also use it as a template.

When the template is ready, you should follow these instructions:

1. Using a pencil, trace the template so that the drawings of plywood toys appear on the material itself.
2. You need to embed the toy along the marked lines using a jigsaw. If the jigsaw is electric, then everything will work out quite quickly. If the jigsaw is manual, then it is important to guide the file strictly along the intended lines, otherwise the blade will jump off and cut off the excess.
3. Using a drill, cut out a small circle at the top of the toy.
4. Using sandpaper, you need to process the cut areas so that they are even and smooth, leaving no opportunity to drive in a splinter.
5. And then all that remains is to decorate the toy. You can paint it with acrylic paints, strew it with sparkles, stick rhinestones, beads or beads on it. In this process, you can safely use all your imagination.

Advice! If you don’t have time for decoration, then you can glue a ready-made image to the toy, which can be printed on a computer.

The second option for creating a toy from plywood

You can also make voluminous toys with your own hands. They can not only be hung, but also placed on window sills and tables, like New Year’s figurines for decoration.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make three-dimensional toys from plywood:

1. First, you also need to print out a toy template (and there will be several of them, since three-dimensional toys require several parts) and transfer them to plywood.

2. To fasten the parts, you need to make markings for the holes; they will be indicated on the diagram.
3. Connect the parts of the toy by inserting them into each other.
4. The decor of three-dimensional toys can be done at the stage when the parts are not yet connected to each other, or after the toy has been assembled. As in the previous version, you can decorate toys in a variety of ways.

Many people begin to hone their skills in childhood. For girls it is sewing and knitting; for boys it is carpentry. Ordinary children's interests develop into something more over time. In this regard, the children cutting out crafts from plywood with a jigsaw, as a result, over the years, acquires the features of design art.

Plywood jigsaw and fantasy - elements of personality development

Really, plywood sheet V in capable hands can become a beautiful piece of furniture. And even for beginners who first encountered and became interested in performing original wooden crafts, this will definitely become interesting and exciting activity. And at the same time useful, honing the skills of decorative woodworking.

This activity is a great opportunity to have a great time with interest and benefit. Relax and at the same time enthusiastically do what you love, giving pleasure both to the process itself and to its result. In addition, the created things, which will certainly subsequently decorate the house, will serve to form a common home comfort and comfort.

The main benefit of cutting out beautiful decorative elements made from plywood is in the process of spiritual development of a person, his ennoblement. Mastery, skill, labor development, all this is inherent in these classes.

Work shapes personality. And working on what you love is doubly interesting. Time no longer has power over busyness here. They don't notice him. And this is one of the signs of true passion.

"Exhibition" of skill

Arrangement of a house or apartment involves making a personal contribution to the feeling of the aura inner beauty. And sometimes even externally, since the placement of objects made of plywood can be located, for example, on the territory of a summer cottage.

Of course, the result of fruitful work will always find its rightful place. Whether it's a carved lampshade for table lamp or light plywood crafts in the form of figures, located on bookshelves and acting as book dividers.

More complex elements are performed with a solid consolidation of knowledge on working with wood material. To rush and immediately start cutting out such objects means wasting time and ruining the material.

First steps on the path to perfection

It's worth starting with the simplest. And for the initial comprehension of the science of carving, choose certain educational literature to help you, presented as a guide to making decorative wooden elements from plywood sheets. Take advantage of the advice of experts on thematic Internet sites. Be sure to look at photos of crafts made from plywood. This in itself will attract interest in such work.

Nothing awakens zeal for something more than seeing its results. And products made from plywood sheets, sanded, treated with paints or varnish leave an indelible impression.

Separately, it is necessary to mention this required element like drawings. They are necessary in any case. When performing complex figures and when cutting out the most simple details. It is much easier to work with material when its future is determined in advance. appearance.

Returning to the question of the initial steps, it is worth mentioning such important things as carefully studying the rules for using tools and materials. And of course about mastering technology. It is quite simple and will take a little time to master.

But in order to achieve a master class level, in addition to consolidating in memory the technological stages of the process of making wooden plywood crafts, additional knowledge is also required.

Signs of a true master

A true master will immediately determine:

  • what type of plywood sheet is best suited for sawing and processing. Wood varies in quality and properties. Some types are easier to work with, but some types are more difficult due to delamination, sudden appearance of cracks and other negative aspects.
  • what thickness of material to choose for a specific design of a future craft;
  • what jigsaw files to buy in order to use them for a long time.

This experience has accumulated over more than a long period. But the more interesting it becomes to advance along the path of self-improvement.

DIY crafts made from plywood, at first simple, unsightly, but over time, acquiring real features that confirm high class home handyman, can become a substantive reflection of the formation and development of artistic skills wooden decoration. Sometimes this is expressed in a very original way.

Over a certain period of time, plywood crafts are displayed in a row one after another, and then a picture of the gradual passage of the entire path from a student to a real specialist begins to emerge.

Photos of plywood crafts

Plywood – universal material, which is usually used in furniture production and private construction.

With a little skill and creative imagination, you can use this building material to make children's toys, decorative crafts for your garden plot, and small household items. It is noteworthy that this does not require special skills or knowledge.

Let's see what interesting plywood products you can make with your own hands, having a little free time and patience.

The choice in favor of plywood was not made by chance. Unlike plain wood, this material has the following advantages:

  • strength . The structure of the sheet is multilayer, which provides a certain rigidity and resistance to deformation;
  • availability . Available in any range hardware store and is sold in an affordable price segment;
  • ease of processing. Cutting crafts does not always require a power tool; you can get by with an ordinary jigsaw;
  • safety . The material is environmentally friendly, so you can even make toys from it without fear that your child will develop an allergy.

Plywood initially has a smooth surface, so it does not need additional.

Products are divided into grades, which differ not only in cost, but also in quality. For crafts, they usually use sheets of the 1st and 2nd grades, which do not have veneer delamination, chips and other defects. If the decorative decoration is intended to be used in the garden, it makes sense to give preference to moisture-resistant plywood.

Figurines for the garden

DIY plywood crafts for the garden are the most practical and inexpensive way to decorate your garden plot. Here you can fully realize your creative potential by making your garden or flower bed more original and interesting.

Select a template

The key feature of plywood is its versatility. From a flat sheet you can cut out almost any figure using a template. A cat climbing over a fence at the dacha, holding a piece of sausage in its teeth; a curious man watching his neighbors through binoculars; a herd of reindeer grazing in a flowerbed. There are a lot of options, and crafts can be flat or voluminous.

It is better for inexperienced craftsmen to start with simple flat figures, which are made in 1.5-2 hours, maximum in a day.

As a sketch, you can use the ideas of other masters, look at the design options for your personal plot on the Internet, or create your own funny drawing. It is better to draw the template on tracing paper or graph paper, and then carefully transfer it to the plane of the plywood sheet. A good option: create an image in Microsoft program Power Point.

You can make a high-quality sketch for a plywood craft using this application according to the following scheme:

  • transfer your favorite drawing to the working window of the program;
  • go to the scaling section and set the aspect ratio based on the size of the existing sheet of plywood;
  • break the finished drawing into fragments;
  • print them one by one on the printer.

After this, the individual fragments of the picture are glued into one sheet, the template is carefully cut out along the contour, applied to the plywood and traced with a simple pencil. This operation takes no more than half an hour, but this technique allows you to create effective templates, even without artistic abilities.

Manufacturing technology

After drawing the sketch on a plywood sheet, the figure needs to be cut out.

Suitable for thin sheets of plywood regular jigsaw, thicker material can be cut faster with an electric tool.

The cut should not be made strictly along the contour, but leaving a margin of about 1 millimeter. This is a common precaution so that the canvas does not accidentally move to the side and ruin the template. If the decorative decoration involves through cuts, the starting groove is drilled with a drill, after which a jigsaw file is passed through the resulting hole.

After completion of the work, the remaining irregularities are removed with a fine file or sandpaper.


Of course, even the most original figurine requires at least painting to become brighter and more interesting.

Before applying the design, the entire surface that is supposed to be painted must be treated with fine-grained sandpaper, making the plywood a little rough. This will ensure better adhesion of wood to paint and varnish materials. Then you need to remove the wood dust remaining after treatment and degrease the surface with a solvent.

If the template is multi-colored, it is recommended to mark the dividing lines masking tape. It is better to paint fragments of such crafts separately to avoid accidental mixing of colors.

The paint is applied in multiple layers, with each subsequent layer applied only after the previous one has completely dried. This painting scheme will make the design more durable: the paint will not fade in the sun or peel off after rain.

At the final stage, the finished surface can be varnished to make the figure more resistant to impact. environment. The varnish is applied according to a similar scheme: a multi-layer texture with the obligatory drying of each layer.

Note! If the figurines are removed from the garden in winter period, you will have to renew the paint approximately every 3-4 years.

To increase the moisture resistance of the pattern, it is recommended to choose acrylic paints for external use. Materials for facade works more resistant to ultraviolet radiation and moisture, reliably protect the tree.

Volumetric figures made of plywood

You can easily make beautiful, three-dimensional crafts in 3D format with your own hands. In general, such products are manufactured similarly to the scheme given above. The only caveat: the figure will consist of several elements.

For example, if we are talking about a rooster, which will serve as a good decorative decoration lawn, then the three-dimensional figure will consist of the following parts:

  • body, including head and tail;
  • two wings: one on each side;
  • a pair of paws.

Each element is cut out separately according to the drawn up sketch. After which the figure is assembled into a single whole using glue or decorative nails. Using a similar scheme, you can make any animal (cat, dog, bear), mushroom, gnome, lantern and much more. Souvenirs are also cut out small sizes, which are installed on a shelf.

Children's toys made of plywood

Almost any children's toy can be made from plywood. For the little ones, pyramids or mobiles that hang above the baby’s crib are suitable. For example, you can make a pendant of multi-colored stars, which are attached to a fishing line and rotate slowly, evoking pleasant dreams.

For older children, various cars, tanks, airplanes, and puzzles are suitable. It is noteworthy that you can involve a child in the creation of each toy, which will not only allow you to have a fun time, but also teach the boy how to use the instrument.

Girls will not be left out either. You can cut a dollhouse out of plywood and make all the interior furnishings: cribs, chairs, dishes. The appearance of crafts for children made from plywood is much more interesting than that of factory toys, because they are made with soul. They can be given for a birthday, and it will be a very unusual and pleasant gift.

Such compositions do not contain toxic substances, therefore, they will not create health problems, even if the child puts the toy he likes into his mouth.

Setting up the kitchen

Taking into account the specifics of the application, kitchen crafts are made from dense, water-resistant plywood.

This material is not afraid of moisture and steam, so it can last for several years. Carved shelves, boxes for storing spices and other necessary small items are usually made from plywood. cutting boards, hooks for potholders, souvenir magnets on the refrigerator.

If you have some experience, you can assemble a whole kitchen set, which will not differ from the products of furniture factories. To do this, use thick sheets of plywood, a jigsaw or a hacksaw. And of course, you need to have some free time and desire.

Making toys from plywood can be either a simple hobby or a profitable activity if we are talking about large-scale production. Nevertheless, such products can decorate the interior of the house and serve as interesting entertainment for the child. Examples of toys are doll houses, collapsible construction sets, children's furniture or New Year's decorations.

Plywood is a cheap and durable material from which special effort you can make toys for a child.

The cost of manufacturing such a toy is minimal, so the costs are very low. In addition, plywood is relatively durable material which can withstand heavy loads. The material is safe for use, so the made toy can be safely given to a child.

Materials for work

Before starting work, it is recommended to create a drawing that would depict the main stages of work. The drawing plan should include both the number of parts for work and the dimensions of the components. After this, the drawing can be transferred to the blank plywood. It should be remembered that it is recommended to draw the image in real scale.

The following tools are required to complete the job:

  • a circular saw;
  • Circular Saw;
  • sandpaper;
  • jigsaw

Much attention should be paid to grinding the edges of the workpiece. It is not recommended to use low-quality equipment or pay little attention to this aspect, as this can lead to injury. In this case, safety comes first.

You need to transfer the drawn image onto a plywood blank with your own hands, and then start making parts. To make straight cuts, use a circular saw. For curved lines, a circular saw works well. As for too curved lines and the most complex elements, then in this case it is necessary to use a jigsaw.

To make a prefabricated toy, you should take care of the details. The number and shape of elements depend on the tasks, which will be discussed below. Now we need to talk about the materials that will be required for this toy:

  • nails;
  • wood glue;
  • screws.

For a toy that will be movable, it is recommended to use nails and screws. This will make the structure not only functional, but also durable. The remaining parts, the mobility of which is not necessary, can be secured using wood glue.

It is important to remember workplace safety. It should not have foreign objects that interfere with work and movement. In addition, you need to take care of the availability of necessary materials so you can fully concentrate on work. As for assembling the structure, it would be nice to pay attention to one point: metal fasteners should not stand out, but, on the contrary, merge with the surface of the toy.

Return to contents

It is necessary to remember the choice of material, since the workpiece must be without any defects. Otherwise, it will negatively affect the quality of the product and its appearance. Before transferring the toy design onto the workpiece, the surface of the plywood should be treated with a coarse grater, and then polished using fine sandpaper. This will provide not only ease of use and give the product a good appearance, but will also help in drawing the drawing, for which you just need a regular pencil.

As for image transfer, this should be done with great care. For greater convenience, the sheet with the image can be secured using pushpins. For easy polishing, you can wrap a small block in sandpaper.

When cutting out parts, you should be patient, since inexperienced people find it difficult to make particularly complex elements. But after gaining the necessary experience, this problem will solve itself. The main thing in this matter is not to rush. The resulting parts must also be treated with sandpaper. The parts must be connected to each other according to a pre-planned plan.

During assembly of the structure, it is easy to detect defects in parts; they can be easily replaced with new structures, so it is not recommended to immediately fasten the elements.

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