We make a wall clock with our own hands. Original DIY wall clock

Marianna Nettina

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In order to introduce older children preschool age with a clock, to learn how to set the time, you need a model of a clock with arrows that can be rearranged.

For handouts or a didactic game, you can make your own model of a clock from cardboard and cocktail straws.

Prepare white cardboard, black cardboard, glue, tape, tube, matches, watch dial printed on a colored office piece of paper (downloaded from the Internet)

Cut out the dial and paste it on white cardboard, “laminated” with tape. Using an awl do hole for a cocktail straw in the center of the circle. Cut from black cardboard arrows short and long. Use a hole punch to pierce the holes.

A piece of straw (1 - 1.5 cm) insert into the center of the dial, insert the arrows. Using matches or a lighter, set the ends of the tubes on fire and press down. Same thing on the other side.

These watch can be used in didactic game for fixing parts of the day, for fixing numbers.

Hour hand

hour hand

Hour after hour goes by,

Without haste, without falling behind,

And he takes us with him.

Minute hand

Minute hand

You are the sentry sister.

Minute hand,

You are long and fast.

Counting down the minutes -

This is no joke!

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Master class “Clocks”. This watch can be made with children preparatory group and study time using them. 1. Cut out the base for the template.

Find beautiful Wall Clock and fitting them into the interior can be difficult. Especially for those who love original accessories and is not ready to pay a lot of money for designer models. Our selection includes 10 ideas for creating unusual watches from unnecessary things.

Clock made from disposable spoons

Very stylish and unusual wall clocks can be made from several hundred plastic spoons. The result is a funny accessory that looks like a bright flower.

Watch for book lovers

A godsend for reading lovers is a watch made from book volumes. A composition made up of several elements will look especially impressive.

Wall clock made from a bicycle wheel

Even from the old bicycle wheel could make a fashionable watch. To do this, remove the tire and attach numbers and arrows to the rim.

Clock made of wooden boards

An excellent accessory in the shabby chic style will come from wooden planks. If you don’t have a ready-made round blank, you can carefully cut the boards according to the drawn stencil.

Knitted watch

An ordinary boring watch can be updated with a bright knitted case, partially stretched over the front.

Wooden wall clock

A wooden round clock will fit perfectly into rustic interior or an eco-style room. To make them you will need a piece of wood, well processed sandpaper, drill, hands and clock mechanism. For originality, you can write only one number on the dial.

Moon clock

You can paste an image of the moon onto a pre-prepared dial - you will get a very interesting art object.

Clock made of wooden sticks

Even wooden sticks for coffee are suitable as a material for creating original watches. But it will take a lot of patience and perseverance to carefully glue them together.

It's no secret that the easiest way to transform the interior of a room is to add stylish accessory. While puzzling over what it could be, think about the solution of how to make a watch with your own hands.

    Why watches?

    What to collect from?

    Simple DIY watch master classes

    DIY old clock new way

    DIY New Year's watch


    Photo gallery - DIY watches

This piece of furniture will be appropriate in a room for any purpose. Moreover, you don’t need to be a genius to create it. Just the desire to work is quite enough, but interesting master We will try to suggest you classes on assembling watches with your own hands and non-trivial ideas for their design.

Why watches?

Let's start with the fact that making watches with your own hands does not have to be working. They can be given a clean decorative role. But even in this incarnation they will not cease to be a mystical object, carrying the mysterious energy of the invisible all-pervading Time. It can fly or drag, make a person happy or sad, and constantly requires monitoring its progress. Isn’t this the best reason to make a watch with your own hands, not just a chronometer that monotonously counts down minutes, but a real highlight of the interior?

Decorative clocks will become the highlight of any interior

What to collect from?

“You can use a lot of different things and materials to make watches with your own hands”

Look at the photos of watches assembled by craftsmen with their own hands, and you will understand that you can really make an accessory out of anything you can get your hands on! Creative thought, especially when it has already been given a direction, will generate incredibly fruitful projects.

Someone will see the dial of a future masterpiece in a wooden lid cable reel, someone in old record, and someone will even think of allocating a wall surface under it.

Original clock from an old record

You can assemble a magnificent wall clock with your own hands from halves of a globe. Although such a project will require a lot of space, it will look amazing in the interior. Such chronometric compositions are very relevant for design trends with a geographical bias. You can make a geographical clock in decoupage style or use parts of ready-made globes. This accessory carries with it the spirit of wandering, so it can be safely added to the decor of tourist offices or used in the decoration of travelers’ homes.

Globe watches for design destinations with a geographic focus

To decorate the hall and hall, try creating a picture clock with your own hands. The dial subject can be either a portrait or an original printed fabric framed.

Painting clock in the living room interior

Of interest among the photos of watches assembled with your own hands is kitchen model chronometer, the basis of which was tin. Here, such an abstract part of the watch as the mechanism spring is put on display.

It's fashionable to make a watch with your own hands from a tin can

A cardboard clock decorated to look like a chessboard is very suitable for an office and library.

In principle, you can use a lot of different things and materials to make watches with your own hands. You can use:

  • paper;
  • gramophone records;
  • computer disks;
  • tree cuts;
  • dishes;
  • glass, etc.

A clock made from a plate is ideal for kitchen decor

Whatever you decide on, the result will be worthy of attention in any case.

Simple DIY watch master classes

Model "Handicraft"

To create this watch you will need decorative buttons and a regular embroidery hoop. The dial will be fabric, the color and print of which matches room design. In addition, prepare:

  • tape;
  • a piece of cardboard;
  • internal mechanism from old walkers.

Now let's see how to make such a watch with your own hands.

The process is intuitive. We stretch the fabric onto the hoop, cut off the excess and sew buttons to the resulting base so that they imitate the location of the numbers on the dial.

Sew buttons onto fabric

Now we need to prepare the substrate. We will cut it out of cardboard for our clock. The part must have a hoop diameter and be inserted with inside. Its strength is enough to hold the hands and the mechanism itself. For reliability, the insert can be glued to the fabric. All that remains is to attach a loop and hang the accessory on the wall.

Attach the clock mechanism

This technology is often used to assemble themed watches, for example, New Year's ones. To emphasize their connection to the event, it is enough to add adequate decor in the form of: serpentine, golden cones, improvised snowdrifts. It will be easy to change the topic if desired. The ability to change the design of the accessory will allow you to play with the perception of the environment of the entire surrounding space, which will greatly appeal to fans of frequent changes of scenery.

DIY watch made from a hoop

Paper clock

You can assemble wonderful colorful wall clocks with your own hands from magazine and newspaper sheets. Cooking:

  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • silk thread;
  • sticky tape on a transparent basis;
  • igloo;
  • cardboard;
  • 24 magazine sheets of identical format;
  • a pair of transparent plastic disks.

The latter can be found in CD packaging.

There are different master classes for making paper watches with your own hands, but in our case we will twist paper blanks. To do this, we wrap a magazine sheet around a pencil and get a tube. To ensure that the workpiece retains its shape, we fix the free edge with adhesive tape.

Roll up paper blanks

When all 24 parts are ready, each of them will need to be bent, thus separating 1/3 of the length.

We will sew the tubes along this fold, collecting them into a ring.

Gather the tubes into a ring

Carefully lay out the sewn paper watch blanks on the table and place a transparent disc on top. This must be done so that the central holes of the elements coincide.

Insert and assemble the clock mechanism

We insert and assemble the clock mechanism. On the back side we will hide it under a second plastic disk and a similar shaped cardboard base. Now screw on the arrows - and you're done!

Finished watches from magazines

Cardboard clock

You can make them simple, in a flat projection, or you can work a little and assemble a real imitation of walkers. This DIY watch craft is quickly assembled from boxes. The case will need a rectangular packaging box, perhaps even a shoe box. Everything here will depend on what size you plan to make the product.

Example of a clock from a cardboard box

The first thing we will do is attach two ribbons to the bottom of the box. Then we will hang cones on them. Assembling the clock from cardboard will continue to work on the dial. We cut it out using a stencil and attach it to the front side of the craft.

Now let's take care of the roof. We assemble its design from two thin boxes and two triangular pieces of cardboard.

Decoration ideas will be suggested by photos of hand-made watches, which you can unlimited quantity find it on the Internet.

Bicycle wheel

A clock made of cardboard, a clock made of paper... What do you think of the idea of ​​a clock made from a bicycle wheel? Since the base is quite large, you will need to find an appropriately sized clock mechanism that can rotate large hands. Working on wall clock with our own hands, we will take ordinary school rulers. Let's give them the required length. We attach triangles to the ends, symbolizing an arrow. Moving elements should be clearly visible against the background of the disk, so if the design of the product allows, the arrows can be painted in a suitable color.

Attach the tin lid

There is one trick to creating such watches with your own hands. To balance the movement of the hands, a counterweight will need to be attached to the larger one. Its role is usually played by washers. This makes it easier to select an adequate mass.

DIY watch made from a bicycle wheel

Clock in decoupage style

Decoupage technique is more popular today than ever. It is used in the decoration of a wide variety of things. It allows you to create a real exclusive. In this way, you can restore an old watch in a new way or refinish one that is just about to be born.

Clock decor using decoupage technique

The technique of decoupaging a wall clock with your own hands is not too complicated. She is rather demanding in detail, so new handmade can be considered a completely acceptable hobby for beginning designers. In a similar way, you can decorate clocks made of cardboard, gramophone records, and wood. For pasting the base, you should choose a pattern that you personally like and does not dislike the interior style.

Clocks made using decoupage technique should be in harmony with the style of the interior

Do-it-yourself old watches in a new way

If we discard the decoupage technique, then we can restore watches that have lost their attractiveness or do not fit into the interior in a completely ordinary way, accessible to every needlewoman. Try dressing them up in fun knitted clothes.

Update your watch with knitted decor

An unusual solution will help you create a New Year's watch with your own hands. If in the ordinary everyday version the products are simply tied around the perimeter, then in honor of the celebration they are put on hats and scarves in the spirit of Santa Claus.

DIY New Year's watch

Preparing for this holiday is a separate topic. This is a whole section of master classes on creating watches with your own hands. And why all? Yes, because at this time a watch can be not only a home decoration, but also a wonderful gift for loved ones. Cheap? Yes! But exclusive and memorable!

Clock from disk

A stunning looking watch model will be made from the disc. Everything is standard here with regard to the mechanism fastening part. It is placed in the center, but the peripheral design can be the most enchanting. There you can glue snowflakes, make a snow frame, etc.

Don’t be lazy to make a clock for the Christmas tree with your own hands. Here you can do without any special frills and simply paint the disc with a marker.

DIY CD clock

If you want to try out your imagination, try imagining a clock made from disks in more complex design. Glue them together or otherwise combine them into intricate compositions.

Styrofoam clock

Working with pliable material will be difficult even in the hands of beginners. Find clock crafts in the photo and try to assemble them with your own hands. Cut out the blank into the shape you like and cover it with fabric or paint it with paints. All that remains is to give the product a festive mood. Decorate it with shiny tinsel and other New Year's paraphernalia.

Even beginners can make a clock out of foam plastic.

Dough clock

Also not too the hard way do New Year's clock with your own hands. As you work you will need to knead salty dough and bake figures in the shape of Christmas trees, stars, and snowflakes from it. The main emphasis when conducting master classes on baking watches with your own hands is on kneading the dough, since the success of the enterprise as a whole depends on its quality.

Required ingredients for salt dough

After kneading 250 ml of water, 250 g of salt and 0.5 kg of flour, immediately begin to form a shaped base. For beginners, it is better to cut out clock crafts with your own hands from rolled out dough. Those who already have some experience can try assembling a watch case from small parts. Next, the workpiece is sent to dry in the oven. The work will be completed by painting and decorating the result.

DIY bright clock made from salt dough

Advice. Do not add to the dough vegetable oil even in small quantities. Its elasticity may improve, but its quality will sharply decrease. Crafts made from it will crumble.

Food grade plastic watch

Wonderful DIY watch on New Year can be assembled from a plastic box that served as packaging for a cake or other goodies. Place colored rain inside the box, maybe mixed with small toys. Cut out the numbers and hands for the dial from bright paper and stick them on the front side of the product. Mold out of plasticine or cut out blanks for cones from foam plastic and wrap them in shiny foil. Hang the decor to the finished craft and additionally wrap its body with fluffy rain. DIY decorative New Year's wall clock is ready!

New Year's watch made of food plastic

How to decorate a New Year's watch?

“When making a New Year’s clock with your own hands, it would be nonsense to forget about coniferous branches”

In addition to all kinds of tinsel and toys, it is recommended to attach real cones, scatterings or bunches of berries, and bows to crafts. Imitations of snow are welcome. It can be drawn, sprayed with a toothbrush and paint, or applied with applique. Naturally, when making a New Year's clock with your own hands, it would be nonsense to forget about coniferous branches. However, live options are not always suitable. For example, they simply cannot stay on a paper watch due to their weight, so in such a situation you will have to use their artificial counterparts.

DIY New Year's watch


We can talk about how to make a watch with our own hands all day long. This is a direction so rich in ideas that it seems simply unrealistic to exhaust this well. Try to immerse yourself at least once in the mysteries of creating a masterpiece, and maybe exciting activity will become your hobby.

Photo gallery - DIY watches

DIY watch. Step-by-step instruction with photo

Author: Elizaveta Bulatova, student of grade 6 B, MBOU “School No. 1”, Semyonov, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Description: the master class is intended for schoolchildren, parents and creative children.
Purpose: interior decoration.
Target: making watches with your own hands.
- develop individual Creative skills, fantasy and imagination;
- cultivate perseverance and accuracy.
Materials and tools:
1. Clock mechanism
2. Scissors
3. Glue
4. Decorative decorations(ribbon, rhinestones, sparkles, red sisal, paper cord)
5. Ruler
6. Wire
7. Cardboard
8. Discs (7)
Safety precautions when working with scissors:
- work with scissors carefully;
- scissors must be well adjusted and sharpened;
- place the scissors on the right with the blades closed, pointing away from you;
- pass the scissors rings forward with blades closed;
- when cutting, the narrow blade of the scissors should be at the bottom;
- store scissors in a specific place (box or stand).

Safety precautions when working with glue:
- when working with glue, use a brush if necessary;
- use the amount of glue that is required to complete the work at this stage;
- it is necessary to apply the glue in an even thin layer;
- try not to get the glue on your clothes, face, and especially your eyes;
- after work, close the glue tightly and put it away;
- wash your hands and workplace with soap.

S. Usachev “Clock”
Hours go by days after days.
The clock runs after century...
- What's your hurry, Clock? -
A man once asked.
The clock was terribly surprised.
We thought about it.
We stopped.

History of the invention and development of watches.

The first primitive concepts for measuring time (day, morning, day, noon, evening, night) were subconsciously suggested to ancient people by the regular change of seasons, the change of day and night, the movement of the Sun and Moon across the vault of heaven.
The history of the clock is very interesting and educational. It was important for a person to know the exact time in order to optimally plan his actions, so sundials, water clocks, and mechanical clocks were gradually invented. The result at the moment is the complex mechanisms that can be seen in modern stores.
Origin of the name of the word "clock".
The word “clock” appeared in everyday life in the 14th century, its basis was the Latin “clocca”, meaning bell. And before that, the first experiments in determining time were associated with observing the movements of the sun across the sky. The first sundials came into use in 3500 BC. The principle of their operation was to observe the shadow formed when sunlight, since the position and length of the shadow changes at different periods of time.
In Greece, they came to the conclusion that it was necessary to divide the year into twelve months of thirty days each. Subsequently, the inhabitants of ancient Babylon and Egypt divided the day into hours, minutes, seconds, which played important role with the development of watch production.
Jost Bergey made the first watch using a minute hand in 1577. This product also had a minute hand; the oscillations of the pendulum turned a gear wheel, which, in turn, changed the position of the hands on the dial. The dial was graduated at 12 o'clock, so during the day the hand passed in a circle twice.
Currently, humanity has complex, reliable and high-precision watch movements, created using the latest scientific research and designed in a wide variety of styles.
Not regular watch, ideally matching the style of the interior of the room, is always a successful element of decor. Not only in terms of aesthetics, but also in terms of functionality. Like these ones original watch you can do it yourself.
A watch is a necessary, useful and, in general, ordinary thing. Few people think about their design, because the main thing is that they show the time correctly.
But try to make a wall clock with your own hands - and you will notice that the atmosphere in this room has subtly changed.
Of course, we are not talking about assembling and adjusting the clock mechanism yourself - you should use a ready-made one, bought in a store or removed from an old watch. But you can really get creative with the design of the dial.

Step-by-step process for completing the work:

1. Glue two sheets of A4 cardboard onto an A3 sheet.

2. Using a compass, make a circle on cardboard and then cut it out.

3. We wrap the disks with tape.

4. We wrap a paper cord around the wire.

5. Then we wrap the wire around a round stick to make a curl.

6. Find the middle of the circle using a ruler.

7. Glue the disks and start decorating the clock.

8. Cut out hearts from the disks and wrap them with ribbon.

9. We decorate the heart with red sisal balls and glue them to the clock.

10. Glue sisal and rhinestones into the middle of the disks. We install hands with a clock mechanism on the central disk.

Something as small as an ordinary watch can become a central element of the interior if it is made by hand. The main thing about these watches is their uniqueness and the soul put into them.

Any home interior will help to incredibly transform a brand new wall clock. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to travel all over the city in search of a new masterpiece that will become a wonderful update.

Wall clocks in the interior will look great if you make them yourself! For example, you can decorate an old clock you have. You can also make new ones using various materials, and also easily accessible.

Moreover, they will be in quality great gift, especially to family and friends, who are not punctual.

How to make a wall clock with your own hands

Taking the most ordinary embroidery hoop, you can get quite interesting wall clocks. You will also need decorative buttons for this. The base can be chosen from a fabric that goes well with the texture and color design Your interior.

You can also use any buttons (preferably a collection) that are completely idle. They can be different shapes, color, size.

For a new watch you need to prepare: an old watch or find hands with a mechanism, a hoop, fabric with buttons, braid/ribbon, and if you wish, a thin board/cardboard.

It shouldn’t be a pain to disassemble a clock mechanism/old clock to remake it for a new decor. The arrows should be removed along with the nuts that hold them together. It is important to know in this case in what sequence they are connected. The fabric is attached between the hoops, cut off the unnecessary edges, then sew on the buttons. Place the latter in accordance with the numbers on the dial.

Next, the watch mechanism itself is attached. You need to make a small hole right in the center of the dial, and on the other side you need to attach a mechanism so that the mount for the hands is right in the center of the dial of your watch. To secure the mechanism, cut a circle from a cardboard sheet or wood. Its diameter should be the same as the hoop. The mechanism is glued to it. You can also simply hang it on a ribbon that is attached to the hoop. We recommend making a loop so that you can hang the accessory on the wall. All that remains is to screw the arrows and voila! See options for similar items in our photos of DIY wall clocks.

Option No. 2

A clock can also be made from old unwanted magazines/newspapers.

To do this you need to prepare: 24 pages of equal size; pencil, scissors, transparent adhesive tape, long needle, silk thread intended for embroidery/floss, transparent plastic disks (2 pcs.), a cardboard circle with a hole right in the center, a clock mechanism with arrows.

So, first you need to take a pencil that is wrapped in newspaper. The tubes need to be made accordingly, 24 pieces. Their ends should be secured with adhesive tape, then they naturally will not unwind. Approximately the third part needs to be moved back from the end of the tube, then bent in half here.

You need to insert a silk/floss thread into the needle, then thread it through the same bent tip paper straw. Pull the needle through and tie a knot at the end of the thread. Other tubes are sewn in the same way. They should be placed around your watch.

Place a prepared transparent disk on top of the tubes. This must be done so that the hole remains in the center of the circle, which was created thanks to the tubes. Then the mechanism is applied, taking into account that the place where your hands are fastened coincides with the hole in the disk. Then you need to turn the clock over and put in a second disk of the same type. Cardboard is placed on top of it, and the clock mechanism is attached using a nut. At the end, all you have to do is screw on the hour hands and voila!

We invite you to look through photos of ideas on how to decorate a wall clock, as a result of which you will succeed!

Photo of a handmade wall clock in the interior

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