Kitchen decor for the New Year. Decorating our tree

We create the New Year's mood for ourselves, and decorating the house for the New Year is the easiest way to give your abode a fabulous, festive atmosphere. 2018 is ahead, which you need to meet especially brightly, colorfully and in a great mood. Start preparing now - many great ideas easy to implement with your own hands!

If in usual time Not every one of us is involved in needlework, decoration, embroidery and origami, but during the New Year's period everyone, without exception, decorates their home. Intricate crafts can be done with children as a family, and this exciting activity will give you a lot positive emotions. Make your home joyful and bright!

Window decoration ideas

Celebrate the New Year 2018 outside the windows painted with frost, even if the temperature outside is above zero. Window- the eyes of the house, from the outside they are visible to any passerby, and inside, decorated with garlands, lanterns, snowflakes, they serve as additional space for the implementation of design ideas.

  • Snowflakes. Filigree work will become exquisite decoration your house. Paper snowflakes look very beautiful on the windows of a private house, but they can also make an apartment stand out from a row of boring window openings.

Advice! There are thousands of patterns for cutting snowflakes out of paper - from the simplest to the most complex. Arm yourself with comfortable scissors, be sure to think workplace and start creating window decorations. The more patterns there are on the plane of the paper, the more elegant the crafts look.

  • Drawings. With water-washable stained glass paint and minimal artistic skills, you can create patterns that look very attractive from the outside and give warmth and coziness. If you are not confident in your talents, just write on the windows: “2018!”, “Happy New Year!” Give younger family members space to be creative, too. Don't forget to take a photo of the children in front of their work!

New Year's door

Here it is recommended to take advantage of the Western tradition and hang a wreath on the door of a country house from pine needles, cones and bells. The doorway is easy to decorate artificial snow, a horseshoe for luck, paper snowflakes. You can make the composition yourself, but there are plenty of ready-made options available in stores.

You can make a cardboard horseshoe yourself and decorate it with tinsel and rain. Write congratulations to your loved ones on it and give it as a gift when you go to visit. Any crafts are good ideas for a present or a New Year's addition.

Garlands are a classic way to decorate your home.

How to make a star from wire

We bring to your attention another idea for decorating your home for the holiday - an unusual frame star. You will get a kind of 3D effect if you make crafts in different sizes.

  1. Take a flexible wire. Bend it so that you get a five-pointed star.
  2. Prepare a sketch of the star from the photo.
  3. Cut it out of colored or wrapping paper and bend the edges so that they catch on the wire. Secure with tape if necessary.
  4. Glue the tinsel to the wire.

The stars can be hung from the ceiling in a checkerboard pattern, or they can be decorated with garlands, rain, and streamers. It will hang down beautifully and create a festive atmosphere.

Advice! If you live in an apartment with high ceilings, be sure to hang something from them. This will visually narrow the room and create the effect of floating decorations made by yourself.

Photo for memory

Every person has a framed photo in their home. Refresh them, give them Christmas mood: hang on a streamer or thick twine along the wall. Fill the free space with small balls, garlands and hand-made drawings.

After the celebration, print out new photos and add them to the old ones. This composition can stay in the apartment until the very end of January. You will love this idea, and perhaps you will leave the photos on the rope, making them a permanent interior accessory.

Balls everywhere

Ideas for the New Year are not limited only to the capabilities of the needlewoman. Use themed toys, glitter, decorations industrial production for room decoration.

Balls are a wonderful symbol of the New Year. They are different colors, sizes, shiny, matte, with a rough surface, made of different materials, expensive, cheap, vintage, modern, etc. A variant of the idea is to hang them on strings from the ceiling, secure them in the window opening in the kitchen and living room.

New Year- this is a time of magic, when not only children, but even adults live in anticipation of a miracle. Already at the end of November we are making plans for the holiday, buying gifts for loved ones and slowly starting to decorate the house. The kitchen is where the holiday begins. It is here that we will cut the ingredients for our favorite “Olivier” to New Year’s music or Ivan Urgant’s jokes, in between cooking meals we will drink champagne and snack on tangerines, and large sizes kitchens, we can even celebrate New Year here. So New Year's decor also starts from the kitchen. We are starting a series of articles on how to make your kitchen the most elegant and cozy for the New Year; thanks to our advice you will find out the best ideas New Year's decoration DIY kitchens. Today – TOP 10 ideas on how to decorate a kitchen of any color and size.

Ten New Year's ideas

  1. Red color is a New Year's must have. The colors with which New Year and Christmas are traditionally associated are red and green. Green color will be quite enough in the form of a Christmas tree in any of the rooms and in some other small details, but red can become the main accent in holiday decoration. Red details will look equally impressive in any color scheme kitchen furniture, be it laconic white or classic shades of wood. What do you think of the ideas for New Year's kitchen decoration with red details in our photographs?
  1. Fragrances are the key to the festive mood. If for some reason you do not place natural spruce or pine at home, then you can purchase spruce branches and place them at the very top kitchen set. The aroma will be breathtaking, and the look will be elegant! We traditionally decorate the kitchen for the New Year, so why not make sure it smells like New Year's?

Little secret: you can buy tangerine essential oil and apply a few drops to the branches. Thus, your kitchen will be filled with the classic New Year's aroma of spruce and tangerines.

Tip for housewives: bake gingerbread cookies and hang them on ribbons throughout the kitchen. Baked with your own hands, it will delight the eye and soul. And how fragrant it is!

  1. Decorate a chandelier - why not? For example, you can wrap it with matte green tinsel and hang balls on the lampshades. The taller your loved ones are, the shorter the ribbons will be.

We are for compliance fire safety, so make sure that the tinsel does not heat up from prolonged contact with the lamps.

  1. Tapes on the door. They can be openwork, polka dots, minimalistic, you can even use clothespins to attach postcards that friends and family send to you! You can secure the ribbons with transparent double-sided tape, and the ribbons are sold, for example, in holiday packaging departments. You will see, the kitchen will immediately be transformed!

Advice: Collect old Soviet postcards (for example, from your parents) and hang them on beautiful ribbons. You and your loved ones will be happy to remember what is written on them. good wishes from the past, which make these cards truly magical and unique.

  1. Refrigerator and kitchen door decor. If your loved ones have a good sense of humor, and even more so if you have children, then you can make a snowman from the refrigerator with your own hands. To do this, you only need thick colored paper, scissors and double-sided tape. In addition, if you have a door in the kitchen, then you can hang an impromptu snowman made from tinsel, glued together from paper, or even twisted from branches! We decided to show you a variety of “snowman” ideas in the photo.

  1. What is written with a pen... You can purchase ready-made interior letters and use them to create any New Year’s slogan or word. Or, if you have a black chalk board hanging in your kitchen, write and draw something on it with chalk. You can also use letters to create a New Year's original decor windows - take a look at the ones we found. Well, real craftsmen can easily make such decor with their own hands from scrap materials!

  1. “Cut through” the window to the New Year! Window decor is about creating a New Year's mood not only for yourself, but also for those around you, because it is visible not only to you, but also to passers-by and residents of neighboring houses. A simple way is to hang a garland on the curtain and turn it on when evening comes. More creative housewives can build some with their own hands simple figures from a garland on glass - a Christmas tree or a snowman. And tape will help you! We will show you other window decor ideas in the next article.

  1. Berry decor. Holly is a plant that is traditionally used to decorate your home for the New Year. It looks great in small vases, jugs, and can even be used for! An alternative to holly can be sprigs of rowan, hawthorn, and in addition, you can find an artificial one. From the photographs we have selected, you can glean interesting ideas for a juicy “berry” kitchen decor for the New Year.

  1. New Year's sweets. We always buy a lot of sweets for the New Year. How do you like this “sweet” New Year’s decor in the kitchen, as in the photographs? This is where jars come in handy, they can be filled with sweets for every taste. Why not measure the time until the New Year by eating a piece of candy a day? Or maybe you like to bake your own sweets - you can fill jars with them too! And there is always something to treat guests.

Advice: for those who adhere proper nutrition or doesn't want to dial excess weight for the New Year: jars can be filled with nuts, dried fruits or candied fruits. And close the lid tightly!

We remind you: everything in moderation. Remember that the amount of New Year's decor should be comparable to the size of the kitchen. The larger the kitchen area, the greater the scope it can have. Therefore, on small kitchen within 10 m², for example, window decoration, chandeliers and cabinets will be enough. And of course, New Year's table and its serving! Expect articles about this very soon.

We hope, with our help, you learned how to decorate your kitchen for the New Year in the best way. And we wish you pleasant troubles and preparations for the New Year 2019!

You can decorate a room for the New Year in such a way as to create comfort for your family, and at the same time surprise everyone. But when it comes time to prepare, very often we don’t know where to start. What attribute of the holiday can be considered the main one? In this article you will get acquainted with a huge number original ideas For decoration. Find out how you can prepare a room and the windows in it for the holiday. So, about everything in detail below.

Where to begin?

Preparing the premises for the holiday should begin with careful planning. Some do not pay attention to this issue at all, considering it unimportant. Others focus all their attention on thinking about the menu, purchasing groceries and preparing a festive dinner.

In fact, it is by preparing and decorating a room that you can create a truly warm atmosphere. Those who love their loved ones and try to surround them with care and attention are sure to find the energy and time to decorate their apartment or house.

The first thing to do is to conduct general cleaning. After all, if the room is not clean, then any decoration will look ridiculous. No one has canceled the rule “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it”. Therefore, you need to make an effort to celebrate the New Year in purity.

After that, you can start decorating the room. First you need to evaluate the room itself and its capabilities. If the room to which guests will be invited is large and spacious, you can safely give it a flight of fancy.

If she is small and especially free space and no, then you need to proceed from the size of the jewelry. For example, you can use the ideas below that take up little space.

Some of them have small size, others are generally attached to windows or the ceiling, so they don’t take up much space.

It is also important to choose color scheme. It’s unlikely that anyone will decide to re-paste the wallpaper or radically change the design of the room, so you need to start from the colors that are already present.

The New Year's decor should not be monochromatic or boring, but you should also not go to extremes, combining many shades for decorations at the same time.

The main attribute of the holiday

Even Small child will say that the main symbol of the New Year is the Christmas tree. Everyone faces the question of which is better to buy - artificial or live. In order to save money, many people decide to buy an artificial Christmas tree and use it for many years.

Others would be happy to do this, but there is no place to store it. And yet, many residents of our country cannot imagine the New Year without a living Christmas tree, the aroma of which fills the whole house.

Almost all decoration options are suitable for both live and artificial Christmas tree. Decorating with ordinary glass toys is considered outdated, so you can use one of the modern ideas.


It is not necessary to completely replace toys with it; you can simply combine several decor options.

Edible decorations

The easiest way is to decorate candies. Can be taken like candy small size, and larger chocolate bars. However, the flight of fantasy should not be limited to this. Some cookies or cakes are round in shape, making them difficult to hang. And if this happens homemade baking, then such decor will definitely create a cozy atmosphere.


If the New Year is celebrated with family, you can hang photographs on the tree. It is not necessary to use frames. Each photo can simply be decorated with a little rain. Everyone who comes to the holiday will admire themselves while looking at the Christmas tree. A If you make it a surprise by preparing photos in advance, then everyone will definitely be surprised.


Why not? Only the truly creative will take on the idea of ​​combining incompatible things.

The only caveat is that it is better to choose flowers that will not wither immediately. It’s better to choose a place in advance that sells exactly fresh flowers and decorate the Christmas tree with them literally before the guests arrive.


Some decide not to limit themselves to one Christmas tree. You can build “additional” Christmas trees, for example, by laying them out in rain on the wall. You can even make the shape of a Christmas tree out of food, the main thing is to use your ingenuity.

Artificial snow

New Year is associated not only with the Christmas tree, but also with snow. Unfortunately, Mother Nature does not spoil us with real festive weather every year. Sometimes you have to go celebrate the New Year in rubber boots, under an umbrella. Therefore, the idea of ​​​​making artificial snow is always relevant.

From foam plastic

Yes, it will take a long time to gut the foam. But, given that there is an unnecessary sheet in the house (for example, all the equipment is packed in it when sold), then such decor will cost free. You can crumble the foam with your hands, or you can use a grater or even a fork. You can pour artificial snow under the tree, on wrapped gifts under it. You can also string foam balls onto fishing line to create a chandelier decoration. Although it is troublesome, it is very beautiful.

From toilet paper

This artificial snow is more suitable for making snowballs from it to decorate a Christmas tree, or for making other figures. Tear the paper into small pieces, place it in a microwave-safe bowl, and place a piece of white paper on top laundry soap. Place the bowl in the microwave for 1 minute, take out the material and add a glass of water to it. We knead it with our hands like plasticine. After this, we move on to sculpting the selected figures.


You can decorate various New Year's paraphernalia with artificial snow. For example, you can cover bottles, both decorative and those containing champagne, with foam snow.

To do this, you just need to coat them with glue first. In the same way, you can decorate candlesticks and other elements on the holiday table.

New Year's windows

There are many ways to decorate windows. New Year is not a holiday where you can just curtain them. Sooner or later, guests will come to the window to enjoy the weather outside or watch the fireworks. And from the street, decorated windows look special, especially in private houses. Any owner will be pleased that people passing by their home admire its beauty.

The most popular way to decorate windows is with snowflakes made with your own hands. You can find many techniques for making them on the Internet, so you can make masterpieces. The patterns on the windows also look beautiful.

In stores on New Year's Eve, special stickers are sold that are easy to apply and just as easy to remove. However, it is much better when someone from the family paints the glass themselves. You don’t need to be an artist for this - even simple stains in snow-white tones will look appropriate and resemble the “creativity” of nature in frosty weather.

You can also decorate your windows by placing decorations on the window sills. These can be bouquets of Christmas tree branches and cones, candles, Christmas balls and everything that remains after decorating the Christmas tree. Some decorate the windows on the street side, however, this can only be done if the weather permits. For example, you can hang a garland, the light of which will be visible in the room. Everyone has a garland. They decorate not only homes, but also offices, shops, and trees in parks. All in all, an ordinary garland with small multi-colored light bulbs will not surprise anyone.

You can supplement the usual garland or even replace it using independent work. You don't need a lot of material for this. Some families have traditions every year on the eve New Year's holidays make garlands with your own hands. To do this, you can use these ideas.

Colored paper

You can prepare a stencil in the simplest way; it can be a circle with a diameter of about 6 cm. We cut out circles of different colors and then all that remains is to fasten them together. To do this, you can take fishing line or thread. The circles are placed on them with a needle or glued. You can make one long garland, or several small ones. You can decorate a window, Christmas tree, chandelier, curtains with them.

Garland made from natural materials

A few days before decorating the room, start collecting the skins of tangerines, oranges and lemons. Then, when the time comes, you can cut out any figures from them using a stationery knife. Stars or hearts look original. The cut out figures are strung on a thread using a needle. Despite the fact that such a garland is far from durable, because the skin will lose its shape the very next day, this idea is very original.

“Delicious” garland of natural materials

Very soon the long-awaited New Year will come with the chimes and the president's speech! Do you remember what is the main decoration of the table? That's right, TV. What is an indispensable attribute of the New Year? That's right, a New Year's mood, which we will create by decorating not only the apartment, but also the kitchen, where we spend quite a bit of our time, and even more so in the New Year. We will prove to you that in addition to traditional paper snowflakes on windows, there are still a lot of new creative ideas!

Christmas tree

Not every kitchen can boast of dimensions that will be enough to accommodate a fluffy Christmas tree. This harsh reality, from which you cannot escape. True, this is not at all a reason to refuse a Christmas tree in the kitchen: you can find miniature options or use fluffy spruce branches - the atmosphere will be transformed instantly

New Year's wreaths

On the eve of the New Year, we advise you to sign up for a master class on making masterpiece New Year's wreaths. Such a wonderful decorative element can be hung on the door or on the wall. Wreaths can be large and large-scale or graceful and miniature. It all depends on the breadth of your imagination.


A couple of weeks before magical night year, you can start lighting candles in the kitchen in the evenings. Let every dinner be held in a subdued and wonderful holiday atmosphere.

Christmas decorations

Christmas decorations can hang not only on the New Year tree. With their help you can build cool compositions for kitchen decoration. Show a little imagination and your kitchen will be noticeably transformed.


A garland is another must-have for New Year's decor. There are many original and unusual ways using the most ordinary garland. You can decorate the wall by placing a garland in the shape of a Christmas tree, or make beautiful jars with lights in the Scandinavian style.

Posters and placards

Posters and posters will perfectly convey the atmosphere of the holiday. One or two posters with winter graphics or sayings are ideal for the kitchen. This great way show your personality.


New Year's Eve is a great way to replace the dishes in your home. It would seem that simple plates and glasses, but how great they change the interior. Take note!


There is something special about New Year's figurines. They seem to come from distant childhood. As a rule, such decor is always very beautiful. Even one figurine can be enough to make the kitchen interior truly magical and fabulous.


Stars fit perfectly into New Year's decor: these can be Christmas tree decorations, garlands, candles and even wreaths. You can make a garland of stars and hang it along the window. It will shimmer and shimmer beautifully, giving you good mood and a sea of ​​smiles.


When going for a walk in the forest, take home some pine cones. They can be put to great use. For example, make a New Year's wreath from them or make pine cones part of a festive composition. By the way, the cones can be painted in different colors.


If your interior is dominated by Scandinavian style, and you are an ardent supporter of minimalism, then branches will fit perfectly into your interior. Only at first glance it seems that they have nothing to do with the festive atmosphere. Photos from our selection are proof of this.

Paper toys

Remember your childhood, take out scissors and paper, gather everyone at home at the table and start cutting New Year's toys. Snowflakes can be very different and masterly. You can even organize a competition for the most beautiful one.

Drawings on glass

Glass in the kitchen cannot be left without decoration. new year time. If frost does not draw snowflakes, then make them appear according to your will. To do this, you will need paper and a little skill or special stickers, which are sold in large supermarkets in the sections with household goods. It's up to you to decide, but we want to note that the last option is much more convenient to use.

1. If there is no room for a small tree, create a miniature tree

What could be cuter than this little tree? It is ideal for even the smallest space. Buy a small Christmas tree or cut off the top of a large one and decorate it with your favorite toys, garlands, and attach a small star to the top of your head. For greater effect, wrap empty boxes in wrapping paper and place the “presents” under the tree.

2. Use a table

Let the table play its part in creating a festive mood: place on it a “forest” of Christmas trees made from wrapping paper and decorated with a star on the top. Each tree can hold a bag of candy for guests.

3. Decorate the railings

Use the railings to decorate your home by hanging a garland of fir branches on them. Make a garland from spruce branches make it more original by attaching a garland of felt flowers to it.

Use a hole punch with round hole 5 cm in diameter to cut out flower petals.

Make the center of the flower from felt of a different color. Sew the petals together to make a flower. Gather the flowers onto a strong thread to make a garland.

4. Wrap gifts and put them under the tree early.

Wrapped in beautiful paper gifts will even decorate small space. Don't forget to tie a bow on each gift.

5. Decorate your cutlery

A beautifully chosen tablecloth, cutlery and napkins will help add charm to your New Year's decor. Try to set the table and place the cutlery a few hours before the start of the holiday meal so that guests can enjoy the elegant view.

6. Use utensils

Let your favorite plates help decorate your home: place them in a cabinet with glass doors. If you don't have special party plates, try placing a white china plate and a red mug or saucer nearby.

7. Decorate the chairs

Let your chairs take part in decorating the space. Tie a wide ribbon to the painted pine cones and hang them on the back of each chair. The main thing is to match the color of the ribbons to the color of the rest of the decorations in the house.

8. Free up space in your closet

During the holidays, remove photographs, figurines and other trinkets from your closet. Instead, you can put wrapped gifts and New Year's figurines in the closet, and decorate the shelves with garlands of fir branches.

P Why not hang the decorations on a rack in the hallway? To create a festive mood, you can use a knitted scarf, bells and a Christmas wreath.

10. Decorate your cabinets

Attach a ribbon to the Christmas balls that matches the color of the other decorations in the room. Hang the balloons on the cabinets using tape. Glue the tapes to the cabinet so that the ends are not visible.

11. Decorate doorways

Attach a garland of natural or artificial fir branches to doorways. You can attach New Year's cards, empty boxes wrapped in beautiful paper and other decorative elements to the garlands.

12. Make a tabletop tree

Bring several branches from the street, use pebbles to secure them in flower pot. Decorate your “tree” with ribbons and Christmas decorations. The finding of this is that you can do so a big tree as much as your space allows.

13. Use any furniture for decorations

If you don't have free wall space to hang an Advent wreath, you can do it using any table, cabinet, mantel or even window.

14. Liven up your hallway

Use a few accents to bring the holiday spirit into your entryway. Hang a simple garland on the mirror and place a few red pillows on the banquette.

15. Lay out some holiday pillows.

Decorate your living room sofa with a few Christmas themed pillows.

16. Decorate the mirror

In small apartments, mirrors are used to visually enlarge the space. During the holidays, let the mirror serve a different function. Hang the wreath on the mirror or decorate its frame with a garland.

17. Hang decorative plates

Cut out letters from red paper or buy vinyl letters and stick them onto white plates. Using double-sided tape, attach the plates to the wall.

18. Dress up a book

Book on coffee table It will become a decoration if you put it in a felt cover. Open the book and cut a larger piece of felt. Wrap felt around the front and back endpapers and glue the edges of the cover together. Draw and cut out a silhouette, for example, of a deer. Paste the silhouette onto the cover.

19. Make it spectacular wall decoration

Old photographs can serve as a talking point, especially at the beginning of the holiday. This photo wall decoration won't take up much space. Cut out the photos in a circle shape and use double sided tape stick it on the wall in the shape of a Christmas tree. If you use children's photographs, you can entertain guests by asking them to guess who is in the photo.

20. Use the space near the stairs

Table by the stairs - appropriate place for decorations in limited space. Place a small decorated tree and a toy on it or, for example, several small houses. A small spruce can be placed in a silver vase with water.

21. Change the curtains

Instead of regular curtains in the kitchen, hang curtains with holiday patterns and place several artificial Christmas trees on the windowsill.

22. Make a wall advent calendar

The European Advent Calendar is a small calendar that shows how many days are left until Christmas. To create such a calendar, you can use any container with a lid. Decorate the containers, print the numbers on colored paper, cut them out and stick them on the lids. Glue a small magnet onto each container and attach it to a metal board attached to the wall. You can put cookies or candy in each container.

23. Place accents

If you have a lamp with a hollow transparent stem, you can put Christmas balls or other decorations inside. The same can be done with any bowl or vase.

We always care about New Year's decoration living room, often forgetting about other rooms in the house. Of course, the place where we will celebrate the New Year with family and friends needs special attention. This is the most suitable room for a decorated Christmas tree, under which gifts for children miraculously appear on January 1st. In small apartments, New Year's celebrations take place in the living room; a festive table is set here.

Christmas tree and festive table- two main components of the New Year's design of the living room; in addition to them, wreaths and garlands are hung here, bouquets made of natural materials, candles and New Year's compositions.

Decorating your bedroom for the New Year is not difficult if you buy festive bed linen, bedspreads and pillows with New Year's symbols. The bed decoration has great importance in bedroom design, replacing textiles often completely changes the look of the room. This is the simplest and easy way create a New Year's mood in the bedroom, but doing so is not at all necessary. Light accents are quite enough for our rest room. This could be tinsel or a garland on a bedside lamp, compositions with fir branches and candles, balls above the window, a wreath at the head.

New Year's decorations for the kitchen

A small kitchen does not give us many opportunities to place New Year's compositions, but there is always a place for small decorative elements. New Year's themed dishes, garlands above the top cabinets, cute decorations on windows and roof rails, a few similar ideas in the photos below will help set a special mood.

New Year's decoration of a children's room

Our little ones’ nurseries already look cheerful and elegant, so we’ll just tweak them a little by adding New Year’s decorative elements. In these rooms use bed linen and textiles with the image of Santa Claus, a Christmas tree, and gifts will be very good ideas(photo below). Beautiful New Year's compositions on the windowsill, wall decor with garlands, and mobiles with snowflakes above the bed will look fabulous.

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