A flower that smells like rotten meat. Why do the tips of leaves on indoor plants dry out?

Among the best indoor plants We would like to highlight for you the most fragrant ones that will improve the microclimate in the house and lift your spirits. They are very good for health! Just by inhaling their scent, you cleanse your lungs, so you can breathe easier, like after a walk in the forest. Let's see what these best indoor plants are!

For your geranium to grow healthy and fragrant, it needs a lot of sun - ideally a south window without any shading, even without a loggia outside the window. If she feels a lack of light, there will be few leaves, and the aroma itself will not be the same.

Jasmine can also be cultivated at home, although it is more popular among our summer residents. With timely feeding and shaping, you can grow a fragrant bush that will delight you for many years!

Citrus fruits grow well in room conditions only when perfect lighting south window, with regular feeding and without drafts in winter, as they heat-loving plants. They smell simply amazing!

All people with lung diseases and those who find it difficult to breathe due to problems with this organ are advised to plant eucalyptus at home. Eucalyptus can also be a real salvation if your windows overlook a busy road or you often inhale exhaust fumes.

Gardenia is an incredibly beautiful tropical plant that has a bad reputation for growing at home, because it is considered capricious and requires constant attention. Nevertheless, the smell of its flowers is simply amazing.

Stephanotis is perhaps one of the most delicious plants in the world. When it blooms, the whole street smells as if heaven has come to earth. In a garden or park it grows up to 3 meters in height, but in indoor conditions it will be a small and incredibly fragrant bush.

In Japan, where this plant comes from, it for a long time was intended only for the emperor and his family. For about 400 years, no one in Japan knew that it even existed, because they grew it in indoor gardens. It is now available to everyone around the world as a houseplant.

Begonia is a very common indoor plant in Russia, but few people grow it correctly. Ideally, a begonia in a small pot will have hundreds of flowers! Begonia needs to be protected from drafts and kept warm, then it will delight you with a whole bouquet and a wonderful aroma.

Some orchid varieties smell incredibly delicious (for example, Corsage Orchid, Oncidium Orchid). The main thing is to choose the right variety. Caring for such an orchid is no different from usual, but due to its rarity it costs 2-3 times more.

We are used to growing oregano in garden beds, but at home it looks no less beautiful because of its “fluffy crown,” and it smells just great. It is the perfect plant for the kitchen!

Another very capricious plant that smells good is passionflower. All those who decided to grow it had to go through a long journey of trial and error. Since the plant loves extremely humid and warm sub- and tropical climates, you will have to tinker with it.

This unusually beautiful, delicious-smelling and at the same time also a liana plant with an unusually bright color is called hoya ( wax ivy). As a houseplant, it is not yet very popular in Russia, but it can be grown.

Brugmansia snow-white, as well as other types of Brugmansia, are an excellent choice for large flowerpot in the living room on the floor. tropical plants The genus Brugmansia from the nightshade family is very popular among Spanish gardeners.

Plumeria is not very common among indoor plants simply because not everyone knows how delicious its flowers smell. Plumeria needs to be replanted annually, which is quite easy, but each time you need to buy a larger pot.

March madness is exactly how the first calendar month of spring is perceived by those who grow seedlings of their favorite vegetables themselves. In March, they sow their favorite tomatoes and peppers, carry out the first sowings in the greenhouse, and even sow vegetables in the beds. Growing seedlings require not only timely planting, but also a lot of care. But the troubles are not limited to her. It is worth continuing to sow in greenhouses and on window sills, because fresh greens from the beds will not appear so soon.

While the buds on the plants have not yet awakened or at the very beginning of growth, seedlings and cuttings adapt much better. Although the main attention in March is still focused on completely different plants - seasonal ones. Growing your own seedlings allows you to save money, find new varieties and ensure the health of your plants. Lunar calendar in March for ornamental crops recommends choosing days more carefully, because unfavorable periods cover almost half a month.

In March, most of the beautiful flowering annuals that need seedling method growing. Typically, such flowers take no more than 80-90 days from germination to flowering. In this article I would like to dwell on interesting annuals, which are slightly less popular than ageless petunias, marigolds or zinnias, but they have no less advantages. And it’s also worth trying to plant them for flowering next season.

As spring approaches, indoor plants gradually emerge from dormancy and begin to grow. After all, already in February the days become noticeably longer, and the sun warms up like spring. How to help flowers wake up and prepare them for the growing season? What do you need to pay attention to and what measures should you take to keep your plants healthy, blooming, multiplying and making you happy? We’ll talk about what indoor plants expect from us in the spring in this article.

Coconut cake with buttercream and whipped cream is a real treat. I made this cake based on the traditional German coconut cake - kuchen. Coconut cake "Kukhen" is easy and quick to bake. The cake is soaked in heavy cream, so the cake based on it is moist and very tasty. In this dessert, coconut is everywhere - in the sponge cake, in the cream, even in the whipped cream, I added a few drops of coconut extract. In general, it turned out to be a heavenly pleasure!

One of the most important rules growing strong and healthy seedlings- presence of the “correct” soil mixture. Typically, gardeners use two options for growing seedlings: either a purchased soil mixture or one made independently from several components. In both cases, the fertility of the soil for seedlings is, to put it mildly, questionable. This means that the seedlings will require from you additional food. In this article we will talk about simple and effective feeding for seedlings.

After a decade of dominating the catalogs of the original motley and bright varieties tulip trends began to change. At exhibitions best designers around the world offer to remember the classics and pay homage to the charming white tulips. Sparkling under the warm rays spring sun, they look especially festive in the garden. Welcoming spring after a long wait, tulips seem to remind us that white is not only the color of snow, but also the joyful celebration of flowering.

Sweet Indian pumpkin chutney with lemon and orange originates from India, but the British contributed to its popularity throughout the world. This sweet and sour spicy seasoning of vegetables and fruits can be eaten immediately or prepared for future use. To prepare for future use, use 5% fruit or wine vinegar. If you age the chutney for 1-2 months, its taste will become softer and more balanced. You will need butternut squash, ginger, sweet orange, juicy lemon and spices.

Despite the fact that cabbage is one of the most popular vegetables, not all summer residents, especially beginners, can grow its seedlings. In apartment conditions they are hot and dark. In this case, it is impossible to obtain high-quality seedlings. And without strong, healthy seedlings it is difficult to count on good harvest. Experienced gardeners know that it is better to sow cabbage seedlings in greenhouses or greenhouses. And some even grow cabbage by direct sowing seeds in the ground.

Flower growers tirelessly discover new indoor plants, replacing some with others. And here the conditions of a particular room are of no small importance, because plants have different requirements for their maintenance. Lovers of beauty often face difficulties flowering plants. After all, for flowering to be long and abundant, such specimens require special care. Unpretentious plants There are not very many flowers blooming in rooms, and one of them is streptocarpus.

Chicken cordon bleu rolls with béchamel sauce is an excellent dish for festive table and daily meals! It’s easy and quick to prepare, it turns out juicy, and the thick bechamel sauce is finger-licking good! With mashed potatoes, pickled cucumber and slice fresh bread It will make a hearty and tasty dinner. Choose the cheese for this recipe according to your taste, processed or blue mold. It is important that the cheese and ham are sliced ​​very thin, this is the secret of success!

Calendula (marigold) is a flower that stands out among others with its bright color. Low bushes with delicate orange inflorescences can be found on the side of the road, in the meadow, in the front garden next to the house or even in vegetable beds. Calendula is so widespread in our area that it seems like it has always grown here. About interesting decorative varieties calendula, as well as about the use of calendula in cooking and medicine, read our article.

Elegant and sophisticated orchid – unique plant, it cannot be classified as ordinary blooming crops. Growth form, requirements for growing conditions, type of rhizome - everything about this plant is different from other types of flora! Some orchids grow indoors, are hardy and not very demanding, others - capricious plants, needing special display cases and greenhouses. Exquisite flowers and care require special, competent feeding and watering.

I think many will agree that the wind is well perceived by us only in the romantic aspect: we are sitting in a cozy warm home, and the wind is raging outside the window... In fact, the wind blowing through our areas is a problem and there is nothing good about it. By creating windbreaks with plants, we break strong wind into several weak streams and significantly weaken its destructive power. How to protect a site from the wind will be discussed in this article.

Most flowers are designed to be scented to attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies. They fly in for sweet nectar, and plants, in turn, receive from them the pollen necessary for reproduction.

But not all potential pollinators are attracted by the pleasant aroma. Some plants have developed special odors to attract less than romantic insects. Flies, for example, like bees, are excellent pollinators, the only problem is that they are not interested in sweet smells. In other words, if nature has created an abundance of flowers with a pleasant aroma, she also provided for the presence of their rather smelly counterparts.

Amorphophallus or Titan Arum is also called the “corpse flower”. And for good reason: it smells like rotting flesh. But it copes with its task well, since flies and some beetles prefer to lay eggs in carrion.

In addition, amorphophallus can really be considered Titan - it has the largest unbranched inflorescence in the world. Inside a huge thicket of leaves hide thousands of small flowers, spreading a stench in the air. Is the underside of the floral blanket the color of red meat? for greater effect. The only advantage of this giant is the short flowering period - only 24-28 hours once every 4-6 years.

Better known as “stinking cabbage”, “swamp cabbage”, “ferret grass”. The name, again, reveals the essence of the scent: it smells like a skunk. It grows primarily in the marshy soils of the eastern North American continent and attracts mainly flies for pollination.

One more interesting feature flower is its ability to independently generate internal heat. Fever not only allows it to break through snow-covered soil, but also, thanks to its smell, allows it to imitate a fresh corpse. But that's not all! Strong in spirit(and nose) can use the flower in medical purposes: It is used to treat asthma, epilepsy, cough and rheumatism.

Rafflesia Arnoldi has the world's largest single flower. Its size would certainly surprise you, of course, until you got closer to inhale the smell. Rafflesia, like Titan Arum, is called the “corpse flower,” which gives a comprehensive idea of ​​the smell.

Along with other plant “stinkers”, this flower is aimed at attracting flies. But despite its unbearable smell, Rafflesia Arnoldi is considered one of the three national flowers of Indonesia, and is a specially protected species in this country. In fact, until its flower begins to smell, it is truly beautiful. There is one more positive point: with such a size (almost a meter in diameter!) no one will definitely have any questions about where the smell is coming from.

The fleshy flower, native to southern Africa, is known for resembling female genitalia. The aroma, however, suggests other anatomical features of the body: the flower smells disgustingly of excrement. And this is justified, since its main pollinators are dung beetles.

More often found under the name "carob tree". Its inflorescences may look rather harmless, but this is definitely not the kind of tree in whose shade you would like to have a picnic. Male flowers are known for producing a fairly strong and recognizable odor of seminal fluid. The funny thing is that the Ceratonia pod is valued very highly. Carob are widely cultivated and the crushed pods can be used as a chocolate substitute. Of course, you should make sure that you collect them in the right season.

Orchids have conquered the world with their bright and elaborate flowers. But the largest genus of these plants, Bulbophyllum, is also famous for including some of the real stink bugs. One of them is Bulbophyllum phalaenopsis: a fuzzy, pinkish-red flower from New Guinea that also smells like dead mouse. Like the other foul-smelling flowers listed above, it is designed to attract flies.

Flies are constant companions of Helicodiceros or “dead horse” arum, as it is popularly called. The name fits perfectly: from afar, the inflorescence of Helicodiceros resembles a horse's croup, and upon closer acquaintance it gives off a persistent smell of rotting carrion, which attracts pollinating flies.

It is better not to be in a field where such flowers grow in good weather. Interestingly, Helicodiceros does not unfold its cover if the sky is overcast. He waits until the horizon clears and the sun begins to get hot, allowing the cunning plant to spread its scent much further.

This plant's fluffy, star-shaped flower is attractive enough to grab your attention—but smelly enough to turn you off. Stapelia is a vile flower that smells of rotting flesh. It is believed that its fleecy, leathery surface tries to imitate the decaying flesh of a dead animal in order to more effectively attract the main pollinators - flies.

Due to its attractive appearance, the plant has gained some popularity among gardeners. For obvious reasons, it is recommended to keep it only outside, where fresh air will help muffle the smell.

People call this and similar plants “voodoo lily”, “snake lily”, “stinking lily” or “black dragon”. Originally native to almost all of southern Europe, Dracunculus was introduced to the United States. Like many of the flowers listed above, it has the smell of rotting flesh. The good news is that the scent doesn't last long - only a day - but the flower itself is stunning! That's why Dracunculus has spread so widely, despite its unpleasant smell.

Also known as “Indian almond” or “tropical chestnut”. It's pretty large tree With orange-red flowers grows mainly in the jungles of the Old World, and of course, also has a disgusting smell. It is no coincidence that the genus Sterculia was named this way: from the Latin “stercus” is translated as “dung”. However, the seeds contained in the pods of this tree are eaten both raw and fried.

Photo: basik.ru, blogspot.com, missvoltairine.tumblr.com, flickr.com, www.naturamediterraneo.com, dic.academic.ru, plantsofasia.com, hq-wallpapers.ru

Carrion is a fine word used for rotting or putrefying flesh, and thus disgusting flowers tend to smell like a pile of rotten flesh. This scent is not used to ward off potential predators, but rather to attract insects. Insects are not consumed by flowers for nutritional purposes, but rather, as is common with most flowers, they help pollinate the flower. These flowers do not attract all insects such as butterflies and bees, they attract those insects that feed on carrion, such as beetles and various flies. These Putrid But Fascinating Flowers Are Different From Each Other in amazing ways, and we can look at some of them today.

10. Veselkovye (Phallaceae)

Veselaceae are a family of mushrooms commonly known as Stinkhorn mushrooms. Shaped like a phallus, Veselkova are distributed throughout the world, but are especially common in tropical areas. They are known for their unpleasant smell, a sticky mass of spores, or gleba, at the end of stems called receptaculum. The characteristic form of fruiting, unbranched receptaculum with attached external spores in the upper part, distinguishes Veselkovy from other families in the Phalalles. The spore mass usually smells like carrion or manure, and attracts flies and other insects to help disperse the spores.

9. Dead Horse Lily (Helicodiceros muscivorus)

Helicodiceros muscivorus (white dead horse lily) is ornamental plant, a native of the northwestern Mediterranean region. It produces the stench of rotting meat, attracting carrion-seeking flies that act as pollinators. One of the representatives of a rare group of thermogenic plants, White lily a dead horse can raise its temperature. This helps lure flies into the plant and come into contact with its pollen. Interestingly, the very few thermogenic plants that actually exist are mostly disgusting plants (although there are a few exceptions).

8. California Dutch Pipe

California Dutch Pipe, or Aristolochia californica, is a deciduous vine with purple-striped, arching, trumpet-shaped flowers that give rise to winged, capsular green fruits. The flowers have a strong, unpleasant aroma that attracts carrion-eating insects. Insects crawling into an intricate flower are disoriented, linger there for a long time, and raise large number pollen, due to the fact that they wander around the inside of the flower in search of a way out. Fungus gnats are common pollinators that fall for the Dutch Tube scam, as they receive absolutely nothing from the flower. Even though this plant does not provide anything to its pollinators, it is the only food source for the Pipevine butterfly. Red spotted black caterpillars feed on leaves that appear very bitter to other predators. They also use flowers as a safe, enclosed space.

7. Starfish flowers

Starfish flowers, or Stapelia gigantea, are a plant from the milkweed family. It's like a cactus succulent plant, which produces flowers in the form of large starfish. Flesh-colored flowers or yellow, with small red lines running along them, are covered with hairs. In the center of each flower there is a mouth in the form of an opening in which the genitals are found. A cadaverous smell emanates from here, and this lures insects and flies to the center where they can help with pollination.

6. Eastern Cabbage Skunk

Skunk cabbage, or Symplocarpus foetidus, is a low-growing, foul-smelling plant that prefers swampy conditions. It can be found naturally in North and Northeast America, as well as many parts of Asia. Skunk cabbage has large, broad leaves and produces 10-15cm variegated flowers purple. This plant does produce a rotting, foul odor that is most noticeable when the leaf is torn. This scent is needed to attract pollinators such as flies and beetles. Another interesting fact about this plant, it is one of the very few thermogenic plants. This means that it can generate high heat, in which case the temperature can reach 15-35C. This allows the plant to melt the frozen ground so the flowers can bloom while there is still snow. It also attracts insects that are hiding from the cold and helps evaporate and disperse their scent.

5. Tarragon (Dracunculus vulgaris)

It is indeed a flower that has many names, some of which include Dragon Arun, Black Arun, Snake Lily, Stink Lily, Black Dragon, Dragonwort and Drakondia. Scientific name– common tarragon, Dracunculus vulgaris, and grows in the Balkans, Mediterranean, Europe and Antalya. It was recently brought to the United States, where it is thriving. This amazing plant, which has the most stunning flower, which consists of a spadix that can grow up to 120 cm. The spadix is ​​initially shrouded in a blanket of dark purple and black. The blanket unfolds, revealing an almost black cob that releases strong smell fell within one day, at which time the genitals are ripe and insects that will spread pollen are attracted by the smell.

4. African hydrona (Hydrona africana)

3. Pelican flower

Aristolochia gigantean, also called Giant Flower Pelican and Giant Dutch Pipe, originally native to Brazil and Panama. This vine boasts red colored flowers with intricate white markings on one petal. Resembling a heart that has been rolled into a cone shape, this intriguing plant also has heart-shaped foliage that is lush, bright green and glossy at times. A significant plant, Aristolochia gigantea can grow to 8 -10 feet in height, with a spread of up to 8 feet. Its flowers can grow to nearly one full foot in length. The flowers release a very strong putrid odor when they open, and this attracts flies, which assist in the pollination process.

2. Rafflesia arnoldii

Surprisingly, both of our last two plants are widely known as corpse flowers. Rafflesia Arnoldi is the largest single flower in the world, and is an endemic plant found only in tropical forests Bengkulu, Sumatra Islands, Indonesia and Malaysia. There are several species of Rafflesia in these areas, but Arnoldi is largest species, measuring up to 1m/3ft in diameter it can weigh up to 11kg.

1. Amorphophallus titanum

Amorphophallus titanium, literal translation from the Greek language literally means the ugly member of the Giant, with a huge ugly phallus that is located directly in the center of the flower and is commonly known as Titan Arun. This is a flowering plant with the most large inflorescence without branches in the world, native to Sumatra. The inflorescence of Titan Arun can grow up to 3 meters (10 feet) in height. Like the related crazy pint and calligraphy lily, it consists of a fragrant spadix of flowers wrapped in a blanket that looks like a single flower petal. In general, the Titan Arun blanket is green on the outside and maroon and red on the inside, with deep grooves. The cob is hollow and resembles a large slice of French bread. The upper, visible part of the spadix is ​​covered with pollen, while its lower limb is strewn with bright red-orange carpels. The “aroma” of the inflorescence is reminiscent of rotting meat, attracting carrion-eating beetles and flies (family Sarcophagidae) to pollinate it. The dark red color and structure of the flower contribute to the illusion that the blanket is a piece of meat. During flowering, the tip of the cob is approximately the same as human body temperature, which helps the smell dissipate; this high temperature is also believed to aid in the illusion that attracts trunk-eating insects.

Most flowers are meant to please the sense of smell, and good smell attracts pollinators such as bees, which drink the flower nectar while the plant is in turn fertilized. But not all potential pollinators can be enticed by scent. Some flowers have developed a special scent that attracts nature's less romantic insects. For example, flies can be as good pollinators as bees, but the only difficulty is that they are not interested in sweet scents. In other words, along with many pleasant-smelling flowers, nature has also created many plants that emit a vile stench. We present to our readers nine flowers that should not be included in a bouquet for your loved one on Valentine's Day.

Titan arum, corpse flower

Titan arum, nicknamed the corpse flower, has the unfortunate title of the worst-smelling flower in the world. As you can imagine, it emits the stench of a rotting corpse. But at the same time, the plant thrives in nature, since its main pollinators are flies and beetles, which prefer to lay eggs in dead flesh. In addition, the flower is truly titanic in size, it is the largest inflorescence without branches in the world; in a word, it is a large and foul-smelling splendor. The vase-like outer shell contains thousands of flowers, all of which emit a stench. The inside of the plant is the color of red meat, which adds to the resemblance to a corpse. The only good news is that the flowering period is short, lasting from 24 to 48 hours, with the flower blooming once every 4-6 years.

Simplocarpus stinky

The very name of the flower makes it clear that you can’t expect a scent from it. In nature, it is found in the swamps of the eastern part North America, and the plant attracts flies and stoneflies for pollination. One of its interesting adaptations is the ability to generate internal heat. The increased temperature not only allows the flower to break through the layer of snow, but also helps attract pollinators by mimicking the heat emitted by a fresh corpse. If your stomach can handle it, then the plant is also known for its medical properties, it is used to treat asthma, epilepsy, cough and rheumatism.

Rafflesia Arnolda, corpse flower

Rafflesia Arnolda is the largest single flower in the world. But you can enjoy its appearance exactly until you come closer and inhale its “aroma”. The same nickname as the titan arum - corpse flower - will tell you everything you need to know about this smell. As with other foul-smelling plants, the stench emitted by rotting carrion is designed to attract flies. But despite this property, Arnold's rafflesia is considered one of the three national flowers of Indonesia, where this species is protected by law. As long as it does not emit an odor, it may well be perceived as great decoration. One more positive trait: Given its size (the flower reaches 1 meter in diameter!) it is very easy to understand where the stench is coming from.

African Hydnora

Ceratonia capita

The inflorescences of Ceratonia capita may look harmless, but this is exactly the kind of tree in the shade of which you are unlikely to want to organize a picnic. Male flowers are known for producing a distinct odor of seminal fluid. Paradoxically, the achenes of this tree are highly valued because they can be crushed and used as a chocolate substitute. (Just make sure to collect them in right time year.)

Phalaenopsis orchid

Orchids are prized throughout the world as a family of flowering plants that have showy and intricate flowers. But the largest genus of the orchid family, called Bulbophyllum, also includes real stinkers. So the phalaenopsis orchid - a hairy pinkish-red flower from New Guinea - smells like a dead, rotting mouse. As is the case with other colors that have cadaverous smell, the purpose of this adaptation is to attract flies.

Helicodiceros flycatcher, dead horse lily

The flies swarming over this image of the Helicodicerus flycatcher flower is not an exaggeration; insects accompany this plant throughout its life. Its name is also very appropriate, as the odor emitted is reminiscent of the stench of a dead, rotting horse. Of course, it attracts flies, which ensure pollination. It’s unlikely that anyone would want to find themselves in a field of these flowers on a clear day, but what’s interesting is that their wrapper does not open on a cloudy day. The plant waits for clear and sunny skies so that the scent can spread over a long distance.

Stapelia gigantea

The fluffy blooms of this mesmerizing star-shaped plant may just grab your attention. But the stench it emits drives away observers. Stapelia gigantea is a corpse flower that emits the smell of rotting flesh. In fact, it is believed that the hairy, skin-like surface is additional way imitate the rotting flesh of a dead animal, which provides additional attractiveness to pollinators - flies. Thanks to the pleasant appearance the flower has earned some fame among farmers. Of course, it is highly recommended to keep them outside so that fresh air can dispel the stench.

Dracunculus vulgaris

Common nicknames for this flower and its close relatives include witch lily, snake lily, stinking lily, and black dragon. This foul-smelling flower is native to Greece, and again its stench is similar to the smell of rotting flesh. The good thing is that it doesn’t last long, about a day, but the scent leaves behind a magnificent and unique flower. It is for this reason that it can be found far from its homeland, despite the unfortunate “aroma”.

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