The healing charm of violet: medicinal properties and simple recipes. Legendary violet: medicinal properties and accessible recipes

Viola tricolor L.

Greetings, dear readers!

Today I will tell you about the medicinal properties and contraindications of tricolor violet, an amazing and useful plant in all respects.

Tricolor violet description. Violet tricolor is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant, belongs to the violet family (Violaceae), class dicotyledonous, with a branched pubescent stem 10 - 20 cm tall. The leaves are alternate, petiolate, ovate, serrated along the edges with large pinnately divided stipules.

The flowers are on long stalks with a corolla of 5 petals, the upper petals are usually dark blue or purple, the side petals are lighter, the lower petals are yellow or white with dark stripes, the central part of the flower is orange-yellow - hence its specific name. The fruit is a three-leaf capsule, each capsule contains about 3000 seeds.

Tricolor violet is distributed throughout the European part of Russia, as well as in the south of Western Siberia. Violet is one of the first spring flowers, blooms from April - May, when the sun warms up, is found everywhere in fields and meadows, on the edges of bushes, along roads, in arable lands and vegetable gardens.

For many peoples, the violet is considered a symbol of reviving nature. Many types of violets are distributed throughout the globe and have long been valued by people as medicinal plants. In Colombia they treat fever, in Brazil they treat upper respiratory tract diseases.

The ancient Romans called the tricolor violet the flower of Jupiter. An ancient Roman myth tells about the origin of this flower. One day, on a hot day, Venus happily bathed in a remote grotto so that no one would see her. Suddenly, turning around, she saw several shepherdesses looking at her in surprise from behind the stones. Angry, she turned to Jupiter and demanded death for the overly curious youths. But this demand seemed very harsh to Jupiter, especially since he himself enjoyed the contemplation of the bathing Venus, and he limited himself to turning the shepherdesses into big-eyed flowers, on which the surprised expression on the faces of the young pranksters was forever frozen.

The scientific name of the genus Viola is the ancient Roman name for violet, as in ancient times any violet was called, derived from the Greek word ion - “violet”, and is its diminutive form. The scientific species name tricolor translates as “three-colored” - explained color scheme flower corolla. Other common names for violets: three-flowered, brothers, field brothers, pansies, half-flower, hatchets.

Violet tricolor medicinal properties

In the 11th century, in one of the medicinal treatises of Odo of Mena, it was written about the medicinal properties of the tricolor violet herb:

If you apply grated ones, they will help inflamed areas;
Drink and the hops will go away, and a heavy head will be treated
Only the scent of a flower, or a crowning wreath of violets;
If you soak them in water and drink them, your gums will be healed.
Its grated roots are dried in combination with vinegar.
And the spleen: they drink them or apply them to the area;
This way, they say, hot gout is also cured,
So, it relieves both cough and shortness of breath in children.
According to Pliny, it has the properties of licorice.

Tricolor violet herb contains anthocyanins, carotenoids, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, saponins, polysaccharides, tannins, essential oil containing methyl salicytate, it also contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, trace elements - manganese, copper, cobalt, molybdenum, chromium and others.

Tricolor violet has anti-inflammatory properties, which are associated with the presence of essential oil and mucus-like substances in it, which enhance the secretion of the bronchial glands and facilitate the release of sputum, which have an antiseptic effect in the area gastrointestinal tract. Tricolor violet is mainly used in medicine as an expectorant and cough softener, for acute respiratory diseases, chronic bronchitis and bronchopneumonia, and for whooping cough.

Violet herb has a diuretic and diaphoretic effect, improves metabolism, is used for inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and bladder, for kidney stones, for diseases of the joints, as well as in dermatology - for urticaria, non-healing wounds, trophic ulcers, even for skin cancer, for eczema, furunculosis, diathesis and various rashes.

Another common related species of violets field violet Viola arvensis Murr.

Description field violet . If the plant has large, dark purple or blue, tricolor flowers, it is a tricolor violet. If the flowers are small, their upper petals are white, and the lower petals are yellow with a brown eye in the middle and thin veins - this is a field violet, it has the same medicinal properties. It also grows everywhere and is used along with tricolor violet.

Both types of violets are harvested for medicinal purposes. Tricolor violet and field violet herbs are harvested during flowering from May to August. The entire above-ground part is used, the grass is cut with a knife or scissors.

Dry by hanging in bunches or spreading in a thin layer 5-7 cm thick on paper or linen in a ventilated area; It is allowed to dry in ovens at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees, dry until the stems become brittle. The color of the raw material is dark green, the taste is sweet and slimy. Dried violet herb can be stored for 1.5 years.

Violet grass tricolor application

For tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough,

for gout, arthritis, articular rheumatism:

1. Infusion of tricolor violet:

  • Place two tablespoons of dry crushed violet herb in an enamel bowl, pour in 200 ml of chilled boiled water, close the lid and heat in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Insist on room temperature 45 minutes, strain. Squeeze out the remaining raw materials, bring the volume of the resulting infusion to 200 ml with boiled water.
  • Two tbsp. spoons of dry crushed violet herb, pour 1 cup of boiling water, cover with a lid, leave, tightly wrapped, for 1 hour, strain, add to 200 ml.

2. Decoction of tricolor violet:

Two tables. spoons of dried crushed violet herb, pour 1 cup of boiling water, boil in a water bath or low heat for 15 minutes, leave for 10 - 15 minutes, strain, squeeze, add boiled water to 200 ml.

Take 1 tbsp of violet infusion or decoction warm. spoon 3 - 4 times a day for 2 - 3 weeks. Shake the infusion before use. Store in a cool place for no more than 2 days.

To enhance expectoration, take the infusion 1/3 - 1/2 cup 2 - 3 times a day.

Attention! With greater use of the infusion, irritation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract may occur - nausea, vomiting; the amount of the drug used must be reduced.

IN folk medicine Violet herb infusions are used for rheumatism, gout, as an antiallergic and blood purifier. Therapeutic effect due to the presence of a large amount of salicylates in the plant.

Violet infusion and decoction are used for bronchial asthma, kidney stones and cystitis.

Infusions and decoctions of the tricolor violet herb were used in the treatment of epilepsy, they calm the nervous system, and for enuresis - bedwetting.

Violet tricolor herb is included in expectorant preparations for respiratory diseases :

  • leaves - 20 g,
  • plantain big leaves— 30 ​​g
  • licorice naked root – 30 g
  • violet tricolor herb - 20 g

Two tbsp. Add 1 cup of cold boiled water to spoons of the mixture, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, and strain after cooling. Take the decoction warm, 1/3 cup 3 times a day after meals for bronchitis.

  • Violet herb - 1 part
  • sundew grass - 1
  • large plantain leaves - 1
  • fennel fruits - 1

One tbsp. Pour a spoonful of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Take 1/4 cup 3 - 4 times a day for convulsive cough, whooping cough.

  • Primrose flowers - 1 part
  • sundew grass - 1
  • licorice root - 1
  • violet root - 2
  • cumin fruits - 2

One tbsp. Pour a spoonful of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 1/4 - 1/3 cup 3 - 4 times a day after meals for cough, whooping cough, bronchitis, bronchial asthma.

Violet herb is included in the fees for the treatment of urinary tract :

  • Juniper fruits - 1 part
  • violet herb - 1
  • lovage root - 1
  • flax seed - 1

Pour one tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 1 hour. Take 1/3 - 1/2 cup 3 - 4 times a day for bladder inflammation.

For psoriasis infusion of violet tricolor herb assembled:

  • Tricolor violet herb – 10 g
  • celandine herb - 10 g

One tbsp. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture and cover with a lid. Leave for 1.5 hours, strain. Take 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons of infusion 3 - 5 times a day before meals.

In Rus', tricolor violet was used for dental problems. For loose teeth, drink violet infusion: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry violet herb or 1.5 tablespoons of chopped fresh herb in 2 cups of boiling water or taken in the form of violet herb powder 0.6 - 4 g with sugar 2 times a day.


  • Gastritis and peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum during exacerbation.
  • Preparations from the violet herb are contraindicated for hepatitis and glomerulonephritis.
  • Pregnancy, lactation - breastfeeding.
  • Children's age up to 12 years.
  • Individual intolerance.

Violet preparations should not be used long time, the plant contains alkaloids. It is recommended to take the course for no more than 1 month, then there should be a 1-month break.

Tricolor violet used in cosmetology

Due to biological diversity active substances Tricolor violet herb is successfully used in cosmetology, taking into account the anti-inflammatory, astringent properties of the plant.

For oily seborrhea of ​​the face, head (disease of the sebaceous glands of the skin), in the treatment of abrasions, pustular skin diseases, violet tricolor herb is used in the form of infusions and lotions. When combined with other medicinal plants, it is useful to rinse your hair after washing your hair.

For oily skin, acne:

Use tricolor violet juice in the form of poultices, compresses or lubricants for inflamed areas.

When treated with tricolor violet, the skin condition gradually improves, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

For dermatitis, take an infusion of tricolor violet orally - it relieves skin itching and improves general condition. The infusion is also recommended for external use in the form of baths and lotions.

Tricolor violet tea:

One tbsp. Pour a spoonful of tricolor violet herb with a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain. Drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day. Tea has a diuretic, diaphoretic, blood purifying effect, and will help in the treatment of many skin diseases: scrofula, eczema, neurodermatitis, and atherosclerosis. The general condition improves after a month of taking it.

For children with prickly heat and skin irritation, it is good to bathe them in a bath with a decoction of violet and string herbs in equal parts:

  • Violet herb - 2 tablespoons
  • string grass - 2 tbsp. spoons

Pour 0.5 liters of boiled water into the herbal mixture, boil for 15 minutes, stirring, under closed lid. Let cool, strain, add to a bath with warm water.

For the treatment of diathesis in children, the use of a herbal collection known as Averin tea :

  • Violet herb - 4 parts
  • string grass - 4
  • bittersweet nightshade herb - 1

Brew one tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid. After cooling, strain. Give children 1 tablespoon to drink 3 times a day. This tea is used for baths and washings of children with scrofula.

Fragrant violet description. In the European part of the country, in the Crimea and the Caucasus, it grows in forests and among bushes. fragrant violet Viola odorata L. — perennial with a creeping rhizome 5 - 15 cm tall, producing rooted shoots that bloom in the second year. The flower petals are purple, whitish at the base. It has many medicinal properties and is also used in folk medicine. Since ancient times it has been bred as an ornamental and essential oil plant.

More than a hundred years ago, tricolor violet was introduced into cultivation. Cultivated forms of violet also have medicinal properties, but to a lesser extent.

Garden pansies originated from crossing the tricolor violet with other types of violets - mainly Altai violet and yellow violet. Over time, countless decorative varieties violets.

Violets were Goethe's favorite flowers. In honor of the poet, German gardeners planted large-flowered varieties, naming them after the characters of his works: the almost black variety was called Doctor Faust, the bright red variety was called Mephistopheles, and the pale blue variety was called Margarita. In the south of France and Northern Italy, near Parma, Parma violet is grown - a large-flowered, double variety of fragrant violet, it is used for the production of perfume.

Watch the video, there are a lot of useful tips here:

How to grow pansies

The British consider pansies a symbol of love and fidelity. If you send someone an image of this flower on Valentine's Day - February 14 - it will be tantamount to declaring your love to that person.

This is so useful, healing, very beautiful and interesting plant Tricolor violet, thanks to popular love, is surrounded by many legends.

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Be healthy and happy! All the best!

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The properties of the tricolor violet and its beauty have always been appreciated and used. Violet or pansy in Ancient Greece was a symbol of Athens. In the Middle Ages, Christians saw divine symbols in its contrasting decor - the three faces of the Holy Trinity and the all-seeing eye of God the Father.

Further, the color of the violet lost its divine halo and now it is simply called pansy or bratki, forest bratchik, garden bratchik, glistnik, scrofula, Ivan-da-Marya, kamchug, half-flower, magpie seed, three-flowered, Trinity grass and others.

Numerous popular names indicate the peculiar color of the flower, different medicinal properties.

Scientific names Viola – the ancient Roman name for all violets. Species name tricolor translated three plus color, that is, three-color, characterizes the color of three colors.


It can be an annual or biennial plant up to 40 cm high with a thin fibrous root and a triangular stem.

The leaves are alternate, oblong. Flowers emerge from the axils of the leaves and develop at the ends of the peduncles. Five petals corolla different colors and size. The two upper petals are more elongated deep color, 2 lateral ones are light round, the bottom one is larger than all the others. Fruit - ovoid capsule with three doors, one nest.

Tricolor violet grows throughout our country, except of course northern regions. As an alien plant it can be found in Siberia.

This light-loving plant, in an open habitat, tolerates only very slight darkening. Found in meadows, field edges, edges, forest glades, clearings, along the edges of peat bogs, on the banks of reservoirs not covered with turf, and on the sides of country roads.

A similar species is field violet. It differs in that it is self-pollinating, it has white upper flowers, the middle ones are bright yellow, the lower petals, and the corolla are equal to the calyxes or slightly longer. The composition of tricolor violet and field violet are the same. The field one is allowed to be used along with the three-color one.

Growing violets

In order for it to bloom well and for a long time, watering and fertilizing with full mineral fertilizers, sunny or slightly shaded place with loose, nutrient-rich soil.

It blooms for two or three weeks, then the decline begins. In the second half of summer, flowering resumes. To prolong, remove faded buds, seed pods. Tricolor violets overwinter well if there is no flooding in spring.

Propagated by seeds and cuttings. When the plant blooms depends on the time of planting. To get the bloom early spring The seeds are planted at the end of June on the ridges. Beginning of September, seedlings are planted permanent place at a distance of 15-20cm, where they will spend the winter. With this method, flowering is abundant and the flowers are large.

For flowering in the year of sowing, they are sown in a greenhouse, boxes at home in the month of March. Seedlings dive twice to a permanent place at the end of May. They will bloom from late June to late autumn.

fibrous root system allows transplantation at any stage of development.

Cuttings are used to preserve the purity of the variety. May, June shoots with nodes are cut off and planted on darkened ridges 0.5 cm deep and 5 cm apart. The first days are sprayed several times a day, covered with damp paper. Roots in a month, blooms in late summer or autumn

Harvesting workpiece

Tricolor violet grass is cut with a knife during flowering in May-June, folded paper bag. Dry in a well-ventilated room, stirring the raw materials periodically. It is advisable to dry as quickly as possible. Store for two years

Violet tricolor composition


  • saponins up to 14%;
  • mucus;
  • essential oil;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids - rutin, violaquerticin, violatin, isovitexin, orientin and others;
  • carotenoids;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin P, E;
  • coumarins;
  • phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives;


  • essential oil;
  • routine
  • anthocyanin glycosides;
  • vitamins;
  • flavonoids and other beneficial substances.

Violet tricolor medicinal properties

The stems, leaves, and flowers are used for medicinal purposes and used as a decoction, infusion or tea.

  • tricolor violet relieves inflammation, has a diuretic, enveloping effect;
  • the infusion is used as an expectorant - whooping cough, acute respiratory diseases, chronic bronchitis, bronchopneumonia;
  • violet herb cleanses the blood, is useful for angina pectoris, arthritis, atherosclerosis,, rickets, epilepsy, dysentery;
  • varicose veins, glaucoma - eat 30-100 mg of violet flowers daily. Flowers contain rutin, which strengthens the walls of capillary vessels and lowers eye pressure;
  • gallbladder diseases;
  • kidney;
  • women's diseases, headache;
  • difficulty urinating, cystitis, inflammation of the appendages;
  • as an enveloping, anti-inflammatory - gastritis;
  • toothache, periodontal disease;
  • tricolor violet an ancient remedy for getting rid of milk scabs and eczema in young children (the infusion is added to the water where food is prepared);
  • externally, internally, an infusion of violet herbs - acne, skin tuberculosis and other skin diseases;
  • Sprinkle wounds and ulcers with tricolor violet herb powder;
  • bad breath;
  • herb powder - as an expectorant 1g for adults, 0.5g for children;
  • lotions, baths - exudative diathesis, eczema, allergic diathesis;
  • as an addition to the main treatment, a decoction or infusion of violet herbs is used for cancer;

Herbal infusion: 20g of dry raw materials, 200ml of boiling water, keep the thermos for 2 hours, filter. Drink 100 ml twice a day.

Herbal decoction: 1 tbsp. crushed raw materials, a glass of boiled water, cook for a quarter of an hour, cool for 45 minutes. Filter, squeeze out the remainder, bring the volume to the original volume with boiled water. Drink 1/3 glass four times a day after meals

Violet tincture: 25g flowers, 10ml alcohol. Drink 25-30 ml three times a day before meals. Evening rinse: 10 ml of tincture per 200 ml of water. Good remedy- sore throat, flu, inflammation of the respiratory tract.

Articular rheumatism, gout, arthritis: a tablespoon of dry herb, 250 ml of boiling water. Leave wrapped for two hours and express. Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

Violet tea: the herb is brewed in a ratio of 1:10, heated for 1/4 hour. Use 1 tbsp. 4 times a day.

Exudative diathesis: 8g dry plant, 300ml water, leave overnight. Boil in the morning and drink on an empty stomach with sweetened milk for three weeks.

Expectorant for colds: 20g herb, 200ml boiling water, filter after three hours. Take 1 tbsp. four times a day.

Violet oil: 100ml olive oil, 2 tbsp. dried tricolor violet flowers, 1 tbsp. Mix plush budra leaves and cook for 10 minutes in a water bath. Leave the container covered until it cools, strain. Use to treat skin diseases.

Colds, gastrointestinal diseases, kidney diseases: a tablespoon of violet herb, 250 ml of boiling water, soak in a water bath for 15 minutes, when it cools, strain, squeeze out the sprat. Drink 100ml 2 times.

Diarrhea, diuretic: 2 tsp. tricolor violets, a glass of boiling water, strain after 10 minutes. Drink a glass 3 times. Use for compresses and lotions for inflammation of the sebaceous glands.

Blood purifier: 20g violet herb, 1 liter of boiling water, soak the thermos for 10 hours, filter. Drink a glass 3 times.

Collections with violet

Bronchial asthma: take the same amount by volume of tricolor violet, large plantain, Scots pine buds, and creeping pine. 2 tbsp. collection, 250 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Express. Drink 1/3 glass 4 times a day after meals.

Restoration of pancreatic functions: 10 g each of tricolor violet herb, greater celandine herb, knotweed herb, St. John's wort herb, corn silk. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon. Leave until cool, then strain. Drink a warm glass 3 times a day before meals.

Gouty arthritis: 2 parts - burdock root, tripartite herb, part - tricolor violet, creeping wheatgrass rhizome, bearberry leaves. 1 tbsp. collection, 250 ml of boiling water, filter after an hour. Reception - 1/2 glass four times a day.

Psoriasis:1.5 tbsp. tricolor violet herbs, great celandine herbs pour 250 ml of boiling water, strain after an hour. Drink 0.25 ml 4 times an hour after meals. At the same time, hot baths with celandine.

Pathological menopause: 2 parts violet herb, three parts each buckthorn bark, licorice root. 4 tbsp. mixture, a liter of boiling water, strain after half an hour. Drink 200ml in the morning, take a few sips in the evening.

Violet tricolor contraindications: In case of overdose or prolonged use, vomiting, diarrhea, and itchy rash are possible.

Violet (lat. Viola) is a genus of plants belonging to the Violet family. There are about five hundred species of them, and according to some sources - about seven hundred. The most common of them are: tricolor violet, fragrant violet (pansy, tricolor, willow-herb), field violet.

Most representatives of the genus are one- or two-year-old herbaceous plants with a thin root and several hollow stems ranging from ten to thirty to forty centimeters in height. Violet stems rise and end single flowers two to three centimeters long. They are simple or branched, can be erect or almost recumbent. The leaves are alternate, bluntly toothed, have short hairs and large stipules. Her lower leaves are broadly ovate, petiolate, and the upper ones are oblong, almost sessile.

Field violet has yellow petals, its corolla is smaller than the calyx. Tricolor violet has multi-colored petals that are located on long peduncles. As a rule, the upper two petals are purple, the lower three are white or yellow, the central part is yellow-orange, its corolla, in contrast to field violets, larger than a cup.

Representatives of the violet genus bloom from mid-spring until late autumn, and begin to bear fruit in June. The fruit is an oblong-ovoid capsule that cracks into three leaves. The seeds are obovate and yellowish-brown in color. Violet grows in dry meadows, roadside meadows, pine trees on forest edges and clearings, grain crops, and it also grows in ditches, ditches, gardens and parks. Distributed in almost all regions of Europe and Asia. It can often be found in the Caucasus, Belarus, Far East, in Ukraine, in Western and Eastern Siberia.

Preparation and storage

The raw material is violet grass, which is collected from spring or the first half of summer (it all depends on the type) until the last autumn month. During its flowering period, using a knife or sickle at a distance of five to ten centimeters from the surface of the earth, completely cut off the above-ground part, discarding unnecessary bare lower stems, after which it is put into bags or baskets without compacting. Each type of violet is placed in a separate container.

The drying process is carried out in natural conditions: in attics or sheds that are well ventilated. To do this, the grass is laid out in a thin layer (from five to seven centimeters) on cloth or paper and periodically turned over. Raw materials are considered dried if they break easily when the stems are bent. Then the dry grass is placed in bales or bags and sent for storage in dry, well-ventilated warehouses, where they will stand on racks or stockpiles. Dry raw materials can be stored for up to two years. Harvesting should be carried out no more than once every two years.

Composition and medicinal properties of violets

The grass of most representatives of the Violet family contains flavonoids, carotenoids, saponins, essential oil (with salicylic acid and methyl ester), ascorbic acid, tannins, and the alkaloid violaemetine. Also, it contains up to 25% mucous polysaccharides. This plant is officially considered medicinal and is widely used in medicine.

  1. Violet has a choleretic, antimicrobial, sedative, diuretic, and diaphoretic effect. It refers to plants that are used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, normalization of metabolism, gout, and rheumatism. Useful for enuresis, urethritis, cystitis, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis.
  2. Preparations based on violet have an expectorant effect, due to which they are widely used in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, pneumonia, cough, bronchitis, pleurisy, whooping cough, and tuberculosis. The decoction is prescribed for gargling for flu and sore throat, as well as for throat cancer.
  3. Preparations containing violet herb are recommended to be taken for hysteria, insomnia, epilepsy, convulsions, headaches, nervous attacks, and also for palpitations.
  4. The plant in the form of a decoction is used as a method of treating skin diseases, festering wounds, exudative diathesis, and furunculosis. Compresses soaked in steamed violet leaves are used in the treatment of neoplasms of various origins, including tumors of the uterus and intestines.
  5. Preparations made from violet seeds irritate the mucous membranes of organs digestive system, V large doses it has an emetic and laxative effect.
  6. Use in folk medicine

    Decoction for blood cleansing, bronchitis and skin diseases

    Pour a tablespoon of pre-crushed plant into a glass of boiling water, put on fire and cook for three to five minutes, then let it brew for about ten minutes. Then strain through cheesecloth and drink a glass two or three times every day. You can make compresses from the decoction when skin diseases, applying them to the affected areas of the body.

    Infusion for inflammation of the kidneys and digestive tract, for colds

    Pour a tablespoon of violet leaves (5 g) into enamel pan and pour a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid, and then put in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Cool for 45 minutes at room temperature and strain. Squeeze out the rest well. Take half a glass orally several times a day.

    Tea for skin diseases, gout, rheumatism, to cleanse the blood

    Pour two teaspoons of raw material into a quarter liter of hot boiled water and let it brew for 10 minutes. Drink three glasses every day. When treating skin diseases, this tea should be used to wash the affected areas.

    Tea for the prevention of colds

    Take a tablespoon of violet leaves and linden leaves and pour one glass of boiling water over them, leave for 10 minutes. Drink three glasses daily.

    Blood cleansing tea

    Prepare a mixture consisting of: 10 grams of violet leaves, 15 grams of dandelion root, 5 grams of fennel fruits, 5 grams of elderflower flowers, 10 grams of buckthorn bark, 5 grams of horsetail. Pour a heaping teaspoon of the resulting mixture of herbs into a glass of hot boiled water and let it brew in a warm place for half an hour, after covering it with a lid. Drink one glass warm in small sips two to three times a day.

    Herbal infusion for acne

    Mix violet herb, Veronica officinalis herb, and tripartite herb in equal parts. Take two tablespoons of the mixture and pour a quarter liter of boiling water over it, leave for 20 minutes. Take after meals, drinking a glass at a time. Recommended daily dose– 800 ml.

    Infusion of a mixture of herbs for sore throat

    Pour one tablespoon of a mixture consisting of equal parts of violets, strings, strawberry leaves and nettle corollas with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Drink a glass three times a day.

    Juice from violet petals for rectal prolapse in a child

    Crush fresh violet petals until juice appears, which must be mixed with a large number honey or sugar and give the child a drink.

    Violet leaf compress for mastitis

    Grind the fresh herbs until you get a paste. Apply it to the affected area and bandage it. After three to four days, change the compress.

    Violet infusion for exudative diathesis

    Pour a heaping tablespoon (4-8 g) of dry violets into one and a half cups of boiling water and leave overnight. In the morning, bring the infusion to a boil, then let it cool and, adding a little sweetened milk, drink on an empty stomach. Take in the morning for two to three weeks.

    Violet oil in the treatment of skin diseases

    Mix half a glass vegetable oil(sunflower or olive) with 10 g of violet and 5 g of ivy leaves. Bring to a boil and leave to simmer for 10 minutes, then leave to steep and strain. Take a napkin, soak it in the resulting oil and apply it to the affected area.

    Tea from a mixture of herbs for childhood diathesis

    Mix the following ingredients: four parts crushed violet herb, four parts string and one part bittersweet nightshade. Take a tablespoon of the mixture and pour boiling water (one glass), let it brew until completely cooled. Take a tablespoon three times a day after meals.

    Contraindications for use

  • No contraindications to the use of violet-based drugs have been found, however, when using them for a long time or in large doses, abdominal pain may occur, as well as diarrhea and vomiting.
  • In some cases, long-term use of violet tea may cause an allergic rash, which disappears after stopping use.
  • If it is necessary to continue taking violet, the course of treatment should be interrupted for one month, after which the use can be resumed.

In the article we discuss tricolor violet. You will find out what a violet looks like, where it grows, what it has chemical composition. We will tell you what medicinal properties violet has, as well as how to use infusions and decoctions to treat coughs, diathesis and rheumatism.

Appearance (photo) of tricolor violet Tricolor violet or pansy (lat. Víola tricolor) is a herbaceous plant common in Europe and temperate regions of Asia. The plant belongs to the species of the genus Violet of the Violet family.

The popular name is Ivan-da-Marya, but plants of other genera are also called this way, for example, the oak grove (Melampyrum nemorosum) from the Norichnikov family. Other popular names for the plant: brother-and-sister, moths, field brothers, half-flower, axes, three-flowered.

In gardening, pansies are also often called the hybrid Wittrock violet (Viola x wittrockiana Gams ex Hegi), which has larger, brighter flowers.

What does it look like

Violet tricolor is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant. The stem is straight or branched, from 5 to 45 cm in height. The leaves are simple, the upper ones are elliptical, the lower ones are ovate.

The flowers are beautiful, the upper petals are mostly purple or blue, the lower petals are yellow and white. Flowering time occurs in April, fruits ripen in June.

In June, the elongated three-headed top of the plant ripens, containing seeds that promote further reproduction flower. The tricolor violet is much smaller than its usual garden counterpart and is always painted in three different colors.

Where does it grow?

The plant is distributed in Eastern Europe, Siberia, the Far East, Scandinavia, Asia Minor. In the Atlas of Habitats and Resources medicinal plants USSR" tricolor violet is described as a European species, found in Siberia only as an alien plant.

The northern border of the distribution area extends to the cities of Kirovsk, Murmansk, Kandalaksha, White Sea, Ponoy (Kola Peninsula), Mezen, Ukhta, Pechora, Vorkuta. Further, the border goes along the 60th meridian to Yekaterinburg, wedging in the east near Tobolsk. Some localities are known in the vicinity of Tomsk, in Kemerovo region, Krasnoyarsk and Altai territories, where tricolor violet is found as a weed.

The southern border of the range runs through Chelyabinsk to Izhevsk, then through Samara, Saratov, Volgograd, somewhat south of the Tsimlyansk Reservoir, heading to Rostov-on-Don, then through Donetsk to Zaporozhye and the Carpathians.

In the west, the border of the range goes beyond the former state border of the USSR. In the northwest it reaches the coast of the Baltic Sea, along the southern shore of the Gulf of Finland it reaches St. Petersburg, then goes north along the border with Finland to Murmansk.

In Crimea, only one location of the violet is known - in the valley of the Kacha River.

It is found on fertile soils in meadows, among bushes, along forest edges, in pastures and old fallow lands. Wild plants can be found in old parks, gardens, former estates, and near roads.

violet grass

As medicinal raw materials They mainly use violet tricolor herb, occasionally the flowers of the plant. Due to its unique composition, the plant can be used to treat a wide range of diseases.

The scope of application of violets is determined depending on the specific part of the plant. The leaves are used as various poultices, and the flowers are used for tinctures. IN traditional medicine violet is used as an expectorant, and in folklore the plant is used in the fight against venereal and nervous diseases, cystitis, arthritis, stuttering, gastrointestinal problems and angina pectoris.

Tricolor violet is used for dental purposes, prevents inflammatory processes and has an antiseptic effect. In pharmacies, violet is sold in the form of various syrups, extracts, gelatin capsules and powders.

Chemical composition

Chemical composition of violet:

  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • polysaccharides, mucus;
  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • flavonoids;
  • saponins;
  • essential oils;
  • ascorbic and salicylic acids;
  • solanine;
  • tannin.

Violet has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces the fragility of capillaries, inhibits blood clotting, and prevents the development of thrombophlebitis.

Solanine, which is part of the plant, has an irritating effect; in small doses, it has a positive effect on the secretion of all glands.

Tannin is used in traditional and folk medicine as a hemostatic, antidiarrheal, and astringent. Polysaccharides stimulate the development of beneficial microflora in the intestines and have bifidogenic properties.

Medicinal properties

The healing properties of tricolor violet have been known since ancient times. Violet herb is used in the treatment of rheumatism and gout as decoctions, infusions or compresses. After just a few uses, the plant relieves inflammation, pain, and improves general condition.

Pharmacological action:

  • expectorant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic;
  • antiseptic;
  • choleretic;
  • wound healing;
  • soothing;
  • antipruritic.

How to collect

Collect the grass during the flowering period from late April until autumn. Cut only the aerial part without roots.

Dry the herb in a well-ventilated place, such as outside under a shelter. To dry evenly, spread the grass in a thin layer on a flat surface. Dry until the plant stems become brittle. To ensure uniform drying of the herb, stir the raw material periodically.

Properly dried herb has a characteristic pleasant and sweet aroma. Store violets in a dry place in tight cardboard boxes. Subject to storage conditions, violets do not lose beneficial properties 18 months.

How to use

Violet can be bought at a pharmacy Violet is used in the form of infusions, decoctions or compresses.. You can collect the finished raw materials yourself or purchase them in the form of tea bags at the pharmacy. Choose dosage form plants, based on the recommendations of a specialist and your own preferences. The easiest way is to prepare a decoction of violet at home, and also purchase ready-made, packaged raw materials.

Cough decoction

Violet for cough - effective remedy, but before taking it you need to establish the nature of the origin of the symptom. Inflammatory processes, localized in the upper and lower respiratory tract, cannot be treated with one remedy.

If the cough occurs due to bacterial infection, an antibiotic is needed, if it was caused by a virus, you need to create conditions for recovery. But in both cases, medicinal plants will help alleviate the condition and speed up recovery.


  1. Chopped violet herb - 1 tbsp.
  2. Water - 1 glass.

How to cook: Fill the plant with water, cook for 15 minutes. Leave for 1 hour, strain before use.

How to use: Take 1 glass of decoction orally 1-2 times a day.

Result: Violet has an expectorant effect when coughing and removes phlegm. If the cough is dry and there is discomfort in the throat, then thanks to the softening effect, the plant will alleviate the condition.

Flu infusion

Violet is effective in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, acute respiratory infections and other colds.


  1. Violet herb - 2 gr.
  2. Water - 1 glass.

How to cook: Fill the plant with water, leave for 15 minutes.

How to use: Take ½ glass orally 1 time per day. Gargle with the resulting infusion for flu, sore throat and inflammatory diseases.

Result: Due to the fact that the plant contains ascorbic and salicylic acids, violet relieves inflammation, eliminates painful and aching pain in the joints, and improves general condition.

Healing tea for diathesis

Violet for children is very useful in the treatment of diathesis. Start treatment with minimal doses to see how the child’s body reacts to the plants.

Before use in both adults and children, consult a specialist. Violet refers to poisonous plants and if the dosage is incorrectly selected, it can be harmful.


  1. Tricolor violet - 1 tsp.
  2. Veronica officinalis - 1 tsp.
  3. Series - 1 tsp.
  4. Boiling water - 1 glass.

How to cook: Mix all the plants in the indicated proportions, fill with water. Leave for a few minutes.

How to use: Give children 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

Result: Relieves inflammation, itching, redness.

Infusion for rheumatism and gout

The infusion can be used both internally and externally.


  1. Crushed raw materials - 2 tsp.
  2. Boiled water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Pour hot boiled water over the plant. Leave for 10 minutes.

How to use: Take 3 glasses every day or lubricate the skin on the affected areas of the body.

Result: Removes excess salts from the body, has a diuretic effect, relieves inflammation, improves metabolic processes, and normalizes general condition.


Despite the medicinal properties of the plant, there are contraindications for tricolor violet when consumed. Violet should be used with caution by nursing women. During the period of bearing a child, violet should not be taken, as it increases the tone of the uterus.

Contraindications to the use of the plant:

  • individual intolerance;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • hepatitis and glomerulonephritis.

Side effects:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • weakness.

For more information about tricolor violet, watch the video:


Taxonomic position:

  • Domain - Eukaryotes.
  • Kingdom - Plants.
  • Department - Flowers.
  • Class - Dicotyledons.
  • Order: Malpighiaceae.
  • Family - Violet.
  • Genus - Violet.
  • Type - Violet tricolor.


There are five subspecies of tricolor violet:

  • Viola tricolor subsp. curtisii is a subspecies of curtis.
  • Viola tricolor subsp. macedonica - Macedonian subspecies.
  • Viola tricolor subsp. matutina - morning subspecies.
  • Viola tricolor subsp. subalpina - subalpine subspecies.
  • Viola tricolor subsp. tricolor - tricolor subspecies.

Violet tricolor infographic

Photo of tricolor violet, its beneficial properties and uses:
Infographics on violet tricolor

What to remember

  1. Tricolor violet removes phlegm from coughs, relieves coughs, and softens the throat.
  2. The plant can be used to treat diathesis in children, add a decoction to baths or take orally.
  3. Breastfeeding women should take the plant only in consultation with their doctor; it is contraindicated during pregnancy.

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An amazing tricolor violet flower, not overseas, its own, growing in meadows and woodlands in middle lane and gradually appearing in Siberia. An observant villager, looking at the flower, gave it many affectionate names. Pansies, Ivan da Marya, moths, triflower. Garden forms of cultivated plants are called Wittrock violets or violas.

Distinctive features of tricolor violet

If the snow has not yet melted in the spring, and leaves of overwintered violets appear on the thawed curtains, then we are in the middle part of the Trans-Urals. In Central European Russia, violet is a native inhabitant of meadows and hollows, but not of acidic swampy soil.

A low bushy plant with a basal rosette of leaves various shapes, but always with teeth. The peduncle rises high above the leaves, showing complex flower, which biologists classify as simple inflorescences. The five-petal corolla has a different configuration of colored plates. The lower one is usually triangular multi-colored, the side ones are painted in one color, the upper ones are elongated blue or two-colored. A curious or sad little eye is clearly visible inside, depending on the mood of the beholder. You can even see the eyelashes on the petals.

The classification divides tricolor violet into several subspecies:

  • Curtis subspecies;
  • Macedonian subspecies;
  • morning subspecies;
  • subspecies subalpine;
  • tricolor subspecies.

Several legends and beliefs are associated with pansies, including beautiful girls who turned into flowers, and symbolizes thoughts of a loved one. If in some places this flower was desired in the garden and bouquet, then in others it was considered a symbol of sadness and eternity, a decoration of graves.

Be that as it may, nowadays sad pansies have turned into luxurious beauties, mysteriously calling to the balcony, to the flowerbed. Selection has gone from an inconspicuous bush, which is disposed of like a weed, to elite varieties with giant gems hovering above no less beautiful leaves. The photo of the tricolor violet only confirms the possibilities of selection.

Care and breeding of pansies

In nature, tricolor violet reproduces by seeds and the growth of bushes. In culture it is possible and most often used seed propagation, but especially valuable hybrids convey the properties of the mother bush only when cuttings. From one mother plant you can get up to 40 new specimens.

Depending on the task you can get:

  • early flowering bush;
  • second wave;
  • abundant, long-lasting flowering in midsummer.

This depends on the care of violets and the formation of young plants, which must take at least 70 days before the first flowers appear. Therefore, for flowering in early summer, it is necessary to take care in the previous season, sow seeds and produce young plants by autumn, so that they overwinter and bloom early. But later they will have to be replaced, since pansies bloom only once a year. To replace them, seedlings that were grown at home or greenhouse conditions. Transplanting violets grown in cups best way flowerbed rejuvenation.

The dug up bushes can be placed in an inconspicuous place, seeds can be obtained from them and sowed again for next year. Even if the rosettes do not get stronger, they will overwinter well under cover with spruce branches and shavings so that they can breathe.

Most often used seedling method breeding. In a shallow container filled with steamed mixture from garden soil and equal shares, seeds are laid out on the surface, which are sprinkled with snow on top. Sowing is done in February and early March. Melting snow carries small grains to the desired depth. Violets germinate quickly; after 10-12 days, remove the seedlings from the cover and expose them to light. In a cool place, the seedlings will not stretch, the roots will begin to work. You need to find a place where the roots are warm and the air warms up to 15 degrees.

With the appearance of true leaves, the plants are planted in cups and grown until it is time to plant them in the ground. Tricolor violets are unpretentious and can grow in poor soil and in partial shade. But on humus-rich soil, the flowers are brighter and larger in size, and flowering lasts longer. In the open sunny place The flowers are bright, but fade quickly.

You can propagate seeds from your garden varietal violets. Hybrids are propagated vegetatively or each time they buy seeds in specialized stores.

In order to propagate violets by cuttings, you need to use two nodes from the tops of shoots in early summer. Make a place under the canopy of a shady tree kindergarten, planting the cuttings to a depth of 1 cm on the canvas. They must take root in the atmosphere high humidity, therefore, cover the planting with geotextile for several days to allow air exchange.

Spray, water. You will have to weed frequently, but within a month the cuttings will give roots and they can be transplanted into a permanent place with shelter for the winter, but it is better to leave them compactly until spring. This way, it will be easier to preserve them in winter.

Medicinal properties of violet tricolor

have long been known healing power tricolor violets The collection is prepared during flowering. The entire green part of the plant is used. Like all herbal infusions, violet is dried in the shade in ventilated sheds. In rainy weather, you can arrange a thin layer of grass in the attic. The dried material is crushed and stored in glassware under a glass or metal lid for up to 2 years. At the pharmacy you can buy violet separately or in herbal preparations.

The medicinal properties of tricolor violet are due to the presence in the composition essential oils, polysaccharides, saponins and biologically active substances. The complex chemical composition of the plant allows the collection to be used in many cases:

  • in the treatment of colds, prolonged cough;
  • for anti-inflammatory purposes;
  • for skin diseases.

The list of diseases for which it is recommended to use infusions, decoctions and even tinctures of violet is large, but the use of medicinal forms is individual for each person. Without the appropriate knowledge and recommendations from specialists, uncontrolled self-medication can be harmful. This plant has serious contraindications for use.

Growing tricolor violets from seeds - video

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