Bacterial plant diseases. Bacteriosis is a variety of diseases caused by bacteria - these are root rot, and spotting, and growths, and tumors

March madness is exactly how the first calendar month of spring is perceived by those who grow seedlings of their favorite vegetables themselves. In March, they sow their favorite tomatoes and peppers, carry out the first sowings in the greenhouse, and even sow vegetables in the beds. Growing seedlings require not only timely planting, but also a lot of care. But the troubles are not limited to her. It is worth continuing to sow in greenhouses and on window sills, because fresh greens from the beds will not appear so soon.

In March, most of the beautiful flowering annuals that need seedling method growing. Typically, such flowers take no more than 80-90 days from germination to flowering. In this article I would like to dwell on interesting annuals, which are slightly less popular than ageless petunias, marigolds or zinnias, but they have no less advantages. And it’s also worth trying to plant them for flowering next season.

As spring approaches houseplants They gradually emerge from their dormant state and begin to grow. After all, already in February the days become noticeably longer, and the sun warms up like spring. How to help flowers wake up and prepare them for the growing season? What should you pay attention to and what measures should you take to ensure that the plants are healthy, blooming, multiplying and making you happy? We’ll talk about what indoor plants expect from us in the spring in this article.

One of the most important rules growing strong and healthy seedlings- presence of the “correct” soil mixture. Typically, gardeners use two options for growing seedlings: either a purchased soil mixture or one made independently from several components. In both cases, the fertility of the soil for seedlings is, to put it mildly, questionable. This means that the seedlings will require from you additional food. In this article we will talk about simple and effective feeding for seedlings.

After a decade of dominating the catalogs of the original motley and bright varieties tulip trends began to change. At exhibitions best designers world offer to remember the classics and pay homage to the charming white tulips. Sparkling under the warm rays spring sun, they look especially festive in the garden. Welcoming spring after a long wait, tulips seem to remind that white is not only the color of snow, but also the joyful celebration of flowering.

Sweet Indian pumpkin chutney with lemon and orange originates from India, but the British contributed to its popularity throughout the world. This sweet and sour spicy seasoning of vegetables and fruits can be eaten immediately or prepared for future use. To prepare for future use, use 5% fruit or wine vinegar. If you age the chutney for 1-2 months, its taste will become softer and more balanced. You will need butternut squash, ginger, sweet orange, juicy lemon and spices.

Despite the fact that cabbage is one of the most popular vegetables, not all summer residents, especially beginners, can grow its seedlings. In apartment conditions they are hot and dark. In this case, it is impossible to obtain high-quality seedlings. And without strong, healthy seedlings it is difficult to count on good harvest. Experienced gardeners know that it is better to sow cabbage seedlings in greenhouses or greenhouses. And some even grow cabbage by direct sowing seeds into the ground.

Flower growers tirelessly discover new indoor plants, replacing some with others. And here the conditions of a particular room are of no small importance, because plants have different requirements for their maintenance. Lovers of beauty often face difficulties flowering plants. After all, for flowering to be long and abundant, such specimens require special care. Unpretentious plants There are not very many flowers blooming in rooms, and one of them is streptocarpus.

Chicken cordon bleu rolls with béchamel sauce is an excellent dish for festive table and daily meals! It’s easy and quick to prepare, it turns out juicy, and the thick bechamel sauce is finger-licking good! With mashed potatoes, pickled cucumber and slice fresh bread It will make a hearty and tasty dinner. Choose the cheese for this recipe according to your taste, processed or blue mold. It is important that the cheese and ham are sliced ​​very thin, this is the secret of success!

Calendula (marigold) is a flower that stands out among others with its bright color. Low bushes with delicate orange inflorescences can be found on the side of the road, in the meadow, in the front garden next to the house or even in vegetable beds. Calendula is so widespread in our area that it seems like it has always grown here. About interesting decorative varieties calendula, as well as about the use of calendula in cooking and medicine, read our article.

I think many will agree that the wind is well perceived by us only in the romantic aspect: we are sitting in a cozy warm home, and the wind is raging outside the window... In fact, the wind blowing through our areas is a problem and there is nothing good about it. By creating windbreaks with plants, we break strong wind into several weak streams and significantly weaken its destructive power. How to protect a site from the wind will be discussed in this article.

Making a shrimp and avocado sandwich for breakfast or dinner couldn't be easier! This breakfast contains almost all the necessary products that will recharge you with energy so that you won’t want to eat until lunch, and no extra centimeters will appear on your waist. This is the most delicious and light sandwich, after, perhaps, the classic cucumber sandwich. This breakfast contains almost all the necessary products that will recharge you with energy so that you won’t want to eat until lunch.

Modern ferns- these are the ones rare plants antiquities, which, despite the passage of time and all kinds of cataclysms, not only survived, but were also largely able to preserve their former appearance. Of course, it is not possible to grow any of the fern representatives indoors, but some species have successfully adapted to life indoors. They look great as single plants or decorate a group of decorative foliage flowers.

Pilaf with pumpkin and meat is Azerbaijani pilaf, which differs in the method of preparation from traditional oriental pilaf. All ingredients for this recipe are prepared separately. Rice is cooked with ghee, saffron and turmeric. The meat is fried separately until golden brown, and pumpkin slices as well. Separately prepare the onions and carrots. Then everything is placed in layers in a cauldron or thick-walled pan, a little water or broth is poured in and simmered over low heat for about half an hour.

If you are not a purely city dweller, but have either own house, or a dacha, then you will have to constantly deal with the need to process wood. In small quantities, you can get by with hand carpentry tools, but if you have to work with wood often, especially if you decide to start construction, then you can’t do without a woodworking machine. Read completely "

If the summer, and after it the autumn, turned out to be dry, without sufficient rainfall, pre-winter watering fruit trees everywhere in the garden it is necessary. Its time is the period of leaf fall, in October, while there are no persistent frosts. This type of irrigation is also called moisture-charging.

Late autumn watering It has great importance for safe wintering of trees. Moistened soil freezes less, which means there is less danger of the root system freezing. Drying out of wood is also dangerous, which negatively affects the foliage of branches and the formation fruit buds and, ultimately, on next year’s yield. Read completely "

October is the time to prepare a place for winter sowing cold-resistant vegetables. After deep digging, the soil is loosened and filled with fertilizers (humus, compost, ash). They form beds because in loose beds the soil warms up and dries out faster in the spring. The grooves are cut. It is convenient to do this with the edge of a narrow board with rounded edges. Read completely "

Lilies are perennial flowers, but they cannot be grown constantly in one place either. Over time, the bushes thicken, the flowers become smaller and degenerate. Therefore, they need to be seated after some time, preferably in a new place.

When is the best time to replant lilies? Here a lot depends on the variety - the fact is that lilies bloom in different time. But general principle like this: at least 1 month must pass after flowering. At first, the bulbs are severely depleted, lose weight, and become loose. Read completely "

Of all the local root vegetables, carrots are the most delicate and require special concerns. How to preserve carrots until spring? Depending on your capabilities, choose one of the following methods. In any case, you should not hesitate to plant it for the winter - root crops removed from the ground easily lose moisture. Having cut off the tops so as not to injure the head of the root crop, but also without leaving any greenery, the carrots are sorted out, and those that are cracked, frostbitten or damaged are discarded. Then they are placed in rows in a box and each row is filled with clean river sand, the humidity of which does not exceed 25 percent Read completely "

Those who have not yet managed to restore order in cucumber greenhouses need to do this before the onset of persistent frosts. Since the causative agents of most cucumber diseases are stored on tops, roots, and seeds, all remains of dried plants must be burned. By the way, you can put green borage in compost only if the plants were healthy, without fungal and bacterial infections. The roots should also be removed from the ground, dried and destroyed by fire.

Bacterial plant diseases often do not have a clear picture, since the signs of diseases can be mixed. For example, with root rot, oily or glassy spots on the leaves may appear, the same as with bacterial rot, which turn brown over time.

Plant diseases caused by bacteria.

Bacterial wilt.

The tops of the shoots of the plant begin to wither, and then the entire plant withers. Bacteria enter the vascular system of plants and block the flow of water. Bacteria also release toxic substances.


Rot softens and deadens plant tissue. After which a putrefactive mass with unpleasant smell. This disease mainly affects plants with fleshy and succulent leaves and stems, as well as bulbous and tuberous plants. Bacterial rot can appear from leaves, peduncles, and roots. Occurs due to gross violations of care conditions (excessive application of nitrogenous fertilizers, overwatering kept cool).

Bacterial spot.

Bacterial spotting differs from spotting caused by fungi in that bacterial spotting does not have clearly defined boundaries, but has vague edges. As a result of leaf necrosis, glassy or oily spots appear. Bacterial spot quickly increases in size, leaves dry out, turn yellow and die. This disease is favored by humid and warm conditions.

Bacterial cancer.

Quite healthy-looking tissues grow on the roots or stems, and tumor growths form. If bacterial cancer develops strongly, the plant grows poorly and ultimately dies.


Dropsy is a disease not caused by a fungus or bacteria. Dropsy occurs as a result of waterlogging of the soil, as well as insufficient lighting. Dropsy appears as corky growths on the underside of the leaf. Leaves affected by dropsy cannot be cured, but when proper care the plant will have new leaves.


Prevention consists of disinfection of instruments, soil, flower pots. If you work with a diseased plant, be sure to treat your hands with alcohol, otherwise you may transfer the infection to healthy plant. The disease can also be transmitted by insect pests. Remember to treat the pots with boiling water inside and out when repotting the plant. Also try not to damage the roots of the plant, and if this happens, be sure to sprinkle charcoal damaged area.

Control measures.

Control measures are only effective if the bacteria have not penetrated the vascular system and the damage is local. In this case, the diseased plant should be kept in a dry place and should not be sprayed or washed in the shower. The affected areas of the plant should be removed, including some healthy tissue. After cutting, the knife should be treated with alcohol. After all affected areas have been destroyed, treat the plant with copper-containing preparations or Bordeaux mixture. If even after this the plant continues to hurt, it should be destroyed. You should not throw a diseased plant into a flower bed under the windows; it is best to burn the plant. You don’t have to throw away the pot, but be sure to scald it with boiling water.

Bacteria play less role as pathogens of plant diseases important role than fungi or viruses, but some bacterial diseases are quite harmful, especially in warmer and wetter areas of the globe. Why are bacteria inferior to fungi as plant pathogens? Some of the possible reasons are given below:

    the inability of bacteria to penetrate the intact cuticle using any physical or chemical means;

    Unlike fungi, bacteria cannot colonize plants by gradually “colonizing” its tissues. They can only move to some extent along the thin film of moisture that separates one plant cell from another; perhaps the truth is “colonization” with the help of its toxins or enzymes diffusing ahead of the microbes;

    Bacteria do not have special propagative organs, so the bacterial cells themselves serve for propagation. This leads to the fact that those on the surface or inside the dead plant tissue bacteria are not able to go beyond the boundary layer of air (stationary), which usually surrounds the above-ground parts of plants;

    The absence of overwintering propagative spores in bacteria creates a problem for their preservation in winter.

Depending on the nature of the symptoms, bacterial diseases are usually divided into four groups: parenchymal, vascular, generalized (vascular-parenchymal) and hyperplastic (tumors or neoplasms). However, this division is somewhat arbitrary; there are no clear boundaries between individual groups.

Parenchymal diseases(death of parenchymal tissue). Necrosis of parenchymal tissue is a characteristic symptom of many bacterial burns that affect plant shoots and wet rot of storage organs. With bacterial spots and burns, the damage can affect almost all above-ground parts of the plant - leaves, petals, buds, fruits and stems. The first symptom of the disease is the appearance of small, transparent (watery), dark green spots, which gradually increase in size and first become brown and then black in color. Sometimes necrotic areas are bordered by a chlorotic zone. They often also have an irregular, angular shape (“angular spotting”), determined by the characteristics of the venation of the leaf. Especially during prolonged rains, necrosis spreads along the leaf veins - streaking appears. Examples of spotting include: leaf and fruit spot of walnut (caused by Xanthomonas juglandis Pierse), currant leaf spot (caused by Xanthomonas heterocea), hole spot of stone fruit Xanthomonas pruni.

On stems, local necrosis is sometimes located in such a way that the stem appears to be ringed; in this place its strength decreases, and under load (for example, under the weight of fruit) it can easily break. Such a bacterial burn, under suitable climatic conditions, can be extremely harmful. In damp weather, bacteria often seep out from such necrotic areas, where they then dry out and form thin scales, which can serve as a diagnostic sign.

Of practical importance are: Pseudomonas pyri - bacterial blight of pear; Pseudomonas syringae - lilac burn; Pseudomonas mori - mulberry blight; Ervinia amylovora - burn of fruit trees, object of external quarantine Bacterial wet rot affects mainly the succulent parts of plants, rich in nutrients. Many of the bacteria that cause rot secrete pectolytic enzymes; these enzymes destroy the median plates, as a result of which the affected organ turns into a shapeless wet mass of cells, which then changes its color and rots under the influence of secondary pathogens (Ervinia querina - acorn bacteriosis).

Cvascular diseases (tracheobacteriosis). In diseases of this type, bacteria flood the xylem vessels and multiply in them, as well as in the adjacent parenchymal tissue. Bacteria enter the roots or stems through wounds; penetration is facilitated by insects.

Damage manifests itself as wilting and can lead to the death of the plant. In cross sections of the stem, the vessels are often abnormally colored and clogged with bacteria, which are released from them in the form of a thick mucous mass. Vascular bacterioses affect many agricultural plants. Among tree species, Ervinia salicis is a bacterial wilt of willow.

Generalized diseases. With such diseases, both parenchymal and vascular tissues are affected, so that the infection spreads throughout almost the entire plant.

Ervinia multivora is a bacterial dropsy of fir, spruce, oak, beech, birch, hornbeam, aspen, poplar, etc. Hyperplastic diseases.

In diseases of this type, bacteria have a stimulating effect on the plant. In infected tissues, cell division proceeds rapidly and randomly, as a result of which various neoplasms arise - galls, tumors, tubercles, fasciations, witches' brooms. It is believed that their appearance is associated with a violation of the processes that regulate plant growth. Pseudomonas quercus - transverse cancer of oak trunks; Pseudomonas fraxini - tumor-like ash cancer; Pseudomonas remifacies - bacterial canker of poplar; Pseudomonas pini - tuberculate pine cancer; Pseudomonas savastanoi - olive and ash tuberculosis; Pseudomonas tonelliana - oleander tubercle; Agrobacterium tumefaciens - root canker of fruits; Corynebacterium fascians - leaf tumors of chrysanthemums, dahlias and other ornamental plants.

We act quickly to prevent these deep-rooted diseases from spreading in the garden. We are intensively engaged in prevention, since a remedy against bacterial damage has not yet been found.

Bacteria that cause plant diseases can affect fruit trees, vegetables, and ornamental plants. We are talking about bacteria different types, some of which even live for two winters on the plants themselves or in the ground. With a summer temperature of 25 degrees and constant humidity, most of them reproduce very quickly. On vegetable plants you can find the most bacteria different types, such.

Like wet, black or gray rot, they come in the form of spots or with signs of wilting. On fruit trees and bushes, bacteria primarily cause necrosis and the dreaded bacterial blight of fruit trees, which must be reported to the appropriate services. If you suspect that your plants have “caught” this disease, notify the nearest plant disease control service (preferably) or the ministry Agriculture. Among diseases affecting annual and perennial flowers, bacteria play a minor role. The main causes of disease caused by lesions, bacteria, spread through infection or infection. Tiny, often rod-shaped bacteria cannot penetrate healthy plant tissue. They get there only through their wounds or stomata. There they live in the spaces between cells and spread through blood vessels and through holes in cell walls. Bacteria can be transmitted in the following ways: by humans themselves when pruning or harvesting plants, by animals that eat or suck plants, or during hurricanes, hail and rain.

What do we need to do - there are no chemical drugs against plant diseases caused by bacteria. Affected bushes should be cut to the ground and destroyed immediately. All herbaceous plants should also be immediately removed and burned (remember: under no circumstances should they be added to compost). The most the best remedy– prevention. We care for our plants the way they require. Too much a large number of fertilizers can also weaken them, making them unstable to disease and pest attacks, as well as a lack of nutrients.

Should buy healthy seedlings and treated seeds. There are varieties of vegetables that are less susceptible to bacterial damage.

We fight pests that suck plant sap, as they leave open spaces through which bacteria enter.

We mix different crops and use crop rotation. You should not plant the same plants in the same place for many years in a row.

We adhere to garden hygiene. We regularly collect plant debris and fallen leaves so that bacteria cannot overwinter in them.

Here are the main insects that carry bacteria:

Aphids suck cell sap from the tips of shoots, buds and leaves and can carry bacteria.

Thrips stick to the underside of the leaf. Empty plant cells are filled with air.

Spider mites suck out leaf cells. To do this, he makes a thin protocol in the sheet.

When we trim affected leaves or branches, from time to time we dip the scissors or saw in disinfectant alcohol or boiling water. Otherwise, there is a danger of re-infecting the plant. Bacteria can enter the plant through a variety of cuts or wounds on the leaves and trunks. Therefore, we protect our plants from hail, hurricanes or heavy short-term rains. During bad weather, we cover them with canvas or an overturned cardboard box.

Commonly affected plants:

Home plum, mirabelle - symptoms: fruit necrosis. The tree bark is dying and falling in places. Later, the bark cracks, viscous discharge appears, and the branches die. Help: cut off the affected branches to the ground. Cover the cut areas with wound healing agent. We do not use chemicals.

Pear - symptoms: bacterial burn of fruit. The tips of the shoots and foliage become black. The fruits partially turn black. The tips of the shoots bend in the shape of a U. Help: affected plants should be removed immediately. The disease should be reported to the nearest plant disease control office.

Peaches, apricots - symptoms: fruit necrosis. The symptoms are the same as for plums. The leaves become brown. Later, round holes appear on them. Help: cut off the affected branches to the ground. Cover the cut areas with wound healing agent. We do not use chemicals.

Sweet cherries and cherries - symptoms: fruit necrosis. Symptoms are like those of a plum. Small holes appear on the leaves, and on the fruits - olive color spots that later turn black. Help: cut off the affected branches to the ground. Cover the cut areas with wound healing agent. We do not use chemicals.

Bush and climbing beans - symptoms: greasy spots on the leaves. With this disease, spots with a light halo appear on the leaves, which subsequently become brown, and the leaves dry out. Help: remove affected plants. To prevent the development of diseases, we purchase healthy, well-seasoned seeds.

Tomato - symptoms: bacterial cancer of tomatoes. Under the influence of bacteria, leaves wilt. Under the influence of bacteria, leaves wilt. Spots with a white halo appear on tomato fruits, which later turn brown, and the leaves dry out. Help: remove the affected tomatoes. We purchase treated seeds. Do not pinch the tops before it rains. We do not use chemicals).

Lettuce - symptoms: wet rot. Rot is spreading along the edges of the outer leaves. Later the leaves turn black and become slippery. Help: remove the affected lettuce. We purchase healthy seeds. Avoid humidity. Lettuce is not planted in the area where the disease spreads for three years.

Cabbage - symptoms: appears on veins black rot. Bacteria clog the blood vessels, and a black ring appears on the stalk. The outer leaves turn yellow and fall off. Help: remove the affected cabbage. Wet weather favors the development of the disease. Cabbage has not been planted at the site where the disease has spread for 3 years.

Here are some brief news about bacterial diseases. Unfortunately, they are difficult to treat, and plus, they are very well tolerated by insects. In some cases, fungicides and chemicals, and sometimes you have to deal exclusively with prevention. Good luck to you.

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