Ammi: types, cultivation and care. Ammi grass - description, distribution, cultivation, composition, properties, application

Ammi major - annual herbaceous plant with a taproot, bare stem and many pinnately dissected leaves. In the wild, ammi grows in the Mediterranean Sea. In Russia it is grown in Krasnodar region.

Growing large ammi begins with sowing its seeds. Seed germination is observed at 6 - 8°. Elevated temperatures (up to 20 - 30°) with sufficient soil moisture do not have a negative effect on their germination. Sowing dry seeds gives vigorous germination. However, stratification for 20 - 30 days accelerates the emergence of seedlings by 2 - 3 days and slightly increases the seed yield. Under favorable meteorological conditions, mass shoots appear in 12 - 15 days. Young plants grow slowly before the stemming phase. The beginning of seed ripening is observed after 110 - 115 days. The growing season lasts 113 - 130 days.

At the beginning of plant growth, their moisture needs are usually high. Increased soil and especially air humidity during the flowering period somewhat reduces seed yield. At the same time, the plants are very resistant to soil drought. The seedlings tolerate temperature drops and even frosts down to -6°. In the Kuban conditions, plants can overwinter in the rosette phase; Moreover, the seeds on them ripen much earlier than on plants spring sowing. Ammi is a very light-loving crop. Good lighting helps to increase its productivity during cultivation.

Soil and predecessors.

Ammi is relatively undemanding in cultivation. It gives the best results when grown from seeds on chernozem soils that are moderately moistened during the growing season. It is strictly forbidden to sow it on soils contaminated with dodder. The best predecessors are early ripening crops, after which it is possible to cultivate the soil as a semi-fallow, that is, winter and spring grains, early vegetables, feed crops on green food or silage, and among medicinal ones - oil poppy and Dalmatian chamomile last year use.

Tilling the soil before growing a plant.

Tillage should begin immediately after harvesting the previous crops. The first technique is to hoe the field with ploughshares to a depth of 8 - 10 cm. The soil after regrowth weeds you need to plow to a depth of about 25 cm. Then, as the plants sprout, the area is cleared of weeds, cultivating 1-2 times with harrowing.

Tilling the soil before sowing for cultivation big ammi consists of 2-fold harrowing in early spring. On compacted soils and floating areas, it is advisable to carry out cultivation to a depth of 8 - 10 cm, followed by harrowing. If there is a lack of moisture in the soil, roll it down before sowing.

Fertilizing the soil.

For deep plowing, 2.5 quintals of ammonium sulfate or 0.8 quintals of potassium chloride and 3.5 quintals of superphosphate and 1.5 quintals of ammonium nitrate should be applied to each hectare as the main fertilizer. Fertilizers can be applied during plowing and pre-sowing cultivation. For pre-sowing cultivation - 0.5 quintals of potassium chloride and 3 quintals of superphosphate and 1 quintal of ammonium nitrate per 1 ha. Ammi when growing is especially sensitive to phosphorus fertilizer during the initial period of growth. Adding granular superphosphate to the rows along with the seeds gives good results.

When superphosphate is added to the rows, the number of seedlings increases, the seed yield increases by 30 - 37%, and plant growth increases. Increasing the dose of superphosphate to 50 kg per 1 ha compared to a dose of 25 kg does not provide a significant effect.

For better development vegetative mass in the phase of 4 - 6 true leaves of the plant, it is advisable to feed 1 kg of ammonium nitrate per 1 ha. Nitrogen fertilizing applied by cultivators - plant feeders to a depth of 10 - 12 cm with soil moisture not lower than 20%. It is not recommended to apply fertilizer to dry soil.


Large ammi seeds are sown early in the spring and, less often, before winter using vegetable seeders with disc coulters equipped with limiters. Sowing method - row with row spacing of 45 cm. The seed sowing rate per 1 ha is 4 - 5 kg. They are planted no deeper than 3 cm. Stratification for 30 - 90 days increases the fruit yield by 10%. Before sowing, stratified seeds are dried to a free-flowing state and separated from the sand on sieves. Good results can be obtained by soaking the seeds before sowing. If you sow unprepared seeds, then mass shoots should be expected after about 15 days, stratified seeds - 2 days earlier.

Before winter big ammi sow late autumn, and in the south of the territory - at the beginning of winter, so that the seeds do not have time to sprout before spring. In this case, the seed sowing rate should be increased to 5 - 6 kg per 1 ha. In this case, the planting depth is reduced to 1 - 1.5 cm. This is especially important when sowing on soils prone to flooding. When sowing seeds before winter, lettuce or mustard seeds are added to them (about 50 g per 1 ha).

Sowing care.

Before the emergence of shoots on the crops, the large ammi, especially winter ones, destroy the soil crust and destroy early weeds with light harrows or rotary hoes, which are launched across the rows.

After the emergence of mass shoots of ammi, in order to destroy weeds in the inter-rows, the plots are cultivated with mounted or trailed cultivators with a set of razor and pointed tines. Within protective zones and in the row itself, weed seedlings are destroyed with a mounted weeding harrow, which is used to cultivate the fields across the rows. After such processing further cultivation plants come with significantly reduced labor costs for manual weeding. During the growing season, 3 - 4 cultivations are usually carried out, 1 - 2 weedings with a mounted harrow and 1 - 2 manually.

When growing ammi, it is important to do bouquets. It is started before the first manual weeding, when the plants are still in the phase of 1 - 2 true leaves. If the first weeding is carried out later (in non-infested areas), then the bouquet dates can be moved forward. Bouquets give the best results with bouquets and cutouts of 25 - 30 cm.

When bouqueting, the yield increases on thickened crops, where by 1 linear. m row there are up to 120 seedlings. In crops with less density, the yield is slightly reduced, but even in this case, bouquets are economically justified, since they reduce labor costs for weeding.


The medicinal raw materials of ammi major are ripe fruits (seeds). Their ripening in umbrellas occurs very unevenly. The first to ripen are the seeds in the central umbels, which usually appear earlier and bloom earlier. They produce the largest seeds with good sowing qualities. The last to ripen are the smallest umbrellas, containing predominantly underdeveloped seeds. In this regard, cleaning must be timed to coincide with the mass maturation of the largest and medium-sized umbrellas, which amount to an average of 50 - 60% total number them on plants. The ripening and browning of the main umbrellas is accompanied by gradual drying of the leaves and yellowing of the stems.

The crop is harvested by direct harvesting. It is best to use a self-propelled harvester SK-3 for harvesting. To prevent possible losses of seeds, it is necessary to significantly reduce the flow of air from the fan using adjustable dampers, seal all the cracks in inspection hatches, elevator head covers, in the dampers of the grain auger and bunker, and tie a grain catcher made of canvas or burlap under the bottom of the combine. The seeds obtained after combine harvesting are dried and finally cleaned using grain cleaning machines.

It is advisable to thresh the straw that remains after harvesting and contains a certain amount of unthreshed and immature umbels 2 - 4 days after drying. At the same time, about 0.5 - 0.6 centners of seeds can be obtained from each hectare.

Harvesting fruits for seed purposes is best done selectively, manually. In this case, you need to remove the largest umbrellas with well-ripened seeds. Depending on the meteorological conditions of the year average harvest large ammi seeds are 10 - 12 c/ha.

Description: Ammi majus

Ammi major is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant with a branched hollow stem up to 150 cm high. The leaves are pinnate with wide lanceolate lobes. The flowers are small, white, collected in complex umbrella inflorescences with a diameter of about 10 cm. The fruit is a smooth two-seeded plant, which, when ripe, splits into two semi-fruits. The fruits ripen in September.

Distribution: Ammi majus

In the wild, large ammi is distributed in North Africa and on the Mediterranean coast of Asia and Europe. In the southern regions of Russia it is cultivated on specialized plantations as a medicinal plant.

Cultivation: Ammi majus

In ammi culture, the large one grows well on any soil in the sun or partial shade, except for low-lying, swampy areas, since when water stagnates, the plant often dies. Propagated by sowing seeds in April-May open ground or for seedlings. Ammi big - heat-loving plant and for the seeds to ripen, a fairly long and warm summer is necessary.

Part used: Ammi majus

Fruit. Ammi fruits contain furocoumarins from the psoralen group (isopimpinellin, bergapten, xanthotoxin, isoimperatorin, marmesin, marmesinin) and from the angelicin group (isobergapten). The herb contains the same compounds as the fruit, but in smaller quantities.

Blank: Ammi majus

The fruits ripen in August - September. The fruits are collected, dried under a canopy on the street, spreading them in a thin layer (3-5 cm) on a tarpaulin and periodically turning them over. Store in dry, well-ventilated areas. Shelf life - up to 4 years.

Application in medicine. Plant phytocoumarins increase the skin's sensitivity to light and stimulate the formation of melanin pigment in it under the influence of ultraviolet irradiation. This property of ammi was known in ancient times, but herbal preparations (extracts, infusions and tinctures) of the plant, when taken orally, irritate the kidneys and this limited their use. In the 60s. XX century a relatively low-toxic drug “Ammifurin” was obtained, which is a mixture of 3 phytocoumarins ammi major. Ammifurin is used to treat vitiligo, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, alopecia areata and total baldness, combining it with strictly dosed ultraviolet irradiation. Studies have been conducted on the external use of ammi tincture for the treatment of vitiligo. The tincture was used in a mixture with the emulsion, and side effects it did not arise.

Pharmacy name: Ammi large
Large ammi fruit

Part Used: Ammi Large
Ripe fruits

Collection time: Ammi large


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(or Chinese cumin, Candyan cumin, Latin Ammi majus), umbelliferous family. The name of the plant - "ammi" - comes from the Greek. ammos "sand", apparently due to the fact that it grows mainly on sandy soils. Also in Ancient Egypt Patients with “white spots” were treated by giving them crushed Ammi major seeds to eat, and then exposing their skin to sunlight. In Europe medicinal properties Ammi major has been known since the 13th century; Arab doctors used it to treat leukoderma.

Side effects that developed when taking extracts of this plant, such as kidney irritation, have limited its use. Ammi is big like medicine used for colic, pain in urinary tract, as well as for colds for inhalation. The fruits were also used as a medicine for bloating.

Botanical description

Ammi large - herbaceous annual plant with a 30-100 centimeter erect, grooved, round, hollow, sparsely leafy stem, branched in the upper part. The root is taproot, weakly branched.

The leaves are alternate. Lower leaves petiolate, pinnately or doubly pinnately dissected with lanceolate toothed segments. Upper leaves– short-petiolate or sessile, doubly or triply pinnately dissected, with pointed edges.

The inflorescences of ammi are large - complex umbrellas up to 10 centimeters in diameter. The flowers are regular, small, bisexual, five-parted, white. The fruits are dwarf fruits (dry two-seeded fractional fruits), laterally compressed, glabrous, smooth, approximately 2.5 mm long. Similar to caraway fruits. Large ammi blooms from the end of June-July - until September, its fruits ripen in September. Large ammi fruits have a slightly spicy smell, and the taste is sharp and bitter.

It grows most often in the countries of South-Eastern and Southern Europe, North Africa, the Caucasus, the Middle and Near East, southern Ukraine and Crimea, and the Krasnodar Territory. IN natural conditions Ammi major grows on dry slopes and sands.

Procurement of medicinal raw materials

WITH therapeutic purpose Most often the fruits are harvested, less often the leaves of Ammi major. A characteristic feature of ammi major is the uneven ripening of plant fruits (seeds). The larger umbrellas ripen first - the central ones, which produce the largest seeds, and the last - the smallest umbrellas, which usually produce underdeveloped seeds. Therefore, the plant is harvested during the period of mass ripening of fruits on first-order umbels and central umbels, constituting 50-60% of the total number on the plant (depending on the region - from the end of July to October). The ripening and browning of the central umbels is accompanied by a gradual yellowing of the stems and drying out of the leaves. The inflorescences of the plant are cut off early in the morning (during dew), then the raw materials are slightly dried, and after threshing they are dried and cleaned of impurities. Store in dry, ventilated areas in double fabric bags. The shelf life of raw materials is 2-3 years, but good storage its quality is not lost for 8-10 years.

Beneficial features

The main active ingredient is essential oil, which does not contain chromones (as in), but contains furocoumarins (0.5-1%), such as xanthotoxin, bergapten, isopimpinellin and imperatorin, as well as flavonoids and fatty oils. Of the furocoumarins, xanthotoxin is the most toxic, but the most interesting from a therapeutic point of view, since it has a photosensitizing effect and causes repigmentation of the skin (when injected or taken orally, it greatly increases the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet solar radiation) with leukoderma (vitiligo) - white, discolored spots on skin. Furocoumarins absorb ultraviolet radiation, causing photodermatous manifestations on the skin (for example, meadow dermatitis is known - the formation of erythema, burns after sunbathing on those areas of the skin that have been in contact with plants containing furocoumarins, for example, when sunbathing in a meadow, lying on the grass).

Galenic preparations of ammi major irritate the kidneys, and ammifurin (a mixture of furocoumarins) is relatively low-toxic. Ammifurin does not have a noticeable effect on the cardiovascular system.

Application of ammi large

The drug ammifurin is prepared from the fruits of Ammi major, which is used to treat vitiligo (leukoderma), total and alopecia areata, lichen planus, psoriasis, and neurodermatitis.

Preparations of this plant, in combination with irradiation with ultraviolet light, promote the formation of melanin pigment in the skin and stimulate the restoration of skin pigmentation in vitiligo. In addition, furocoumarins have a capillary-strengthening, choleretic, diuretic, mild sedative effect, and a slight tonic effect on the uterus and intestines.


Ammi extract large may help get rid of small vitiligo patches.

Large ammi fruit steam used for digestive disorders and bloating (1-3 teaspoons per 1 glass of water, 3-4 rubles per day).

Ammifurin is taken 1 tablet (0.02 g) 1-4 r. per day (depending on the time of year and individual sensitivity) with simultaneous rubbing of a 0.3% ammifurin solution into the affected areas, followed by ultraviolet irradiation. Ammifurin tablets are taken after meals with milk to avoid irritation of the gastric mucosa, 2 hours before irradiation. For minor skin lesions, apply ammifurin solution an hour before irradiation. For extensive diffuse processes, ammifurin is prescribed in a complex manner: orally + lubrication and irradiation. Treatment with ammifurin is carried out in 4-6 courses (21-28 procedures each) with breaks of 30-45 days. The total duration of treatment is up to 1 year. The duration of the first irradiation is 1 minute, each time the sessions are extended by another 1 minute, to a maximum of 12 minutes. Distance to source ultraviolet radiation should be 100 cm. Under the influence of ammifurin, skin infiltration in areas of plaques and the number of rashes in patients with psoriasis gradually decrease, and itching stops. When treated with photochemistry, pigment patches appear in patients with vitiligo, and white spots gradually disappear. During treatment with ammifurin, it is recommended to avoid direct sun rays, and also wear sunglasses. Treatment with ammifurin is carried out in the same way, the remaining hair is first removed.

(apply externally): large ammi (1 tbsp), small duckweed (5 tbsp), Tangut rhubarb (3 tbsp), table vinegar (50 g). Leave for 3 days dark place. Make lotions 2 rubles. in a day.

Medicinal mixture for vitiligo(Option 2): mix 3 tablespoons at a time. l. big ammi, lovage and sweet clover. 3 table. l. collection is poured into 500 ml. boiling water, leave for 3 hours. Use the composition for lotions.

Medicinal mixture for vitiligo: 1 table. l. large ammi fruits per 200 ml. milk. Leave for 1 hour. Adults take 30 minutes after meals in a dose of 1 table. spoons to 1/3 tbsp. 3 r. per day 2 hours before irradiation.

Ammi infusion large: 7 gr. seeds per 400 ml. hot water, cook in a water bath for 15 minutes, then leave for 3 hours at room temperature, drink three times a day after meals, can be used externally.

Large ammi ointment based on internal pork fat: ointment is made at the rate of 1 part of crushed ammi seeds to 4 parts of fat, lubrication is carried out 1 hour before irradiation.

Treatment with ammi major preparations should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a physician.

Contraindications and side effects

Any preparations made from the seeds of Ammi major have an irritating effect on the kidneys and are contraindicated for pyelonephritis, pyelitis, glomerulonephritis, as well as liver diseases. Contraindications are also diabetes, thyrotoxicosis, blood diseases, cardiovascular and central nervous system, tuberculosis of the skin and lungs, benign and malignant tumors, lactation, pregnancy, childhood up to 7 years, individual hypersensitivity (allergy).

During a course of treatment with ammi preparations, dizziness, nausea, and discomfort in the abdominal area may occur. Side effects disappear after discontinuation of the drug. When taking drugs in combination with radiation, bullous dermatitis may develop. In this case, treatment should be stopped before complete disappearance side effects.

Ammi major can be grown as an annual or biennial plant. Ammi belongs to the Umbrella family, has a good tap root, a bare, stable stem with pinnately dissected lance-shaped leaves.

Ammi's flower is small, unsightly, light shade. They gather in inflorescences in the form of umbrellas, up to ten centimeters in diameter. The flowering period lasts from mid-summer to early autumn. The fruits are slightly flattened on the sides, not covered with anything on top and smooth. Their sizes are small, only two and a half millimeters. The fruit ripens in mid-autumn.

  • urinary tract;
  • leukoderma;
  • digestive organs;
  • colds.

The plant contains essential oil with the following valuable components:

  • bergapten;
  • xanthotoxin;
  • emperor;
  • isopimpinellin;
  • flavonoids;
  • fixed oils.

Great importance is attached healing properties substance such as xanthotoxin. He has wonderful property restore skin pigmentation. Therefore this irreplaceable plant in the manufacture of drugs for the treatment of vitiligo (leukoderma), baldness, psoriasis, lichen planus, neurodermatitis.

The biologically active components of ammi major help strengthen capillaries, tone the uterus and intestines. Preparations containing Ammi major are used as a choleretic, diuretic and sedative.

In nature, large ammi is found in the south and south-east of Europe, North Africa, the Near and Middle East, Russia and Ukraine.

Today the plant is successfully grown in cultivated form on an industrial scale.


Ammi officinalis can be grown perfectly as cultivated plant. She is completely unpretentious. But, some conditions to receive good results still exist. And so, the soil for planting ammi should be black soil and free of weeds. It can be planted in areas where grain crops, early vegetables, as well as medicinal plants: chamomile and oilseed poppy previously grew.

Before planting seeds, the soil must be prepared:

  • clean from the remains of previous crops;
  • to plow;
  • do cultivation and harrowing.

All of the above actions are combined with fertilizing the soil. Before deep plowing, it is necessary to add the following nutrient mixture per hectare:

  • ammonium sulfate – 2.5 c;
  • superphosphate – 3.5 c;
  • ammonium nitrate– 1.5 c.

Spring cultivation before sowing seeds is combined with the addition of potassium chloride (50 kg), superphosphate (300 kg) and ammonium nitrate (100 kg) per hectare to the soil.

Then, to obtain maximum results, you need to combine sowing the seeds with adding superphosphate to the soil. This increases germination seed material and increases yield up to thirty-five percent (seed harvest).

AND last feeding when growing ammi, it is carried out in the vegetative phase, when the seedlings have formed about six leaves. On at this stage ammonium nitrate is added. But important condition feeding is soil moisture, it should be at least twenty percent. If watering the site is impossible, and there is no rain long time there wasn’t, but it’s better not to add saltpeter.

Ammi officinalis can be sown in the ground both in spring and before winter. Note that it is preferable to do spring planting. To improve seed germination, they are subjected to stratification for three months. Then the seeds are dried and sifted through a sieve. Another preparation step is to soak the seeds for a day in water before planting. Those that float up are not suitable for sowing.

Large ammies are sown with vegetable seeders with disc coulters to a depth of up to three centimeters. For a plot of one hectare, the seed planting rate is five kilograms. When favorable weather conditions, after two weeks the first shoots appear.

Autumn planting of seeds requires increasing the seed consumption rate to six kilograms and reducing the planting depth to one and a half centimeters. Otherwise, the landing technique is identical.

Large ammi, grown in cultivated areas, requires certain actions on the part of humans to care for the crops.

The main task will be to fluff up the soil and timely cleaning weeds. To do this, it is necessary to carry out inter-row harvesting with special cultivators. weed. During the entire period of formation of the ground part, as a rule, three or four cultivations are carried out. Weeds in the row are removed manually. This is done at least twice and combined with the process of thinning the planting. Too thick seedlings significantly reduce yield. The seedlings are thinned out during the first weeding, when the ammi is still very small, with two leaves.

The seeds are used for medicinal purposes. Consequently, large ammonia is grown on an industrial scale for the mass collection of this particular material.

Seeds are collected when the percentage of their ripening is more than sixty percent. This is done mechanically, using combines specially equipped for this purpose. Harvest dried and cleaned. Productivity of this medicinal plant not too large, on average about ten centners of seeds are obtained from one hectare. The shelf life and use of medicinal material is from three to ten years, depending on storage conditions.

Precautionary measures

The composition of the medicinal plant ammi, in addition to biologically active substances, so actively used in medicine, also includes ammifurin, which has a negative effect on the kidneys, which means that people with kidney disease are strictly prohibited from using any drugs that contain ammi. In addition, the use of this medicinal plant and drugs based on it is possible only after consultation with the attending physician, since there are other restrictions on its use. This medicine should not be used if:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • blood diseases;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • diseases of the central nervous system and heart;
  • tuberculosis;
  • tumors of various etymologies;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children under seven years of age.

Ammi (lat. Ammi)- a small genus of herbaceous plants of the Apiaceae family. The Mediterranean is considered to be the birthplace of the plant. Currently, the crop is cultivated everywhere.

Characteristics of culture

Ammi is a herbaceous plant with a straight, bare stem up to 1 m high. The leaves are double or triple pinnate, with filiform or linear lobes, equipped with pinnately dissected involucres. The flowers are small, bisexual, white, collected in spherical umbrellas. The petals are deeply bilobed or obovate-cordate, narrowed at the base into short marigolds. The fruit is smooth, glabrous, broadly ovoid, narrowed at the commissure, laterally compressed. The fruit is divided into semi-fruits with thread-like ribs

Ammi viznaga (lat. Ammi visnaga) – a species formerly known as a noxious weed, used in medical purposes in the countries of the Middle East. In nature, it is found in fields among crops, as well as in wastelands. Externally, ammi viznaga is similar to dill. With the onset of warmth, the plant forms a dense bush of finely feathery leaves, differing from dill only in size. The flowers are greenish-white, later turning golden-green. By decorative characteristics The species is not inferior to the large ammi. It is often used to decorate borders. Special requirements does not apply to growing conditions and care.

Ammi big (lat. Ammi majus)
– view presented large plants with delicate openwork inflorescences. Most often, this type is used to create bouquets of freshly cut flowers. Flower beds and garden corners culture gives splendor and airiness. The large ammi blooms at the end of July, flowering lasts until September. The homeland of ammi is the Mediterranean coast of Africa and Asia. The view, in contrast to the above, puts forward requirements for location. It prefers sunny areas and needs abundant and regular watering. Before flowering, the bushes do not look very attractive; to speed up the flowering process, the crop is grown seedling method. Seeds are sown in seedling boxes in February or March. Seedlings are planted in open ground at the end of May.

Subtleties of cultivation

Ammi accepts almost all types of soil, but when cultivated cultural species it is important to take into account the characteristics of their natural habitat. Some species, for example, Ammi dental and Ammi greater, develop best in intensely lit areas, and Ammi viznaga grows well in partial shade. Ammi is drought-resistant and neutral to low temperatures.

Seeds are sown in open ground in late April - early May. You can grow the crop by seedlings. The soil temperature for ammi should be about 6-8C, with elevated temperatures the seeds do not germinate well. Abundant watering necessary during active growth root system, at the time of flowering, excessive moisture can have a detrimental effect on yield. Winter crops of ammi are not prohibited in mild winter conditions.

The best precursors of ammi are early vegetables, forage and grain crops, poppy and chamomile. The site is prepared after harvesting the predecessor, the soil is dug up and added organic fertilizers. Seeds are stratified for a month before sowing. To do this, the seeds are mixed with dry, washed sand, then poured warm water until swelling and put in the refrigerator. Before sowing, the seeds are dried.

The crop is sown in a wide-row manner. The distance between the rows should be at least 45 cm. The seeding depth is 2-3 cm. To increase the crop yield, granulated superphosphate should be added to the furrows.

Care and harvesting

Caring for ammi crops involves systematic loosening of row spacing; plants do not tolerate compaction. When two true leaves appear on the seedlings, they are thinned out. Water the crop during drought, in the initial period - once every 2-3 days. During flowering, watering is reduced.

Ammi harvesting is carried out during the period of mass seed ripening, when most of the umbrella inflorescences curl up and the stems acquire a yellowish color. After collection, the ammi fruits are dried and cleaned.

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