Aloe variegated, decorating the home garden. Home cultivation of tiger aloe

Among many florists and amateur gardeners, variegated or tiger aloe is especially popular. The plant is a flowering plant, although some owners are not even aware of it. main reason lack of color - not very good suitable conditions for aloe.


  1. It is necessary to provide aloe with enough sunlight.
  2. The plant should not be in constantly wet soil; it can be watered rarely.
  3. The temperature regime for aloe is different from most other plants. The temperature should not exceed 20 ºC, and 12-15 ºC is quite acceptable, but not lower than 6 -7ºC. Even a slight frost can be detrimental to a flower.
  4. The flower does not like very humid air. Dust that accumulates can be very carefully removed with a damp cloth.
  5. Fertilize the plant with preparations high in potassium, apply several times during the summer, but not more than once a month.
  6. In no case should you replant variegated aloe during flowering.
  7. Aloe needs to be carefully pruned from time to time to form a bush. We are talking about old yellowed leaves.
  8. The plant loves fresh air, but aloe cannot be placed directly on the windowsill, where the window is open, as the plant is sensitive to drafts.
  9. The soil mixture for aloe should consist of clay and coarse sand, or preferably pebbles, for drainage.
  10. It is advisable to regularly replant tiger aloe into a slightly larger pot.


As a rule, the flower reproduces by basal or lateral shoots that grow in the lower part of the main stem. Cut them down in spring sharp knife from the main stem. Dry the shoots and plant them in a special mixture.


A common pest of aloe is mealybugs, very mobile, covered with hairs white, they are clearly visible on the flower. If the lesions are not multiple, they can be removed mechanically. If the lesions are large, then in addition to removing these pests, it is worth treating the leaves with a tincture of alcohol and garlic. After this, the flowers must be kept in storage for four days. dark place. If the pests have become very widespread, then you need to treat the flower with Fosbecid, Intavir, Fufanon, or Decisad.

In addition, aloe can be damaged by stem and root nematodes. Root nematodes are tiny worms that live on the roots of plants, forming large swellings. If there is a nematode, you need to remove all the affected roots and root the flower again. It is also good to treat the soil with Vidat and Tekta.

Excessive moisture has a beneficial effect on the spread of thrips - small insects with an elongated body - black or dark brown in color with four wings. Thrips can be identified by silvery streaks on the leaves, which cause the plant to slow down in growth. In the fight against these insects, the drugs “Decis”, “Intavir” and “Fitoverm” have proven themselves well. At home, they perfectly destroy these pests. After a week, the flower must be re-treated so that the larvae do not hatch. Affected plants should be placed separately from other flowers. It is necessary to disinfect the place where the infected flower was located.

Influence on the atmosphere in the house according to Feng Shui

The flower brings a state of peace and tranquility to the house. The plant helps to cope with melancholy and depression, rid the house of negative emotions. Aloe improves the energy of a space and increases people's immunity. With its presence in our apartments, this flower strengthens our body and increases the body's resistance to disease. It is especially important for doctors and healers to have aloe, to whom many people come with health complaints. Plants cleanse the air of negative energy and often die in the process.


Aloe variegated or tiger will fit perfectly into the interior, as office space, and will create comfort in the house. Caring for aloe at home will not take up much effort and time if you follow the recommendations for its maintenance.

Interesting to know!

  • Variegated or tiger aloe is also valued for its medicinal properties. Aloe leaf juice has bactericidal and regenerative properties. IN folk medicine aloe extract is used for a laxative and choleretic effect. Aloe leaves are applied to wounds, naturally not to fresh ones. The plant is used to treat pulmonary tuberculosis. Aloe extract is sold in pharmacies; if you drink it on an empty stomach along with flower honey, you can treat a stomach ulcer. We are not talking about acute conditions when serious drug treatment or even surgery. Aloe is used very successfully in cosmetology. As one of the components, aloe juice is included in several different recipes face and hair masks. Facial skin care with aloe gives excellent results.

The juice from the leaves of this plant cut in half is endowed with bactericidal properties. It contains vitamins and microelements. It is used as a diuretic. Tiger aloe is excellent restores tissue, treats abscesses. Used in wrestling with Koch's bacillus and eye diseases.

In case of poor digestion, the juice of the plant is consumed orally; in case of a runny nose, the juice is administered into the nostrils. For abscesses and acne, it is necessary to apply leaves cut in half to the affected areas of the skin.

Description of the plant

The height of the flower reaches no more than 30 centimeters. The leaves of the plant are located on rosettes at the roots or small stems. Rows are twisted around the shoot in the form of a spiral. They grow no more than 15 centimeters in length. They have small spikes along the edges.

The color of the leaves is dark green with stripes and spots of a snow-white hue. There is a snow-white stripe along the edge of the plant. Due to such unusual colors, the plant was named motley or brindle. The flower trunk is wide at the base.

The root system of the flower is very powerful. The flowers reach no more than 3.5 centimeters in length. The height on the peduncles is no more than 30 centimeters. The perianth inside is amber, the outside is pink-burgundy with emerald stripes. It has miniature bell-tubular flowers and an erect peduncle.

Landing plants should be produced in spring or autumn. It's better to choose large containers .

The roots should not be allowed to press tightly against the walls of the pot.

Composition of the earth: coarse sand/leaf soil/turf soil. Neutral soil acidity is suitable. Tiger aloe has a powerful root system. Therefore, young aloe is transplanted into larger containers every spring, and adult aloe – after two to four years. After purchase, replanting is done in nesting doll pots in soil with a mixture of coarse sand and rotted compost. Two-centimeter upper layer should be small stones or expanded clay.

Home care

IN summer time to water the flower should be moderate, no more than once a week. in winter the plant is placed in cool place.

The flower does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil and frequent watering. The soil must dry out between waterings. If there is severe waterlogging, it may the root collar will die.

Aloe prefers low air humidity. Grows well in illuminated areas. Loves greenhouses, glazed loggias and window sills with little penetration of scorching sunlight. Overwinters well at room temperature up to 20°C. Growth per year is 10 centimeters in height. The lifespan of the plant is 15 years.

Features of variegated aloe

The dormant period lasts from mid-autumn to mid-winter. This is due to low light conditions. At home, the plant blooms very rarely. In greenhouses in South Africa, aloe blooms every year spring period time. Flowering period March-April. It has a subtle pleasant aroma. Feeding produced once a month in autumn and spring.

The following fertilizers are excellent: “Living Power”, “Flower Happiness”, ash, humus, vegetable decoctions.

When watering weekly, add liquid fertilizer. Reproduction occurs by apical and lateral shoots. They are cut and dried for 48 hours. Next, they are planted in fortified soil and tied to a peg for stable growth. In the first 7 days, the plant should not be watered. It is necessary to spray the leaves with a spray bottle 2-3 times a day.

Diseases and pests

No pest damage was observed. Tiger aloe is not susceptible to dry and root rot diseases. Sometimes scale insects can grow on the leaves. In this case, pests from the affected areas scrape off, and the plant itself is washed warm water with soap solution.

Aloe variegated does not like heavy soil moisture and is not affected by pests. It grows well at home in closed loggias and well-lit window sills.


Useful video

Watch the video about the transplant tiger aloe:

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Aloe variegated(Latin Aloe; Russian name: Stoletnik; translated from Arabic “bitter”) – forever green plant, complementing the interior of each family hearth. There is even a legend that says that the owners in whose house the agave grows will certainly celebrate their centenary anniversary.

Even the Egyptians and Ethiopians decorated their homes with aloe in order to protect them from all sorts of misfortunes, and women valued its juice, which prolonged their youth and beauty. In India, aloe is called “kumari” - a tree that gives energy and eternal youth. In the East, they believe that aloe juice oil imparts wisdom and grants immortality.

IN wildlife Aloe variegated found in mountainous, arid regions of Africa, South Africa, the south of the Arabian Peninsula, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Malawi, and Madagascar. There are more than 500 types of it, but each has beneficial healing properties.

Botanical description

Aloe variegated(lat. Aloe variegata) belongs to the family Xanthorrhoeaceae(lat. Xanthorrhoeaceae) and is a low-growing succulent no more than 30 cm high. Its leaves are arranged in three rows. The color of the leaves is dark green with white triangular spots.

Due to the peculiar color of the leaves Variegated Aloe also called “tiger”. Aloe variegated flower – orange color, large. It appears in 4-7 years, 20-30 cm long. When you manage to observe flowering, this spectacle leaves a vivid impression in the memory. And despite some peculiarities in cultivation, this flower is worth waiting for the peak of beauty at home.

Temperature and lighting

The most optimal temperature flower growth +22+26°C, The flower can grow indoors at a temperature of +10+15°C.

If in winter period there is no way to provide the flower optimal temperature, put it in a place that falls under the straight lines Sun rays. In winter, to increase light, the flower should be left under additional lighting for 2 to 4 hours.

Hot summer it is advisable to put a flower on sunny place on fresh air(or balcony), while preventing direct rays of light from hitting its leaves.

If you overexposed aloe in the sun, and the color of its leaves has changed (became brown-red), remove it for a week in a shaded place. The color of the leaves will be restored - they will gain the usual light green color.

Watering and humidity

It is advisable to water as the ground cover dries out in spring - summer period, no more than 1 - 2 times a week. Remember that frequent watering can lead to rotting of the root system. It is necessary to water the flower so that the soil in the pot gets wet evenly, but at the same time does not stagnate in the pan.

Water better just from a watering can, while also spraying the leaves of the flower. It's best to take water room temperature(not lower than +12°C), allowing it to settle first. It is important to clean the leaves of the plant from dirt and dust.

Water Aloe variegated in winter - 1-2 times a month, in summer - 1-2 times a week.

Soil and fertilizer

Aloe variegated It grows quickly, and in a year or two you will see that the flower pot is already too small. This means you need to replant the plant. It is important to adhere to simple rules: choose a pot that is twice the size of the root system of the flower, replace the previous soil with fresh one.

For landing A flower pot will do small size(diameter from 10 cm). You can buy soil suitable for cacti and succulents. Such soil is from:

  • turf land (2 parts);
  • humus soil (1 part);
  • coarse sand (1 part);
  • charcoal(1 part).

If you failed purchase the right soil, you can prepare it yourself. It is clear that it will be difficult for you to prepare the specified composition, but you can take loose soil and add river sand, fine gravel, or shell rock to it.

Preferably fill the pot layers: earth, sand, gravel (shell rock). Layers alternate until filled. Suitable composition There may also be peat, mixed with sand in the proportion: 3 parts peat to 1 part sand.
From spring to autumn, the flower can be planted in open ground.

It is important choose a sunny place on your site, plant the flower from the pot into the prepared hole. You need to dig a hole at least 30 cm deep and fill it in layers river sand and gravel. Throughout the season, it is recommended to irrigate the plant daily using a watering can. For the winter, the flower is dug up and replanted in a pot and brought indoors.

Aloe variegated It’s not a fastidious plant, but it needs fertilizer and feeding, like any other flower. Feeding of an adult plant is carried out during the period active growth(best in spring) once every two weeks, dissolving the fertilizer in warm water.

You need to choose those that are intended for cacti and succulents, while enriching the soil with nitrogen-containing minerals. Do not use for feeding garden fertilizers- this can lead to the death of the plant.

Basic Rules feeding plants:

  • Only healthy plants should be fed;
  • Before fertilizing, you should water the soil;
  • It is not recommended to fertilize the plant during the flowering period;
  • It is not recommended to feed transplanted plants.


If you didn't find larger pot , then the flower can be planted in several pots. In this case, you can divide the bush into parts, take cuttings or grow Aloe variegated from seeds.

In early spring Carefully divide the bush into parts. It is important to ensure that the roots are not separated from the leaves in each part. If you were unable to properly divide the bush, use the cutting method for the damaged parts.

Reproduction You can use cuttings all year round, but preference should be given to the spring-summer period. After cutting, the cuttings (leaves) should be slightly dried for 24 - 48 hours. Afterwards, dust the cut with ash (crushed coal), then plant them in a pot with wet sand at a depth of 1 cm.

On the 7th day, after root formation replant plant into soil prepared for the flower. Flower seeds are sown in small pots up to 5 cm high. Watering should be moderate, it is important not to allow the soil to dry out completely. After the seeds germinate, we plant the seedlings in pots.

When leaving Excess moisture is not allowed for seedlings - this can lead to the death of the plant. After a year, the plant is considered mature.

Pests and diseases

Aloe variegated rarely affected by disease. But if the rules of care are violated, the plant may show signs and develop against this background: root or dry rot. Root rot occurs when improper (too abundant) watering, especially in cool weather.

Save the plant You can replace the soil and disinfect the root system. If the rotting of the roots is partial, then all affected roots are removed, and the remaining ones are sprinkled with coal powder (sulfur). Only a month later the first watering is carried out.

Dry rot occurs when improper care behind the plant. If your plant begins to dry out, its leaves change color and shape, but inside it is completely dry - this indicates the first signs of dry rot.

Methods to combat it have not been invented, but you can overcome the disease by periodically performing preventive spraying chemical preparationsystemic fungicide.

And for those who like to know more, we invite you to watch the video about Aloe variegated

Aloe variegated or tiger is ornamental plant, which is grown in flowerpots and in open ground. The succulent got its name due to the peculiar coloring of the leaves, on which contrasting white stripes or spots are formed.

Appearance of a young plant

Variegated aloe is unpretentious to the soil and natural conditions, grows well in different climatic zones. Caring for it at home is also quite easy. The plant does not require frequent watering and feels fine both on a sunny windowsill and in dimly lit rooms. Aloe variegated is one of the few species that bloom at home, but the first inflorescences appear only in the 4-6th year of the succulent’s life.

On a note

In folk medicine, it is believed that the juice from the leaves of aloe variegated has bactericidal properties and promotes the healing of wounds on the skin. However, this data has not been scientifically confirmed, so the benefits of the plant remain only speculative. IN medicinal purposes They use juice or tincture from the leaves of aloe vera, domestic or tree, as well as occasionally striped and several other species. The properties of aloe vera have been studied the most. Variegated is grown only as an ornamental plant.

What does variegated aloe look like?

Aloe variegated is a small perennial herbaceous plant. The height of the succulent reaches only 25-35 cm, and the diameter of the rosette is about 15-20 cm. The stem of this type of succulent is shortened, and the leaves grow at the very base. They are arranged in 3 or more rows in a spiral. As a rule, from 18 to 24 leaves are formed in one rosette.

This photo shows what an adult plant looks like:

The leaf shape of variegated aloe is lanceolate, pointed at the top. Their length can be 10-15 cm, and the width at the base - 3-6 cm. The surface of the leaves is almost smooth, small spines are present only at the edges, on a white edge.

A special feature of this species is the unusual color of the leaves. Against the background of the main rich green color, white stripes or spots form on them. They are located across the leaves, symmetrically to each other. For this feature, aloe received its second name - tiger.

If exposed to the sun for too long and exposed to high temperatures, the leaves may turn red, starting from the top edge. This color change indicates a burn. Also, when injured or aged, the leaves may gradually dry out, becoming golden brown.

The succulent blooms in the first half of spring. At this time, an erect peduncle, about 30 cm high, grows from the middle of the basket, on which a small raceme inflorescence is formed. The flowers on it are tubular, deep pink or red. The bract is usually amber on the inside and pink on the outside with greenish veins.

The root system of this succulent is powerful. The roots grow quickly, filling the entire flowerpot. Because of this young plant replanted every year, and adults - once every few years.

Roots of aloe tiger and the remains of soil taken out of the pot.

On a note

The correct name for variegated or tiger aloe is Latin name aloe variegata. It is under this name that you can find a description of this plant in Wikipedia and specialized literature. Occasionally it is also found under the name aloe tiger.

Biology of the species

The homeland of variegated aloe are the countries South Africa. The succulent grows in tropical and subtropical climates. It is found primarily in desert plains where soils are dry and prone to erosion. In general, this plant is adapted to long periods drought and high temperatures. It grows in open sunny areas.

Stones not only decorate the place where tiger aloe is grown, but also create an ambiance here natural conditions its habitats are rocky and gravelly slopes and semi-deserts.

Tiger aloe does not tolerate low temperatures. Minimum in summer comfortable temperature for it is 16 °C. In winter, the plant enters a dormant period, and at this time normal temperature for him are 10-15 °C. When grown at home, the dormant period is considered to be the months from October to February.

After a period of dormancy, tiger aloe begins to bloom. In nature, it blooms at the end of February or March. An indoor plant may have an inflorescence in April, but it can only be seen if the plant has been provided with a drop in air temperature in winter. The first flowers appear after the plant reaches 4-6 years of age.

Aloe variegated is fully grown by the age of 7, and the lifespan of the plant is approximately 15 years.

This succulent propagates mainly by cuttings or lateral shoots, which appear when the plant reaches maturity. The flower can also propagate by seeds, but growing it from seeds at home is quite difficult.

Young seedlings grown from seeds.

How to grow aloe variegation at home

You can grow aloe at home from seeds or cuttings, but this requires certain skills in caring for flowers. For those who do not have them, it is easier to buy a small plant in a flowerpot. Since aloe variegation is a fairly common plant, it can be purchased in Moscow and other Russian cities at fairly low prices.

Tiger aloe seeds are stratified before planting. To do this, they are soaked for several weeks in a weakly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate. After this, the seeds are sown in moist soil, on top of which glass is placed. Place the container with seeds in a sunny place.

Dark films around seeds - special device, facilitating their transfer by the wind.

If all conditions are met, after three weeks the seeds germinate, after which the glass is removed from the soil. When the seedlings grow a little, the young plants are transplanted into separate flowerpots.

Young shoots in the leaf axils.

To form cuttings, cut off the apical or side shoots. They are left without water or soil for two days so that the cut area dries out a little. After this, the cuttings are planted in special soil so that they take root. Some experts recommend slightly moistening the soil before planting, and then not watering the plant for the first 7 days, but spraying it with a spray bottle. Others, on the contrary, advise regularly watering aloe so that the soil does not dry out.

This video shows step by step process plant transplants:

Given that aloe loves the sun, during rooting of cuttings the flowerpot should be placed in a warm place, but so that direct sunlight does not fall on it. After rooting, aloe can be placed on a sunny windowsill.

On a note

Aloe loves sunlight. If a plant doesn't get enough light, its leaves may become duller or narrower and elongated. In this case, the flowerpot needs to be moved to a sunny place to save the plant from death.

The soil for growing aloe is slightly acidic or neutral with a pH level of 5 to 7. Sometimes it is used ready-made mixtures, intended for growing succulents. At self-training soils mix turf and sheet soil, humus, peat and sand, adding to them a little crushed charcoal and brick chips. Mix the components in a ratio of 2:1:1:1:1.

On a note

If your aloe is growing very slowly, the soil may be too heavy for it. In this case, the succulent is replanted by adding more sand to the soil.

Young aloe is planted in a flowerpot with a diameter of 10-15 cm. Since root system The succulent is powerful and grows quickly; aloe is replanted every year in the spring. Fully mature plant so much frequent transplantation does not need. It is replanted every 2-3 years, slightly increasing the diameter of the pot. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the roots of the plant do not rest against its walls, but have room to grow.

Aloe needs to be watered quite rarely. In summer, one watering per week is often sufficient. On particularly hot days, the plant can be sprayed.

You also need to make sure that the soil does not dry out too much. In this case, you can water the succulent more often than once a week, but do not forget that this plant does not tolerate waterlogging and may die as a result. In winter, aloe begins a dormant period. With the onset of cold weather and a decrease daylight hours

Watering the succulent should be reduced to 1-2 times a month. At this time, it is also advisable to move the flowerpot to a room with a constant temperature of 10-15 °C. Aloe can be fertilized only six months after transplantation. Feeding is carried out special fertilizers

for succulents that are added to the soil after watering. It is useful to fertilize the plant only in the summer during the period of active growth.

A hybrid bush with an unusual color - its spots on the leaves do not form stripes. Share with your friends!