The meaning of the word babble. Babble, what it is and how to develop See what “Babble” is in other dictionaries

Baby babbling is a stage of pre-speech development. Before the transition to it comes, and after that the first words and even phrases appear. Chronologically, baby babble occurs in the second half of the first year - it appears at approximately 6-7 months and is replaced by the next stage at the beginning of the child's second year of life.

Baby babble: features of the stage of pre-speech development

When we talk about baby babble, we mean syllabic vocalizations. Using open syllables, the child expresses his demands and desires, and often simply “plays.” Pediatricians note that a child’s babbling goes hand in hand with the baby’s object-manipulative activity. Over time, syllable chains become increasingly diverse: they contain not only the same ones (ba-ba; ma-ma; pa-pa, etc.), but also syllables of different types (ta-tu, bu-ba, etc.). d.)

  • At the beginning, the composition of a child’s babble is varied, although quite chaotic: the nature of sounds and their sequence are quite difficult to determine. Over time, the baby develops “favorite” sounds - the composition of the babble becomes poorer, but the “phrases” acquire a stable character and even begin to mean something specific.
  • At the age of 8.5-9 months, a child’s babbling changes its character; pediatricians call later babbling “modulated” or “melodic.” Please note that the child is already able to imitate - he carefully repeats the intonation of an adult and reproduces a sequence of sounds.

Regardless of the child’s linguistic environment, the sounds most often found in babbling speech are P, B, T, M, D, N, K, G, S and H.] Most often these are open syllables that are easy to recite.

was successful, parents should provide him with assistance at each stage of its development. In the case of babbling, the child also needs help.
  • In order for the baby to hear the sounds spoken by adults, it is very important to create the right atmosphere - the room should be quiet, the child should feel comfortable and calm.
  • The active development of baby babble is facilitated by the gradual enrichment of the sound environment - introduce the child to new sources of sounds: audio recordings, etc.
  • Use the mutual connection between different forms of activity: encourage physical activity, socialize the child, allowing him to “talk” with his peers.
  • Maintain contact with the child - “speak” to him in his language, maintaining eye contact to concentrate attention and stimulate the baby’s imitative reflex.
  • Try to ensure that the child constantly hears speech and understands its connection with different objects - talk to the baby, encouraging him to enter into an interesting dialogue with you.

A special place in the development of a child’s babble is given to training the muscles of the lips and cheeks.

Many parents note that the babbling stage of a child is one of the most beloved and fun - these are amazing moments of conscious communication with the baby, laying a solid foundation for a strong psycho-emotional connection between you!


Babbling, or “babbling speech”, is the stage of pre-speech development of a child, following babbling and preceding the appearance of the first words and phrases. Appears approximately at the end of the first - beginning of the second half of the child’s life and lasts until the end of the first year.

Later stage (at the age of 8.5-9 months) - “ modulated babble", or "melodic babble", when the child is already able to repeat intonation and sequences of sounds as if repeating the speech of an adult. At this stage, using open syllables, the child begins to use them to designate objects in the outside world.

see also



  • Babbling (Developmental Psychology. Dictionary / Edited by A. L. Wenger)
  • Primary vocalizations, humming and babbling (Psycholinguistics: general course)

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    See what “Babble” is in other dictionaries: BABBLING, babbling, many. no, husband 1. Incoherent, unclear speech. Baby talk. Baby talk. || Gentle chatter, easy conversation (poet.). “Their languid gaze and welcoming babble no longer have power over me.” Pushkin. 2. transfer Indistinct, slight noise, sound...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary Noun babbling babbling Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Context 5.0 Informatics. 2012. babble noun, number of synonyms: 7 battology ...

    Synonym dictionary babble - BABBLING, babbling, colloquial. babbling babbling, colloquial babble...

    Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech BABBLING, ah, husband. Incoherent, unclear speech (of a child). Children's l. (also translated: about something unintelligible, unconvincing). Gentle L. L. stream (translated). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 …

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary- a type of pre-speech vocalizations of a child that appears at the end of the first and beginning of the second half of life. It represents various combinations of repeated syllables or individual syllables such as “ta ta ta”, “ba”, “ma”, etc. Used... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    Synonym dictionary- a, m. 1) Incorrect, incoherent, unclear speech of the child. Who gets the first smile and the first baby talk? (Mom's Sibiryak). 2) Indistinct muttering; unintelligible reasoning, explanation, etc. Why now sobs, unnecessary empty praises... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    BABBLING- Sounds made by infants, perhaps produced without the intention of expressing any meaning. When babbling gradually begins to include sounds typical of the child’s speech environment and is used for communication, various... ... Explanatory dictionary of psychology

    Baby talk [on the lawn]. Razg. Neglect What's l. about? meaningless, very simple, frivolous. ZS 1996, 335, 378; Vakhitov 2003, 46 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    Synonym dictionary- see: Baby talk on a green lawn... Dictionary of Russian argot

    Synonym dictionary- BABBLING, a, m Linguistic phenomenon: child’s speech: incoherent, unclear, incorrect. The speech of children in the first year of life is “humming” and babbling... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns


  • Baby talk, Larisa Maksimova. Volodya Chernov invited me to run the Baby Talk section in the magazine Story, which he heads. Namely, to interview children whose parents are stars about their difficult childhood life. I'm sluggish...

Synonym dictionary

babble, pl. No m.

    Incoherent, unclear speech. Baby talk. Baby talk.

    Gentle chatter, easy conversation (poet.). Their languid gaze and welcoming babble no longer have power over me. Pushkin.

    trans. Indistinct, slight noise, the sound of something. (poet.). The babble of a stream and leaves. You can hear babbling in the sleepy leaves. Balmont.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.

Synonym dictionary

A, m. Incoherent, unclear speech (of a child). Children's l. (also translated: about something unintelligible, unconvincing). Gentle L. L. stream (translated).

New explanatory and word-formative dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.

Synonym dictionary

    1. Unclear, incoherent speech.

      Gentle chatter.

  1. trans. Indistinct, slight noise, rustling, sound of something.

    trans. Unconvincing reasoning and explanations.


Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Babbling, or “babbling speech”, is the stage of pre-speech development of a child, following babbling and preceding the appearance of the first words and phrases. Appears approximately at the end of the first - beginning of the second half of the child’s life and lasts until the end of the first year.

It is a syllable-like vocalization with the help of which the child expresses his desires and demands or simply “plays” with the sounds of his voice. Often babbling accompanies the child's object-manipulative activity and is activated in response to the speech of an adult addressed to him. Gradually, the syllable chains become more and more diverse: they contain not only the same, but also different types of syllables.

At the first stages, the consonantal composition of babbling is varied, although the nature of the sounds and their number in the sequence are not always easy to determine. Over time, the sound composition of babble becomes impoverished, and the syllable-like complexes that make it up become more stable. Regardless of the linguistic environment, the most frequent consonants in babbling speech are /p, b, t, m, d, n, k, ɡ, s, h, w, j/. The most common syllables are of the “consonant-vowel” type with an initial stop. In this case, the following pattern was revealed: the sequence of appearance of sounds in babbling (first labial consonants, then forelingual, etc.) is similar to the sequence of appearance of sounds in verbal speech.

Later stage (at the age of 8.5-9 months) - “ modulated babble", or "melodic babble", when the child is already able to repeat intonation and sequences of sounds as if repeating the speech of an adult. At this stage, using open syllables, the child begins to use them to designate objects in the outside world.

Examples of the use of the word babble in literature.

He ate only clean food, and pure blood flowed in him, and therefore his sleep came from babble leaves And the splash of streams, from the song of the Dawn birds, between the branches, from Avrorin’s fan, dissipated instantly.

The case swelled into a noisy scandal, and then - amid screams and Synonym dictionary, amidst roars and spattering of saliva in unknown offices - a well-known growth called the Reserve was born, and public opinion calmed down.

Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary an eight-month-old child includes almost all the sounds of his native language.

Protasov, with iron logic, smashed into dust the vile, self-whitening Synonym dictionary gendarme captain.

They heard it for the first time, quite a child's Synonym dictionary- Pozdnyakov heard, Crookshanks heard.

To get rid of the crazy, passionate babble this boy and change the conversation, she praised the painting of the famous Parmigianino, hanging over the altar of the chapel.

This is what Psammetichus did and gave such orders, wanting to hear what the first word would fall from the lips of babies after an inarticulate childish babble.

Worlds intersect - A custom is revealed: A discordant chorus of multilinguals - Consonant Synonym dictionary kids.

And Alexey Fomich, touched by this babble, almost childish, he hugged her and kissed her first on the parting of her hair, then on her forehead above her left eyebrow and, finally, on her round and tight cheek.

It is a mishmash of fictional chatter at the expense of physiology and archaic babble old logic about thinking.

GUM, Bonmarchais, Harrod, Macy's, taken together and erected into a cube, are the essence of children's Synonym dictionary compared to these catacombs.

Aunt Pittypat's little legs now carried a body too heavy for them, and perhaps a tendency towards thoughtless and somewhat childish behavior. babble could sometimes resurrect in my memory the forgotten image of a lively playful girl.

Leonardo leaned over to inspect the bandage and listened to the rapid, incoherent babble.

He suddenly became angry with himself, with his senseless Synonym dictionary: Is it really impossible to clearly and truly state what you feel so clearly?

In case of uncontrollable influx after deciphering and translating a drunken telepath babble Most often, the bosses received a full report about what a bitch Luisa is, what a scoundrel Luigi is, he doesn’t lend drinks, and she doesn’t give them at all.

Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary- a type of pre-speech vocalizations of a child that appears at the end of the first - beginning of the second half of life. It represents various combinations of repeated syllables or individual syllables such as “ta-ta-ta”, “ba”, “ma”, etc. They are used by the child to name objects, express their desires, demands, accompany object-manipulative activities, are often observed like a child's "play" with vocal sounds. The baby's speech is activated in response to an adult's speech addressed to the child (the so-called reciprocal speech). At the end of the first year of life, “babbling” is noted - L., intonationally imitating a whole phrase or several phrases in imitation of the speech of adults. “Babble speaking” is a harbinger of the appearance of active speech; unlike other pre-speech vocalizations, L. may have diagnostic value, since it is absent in mentally retarded children. In deaf children, spontaneous L. is observed, but there is no response.

S.Yu. Meshcheryakova

Definitions, meanings of words in other dictionaries:

Psychological Encyclopedia

Sounds made by infants, perhaps produced without the intention of expressing any meaning. When babbling gradually begins to include sounds typical of the child’s speech environment and is used for communication, various clarifying words are used, for example, directed...


The period of babbling. Stimulation of its development
Appears at the age of 5-6 months and is a combination of consonants and vowels. The transition to babbling is associated with the development of rhythm and consistency of breathing and movements of the articulatory apparatus. In the middle of the first year of life, the striatal subcortical nuclei mature and the child’s motivational sphere becomes more complex. The functioning of the striatal nuclei begins gradually, which is revealed in the appearance of such emotional expressive reactions as laughter and crying (Vinarskaya E.N., 1987). With its appearance, we can talk about the beginning of the syntagmatic organization of speech - the combination of individual articulations into a linear sequence with modulation in timbre and pitch.
At first, the babbling is spontaneous. The child listens to the sounds he pronounces and tries to reproduce them. The appearance of echolalia (imitation onomatopoeia) leads to a rapid increase in the number of syllables and sounds used. The process is active: the baby looks at the adult, follows the movement of his lips and repeats what he hears.
An important role is played by the ability to control the articulatory apparatus based on visual and auditory perception. By the 8th month, the sound composition becomes more complex with the sound combinations “te-te-te”, “ta-ta-ta”, “tla”, “dla”, etc. The vowel “i” is used more often. “o” appears as an independent sound (Mikirtumov B.E., Koshchavtsev A.G., Grechany S.V., 2001).
The babbling begins to resemble a song. The ability to connect different syllables appears (the stage of verbal babble). Studies of the sound composition of babbling have made it possible to establish a number of its regularities: 1) the presence in the composition of babbling of most of the sounds that are unusual for the Russian language; 2) diversity and fine differentiation; 3) replacing hard-to-pronounce sounds with similar ones in articulation; 4) the dependence of pronunciation mastery on the primary development of the vocal apparatus; 5) the dependence of the sequence of appearance of sounds on the complexity of their pronunciation.
Of the great variety of innate babbling synergies, only those that are systematically reinforced by external sound complexes remain in the child’s everyday life (Vinarskaya E.N., 1987).
At the 9th month, babbling becomes precise and differentiated. It is possible to pronounce the combinations “ma-ma”, “ba-ba” without communicating with certain people (two-syllable babble).
Increased accentuation of maternal speech addressed to the child, with an abundance of emotionally emphasized stressed syllables (Sasha, my dear), as well as episodes of passionate rhythmic appeals of a nursing mother to the baby “Butsiki, Mutsiki, Dutsiki” or “ shirt, shonka, shonka"), during which the mother caresses and kisses him, lead to the fact that stressed syllables, together with their noisy pre-stressed and post-stressed “neighbors,” receive in the mother’s speech a single sound of changing sonority: now increasing, now falling. Feeling these effects of sonority, the child imitatively reproduces them in his babbling reactions and thus begins to operationally master the sound structure of integral pseudowords, which in maternal speech are no longer correlated with syllables, but with parts of phonetic words, phonetic words and their combinations (Vinarskaya E.N. , 1987).
Observations show that the initial babbling chains of stereotypical vocalizations (a-a-a, etc.) are replaced at 8-10 months. chains of stereotypical segments with a noise beginning (cha-cha-cha, etc.); then at 9-10 months. chains of segments appear with a stereotypical noise beginning, but with an already changing vocal end (ty-ty-ty, etc.) and, finally, at 10-12 months. chains of segments with changing noise beginnings appear (wa-la, ma-la, da-la; pa-na, pa-pa-na, a-ma-na, ba-ba-na, etc.).
Length of babbling chains at the age of 8 months. is maximum and averages 4-5 segments, although in some cases it can reach 12 segments. Then the average number of chain segments begins to fall and by 13-16 months is 2.5 segments, which is close to the average number of syllables in word forms of Russian speech - 2.3.
The sound composition of babble is the result of kinesthetic “tuning” of the articulatory apparatus according to the auditory, acoustic imitation of the speech of others (Shokhor-Trotskaya M.K., 2006).
Children who are deaf from birth do not develop either self-imitation or imitation of the speech of others. The early babbling that appears in them, without receiving reinforcement from auditory perception, gradually fades away (Neiman L.V., Bogomilsky M.R., 2001).
The sequence of mastering the sounds of babbling is determined by the patterns of development of the speech motor analyzer: coarse articulatory differentiations are replaced by increasingly subtle ones, and easy articulatory patterns give way to difficult ones (Arkhipova E.F., 1989).
The most intense process of accumulation of babbling sounds occurs after the sixth month during the seventh month, then the process of accumulation of sounds slows down and few new sounds appear. The process of intensive accumulation of sounds in babbling coincides with the period of myelination, the significance of which lies in the fact that its onset is associated with a transition from generalized movements to more differentiated ones (N.A. Bernstein). From 7-8 months to one year, articulation does not expand particularly, but speech understanding appears. During this period, semantic load is received not by phonemes, but by intonation, rhythm, and then the general contour of the word (Arkhipova E.F., 2007).
By 10 months, a higher level of communicative and cognitive activity is formed. All this stimulates a leap in the child’s motivational sphere. Carrying out emotional interaction with the child, the mother systematically turns her attention to various objects of the surrounding reality and thereby highlights them with her voice and her emotions. The child internalizes these “emotional labels” of objects along with their corresponding sound images. Imitating his mother and using the chains of babbling segments already available to him, he reproduces the first babbling words, the form increasingly approaching the sound form of the words of his native language (Arkhipova E.F., 2007).
The period of babbling coincides with the formation of the child's sitting function. Initially, the child tries to sit down. Gradually, his ability to hold his torso in a sitting position increases, which is usually fully formed by six months of life (Belyakova L.I., Dyakova E.A., 1998). The vocal stream, characteristic of humming, begins to break up into syllables, and the psychophysiological mechanism of syllable formation is gradually formed.
Babbling speech, being rhythmically organized, is closely related to the rhythmic movements of the child, the need for which appears by 5-6 months of life. Waving his arms or jumping in the arms of adults, he rhythmically repeats the syllables “ta-ta-ta,” “ha-ga-ha,” etc. for several minutes in a row. This rhythm represents the archaic phase of language, which explains its early appearance in speech ontogenesis. Therefore, it is very important to give the child freedom of movement, which affects not only the development of his psychomotor skills, but also the formation of speech articulations.
After 8 months, sounds that do not correspond to the phonetic system of the native language gradually begin to fade away.
By about 11 months, chains with a changing noise onset appear (va-la, di-ka, dya-na, ba-na-pa, e-ma-va, etc.). In this case, any one syllable is distinguished by its duration, volume, and pitch. Most likely, this is how stress is laid down in pre-speech means of communication (N.I. Zhinkin).
IN AND. Beltyukov identified the sequence of appearance of consonant sounds in babbling according to the principle of reducing the contrast of a group of consonant sounds when they appear in babbling: oral and nasal, voiced and voiceless, hard and soft (forelingual), lingual (stop and fricative).
Some babbling sounds that do not correspond to the phonemes of the speech heard by the child are lost, and new speech sounds similar to the phonemes of the speech environment appear.
There is also a third stage in the development of babbling, during which the child begins to pronounce “words” formed by repeating the same syllable like: “baba”, “ma-ma”. In attempts at verbal communication, children at 10-12 months of age already reproduce the most typical characteristics of the rhythm of their native language. The temporal organization of such pre-speech vocalizations contains elements similar to the rhythmic structuring of adult speech. Such “words,” as a rule, do not correspond to a real object, although the child pronounces them quite clearly. This stage of babbling is usually short, and the baby soon begins to speak his first words.
Stages of development of babbling (according to V.I. Beltyukov):
Stage 1 - a hereditary program of voiced articulatory movements, implemented regardless of the hearing of children and the speech of others;
Stage 2 – formation of the autoecholalia mechanism;
Stage 3 – the appearance of combinations of sound-syllable complexes, physiological echolalia and the transition to active speech
Pronouncing these sounds is pleasant for the child, so his babbling sometimes continues throughout his waking hours (Mukhina V.S., 1999).
Oddly enough, the quality and activity of babbling are largely related to how the child is fed, namely, whether full sucking movements are performed in acts of feeding, or whether they are in the right volume. Artificial children, of whom the majority now suck, often lack such action: the lips and tongue do not gain sufficient strength, and most importantly, mobility and differentiation (the ability to act in different parts separately). This can play a negative role in speech development. If natural feeding is not possible, then spoons with small holes are needed. The child must work, getting food, until there are beads of sweat on his forehead. Children whose tongue muscles have gained sufficient strength and mobility love to play with it. They stick it out, lick their lips, chew it with toothless gums, turn it to one side and in different directions (Wiesel T.G., 2005).
Babbling is necessary to train the connections between pronunciation and hearing in order to develop auditory control over the pronunciation of sounds (Isenina E.I., 1999). An infant is capable of perceiving a smile, gesture, or word only addressed to him personally. Only to them does he react with appropriate animation, a smile, and sound (Tikheeva E.I., 1981).
Signs of dysontogenesis babble:
Late onset of babbling (after 6 months) (the appearance of babbling after 8 months is one of the signs of intellectual disability, cerebral palsy);
Absence of babbling or any of its stages.
Poverty of the sound content of babbling (limiting it to the sounds: ma, pa, ea, ae).
Absence of syllable rows in babbling: only individual syllables are represented.
Absence of autoecholalia and echolalia mechanisms in babbling.
Absence of labiodental, anterior, middle, and posterior consonants in babbling.
A sharp predominance of labial and laryngeal sounds in babbling.
Techniques for stimulating babbling.
Moments of absolute silence are created when the child can listen to an invisible but close source of sounds (human speech, melodic chanting, playing a musical instrument). To induce speech imitation, you should be in the baby’s field of vision, teach the child to voluntarily pronounce first those sounds that are in his spontaneous babble, and gradually add new sounds and syllables that are similar in sound. It is useful to include the child in a group of babbling children (Borodich A.M., 1981)
The baby extracts the material for babbling from the environment himself, which is why he needs sounding toys so much. In addition to them, children also benefit from those that “ring, knock, moo, whistle, hiss...” He will listen to their sounds and from each sound extract something of his own, which is reflected in babbling (Wiesel T.G., 2005 ).
The unhindered development of the entire motor system has a huge impact on the development of the child’s language (Tikheeva E.I., 1981).
Play with your baby while sitting face to face.
Repeat after your child the sounds he makes. Pause to give him the opportunity to respond to you.
Imitate the babble of a baby. Try to fully maintain the pace, timbre and pitch of the child’s speech. When pronouncing labial sounds and syllables, draw the child's attention to your mouth. Pause to give your child time to repeat the sounds.
Use a combination of chains of movements with chains of syllables: when pronouncing syllables, for example, ba-ba-ba, ma-ma-ma, jump with the child. To do this, you can sit the child on a large ball, another springy surface, or simply on your lap.
To stimulate the lips, you can recommend playing with a pacifier. The adult “takes” it from the child so that the baby follows with his lips.
Place your index finger on the upper lip, make stroking movements towards it from the nose (Solomatina G.N., 2004).
During this period, it is advisable to encourage the adult to pronounce simple syllables. It is recommended to chant simple syllables and words:
Ma-ma-ma-ma, mommy! Pa-pa-pa-pa, daddy! Ba-ba-ba-ba, grandma! Moo-moo-moo, little murochka! Ki-ki-ki-ki, little kitty!
Carry out passive articulatory gymnastics.
They stimulate the ability to localize sound in space not only to sound stimuli, but also to the child’s name. Gradually introduce sounds that differ in pitch, strength, and duration.
During activities with a child, they attract his attention not only to toys, but also to his surroundings. They strive for the child to recognize the mother, to become wary at the sight of the mother’s unexpectedly changed face, for example, putting on a mask or throwing a scarf over her face. During this period, specially selected toys, different in size, color, shape, moving, and sound, become important. They strive to attract attention to the toy, to manipulate it, they hide toys in order to evoke an emotional attitude towards each toy separately, to highlight the toy that is most interesting and loved by the child.
Stroking the fingertips with a stiff brush continues for some time. Brushes should be bright and different in color.

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