Snake in the Chinese horoscope. Snake according to the eastern calendar

Chinese horoscope: cycle of the years of the Snake
1905 1917 1929 1941 1953 1965 1977
February 4 January 23 February 10 January 27 The 14th of February February 2 18th of Febuary
1989 2001 2013 2025 2037 2049 2061
February 6 January 24 February 10
*Dates indicate New Year's Day.

Chinese horoscope - Snake

The snake is one of the most ancient inhabitants of the Earth; over the long history of evolution, it has acquired the wisdom of time, learned to rationally assess the surrounding situation and be patient. Some of the earliest recorded astrological symbols for the Snake expressed the power residing in both its head and tail. This was a result of her graceful, hypnotic movements and ability to rise vertically at any time. In the countries of the East, the snake is still revered for its wisdom, insight and inexhaustible will.

Those born in the year of the Snake are often naturally gifted with high sensitivity. These people often demonstrate their hidden sensitivity and understanding, as if they possess the deep and mysterious wisdom of snakes. When communicating with them, you get the impression that they are constantly on the alert.

People born in the year of the Snake are unusually cheerful and always try to maintain a life atmosphere that is favorable to them. When habitual circumstances change for the worse, they strive to find more comfortable conditions for themselves. When Snakes find something they like, they know a way to make their dreams and desires come true. No matter how difficult and distant their goal may seem, the Snakes will strive for it until they achieve it.

The Snake's lifelong determination is combined with an incredible ability to achieve the desired result and follow all the twists and turns of life's events, overcoming all obstacles with amazing persistence. These people are able to draw vital energy from the environment and recover well from severe shocks. They will never allow themselves to be humiliated and always find their offender. On this occasion, in China they say that if you want to kill a snake, be sure to make sure that it is dead, otherwise over time it will regain its strength, sense you even at a great distance, will chase you and return its debt! A distinctive quality of such people is the ability to wait and choose the right time. Snakes have no equal in their ability to wait in ambush for a long time, patiently watching the progress of events. Then, at the right moment, they will concentrate their forces and make a lightning attack, which often leads them to success. For those around you, it is better to never have an enemy - the Snake. The snake is very lazy, which is often a serious obstacle to unlocking its rich potential.

Many Snakes have an innate gift of hypnosis and the ability to inspire confidence in people. The Snake always knows how to correctly present itself in a new team and make a positive impression on others.

Snake people tend to be very successful in business. It is very important for any businessman to have their wisdom and determination on his side, especially if he wants to start a large project that is characterized by various difficulties and is very difficult to implement.

Another important distinguishing feature of people born in the year of the Snake is flexibility, similar to the property of their cold-blooded reptilian prototypes. The secret of their power is their innate ability to accumulate and effectively use their internal energy.

From birth, the entire life of snakes takes place in close contact with the earth, hence Snake people are distinguished by their materialistic perception of the world around them, coldness and resourcefulness. Snakes always strive for wealth; physical pleasures, money and other material values ​​play a decisive role in life for them. Snakes are also distinguished by vanity, stinginess and selfishness; they are not able to bestow others with a sufficient amount of spiritual warmth. This is why the Snake often has problems in family relationships. The Snake, as it were, entwines its love partners with its bonds and leaves little freedom of movement.

People born in the year of the Snake are typical individualists. They are used to acting alone according to the principle “no one can do it better than me.” Snake people are used to keeping at a distance, they are uncommunicative and distrustful, they have few friends, but the latter, as a rule, remain for life. Snakes do not tend to reveal their inner world in the process of communicating with other people; few people have the opportunity to know what they are really thinking about.


By nature, you are a tempter, and if you decide to seduce someone, you carefully plan your actions and do not let go of your victim. You are a romantic partner with a sense of humor who jealously guards the relationships that are important to you: even if you decide to flirt with others, you don’t want to lose what you already have. You enjoy the passion and novelty of a romantic relationship, but don't want to feel trapped, so you're willing to make new friends, even though this can create tension in your relationship with your ex-partner.

Sometimes you set some rules of conduct for yourself and others for your partner; you need space and so that no one watches your actions, but you closely monitor your partner’s actions. But when you are captured, you are attentive to your partner, romantically inclined, and only after a while you are overcome by fear and you think about your weaknesses. Ideally, you want a partner who gives you freedom, but at the same time you need security and a cozy environment.

Character traits

You are determined and active, you are captivated by intellectual debates and interesting conversations, but if they become boring, your interest in them disappears. You are unlikely to tolerate idle chatter for long, but would prefer to focus on new ideas and intellectual discussions. If you are interested in a certain topic, you bring something unusual and interesting to the conversation.

You have the right perspective and are ready to take advantage of new opportunities, so when you have an idea, you relentlessly and confidently bring it to life. Often you are so confident in its success that you won’t listen to constructive advice, but what really upsets you is the thought that you might be wrong. Although you do not take advice well, you are patient with others when they need your help.

You know how to look at a problem from different angles. When faced with a choice, you are calm and collected; it is the clarity of your views on the problem that allows you to act decisively. When completing any task, you act quickly and confidently because you firmly believe in what you are doing and rarely waste time and energy on projects that seem futile to you.

However, your life is not all about work and competition. When the opportunity arises, you know how to take a break and relax. You can continue to work energetically for a long time before you find the opportunity to plunge into your world, take up your hobbies and enjoy life. You are capable of sincere and long-term friendship, you are a reliable and caring friend. However, you can flare up and take revenge if you decide that someone took advantage of your trust and thus offended you.


You can quickly navigate difficult situations and solve all problems calmly and confidently. You enjoy working independently because it gives you freedom of action and avoids the possibility of your ideas being limited or even rejected. You are efficient and organized, with the patience needed to master skills. Many people born in the year of the Snake have a good memory.

You are courageous and decisive, able to discern potential danger and react immediately, but once you achieve your goal, you usually step away from work, put your thoughts in order and rest. After rest and recovery, you are ready for new things again.

Work in the field of public relations, politics, law or catering is suitable for you. You can also become an astrologer, archaeologist, entrepreneur, psychologist or philosopher.

Peace side

South - southeast. The snake is associated with the south-southeast direction, which in turn is associated with the late morning hours, when the sun is already high in the sky. This direction is also associated with the beginning of summer, when yang approaches its peak.


Red. The snake is associated with the color red, traditionally associated with good fortune, happiness and strength, success in business and family prosperity. It is one of the most popular colors of the Chinese New Year, where wishes for happiness are written on red paper and attached to the door or gate.

The snake belongs to the Yang group. In the Eastern horoscope this is the sixth sign. The sign of the Snake rules the time interval from 9 to 11 am. Her season is spring, it brings her good luck in everything, and the peak of this period is May. In the European Zodiac, the Snake corresponds to Taurus. Its element is Fire. The color that brings her prosperity and happiness is green and red. Plants and flowers that bring her luck are thistles, ferns, heathers and all kinds of plants that grow among the stones. The best countries for Snakes to live are Mexico, India, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Southern CIS, Peru.

Years of the Snake sign in our century

  • 1905 February 4 - element of the year tree
  • 1917 January 23 - element of the year fire
  • 1929 February 10 - element of the year earth
  • 1941 January 27 - element of the year metal
  • 1953 February 14 - element of the year water
  • 1965 February 2 - element of the year tree
  • 1977 February 18 - element of the year fire
  • 1989 February 6 - element of the year earth
  • 2001 January 24 - element of the year metal
  • 2013 February 10 - element of the year water


Muhammad Ali, Antonio Berni, Heinrich Böll, Pavel Virsky, Jean Vigo, Nonna Gaprindashvili, Indira Gandhi, Vasily Grossman, Vladislav Gomulko, Lyudmila Zykina, Dmitry Zorin, Grigory Kozintsev, John Kennedy, Ferdinand Marcoe, Alexey Kozlovsky, Igor Moiseev, Artem Mikoyan , Vera Panova, Gemal-Abdel, Tigran Petrosyan, Alexandra Pakhmutova, Christian Dior, Maria Smirnova, Bob Hawke, Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Jesse Jackson, Henry Matisse, Mao Tse-Tung, Pablo Picasso, Aristotle Onassis, Greta Garbo, Edgar Allan, Charles Darwin, Giacomo Casanova, Andre Gide, Nicolaus Copernicus, Charles Baudelaire, Gustave Flaubert, Johannes Brahms, Audrey Hepburn, Bela Bartok, Anna Pavlova, Gustave Doré, Denis Diderot, Johann Wolfgang, Dmitri Dostoevsky, Heinrich Heine, Nikolai Gogol , Luther King, Louis Philippe.

In Christian culture, the sign of the Snake has a bad reputation, but in the East the complete opposite, the Snake, is revered and loved for its wisdom, benevolence and intelligence. If, for example, in Japan, when they want to compliment a woman, they say to her, “You look like a Snake,” then in Western countries this is considered an insult. Flexible and silent, the Snake is a master of grace and subterfuge. It is present in all legends, and evokes conflicting feelings: desire and anxiety, antipathy and sympathy. The snake is a mysterious companion of the unknown. She is the personification of the highest degree of initiation into the great secrets of knowledge. In Eastern and Indian Yoga, as well as in Tibetan Buddhism, it symbolizes the flow of Kundalini energy coming from the root of the spine to the crown of the head. This energy unites the path of life with the spiritual. Liberation and awakening - Kundalini is the main stage of spiritual development and opens up parapsychological abilities in a person - clairvoyance, levitation, telepathy and much more.

A snake can show a person mysterious dreams, directing him to mysterious worlds and also unexpectedly overtake him by surprise. The sacred goddess Ophidia was depicted in the form of a snake - this is the god of the sea and earth, an evil demon living in mud, swamps, and water. She came to us from the dark depths of our subconscious, filling our dreams with fantasies. She is associated with the culture of ancient China as the founding father of the Chinese Emperor.

When the world consisted of chaos, and everything was unorganized between heaven and earth, Pan-Ku was born. Thanks to Pan-Ku, the earth was warmed by the sun, stars and planets were born, and the moon shone. But our planet was empty until Nu-Va appeared. He was very handsome, extremely intelligent, and his body was shaped like a Snake with a human head. Crawling along the ground, Nu-Wa was intoxicated by millions of smells, and he turned them into the aromas of life. With his tail he dug the earth and kneaded this whole mass until he created a creature whose body was like that of a monkey and the head of a man. This is how the very first Chinese emperor was born.

There are many different legends about the Snake in the world. In Tibet there is a symbol of the Snake, it grabs its own tail, this means eternal renewal. In the Book of the Dead in Tibetan mythology it is written: “I am Sata, the Snake living in the distant corners of our planet, I am born, I die, I am renewed and I become younger every day.” In all religions, the Snake means a symbol of wisdom, and is also a source of excitement. Who will not be afraid of the Snake and will not retreat? There are no such brave souls, because the human reaction to a snake is disgust and fear, and if it is also poisonous, then the disgust and fear of it are limitless.

If you put aside superstitious fear and start observing the Snake, then you can see aesthetics and beauty in it. This is a shiny and thin animal, paralyzing and poisoning, endowed with magical powers. In the Bible, the Serpent brought chaos to life by tempting Eve in the Garden of Eden, but let's not forget that this is the appearance in which Satan was. This is all appearance, because of it we condemn the Snake, its appearance is a very heavy burden. The same analogy from the Bible was used in Chinese mythology. She is depicted in it as a Seducing Serpent who has powerful hypnosis that is difficult to resist. The Snake is the only sign of the zodiac that is difficult to resist, it has an inner light that cannot be ignored.


People of the Snake sign are happy if they were born in a hot summer. They love wild and dry spaces under sunny skies. A Snake born on a hot afternoon will be happier than a Snake born on a cold night. If she was born in winter, and even on a night of severe frost, then various dangers will await her in life. She feels great in the heat and does not like rain or cold.

The Snake usually has a happy childhood, but only in a good and warm family. Her youth also passes without problems, but as she grows up, she has various troubles on the emotional plane and various temptations.

In old age, the Snake gains wisdom, but the fire of love always remains, and can bring them a lot of anxiety.


People born under the Snake zodiac sign are well-mannered and elegant people. They look sophisticated and have something exciting about them. They are polite, very communicative and always friendly. Snakes are charming and romantic in society and always attract attention. They have a wonderful sense of humor, excellent conversationalists, and this is how they focus attention on themselves. They know how to talk to people, attracting them with their mystery. These people have a good combination of thoughtful thinking and good looks, which makes them simply irresistible. These are extravagant people who have their own taste and love to dress beautifully.

People under the sign of the Snake have the ability to learn; they grasp everything instantly. These people are intelligent, deep and thoughtful. By nature they are thinkers and philosophers. People under the sign of the Snake love to read and use their knowledge well. These people take great pleasure in exchanging knowledge and thoughts in heated discussions, while they need dialogue like air, and their interlocutors are very pleasant. They have a rare deep mind, they are very smart and always give wise answers. Their judgments cannot be said to be superficial.

Snake people do not like anger and avoid noisy people and vulgarity. They love music very much, they really need applause and adore honors, and when they are deserved, they are very proud of themselves. Snakes will never waste time on gossip.

Snakes at birth have an internal gift of intuition, which borders on clairvoyance. They see through people and penetrate their subconscious. They trust their inner instinct more, pay attention to their own sympathies and feelings, rather than to facts and other people’s opinions. They often learn from their own mistakes, but they rarely make mistakes.

In life, people born under the sign of the Snake behave peacefully, calmly, love stability and harmony. They can easily adapt to any environment and quickly settle down. They have an iron will that protects them without hesitation and makes them fight for their moral and material goals. In this matter, they know how to react instantly, showing their poisonous teeth. Snakes do not really like unnecessary body movements, and therefore, if possible, they doze.

They know how to work very efficiently and quickly; they do not like to put off work until tomorrow what they can do today. They value their time very much, and when they have a free minute, they devote it to their favorite activities. These people's favorite pastimes are: repairing, rearranging things, relaxing outside the city; after finishing their business, they can sleep for a long time. But if they set a goal, they can remove any obstacles. They make decisions instantly, and as a rule they do not change them again.

> Year of the Snake

Those people born in the year of the Snake are characterized by innate wisdom, observation and foresight. Such people are quite persistent, persistent, patient, demanding both of themselves and of those around them. Even without taking into account the fact that Snakes are greedy, vain and love themselves very much, they are also characterized by the ability to sympathize with their not very successful comrades.

The Snake has the confidence that it is destined for a greater purpose. She believes that she can conquer this goal. In order not to be distracted by petty matters, she strives to devote herself entirely to just one cause, one person or one belief. As a result, the Snake devotes itself only to what it has an inclination to, i.e. oh what is destined for her.

Most Snakes are distinguished by the presence of a sixth sense. Often they can prophesy events that will happen in the future, upcoming or in the distant future. The snake has the ability to “be in the shoes” of another person, his interlocutor, and predict all his aspirations and impulses.

The snake always exercises caution and prudence. She moves towards her life's goal at a slow pace and with a certain consistency, because she is confident that she will achieve it as a result. They cannot be seen on the open trail. Snakes are always on the sidelines, which determines their strengths, as well as the fact that at first their abilities are downplayed. Snakes do not tend to trust other people. They tend to rely on their intuition and their own intelligence. They have developed deep thinking, they solve cases in a long and deliberate manner, adhering to thoroughness. The Snake is a true intellectual, a philosopher, prone to foresight. Having made mistakes that cannot be avoided, Snakes take them very intensely and seriously. However, the Snake is never in a state of despair.

Snakes have the ability to adapt to people and events. They try to get around people if necessary, or they may turn off an overly bright street in order to avoid being noticed. Snakes are not characterized by haste, coercion or violence. They simply store and share their own strength, renew it in a timely manner, and do not waste it on trifles. They tend to take care not to become the envy of others and not to acquire unnecessary enemies. However, when the Snakes show hostile interest or uncompromisingness, then they begin to create a plan for liberation from the enemy or come up with ways to neutralize his actions. The worst option is to develop a devastating plan.

The best way to train a Snake is through perception and impression from an early age. If the Snake child suspects that he is being treated incorrectly and unfairly, he will hide his anger, which is very difficult to get rid of. They always demand to be cheered up when they are offended, to be pitied when they have the blues. At the same time, it is imperative to find out the reasons for what happened and ways to overcome these circumstances.

Quite early on, Snakes show their penchant for primacy, prosperity, and some even show a passion for adventure. In childhood and adolescence, almost all Snakes have a certain attractiveness and charm, which is very difficult to resist. And in adulthood, Snakes begin to show a cold, sober mind, firmness and tempered character.

In love relationships, the Snake is very jealous. She chooses a partner for a long time and scrupulously. But, in any situation, the Snake will wrap itself around its betrothed, not giving him the least bit of freedom in action. The most vulnerable place of the Snake is the family and home. Snakes can have many children or not have any at all. One thing is clear - the Snake will always keep a tight rein on its chosen one in a love relationship, in marriage or in a common matter.

Snakes who love to socialize are very sociable and sexy. Such a Snake has great power over relatives. A snake that keeps to itself is very shy and timid. The most comfortable place for her is her home, her hiding place. This is the place where she feels safe. It is very difficult for such a Snake to form close friendships. However, if they start, she will carry them throughout her life, until death. The Snake has high demands on friends. She has a strong attachment to them.

Snakes have excellent organizational skills and are not afraid of responsibility during difficult periods. The snake has a keen eye, they are far-sighted. However, their pride prevents them from seeing reality. Snakes do not see their mistakes and do not admit them.

The first two thirds of the Snake's life pass in a mode of relative calm. More attention should be paid to the last third. During this period, there is a possibility of various complications arising at work, at home, and in the family. The happiest will be Snakes who were born on a hot day, as they cannot tolerate cold and bad weather. If there was a storm or natural disaster on their birthday, then the Snake is in danger for the rest of their life.

Compatibility of the Snake with other signs

Snake and Rat

This alliance is quite problematic, not taking into account the presence of common interests. The Rat has the ability to become attached to the Snake, which puts itself at risk. There are contradictions that can be smoothed out in the sexual sphere. They can form wonderful friendships. However, in most cases, they are connected by simple chatter, intrigue, and gossip. The development of business relations is influenced by the activity and level of efficiency of both partners and common interests.

Snake and Ox

This union has prospects, especially if family and life interests coincide. If they create a family and the Bull has power, then “the wolves will be satisfied, and the sheep will remain whole.” In this case, the Snake will feel happy because it has the opportunity to work calmly and conduct its business. Friendly relations are possible between them if they understand each other well, although they have different natures. They have no prospects in business relations. Don't even start them.

Snake and Tiger

In this case, marriage should be avoided. This will cause complete and hopeless misunderstanding between them. The Tiger simply does not perceive the wisdom of the Snake. An unlikely friendship between a snake and a tiger. They are unable to hear each other. There is no point in developing business relationships, since there is no understanding and agreement between them.

Snake and Rabbit

There is a possibility of creating a great marriage. They have a strong attraction to each other from the first sight, the first meeting. In order to avoid the transformation of such spontaneous sympathy into antipathy, they need to keep their feelings and emotions under control. Friendships can be strong and lasting. Both the Snake and the Rabbit love to have passionate conversations, mostly philosophical ones. They need to avoid cunning and unnecessary flattery. In business relations, they will prosper if both cooperate on the basis of good faith and maintain a common income.

Snake and Dragon

This union is full of problems. It is very difficult for the Dragon to be under control, in the shackles of the Snake. The Dragon loves to be looked after and adored, but the Snake does not have time for this, she must work. Friendship between these signs is possible. There is an excellent understanding between them. They complement each other without requiring anything special. Business relationships can also develop if both work.

Snake and Snake

The union is complex, since there are two extremes - either heady, faithful love, or open hatred, which grows over time. There is a possibility of problems arising, since both strive to flirt, have a penchant for adventure in love, and constantly try to neutralize each other. Friendships can be long-lasting and strong. There is a meeting between two philosophers, between whom there is an understanding. The development of a business relationship is not very possible, since both are lovers of meditation, reflection, planning, and not work. Such an attitude can negatively affect their common business, or even lead to its collapse.

Snake and Horse

Such a tandem is very doubtful, since the Horse remains faithful until the moment it is in a state of love. And if love passes, then the Horse prefers to leave... And the Snake is the same in the field of love relationships and marriage. They can form strong friendships. The Horse shows sympathy for the Snake’s sociability, agility and satisfaction with everything. And if the Horse gets angry or shows whims, then the Snake simply ignores them. Business relationships can begin, and they will be productive if the Horse realizes the Snake’s ideas and thoughts.

Snake and Goat

Union is possible under certain conditions: The Snake must be rich, or at least prosperous. And even this will not allow you to avoid various incidents. Friendship is possible if the Snake helps the Goat. Business relationships will be problematic, but possible. The snake is wise, but it does not know how to lead, only to give plans and ideas. And the Goat is capable of doing stupid things.

Snake and Monkey

This kind of marriage is problematic. Only prudence and common interests in life will help. They can only be friends in the sphere of secular relations, since there is no warmth and sincerity between them. Business relationships will also be problematic, mainly on the part of the Snake. Everything can work out if the Monkey gets to work. And the Snake can always give ideas and plans.

Snake and Rooster

An excellent union with perspective. There is excellent mutual understanding, a desire for a common goal. The basis of their friendship is a wealth of feelings and the need to be together. Business relationships are questionable, as there is a lot of unnecessary talk.

Snake and Dog

Family life in such a union will be quite problematic, since it is difficult to get along with the Dog. There are no prospects for friendly relations either. There is no sincerity, therefore only secular relationships are possible. Business relationships are possible, but the Dog is not attracted to them, because only “menial” work will fall on its shoulders.

Everyone knows that the existence of twelve zodiac signs is not a complete collection of the astrological circle. Very big influence on representatives zodiac sign also turns out to be the five elements that have direct contact with them. The material below, taking into account the opinions of astrologers, presents the main types of snakes according to the influence of the existing elements on their internal and external indicators.

Five elements and the Year of the Snake in our century

  • 1905 February 4 - element of the year tree
  • 1917 January 23 - element of the year fire
  • 1929 February 10 - element of the year earth
  • 1941 January 27 - element of the year metal
  • 1953 February 14 - element of the year water
  • 1965 February 2 - element of the year tree
  • 1977 February 18 - element of the year fire
  • 1989 February 6 - element of the year earth
  • 2001 January 24 - element of the year metal
  • 2013 February 10 - element of the year water

Under the direct cover of the first element, which is metal, the behavior and life cycle of the snake becomes very strong and not influenced by dangerous factors. But besides everything else Eastern horoscope tells that the snake suffers from the fact that the feelings and other tender emotions necessary for a harmonious life do not penetrate under the shell. Which leaves a certain imprint on the character of a person born under this zodiac sign.

Not only is the snake a cold-blooded animal, the effect of metal greatly enhances this factor and cools it even more, due to which such aspects of behavior as rigidity and cruelty appear, as well as insensitivity to the requests and possible problems of the people around them.

Snakes, who are not trusting by nature, become even more suspicious and, therefore, allow into their social circle a small number of people who have passed a preliminary test by various situations that arise in life. But from the representatives zodiac sign are received by responsible employees who strictly perform their work for the benefit of the company, although snakes prefer to become the head of the company and carry out individual work, independent of others.

An overly serious attitude does not allow them to relax and therefore they can suffer, without showing it to others, from a lack of certain emotions that they can let in by letting situations go a little out of control.

The autumn season is ideal for metal snakes, with a dry climate that has a positive effect on their overall well-being.

These are calm and wise snakes that are able to survive any adversity and trouble without losing self-control and a stable, healthy view of the world surrounding a representative of the water element. They make excellent researchers and scientists who have the desire to achieve certain goals that affect the well-being of many people.

Snakes according Chinese horoscope Those born under the water element have phenomenal memory and ease of assimilation of complex and voluminous information.

These are very honest and fair representatives zodiac sign, who lead a decent lifestyle. They lack a little confidence and determination in their actions, which is caused by the influence of the elements, which can suppress aspirations at a high energy level. You must learn to cope with this state and use it for noble purposes, stepping over it if necessary to carry out actions of a decisive plan.

These are good-natured people who downplay participation in communication with an opponent, regardless of their personal attitude towards him. They are very smart and well-mannered, which affects their success and success among surrounding members of society.

They prefer winter to all other times, since during the cold months they experience an increase in vitality and the opportunity to optimally use it to achieve the necessary goals in life. In clothing and interior design, people prefer products made from blue materials, as it corresponds to the elements and helps to increase the stimulus for life.

Tree snake as shown chinese horoscope, has a number of advantages over other signs located in the patronage of the tree. The tree gives the snake a desire to communicate with other people and the ability to competently build a dialogue, becoming an interesting interlocutor for the opponent. These are people with a well-developed imagination, which helps them choose the right, from a moral point of view, path in life. Representatives of the zodiac sign of the arboreal environment are very suitable for character descriptions such as ambition and intelligence, which, combined together in one representative, play a large role in the formation of the character of the representative of the sign and his perception by society as a whole.

Tree snakes always have an abundance of friends, as well as candidates for marriage, since people gravitate toward communicating with them, which is not unimportant for a full-fledged life of the cycle.

Tree snakes are very fond of early spring, accompanied by days when strong winds blow, since they like this kind of weather. It is necessary to especially carefully monitor your state of mind and avoid stressful situations that can negatively affect the quality and duration of the cycle. It is worth using things painted purple as a way to lift your mood.

A snake belonging to the fire element and born under its protection, according to Eastern horoscope All her life she has been drawn to distant countries and loves to travel very much, since such a trait was implanted in her at the moment of birth and can, with the right attitude, determine the entire course of the life cycle.

They very clearly divide people into pleasant and unpleasant, so with the first type of people they may be a little timid at the time of communication, experiencing a certain awkwardness when expressing certain thoughts, but if they have to communicate with the second category, then in this case it is possible to hear from a representative of this zodiac sign born under the auspices of the element of fire, very harsh and truthful statements that can upset the opponent with their directness and impartiality.

Fire snakes are no strangers to adventurism; they love to participate in various active activities, which include traveling long distances or exploring little-known places on the planet.

Since they are not alien to an excellent sense of humor and artistry, when choosing an alternative development of nature, they can take their rightful place in the theatrical field, while having great success with people who value this type of art.

Summer and hot weather suit fire snakes, as in such conditions they feel great, which is an important factor for personal comfort zodiac sign. But still, emotions need to be controlled and controlled in order to ensure a long life and preserve the heart muscle, since in this case it is very susceptible to various diseases that arise against the background of the blossoming of emotions. To balance the state, the use of things in the gray-green spectrum is excellent.

Since the element of earth is the optimal condition for the calm and comfortable life of snakes in natural conditions, this indicator leaves a special imprint on people born under a given zodiac sign, according to the information given in such an astrological work as Eastern horoscope. In which the influence of certain elements on the behavior of zodiac signs in a given period of time is correctly described. According to this, it turns out that the earthly snake has certain qualities that dispose the people around it to reveal all their secrets to it, since it is very friendly towards all people and is also very charming, which also encourages communication.

But in addition to external signs, it is noted that this person is very reasonable and very thorough in performing certain actions that are directly related to business activities. Therefore, as a rule, the snake manages to achieve its goals and avoid situations associated with making mistakes.

Also, the earthly snake accumulates and multiplies benefits of various types, which in the overwhelming majority of cases gives it a certain status and allows it to live with fairly high comfort.

Representatives of the tree snake love their own home very much, and therefore experience a certain gravity associated with being in their home quarters. In order to avoid situations in which the snake can go into deep depression, it is necessary to avoid such stagnant states and have fun by visiting public places.

The optimal time of year for a given zodiac sign is the end of summer, when wet weather prevails, which has a great effect on the well-being of the snake. It is also very useful to spend a certain amount of time in nature and use olive color in everyday life.

The snake itself evokes dual feelings. On the one hand, it is a nimble, dangerous reptile, terrifying. On the other hand, the adjective “wise” has become firmly attached to the snake. People born in the year Snakes, many qualities of this difficult animal are inherent. Firstly, such people - loners, in the sense that collectivism is not for them. Secondly, the wisdom of Snakes is that they calculate each of their moves, and if they need to attack, they do it suddenly. By the way, Snakes never attack first. They do this only when they feel the approaching evil in their gut. So, don’t bother the Snakes in vain, their “bite” is fatal, and the Snakes rarely miss.

Since the birth of the Snake They are distinguished by their observation and ability to see the essence in small things. People born in the year of the Snake are born magicians who know how to bewitch and hypnotize. They are very talented, and their talents are versatile. Their intuition works with such strength that many people think of Snakes as mystical personalities. They are able to “read” information about a person in a short period of time. It is very difficult to lie in front of the Snake, especially if you look into the eyes. You can't fake it.

The Snake itself knows how to deceive. When it suits her, she will charm anyone. With all these talents, the Snake could enjoy success in all areas of life. But... Laziness is the lot of all Snakes, and it is precisely this that does not allow such a gifted Snake to “move mountains.” So the Snakes have to adapt to both basking in the sun and swimming in gold. And material pleasures for the Snake are the basis of life. They care little about spirituality, since Snakes themselves are material.

Snake Man

A characterful man. May suddenly flare up, scream, slam the door. It is difficult to communicate with him; you constantly need to be on alert so as not to inadvertently offend him with a word or even a look. Snake men are attractive and sexy. Home personalities, since the walls of their home, are the only opportunity to somehow isolate themselves from the world. They don’t like society, so you shouldn’t even try to drag the Snake man into some hot club. Fuss will only cause him irritation, which he will bring down on you.

In family life, Snake men are very jealous; they consider their wife to be their property. He needs a real mistress of the house. The Snake man respects smart and business women, but will never connect his fate with such a woman. He needs the most ordinary homebody who takes care of him and his offspring.

Although the Snake man himself loves honor and fame, his shyness, laziness and desire to be in the shadows are the main reasons why Snakes often release the bird of happiness and success from their hands. They don't like to take initiative This also applies to household chores.

The Snake man is very thrifty. He does not like unnecessary spending and teaches his entire family to be frugal. Usually, in his old age, thanks to such frugality, the Snake man accumulates decent capital.

Snake Woman

A strong personality who wants everything to be the way she wants it. She hates criticism addressed to her; it causes rage, aggression, and anger in her. Considers himself better than others, smarter, more talented. Although, I must admit, the Snake woman has enough intelligence. In this she is able to give a head start to many.

The strong nature of the Snake woman suppresses any man. They literally run almost from under the aisle, feeling the tightening noose. But the Snake woman has no idea why she is so unlucky in her personal life. And many are looking for an answer to this vital question from sorcerers and healers. All you need is to learn to control your words, thoughts and emotions.

Women born in the year of the Snake have great taste. They are always dressed stylishly and elegantly. They usually have their own unrivaled image. As already mentioned, Snake women are very smart, people literally reach out to them for practical advice.

They are secretive and prefer not to let anyone into their personal plans. The Snake woman rules the family, and “hissing” at household members is a common thing for her. As an ally, the Snake woman needs a calm, balanced, and, most importantly, optimistic man who can be tolerant of his wife’s attacks.

Snake by zodiac sign

The depth of the Snake's wisdom largely depends on the zodiac sign under which the person was born.


The fusion of two strong horoscopes gives birth to a real python: wise, enterprising, strong, calculating. Although there is some inconsistency between the two horoscopes. The Snake is calm and balanced, while Aries is impulsive and active. So is the man sometimes harmoniously calm, sometimes actively explosive. It is imperative to control this energy, otherwise you never know where it will go.

Aries Snakes are very attentive and careful. Only because of excessive caution, sometimes profitable moments are missed, this must be taken into account. The influence of the Snake's qualities on the Aries horoscope makes the latter softer and more sensitive. These people are very attentive to others, know how to listen and give good advice. These are the best companions and life partners who will never brush you off like an annoying fly.


Practicality is the credo of Snake-Taurus. You can safely rely on them even in the most serious matters. There is no adventurism or deceit in them. They are kind-hearted, but allow commanding notes. Although this only adds to their respect.

Snake-Taurus people are inquisitive people. It is normal for them to learn at any age, and they are surprised at those who stop learning new things, allowing their brains to become decrepit. These people - realists. They stand firmly on the ground, they know the value of money, are not poor. They love their family, especially children, who are often spoiled. They do everything for their other half to make him/her truly happy; for this they spare no money or time to arrange a real holiday for their partner.

The only drawback of these bright personalities is their down-to-earth nature. As already said, they are practical and do not accept any dreams or illusions. Such excessive seriousness is sometimes depressing.

Snake Gemini

These are the people who amaze with their ability to persuade. It is easy for them to take any conversation in a direction beneficial to themselves. The Snake adds to Gemini such an important quality as thoughtfulness of an action before committing it. In this case, the snake stops and forces you to calculate every moment long before taking a fateful step.

Gemini Snakes are real talkers. Having found “free ears” they themselves do not notice how they have already told their entire biography. But they are very observant and are unlikely to dare to make revelations if they feel discomfort next to their interlocutor.

These are peace-loving individuals, but they will not allow themselves to be bullied. They are attracted to “hard” work. Builders, miners and similar professions are about the Gemini Snakes.

In the family, the Snake-Gemini is a very soft partner, but when the situation demands it, it can be demanding and picky. In the family, the main thing for them is to feel like they are the support of their loved one, and to feel support in return.


These are self-confident individuals who attract people with their emotionality. They do not like noisy gatherings, preferring to relax separately, alone. Snake-Cancer strives for comfort in the environment. This applies both to the people with whom they feel comfortable being around, and to their home, where they value practicality and order.

Snakes-Cancers are leisurely and do not tolerate fuss. But they are firmly moving towards the set goal. They know how to unobtrusively subjugate a person so that he will not understand that he is already doing everything as is convenient for the Snake-Cancer. They hate being advised about something and do not hide their irritation at such moments. Snake-Cancer is always convinced that he is right and that the decision he has made is correct.


This is God and the King rolled into one. One can envy their calmness and serenity. They do not like fuss, preferring not to waste their energy. They do not like quarrels, because they believe that in a calm conversation the truth is more clearly visible.

Snake-Lions They are distinguished by their honesty and cordiality. They take other people's pain as their own. They try to take care of everyone. Because of such compassion, Snake-Lions often find themselves deceived, since there will always be those who want to take advantage of sincere kindness for their own benefit. But Snake-Lions do not know how and cannot be offended and angry for a long time, although they also have a limit to patience.

The house of the Snake-Lion is, first of all, a fabulous and unusual interior, and they invite only close, trusted people into their home.

Despite all the positive qualities, there is reason to call the character of these people complex, since Leo’s selfishness manifests itself from time to time. But this, of course, is a drop in the bucket compared to their great desire to be useful to humanity.


Beautiful and sophisticated individuals who pay special attention to their appearance. Because of this, the Snake-Virgos seem to be simpletons, but even during the first conversation you are amazed at their intelligent judgments. They weigh every word and say everything to the point, avoiding empty speeches.

Snake-Virgos tend to talk philosophically about everything they see around them; it is very interesting to communicate with them. They do not like to change their social circle. They value friendly relations. In love, the Snake-Virgo is reliable and faithful. Their house is always in order and there are no broken things.

They easily adaptable to any situation. They cannot ignore injustice and, if something happens, they will give a worthy rebuff. Snake-Virgos are touchy and remember insults for a long time. The only big drawback of the Serpent-Virgins is excessive criticism of themselves.


These people captivate and hypnotize with their charm. They are drawn to, it is easy and simple to communicate with them. At first glance, it seems that these are frivolous people who only have fun on their minds. In fact, Libra Snakes do not tell anyone about their plans and dreams until they achieve real results. And when they achieve it, they stun their friends and acquaintances with their achievements and success. They are just cautious and very afraid of scaring away the bird of happiness.

In love, Snakes-Libra also show caution and take a long look at their love. But when they are convinced that they have not made a mistake in their choice, they become real romantics.

The only bad thing is that Libra Snakes are capable of deception, but this is deception, as they believe, for the sake of salvation. In fact, they are not capable of causing pain to anyone through malicious intent.


They are strong physically and spiritually. They always behave proudly and confidently, although inside themselves they may feel fear of the situation. They have few friends, but those they have are the most reliable, proven over the years. Snake-Scorpios prefer to relax actively, although they can be advised to rest calmly and in solitude, since nervous breakdowns are likely.

The interaction of two strong horoscopes draws these people to power. It is difficult for them not to obey, they are very charming.

The disadvantage of these people is their secrecy. They do not share their experiences with anyone, preferring to solve their problems alone. Because of this, disagreements are possible in love and family life. In this area, you need to learn to be more open and trust your partner.


They are attractive with their charisma. They sincerely sympathize and know how to be attentive. The concept of boredom is alien to Sagittarius Snakes. They have varied interests and are constantly busy with something.

Snakes-Sagittarius are born with business acumen. You can say they have a talent for making money literally out of thin air. If your partner is Snake-Sagittarius, then you are very lucky; things will go uphill.

But in love, Sagittarius Snakes are fickle; by nature, it is difficult for them to be near one person for a long time. However, with age they become more calm and assiduous.


Snake-Capricorn loves solitude when there is an opportunity to reflect and think. Even the Snake-Capricorn prefers a job where they can retire. They have excellent intuition, which more than once helps them out in dead-end situations throughout their lives.

Capricorn Snakes are calculating and resourceful. The mix of these two difficult horoscopes gives rise to complex character and one of the negative traits is stubbornness. Also, the downside is that Capricorn Snakes love to complain, which sometimes irritates them.

In love, Capricorn Snakes are not sentimental. They choose their friends very carefully, and even more so their life partner. Relationships are built on honesty and sincerity.


Interesting combination of characters. The Snake will constantly “pull” Aquarius to rest and retire, but Aquarius will resist in every possible way, resulting in chaos. But if the balance of the elements can be maintained, an interesting personality will eventually emerge.

Snake-Aquarius is very energetic, with an attractive inner strength. It doesn’t cost him any effort to gather a crowd around him, and make a holiday out of an ordinary weekday. Aquarius Snakes are often lucky financially, and it feels like luck walks hand in hand with them.

They are interesting in communication and masters of their words. Already If they promise something, they will definitely do it, no matter what the cost. They know how to establish contacts with any people, so success awaits them in any field of activity.

In love, they are demanding of their partners, although they allow themselves weaknesses. In relationships they prefer the role of leader.

The only drawback is their impulsiveness, because of which many decisions are made without thinking, but it would be worth thinking about.


In any society They know how to present themselves correctly and make an impression. Their emotionality helps Snake-Pisces achieve success. Thanks to emotions, they achieve their goal, crushing obstacles in their path.

Snake-Pisces strive for a prosperous life. To do this, they work without sparing the stomach, especially in young years. They respect family values, the family for them is the center of their existence.

Snake-Pisces love to work. For them there is no such thing as “failure”, but only laziness and its consequences.

Be careful in love. They need a partner as a companion who will not only be reliable, but also financially secure.

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